![]() 5Gのマネタイズ:ビジネスモデル、戦略的提言、市場予測2021-2026年5G MONETISATION: BUSINESS MODELS, STRATEGIC RECOMMENDATIONS & MARKET FORECASTS 2021-2026 ジュニパーリサーチの「5G Monetisation」レポートは、5G市場のステークホルダー向けに、収益を生み出す主要なネットワーク技術、サービス、市場分野の評価など、収益化モデルに関する重要な洞察を提供します... もっと見る
ジュニパーリサーチの「5G Monetisation」レポートは、5G市場のステークホルダー向けに、収益を生み出す主要なネットワーク技術、サービス、市場分野の評価など、収益化モデルに関する重要な洞察を提供します。
5G Monetisation Opportunity Analysis(5Gマネタイズオポチュニティ分析)。
ベンチマーク 業界予測。世界の8地域、37カ国における5G接続の普及率、接続数、通信事業者への請求額、5G接続に起因するデータを提供。
Ciena, Ericsson, Mavenir, Siemens, Telit, ZTE.
Airspan, Ciena, Cisco Systems, Comba Telecom, CommScope, Ericsson, Fujistu, Huawei, Intel, Mavenir, NEC, Nokia Networks, Qualcomm, Samsung Networks, Siemens, Siklu, Telit, ZTE.
Mentioned:5GDNA (5G Deterministic Networking Alliance), 5GSA (5G Slicing Association), Accenture, Acer, Amazon, Amiti Ventures, Apple, Argonaut Private Equity, ARRIS, AsiaInfo, ASOCS, Associated British Ports, Asus, AT&T, Avans University of Applied Sciences,北京交通大学、北京郵電大学、BMW、Bosch、英国規格協会、ブリティッシュテレコム、BT、Capgemini、CEFRIO、Cellwize、Centina Systems、CGI、China Mobile、China Sports Media、China Telecom、China Unicom,Chunghwa Telecom, CSPG (China Southern Power Grid), Deutsche Telekom, DFJ Tamir Fishman, Digital Domain, Dish, Einride, Etisalat, Evergreen Venture Partners, Facebook, FCC (Federal Communications Commission), Fibocom Wireless, Fluidmesh Networks, Foxconn,Fractus、GCF(Global Certification Forum)、General Motors、GoGo、Google、Gree、GSA(Global Mobile Suppliers Association)、GSMA、HP、Hutchison Drei 、IBM、Jiangsu Future Networks Innovation Institute、Jiangsu Hengtong Optic-Electric、Jio、JRL(Japan Radio Law)。JTBL(日本電気通信事業法)、KCC(韓国通信委員会)、KDDI、ケナセキュリティ、韓国テレコム、レノボ、LG電子、LG U+、ルフトハンザ、Lyft、マイクロソフト、Mittel Mobile、Moovit、MTI(Microelectronic Technology Inc)、NEA、Netflix,新日鐵住金、ノルキャット、NTT(日本電信電話)、NTTドコモ、O2、Oak Investment Partners、OCE(Ontario Centres of Excellence)、Orange、パナソニック、プリンストン大学、Prompt、Purple Mountain Laboratories、楽天、RED(Radio Equipment Directive)、Renault、Royal Institute of Technology 、Royal Institute of Technology 、Royal Institute of Technology 、Royal Institute of Technology 、Royal Institute of TechnologyRenault, Royal Institute of Technology , RUCKUS, Rutgers University, Saab, Salesforce, Sandvik, Sercomm Corporation, SigOpt, SK Telecom, Smartfren, SoftBank, Spotify, Sprint, STC, Stevens Institute of Technology, SUSE, Tamares Capital , TD Tech, Telefonica,Telia, Telstra Corp Ltd, Thales, TIM, T-Mobile, Toyota, Turkcell, US Department of Defense, Uber, UK Home Office, University of Science and Technology of China, University of Southern California, Verizon, Vlocity, Vodafone, Xiaomi, Zain, Zihlabs.
1.1 はじめに.7
1.1.1 キーポイント.7
1.1.2 戦略的提言.7
2.1 はじめに 9
図2.1:2021年の世界のモバイル5Gアクティブ接続数、主要8地域別に分割 .9
i. 高いデータレート .10
ii.遅延の要件 .10
iii.スペクトラム効率 .10
v. ローミングの要件。11
2.2 5G デバイスの分析 11
2.2.1 5G パーソナルデバイス .11
図 2.2: 主要地域別に分けた5Gコンシューマーデバイスの総接続数(m)
2.2.2 5G FWA ルーター .12
図 2.3:世界の 5G コンシューマ・ブロードバンド・データ使用量(PB)、2021 年~2026 年 .13
2.2.3 5G IoT Connections.13
2.2.4 5G Connected Vehicles.15
Figure 2.4: Total Number of Vehicles That Use a 5G Connection (m), Split by 8
Key Regions, 2021 & 2026.15
i. アセット・トラッキング&ルート・オプティマイゼーション .15
ii.自律走行車 .16
3. 5G の収益化とビジネスモデル
3.1 5G の収益化モデル .18
3.1.1 5G 接続による課金システムの進化 .18
3.1.2 新しい課金ルールの予測とネットワーク スライシングへの準備.19
図 3.1:エッジコンピューティングアーキテクチャの視覚化 .20
図3.2: Ookla の 5G 導入のためのロードマップ.21
3.2 Analysis of 5G Operator Strategies .22
3.2.1 5G Services.22
3.2.2 5G NSA and 5G SA.22
3.2.3 Pricing of 5G Services .22
Figure 3.3: Consumer 5G ARPC ($), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2021-2026 .23
3.2.4 5GネットワークのためのAI分析 .23
3.2.5 5Gネットワーク・スライシング .24
3.2.6 仮想環境 .25
3.3 5Gパートナーシップの重要性 .26
3.3.1 オペレータにとってのパートナーシップの検討事項 .26
3.4 結論 .27
4. 5Gセクター分析
4.1 セクター分析.30
4.1.1 パーソナルセルラーデバイスの契約 .30
図4.1:2021 年の 5G モバイル契約者 1 人当たりの平均データ消費量(MB)、
上位 10 カ国での分割 .30
4.1.2 Capacity Improvements .31
Figure 4.2: Proportion of Total Cellular Data Attributable to 5G Smartphones (%),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2021 & 2026.31
4.1.3 Relieving Home Broadband Congestion .31
4.1.4 5G Smartphone Impact on Network Mobile Traffic.32
4.1.5 Incentivising Customers to Upgrade to 5G Subscriptions.32
4.1.6 Operator Competition.33
4.2 FWA (Fixed Wireless Access).33
4.2.1 FWA Is a Popular Consumer 5G Use Case.33
4.2.2 Bundled Offers Attract Consumers.34
4.3 IoT Connectivity.35
4.3.1 Current IoT Considerations .35
4.3.2 Cellular IoT vs Private 5G IoT .35
4.3.3 mIoT (Massive Internet of Things).35
4.3.4 Mission-critical IoT .36
4.3.5 Early Adopter Use Cases for Cellular IoT.36
4.3.6 5G IoT Management Opportunities .36
4.3.7 Network Slicing for 5G IoT.37
4.4 自動車 .37
4.4.1 スマート・ビークル .37
4.4.2 自動車製造のための5G .38
4.4.3 自律走行車 .38
4.4.4 ネットワーク・キャパシティ .39
4.4.5 オペレーターの機会 .39
4.5 モバイル・エンターテインメント・サービス .39
i. ストリーミング・ビデオと「エデュテインメント」.40
4.5.2 In-vehicle Entertainment.41
4.6 Mobile Gaming.41
4.6.1 Immersive Gaming .41
4.6.2 Charging for a Gaming Slice .42
4.6.3 New Charging Models for Gaming.42
4.7 Remote Healthcare Services & Mobile Health Services .42
4.7.1 5G's Role in Healthcare .43
4.7.2 Remote Patient Monitoring.43
4.8 スマートシティサービス .44
4.8.1 スマートシティの賢い田舎暮らし .45
4.8.2 LPWA(Low-power Wide Area)ネットワーク .45
4.8.3 より安全なスマートシティ .45
4.8.4 スマートシティにおける5Gの役割 .45
4.9 スマートホーム・ソリューション .46
4.9.1 スマートホーム・アプライアンスで5GがWi-Fiに勝る理由 .46
4.9.2 ホームセキュリティの向上 .46
4.9.3 既存のスマートホームを補完またはバックアップするモバイル5G
4.9.4 Near-term 5G Smart Home Revenue.47
4.10 Mobile Commerce Services .47
4.10.1 Enhanced Customer Experience.48
4.10.2 Monetising 5G Enhanced Banking Services.48
4.10.3 Long-term 5G Banking Opportunities.49
4.11 Sector Analysis:Conclusions .49
5. The Competitive Landscape
5.1 Introduction.51
5.2 Vendor Analysis.51
5.2.1 Vendor Assessment Criteria.51
Table 5.1: 5G Network Vendor Capability Assessment Criteria.52
図 5.2: ジュニパー・リサーチの 5G ネットワーク・ベンダーのリーダーボード。53
図 5.3:ジュニパー・リサーチのヒートマップ結果 ?5G ネットワークベンダー。54
5.2.2 5G ネットワーク・ベンダーの分析 55
i. 確立されたリーダー企業 .55
iii.ディスラプター&エミュレーター .56
5.3 Limitations & Interpretations.58
5.4 5G Movers & Shakers.59
5.5 Network Vendor Profiles .61
5.5.1 Airspan.61
i. Corporate.61
iii.主要顧客と戦略的パートナーシップ .61
iv.提供製品の上位概念 .62
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .62
5.5.2 Ciena.62
i. 会社概要.62
ii.地域的な広がり .63
iii.主要顧客及び戦略的パートナーシップ .63
iv.提供製品の上位概念 .63
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .64
5.5.3 シスコシステムズ .64
i. 会社概要 .64
表 5.5.4:シスコセレクト財務情報($b)、2018-2020年.64
ii.地理的な広がり .65
iii.主要顧客&戦略的パートナーシップ .65
iv.提供製品の上位概念 .65
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .66
5.5.4 Comba Telecom.66
i. 会社概要.66
表 5.5.5: Comba Select Financial Information ($m), 2018-2020 .67
ii.地理的な広がり .67
iii.主要顧客&戦略的パートナーシップ .67
iv.提供製品の上位互換性 .67
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .68
5.5.5 CommScope.68
i. コーポレート.68
表 5.5.6: CommScope Select Financial Information 2018-2020 ($m).68
ⅱ.地理的な広がり .69
iv.提供製品の上位概念 .69
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .70
5.5.6 エリクソン.70
i. コーポレート.70
表 5.7: Ericsson Select Financial Information 2018-2020 (SEK b) .71
図 5.8:エリクソンの売上高、地域別&セグメント別 2020 年(SEK m).71
iii.主要顧客及び戦略的パートナーシップ .71
iv.提供製品の上位概念 .72
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .73
5.5.7 富士通 .73
i. コーポレート .73
iii.主要顧客及び戦略的パートナーシップ .74
iv.提供製品の上位表示 .74
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .75
5.5.8 ファーウェイ .75
i. コーポレート.75
表 5.5.9: Huawei Select Financial Information 2018-2020 (CNY m).75
iii.主要顧客&戦略的パートナーシップ .76
iv.提供製品の上位表示 .76
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .77
5.5.9 インテル.77
i. コーポレート.77
図 5.10:インテル・セレクト・ファイナンシャル・インフォメーション 2016-2018(10億ドル).78
ii.地理的な広がり .78
iii.主要顧客&戦略的パートナーシップ .78
iv.提供製品の上位互換性 .79
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .79
5.5.10 マベニール.80
i. 会社概要.80
ii.地域的な広がり .80
iii.主要顧客及び戦略的パートナーシップ .80
iv.提供製品の上位表示 .81
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .81
5.5.11 NEC .82
i. コーポレート.82
表 5.5.11: NEC Select Financial Information 2018-2020 (JPY m) .82
ii.地理的な広がり .82
iii.主要顧客&戦略的パートナーシップ .82
iv.提供製品の上位互換性 .83
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .83
5.5.12 ノキア・ネットワークス.84
i. 会社概要.84
表 5.5.12: Nokia Select Financial Information (?m) 2018-2020年 .84
ii.地理的な広がり .84
iii.主要顧客&戦略的パートナーシップ .85
iv.提供製品の上位概念 .85
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .86
5.5.13 クアルコム.86
i. 会社概要.86
表 5.5.13:クアルコム・セレクト・ファイナンシャル・インフォメーション($m)2018-2020.87
iv.提供する製品の上位互換性 .88
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .88
5.5.14 Samsung Networks.89
i. 会社概要.89
表 5.6: Samsung Select Financial Information ($ b) 2018-2020年 .89
iii.主要顧客&戦略的パートナーシップ .89
iv.提供製品の上位表示 .90
5.5.15 シーメンス .91
i. 会社概要 .91
iv.提供製品の上位表示 .92
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .93
5.5.16 シクルー .93
i. 会社概要 .93
iii.主要顧客及び戦略的パートナーシップ .94
iv.提供製品の上位概念 .94
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .95
5.5.17 テリット.95
i. 会社概要.95
ii.地域的な広がり .95
iii.主要顧客及び戦略的パートナーシップ .96
iv.提供製品の上位互換性 .96
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .97
5.5.18 ZTE.97
i. 会社概要.97
ii.地域的な広がり .98
iii.主要顧客及び戦略的パートナーシップ .98
iv.提供製品の上位概念 .98
v. ジュニパー・リサーチの主な強みと戦略的機会 .99
1.5G: Market Forecast Summary
1.1 Market Status & Introduction.3
1.1.1 Current Market Status .3
Figure 1.1:2021年の5Gモバイル接続総数(m)。3
1.2 対応可能な市場。Regional Analysis.4
1.2.1 Total Mobile Active SIM Connections.4
Figure & Table 1.2: Mobile Active SIM Connection Base (m) Split by 8 Key
Regions 2021-2026.4
1.2.2 アクティブ5G接続数5
図 & 表 1.3:世界のモバイル5GアクティブSIM接続数(m)を主要8地域別に分割
2.5G: Market Forecasts & Key Takeaways
2.1 Methodology & Assumptions .7
2.1.1 Introduction.7
2.1.2 Pricing Model Assumptions.7
Figure 2.1: 5G Users & Revenue Forecast Methodology .9
2.1.3 Total 5G Operator-billed Revenue.10
Figure & Table 2.2:
10 図・表 2.2:世界の 5G オペレータ課金収益総額(百万ドル)を主要 8地域別に分割
2.1.4 世界のモバイル5G接続数.11
民生用・商業用5G接続数(m)で分割 2021-2026.11
2.1.5 世界のオペレーター課金による5G収入 .12
& 企業別に分割(百万ドル) 2021-2026.12
3. 5G & IoT:
3.1 5Gセクターの分析.14
図 3.1: 5G セクター分析の予測方法 .15
3.2 5G Sector Analysis.16
3.2.1 5G Connections Forecast.16
Figure & Table 3.2: Total Number of 5G Connections (m) Split by 6 IoT Sectors
3.2.2 5G商用IoT&自動車ARPC .17
セグメント 2021-2026 .17
3.2.3 5G商用IoT&オートモーティブの収益予測 .18
図・表 3.4:Operator-billed 5G Commercial IoT & Automotive
Revenue($m)Split by 6 IoT Sectors 2021-2026 .18
3.2.4 Total Data Attributable to 5G IoT Connections.19
Figure & Table 3.5: Total Mobile Data Traffic Carried Over 5G Networks (PB) Split
by 6 IoT Sectors 2021-2026 .19
Report Desciption
Juniper Research’s 5G Monetisation report provides critical insights on monetisation models for 5G market stakeholders, including assessment of key network technologies, services and market sectors that generate revenue. It includes strategic recommendations for network operators and network vendors, aligned to a Juniper Research Leaderboard that includes the leading 5G network vendors.
The research features an in-depth analysis of pricing strategies for 5G verticals, and forecasts for data traffic per 5G connection across consumer connections and key IoT verticals.
5G sector coverage and market analysis provided for:
Consumer Applications
Commercial Applications
This research suite includes:
5G Monetisation Opportunity Analysis: An evaluation of strategies, key market drivers, technological challenges and strategic recommendations for stakeholders across key market services, including:
Smart Home Solutions
5G Business Model Evaluation: Key insights into the future of 5G development and strategic recommendations to network vendors and network operators on best practices. Areas assessed include:
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Provided for adoption, connections, operator-billed revenue and data attributable to 5G connections for 8 global regions and 37 countries including:
Juniper Research Leaderboard: Key player capability and capacity assessment of 18 leading 5G technology vendors, including:
Interviewed: Ciena, Ericsson, Mavenir, Siemens, Telit, ZTE.
Included in Juniper Research Leaderboard: Airspan, Ciena, Cisco Systems, Comba Telecom, CommScope, Ericsson, Fujistu, Huawei, Intel, Mavenir, NEC, Nokia Networks, Qualcomm, Samsung Networks, Siemens, Siklu, Telit, ZTE.
Mentioned: 5GDNA (5G Deterministic Networking Alliance), 5GSA (5G Slicing Association), Accenture, Acer, Amazon, Amiti Ventures, Apple, Argonaut Private Equity, ARRIS, AsiaInfo, ASOCS, Associated British Ports, Asus, AT&T, Avans University of Applied Sciences, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, BMW, Bosch, British Standards Institution, British Telecom, BT, Capgemini, CEFRIO, Cellwize, Centina Systems, CGI, China Mobile, China Sports Media, China Telecom, China Unicom, Chunghwa Telecom, CSPG (China Southern Power Grid), Deutsche Telekom, DFJ Tamir Fishman, Digital Domain, Dish, Einride, Etisalat, Evergreen Venture Partners, Facebook, FCC (Federal Communications Commission), Fibocom Wireless, Fluidmesh Networks, Foxconn, Fractus, GCF (Global Certification Forum), General Motors, GoGo, Google, Gree, GSA (Global Mobile Suppliers Association), GSMA, HP, Hutchison Drei , IBM, Jiangsu Future Networks Innovation Institute, Jiangsu Hengtong Optic-Electric, Jio, JRL (Japan Radio Law), JTBL (Japan Telecommunications Business Law), KCC (Korea Communications Commission), KDDI, Kenna Security, Korea Telecom, Lenovo, LG Electronics, LG U+, Lufthansa, Lyft, Microsoft, Mittel Mobile, Moovit, MTI (Microelectronic Technology Inc), NEA, Netflix, Nippon Steel, Norcat, NTT (Nippon Telegraph & Telephone), NTT DOCOMO, O2, Oak Investment Partners, OCE (Ontario Centres of Excellence), Orange, Panasonic, Princeton University, Prompt, Purple Mountain Laboratories, Rakuten, RED (Radio Equipment Directive), Renault, Royal Institute of Technology , RUCKUS, Rutgers University, Saab, Salesforce, Sandvik, Sercomm Corporation, SigOpt, SK Telecom, Smartfren, SoftBank, Spotify, Sprint, STC, Stevens Institute of Technology, SUSE, Tamares Capital , TD Tech, Telefonica, Telia, Telstra Corp Ltd, Thales, TIM, T-Mobile, Toyota, Turkcell, US Department of Defense, Uber, UK Home Office, University of Science and Technology of China, University of Southern California, Verizon, Vlocity, Vodafone, Xiaomi, Zain, Zihlabs.
Juniper Research’s latest 5G Monetisation forecast suite includes:
5-year benchmark forecasts for key metrics by 8 key regions and 37 country-level splits including:
5G Connections, ARPC and Operator-billed Service Revenue, split by segment:
5G Connections, ARPC and Operator-billed Service Revenue, split by key verticals:
Access to the full set of forecast data of over 95 tables and over 29,900 datapoints.
Interactive Excel Scenario tool allowing users the ability to manipulate Juniper Research’s data for five different metrics.
Juniper Research’s highly granular interactive Excels enable clients to manipulate Juniper Research’s forecast data and charts to test their own assumptions using the interactive scenario tool and compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase clients’ ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
Regions:8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Countries:Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, UK, USA
Table of Contents
1. Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations
1.1 Introduction.7
1.1.1 Key Takeaways .7
1.1.2 Strategic Recommendations .7
2. Future Market Outlook for 5G Services
2.1 Introduction.9
Figure 2.1: Global Mobile Active 5G Connections in 2021, Split by 8 Key Regions . 9
i. High Data Rates . 10
ii. Latency Requirements. 10
iii. Spectrum Efficiency . 10
iv. Energy Consumption & Battery Life. 10
v. Roaming Requirements. 11
2.2 5G Device Analysis.11
2.2.1 5G Personal Devices .11
Figure 2.2: Total Number of 5G Consumer Device Connections (m), Split by 8
Key Regions, 2021 & 2026. 12
2.2.2 5G FWA Routers .12
Figure 2.3: Global 5G Consumer Broadband Data Usage (PB), 2021-2026 . 13
2.2.3 5G IoT Connections.13
2.2.4 5G Connected Vehicles.15
Figure 2.4: Total Number of Vehicles That Use a 5G Connection (m), Split by 8
Key Regions, 2021 & 2026. 15
i. Asset Tracking & Route Optimisation . 15
ii. Autonomous Vehicles . 16
3. 5G Monetisation & Business Models
3.1 Monetisation Models for 5G .18
3.1.1 5G Connectivity Forces an Evolution in Charging Systems .18
3.1.2 Anticipate New Charging Rules and Prepare for Network
Figure 3.1: Visualisation of Edge Computing Architecture . 20
Figure 3.2: Ookla’s Roadmap for 5G Adoption. 21
3.2 Analysis of 5G Operator Strategies .22
3.2.1 5G Services.22
3.2.2 5G NSA and 5G SA.22
3.2.3 Pricing of 5G Services .22
Figure 3.3: Consumer 5G ARPC ($), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2021-2026 . 23
3.2.4 AI Analytics for 5G Networks .23
3.2.5 5G Network Slicing.24
3.2.6 Virtual Environments .25
3.3 The Importance of 5G Partnerships.26
3.3.1 Partnership Considerations for Operators .26
3.4 Conclusion.27
4. 5G Sector Analysis
4.1 Sector Analysis.30
4.1.1 Personal Cellular Device Contracts .30
Figure 4.1: Average Data Consumption per 5G Mobile Subscriber in 2021 (MB),
Split by the Top 10 Countries . 30
4.1.2 Capacity Improvements .31
Figure 4.2: Proportion of Total Cellular Data Attributable to 5G Smartphones (%),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2021 & 2026. 31
4.1.3 Relieving Home Broadband Congestion .31
4.1.4 5G Smartphone Impact on Network Mobile Traffic.32
4.1.5 Incentivising Customers to Upgrade to 5G Subscriptions.32
4.1.6 Operator Competition.33
4.2 FWA (Fixed Wireless Access).33
4.2.1 FWA Is a Popular Consumer 5G Use Case.33
4.2.2 Bundled Offers Attract Consumers.34
4.3 IoT Connectivity.35
4.3.1 Current IoT Considerations .35
4.3.2 Cellular IoT vs Private 5G IoT .35
4.3.3 mIoT (Massive Internet of Things).35
4.3.4 Mission-critical IoT .36
4.3.5 Early Adopter Use Cases for Cellular IoT.36
4.3.6 5G IoT Management Opportunities .36
4.3.7 Network Slicing for 5G IoT.37
4.4 Automotive .37
4.4.1 Smart Vehicles .37
4.4.2 5G for Automotive Manufacturing.38
4.4.3 Autonomous Vehicles .38
4.4.4 Network Capacity .39
4.4.5 Operator Opportunities.39
4.5 Mobile Entertainment Services .39
i. Streaming Video and ‘Edutainment’. 40
4.5.2 In-vehicle Entertainment.41
4.6 Mobile Gaming.41
4.6.1 Immersive Gaming .41
4.6.2 Charging for a Gaming Slice .42
4.6.3 New Charging Models for Gaming.42
4.7 Remote Healthcare Services & Mobile Health Services .42
4.7.1 5G’s Role in Healthcare .43
4.7.2 Remote Patient Monitoring.43
4.7.3 Emergency and Critical Healthcare Services .43
4.7.4 Virtual Consulting.44
4.8 Smart City Services.44
4.8.1 Smart Cities Clever Countryside.45
4.8.2 LPWA (Low-power Wide Area) Networks.45
4.8.3 Safer Smart Cities.45
4.8.4 The Role of 5G in Smart Cities .45
4.9 Smart Home Solutions .46
4.9.1 Why 5G Wins Over Wi-Fi for Smart Home Appliances .46
4.9.2 Improved Home Security .46
4.9.3 Mobile 5G to Supplement or Back Up Existing Smart Home
4.9.4 Near-term 5G Smart Home Revenue.47
4.10 Mobile Commerce Services .47
4.10.1 Enhanced Customer Experience.48
4.10.2 Monetising 5G Enhanced Banking Services.48
4.10.3 Long-term 5G Banking Opportunities.49
4.11 Sector Analysis: Conclusions .49
5. The Competitive Landscape
5.1 Introduction.51
5.2 Vendor Analysis.51
5.2.1 Vendor Assessment Criteria.51
Table 5.1: 5G Network Vendor Capability Assessment Criteria. 52
Figure 5.2: Juniper Research Leaderboard for 5G Network Vendors. 53
Figure 5.3: Juniper Research Heatmap Results ? 5G Network Vendors. 54
5.2.2 5G Network Vendor Analysis.55
i. Established Leaders . 55
ii. Leading Challengers. 55
iii. Disruptors & Emulators . 56
5.3 Limitations & Interpretations.58
5.4 5G Movers & Shakers.59
5.5 Network Vendor Profiles .61
5.5.1 Airspan.61
i. Corporate. 61
ii. Geographical Spread. 61
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 61
iv. High-level View of Offerings. 62
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 62
5.5.2 Ciena.62
i. Corporate. 62
ii. Geographical Spread . 63
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 63
iv. High-level View of Offerings. 63
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 64
5.5.3 Cisco Systems .64
i. Corporate. 64
Table 5.5.4: Cisco Select Financial Information ($b), 2018-2020. 64
ii. Geographical Spread . 65
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 65
iv. High-level View of Offerings. 65
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 66
5.5.4 Comba Telecom.66
i. Corporate. 66
Table 5.5.5: Comba Select Financial Information ($m), 2018-2020 . 67
ii. Geographical Spread . 67
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 67
iv. High-level View of Offerings. 67
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 68
5.5.5 CommScope.68
i. Corporate. 68
Table 5.5.6: CommScope Select Financial Information 2018-2020 ($m). 68
ii. Geographical Spread . 69
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships. 69
iv. High-level View of Offerings . 69
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 70
5.5.6 Ericsson.70
i. Corporate. 70
Table 5.7: Ericsson Select Financial Information 2018-2020 (SEK b) . 71
Figure 5.8: Ericsson Sales, Split by Region & Segment 2020 (SEK m). 71
ii. Geographical Spread. 71
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 71
iv. High-level View of Offerings . 72
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 73
5.5.7 Fujitsu .73
i. Corporate. 73
ii. Geographical Spread. 73
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 74
iv. High-level View of Offerings . 74
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 75
5.5.8 Huawei .75
i. Corporate. 75
Table 5.5.9: Huawei Select Financial Information 2018-2020 (CNY m). 75
ii. Geographical Spread. 75
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 76
iv. High-level View of Offerings . 76
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 77
5.5.9 Intel.77
i. Corporate. 77
Figure 5.10: Intel Select Financial Information 2016-2018 ($bn). 78
ii. Geographical Spread . 78
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 78
iv. High-level View of Offerings. 79
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 79
5.5.10 Mavenir.80
i. Corporate. 80
ii. Geographical Spread . 80
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 80
iv. High-level View of Offerings. 81
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 81
5.5.11 NEC .82
i. Corporate. 82
Table 5.5.11: NEC Select Financial Information 2018-2020 (JPY m) . 82
ii. Geographical Spread . 82
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 82
iv. High-level View of Offerings. 83
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 83
5.5.12 Nokia Networks.84
i. Corporate. 84
Table 5.5.12: Nokia Select Financial Information (?m) 2018-2020 . 84
ii. Geographical Spread . 84
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 85
iv. High-level View of Offerings. 85
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 86
5.5.13 Qualcomm.86
i. Corporate. 86
Table 5.5.13: Qualcomm Select Financial Information ($m) 2018-2020. 87
ii. Geographical Spread. 87
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships. 87
iv. High-level View of Offerings . 88
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 88
5.5.14 Samsung Networks.89
i. Corporate. 89
Table 5.6: Samsung Select Financial Information ($ b) 2018-2020 . 89
ii. Geographical Spread. 89
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 89
iv. High-level View of Offerings . 90
Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities. 91
5.5.15 Siemens .91
i. Corporate. 91
ii. Geographical Spread. 92
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships. 92
iv. High-level View of Offerings . 92
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 93
5.5.16 Siklu .93
i. Corporate. 93
ii. Geographical Spread. 94
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 94
iv. High-level View of Offerings . 94
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 95
5.5.17 Telit.95
i. Corporate. 95
ii. Geographical Spread . 95
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 96
iv. High-level View of Offerings. 96
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 97
5.5.18 ZTE.97
i. Corporate. 97
ii. Geographical Spread . 98
iii. Key Clients & Strategic Partnerships . 98
iv. High-level View of Offerings. 98
v. Juniper Research’s Key Strengths & Strategic Opportunities . 99
1. 5G: Market Forecast Summary
1.1 Market Status & Introduction.3
1.1.1 Current Market Status .3
Figure 1.1: Total Number of 5G Mobile Connections (m) in 2021. 3
1.2 Addressable Market: Regional Analysis.4
1.2.1 Total Mobile Active SIM Connections.4
Figure & Table 1.2: Mobile Active SIM Connection Base (m) Split by 8 Key
Regions 2021-2026. 4
1.2.2 Active 5G Connections.5
Figure & Table 1.3: Global Mobile 5G Active SIM Connections (m) Split by 8 Key
Regions 2021-2026. 5
2. 5G: Market Forecasts & Key Takeaways
2.1 Methodology & Assumptions .7
2.1.1 Introduction.7
2.1.2 Pricing Model Assumptions.7
Figure 2.1: 5G Users & Revenue Forecast Methodology . 9
2.1.3 Total 5G Operator-billed Revenue.10
Figure & Table 2.2: Total Global 5G Operator-billed Revenue ($m) Split by 8 Key
Regions 2021-2026. 10
2.1.4 Global Mobile 5G Connections.11
Figure & Table 2.3: Global Mobile Enterprise 5G Active Connections, Split by
Consumer & Commercial 5G Connections (m) 2021-2026. 11
2.1.5 Global Operator-billed 5G Revenue .12
Figure & Table 2.4: Total Global 5G Operator-billed Revenue, Split by Consumer
& Enterprise ($m) 2021-2026. 12
3. 5G & IoT: Market Forecasts & Key Takeaways
3.1 5G Sector Analysis.14
3.1.1 Methodology .14
i. Pricing Model Assumptions. 14
Figure 3.1: 5G Sector Analysis Forecast Methodology . 15
3.2 5G Sector Analysis.16
3.2.1 5G Connections Forecast.16
Figure & Table 3.2: Total Number of 5G Connections (m) Split by 6 IoT Sectors
2021-2026. 16
3.2.2 5G Commercial IoT & Automotive ARPC .17
Figure & Table 3.3: 5G Commercial IoT & Automotive ARPC ($) Split by 6 IoT
Segments 2021-2026 . 17
3.2.3 5G Commercial IoT & Automotive Revenue Forecast .18
Figure & Total 3.4: Total Operator-billed 5G Commercial IoT & Automotive
Revenue ($m) Split by 6 IoT Sectors 2021-2026 . 18
3.2.4 Total Data Attributable to 5G IoT Connections.19
Figure & Table 3.5: Total Mobile Data Traffic Carried Over 5G Networks (PB) Split
by 6 IoT Sectors 2021-2026 . 19
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