![]() デジタルID認証:重要な機会、ベンダー戦略、市場予測2021-2026年DIGITAL IDENTITY VERIFICATION: KEY OPPORTUNITIES, VENDOR STRATEGIES & MARKET FORECASTS 2021-2026 ジュニパーリサーチの新調査「デジタルID検証」は、ID検証市場のベンダーに存在する特定の機会を詳細に分析しています。レポートでは、デジタルアクセスと活動の安全性を確保する上で、これまでのデジタルID検... もっと見る
ジュニパーリサーチの新調査「デジタルID検証」は、ID検証市場のベンダーに存在する特定の機会を詳細に分析しています。レポートでは、デジタルアクセスと活動の安全性を確保する上で、これまでのデジタルID検証プラットフォームの成功を評価しています。 これらのプラットフォームの進化と採用に関する将来の見通しを提供するこの調査は、規制フレームワーク、標準、異なる検証タイプの広範な分析によって支えられています。また、ジュニパー・リサーチのリーダーボードを通じて、主要なID検証ベンダー16社を分析しています。
Benchmark Industry Forecasts:2026 年までのデジタル ID 検証の利用と検証プラットフォームへの支出について、銀行検証、電子政府検証、電子商取引検証、その他の検証サービス、および 8 つの主要地域と以下の 25 カ国別に市場を予測しています。
Callsign、Experian、Giesecke + Dervient、IDology、Jumio、KYC-Chain、LexisNexis Risk Solutions、Microsoft、Onfido、Oxyliom Solutions、Ping Identity、SecureKey Technologies、Signicat、Socure、Thales、Trulioo。
前述。Accel、Accenture、Acuant、Alkemi Network、American Express、Apple、BCP (Banco de Credito del Peru)、Beam、Better Identity Coalition、Bitstamp、Brex、Bunq、C6 Group、Centana Growth Partners、Chime、Clarity Services、Companies House、Couchsurfing、Credit Agricole、Credit Data Corporation、CreditInfo、CRIF、DIACC (Digital ID Authentication Council of Canada),Digital Identity Net、Digital Identity Strategy Board、DNB、Dow Jones、Dun & Bradstreet、DWP's (Department for Work and Pensions)、EnStream、Equifax、Facebook、FIDO Alliance、Financial Crime, Security and Data Working Group、Fitbit、FTC (Federal Trade Commission)、Garmin、Gavi (the Vaccine Alliance)、Google、GOV.UK, GSMA, HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs), ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation), ICTA (Information and Communication Technology Agency), ID Mission, iDenfy, Klarna, LG, LinkedIn, Lloyds Banking Group, McKinsey, Mitek, N26, Netcetera, NextGate, NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), NTWG (New Technologies Working Group), O2, Okta, Orange, Public, Rabobank,Radius Bank, RELX, Remitly, Revolut, Revolute, RHT Compliance Solutions, RIAG (Risk & Information Analytics Group), Samsung, Santander, Societe Generale, SoFi, Stash, Swatch, TeleSign, the Rockefeller Foundation, Three, TransUnion, UK Digital Identity Strategy Board, UK Gambling Commission , UN (United Nations), Varo, VentureBeat, Vodafone, Western Union, WireWheel, World Bank, Yoti.
1.1 主要な論点 .5
1.2 戦略的提言 .6
2.1 はじめに 9
2.2 デジタルID認証の歴史 10
2.3 なぜIDを検証するのか 11
2.4 規制の枠組み 12
図 2.1:図2.1:デジタルID文書を持つ人の数(m)、主要8地域別、2020~2025年 .13
2.4.1 デジタルIDの検証に関するさまざまな規制要件.14
2.4.2 プロトコル、規制、業界団体 15
i. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(経済協力開発機構) .15
ii.EU 法規制。15
2.4.3 国レベルの規制の枠組み15
i. 米国 .15
iii.ドイツ .16
iv.中国 .16
v. オーストラリア16
vi.メキシコ .16
2.5 Digital Identity Verification Approaches .17
2.5.1 Individual Technological Analysis of Identity Verification
i. Biometrics .20
iii.データベース/ソーシャルネットワーク/信頼できるアイデンティティネットワーク検証 .21
iv.アップリフトによる検証 .21
v. 機械学習に基づく検証 .21
vii.行動ベースの認証/有効性検知 .22
viii.AI行動監視検証 .22
x. OTP 検証 .23
2.6 結論.24
2.6.1 市民への保証されたデジタル・アイデンティティの提供.24
2.7 ID 検証のSegmentation .25
2.7.1 The End User Experience .25
2.7.2 The Verifiers.26
2.7.3 The Orchestration Platforms .26
2.8 Challenges with Digital Identity Verification.26
2.9 Digital Identity Verification:Segment Analysis .26
i. Gaming . 27
iv.金融サービス・銀行 .28
3.Digital Identity Verification Competitive Landscape
3.1 Vendor Analysis & Leaderboard .30
3.1.1 Introduction.30
3.1.2 Stakeholder Assessment Criteria.30
Table 3.1:デジタル ID 検証プレイヤーの能力基準 .31
図 3.2:ジュニパー・リサーチのデジタルID検証ベンダー・リーダーボード .32
表 3.3:デジタルID検証リーダーボードのスコアリング .33
3.1.3 Limitations & Interpretation.34
3.2 Digital Identity Verification:Vendor Analysis .35
3.2.1 Callsign.35
3.2.2 Experian.35
3.2.3 IDology.36
3.2.4 Giesecke + Dervient.37
Figure 3.4:G+Dデモンストレーション .39
i. G+Dグループにおける本人確認ソリューション .39
3.2.5 Jumio .39
3.2.6 KYC-Chain .40
3.2.7 LexisNexis Risk Solutions .41
3.2.8 Microsoft.41
3.2.9 Onfido .42
3.2.10 Oxyliom Solutions.43
3.2.11 Ping Identity.44
3.2.12 SecureKey Technologies .44
3.2.13 Signicat .45
3.2.14 Socure .46
3.2.15 Thales .47
3.2.16 Trulioo .48
4.1 はじめに 51
4.2 方法論と前提条件 51
図4.1:銀行業務の認証予測方法 .52
図 4.2: e コマース検証の予測手法 .53
図 4.3:電子政府の検証サービス予測手法 .54
図4.4:54 図 4.4: その他の検証サービスの予測手法 .55
4.3 Digital Identity Verification Forecasts .56
4.3.1 Total Volume of Verification Checks .56
Figure & Table 4.5: Total Volume of Digital Identity Verification Checks per annum
(m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2021-2026.56
4.3.2 デジタルアイデンティティ検証サービスへの総支出 .57
(百万ドル)、主要8地域別、2021-2026年 .57
4.4 Segment Forecasts .58
4.4.1 Banking Verification.58
Figure & Table 4.7: Total Spend on Digital Banking Identity Verification Checks
per annum ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2021-2026.58
4.4.2 電子商取引の検証.59
(百万ドル)、主要8地域別、2021-2026年 .59
4.4.3 電子政府の検証 .60
図及び表4.9:電子政府サービスにおけるデジタル本人確認 チェックに対する政府支出総額
(年間)(百万ドル)、主要8地域別、 2021-2026 .60
4.4.4 Other Verification Services.61
Figure & Table 4.10: Total Spend on Digital Identity Verification for Other
Verification Services ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2021-2026.61
Report Descriptiion
Juniper Research’s new Digital Identity Verification research offers in-depth analysis of the specific opportunities present for vendors in the ID verification market. The report assesses the success of digital identity verification platforms to date in securing digital access and activities. Providing a future outlook for the evolution and adoption of these platforms, the study is supported by extensive analysis of regulatory frameworks, standards and different verification types. It also analyses 16 leading identity verification vendors via a Juniper Research Leaderboard.
The research also provides industry benchmark forecasts for the market; covering digital identity verification usage and spend on verification platforms, split by banking verification, eGovernment verification, eCommerce verification and other verification services, as well as by our 8 key regions and 25 countries.
This research suite comprises:
Digital Identity Verification Sector Dynamics: Analysis of key trends and primary challenges across the digital identity verification space; including the following elements:
Digital Identity Verification Segment Assessment & Future Outlook: Specific assessment of how digital identity verification is going to fare across several different verticals, including banking and finance, government services and others, as well as a future outlook for the overall market.
Juniper Research Digital Identity Verification Leaderboard: 16 digital identity verification vendors positioned on the Juniper Research Leaderboard; accompanied by heatmap-based scoring and individual player analysis. Vendors covered include:
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Forecasts sizing markets up to 2026 for digital identity verification usage and spend on verification platforms, split by banking verification, eGovernment verification, eCommerce verification and other verification services, as well as by our 8 key regions and the 25 countries listed below:
Included in Juniper Research Leaderboard: Callsign, Experian, Giesecke + Dervient, IDology, Jumio, KYC-Chain, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Microsoft, Onfido, Oxyliom Solutions, Ping Identity, SecureKey Technologies, Signicat, Socure, Thales, Trulioo.
Mentioned: Accel, Accenture, Acuant, Alkemi Network, American Express, Apple, BCP (Banco de Credito del Peru), Beam, Better Identity Coalition, Bitstamp, Brex, Bunq, C6 Group, Centana Growth Partners, Chime, Clarity Services, Companies House, Couchsurfing, Credit Agricole, Credit Data Corporation, CreditInfo, CRIF, DIACC (Digital ID Authentication Council of Canada), Digital Identity Net, Digital Identity Strategy Board, DNB, Dow Jones, Dun & Bradstreet, DWP’s (Department for Work and Pensions), EnStream, Equifax, Facebook, FIDO Alliance, Financial Crime, Security and Data Working Group, Fitbit, FTC (Federal Trade Commission), Garmin, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, Google, GOV.UK, GSMA, HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs), ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation), ICTA (Information and Communication Technology Agency), ID Mission, iDenfy, Klarna, LG, LinkedIn, Lloyds Banking Group, McKinsey, Mitek, N26, Netcetera, NextGate, NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), NTWG (New Technologies Working Group), O2, Okta, Orange, Public, Rabobank, Radius Bank, RELX, Remitly, Revolut, Revolute, RHT Compliance Solutions, RIAG (Risk & Information Analytics Group), Samsung, Santander, Societe Generale, SoFi, Stash, Swatch, TeleSign, the Rockefeller Foundation, Three, TransUnion, UK Digital Identity Strategy Board, UK Gambling Commission , UN (United Nations), Varo, VentureBeat, Vodafone, Western Union, WireWheel, World Bank, Yoti.
Juniper Research’s Digital Identity Verification forecast suite includes:
Forecast splits for 8 key regions, as well as 25 country-level data splits for:
Forecasts include digital identity verification usage and spend on verification platforms, split by banking verification, eGovernment verification, eCommerce verification and other verification services.
Interactive Scenario Tool allowing users to manipulate Juniper Research’s data for 8 different metrics.
Access to the full set of forecast data of 66 tables and more than 15,800 datapoints.
Juniper Research’s highly granular IFxls (interactive Excels) enable clients to manipulate our forecast data and charts to test their own assumptions, by using the Interactive Scenario Tool, and compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase the clients’ ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
Regions:8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Countries:Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA
Table of Contents
1. Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations
1.1 Key Takeaways .5
1.2 Strategic Recommendations .6
2. Digital Identity Verification Market Landscape
2.1 Introduction.9
2.2 History of Digital Identity Verification.10
2.3 Why Verify Identity.11
2.4 Regulatory Framework.12
Figure 2.1: Number of People with Digital Identity Documents (m), Split by 8 Key
Regions, 2020-2025. 13
2.4.1 Different Regulatory Requirements for Digital Identity
Verification .14
2.4.2 Protocols, Regulations & Industry Bodies.15
i. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development . 15
ii. EU Legislation. 15
2.4.3 Country-level Regulatory Framework.15
i. US. 15
ii. UK. 15
iii. Germany . 16
iv. China . 16
v. Australia. 16
vi. Mexico . 16
vii. Brazil. 17
viii. South Africa. 17
ix. Sri Lanka. 17
2.5 Digital Identity Verification Approaches .17
2.5.1 Individual Technological Analysis of Identity Verification
i. Biometrics . 20
ii. Blockchain. 20
iii. Database/Social Networks/Trusted Identity Network Verification . 21
iv. Uplift Verification . 21
v. Machine Learning-based Verification. 21
vi. APIs. 22
vii. Behaviour-based Authentication/Liveness Detection. 22
viii. AI Behaviour Monitoring Verification . 22
ix. Knowledge-based Authentication. 23
x. OTP Verification. 23
xi. IDaaS (ID-as-a-Service). 23
2.6 Conclusion.24
2.6.1 Provision of Assured Digital Identity for Citizenry.24
2.7 Identity Verification: Segmentation .25
2.7.1 The End User Experience .25
2.7.2 The Verifiers.26
2.7.3 The Orchestration Platforms .26
2.8 Challenges with Digital Identity Verification.26
2.9 Digital Identity Verification: Segment Analysis .26
i. Gaming . 27
ii. Retail. 27
iii. Governmental Services. 27
iv. Financial Services & Banking . 28
3. Digital Identity Verification Competitive Landscape
3.1 Vendor Analysis & Leaderboard .30
3.1.1 Introduction.30
3.1.2 Stakeholder Assessment Criteria.30
Table 3.1: Digital Identity Verification Player Capability Criteria . 31
Figure 3.2: Juniper Research Digital Identity Verification Vendor Leaderboard . 32
Table 3.3: Digital Identity Verification Leaderboard Scoring . 33
3.1.3 Limitations & Interpretation.34
3.2 Digital Identity Verification: Vendor Analysis .35
3.2.1 Callsign.35
3.2.2 Experian.35
3.2.3 IDology.36
3.2.4 Giesecke + Dervient.37
Figure 3.4: G+D Demonstration . 39
i. Identity verification solutions within the G+D Group. 39
3.2.5 Jumio .39
3.2.6 KYC-Chain .40
3.2.7 LexisNexis Risk Solutions .41
3.2.8 Microsoft.41
3.2.9 Onfido .42
3.2.10 Oxyliom Solutions.43
3.2.11 Ping Identity.44
3.2.12 SecureKey Technologies.44
3.2.13 Signicat.45
3.2.14 Socure .46
3.2.15 Thales .47
3.2.16 Trulioo .48
4. Digital Identity Verification: Market Forecasts
4.1 Introduction.51
4.2 Methodology & Assumptions.51
Figure 4.1: Banking Verification Forecast Methodology . 52
Figure 4.2: eCommerce Verification Forecast Methodology . 53
Figure 4.3: eGovernment Verification Services Forecast Methodology . 54
Figure 4.4: Other Verification Services Forecast Methodology . 55
4.3 Digital Identity Verification Forecasts .56
4.3.1 Total Volume of Verification Checks .56
Figure & Table 4.5: Total Volume of Digital Identity Verification Checks per annum
(m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2021-2026. 56
4.3.2 Total Spend on Digital Identity Verification Services .57
Figure & Table 4.6: Total Spend on Digital Identity Verification Checks per annum
($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2021-2026. 57
4.4 Segment Forecasts .58
4.4.1 Banking Verification.58
Figure & Table 4.7: Total Spend on Digital Banking Identity Verification Checks
per annum ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2021-2026. 58
4.4.2 eCommerce Verification.59
Figure & Table 4.8: Total Spend on Digital Identity Verification for eCommerce
Payments per annum ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2021-2026 . 59
4.4.3 eGovernment Verification .60
Figure & Table 4.9: Total Government Spend on Digital Identity Verification
Checks for eGovernment Services per annum ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions,
2021-2026 . 60
4.4.4 Other Verification Services.61
Figure & Table 4.10: Total Spend on Digital Identity Verification for Other
Verification Services ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2021-2026. 61
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