アグテック:市場展望、新興機会、2020-2025年の予測AGTECH: MARKET OUTLOOK, EMERGING OPPORTUNITIES & FORECASTS 2020-2025 ジュニパー・リサーチの最新Agtechリサーチは、急速に変化する農業技術業界についての重要な洞察を提供しています。市場の課題、戦略的ビジネスモデル、新たな機会を含む将来の市場展望を評価しています。 ... もっと見る
Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations:本調査で得られた主要な知見をハイライトしたハイレベルな市場分析です。また、この急成長中の産業を活用するためのジュニパー・リサーチの戦略的提言も含まれています。
ジュニパー・リサーチのPhased Evolution Model。今後5年間のジュニパー・リサーチのビジョンを示したロードマップ。
Mentioned:Alphabet, Arabale, Harvest Croo Robotics, IBM, Mantle Lab, SourceTrace, UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems Network, Vodafone, Walmart, WHO (World Health Organisation).
1.Agtech: Key Takeways & Strategic
1.1 Key Takeaways .4
1.2 Strategic Recommendations .5
2. Agtech:将来の市場展望
2.1 「デジタルファーム」とは何か?.8
2.2 Agtechサービス.9
2.2.1 センサーとデータ収集.9
2.2.2 サプライチェーンマネジメント.11
2.2.3 GPSサービスとフィールドマッピング.13
2.2.4 在庫管理.14
図2.3: Agtech在庫管理におけるブロックチェーンの未来.14
2.2.5 自律的な機械.15
2.2.6 Mapping and Weather Services.16
2.2.7 Microfarming .17
i. The Current State of Microfarming .17
Figure 2.4: Total Land Used for Microfarming Services (millions of m2
), Split by 8
Key Regions, 2020 & 2025.18
2.2.8 COVID-19 のインパクト.20
i. 生産効率.20
ii.市場ショックへの耐性 .20
iii.Agtech への政府投資 .21
iv.農業のデジタル化 .21
3.Agtech: The Five-year Roadmap
3.1 5年間のロードマップの紹介 23
3.1.1 Agtech の段階的進化モデル 23
図 3.1:Agtech サービスの段階的進化モデル .23
3.1.2 マイクロファーミング 5 年間のロードマップ.28
図 3.2:ジュニパー・リサーチ・フェーズド・エボリューション・モデル:マイクロファーミング.28
4.1 農業技術予測の概要 .32
4.1.1 予測手法 .32
4.2 農業技術市場の概要 .33
図・表 4.1: 2020-2025年の8つの主要地域別に分けたAgtechの総市場価値(百万ドル).33
図& 表 4.2:農業技術全体の市場規模(百万ドル)、サービス別、2020-2025年.34
図4.3:農業用センサーの予測方法 .35
図4.5: Agtech GPS & フィールドマッピング予測手法 ... 37
図 4.6:Total Supply Chain & Inventory Management予測手法.37
図 4.6:37
図 4.6: Agtech 社の気象サービス予測手法 .38
図 4.7: Agtech のマイクロファーミング予測手法.39
4.3 農業モニタリングセンサー.40
4.3.1 農業IoTセンサーの設置台数.40
Figure & Table 4.8: Total Number of Sensors Deployed for Agricultural IoT (m),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.40
4.3.2 Total Agricultural IoT Sensor Shipments .41
Figure & Table 4.9: Annual Shipments of Agricultural IoT Sensors (m), Split by 8
Key Regions, 2020-2025 .41
4.3.3 Total Agricultural IoT Market Value.42
図及び表4.10:農業IoT総市場価値(百万ドル)、8つの主要地域別分割、2020-2025 .42
表4.11:農業IoT総市場価値(百万ドル)、ソフトウェア& ハードウェア別分割、2020-2025 .42
4.4 サプライチェーン&在庫管理 .43
4.4.1 サプライチェーン・在庫管理用センサーの総数 .43
4.4.2 サプライチェーン・在庫管理用センサーの総出荷数 .44
図及び表 4.13: アグリサプライチェーンマネジメント センサーの総出荷数(m),
主要 8 地域別, 2020-2025.44
4.4.3 サプライチェーン&インベントリーの総市場価値 .45
図及び表 4.
4.5 GPSサービス&フィールドマッピング.46 GPSサービスで監視されている総農地面積46
4.5.2 GPSサービスとフィールドマッピングの総市場価値47
図及び表4.17:Agtech GPSフィールドマッピングサービスからの総収入(m$),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.47
4.6 Agtech Weather Services.48
4.6.1 Weather Servicesが監視する総農地面積.48
図及び表4.18:Agtech Weather Servicesが監視する総農地面積 (m ha),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025 .48
4.6.2 Agtech ウェザーサービスの総収入.49
図及び表 4.19:Agtech GPS ウェザーサービスの総収入($m)、主要 8地域別、2020-2025 年 .49
4.7 Microfarming.50
4.7.1 Total Land Area Used for Microfarming .50
Figure & Table 4.20: Total Land Used for Agriculture Used for Microfarming Services (m m2),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025 .50
4.7.2 Total Microfarming Sensor Shipments.51
Figure 4.21: Total Shipments of Microfarming Sensors (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.51
4.7.3 マイクロファーミングの総市場価値 .52
図・表 4.22:マイクロファーミングの総市場価値($m)、主要 8 地域別、2020-2025 年 .52
Report Description
Juniper Research’s latest Agtech research provides critical insight into the fast-paced industry of agricultural technology; assessing the future market outlook, including market challenges, strategic business models and emerging opportunities.
Juniper Research's incisive study provides a comprehensive evaluation of Agtech services, including crop monitoring, supply chain and inventory management, GPS services and the development of the microfarming business model.
This research suite includes:
Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations: A high-level view of market takeaways from the study; highlighting the key findings from the report. Also included are Juniper Research’s strategic recommendations to capitalise on this burgeoning industry.
Key Agtech Service Analysis: A deep dive evaluation of the future of the Agtech industry; analysing the development and deployment of new areas in the sector, including:
Agricultural Sensors & Data Collection
Autonomous Machinery
GPS Services & Field Management
Inventory Management
Mapping & Field Services
Supply Chain Management Services
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Provided for sector-based Agtech revenue in the agricultural industry for 8 key global regions and 19 select countries including:
Juniper Research Phased Evolution Models: Roadmaps that outline Juniper Research’s vision for the next 5 years:
Mentioned: Alphabet, Arabale, Harvest Croo Robotics, IBM, Mantle Lab, SourceTrace, UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems Network, Vodafone, Walmart, WHO (World Health Organisation).
Juniper Research’s latest Agtech forecast suite includes:
5-year benchmark forecasts for key metrics by 8 key regions and 19 country-level splits, including:
Total Agtech Market Value, split by:
Access to the full set of forecast data of 51 tables and over 9,700 datapoints.
Interactive Excel Scenario tool allowing users the ability to manipulate Juniper Research’s data for different metrics.
Juniper Research’s highly granular interactive Excels enable clients to manipulate Juniper Research’s forecast data and charts to test their own assumptions using the Interactive Scenario Tool and compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase clients’ ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
Regions:8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Countries:Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA
Table of Contents
1. Agtech: Key Takeways & Strategic Recommendations
1.1 Key Takeaways .4
1.2 Strategic Recommendations .5
2. Agtech: Future Market Outlook
2.1 What Is a ‘Digital Farm’? .8
2.2 Agtech Services.9
2.2.1 Sensors and Data Collection .9
2.2.2 Supply Chain Management.11
Figure 2.2: Benefits of Blockchain in Supply Management.12
2.2.3 GPS Services and Field Mapping.13
2.2.4 Inventory Management.14
Figure 2.3: Future of Blockchain in Agtech Inventory Management.14
2.2.5 Autonomous Machinery.15
2.2.6 Mapping and Weather Services.16
2.2.7 Microfarming .17
i. The Current State of Microfarming .17
Figure 2.4: Total Land Used for Microfarming Services (millions of m2), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020 & 2025.18
ii. The Future of Microfarming.19
2.2.8 Impact of COVID-19 .20
i. Production efficiency.20
ii. Resilience against market shocks .20
iii. Government investment in Agtech . 21
iv. Digitisation of agriculture . 21
3. Agtech: The Five-year Roadmap
3.1 Introduction to the Five-year Roadmap.23
3.1.1 Agtech Phased Evolution Model.23
Figure 3.1: Agtech Services Phased Evolution Model . 23
3.1.2 Microfarming Five-year Roadmap.28
Figure 3.2: Juniper Research Phased Evolution Model: Microfarming. 28
4. Agtech: Market Forecasts & Key Takeaways
4.1 Introduction to Agtech Forecasting.32
4.1.1 Forecast Methodology .32
4.2 Agtech Market Summary .33
Figure & Table 4.1: Total Agtech Market Value ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions,
2020-2025 . 33
Figure & Table 4.2: Total Agtech Market Value ($m), Split by Service, 2020-2025
. 34
Figure 4.3: Agricultural Sensors Forecast Methodology . 35
Figure 4.4: Total Supply Chain & Inventory Management Forecast Methodology36
Figure 4.5: Agtech GPS & Field Mapping Forecast Methodology . 37
Figure 4.6: Agtech Weather Services Forecast Methodology . 38
Figure 4.7: Agtech Microfarming Forecast Methodology. 39
4.3 Agricultural Monitoring Sensors.40
4.3.1 Agricultural IoT Sensor Installed Base.40
Figure & Table 4.8: Total Number of Sensors Deployed for Agricultural IoT (m),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.40
4.3.2 Total Agricultural IoT Sensor Shipments .41
Figure & Table 4.9: Annual Shipments of Agricultural IoT Sensors (m), Split by 8
Key Regions, 2020-2025 .41
4.3.3 Total Agricultural IoT Market Value.42
Figure & Table 4.10: Total IoT Market Value from Agriculture ($m), Split by 8 Key
Regions, 2020-2025 .42
Table 4.11: Total IoT Market Value from Agriculture ($m) Split by Software &
Hardware 2020-2025.42
4.4 Supply Chain & Inventory Management .43
4.4.1 Total Number of Supply Chain & Inventory Sensors .43
Figure & Table 4.12: Total Number of Agricultural Supply Chain Management
Sensors in Use (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.43
4.4.2 Total Supply Chain & Inventory Sensor Shipments .44
Figure & Table 4.13: Total Shipments of Agricultural Supply Chain Management
Sensors (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.44
4.4.3 Total Supply Chain & Inventory Market Value .45
Figure & Table 4.14: Total Agtech Supply Chain Management Market Value ($m),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.45
Table 4.15: Total Agtech Supply Chain Management Market Value ($m) Split by
Software & Hardware, 2020-2025.45
4.5 GPS Services & Field Mapping.46
4.5.1 Total Agricultural Land Area Monitored by GPS Services.46
Figure & Table 4.16: Total Land Monitored by GPS Field Mapping Services (m
ha), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.46
4.5.2 Total GPS Services & Field Mapping Market Value.47
Figure & Table 4.17: Total Revenue from Agtech GPS Field Mapping Services
($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.47
4.6 Agtech Weather Services.48
4.6.1 Total Agricultural Land Monitored by Weather Services.48
Figure & Table 4.18: Total Land Monitored by Agtech Weather Services (m ha),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025 . 48
4.6.2 Total Revenue from Agtech Weather Services.49
Figure & Table 4.19: Total Revenue from Agtech GPS Weather Services ($m),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025 . 49
4.7 Microfarming.50
4.7.1 Total Land Area Used for Microfarming .50
Figure & Table 4.20: Total Land Used for Agriculture Used for Microfarming
Services (m m2
), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025 . 50
4.7.2 Total Microfarming Sensor Shipments.51
Figure 4.21: Total Shipments of Microfarming Sensors (m), Split by 8 Key
Regions, 2020-2025. 51
4.7.3 Total Microfarming Market Value .52
Figure & Table 4.22: Total Microfarming Market Value ($m), Split by 8 Key
Regions, 2020-2025. 52
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