北米の防火用水貯蔵タンク市場。業界動向、シェア、サイズ、成長、機会、予測2021-2026年North America Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2021-2026 北米の防火用水貯蔵タンク市場は、2020年に247百万米ドルの規模に達しました。貯水タンクは、火災用スプリンクラーシステムに水を供給する際に、その一部または全部をサポートします。防災用貯水タンクは、地震の... もっと見る
サマリー北米の防火用水貯蔵タンク市場は、2020年に247百万米ドルの規模に達しました。貯水タンクは、火災用スプリンクラーシステムに水を供給する際に、その一部または全部をサポートします。防災用貯水タンクは、地震の多い地域にある高床式倉庫、航空機格納庫、高層ビルなど、二次的に水を供給する必要がある建物に設置されます。消火用貯蔵タンクは、特定の量の水の専用の場所を作り、消防隊が消火活動の際に水を補ったり、主な水源として利用することができます。急速な技術進歩と製品の革新により、貯水タンクの市場は北米全域で拡大しています。北米の貯水タンク市場は、商業、自治体、工業、住宅の各分野でビジネスチャンスがあり、将来性が期待されています。防災用の貯水タンクは、技術の進歩、プロセスの進化、規格の厳格化に伴い、柔軟性の向上、耐久性の向上、低コスト化を実現し、近年成長を遂げています。さらに、倉庫、ホテル、オフィスの建設が健全な成長率を示していることも、今後数年間の北米における防火用貯水タンク市場の成長を刺激すると期待されています。IMARCグループは、北米の防火用貯水タンク市場は今後5年間で力強い成長を遂げると予測しています。報告書の範囲材料タイプ別市場の概要スチールスチール溶接スチールボルトファイバーグラスその他コーティングタイプ別市場の概要エポキシガラスガラス溶融スチールその他サイズ別市場の概要100,000-250,000ガロン50,000-100,000ガロン25,000-50,50,000-100,000ガロン25,000-50,000ガロン<25,000ガロン用途別内訳商業用大型倉庫ショッピングセンター病院オフィスビルその他工業用住宅国別内訳米国カナダ競合状況当レポートでは、北米の防火用水タンク市場の競合状況についても調査しています。主なプレイヤーは以下の通りです。Superior Tank Co.Inc.、Tank Connection LLC、T.F. Warren Group Inc.、CST Industries Inc.、National Storage Tank Inc.、Fisher Tank Company、DN Tanks Inc.、Gulf Coast Tank and Construction Co.、Pittsburg Tank & Tower Co Inc.などが挙げられます。このレポートで回答された重要な質問:北米の防火用水貯蔵タンク市場はこれまでどのように推移し、今後どのように推移するのでしょうか?北米の防火用水貯蔵タンク市場の素材タイプ別の内訳は?COVID-19が北米の防火用水貯蔵タンク市場に与えた影響は?北米の防火用水貯蔵タンク市場のコーティングタイプ別の内訳は?北米防火用水貯蔵タンク市場の用途別内訳は?北米防火用水貯蔵タンク市場の国別内訳は?北米防火用水貯蔵タンク市場のバリューチェーンにおける様々なステージは?北米防火用水貯蔵タンク市場の主要な駆動要因と課題は?北米防火用水貯蔵タンク市場の業界構造と主要企業は?目次1 まえがき2 調査範囲と方法2.1 調査の目的2.2 ステークホルダー2.3 データソース2.3.1 一次ソース2.3.2 二次ソース2.4 市場推定2.4.1 ボトムアップアプローチ2.4.2 トップダウンアプローチ2.5 予測方法3 エグゼクティブサマリー4 はじめに4.1 概要4.2 主要な業界動向5 北米の防火用水貯蔵タンク市場5.1 市場概要5.2 市場実績5.3 COVID-19の影響5.4 市場予測6 材料タイプ別市場の内訳6.1 スチール6.1.1 市場動向6.1.2 タイプ別市場の内訳6. スチール溶接 市場動向 市場予測 スチールボルト締め 市場動向 市場予測 6.1.3 市場予測 6.2 ファイバーグラス 6.2.1 市場動向 6.2.2 市場予測 6.3 その他 6.3.1 市場動向 6.3.2 市場予測7 コーティングタイプ別市場の内訳 7.1 エポキシ 7.1.1 市場動向 7.1.2 市場予測 7.2 ガラス繊維強化 7.2.1 市場動向 7.2.2 市場予測 7.3 その他 7.3.1 市場動向 7.3.2 市場予測8 国別市場の内訳 8.1 米国 8.1.1 市場動向 8.1.2 市場予測 8.2 カナダ 8.2.1 市場動向 8.2.2 市場予測9 市場規模別内訳 9.1 100,000-250,000ガロン 9.1.1 市場動向 9.1.2 市場予測 9.2 50,000-100,000ガロン 9.2.1 市場トレンド 9.2.2 市場予測 9.3 25,000-50,000ガロン 9.3.1 市場トレンド 9.3.2 市場予測 9.4 >250,000ガロン 9.4.1 市場トレンド 9.4.2 市場予測 9.5<25,000 Gallons 9.5.1 Market Trends 9.5.2 Market Forecast10 Market Breakup by Application 10.1 Commercial 10.1.1 Market Trends 10.1.2 Market Breakup by Type Large Warehouses Market Trends Market Forecast Shopping Centers Market Trends Market Forecast Hospitals Market Trends Market Forecast Office Buildings Market Trends Market Forecast Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.1.3 Market Forecast 10.2 Industrial 10.2.1 Market Trends 10.2.2 Market Forecast 10.3 Residential 10.3.1 Market Trends 10.3.2 Market Forecast11 SWOT Analysis 11.1 Overview 11.2 Strengths 11.3 Weakness 11.4 Opportunities 11.5 Threat12 Value Chain Analysis13 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 13.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers 13.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 13.3 Degree of Competition 13.4 Threat of New Entrants 13.5 Threat of Substitutes14 PESTEL Analysis 14.1 Overview 14.2 Political 14.3 Economic 14.4 Social 14.5 Technological 14.6 Environmental 14.7 Legal15 Competitive Landscape 15.1 Market Structure 15.2 Key Players 15.3 Profiles of Key Players 15.3.1 Superior Tank Co., Inc 15.3.2 Tank Connection, LLC 15.3.3 T.F. Warren Group Inc 15.3.4 CST Industries, Inc 15.3.5 National Storage Tank, Inc 15.3.6 Fisher Tank Company 15.3.7 DN Tanks, Inc 15.3.8 Gulf Coast Tank and Construction Co. 15.3.9 Pittsburg Tank & Tower Co Inc.List of FiguresFigure 1: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Major Drivers and ChallengesFigure 2: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2015-2020Figure 3: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Material Type (in %), 2020Figure 4: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Coating Type (in %), 2020Figure 5: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Country (in %), 2020Figure 6: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Size (in %), 2020Figure 7: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Application (in %), 2020Figure 8: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 9: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Steel) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 10: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Type (in %), 2020Figure 11: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Steel Welded) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 12: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Steel Welded) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 13: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Steel Bolted) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 14: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Steel Bolted) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 15: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Steel) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 16: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Fiber Glass) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 17: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Fiber Glass) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 18: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Other Materials) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 19: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Other Materials) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 20: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Epoxy) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 21: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Epoxy) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 22: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Glass-Fused-To-Steel) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 23: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Glass-Fused-To-Steel) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 24: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Other Coatings) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 25: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Other Coatings) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 26: United States: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 27: United States: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 28: Canada: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 29: Canada: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 30: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (100,000-250,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 31: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (100,000-250,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 32: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (50,000-100,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 33: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (50,000-100,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 34: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (25,000-50,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 35: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (25,000-50,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 36: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (>250,000ガロン)。)Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020図37:北米の防火用水貯蔵タンク市場予測(>25万ガロン)。価値トレンド(単位:百万米ドル)、2021-2026年図38:北米:防火用水貯蔵タンク市場予測(>25万ガロン):金額推移(単位:百万米ドル)2021-2026年防火用水貯蔵タンク市場(< 25,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 39: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (< 25,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 40: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (Commercial): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 41: North America: Commercial Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Application (in %), 2020Figure 42: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Large Warehouses) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 43: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Large Warehouses) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 44: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Shopping Centers) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 45: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Shopping Centres) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 46: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Hospitals) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 47: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Hospitals) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 48: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Office Buildings) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 49: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Office Buildings) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 50: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Other Applications) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 51: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Other Applications) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 52: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (Commercial): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 53: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (Industrial): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 54: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (Industrial): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 55: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (Residential): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020Figure 56: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (Residential): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026Figure 57: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Industry: SWOT AnalysisFigure 58: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Industry: Value Chain AnalysisFigure 59: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks: Porter’s Five Forces AnalysisFigure 60: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Industry: PESTEL AnalysisFigure 61: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Industry: Breakup of Production Cost (in %)List of TablesTable 1: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2020 and 2026Table 2: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Breakup by Material Type (in Million US$), 2021-2026Table 3: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Breakup by Coating Type (in Million US$), 2021-2026Table 4: North America: Fire protection water storage tanks Market: Breakup by Country (in Million US$), 2021-2026Table 5: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Breakup by Size (in Million US$), 2021-2026Table 6: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Breakup by Application (in Million US$), 2021-2026Table 7: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Industry: Competitive StructureTable 8: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Key Players
SummaryThe North America fire protection water storage tanks market reached a value of US$ 247 Million in 2020. Water storage tanks help in supplying water to fire sprinkler systems, in part or in whole. These include warehouses with high-piled storage, aircraft hangers, and high-rise buildings located in earthquake-prone areas that need a secondary water supply. Fire suppression storage tanks create a dedicated location for a particular volume of water which can be utilized by fire departments to supplement or act as the main source of water during fire suppression. In areas where water is either scarce or not connected to a municipal supply, fire suppression tanks are able to supply the critical water needed for fire protection.With rapid technological advancements and product innovations, the market for water storage tanks has gained traction across North America. The future of the North American water storage tanks market looks promising with opportunities in commercial, municipal, industrial, and residential sectors. Water storage tanks for fire protection have been exhibiting growth in recent years as technology has advanced, processes have evolved, and standards have become more rigorous resulting in increased flexibility, greater durability and lower costs. Furthermore, the construction of warehouses, hotels and offices are witnessing healthy growth rates, which is also expected to stimulate the growth of the fire protection water storage tanks market in North America in the coming years. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the North America fire protection water storage tanks market to exhibit strong growth during the next five years.Report ScopeMarket Break by Material TypeSteelSteel WeldedSteel BoltedFiberglassOthers Market Break by Coating TypeEpoxyGlass-Fused-To-SteelOthers Market Break by Size100,000-250,000 Gallons50,000-100,000 Gallons25,000-50,000 Gallons>250,000 Gallons<25,000 Gallons Market Break by ApplicationCommercialLarge WarehousesShopping CentersHospitalsOffice BuildingsOthersIndustrialResidential Market Break by CountryUnited StatesCanada Competitive Landscape:The report has also examined the competitive landscape of the North America fire protection water storage tanks market. Some of the major players include: Superior Tank Co. Inc, Tank Connection LLC, T.F. Warren Group Inc, CST Industries Inc., National Storage Tank Inc., Fisher Tank Company, DN Tanks Inc., Gulf Coast Tank and Construction Co., Pittsburg Tank & Tower Co Inc, etc. Key Questions Answered in This Report:How has the North America fire protection water storage tanks market performed so far and how will it perform in the coming years?What is the breakup of the North America fire protection water storage tanks market based on the material type?What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the North America fire protection water storage tanks market?What is the breakup of the North America fire protection water storage tanks market based on the coating type?What is the breakup of the North America fire protection water storage tanks market based on the tank size?What is the breakup of the North America fire protection water storage tanks market based on the application?What is the breakup of the North America fire protection water storage tanks market based on the country?What are the various stages in the value chain of the North America fire protection water storage tanks market?What are the key driving factors and challenges in the North America fire protection water storage tanks market?What is the structure of the North America fire protection water storage tanks market industry and who are the key players?What is the degree of competition in the North America fire protection water storage tanks market? Table of Contents1 Preface 2 Scope and Methodology 2.1 Objectives of the Study 2.2 Stakeholders 2.3 Data Sources 2.3.1 Primary Sources 2.3.2 Secondary Sources 2.4 Market Estimation 2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach 2.4.2 Top-Down Approach 2.5 Forecasting Methodology 3 Executive Summary 4 Introduction 4.1 Overview 4.2 Key Industry Trends 5 North America Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market 5.1 Market Overview 5.2 Market Performance 5.3 Impact of COVID-19 5.4 Market Forecast 6 Market Breakup by Material Type 6.1 Steel 6.1.1 Market Trends 6.1.2 Market Breakup by Type Steel Welded Market Trends Market Forecast Steel Bolted Market Trends Market Forecast 6.1.3 Market Forecast 6.2 Fiberglass 6.2.1 Market Trends 6.2.2 Market Forecast 6.3 Others 6.3.1 Market Trends 6.3.2 Market Forecast 7 Market Breakup by Coating Type 7.1 Epoxy 7.1.1 Market Trends 7.1.2 Market Forecast 7.2 Glass-Fused-To-Steel 7.2.1 Market Trends 7.2.2 Market Forecast 7.3 Others 7.3.1 Market Trends 7.3.2 Market Forecast 8 Market Breakup by Country 8.1 United States 8.1.1 Market Trends 8.1.2 Market Forecast 8.2 Canada 8.2.1 Market Trends 8.2.2 Market Forecast 9 Market Breakup by Size 9.1 100,000-250,000 Gallons 9.1.1 Market Trends 9.1.2 Market Forecast 9.2 50,000-100,000 Gallons 9.2.1 Market Trends 9.2.2 Market Forecast 9.3 25,000-50,000 Gallons 9.3.1 Market Trends 9.3.2 Market Forecast 9.4 >250,000 Gallons 9.4.1 Market Trends 9.4.2 Market Forecast 9.5 <25,000 Gallons 9.5.1 Market Trends 9.5.2 Market Forecast 10 Market Breakup by Application 10.1 Commercial 10.1.1 Market Trends 10.1.2 Market Breakup by Type Large Warehouses Market Trends Market Forecast Shopping Centers Market Trends Market Forecast Hospitals Market Trends Market Forecast Office Buildings Market Trends Market Forecast Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.1.3 Market Forecast 10.2 Industrial 10.2.1 Market Trends 10.2.2 Market Forecast 10.3 Residential 10.3.1 Market Trends 10.3.2 Market Forecast 11 SWOT Analysis 11.1 Overview 11.2 Strengths 11.3 Weakness 11.4 Opportunities 11.5 Threat 12 Value Chain Analysis 13 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 13.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers 13.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 13.3 Degree of Competition 13.4 Threat of New Entrants 13.5 Threat of Substitutes 14 PESTEL Analysis 14.1 Overview 14.2 Political 14.3 Economic 14.4 Social 14.5 Technological 14.6 Environmental 14.7 Legal 15 Competitive Landscape 15.1 Market Structure 15.2 Key Players 15.3 Profiles of Key Players 15.3.1 Superior Tank Co., Inc 15.3.2 Tank Connection, LLC 15.3.3 T.F. Warren Group Inc 15.3.4 CST Industries, Inc 15.3.5 National Storage Tank, Inc 15.3.6 Fisher Tank Company 15.3.7 DN Tanks, Inc 15.3.8 Gulf Coast Tank and Construction Co. 15.3.9 Pittsburg Tank & Tower Co Inc. List of Figures Figure 1: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Major Drivers and Challenges Figure 2: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2015-2020 Figure 3: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Material Type (in %), 2020 Figure 4: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Coating Type (in %), 2020 Figure 5: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Country (in %), 2020 Figure 6: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Size (in %), 2020 Figure 7: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Application (in %), 2020 Figure 8: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 9: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Steel) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 10: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Type (in %), 2020 Figure 11: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Steel Welded) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 12: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Steel Welded) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 13: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Steel Bolted) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 14: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Steel Bolted) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 15: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Steel) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 16: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Fiber Glass) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 17: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Fiber Glass) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 18: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Other Materials) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 19: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Other Materials) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 20: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Epoxy) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 21: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Epoxy) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 22: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Glass-Fused-To-Steel) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 23: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Glass-Fused-To-Steel) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 24: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Other Coatings) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 25: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Other Coatings) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 26: United States: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 27: United States: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 28: Canada: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 29: Canada: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 30: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (100,000-250,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 31: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (100,000-250,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 32: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (50,000-100,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 33: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (50,000-100,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 34: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (25,000-50,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 35: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (25,000-50,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 36: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (>250,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 37: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (>250,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 38: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (< 25,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 39: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (< 25,000 Gallons): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 40: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (Commercial): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 41: North America: Commercial Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Breakup by Application (in %), 2020 Figure 42: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Large Warehouses) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 43: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Large Warehouses) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 44: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Shopping Centers) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 45: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Shopping Centres) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 46: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Hospitals) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 47: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Hospitals) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 48: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Office Buildings) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 49: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Office Buildings) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 50: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Other Applications) Market: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 51: North America: Steel Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks (Other Applications) Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 52: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (Commercial): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 53: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (Industrial): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 54: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (Industrial): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 55: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market (Residential): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2015 & 2020 Figure 56: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast (Residential): Value Trends (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Figure 57: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Industry: SWOT Analysis Figure 58: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Industry: Value Chain Analysis Figure 59: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis Figure 60: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Industry: PESTEL Analysis Figure 61: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Industry: Breakup of Production Cost (in %) List of Tables Table 1: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2020 and 2026 Table 2: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Breakup by Material Type (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Table 3: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Breakup by Coating Type (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Table 4: North America: Fire protection water storage tanks Market: Breakup by Country (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Table 5: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Breakup by Size (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Table 6: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market Forecast: Breakup by Application (in Million US$), 2021-2026 Table 7: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Industry: Competitive Structure Table 8: North America: Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Market: Key Players
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