


4D Imaging Radar in Autonomous Vehicles – Industry, Market, and Competition Analysis

自律型、接続型、電動型、共有型モビリティの主要なトレンドを理解する能力を持つM14 Intelligence社は、4Dイメージングレーダー技術に関する調査報告書を発表し、市場の以下の重要な要因について述べていま... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
M14 intelligence
2021年8月10日 US$5,300
3営業日程度 英語




自律型、接続型、電動型、共有型モビリティの主要なトレンドを理解する能力を持つM14 Intelligence社は、4Dイメージングレーダー技術に関する調査報告書を発表し、市場の以下の重要な要因について述べています。

  • COVID-19パンデミックの自動車販売への影響
  • パンデミック後の中国自動車産業の再構築
  • ADAS、自律走行車、ロボット車の市場展望
  • ADAS・AV業界におけるレーダーセンサーの現状
  • 自動化レベル(ADAS、レベル2、レベル3、レベル4/5)、動作範囲(短、中、長)、動作周波数帯(24GHz、77GHz、79GHz、車内アプリケーションバンド)など、さまざまな観点から、レーダー需要とその市場規模の変化の可能性を理解する。
  • 車内および世界に向けたエクステリア・センシング・アプリケーション用の4Dイメージング・レーダー・オンチップ・センサーの市場浸透の傾向
  • 異なる地域における周波数規制と割り当ての影響
  • 4Dイメージングレーダーのハードウェアチップとソフトウェアのソリューションと、それがセンサースイートのダイナミクスにどのような挑戦をもたらすと予想されるか


  • ADASおよびAVレーダーモジュールの市場規模は、2025年に80億ドル、2030年に120億ドルと、年率10.5%で1.6倍の成長が見込まれる
  • 4Dイメージングレーダーモジュールは、2025年までに6.8%普及すると予想されるが、現在はニッチな市場であるため、2~3年のうちにしか普及させることができない
  • 外装用途、特にブラインドスポット検出などの近距離用途は、大きな市場の可能性を秘めています。また、車内用途では、乗員モニタリングや左側の子供の検出などがあります。
  • Vayyar Imaging社、Arbe Robotics社、Uhnder社、RFISee社、RadSee社、Smart Radar System社、Zadar Labs社、Oculli社、InnoSenT社、Infineon社、Ainstein社などが4Dイメージングレーダー業界をリードする新興プレイヤーです。一方、テキサス・インスツルメンツ社、NXPセミコンダクターズ社、STマイクロエレクトロニクス社、ザイリンクス社、アナログ・デバイセズ社などのSoCプロバイダーは、ADASや高度な自動化のための4Dイメージングレーダーソリューションの開発に積極的に取り組んでいます。













市場導入の観点からは、レーダーセンサーや半導体メーカーは、中・近距離のADASアプリケーションに79GHzの使用をすでに開始しています。79GHzが完全に採用されるまでは、24GHz SRRレーダー市場の存在感は小さいと予想されます。この変化は、AIやその他の処理技術をレーダー機能と統合することを可能にするため、センサープレーヤーにこれまでにない柔軟性をもたらしました。レーダー分野の新規参入企業はいずれも、短距離、中距離、長距離のADASアプリケーションに対応する4Dイメージング技術分野の製品を発表しています。

この新しいレーダー領域では、いくつかの技術が採用されています。MIMO(Multiple In Multiple Out)アンテナアレイ技術、CMOS処理、FMCW技術、フェーズドアレイ、ソリッドステート技術などは、センサーやチップメーカーが採用している主要な4Dレーダーイメージング技術の一部です。

2021年4月、Vayyar Imaging Ltd.、Valeo North America Inc.、Infineon Technologies Americas Corp.、Tesla Inc.、IEE Sensing Inc.、Brose North America Inc.の5社は、米連邦通信委員会(FCC)より、レーダーを用いた車室モニターの57~71GHz帯での運用を許可する免除措置を受けました。今回の許可は、乗客の安全と盗難防止を目的としています。これらの企業は、車室内のレーダーセンシング分野における法的なファーストムーバーであり、2023年までに乗用車にシステムを搭載することが期待されています。


  • 4Dイメージングレーダーの導入を促す主な規制動向は?
  • ADAS・自律走行車業界におけるレーダーセンサーは、どのようにそのポジションを再定義しているのか?
  • 4Dイメージングレーダーソフトウェアソリューションの重要性とその市場の可能性は?
  • 4Dレーダーオンチップやソフトウェアソリューションの新興・有力企業は?
  • 4Dレーダーは、車内での乗員監視や左遷検知などのアプリケーションにおいて、どのような役割を果たし、市場機会を生み出しているのか?
  • 4Dレーダーセンサーの外付け近距離・中距離用途での潜在需要は?
  • 異なる周波数帯での需要はどのくらいになるのでしょうか?
  • 自律走行車業界の現状と今後の動向は?
  • シェアード・モビリティやラスト・マイル・デリバリーのためのロボット・ビークルに搭載されるレーダー・センサーの需要はどのように予想されるか?
  • 4Dレーダーの導入・展開に向けた業界内(OEM、Tier1、Tier2)のパートナーシップとは?




乗用車販売 - 市場展望



ADAS乗用車 - 世界市場の展望
ADAS乗用車 - 地域別市場展望











  1. 乗用車販売 - 市場展望
  2. ADAS・自律走行車の現状と市場展望
  3. 自動車用レーダー業界の現状と今後の展望
  4. 自動車用4Dレーダー業界の現状-市場展望

M14 Intelligence with its core capabilities in understanding the key trends of autonomous, connected, electric, and shared mobility published the research on 4D imaging radar technology which talks about following important factors of the market

  • Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the automotive sales
  • Repositioning Chinese auto industry in the awake of pandemic
  • ADAS, Autonomous and Robotic Vehicles – Market Outlook
  • Status of radar sensors in the ADAS and AV industry
  • Understanding the potential change in the radar demand and its market size from different perspectives including – automation levels (ADAS, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4/5), range of operations (short, medium-long), and frequency band of operation (24 GHz, 77 GHz, 79 GHz, and in-cabin application bands)
  • Market penetration trend of 4D imaging radar-on-chip sensors for in-cabin and world-facing exterior sensing applications
  • Impact of frequency regulations and allocations across different geographies
  • 4D imaging radar hardware chip and software solutions and how it is expected to challenge the sensor suite dynamics

Key Highlights

  • ADAS and AV radar module market size anticipated to grow 1.6x times to reach $8 billion by 2025 and $12 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 10.5 percent
  • 4D imaging radar modules expected to penetrate by 6.8 percent by 2025; only in a matter of 2-3 years, which is currently a niche market
  • Exterior application specially in the short-range applications such as blind-spot detection shows huge market potential along with in-cabin applications of occupant monitoring and left-child detection
  • Vayyar Imaging, Arbe Robotics, Uhnder, RFISee, RadSee, Smart Radar System, Zadar Labs, Oculli, InnoSenT, Infineon, and Ainstein, are the leading emerging players in 4D imaging radar industry. While Texas Instruments, NXP Semiconductors, ST Microelectronics, Xilinx, and Analog Devices are the SoC providers aggressively working on developing 4D imaging radar solutions for ADAS and higher level of automation

Market Overview

On average passenger vehicle sales are expected to grow by 4.5 percent between 2021 and 2030. At this pace the industry would take 3-4 years to regain the sales volume of 2019

Looking at the state of autonomous vehicles in 2021 there are many impressive milestones that have been achieved by companies such as Waymo, Baidu, Cruise, Aptiv, Yandex, Aurora, and Lyft among many others offering autonomous shared mobility solutions. At the same time, technology developers along with the OEMs are also witnessing unforeseen challenges

The total worldwide radar sales estimated in 2020 was 83.7 million units for passenger vehicles ADAS and autonomous driving applications. The sales are expected to witness growth by 16.7 percent in 2021 to reach 97.7 million, respectively. With the expected growth in the demand for level 2 featured passenger cars, the demand for radar is expected to grow by 12.1 percent, between 2021 and 2030.

The total sales of LRR in 2020 was 14.4 million units, which is expected to grow to 33.5 million units by the end of 2025. The demand is expected to grow as the rate of level 2 features deployment in passenger vehicles gain momentum. By 2030, it is estimated that the total sales of LRR will cross 61.3 million units.

Unlike LRR, the price of SRR or MRR is relatively cheaper, which makes it ideal for applications such as blind-spot detection and collision warning or assist system. On an average two SRR/MRR are used in level 1 vehicles, however, as the system level complexity increases, the number could increase to 4 or 5 depending on the level of automation. It is estimated that the total SRR sales will grow to 80.1 million units in 2021, witnessing growth from 69.3 million units in 2020. The growth potential is immense with the deployment of L2 and autonomous features in vehicles. By 2030, the total sales demand is expected to cross 195.6 million units, at an estimated CAGR of 10.4 percent, between 2021 and 2030.

The widely used 24GHz frequency band for short range radar is expected to be gradually replaced by 79GHz band, as the narrow 24GHz band is relatively weaker in object recognition and range detection.

Companies such as SmartMicro and Aptiv are already offering the SRR in 79GHz band majorly for blind spot detection, lane change assist and cross traffic alert. OEMs use combination of minimum 4 to 6 SRR and MRR to attain 360- degree horizontal coverage. BMW uses SRR& MRR from Continental for its level 2 models; few models of Honda, Jeep, and Mercedes uses Veoneer’s radar; Volkswagen uses SRR from Bosch and Hella.

The 79 GHz module is expected to witness high market penetration post 2022 with total sales expected to reach 35.7 million units by 2025. The 77 GHz module is expected to grow to 118.5 million units by 2025 and 163.7 million units by 2030, at an estimated CAGR of 13.5 percent, between 2021 and 2030.

Although the industry currently is led by the radar MCU players, however, the future trends is clearly towards more sophisticated technology that is cost optimized and provide high performance. 4D imaging radar is one such solution in which signal processing and decision making occupies central position.

According to estimates, the 4D imaging radars are expected to witness initial deployment from 2020 with close to XX thousand units in sales. The sales are expected to pick up growth trends post 2025 with majority of AV companies, OEMs, and Tier 1s using 4D radars for world-facing and in-cabin monitoring applications. By 2025, the sales are expected to cross XX million units and is further expected to cross XX million units in sales by 2030.

The 4D imaging radar sensing technology is expected to penetrate at higher rate in the exterior sensing market and also hold potential to possible replace the conventional radar systems in coming years.

From the market adoption perspective, the radar sensor and semiconductor companies have already started using 79 GHz for medium and short range ADAS applications. Until the complete adoption of 79 GHz, 24 GHz SRR radar market is expected have smaller market presence. This change has offered unprecedented flexibility to the sensor players as it allows the integration of AI and other processing technologies with radar capabilities. All new entrants in the radar space have unveiled their products in 4D imaging technology space catering to short, medium, and long-range ADAS applications.

Several technologies are being adopted by players in this new radar domain. Multiple In Multiple Out (MIMO) antenna array technique, CMOS processing, FMCW technology, Phased Array, and solid-state technology are few of the major 4D radar imaging technologies being embraced by the sensor and chip manufactures.

Recently in April 2021, Vayyar Imaging Ltd., Valeo North America Inc., Infineon Technologies Americas Corp., Tesla Inc., IEE Sensing Inc., and Brose North America Inc. has received a waiver permitting the operation of radar-based vehicle cabin monitors in the 57-71 GHz band from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission). The permit is intended towards enhancing the passenger safety and theft prevention applications. These companies are the legal first movers in the in- cabin radar sensing space and expected to equip their systems in passenger cars by 2023.

Key Questions Answered

  • What are the major regulatory trends forcing towards adoption of 4D imaging radar?
  • How radar sensor in the ADAS and autonomous vehicles industry is redefining its position?
  • How important is 4D imaging radar software solution and what is its market potential?
  • Who are the emerging and leading 4D radar-on-chip and software solution companies?
  • How 4D radar’s role in in-cabin monitoring applications of occupant monitoring and left-child detection is creating market opportunity?
  • What will be the potential demand for 4D radar sensors in exterior short and medium-long range applications?
  • What would be the expected demand across different frequency ranges?
  • What is the status and expected trends in autonomous vehicles industry?
  • What will be the expected demand of radar sensors across robotic vehicles for shared mobility and last-mile delivery?
  • What are the partnerships within the industry (between OEMs, Tier 1s, and Tier 2s) for adoption and deployment of 4D radars?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Passenger Vehicles Sales - MArket Outlook

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Passenger Vehicle Sales
Chinese market witnessed surge even during the pandemic
Demand expected to normalize post 2021

Status of ADAS and Autonomous Vehiclese - Market Outlook

ADAS Passenger Vehicles - Global Market Outlook
ADAS Passenger Vehicles - Regional Market Outlook
Autonomous Vehicles - Global Market Outlook
Robotic Vehicles - Global Market Outlook

Status of Automotive Radar Industry - Market Outlook

Radar Demand by Levels of Automation
Radar Demand by RAnge of Operation
Radar demand by Frequency
Radar Frequency Regulation and Allocation
Radar Module Sales by Frequency
Trend towards 4D Imaging Radar is Growing Rapidly

Automotive 4D Radar Industry - Market outlook

4D Radar Market - Split by Levels of Automation
4D Radar Market - Split by ADAS and AV Applications
4D Imaging Radar for Exterior Sensing Application
4D Imaging Radar for In-cabin Application
Emerging and Leading 4D Radar Companies






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