
ニアアイディスプレイの市場細分化。デバイスタイプ別(ARデバイス、VRデバイス、その他[EVF・MRデバイス])、コンポーネント別(イメージジェネレータ、光合波器、結像光学系)、技術別(TFT LCD、AMOLED、LCoS、OLEDOS、MicroLED、DLP、レーザービーム走査)、バーティカル別(消費者、自動車、航空宇宙・防衛、医療、その他[教育・建設])、地域 - 市場規模、シェア&トレンドの世界分析 2019~2021年と2031年の予測

ニアアイディスプレイの市場細分化。デバイスタイプ別(ARデバイス、VRデバイス、その他[EVF・MRデバイス])、コンポーネント別(イメージジェネレータ、光合波器、結像光学系)、技術別(TFT LCD、AMOLED、LCoS、OLEDOS、MicroLED、DLP、レーザービーム走査)、バーティカル別(消費者、自動車、航空宇宙・防衛、医療、その他[教育・建設])、地域 - 市場規模、シェア&トレンドの世界分析 2019~2021年と2031年の予測

Near-Eye Display Market Segmentation: By Device Type (AR Devices, VR Devices, Others [EVF and MR Devices]), By Components (Image Generators, Optical Combiners, Imaging Optics), By Technology (TFT LCD, AMOLED, LCoS, OLEDOS, MicroLED, DLP, Laser Beam Scanning), By Vertical (Consumer, Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, Medical, Others [Education and Construction]), And Region – Global Analysis of Market Size, Share & Trends For 2019–2021 And Forecasts To 2031

[ 170 + ページリサーチレポート ] 近眼ディスプレイ市場は、今後数年間、すなわち2021-2031年に25.2%のCAGRで、2021年の14億米ドルから2031年までに130億米ドルを超える見込みです。 製品概要 NEDは、ヘッド... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Fatpos Global
Fatpos グローバル
2022年6月26日 US$4,950
3-5営業日程度 275 英語



[ 170 + ページリサーチレポート ] 近眼ディスプレイ市場は、今後数年間、すなわち2021-2031年に25.2%のCAGRで、2021年の14億米ドルから2031年までに130億米ドルを超える見込みです。






2021-31年、TFT LCD分野が最も高いCAGRで進展すると予想される

技術別に見ると、ニアアイディスプレイの世界市場は、TFT LCD、AMOLED、LCoS、OLEDOS、MicroLED、DLP、Laser Beam Scanningに細分化される。ニアアイディスプレイの市場は、TFT LCD技術によって支配されていた。この技術により、解像度が高く、低消費電力の軽量・小型のディスプレイを実現することができる。また、これらのディスプレイは大量生産が可能で、バーチャルリアリティシステムに広く使用されています。これらの理由により、TFT LCDニアアイディスプレイの市場は前進している。



研究開発への投資拡大 製品改良のための活動

多くの科学者は、OLEDoSが最終的に現在のディスプレイ技術に取って代わると予想している。そのため、OLEDoS技術に関連した研究開発活動を行う企業が増えている。OLEDoS技術に基づくディスプレイは、Kopin CorporationやSeeYA Technology Corporationなどが提供している。




会社概要, 事業戦略, 主要製品, 財務実績, 主要業績評価指標, リスク分析, 最近の開発状況, 地域的存在感, SWOT分析

MICROOLED Technologies
JBD Xianyao Display Technology
TriLite Technologies GmbH
Near-Eye Displayの世界市場は、地域分析に基づいて5つの主要地域に区分されています。北米、中南米、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋地域、中東・アフリカの5つの主要地域に区分されます。コンシューマーや医療分野でのARやVR技術の採用が進んでいることから、アジア太平洋地域のニアアイディスプレイ市場は最も速いCAGRで成長すると予測されています。中国の市場成長は、中国がアジア太平洋地域の主要な民生用電子機器市場の1つであることに起因しています。アジア太平洋地域では、軽量で低コストのニアアイディスプレイベースのHMDが広く普及しているため、同地域のより多くの企業がARおよびVR HMDに投資することが期待されます。これらの理由により、近い将来、ニアアイディスプレイ市場の成長を後押しすることが期待されます。



北米市場規模、シェア、トレンド、機会、YoY成長率、CAGR - 米国、メキシコ、カナダ
中南米市場規模、シェア、トレンド、機会、YoY成長率、CAGR - 中南米
欧州市場規模、シェア、トレンド、機会、YoY成長率、CAGR - イギリス、フランス、ドイツ、その他の欧州地域
アジア太平洋地域の市場規模、シェア、トレンド、機会、前年比成長率、CAGR - インド、中国、韓国、日本、その他のアジア太平洋地域
中東とアフリカの市場規模、シェア、動向、機会、YoY成長率、CAGR - 北アフリカ、南アフリカ、中東とアフリカの残りの地域




1. Executive Summary
2. Global Near-Eye Display Market
2.1. Product Overview
2.2. Market Definition
2.3. Segmentation
2.4. Assumptions and Acronyms
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Research Objectives
3.2. Primary Research
3.3. Secondary Research
3.4. Forecast Model
3.5. Market Size Estimation
4. Average Pricing Analysis
5. Macro-Economic Indicators
6. Market Dynamics
6.1. Growth Drivers
6.2. Restraints
6.3. Opportunity
6.4. Trends
7. Correlation & Regression Analysis
7.1. Correlation Matrix
7.2. Regression Matrix
8. Recent Development, Policies & Regulatory Landscape
9. Risk Analysis
9.1. Demand Risk Analysis
9.2. Supply Risk Analysis
10. Global Near-Eye Display Market Analysis
10.1. Porters Five Forces
10.1.1. Threat of New Entrants
10.1.2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
10.1.3. Threat of Substitutes
10.1.4. Rivalry
10.2. PEST Analysis
10.2.1. Political
10.2.2. Economic
10.2.3. Social
10.2.4. Technological
11. Global Near-Eye Display Market
11.1. Market Size & forecast, 2020A-2031F
11.1.1. By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
11.1.2. By Volume (Million Units) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12. Global Near-Eye Display Market: Market Segmentation
12.1. By Regions
12.1.1. North America:(U.S., Mexico, and Canada), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.1.2. Latin America: (Latin America), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.1.3. Europe: (Germany, UK, France, Rest of Europe), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.1.4. Asia-Pacific: (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Rest of Asia Pacific), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.1.5. Middle East and Africa: (North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.2. By Device Type: Market Share (2020-2031F)
12.2.1. AR Devices, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.2.2. VR Devices, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.2.3. Others (EVF and MR Devices), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.3. By Components: Market Share (2020-2031F)
12.3.1. Image Generators, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.3.2. Optical Combiners, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.3.3. Imaging Optics, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4. By Technology: Market Share (2020-2031F)
12.4.1. TFT LCD, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4.2. AMOLED, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4.3. LCoS, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4.4. OLEDOS, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4.5. MicroLED, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4.6. DLP, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4.7. Laser Beam Scanning, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.5. By Vertical: Market Share (2020-2031F)
12.5.1. Consumer, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.5.2. Automotive, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.5.3. Aerospace & Defense, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.5.4. Medical, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.5.5. Others (Education and Construction), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
13. Company Profile
13.1. Sony Group Corporation
13.1.1. Company Overview
13.1.2. Company Total Revenue (Financials)
13.1.3. Market Potential
13.1.4. Global Presence
13.1.5. Key Performance Indicators
13.1.6. SWOT Analysis
13.1.7. Product Launch
13.2. Himax Technologies, Inc.
13.3. Kopin Corporation
13.4. eMagin Corporation
13.5. MICROOLED Technologies
13.6. BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.
13.7. Syndiant, Inc.
13.8. Plessey
13.9. JBD Xianyao Display Technology
13.10. TriLite Technologies GmbH
13.11. Other Prominent Players
14. Consultant Recommendation
14.1.1. The above given segmentations and companies could be subjected to further modification based on in-depth feasibility studies conducted for the final deliverable.





[ 170 + Pages Research Report ] Near-Eye Display Market to surpass USD 13 billion by 2031 from USD 1.4 billion in 2021 at a CAGR of 25.2% in the coming years, i.e., 2021-2031.

Product Overview
NEDs, also known as head mounted displays (HMDs) or wearable displays, project a virtual image into one or both eyes' field of view. To the naked eye, the virtual image appears to be considerably larger than the comparatively small display panel and optics employed to make it. Near-eye displays are the headphones of the display industry, allowing users to create compact, portable, and personal viewing experiences. Near-eye displays provide several advantages over standard displays, including their small size, portability, light weight, low power consumption, and ability to be see-through.

Market Highlights
Global Near-Eye Display Market is expected to project a notable CAGR of 25.2% in 2031.

Global Near-Eye Display Market to surpass USD 13 billion by 2031 from USD 1.4 billion in 2021 at a CAGR of 25.2% in the coming years, i.e., 2021-2031. Factors driving the growth of the near-eye display market include the increased use of OLEDoS micro displays in novel applications such as projection, imaging, smart glasses, and the rapid acceptance of AR devices in many verticals.

Global Near-Eye Display Market: Segments
VR segment is expected to lead with the highest CAGR during the forecast period 2021-31

By Device Type, the global Near-Eye Display Market is divided into AR Devices, VR Devices, Others (EVF and MR Devices). In past years, VR devices dominated the near-eye display industry. Near-eye display-based HMDs power these gadgets, which deliver a totally digital experience that simulates a three-dimensional environment in the real world. Near-eye displays are widely used in VR systems since they are inexpensive and can be mass-produced by Asian manufacturers. By allowing users to immerse themselves in a highly realistic environment, virtual reality gadgets have transformed consumer applications.

TFT LCD segment is expected to progress with the highest CAGR during 2021-31

On the basis of technology, the global Near-Eye Display Market is fragmented into TFT LCD, AMOLED, LCoS, OLEDOS, MicroLED, DLP, and Laser Beam Scanning. The market for near-eye displays was dominated by TFT LCD technology. This technology allows for lightweight, small displays with great resolution and low power consumption. These displays can also be mass-produced and widely used in virtual reality systems. These reasons are propelling the market for TFT LCD near-eye displays forward.

Market Dynamics
Significant growth in the use of OLEDoS micro displays

The rise of the metaverse, the spike in the use of OLEDoS tiny screens, and the expanding use of AR and VR devices all contribute to the market's promising growth potential. The advent of the Metaverse, as well as increased investments and innovations from technology heavyweights, will play a crucial role in moving the near-eye display market forward in the near future. Due to enhanced qualities such as greater contrast, faster response time, lower weight, more compact size, negligible image blurring, and a wider operational temperature range than LCDs, OLEDoS micro displays are gaining traction. Since they are widely employed in EVFs and HMDs, they have outperformed traditional LCD and LCoS micro display technologies.

Growing investments in R&D Activities for product improvements

Many scientists anticipate that OLEDoS will eventually replace current display technology. As a result, a growing number of companies are engaging in research and development efforts linked to OLEDoS technology. OLEDoS technology-based displays are offered by Kopin Corporation and SeeYA Technology Corporation, among others.

Number of side-effects caused by AR-based Gaming Devices

Health difficulties among gamers are on the rise, thanks to the introduction of AR-based gaming devices. AR games are extremely engaging and keep users interested for extended periods of time, leading to difficulties including anxiety, eye strain, obesity, and a lack of concentration. Since AR technology is immersive, it can cause anxiety or worry when worn for extended periods of time. AR devices expose consumers to dangerous electromagnetic frequency radiation, which can cause disease, in addition to stress.

Global Near-Eye Display Market: Key Players
Sony Group Corporation

Company Overview, Business Strategy, Key Product Offerings, Financial Performance, Key Performance Indicators, Risk Analysis, Recent Development, Regional Presence, SWOT Analysis

Himax Technologies, Inc.
Kopin Corporation
eMagin Corporation
MICROOLED Technologies
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.
Syndiant, Inc.
JBD Xianyao Display Technology
TriLite Technologies GmbH
Other Prominent Players
Global Near-Eye Display Market: Regions
Global Near-Eye Display Market is segmented based on regional analysis into five major regions: North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East and Africa. Due to the growing adoption of AR and VR technologies by the consumer and medical verticals, the near-eye display market in Asia Pacific is predicted to grow at the fastest CAGR. China's market growth can be ascribed to the fact that it is one of Asia Pacific's major consumer electronics marketplaces. The widespread availability of lightweight, low-cost near-eye display-based HMDs in Asia Pacific will encourage more enterprises in the region to invest in AR and VR HMDs. These reasons are expected to boost the near-eye display market's growth in the near future.

Impact of COVID-19 on Near-Eye Display Market
With the breakout of COVID-19, most manufacturers are focusing their efforts on developing microdisplays for medical applications in order to boost profits. Furthermore, manufacturers are actively involved in developing microdisplays, particularly for application in the healthcare industry.

Global Near-Eye Display Market is further segmented by region into:

North America Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – United States, Mexico, and Canada
Latin America Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – Latin America
Europe Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – India, China, South Korea, Japan, and Rest of Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – North Africa, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East and Africa
The global Near-Eye Display Market report also contains analysis on:
Near-Eye Display Market Segments:

By Device Type
AR Devices
VR Devices
Others (EVF and MR Devices)
By Components
Image Generators
Optical Combiners
Imaging Optics
By Technology
Laser Beam Scanning
By Vertical
Aerospace & Defense
Others (Education and Construction)
Near-Eye Display Market Dynamics
Near-Eye Display Market Size
Supply & Demand
Current Trends/Issues/Challenges
Competition & Companies Involved in the Market
Value Chain of the Market
Market Drivers and Restraints


Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Global Near-Eye Display Market
2.1. Product Overview
2.2. Market Definition
2.3. Segmentation
2.4. Assumptions and Acronyms
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Research Objectives
3.2. Primary Research
3.3. Secondary Research
3.4. Forecast Model
3.5. Market Size Estimation
4. Average Pricing Analysis
5. Macro-Economic Indicators
6. Market Dynamics
6.1. Growth Drivers
6.2. Restraints
6.3. Opportunity
6.4. Trends
7. Correlation & Regression Analysis
7.1. Correlation Matrix
7.2. Regression Matrix
8. Recent Development, Policies & Regulatory Landscape
9. Risk Analysis
9.1. Demand Risk Analysis
9.2. Supply Risk Analysis
10. Global Near-Eye Display Market Analysis
10.1. Porters Five Forces
10.1.1. Threat of New Entrants
10.1.2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
10.1.3. Threat of Substitutes
10.1.4. Rivalry
10.2. PEST Analysis
10.2.1. Political
10.2.2. Economic
10.2.3. Social
10.2.4. Technological
11. Global Near-Eye Display Market
11.1. Market Size & forecast, 2020A-2031F
11.1.1. By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
11.1.2. By Volume (Million Units) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12. Global Near-Eye Display Market: Market Segmentation
12.1. By Regions
12.1.1. North America:(U.S., Mexico, and Canada), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.1.2. Latin America: (Latin America), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.1.3. Europe: (Germany, UK, France, Rest of Europe), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.1.4. Asia-Pacific: (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Rest of Asia Pacific), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.1.5. Middle East and Africa: (North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.2. By Device Type: Market Share (2020-2031F)
12.2.1. AR Devices, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.2.2. VR Devices, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.2.3. Others (EVF and MR Devices), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.3. By Components: Market Share (2020-2031F)
12.3.1. Image Generators, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.3.2. Optical Combiners, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.3.3. Imaging Optics, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4. By Technology: Market Share (2020-2031F)
12.4.1. TFT LCD, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4.2. AMOLED, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4.3. LCoS, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4.4. OLEDOS, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4.5. MicroLED, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4.6. DLP, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.4.7. Laser Beam Scanning, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.5. By Vertical: Market Share (2020-2031F)
12.5.1. Consumer, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.5.2. Automotive, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.5.3. Aerospace & Defense, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.5.4. Medical, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
12.5.5. Others (Education and Construction), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2031F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2031F
13. Company Profile
13.1. Sony Group Corporation
13.1.1. Company Overview
13.1.2. Company Total Revenue (Financials)
13.1.3. Market Potential
13.1.4. Global Presence
13.1.5. Key Performance Indicators
13.1.6. SWOT Analysis
13.1.7. Product Launch
13.2. Himax Technologies, Inc.
13.3. Kopin Corporation
13.4. eMagin Corporation
13.5. MICROOLED Technologies
13.6. BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.
13.7. Syndiant, Inc.
13.8. Plessey
13.9. JBD Xianyao Display Technology
13.10. TriLite Technologies GmbH
13.11. Other Prominent Players
14. Consultant Recommendation
14.1.1. The above given segmentations and companies could be subjected to further modification based on in-depth feasibility studies conducted for the final deliverable.






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