
半導体IP(Intellectual Property)市場設計IP(インターフェースIP、メモリIP、プロセッサIP)別、IPソース別(ライセンス、ロイヤリティ、サービシング)、アプリケーション別(家電、通信、自動車、航空宇宙、医療、農業、その他)、地域別 - 2014年~2019年の市場規模、シェア&トレンド、2030年の予測に関する分析

半導体IP(Intellectual Property)市場設計IP(インターフェースIP、メモリIP、プロセッサIP)別、IPソース別(ライセンス、ロイヤリティ、サービシング)、アプリケーション別(家電、通信、自動車、航空宇宙、医療、農業、その他)、地域別 - 2014年~2019年の市場規模、シェア&トレンド、2030年の予測に関する分析

Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market: By Design IP (Interface IP, Memory IP and Processor IP); By IP Source (Licensing, Royalty and Servicing); By Application (Consumer Electronics, Telecom, Automotive, Aerospace, Healthcare, Agriculture, and Others); and Region – Analysis of Market Size, Share & Trends for 2014 – 2019 and Forecasts to 2030

製品概要 半導体IP(Intellectual Property)は、IPコアとも呼ばれ、再利用可能な設計部品である。半導体IPは、高度な集積回路(IC)を構築するために使用される。これらの設計要素は、設計を使用・複製する権利... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Fatpos Global
Fatpos グローバル
2022年5月31日 US$4,950
3-5営業日程度 157 英語



半導体IP(Intellectual Property)は、IPコアとも呼ばれ、再利用可能な設計部品である。半導体IPは、高度な集積回路(IC)を構築するために使用される。これらの設計要素は、設計を使用・複製する権利として販売されるため、知的財産と呼ばれる。これらのIPコアを組み合わせて、チップベースシステム(SoC)、特定用途向け集積回路(ASIC)、特定用途向け標準製品(ASSP)を構築します。通常、様々なチップ設計や高度なアプリケーションの基本コンポーネントとして、複数のベンダーに貸し出されるように設計されています。事前に検証され、その使用にはライセンス料が発生することが多い。SIPは一般的に、プロセッサー、周辺機器、相互接続、メモリードライブに使用されます。通常、どのような製造工程でも合成可能な個々のソフトIPブロックか、独自の実装にのみ使用されるハードIPブロックとして製造されます。



半導体IP(Intellectual Property)市場は、アプリケーション別に家電、通信、自動車、航空宇宙、ヘルスケア、農業、その他(政府、ホスピタリティなど)に分類されます。民生用電子機器分野が最大の市場シェアを占めると推定され、近年は非常に強い需要があります。スマートフォンやノートパソコンなど、あらゆるコンシューマーエレクトロニクス製品において、半導体IPは使用されています。より優れた、より高度なスマートフォンやタブレット端末に対する市場の強い要求により、半導体IPの需要が増加しています。この市場の主要なドライバーは、新しいコンシューマー機器の世界的な普及、スマートデバイスの需要、そして高度なSOC設計の需要です。また、組み込み型やプログラマブルDSP IPなどの新技術が、今後の需要をさらに押し上げると予想されます。予測期間中は、自動車分野が最も高いCAGRレベルで拡大すると予測されます。自律走行車やプレミアムカーにおけるマイクロプロセッサユニット(MPU)、センサー、マイクロコントローラユニット、インターフェース、メモリなどのアプリケーションの増加が、このセクターの発展に起因しています。

半導体IP(Intellectual Property)市場。市場ダイナミクス

グラフェン・トランジスタ、自己組織化分子機械、カーボンナノチューブ、量子コンピューティングなどの新技術は、歴史的に確立された半導体技術の物理的限界を理論的に超えることができる。また、このような根本的な技術革新は、既存の技術を置き換えることが可能であり、IP半導体産業にとって十分な機会を創出することができる。半導体IPの設計と生産は、継続的に減少している。例えば、ダイサイズの縮小、プロセスの微細化、異種集積、複数の層を一緒に処理することにより、モノリシック3D IC技術の使用はウェハーのコストを下げると予測されます。このコスト削減は、半導体IP市場の成長を補完するものです。




半導体知的財産(IP)市場は競争が激しく、Arm Holdings(英国)、Synopsys(米国)、Cadence Design Systems, Inc.(米国)など複数の主要企業が半導体知的財産(IP)市場でかなりのシェアを占めています。このレポートで分析した他のプレイヤーは、CEVA(米国)、Imagination Technologies(英国)、Rambus Inc.(米国)、eMemory Technology Corporation(台湾)、Mentor Graphics(米国)、Lattice Semiconductor Corp.(米国)などが挙げられます。

市場競争は、半導体知的財産(IP)を提供する多くのプレーヤーが存在することによって激化しています。例えば、2020年2月、Synopsysは無線狭帯域IoT設計のための新しいDesignWare ARC通信IPサブシステムを発売しました。新しいARC EM11Dプロセッサは、レイテンシーがほぼゼロで、急速に変化する無線規格に迅速に対応する。

北米の市場規模、シェア、動向、機会、YoY成長率、CAGR - 米国、カナダ
中南米市場規模、シェア、トレンド、機会、前年比成長率、CAGR - メキシコ、アルゼンチン、ブラジル、中南米のその他地域
APAC市場規模、シェア、トレンド、機会、YoY成長率、CAGR - インド、中国、韓国、日本、マレーシア、インドネシア、ニュージーランド、オーストラリア、APACのその他地域
MENA市場規模、シェア、トレンド、機会、YoY成長率、CAGR - 北アフリカ、イスラエル、GCC、南アフリカ、その他のMENA地域




1. Executive Summary
2. Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market
2.1. Product Overview
2.2. Market Definition
2.3. Segmentation
2.4. Assumptions and Acronyms
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Research Objectives
3.2. Primary Research
3.3. Secondary Research
3.4. Forecast Model
3.5. Market Size Estimation
4. Average Pricing Analysis
5. Macro-Economic Indicators
6. Market Dynamics
6.1. Growth Drivers
6.2. Restraints
6.3. Opportunity
6.4. Trends
7. Correlation & Regression Analysis
7.1. Correlation Matrix
7.2. Regression Matrix
8. Recent Development, Policies & Regulatory Landscape
9. Risk Analysis
9.1. Demand Risk Analysis
9.2. Supply Risk Analysis
10. Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Analysis
10.1. Porters Five Forces
10.1.1. Threat of New Entrants
10.1.2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
10.1.3. Threat of Substitutes
10.1.4. Rivalry
10.2. PEST Analysis
10.2.1. Political
10.2.2. Economic
10.2.3. Social
10.2.4. Technological
11. Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market
11.1. Market Size & forecast, 2019A-2030F
11.1.1. By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
11.1.2. By Volume (Million Units) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12. Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP): Market Segmentation
12.1. By Regions
12.1.1. North America: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.2. Europe: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.3. Asia-Pacific: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.4. MEA: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.5. Latin America: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2. By Design IP: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.2.1. Processor IP, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2.2. Interface IP, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2.3. Memory IP, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2.4. Others, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3. By IP Source: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.3.1. Licensing, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3.2. Royalty, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3.3. Servicing, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4. By Application: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.4.1. Consumer Electronics, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.2. Telecom, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.3. Automotive, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.4. Aerospace, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.5. Healthcare, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.6. Agriculture, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.7. Others, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
Company Profile
1. Imagination Technologies
1. Company Overview
2. Company Total Revenue (Financials)
3. Market Potential
4. Global Presence
5. Key Performance Indicators
6. SWOT Analysis
7. Product Launch
2. ARM
3. Synopsys
4. Imagination Technologies
5. Cadence
6. Ceva
7. Verisillicon
8. eMemory Technology
9. Rambus
10. Lattice (Silicon Image)
11. Sonics
Consultant Recommendation
**The above-given segmentation and companies could be subjected to further modification based on in-depth feasibility studies conducted for the final deliverable.





Product Overview
Semiconductor intellectual property (IP), also referred to as IP cores, are the reusable design components. Semiconductor IP is used to build advanced integrated circuits (IC's). These design elements are sold as rights for the design to be used and replicated and are thus referred to as intellectual property. These IP cores are combined to create chip-based systems (SoCs), application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), and application-specific standard products (ASSPs). It is usually designed to be leased out to multiple vendors as a fundamental component for various chip designs and sophisticated applications. It is pre-verified and frequently has a license fee associated with its use. SIPs are commonly used for processors, peripherals, interconnections, and memory drives. Usually, they are produced as either individual soft IP blocks that can be synthesized according to any production process, or hard IP blocks that are used only for unique implementations.

Market Highlights
Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market is expected to project a notable CAGR of 5.7% in 2030.
Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market to surpass USD 9.8 billion by 2030 from USD 4.6 billion in 2018 at a CAGR of 5.7% throughout the forecast period, i.e., 2019-30. Significant growth in the electronics industry across the globe is one of the main factors offering a favorable outlook for the market. Moreover, the widespread adoption of multicore technology for consumer electronics is increasing the industry's growth. Smartphones, laptops, and tablets run on dual-core or quad-core processors that need highly effective SIPs to provide error-free performance. In line with this, the rising demand for modern system-on-chip (SOC) designs is also contributing to market growth. Numerous technological advances, such as the integration of connected devices with the Internet of Things (IoT) and the use of graphene transistors, self-organizing molecular devices, and carbon nanotubes, are other growth-inducing factors. Other factors, including increased use of SIPs for superior driver interfaces and in-cabin entertainment systems in vehicles, are expected to push the market further.

Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market: Segments
Memory IP segment to grow with the highest CAGR during 2019-30
Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market is segmented by design IP as processor IP, interface IP, memory IP, and other IP. The greater market share in 2018 was accounted for by Processor IP and the dominance of the segment is attributed to the wide use of the processor IP in the consumer electronics and automotive sector. The memory IP segment is expected to record the highest CAGR per design IP during the forecast era. Nowadays the exponential growth in media streaming and social networking content has increased the demand for storage locally and within data centers vigorously. To design effective storage and processing devices has required IC designers to use memory IPs.

Automotive sector to grow with the highest CAGR during 2019-30
Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market is segmented by application into consumer electronics, telecom, automotive, aerospace, healthcare, agriculture, and others (government, hospitality, and more). It is estimated that the Consumer Electronics segment will hold the largest market share and has seen very strong demand in recent years. In any consumer electronic product, such as smartphones, laptops, and other devices, semi-conductor IPs are used. The demand for semiconductor IPs has increased due to the strong market demand for better and more advanced smartphones and tablets. The key driver of this market is the worldwide adoption of new consumer devices, the demand for smart devices, and the demand for advanced SOC designs. It is expected that new technologies such as embedded and programmable DSP IPs will further drive the demand in the future. During the forecast era, the automotive sector is projected to expand at the highest CAGR level. Increasing applications for microprocessor units (MPUs), sensors, microcontroller units, interfaces, and memory in autonomous and premium cars are due to the sector's development.

Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market: Market Dynamics
Rise in Demand for the Consumer Electronics
Different types of products include consumer electronics, such as TVs, cameras & camcorders, notebooks, audio/video equipment, smartphones & tablets, desktops, laptops, gaming consoles and accessories, home appliances, wearable electronics, etc. Demand for consumer electronics is growing especially in developing countries such as India, China, and more. In turn, the growth of the semiconductor IP market is expected to increase the adoption of mobile devices, smartphones, tablets, and other connected devices due to the growing demand for high-speed broadband connectivity and rampant advances in technology. Additionally, increased storage space, fast processing speed, larger displays, and higher resolution displays are also fueling the global mobile market's growth. Subsequently, this is expected to create a favorable environment for the global semiconductor IP market to develop.

New Technological Developments
The physical limits of historically established semiconductor technologies can theoretically be bypassed by emerging technologies such as graphene transistors, self-organizing molecular machines, carbon nanotubes, and quantum computing. Besides, such radical innovations are capable of replacing existing technologies, which could create ample opportunities for the IP semiconductor industry. The design and production of semiconductor IP are continuously decreasing. For example, due to reduced die size, scaling of the processes, heterogeneous integration, and multiple layers processed together, the use of monolithic 3D IC technology is projected to reduce the wafer cost. This cost reduction supplements the growth of the semiconductors IP market.

Impact of IP thefts and counterfeit concern on the semiconductor IP market
IP robberies, counterfeits, and disputes are major challenges facing the semiconductor IP industry; the impact of these problems has increased over the past few years. The shadow semiconductor supply chain is another big factor that generates a serious issue and fuels IP robberies, counterfeits, conflicts, and piracy. For the global semiconductor industry and manufacturers, intermediaries, and consumers, the counterfeit semiconductor chip supply chain, involving pirated semiconductor IP, is more devastating. IP counterfeiting, including the production of counterfeit components and IP core system-level designs, is the main economic challenge to existing business models that have been followed globally.

Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market: Key Players
Company Overview
Business Strategy
Key Product Offerings
Financial Performance
Key Performance Indicators
Risk Analysis
Recent Development
Regional Presence
SWOT Analysis
Imagination Technologies
eMemory Technology
Lattice (Silicon Image)
Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market: Regions
Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market is segmented based on regional analysis into five major regions. These include North America, Latin America, Europe, APAC, and MENA.

Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market in North America held the largest market share in the year 2018 and it is expected to continue its market dominance in the future as well due to increasing investments by key players in the region. Besides, Asia has more production companies, and several major IDMs outsource wafer production to the Asia-Pacific region. In the semiconductor IP market, Asia Pacific is projected to be the fastest-growing region. As a global focal point for major investments and business expansion opportunities, the region has grown. Besides, due to low-cost labor and extraordinary demand for consumer electronics, the global semiconductor market is expected to unveil significant development in the APAC field. Many APAC semiconductor giants invest in the development of advanced electronic devices with features such as rapid processing speed, increased storage space, wireless networking, and RF-enabled capabilities. Semiconductor IP cores are needed by these semiconductor device manufacturers to bring new technologies to market. These factors set APAC's semiconductor IP market on a positive growth path.

Competitive Landscape:
Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) market, which is highly competitive, consists of several major players such as Arm Holdings (UK), Synopsys (US), Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (US) hold a substantial market share in the Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) market. Other players analyzed in this report are CEVA (US), Imagination Technologies (UK), Rambus Inc. (US), eMemory Technology Corporation (Taiwan), Mentor Graphics (US), and Lattice Semiconductor Corp. (US) among others.

The market competition has been stepped up by the availability of many players offering Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP). For Instance, In February 2020, Synopsys launched a new DesignWare ARC communications IP subsystem for wireless narrowband IoT designs. The new ARC EM11D processor has almost zero latency and quickly adapts to rapidly changing wireless standards.

Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market is further segmented by region into:
North America Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – United States and Canada
Latin America Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of Latin America
Europe Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, NORDIC, Russia, Turkey, and Rest of Europe
APAC Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – India, China, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Australia, and Rest of APAC
MENA Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – North Africa, Israel, GCC, South Africa, and Rest of MENA
Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market report also contains analysis on:
Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market Segments:

By Design IP:
Processor IP
Interface IP
Memory IP
Other IP
By IP Source:
By Application:
Consumer Electronics
Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market Dynamics
Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market Size
Supply & Demand
Current Trends/Issues/Challenges
Competition & Companies Involved in the Market
Value Chain of the Market
Market Drivers and Restraints


Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market
2.1. Product Overview
2.2. Market Definition
2.3. Segmentation
2.4. Assumptions and Acronyms
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Research Objectives
3.2. Primary Research
3.3. Secondary Research
3.4. Forecast Model
3.5. Market Size Estimation
4. Average Pricing Analysis
5. Macro-Economic Indicators
6. Market Dynamics
6.1. Growth Drivers
6.2. Restraints
6.3. Opportunity
6.4. Trends
7. Correlation & Regression Analysis
7.1. Correlation Matrix
7.2. Regression Matrix
8. Recent Development, Policies & Regulatory Landscape
9. Risk Analysis
9.1. Demand Risk Analysis
9.2. Supply Risk Analysis
10. Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Analysis
10.1. Porters Five Forces
10.1.1. Threat of New Entrants
10.1.2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
10.1.3. Threat of Substitutes
10.1.4. Rivalry
10.2. PEST Analysis
10.2.1. Political
10.2.2. Economic
10.2.3. Social
10.2.4. Technological
11. Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) Market
11.1. Market Size & forecast, 2019A-2030F
11.1.1. By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
11.1.2. By Volume (Million Units) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12. Semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP): Market Segmentation
12.1. By Regions
12.1.1. North America: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.2. Europe: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.3. Asia-Pacific: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.4. MEA: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.5. Latin America: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2. By Design IP: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.2.1. Processor IP, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2.2. Interface IP, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2.3. Memory IP, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2.4. Others, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3. By IP Source: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.3.1. Licensing, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3.2. Royalty, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3.3. Servicing, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4. By Application: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.4.1. Consumer Electronics, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.2. Telecom, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.3. Automotive, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.4. Aerospace, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.5. Healthcare, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.6. Agriculture, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.7. Others, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
Company Profile
1. Imagination Technologies
1. Company Overview
2. Company Total Revenue (Financials)
3. Market Potential
4. Global Presence
5. Key Performance Indicators
6. SWOT Analysis
7. Product Launch
2. ARM
3. Synopsys
4. Imagination Technologies
5. Cadence
6. Ceva
7. Verisillicon
8. eMemory Technology
9. Rambus
10. Lattice (Silicon Image)
11. Sonics
Consultant Recommendation
**The above-given segmentation and companies could be subjected to further modification based on in-depth feasibility studies conducted for the final deliverable.






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