3D印刷・複合材料 2021-2031:技術と市場分析3D Printing Composites 2021-2031: Technology and Market Analysis 複合材料の3Dプリントは、商業的にも大きな転換点を迎えています。ポリマー材料の3Dプリントでは、機械的な限界があり、繊維強化(またはその他の機能性)の恩恵を受けることができます。また、複合... もっと見る
* より大きな異方性機能を達成するために整列させることができる **多くの場合、AFP、ATL&FWとin-situコンソリデーション技術との重なりが大きい。
3D Printing Composites 2021-2031: Technology and Market Analysis
目次 目次 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 1.1. Introduction to 3D printing of composite material 1.2. Composite 3D printing technological progression 1.3. Summary of 11 key players 1.4. Investment capital into 3D printing composites 1.5. Key strategic partnerships & acquisitions 1.6. 5 commercial categories of composite thermoplastic extrusion printer 1.7. Material feedstock benchmarking study 1. 8.8. プリンターのベンチマーク調査 1.9. エンドユーザー用途:セクター概要 1.10. 3Dプリント用複合材市場に影響を与える 要因 1.11. 一次インタビューに基づく企業プロファイル 1.12. 3Dプリント用複合材の総市場予測 1.13. 3DP複合材の市場予測:押し出し用材料需要 1.14. 市場シェア:地域別分布 1.15. Where next for composite 3D printing? 2. 3Dプリント市場の概要 2.1. レポートの範囲 2.2. 3Dプリントプロセスの7つの異なるタイプ 2.3. 主な材料とプロセスの関係 2.4. なぜ3Dプリントを採用するのか ? 2. 5. デスクトップ3Dプリンターの爆発的普及 2.6. 3Dプリント用ポリマーの歴史:ホビー用の台頭 2.7. コンシューマー対プロシューマー対プロ用 2.8. 使用パターンと市場のセグメンテーション 2.9. ビジネスモデル:将来の収益確保 2. 10. 成長の原動力と阻害要因 2.11. 世界の3Dプリンティング市場の見通し 2.12. COVID-19の3Dプリンティング業界への影響 3. INTRODUCTION TO LIGHTWEIGHTING 3.1. 軽量化とは何か ? 3. 2. 軽量化材料のドライバー 3.3. 軽量化材料の比較 3.4. 小型・少量部品への挑戦 3.5. 軽量化材料の 候補 4. 複合材料 4.1. 複合材料の紹介 4.2. 複合材料の紹介 4.3. 相対的な繊維特性の比較 4.4. コスト調整された繊維特性 4.5. 複合材料メーカーのサプライチェーン 4.6. 炭素繊維:概要 4.7. 炭素繊維:歴史的成長と市場の状況 4.8. 炭素繊維:メーカー分析 4.9. 炭素繊維:生産能力拡大と地域分布 4.10. 炭素繊維:材料費 4.11. 炭素繊維:買収とパートナーシップ 4.12. ガラス繊維:概要 4.13. ポリマーマトリックスの紹介 4.14. 樹脂-概要と特性比較 4.15. 複合材用熱可塑性樹脂-概要 4.16. 熱硬化性樹脂-概要 4.17. 複合材製造におけるロボットの台頭 4.18. CFRP 自動化ケーススタディ 5. 3D PRINTING COMPOSITES:OVERVIEW 5.1. Introduction to 3D printing of composite material 5.2. The seven different types of 3D printing processes 5.3. Composite 3D printing technological progression 5.4. Drivers and restraints of growth 5.5. Complete company assessment 5.6. Printer benchmarking study 6. 3Dプリント用複合材:技術 分析 6.1. 繊維強化熱可塑性フィラメントの押し出し 6.1.1. 3Dプリント用複合材:プリンタープロセス 6.1.2. 複合材押し出しプリンターの5つの商業カテゴリー 6.1.3. チョップドファイバー熱可塑性フィラメントの押し出し。 ( 押し出し) 6.1.4. 主な熱可塑性プラスチック押し出し複合材プリンター。短繊維を用いた工業用 6.1.5. 連続繊維熱可塑性フィラメント押出成形 6.1.6. 連続繊維熱可塑性テープ押出成形 6.1.7. 連続繊維押出成形を実現するための3つのオプション 6.1.8. テープを用いた連続繊維複合材の3Dプリント 6.1.9. ATL/AFPとの比較 6.1.10. DED:in-situ consolidated AFP との比較 6.1.11. 主要な熱可塑性樹脂押出複合材プリンター。 6. 1.12. 主要な熱可塑性樹脂押出複合材プリンター : 連続繊維を用いたデスクトップ用 6.1.12: 6.1.14. 市場リーダーのスナップショット。Markforged 6.1.15. 中国の主要企業。 連続繊維を用いた押出成形機 6.1.16: 6.1.17. 中国の 主要企業: 短 繊維を用いた押出成形機 6.1. 17: 6.1.19. 複合材3Dプリントのスループット向上 6.1.20. 繊維+熱可塑性フィラメント押出成形を用いたサービスビュー ロー 6.1.21. 独立研究機関によるベンチマーク調査 6.2. シートラミネーション 6.2.1. 複合材の3Dプリント:プリンタープロセス 6.2.2. シートラミネーション 6.2.3. マーケットリーダーのスナップショット。Impossible Objects 6.3. 粉末床融合 6.3.1. 3Dプリント用複合材料:プリンタープロセス 6.3.2. 粉末床融合-選択的レーザー焼結(SLS) 6.3.3. マーケットリーダーのスナップショット。EOS 6.3.4. 中国の主要企業。 6.4. 繊維強化熱硬化性樹脂のディスペンシング 6.4.1. 3Dプリント複合材料:プリンタープロセス 6.4.2. 連続繊維熱硬化性樹脂のディスペンシング 6.4.3. 市場リーダーのスナップショット。連続 繊維の熱硬化性ディスペンシング 6.4.4. 大規模な熱硬化性ディスペンシングプロセス 6.5. Vat Photopolymerisation 6.5.1. 3Dプリント用コンポジット:プリンタープロセス 6.5.2. Vat photopolymerisation:Fortify 6.5.3. ガラス強化フォトポリマー 6.6. Emerging methods 6.6.1. 3D 印刷用コンポジット:プリンタープロセス 6.6.2. プレフォーミングの自動化 6.6.3. Alternative thermoplastic extrusion processes 6.6.4. Vat photopolymerisation with post print fiber inclusion 7. 3D PRINTING COMPOSITES:MATERIAL ANALYSIS 7.1. 材料原料:導入 7.2. 繊維強化熱可塑性フィラメント 7.3. 材料評価:マトリックスの検討 7.4. 材料評価:機械的特性 7.5. 材料評価:価格と性能のベンチマーク 7.6. 完全な材料リスト:短繊維の炭素繊維 7.7. Complete material list: short glass fiber 7.8. Complete material list: powder 7.9. Complete material list: continuous fiber 7.10. 独立研究機関によるベンチマーク調査 7.11. 主要材料のニュースと開発 7.12. Recycled carbon fiber as feedstock material 7.13. Nanocarbon additive: property advantages 7 .14. Nanocarbon Additive: commercial activity 8. APPLICATIONS 8.1. End-user application: sector overview 8.2. Application hype curve of CFRP 8.3. Jigs and Fixtures 8.4. Tooling 8.5. Aerospace & Defense 8.6. UAVs and Satellites 8.7. Medical 8.8. 自動車 8.9. エネルギー 8.10. 海洋 8.11. 機能的プロトタイピング:組み込みセンサー 8.12. スポーツおよび高級品 8.13. ロボットおよび ドローン 8.14. 電子デバイスおよびコンポーネント 9. 市場分析および 予測 9.1. 市場占有率:地域別分布 9 .2. 市場シェア:技術別 9.3. 3Dプリント複合材への投資資本 9.4. 予測方法と調査結果の提示 9.5. 3Dプリント複合材の総市場予測 9.6. 3DP複合材の市場予測:熱可塑性押出成形機の累積設置 台数 9.7. 3DPコンポジットの市場予測:熱可塑性押出成形の売上高 9.8. 3DPコンポジットの市場予測:熱可塑性押出成形プリンターの年間売上高 9.9. 3DPコンポジットの市場予測:熱可塑性押出成形プリンターの材料需要 9.10. 3DPコンポジットの市場予測:熱硬化性樹脂の売上高 10. COMPANY PROFILES 10.1. 一次面接に基づく企業プロファイル 11. APPENDIX - DATA 11.1. 3D印刷用複合材料市場 2021-2031年:総収益 11.2. 3D印刷用複合材料市場 2021-2031年:年間プリンター販売台数 11.3. 3D印刷用複合材料市場 2021-2031年:総材料原料質量 11.4. 3D印刷用複合材料市場 2017-2031年:熱可塑性押出成形による収益 11.5. 3D印刷用コンポジット市場 2017-2031:熱可塑性押出用のデスクトップおよび産業用の年間プリンター設置台数 11.6. 3D印刷用コンポジット市場 2017-2031:熱可塑性押出用のデスクトップおよび産業用の累積プリンター設置台数 11.7. 3D印刷用コンポジット市場 2017-2031:タイプ別の年間材料需要(質量)分割 11.8. 3D印刷用コンポジット市場 2017-2031:収益 熱硬化性プリンター、サービス、材料
Report Details
3D printing of composite materials is reaching a commercial tipping point. 3D printing of polymer materials can have mechanical limitations that benefit from fiber reinforcement (or other functionalities), and composite manufacturing is known to be costly, and challenging this can benefit from the moldless, rapid prototyping and automated approach that additive manufacturing enables.
IDTechEx forecast that the market will rapidly rise to reach $2bn by 2031. This market report provides a comprehensive view for 3D printing market for composite material including granular 10-year forecasts, material and printer benchmarking studies and interview-based company profiles.
Technology & Materials Analysis
This report focusses on fiber reinforced polymers (FRP), with most of the market dominated by glass fiber and carbon fiber thermoplastics. This is not a brand-new technology; it has been built upon the growth of the 3D printing industry at large and has taken time to develop and reach a point of commercial maturity.
There are numerous approaches to 3D printing composite material, with key considerations around the material (continuous fiber vs chopped fibers ; thermoplastic vs thermoset) and the printer properties that make it appropriate for an industrial organisation or a desktop device for a prosumer or hobbyist.
Based on extensive primary-interviews and an extended period studying the market, IDTechEx analysts have provided a comprehensive printer manufacturer analysis and printer benchmarking study. This is essential to understand the market potential, technology differentiation, pain points & limitations, and the market status. The key market news, partnerships and acquisitions are all explored in detail; with more funding arriving and increasing interest then this will facilitate the growth but IDTechEx anticipate an inevitable consolidation in the mid-term.
There are dedicated chapters focusing on: thermoplastic filament extrusion, sheet lamination, powder bed fusion (e.g. SLS), thermoset dispensing, and vat photopolymerization.
There are numerous emerging technology developments, from those achieving chopped fiber alignments in a photopolymer, high-throughput, multi-axis printers, larger scales, increasing the fiber content, multi-material capabilities, and more. These are developments are detailed throughout the report.
Finally, this is compared against the latest developments in the automated manufacturing of composite material. Be it through AFP & ATL processes or via pick-and-place robots for organosheets, there is much to be aware of to understand the role that 3D printing can play within this industry.
* Can be aligned to achieve greater anisotropic functionality **In many case large amount of overlap with AFP, ATL & FW with in-situ consolidation techniques. *** Not all FDM/FFF printers can use composite filaments, often more specific solutions are required with resistant nozzles, higher temperature ranges and other features (material dependant). Sheet Lamination uses long rather than continuous fibers.
3D Printing Composites 2021-2031: Technology and Market Analysis
Central to the industry are the materials that are used. These materials are what dictates the part properties and printer requirements; they are also central to the competitive business models that are being employed. This report provides a comprehensive assessment of the material providers and a price and properties benchmarking study. Continuous fiber composites are for many the end-goal, with significant value, but there is a large opportunity in their short counterparts and a range of thermoplastics and thermoset resins being deployed.
Market Forecasts and Applications
In nearly all cases, the technology adoption is to allow for a metal replacement or as a more economical way to make existing composite parts, via the tooling, prototyping or low-volume part production. The most common use-case is for the role in providing tools, jigs and fixtures, this can allow manufacturers to differentiate & accelerate their process or allow players to bring certain capabilities in-house that were previously not possible. The applications are rapidly expanding and there are numerous end-users finding value from these printers in energy, aerospace & defense, luxury & sporting goods, space, marine, medical, automotive & motorsport, robotics, rail, and electronic devices & components.
Through detailed primary-interviews and with deep technical knowledge, this report brings the reader unbiased outlook for the industry including:
This is also put in the context of the larger composites market, the global 3D printing industry, and understanding the impact that the COVID-19pandemic has had on the industry.
Who should buy this report?
This report is for those in, or seeking to get involved in, the 3D printing of composites market, including:
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1.1. Introduction to 3D printing of composite material
1.2. Composite 3D printing technological progression
1.3. Summary of 11 key players
1.4. Investment capital into 3D printing composites
1.5. Key strategic partnerships & acquisitions
1.6. 5 commercial categories of composite thermoplastic extrusion printers
1.7. Material feedstock benchmarking study
1.8. Printer benchmarking study
1.9. End-user application: sector overview
1.10. Factors influencing 3D printing composites market
1.11. Primary interview based company profiles
1.12. Total market forecasts for 3D printing composites
1.13. Market forecasts 3DP composites: material demand for extrusion
1.14. Market share: regional distribution
1.15. Where next for composite 3D printing?
2.1. Scope of report
2.2. The seven different types of 3D printing processes
2.3. Major material-process relationships
2.4. Why adopt 3D printing?
2.5. The desktop 3D printer explosion
2.6. History of 3D printing polymers: the rise of the hobbyist
2.7. Consumer vs prosumer vs professional
2.8. Use patterns and market segmentation
2.9. Business models: securing future revenues
2.10. Drivers and restraints of growth
2.11. Global 3D printing market outlook
2.12. Impact of COVID-19 on the 3D printing industry
3.1. What is lightweighting?
3.2. Lightweight material drivers
3.3. Comparison of lightweight materials
3.4. The challenge with small and low-volume parts
3.5. Lightweight Material Candidates
4.1. Introduction to composites
4.2. Introduction to composite materials
4.3. Comparison of relative fibre properties
4.4. Cost adjusted fibre properties
4.5. Supply chain for composite manufacturers
4.6. Carbon fiber: Overview
4.7. Carbon fiber: historical growth and market status
4.8. Carbon fiber: manufacturer analysis
4.9. Carbon fiber: capacity expansions and regional distribution
4.10. Carbon fiber: cost of material
4.11. Carbon fiber: acquisitions and partnerships
4.12. Glass fibres: Overview
4.13. Polymer matrix introduction
4.14. Resins - overview and property comparison
4.15. Thermoplastics for composites - overview
4.16. Thermosetting resins - overview
4.17. Rise of robotics in composite manufacturing
4.18. CFRP automation case study
5.1. Introduction to 3D printing of composite material
5.2. The seven different types of 3D printing processes
5.3. Composite 3D printing technological progression
5.4. Drivers and restraints of growth
5.5. Complete company assessment
5.6. Printer benchmarking study
6.1. Fibre reinforced thermoplastic filament extrusion
6.1.1. 3D printing composites: printer processes
6.1.2. 5 commercial categories of composite extrusion printers
6.1.3. Chopped fibre thermoplastic filament extrusion: (extrusion)
6.1.4. Key thermoplastic extrusion composite printers: Industrial with short fiber
6.1.5. Continuous fiber thermoplastic filament extrusion
6.1.6. Continuous fibre thermoplastic tape extrusion
6.1.7. 3 options to achieve continuous fiber extrusion
6.1.8. 3D printing continuous fiber composites using tapes
6.1.9. Comparison to ATL/AFP
6.1.10. DED: Comparison to in-situ consolidated AFP
6.1.11. Key thermoplastic extrusion composite printers: Desktop with continuous fiber
6.1.12. Key thermoplastic extrusion composite printers: Industrial with continuous fiber
6.1.13. Key thermoplastic extrusion composite printers: large-scale with continuous fibers
6.1.14. Market leader snapshot: Markforged
6.1.15. Key companies in China: Extrusion printers with continuous fibers
6.1.16. Key companies in China: Extrusion printers with short fibers
6.1.17. Key companies in China: Extrusion printers with short fibers (2)
6.1.18. Large format thermoplastic filament extrusion
6.1.19. Increasing the throughput of composite 3D printing
6.1.20. Service bureaus using fibre + thermoplastic filament extrusion
6.1.21. Benchmarking study by independent research institute
6.2. Sheet lamination
6.2.1. 3D printing composites: printer processes
6.2.2. Sheet lamination
6.2.3. Market leader snapshot: Impossible Objects
6.3. Powder bed fusion
6.3.1. 3D printing composites: printer processes
6.3.2. Powder bed fusion- Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
6.3.3. Market leader snapshot: EOS
6.3.4. Key companies in China: SLS printers with carbon fiber
6.3.5. Key developments
6.4. Fiber reinforced thermoset dispensing
6.4.1. 3D printing composites: printer processes
6.4.2. Continuous fibre thermoset dispensing
6.4.3. Market leader snapshot: Continuous Composites
6.4.4. Large scale thermoset dispensing processes
6.5. Vat Photopolymerisation
6.5.1. 3D printing composites: printer processes
6.5.2. Vat photopolymerisation: Fortify
6.5.3. Glass reinforced photopolymers
6.6. Emerging methods
6.6.1. 3D printing composites: printer processes
6.6.2. Automating preforming
6.6.3. Alternative thermoplastic extrusion processes
6.6.4. Vat photopolymerisation with post print fiber inclusion
7.1. Material feedstock: introduction
7.2. Fibre reinforced thermoplastic filaments
7.3. Material assessment: matrix considerations
7.4. Material assessment: mechanical properties
7.5. Material assessment: price and performance benchmarking
7.6. Complete material list: short carbon fiber
7.7. Complete material list: short glass fiber
7.8. Complete material list: powder
7.9. Complete material list: continuous fiber
7.10. Benchmarking study by independent research institute
7.11. Key material news and developments
7.12. Recycled carbon fiber as feedstock material
7.13. Nanocarbon additive: property advantages
7.14. Nanocarbon additive: commercial activity
8.1. End-user application: sector overview
8.2. Application hype curve of CFRP
8.3. Jigs and Fixtures
8.4. Tooling
8.5. Aerospace & Defense
8.6. UAVs and Satellites
8.7. Medical
8.8. Automotive
8.9. Energy
8.10. Marine
8.11. Functional prototyping: embedded sensors
8.12. Sports and luxury goods
8.13. Robotics and drones
8.14. Electronic devices and components
9.1. Market share: regional distribution
9.2. Market share: technology split
9.3. Investment capital into 3D printing composites
9.4. Forecast methodology and presentation of findings
9.5. Total market forecasts for 3D printing composites
9.6. Market forecasts 3DP composites: cumulative thermoplastic extrusion printer installations
9.7. Market forecasts 3DP composites: thermoplastic extrusion revenue
9.8. Market forecasts 3DP composites: annual thermoplastic extrusion printer sales
9.9. Market forecasts 3DP composites: thermoplastic extrusion printer material demand
9.10. Market forecasts 3DP composites: thermoset revenue
10.1. Primary interview based company profiles
11.1. 3D printing composites market 2021-2031: total revenue
11.2. 3D printing composites market 2021-2031: annual printer unit sales
11.3. 3D printing composites market 2021-2031: total material feedstock mass
11.4. 3D printing composites market 2017-2031: revenue thermoplastic extrusion
11.5. 3D printing composites market 2017-2031: annual printer installations desktop and industrial for thermoplastic extrusion
11.6. 3D printing composites market 2017-2031: cumulative printer installations desktop and industrial for thermoplastic extrusion
11.7. 3D printing composites market 2017-2031: annual material demand (mass) split by type
11.8. 3D printing composites market 2017-2031: revenue thermoset printers, services and materials
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