
2032年までの食品と飲料の世界市場機会と戦略Including:1) タイプ別アルコール飲料、ノンアルコール飲料、穀物製品、ベーカリー・菓子、冷凍・缶詰・乾燥食品、乳製品、肉・鶏肉・魚介類、シロップ・調味料・油・一般食品、動物・ペットフード、タバコ製品、その他食品2)流通チャネル別:スーパーマーケット/ハイパーマーケット; コンビニエンスストア; Eコマース3) 性質別:オーガニック; コンベンショナルネスレ社; ペプシコ社; JBS社; アンハイザー・ブッシュ・インベブ社; タイソン・フーズ社

2032年までの食品と飲料の世界市場機会と戦略Including:1) タイプ別アルコール飲料、ノンアルコール飲料、穀物製品、ベーカリー・菓子、冷凍・缶詰・乾燥食品、乳製品、肉・鶏肉・魚介類、シロップ・調味料・油・一般食品、動物・ペットフード、タバコ製品、その他食品2)流通チャネル別:スーパーマーケット/ハイパーマーケット; コンビニエンスストア; Eコマース3) 性質別:オーガニック; コンベンショナルネスレ社; ペプシコ社; JBS社; アンハイザー・ブッシュ・インベブ社; タイソン・フーズ社

Food And Beverages Global Market Opportunities And Strategies To 2032Including: 1) By Type: Alcoholic Beverages, Non-Alcoholic Beverages; Grain Products; Bakery And Confectionery; Frozen, Canned And Dried Food; Dairy Food; Meat, Poultry And Seafood; Syrup, Seasoning, Oils And General Food; Animal And Pet Food; Tobacco Products; Other Foods Products2) By Distribution Channel: Supermarkets/Hypermarkets; Convenience Stores; E-Commerce3) By Nature: Organic; ConventionalCovering: Nestle S.A; PepsiCo, Inc; JBS S.A; Anheuser-Busch InBev; Tyson Foods Inc

ビジネスリサーチ社の2032年までの食品と飲料の世界市場の機会と戦略は、戦略家、マーケティング担当者、上級管理職がCOVID-19の閉鎖から脱出する際に世界の食品と飲料市場を評価するために必要な重要な情報を提... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
The Business Research Company (TBRC)
2023年6月28日 US$6,000
3-5営業日程度 1,101 英語




- 50の地域をカバーするこの市場に関する最も包括的なレポートにより、真にグローバルな視点を得ることができます。
- 市場がコロナウイルスによってどのような影響を受けているのか、また、ウイルスの影響が和らぐにつれて市場がどのように立ち上がり、成長していくのかを理解することができます。
- 現地のデータと分析に基づき、地域別および国別の戦略を策定する。
- 投資の対象となる成長セグメントを特定する。
- 予測データと市場を形成するドライバーとトレンドを活用し、競合他社を凌駕する。
- 最新の市場調査結果に基づいて顧客を理解する。
- 主要な競合他社とのパフォーマンスの比較
- 主要データセット間の関係を活用し、優れた戦略を立てる。
- 信頼性の高い高品質なデータと分析により、社内外のプレゼンテーションをサポートします。


- 序論と市場の特徴
- サプライチェーン
- 製品分析
- 顧客情報
- 主要動向
- 世界の市場規模と成長
- 地域別分析
- 市場セグメンテーション
- 市場セグメント
- 地域別市場規模と成長
- 競争環境
- 主要なM&A
- 市場機会と戦略
- 結論と提言
- 付録

1) タイプ別アルコール飲料、ノンアルコール飲料、穀物製品、ベーカリー・菓子、冷凍・缶詰・乾燥食品、乳製品、肉・鶏肉・魚介類、シロップ・調味料・油・一般食品、動物・ペットフード、タバコ製品、その他食品
a) アルコール飲料ビール(ビール醸造所)、ワイン・ブランデー(ワイン醸造所)、スピリッツ(蒸留所)
b) ノンアルコール飲料別コーヒー、紅茶、ソフトドリンク、氷
c) 穀物別小麦粉、米、麦芽、その他の穀物製品
d) ベーカリー・菓子別砂糖・菓子製品;クッキー、クラッカー、パスタ、トルティーヤ;パン・ベーカリー製品;朝食用シリアル
e) 冷凍・缶詰・乾燥食品別冷凍食品、缶詰、常温食品
f) 乳製品牛乳・バター;アイスクリーム・冷凍デザート;チーズ;乾燥・濃縮・蒸発乳製品
g) 肉類、家禽類、魚介類:肉製品、家禽類、魚介類
h) シロップ、調味料、油脂、一般食品別油脂;調味料・ドレッシング;香料シロップ・濃縮食品
i) 動物・ペットフード別動物性食品、ペットフード
j) タバコ製品タバコ、葉巻、シガリロ、喫煙およびその他のタバコ製品
k) その他の食品生鮮惣菜;スナック菓子;その他食品全般
2) 流通チャネル別スーパーマーケット/ハイパーマーケット;コンビニエンスストア;Eコマース;その他チャネル
3) 性質別オーガニック; コンベンショナル

言及された企業Nestle S.A; PepsiCo, Inc; JBS S.A; Anheuser-Busch InBev; Tyson Foods Inc


地域アジア太平洋; 西ヨーロッパ; 東ヨーロッパ; 北アメリカ; 南アメリカ; 中東; アフリカ
























世界の食品・飲料市場は非常に断片化されており、多数のプレーヤーが存在する。同市場における上位10社の競合企業は、2021年の市場全体の8.75%を占めている。ネスレS.A.が市場シェア1.41%で最大の競合企業であり、ペプシコInc.が1.30%、JBS S.A.が1.10%、アンハイザー・ブッシュ・インベブが0.88%、タイソン・フーズInc.が0.77%、アーチャー・ダニエルズ・ミッドランド・カンパニー(ADM)0.76%、マース・インコーポレーテッド0.65%、インペリアル・ブランドplc0.63%、コカ・コーラ・カンパニー0.63%、カーギル0.61%と続く。

アルコール飲料市場をタイプ別にセグメント化すると、2027年までに世界の年間売上高が4,876億ドルに達するビール市場セグメントに最大のビジネスチャンスが生まれるだろう。種類別に区分された非アルコール飲料市場における最大のビジネスチャンスは、2027年までに世界年間売上高が1,374億ドルに達するソフトドリンクと氷の市場セグメントにもたらされるであろう。種類別に区分された穀物製品市場における最大のビジネスチャンスは、その他の穀物製品市場セグメントに生じ、2027年までに世界全体の年間売上高が630億ドルに達するであろう。種類別に区分したベーカリー・菓子市場における最大のビジネスチャンスは、クッキー、クラッカー、パスタ、トルティーヤ市場セグメントに生じ、2027年までに世界の年間売上高が1,042億ドルに達するであろう。タイプ別に区分した冷凍食品、缶詰食品、乾燥食品市場における最大の機会は、冷凍食品市場セグメントに生じ、2027年までに世界の年間売上高が810億ドルに達するであろう。タイプ別に区分された乳製品市場の最大の機会は、アイスクリームと冷菓の市場セグメントに生じ、2027年までに世界の年間売上高が1,658億ドルに達するであろう。肉、鶏肉、魚介類を種類別にセグメント化した市場において、トップの機会は肉製品市場セグメントに生じ、2027年までに世界の年間売上高が2,623億ドルに達するであろう。種類別に区分したシロップ、調味料、油、一般食品市場における最大のビジネスチャンスは、調味料・ドレッシング市場セグメントに生じ、2027年までに世界の年間売上高が642億ドルに達するであろう。タイプ別に区分された動物・ペットフード市場における最大の機会は、動物フード市場セグメントに生じ、2027年までに世界の年間売上高が1,390億ドルに達するであろう。種類別に区分されたタバコ製品市場における最大の機会は、タバコ、葉巻、シガリロ市場セグメントに生じ、2027年までに世界の年間売上高が553億ドルに達するであろう。種類別に区分されたその他の食品市場における最大のビジネスチャンスは、スナック菓子市場セグメントに生じ、2027年までに世界の年間売上高が880億ドルに達するであろう。性質別に区分された食品・飲料市場における最大の機会は、2027年までに世界の年間売上高が2兆2,189億ドルに達する従来型市場セグメントにもたらされるであろう。流通チャネル別に区分した食品・飲料市場における最大のビジネスチャンスは、スーパーマーケット/ハイパーマーケット市場セグメントに生じ、この市場セグメントは2027年までに世界の年間売上高で1兆4,664億ドルを獲得する。食品と飲料の市場規模が最も拡大するのは中国で、2,898 億ドルである。








Food And Beverages Global Market Opportunities And Strategies To 2032 from The Business Research Company provides the strategists; marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the global food and beverages market as it emerges from the COVID-19 shut down.

Reasons to Purchase
• Gain a truly global perspective with the most comprehensive report available on this market covering 50 geographies.
• Understand how the market is being affected by the coronavirus and how it is likely to emerge and grow as the impact of the virus abates.
• Create regional and country strategies on the basis of local data and analysis.
• Identify growth segments for investment.
• Outperform competitors using forecast data and the drivers and trends shaping the market.
• Understand customers based on the latest market research findings.
• Benchmark performance against key competitors.
• Utilize the relationships between key data sets for superior strategizing.
• Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high-quality data and analysis

Where is the largest and fastest-growing market for food and beverages? How does the market relate to the overall economy; demography and other similar markets? What forces will shape the market going forward? The food and beverages market global report from The Business Research Company answers all these questions and many more.
The report covers market characteristics; size and growth; segmentation; regional and country breakdowns; competitive landscape; market shares; trends and strategies for this market. It traces the market’s history and forecasts market growth by geography. It places the market within the context of the wider food and beverages market; and compares it with other markets.

The report covers the following chapters
• Introduction and Market Characteristics
Brief introduction to the segmentations covered in the market, definitions and explanations about the food and beverages market.
• Supply Chain
Defines and explains the key players in the food and beverages market supply chain.
• Product Analysis
Describes the leading products in the market along with key features and differentiators for those products/services.
• Customer Information
Covers recent customers’ trends/preferences in the global food and beverages market.
• Key Trends
Highlights the major trends shaping the global food and beverages market. This section also highlights likely future developments in the market.
• Global Market Size and Growth
Global historic (2017-2022) and forecast (2022-2027), and (2027-2032) market values, and drivers and restraints that support and control the growth of the market in the historic and forecast periods.
• Regional Analysis
Historic (2017-2022) and forecast (2022-2027), and (2027-2032) market values and growth and market share comparison by region.
• Market Segmentation
Contains the market values (2017-2032) and analysis for each segment by type, by nature and by distribution channel in the market.
• Market Segments
Contains the market values (2017-2022, 2022-2032F, 2026F, 2031F) for each sub-segment in the food and beverages market.
• Regional Market Size and Growth
Regional market size (2022), historic (2017-2022) and forecast (2022-2027), and (2027-2032) market values, and growth and market share comparison of countries within the region. This report includes information on all the regions Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East and Africa and major countries within each region.
• Competitive Landscape
Details on the competitive landscape of the market, estimated market shares and company profiles of the leading players.
• Key Mergers and Acquisitions
Information on recent mergers and acquisitions in the market covered in the report. This section gives key financial details of mergers and acquisitions, which have shaped the market in recent years.
• Market Opportunities And Strategies
Describes market opportunities and strategies based on findings of the research, with information on growth opportunities across countries, segments and strategies to be followed in those markets.
• Conclusions And Recommendations
This section includes recommendations for food and beverages providers in terms of product/service offerings geographic expansion, marketing strategies and target groups.
• Appendix
This section includes details on the NAICS codes covered, abbreviations and currencies codes used in this report.

Markets Covered:
1) By Type: Alcoholic – Beverages, Non-Alcoholic – Beverages; Grain Products; Bakery And Confectionery; Frozen, Canned And Dried Food; Dairy Food; Meat, Poultry And Seafood; Syrup, Seasoning, Oils And General Food; Animal And Pet Food; Tobacco Products; Other Foods Products
a) By Alcoholic-Beverages: Beer (Breweries); Wine And Brandy (Wineries); Spirits (Distilleries)
b) By Non-Alcoholic – Beverages: Coffee And Tea; Soft Drink And Ice
c) By Grain: Flour, Rice And Malt; Other Grain Products
d) By Bakery And Confectionery: Sugar And Confectionery Products; Cookie, Cracker, Pasta And Tortilla; Bread And Bakery Products; Breakfast Cereal
e) By Frozen, Canned And Dried Food: Frozen Food; Canned, And Ambient Food
f) By Dairy Food: Milk And Butter; Ice Cream And Frozen Dessert; Cheese; Dry, Condensed, And Evaporated Dairy Products
g) By Meat, Poultry And Seafood: Meat Products; Poultry; Seafood
h) By Syrup, Seasoning, Oils, And General Food: Fats And Oils; Seasoning And Dressing; Flavouring Syrup And Concentrate
i) By Animal And Pet Food: Animal Food; Pet Food
j) By Tobacco Products: Cigarettes, Cigars And Cigarillos; Smoking And Other Tobacco Products
k) By Other Foods Products: Perishable Prepared Food; Snack Food; All Other Miscellaneous Food
2) By Distribution Channel: Supermarkets/Hypermarkets; Convenience Stores; E-Commerce; Other Channels
3) By Nature: Organic; Conventional

Companies Mentioned: Nestle S.A; PepsiCo, Inc; JBS S.A; Anheuser-Busch InBev; Tyson Foods Inc

Countries: Australia; China; Bangladesh; India; Indonesia; Japan; South Korea; Thailand; Vietnam; Malaysia; Singapore; Philippines; Hong Kong; New Zealand; USA; Canada; Mexico; Brazil; Chile; Argentina; Colombia; Peru; France; Germany; UK; Austria; Belgium; Denmark; Finland; Ireland; Italy; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Russia; Czech Republic; Poland; Romania; Ukraine; Saudi Arabia; Israel; Iran; Turkey; UAE; Egypt; Nigeria; South Africa

Regions: Asia-Pacific; Western Europe; Eastern Europe; North America; South America; Middle East; Africa

Time-series: Five years historic and ten years forecast.

Data: Ratios of market size and growth to related markets; GDP proportions; expenditure per capita; food and beverages indicators comparison.

Data segmentations: country and regional historic and forecast data; market share of competitors; market segments.

Sourcing and Referencing: Data and analysis throughout the report is sourced using end notes.

This report describes and explains the food and beverages market and covers 2017-2022, termed the historic period, and 2022-2027 termed the forecast period, along with further forecasts for the period 2027-2032. The report evaluates the market across each region and for the major economies within each region.

The global food and beverages market reached a value of nearly $6,721.63 billion in 2022, having grown at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.3% since 2017. The market is expected to grow from $6,721.63 billion in 2022 to $9,105.88 billion in 2027 at a rate of 6.3%. The market is then expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.6% from 2027 and reach $12,511.36 billion in 2032.

Growth in the historic period resulted from increase in clean-label, organic, and non-GMO products, rise in alcohol consumption, increased pet ownership by Gen Z and Gen Y adults, strong economic growth in emerging markets, influence of increased demand for processed foods, rise in awareness of benefits of organic products, and growing number of health-conscious consumers.

Going forward, rising penetration of organized retail, increasing demand for ready to eat products, faster economic growth and rise in global population will drive the growth. Factors that could hinder the growth of the food and beverages market in the future include stringent regulations, shift towards vegan eating and the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The food and beverages market is segmented by type into alcoholic – beverages, non-alcoholic – beverages, grain products, bakery and confectionery, frozen, canned and dried food, dairy food, meat, poultry and seafood, syrup, seasoning, oils, and general food, animal and pet food, tobacco products, and other foods products. The meat, poultry and seafood market was the largest segment of the food and beverages market segmented by type, accounting for 22.3% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the other food products segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the food and beverages market segmented by type, at a CAGR of 7.6% during 2022-2027.

The alcoholic-beverages market is further segmented by type into beer (breweries), wine and brandy (wineries), and spirits (distilleries). The beer (breweries) market was the largest segment of the alcoholic-beverages market segmented by type, accounting for 41.4% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the wine and brandy (wineries) segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the alcoholic-beverages market segmented by type, at a CAGR of 6.5% during 2019-2023.

The non-alcoholic – beverages market is further segmented by type into coffee and tea, and soft drink and ice. The soft drink and ice market was the largest segment of the non-alcoholic-beverages market segmented by type, accounting for 79.9% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the coffee and tea segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the non-alcoholic - beverages market segmented by type, at a CAGR of 6.0% during 2022-2027.

The grain products market is further segmented by type into flour, rice and malt, and other grain products. The other grain products market was the largest segment of the grain products market segmented by type, accounting for 57.6% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the flour, rice and malt segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the grain products market segmented by type, at a CAGR of 6.1% during 2022-2027.

The bakery and confectionery market is further segmented by type into sugar and confectionery products, cookie, cracker, pasta, and tortilla, bread and bakery products, and breakfast cereal. The sugar and confectionery product market was the largest segment of the bakery and confectionery market segmented by type, accounting for 38.5% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the cookie, cracker, pasta, and tortilla segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the bakery and confectionery market segmented by type, at a CAGR of 6.5% during 2022-2027.

The frozen, canned and dried food market is further segmented by type into frozen food, and canned and ambient food. The canned and ambient food market was the largest segment of the frozen, canned and dried food market segmented by type, accounting for 50.8% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the frozen food segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the frozen, canned and dried food market segmented by type, at a CAGR of 6.3% during 2022-2027.

The dairy food market is further segmented by type into milk and butter, ice cream and frozen dessert, cheese and dry, condensed, and evaporated dairy products. The milk and butter market was the largest segment of the dairy food market segmented by type, accounting for 34.8% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the ice cream and frozen dessert segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the dairy food market segmented by type, at a CAGR of 9.8% during 2022-2027.

The meat, poultry and seafood market is further segmented by type into meat products, poultry, and seafood. The meat products market was the largest segment of the meat, poultry and seafood market segmented by type, accounting for 59.8% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the seafood segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the meat, poultry and seafood market segmented by type, at a CAGR of 6.7% during 2022-2027.

The syrup, seasoning, oils, and general food market is further segmented by type into fats and oils, seasoning and dressing, and flavoring syrup and concentrate. The fats and oils market was the largest segment of the syrup, seasoning, oils, and general food market segmented by type, accounting for 45.9% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the seasoning and dressing segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the syrup, seasoning, oils, and general food market segmented by type, at a CAGR of 7.1% during 2022-2027.

The animal and pet food market is further segmented by type into animal food, and pet food. The animal food market was the largest segment of the animal and pet food market segmented by type, accounting for 82.2% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the animal food segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the animal and pet food market segmented by type, at a CAGR of 7.8% during 2022-2027.

The tobacco products market is further segmented by type into cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, and smoking and other tobacco products. The cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos market was the largest segment of the tobacco products market segmented by type, accounting for 89.4% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the tobacco products market segmented by type, at a CAGR of 4.5% during 2022-2027.

The other foods products market is further segmented by type into perishable prepared food, snack food, and all other miscellaneous food. The snack food market was the largest segment of the other foods products market segmented by type, accounting for 51.1% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the all other miscellaneous food segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the other foods products market segmented by type, at a CAGR of 8.60% during 2022-2027.

The food and beverages market is also segmented by distribution channel into supermarkets/hypermarkets, convenience stores, e-commerce and other channels. The supermarkets/hypermarkets market was the largest segment of the food and beverages market segmented by distribution channel, accounting for 61.7% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the e-commerce segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the food and beverages market segmented by distribution channel, at a CAGR of 6.6% during 2022-2027.

The food and beverages market is also segmented by nature into organic and conventional food and beverages. The conventional market was the largest segment of the food and beverages market segmented by nature, accounting for 94.8% of the total in 2022. Going forward, the organic segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the food and beverages market segmented by nature, at a CAGR of 8.1% during 2022-2027.

Asia Pacific was the largest region in the food and beverages market, accounting for 41.0% of the total in 2022. It was followed by Western Europe, and then the other regions. Going forward, the fastest-growing regions in the food and beverages market will be the Middle East and Africa where growth will be at CAGRs of 13.8% and 13.0% respectively. These will be followed by South America and Western Europe where the markets are expected to grow at CAGRs of 9.6% and 6.4% respectively.

The global food and beverages market is highly fragmented, with a large number of players. The top ten competitors in the market made up to 8.75% of the total market in 2021. Nestle S.A. was the largest competitor with 1.41% share of the market, followed by PepsiCo, Inc. with 1.30%, JBS S.A. with 1.10%, Anheuser-Busch InBev with 0.88%, Tyson Foods Inc with 0.77%, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (ADM) with 0.76%, Mars, Incorporated with 0.65%, Imperial brands plc with 0.63%, The Coca-Cola Company with 0.63%, and Cargill with 0.61%.

The top opportunities in the alcoholic-beverages market segmented by type will arise in the beer market segment, which will gain $487.6 billion of global annual sales by 2027. The top opportunities in the non-alcoholic-beverages market segmented by type will arise in the soft drink and ice market segment, which will gain $137.4 billion of global annual sales by 2027. The top opportunities in the grain products market segmented by type will arise in the other grain products market segment, which will gain $63.0 billion of global annual sales by 2027. The top opportunities in the bakery and confectionery market segmented by type will arise in the cookie, cracker, pasta, and tortilla market segment, which will gain $104.2 billion of global annual sales by 2027. The top opportunities in the frozen, canned and dried food market segmented by type will arise in the frozen food market segment, which will gain $81.0 billion of global annual sales by 2027. The top opportunities in the dairy food market segmented by type will arise in the Ice cream and frozen dessert market segment, which will gain $165.8 billion of global annual sales by 2027. The top opportunities in the meat, poultry and seafood market segmented by type will arise in the meat products market segment, which will gain $262.3 billion of global annual sales by 2027. The top opportunities in the syrup, seasoning, oils, and general food market segmented by type will arise in the seasoning and dressing market segment, which will gain $64.2 billion of global annual sales by 2027. The top opportunities in the animal and pet food market segmented by type will arise in the animal food market segment, which will gain $139.0 billion of global annual sales by 2027. The top opportunities in the tobacco products market segmented by type will arise in the cigarettes, cigars, and cigarillos market segment, which will gain $55.3 billion of global annual sales by 2027. The top opportunities in the other food products market segmented by type will arise in the snack food market segment, which will gain $88.0 billion of global annual sales by 2027. The top opportunities in the food and beverages market segmented by nature will arise in the conventional market segment, which will gain $2,218.9 billion of global annual sales by 2027. The top opportunities in the food and beverages market segmented by distribution channel will arise in the supermarkets/hypermarkets market segment, which will gain $1,466.4 billion of global annual sales by 2027. The food and beverages market size will gain the most in China at $289.8 billion.

Market-trend-based strategies for the food and beverages market include focus on using natural ingredients in their products to address health-related concerns of consumers, focus on offering functional beverages for hydration and nutritional benefits, focus on micro-distilled/artisan spirits to cater to the growing demand, focus on high-pressure pasteurization techniques to preserve nutrients and eliminate harmful microorganisms, focus on offering clean label products in response to the growing awareness of healthy food, focus on adopting robotics and automation technology to maximize production efficiency, focus on using innovative filter technologies to reduce toxicants in cigarettes and enhance the smoking experience, focus on offering the products on e-commerce platforms, and focus on using artisanal cooking methods for making food and beverages.

Player-adopted strategies for the food and beverages market include focus on strategies investments in coffee, pet care, nutrition, water and nutritional health, focus on the expansion of its snacks portfolio with the increasing demand for packaged food products across the world, focus on expanding operations across different geographies through acquisitions, focus on the expansion of hard seltzers portfolio, and focus on improving efficiency through new digital solutions and technologies.

To take advantage of the opportunities, The Business Research Company recommends the food and beverages companies to focus on use of natural ingredients, focus on functional drinks, focus on clean label products, focus on robotics and automation in meat processing, focus on use of artisan cooking method, expand in emerging markets, continue to focus on developed markets, focus on mergers and acquisitions, provide competitively priced offerings, focus on premium pricing, focus on online marketing, participate in events, focus on use direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising, target millennials and Gen Z, target local retailers, focus on urban population, increase focus on online consumers and increase focus on the vegan population.





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