![]() 業務用音響機器市場 製品別(ミキサー、インターフェース、ネットワークスイッチ、プロセッサー、パワーアンプ、スピーカー、PAシステム、DAWシステム、ヘッドフォン、マイクロフォン)、タイプ別(有線、無線)、エンドユーザー別(商業、自動車、ホームエンターテイメント、音響技術者、企業イベント制作、他):世界の機会分析と産業予測、2021年~2031年Professional Audio Equipment Market By Product (Mixers, Interfaces, Network Switches, Processors, Power Amplifiers, Speakers, PA Systems, DAW Systems, Headphones, Microphones), By Type (Wired, Wireless), By End User (Commercial, Automotive, Home Entertainment, Sound Technicians, Corporate Event Production, Others): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2021-2031 プロフェッショナルオーディオまたはプロオーディオは、スタジオグレードの高品質なオーディオ機器のカテゴリです。プロ用オーディオ機器は、スピーカー、マイク、ワイヤレスシステム、アンプ、プリアンプ、イコ... もっと見る
サマリープロフェッショナルオーディオまたはプロオーディオは、スタジオグレードの高品質なオーディオ機器のカテゴリです。プロ用オーディオ機器は、スピーカー、マイク、ワイヤレスシステム、アンプ、プリアンプ、イコライザー、ダイナミックプロセッサー、ミキサー、オーディオコンバーター、ヘッドフォン、オーディオインターフェースなどで構成されています。例えば、ボーカリストがマイクに向かって歌うと、音声信号が電気信号に変換される。この信号は、マイクプリアンプで増幅され、ダイナミックプロセッサーやイコライザーで処理されます。最後に、アナログからデジタルへのオーディオコンバーターでデジタルデータに変換され、ソフトウェア(DAW - Digital Audio Workstation)を使ってコンピューターに録音されます。同様に、ライブハウスでキーボードを演奏する場合、このデジタル楽器(場合によってはアナログ部品もある)からの信号はダイレクトボックスに入り、不要なノイズや歪み、グラウンドループを低減します。この信号は、プリアンプやその他のエフェクトプロセッサーが内蔵された「ミキサー」に送られます。ミキサーですべての楽器の処理とレベリングを行った後、合成されたオーディオ出力がスピーカーに送られ、再生されます。プロ用オーディオ機器は、様々な用途で高品質のサウンドをキャプチャ、処理、増幅するために使用される多様なツールです。最も一般的な用途としては、音楽制作、映画・テレビ制作、ライブSR、放送、サウンドデザイン、教育などが挙げられます。しかし、プロ用オーディオ機器は、企業イベント、礼拝堂、スポーツ会場、テーマパーク、ナイトクラブ&バー、レコーディング&ポッドキャストスタジオなど、その他のさまざまな場面でも使用されている。業務用オーディオ機器の用途は非常に幅広く、技術や創造性の進歩とともに進化を続けています。 業務用音響機器市場は、世界的なフェスティバルや音楽コンサートへの支出増加傾向、自動車への音響機器搭載の増加、HD・Ultra HD音質の楽曲需要の急増などにより、予測期間中に大きく拡大すると予想されています。また、音声対応スマートインタラクティブデバイスの開発への投資が増加し、業務用音響機器市場は予測期間中に恩恵を受けると予想されます。一方、業務用音響機器市場の成長は、ハイエンドの業務用音響機器の高コストにより抑制されると予想されます。 プロフェッショナルオーディオ機器市場は、製品、タイプ、エンドユーザー、地域によって区分されます。製品別では、ミキサー、インターフェース、ネットワークスイッチ、プロセッサー、パワーアンプ、スピーカー、PAシステム、DAWシステム、ヘッドホン、マイクロホンに分けられる。タイプ別では、市場は有線と無線に二分される。エンドユーザー別では、商業、自動車、ホームエンターテイメント、音響技術者、企業イベント制作、その他に分類されます。 地域別に、北米(米国、カナダ、メキシコ)、欧州(英国、ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、その他欧州)、アジア太平洋(中国、日本、インド、韓国、その他アジア太平洋)、LAMEA(中南米、中東、アフリカ)で、業務用音響機器の市場動向を分析しています。業務用音響機器市場では、xxとxxが引き続き重要な参加者となっています。 市場で活動する主要なプレーヤーには、アルパイン・エレクトロニクス、ベリンガー、ボーズ・コーポレーション、プレソナス・オーディオ・エレクトロニクス、ローランド・コーポレーション、サムソン、ゼンハイザー、シュアー・インコーポレイテッド、ソニー・エレクトロニクス、ヤマハ株式会社が含まれます。 ステークホルダーにとっての主なメリット 本レポートでは、2021年から2031年までの業務用音響機器市場分析の市場セグメント、現在の動向、推定値、ダイナミクスを定量的に分析し、業務用音響機器市場の有力なビジネスチャンスを特定します。 市場調査には、主要な推進要因、阻害要因、機会に関する情報も併せて提供します。 ポーターのファイブフォース分析により、バイヤーとサプライヤーの力を明らかにし、ステークホルダーが利益重視のビジネス決定を下し、サプライヤーとバイヤーのネットワークを強化することを可能にします。 業務用音響機器市場のセグメンテーションを詳細に分析することで、市場機会を見極めることができます。 各地域の主要国を、世界市場への収益貢献度に応じてマッピングしています。 市場プレーヤーのポジショニングは、ベンチマークを容易にし、市場プレーヤーの現在のポジションを明確に理解することができます。 地域別、世界別の業務用音響機器の市場動向、主要プレーヤー、市場セグメント、応用分野、市場成長戦略などの分析が含まれています。 主要な市場セグメント 製品別 ミキサー インターフェイス ネットワークスイッチ プロセッサー パワーアンプ スピーカー PAシステム DAWシステム ヘッドホン マイクロフォン タイプ別 有線 ワイヤレス エンドユーザー別 コマーシャル 車載用 ホームエンタテインメント 音響技術者 企業イベントプロデュース その他 地域別 北アメリカ 米国 カナダ メキシコ ヨーロッパ イギリス ドイツ フランス 欧州以外の地域 アジア・パシフィック 中国 日本 インド 韓国 その他のアジア太平洋地域 ラメア ラテンアメリカ 中近東 アフリカ 主要な市場関係者 ゼンハイザーエレクトロニックGmbH & Co.KG ヤマハ株式会社 ローランド株式会社 ○ ローランド株式会社 シュアーインコーポレイテッド サムスン電子株式会社 ソニー・エレクトロニクス株式会社 ボーズ株式会社 PreSonus Audio Electronics アルパイン・エレクトロニクス ベリンガー 目次CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1. Report description 1.2. Key market segments 1.3. Key benefits to the stakeholders 1.4. Research Methodology 1.4.1. Primary research 1.4.2. Secondary research 1.4.3. Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1. CXO Perspective CHAPTER 3: MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1. Market definition and scope 3.2. Key findings 3.2.1. Top impacting factors 3.2.2. Top investment pockets 3.3. Porter’s five forces analysis 3.3.1. Bargaining power of suppliers 3.3.2. Bargaining power of buyers 3.3.3. Threat of substitutes 3.3.4. Threat of new entrants 3.3.5. Intensity of rivalry 3.4. Market dynamics 3.4.1. Drivers Rise in tendency of increased expenditures on global festivals and music concerts. Increase in use of audio equipment in automobiles. Surge in demand for HD and Ultra HD sound quality audio tracks. 3.4.2. Restraints Expensive high end professional audio equipment. 3.4.3. Opportunities Rise in investment on developing voice-enabled smart interactive devices. 3.5. COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the market CHAPTER 4: PROFESSIONAL AUDIO EQUIPMENT MARKET, BY PRODUCT 4.1. Overview 4.1.1. Market size and forecast 4.2. Mixers 4.2.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.2.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.2.3. Market share analysis by country 4.3. Interfaces 4.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.3.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.3.3. Market share analysis by country 4.4. Network Switches 4.4.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.4.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.4.3. Market share analysis by country 4.5. Processors 4.5.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.5.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.5.3. Market share analysis by country 4.6. Power Amplifiers 4.6.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.6.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.6.3. Market share analysis by country 4.7. Speakers 4.7.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.7.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.7.3. Market share analysis by country 4.8. PA Systems 4.8.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.8.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.8.3. Market share analysis by country 4.9. DAW Systems 4.9.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.9.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.9.3. Market share analysis by country 4.10. Headphones 4.10.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.10.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.10.3. Market share analysis by country 4.11. Microphones 4.11.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.11.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.11.3. Market share analysis by country CHAPTER 5: PROFESSIONAL AUDIO EQUIPMENT MARKET, BY TYPE 5.1. Overview 5.1.1. Market size and forecast 5.2. Wired 5.2.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.2.2. Market size and forecast, by region 5.2.3. Market share analysis by country 5.3. Wireless 5.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.3.2. Market size and forecast, by region 5.3.3. Market share analysis by country CHAPTER 6: PROFESSIONAL AUDIO EQUIPMENT MARKET, BY END USER 6.1. Overview 6.1.1. Market size and forecast 6.2. Commercial 6.2.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.2.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.2.3. Market share analysis by country 6.3. Automotive 6.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.3.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.3.3. Market share analysis by country 6.4. Home Entertainment 6.4.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.4.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.4.3. Market share analysis by country 6.5. Sound Technicians 6.5.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.5.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.5.3. Market share analysis by country 6.6. Corporate Event Production 6.6.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.6.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.6.3. Market share analysis by country 6.7. Others 6.7.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.7.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.7.3. Market share analysis by country CHAPTER 7: PROFESSIONAL AUDIO EQUIPMENT MARKET, BY REGION 7.1. Overview 7.1.1. Market size and forecast By Region 7.2. North America 7.2.1. Key trends and opportunities 7.2.2. Market size and forecast, by Product 7.2.3. Market size and forecast, by Type 7.2.4. Market size and forecast, by End User 7.2.5. Market size and forecast, by country U.S. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Canada Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Mexico Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User 7.3. Europe 7.3.1. Key trends and opportunities 7.3.2. Market size and forecast, by Product 7.3.3. Market size and forecast, by Type 7.3.4. Market size and forecast, by End User 7.3.5. Market size and forecast, by country UK Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Germany Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User France Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Rest of Europe Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User 7.4. Asia-Pacific 7.4.1. Key trends and opportunities 7.4.2. Market size and forecast, by Product 7.4.3. Market size and forecast, by Type 7.4.4. Market size and forecast, by End User 7.4.5. Market size and forecast, by country China Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Japan Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User India Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User South Korea Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Rest of Asia-Pacific Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User 7.5. LAMEA 7.5.1. Key trends and opportunities 7.5.2. Market size and forecast, by Product 7.5.3. Market size and forecast, by Type 7.5.4. Market size and forecast, by End User 7.5.5. Market size and forecast, by country Latin America Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Middle East Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Africa Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User CHAPTER 8: COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Top winning strategies 8.3. Product Mapping of Top 10 Player 8.4. Competitive Dashboard 8.5. Competitive Heatmap 8.6. Top player positioning, 2021 CHAPTER 9: COMPANY PROFILES 9.1. Alpine Electronics 9.1.1. Company overview 9.1.2. Key Executives 9.1.3. Company snapshot 9.1.4. Operating business segments 9.1.5. Product portfolio 9.1.6. Business performance 9.2. Behringer 9.2.1. Company overview 9.2.2. Key Executives 9.2.3. Company snapshot 9.2.4. Operating business segments 9.2.5. Product portfolio 9.3. Bose Corporation 9.3.1. Company overview 9.3.2. Key Executives 9.3.3. Company snapshot 9.3.4. Operating business segments 9.3.5. Product portfolio 9.4. Roland Corporation 9.4.1. Company overview 9.4.2. Key Executives 9.4.3. Company snapshot 9.4.4. Operating business segments 9.4.5. Product portfolio 9.4.6. Business performance 9.4.7. Key strategic moves and developments 9.5. Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 9.5.1. Company overview 9.5.2. Key Executives 9.5.3. Company snapshot 9.5.4. Operating business segments 9.5.5. Product portfolio 9.5.6. Business performance 9.6. Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG 9.6.1. Company overview 9.6.2. Key Executives 9.6.3. Company snapshot 9.6.4. Operating business segments 9.6.5. Product portfolio 9.6.6. Business performance 9.6.7. Key strategic moves and developments 9.7. Shure Incorporated 9.7.1. Company overview 9.7.2. Key Executives 9.7.3. Company snapshot 9.7.4. Operating business segments 9.7.5. Product portfolio 9.8. Sony Electronics Inc. 9.8.1. Company overview 9.8.2. Key Executives 9.8.3. Company snapshot 9.8.4. Operating business segments 9.8.5. Product portfolio 9.8.6. Business performance 9.8.7. Key strategic moves and developments 9.9. Yamaha Corporation 9.9.1. Company overview 9.9.2. Key Executives 9.9.3. Company snapshot 9.9.4. Operating business segments 9.9.5. Product portfolio 9.9.6. Business performance 9.10. PreSonus Audio Electronics 9.10.1. Company overview 9.10.2. Key Executives 9.10.3. Company snapshot 9.10.4. Operating business segments 9.10.5. Product portfolio 9.10.6. Key strategic moves and developments
SummaryProfessional audio or pro audio is a category of studio-grade and high-quality audio equipment. Professional audio equipment consists of speakers, microphones, wireless systems, amplifiers, preamps, equalizers, dynamic processors, mixers, audio converters, headphones, and audio interfaces. For example, when the vocalist sings into a microphone, the audio signal gets converted into an electrical signal. This signal is then amplified by a microphone preamplifier and processed by dynamic processors and equalizers. Finally, the signal gets converted to digital data via an analog to digital audio converter, which is recorded on a computer using software (called DAW – Digital Audio Workstation). Similarly, when performing on a keyboard at a live music venue, the signal from this digital instrument (sometimes with analog components) goes into a Direct Box, which reduces unwanted noise, distortion, and ground loops. This signal then goes into a ‘mixer,’ which has preamps and other effect processors built-in. After processing and leveling all instruments through the mixer, the combined audio output is sent to speakers for playback. Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1. Report description 1.2. Key market segments 1.3. Key benefits to the stakeholders 1.4. Research Methodology 1.4.1. Primary research 1.4.2. Secondary research 1.4.3. Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1. CXO Perspective CHAPTER 3: MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1. Market definition and scope 3.2. Key findings 3.2.1. Top impacting factors 3.2.2. Top investment pockets 3.3. Porter’s five forces analysis 3.3.1. Bargaining power of suppliers 3.3.2. Bargaining power of buyers 3.3.3. Threat of substitutes 3.3.4. Threat of new entrants 3.3.5. Intensity of rivalry 3.4. Market dynamics 3.4.1. Drivers Rise in tendency of increased expenditures on global festivals and music concerts. Increase in use of audio equipment in automobiles. Surge in demand for HD and Ultra HD sound quality audio tracks. 3.4.2. Restraints Expensive high end professional audio equipment. 3.4.3. Opportunities Rise in investment on developing voice-enabled smart interactive devices. 3.5. COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the market CHAPTER 4: PROFESSIONAL AUDIO EQUIPMENT MARKET, BY PRODUCT 4.1. Overview 4.1.1. Market size and forecast 4.2. Mixers 4.2.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.2.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.2.3. Market share analysis by country 4.3. Interfaces 4.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.3.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.3.3. Market share analysis by country 4.4. Network Switches 4.4.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.4.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.4.3. Market share analysis by country 4.5. Processors 4.5.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.5.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.5.3. Market share analysis by country 4.6. Power Amplifiers 4.6.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.6.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.6.3. Market share analysis by country 4.7. Speakers 4.7.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.7.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.7.3. Market share analysis by country 4.8. PA Systems 4.8.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.8.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.8.3. Market share analysis by country 4.9. DAW Systems 4.9.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.9.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.9.3. Market share analysis by country 4.10. Headphones 4.10.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.10.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.10.3. Market share analysis by country 4.11. Microphones 4.11.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.11.2. Market size and forecast, by region 4.11.3. Market share analysis by country CHAPTER 5: PROFESSIONAL AUDIO EQUIPMENT MARKET, BY TYPE 5.1. Overview 5.1.1. Market size and forecast 5.2. Wired 5.2.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.2.2. Market size and forecast, by region 5.2.3. Market share analysis by country 5.3. Wireless 5.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.3.2. Market size and forecast, by region 5.3.3. Market share analysis by country CHAPTER 6: PROFESSIONAL AUDIO EQUIPMENT MARKET, BY END USER 6.1. Overview 6.1.1. Market size and forecast 6.2. Commercial 6.2.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.2.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.2.3. Market share analysis by country 6.3. Automotive 6.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.3.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.3.3. Market share analysis by country 6.4. Home Entertainment 6.4.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.4.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.4.3. Market share analysis by country 6.5. Sound Technicians 6.5.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.5.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.5.3. Market share analysis by country 6.6. Corporate Event Production 6.6.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.6.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.6.3. Market share analysis by country 6.7. Others 6.7.1. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.7.2. Market size and forecast, by region 6.7.3. Market share analysis by country CHAPTER 7: PROFESSIONAL AUDIO EQUIPMENT MARKET, BY REGION 7.1. Overview 7.1.1. Market size and forecast By Region 7.2. North America 7.2.1. Key trends and opportunities 7.2.2. Market size and forecast, by Product 7.2.3. Market size and forecast, by Type 7.2.4. Market size and forecast, by End User 7.2.5. Market size and forecast, by country U.S. Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Canada Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Mexico Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User 7.3. Europe 7.3.1. Key trends and opportunities 7.3.2. Market size and forecast, by Product 7.3.3. Market size and forecast, by Type 7.3.4. Market size and forecast, by End User 7.3.5. Market size and forecast, by country UK Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Germany Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User France Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Rest of Europe Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User 7.4. Asia-Pacific 7.4.1. Key trends and opportunities 7.4.2. Market size and forecast, by Product 7.4.3. Market size and forecast, by Type 7.4.4. Market size and forecast, by End User 7.4.5. Market size and forecast, by country China Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Japan Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User India Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User South Korea Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Rest of Asia-Pacific Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User 7.5. LAMEA 7.5.1. Key trends and opportunities 7.5.2. Market size and forecast, by Product 7.5.3. Market size and forecast, by Type 7.5.4. Market size and forecast, by End User 7.5.5. Market size and forecast, by country Latin America Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Middle East Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User Africa Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities Market size and forecast, by Product Market size and forecast, by Type Market size and forecast, by End User CHAPTER 8: COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Top winning strategies 8.3. Product Mapping of Top 10 Player 8.4. Competitive Dashboard 8.5. Competitive Heatmap 8.6. Top player positioning, 2021 CHAPTER 9: COMPANY PROFILES 9.1. Alpine Electronics 9.1.1. Company overview 9.1.2. Key Executives 9.1.3. Company snapshot 9.1.4. Operating business segments 9.1.5. Product portfolio 9.1.6. Business performance 9.2. Behringer 9.2.1. Company overview 9.2.2. Key Executives 9.2.3. Company snapshot 9.2.4. Operating business segments 9.2.5. Product portfolio 9.3. Bose Corporation 9.3.1. Company overview 9.3.2. Key Executives 9.3.3. Company snapshot 9.3.4. Operating business segments 9.3.5. Product portfolio 9.4. Roland Corporation 9.4.1. Company overview 9.4.2. Key Executives 9.4.3. Company snapshot 9.4.4. Operating business segments 9.4.5. Product portfolio 9.4.6. Business performance 9.4.7. Key strategic moves and developments 9.5. Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 9.5.1. Company overview 9.5.2. Key Executives 9.5.3. Company snapshot 9.5.4. Operating business segments 9.5.5. Product portfolio 9.5.6. Business performance 9.6. Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG 9.6.1. Company overview 9.6.2. Key Executives 9.6.3. Company snapshot 9.6.4. Operating business segments 9.6.5. Product portfolio 9.6.6. Business performance 9.6.7. Key strategic moves and developments 9.7. Shure Incorporated 9.7.1. Company overview 9.7.2. Key Executives 9.7.3. Company snapshot 9.7.4. Operating business segments 9.7.5. Product portfolio 9.8. Sony Electronics Inc. 9.8.1. Company overview 9.8.2. Key Executives 9.8.3. Company snapshot 9.8.4. Operating business segments 9.8.5. Product portfolio 9.8.6. Business performance 9.8.7. Key strategic moves and developments 9.9. Yamaha Corporation 9.9.1. Company overview 9.9.2. Key Executives 9.9.3. Company snapshot 9.9.4. Operating business segments 9.9.5. Product portfolio 9.9.6. Business performance 9.10. PreSonus Audio Electronics 9.10.1. Company overview 9.10.2. Key Executives 9.10.3. Company snapshot 9.10.4. Operating business segments 9.10.5. Product portfolio 9.10.6. Key strategic moves and developments
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