

Digital Payment Market, Size, Global Forecast 2024-2030, Industry Trends, Share, Growth, Insight, Impact of Inflation, Company Analysis

Renub Researchによると、デジタル決済市場規模は2030年までに24兆3,100億米ドルに達すると予測されている。デジタル決済業界は、インターネットの進化と電子商取引の増加により急速に拡大している。デジタル化は... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2023年11月1日 US$2,490
290 英語



Renub Researchによると、デジタル決済市場規模は2030年までに24兆3,100億米ドルに達すると予測されている。デジタル決済業界は、インターネットの進化と電子商取引の増加により急速に拡大している。デジタル化は、ペイメントカード、仮想ウォレット、モバイルウォレット、デジタルキャッシュ、非接触方式など、多様なデジタル決済の選択肢をもたらした。モバイル決済サービスは過渡期であり、技術革新が鮮やかな展望を約束している。

近年、デジタル決済は劇的な変貌を遂げている。消費者も企業も、現金決済からデジタル決済へと急速に移行している。この変革は単純な取引にとどまらず、主要な取引にとどまらない数多くのソリューションや付加価値サービスを提供している。デジタル・ウォレット、QR コード、モバイル・キャッシュなどのイノベーションは、発展途上国における金融包摂を拡大する一方で、決済をより身近なものにしている。



Renub Research社のレポートによると、キャッシュレス社会の増加とスマートフォンの普及により、世界のデジタル決済市場シェアは急激な成長を遂げている。Renub Research社は、2023年までに世界人口の85.88%がスマートフォンを所有すると予測している。さらに、インターネットが広く普及したことで、世界的な電子商取引の成長が促進され、経済団体以外が提供するバーチャル決済、保険決済、店頭クレジットなどの新しいサービスが生まれた。Alibaba、Jumia、MercadoLibre、Amazonのような人気の電子商取引システムは現在、決済サービスを統合し、デジタル決済取引を増加させ、促進している。
















国別に見ると、デジタル決済市場は北米(米国、カナダ)、欧州(英国、ロシア、ドイツ、スペイン、イタリア、オランダ、フランス、ノルウェー、スウェーデン、スイス)、アジア太平洋(オーストラリア、イスラエル、インド、中国、日本、インドネシア、韓国)、中東・アフリカ(サウジアラビア、トルコ、UAE、南アフリカ)、南米(アルゼンチン、ブラジル、メキシコ)、その他の地域に分けられる。アリペイやWeChat Payのような巨大企業が率いる中国のデジタル決済部門は、急速に進化するダイナミックなパノラマの中で、デジタル通貨取引の世界的リーダーとして確固たる地位を築いている。



Paypal Holdings Inc.、Visa Inc.、Mastercard Incorporated、Amazon.Com Inc.、Alphabet Inc.、ACI Worldwide、American Express Co.

Renub Researchの調査レポート「デジタル決済市場の市場規模:セグメント別(デジタルコマース、デジタル送金、モバイルPOSシステム)、決済手段別(クレジットカード、電子財布、デビットカード、チャージ・後払いデビットカード、銀行振込)、用途別(銀行・金融、ホテル・レストラン、電子商取引、小売、企業、公共、医療、運輸・通信、その他)、プラットフォーム別(独自プラットフォーム、マーケットプレイスプラットフォーム)、ソリューション別(アプリケーション・プログラム・インターフェース、国別(北米(米国、カナダ)、欧州(英国、ロシア、ドイツ、スペイン、イタリア、オランダ、フランス、ノルウェー、スウェーデン、スイス)、アジア太平洋(オーストラリア、イスラエル、インド、中国、日本、インドネシア、韓国)、中東・アフリカ(サウジアラビア、トルコ、UAE、南アフリカ)、南米(アルゼンチン、ブラジル、メキシコ)、その他。)企業(Paypal Holdings Inc、Visa Inc、Mastercard Incorporated、Amazon.Com Inc、Alphabet Inc、ACI Worldwide、American Express Co、Stripe Inc、Fiserv Inc、AppleInc)」は、世界のデジタル決済市場を詳細に分析し、主要な成長促進要因と阻害要因を包括的に調査します。













1.1 米国
1.2 カナダ


2.1 ブラジル
2.2 メキシコ
2.3 アルゼンチン


3.1 イギリス
3.2 フランス
3.3 ドイツ
3.4 スペイン
3.5 イタリア
3.6 オランダ
3.7 ノルウェー
3.8 スウェーデン
3.9 スイス
3.10 ロシア
3.11 トルコ


4.1 インド
4.2 中国
4.3 日本
4.4 インドネシア
4.5 韓国
4.6 オーストラリア


5.1 サウジアラビア
5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
5.3 イスラエル
5.4 南アフリカ






1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Online Payment Market Survey Insights

6. Global Online Payment Market

7. Share Analysis – Global Online Payment Market

7.1 Value by Segments
7.2 Volume by Segments
7.3 By Methods
7.4 By Application
7.5 By Platform
7.6 By Solution
7.7 By Countries

8. Segments – Global Online Payment Market

8.1 Digital Commerce

8.1.1 Value
8.1.2 Volume

8.2 Digital Remittance

8.2.1 Value
8.2.2 Volume

8.3 Mobile POS Systems

8.3.1 Value
8.3.2 Volume

9. Methods – Global Online Payment Volume

9.1 Credit Card
9.2 E-Wallet
9.3 Debit Card
9.4 Charge and Deferred Debit Card
9.5 Bank Transfer

10. Application – Global Online Payment Market

10.1 Banking & Financial Sectors
10.2 Hotels & Restaurants
10.3 E-Commerce
10.4 Retail
10.5 Corporate Sectors
10.6 Public Sectors
10.7 Healthcare
10.8 Transportation & Telecommunication
10.9 Others

11. Platform – Global Online Payment Market

11.1 Proprietary Platform
11.2 Marketplace Platform

12. Solution – Global Online Payment Market

12.1 Application Program Interface
12.2 Payment Gateway
12.3 Payment Processing
12.4 Payment Security & Fraud Management
12.5 Transaction Risk Management
12.6 Others

13. Regions – Global Online Payment Market

13.1 North America

13.1.1 United States
13.1.2 Canada

13.2 Latin America

13.2.1 Brazil
13.2.2 Mexico
13.2.3 Argentina

13.3 Europe

13.3.1 United Kingdom
13.3.2 France
13.3.3 Germany
13.3.4 Spain
13.3.5 Italy
13.3.6 Netherlands
13.3.7 Norway
13.3.8 Sweden
13.3.9 Switzerland
13.3.10 Russia
13.3.11 Turkey

13.4 Asia Pacific

13.4.1 India
13.4.2 China
13.4.3 Japan
13.4.4 Indonesia
13.4.5 Korea
13.4.6 Australia

13.5 Middle East and Africa

13.5.1 Saudi Arabia
13.5.2 UAE
13.5.3 Israel
13.5.4 South Africa

13.6 Rest of the World

14. Porters Five Forces – Global Online Payment Market

14.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
14.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
14.3 Degree of Competition
14.4 Threat of New Entrants
14.5 Threat of Substitutes

15. SWOT Analysis – Global Online Payment Market

15.1 Strengths
15.2 Weaknesses
15.3 Opportunities
15.4 Threats

16. Company Analysis

16.1 Paypal Holdings Inc.

16.1.1 Overview
16.1.2 Recent Development
16.1.3 SWOT Analysis
16.1.4 Revenue Analysis

16.2 Visa Inc.

16.2.1 Overview
16.2.2 Recent Development
16.2.3 SWOT Analysis
16.2.4 Revenue Analysis

16.3 Mastercard Incorporated

16.3.1 Overview
16.3.2 Recent Development
16.3.3 SWOT Analysis
16.3.4 Revenue Analysis

16.4 Amazon.Com Inc.

16.4.1 Overview
16.4.2 Recent Development
16.4.3 SWOT Analysis
16.4.4 Revenue Analysis

16.5 Alphabet Inc.

16.5.1 Overview
16.5.2 Recent Development
16.5.3 SWOT Analysis
16.5.4 Revenue Analysis

16.6 ACI Worldwide

16.6.1 Overview
16.6.2 Recent Development
16.6.3 SWOT Analysis
16.6.4 Revenue Analysis

16.7 American Express Co.

16.7.1 Overview
16.7.2 Recent Development
16.7.3 SWOT Analysis
16.7.4 Revenue Analysis

16.8 Stripe Inc.

16.8.1 Overview
16.8.2 Recent Development
16.8.3 SWOT Analysis
16.8.4 Revenue Analysis

16.9 Fiserv, Inc.

16.9.1 Overview
16.9.2 Recent Development
16.9.3 SWOT Analysis
16.9.4 Revenue Analysis

16.10 Apple Inc.

16.10.1 Overview
16.10.2 Recent Development
16.10.3 SWOT Analysis
16.10.4 Revenue Analysis



Table-01: Global – Online Payment Market Share by Segments (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-02: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Market Share by Segments (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-03: Global – Online Payment Volume Share by Segments (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-04: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Volume Share by Segments (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-05: Global – Online Payment Market Share by Methods (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-06: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Market Share by Methods (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-07: Global – Online Payment Market Share by Application (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-08: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Market Share by Application (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-09: Global – Online Payment Market Share by Platform (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-10: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Market Share by Platform (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-11: Global – Online Payment Market Share by Solution (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-12: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Market Share by Solution (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-13: Global – Online Payment Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-14: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2024 – 2030





Digital Payment Market size is projected to reach US$ 24.31 Trillion by 2030, according to Renub Research. The digital payments industry has experienced speedy expansion due to Internet evolution and increased e-commerce. Digitalization has brought about diverse digital payment alternatives, including payment cards, virtual and mobile wallets, digital cash, and contactless methods. Mobile payment services are transitional, with technological innovations promising vivid prospects.

Over recent years, the digital payment has undergone a dramatic transformation. Consumers and businesses have rapidly transitioned from cash payments to digital payment techniques. This transformation extends beyond simple transactions, providing numerous solutions and value-added services beyond primary transactions. Innovations such as digital wallets, QR codes, and mobile cash make payments more accessible while growing financial inclusion in developing economies.

The ongoing digital revolution has upended the banking and card industries, even underscoring the developing importance of digital payment sectors. They are vital in decreasing transaction costs, encouraging growth, and assisting the shift in the direction of digitally inclusive economies. Africa is experiencing a speedy expansion of payment techniques, permitting millions of previously "unbanked" people to access goods and services without using cash. India had 190 million people without bank accounts in 2018. Yet, government policies and efforts led to massive progress in adult bank account ownership, increasing from 53% in 2014 to 80% with the aid of 2017, according to the World Bank. Adult account holding rates additionally notably progressed globally, growing from 61% in 2014 to 69% by 2018.

Digital payment market is poised to grow at a CAGR of 15.20% from 2023–2030

Renub Research reports that the worldwide digital payment market share has experienced exponential growth due to an increasing number of cashless societies and widespread smartphone ownership. Renub Research estimates that by 2023, 85.88% of the global population will own smartphones. Furthermore, wide Internet adoption fuelled global e-commerce growth, leading to new services likes virtual payments, insurance payments, and point-of-sale credit provided by non-economic organizations. Popular e-commerce systems like Alibaba, Jumia, MercadoLibre, and Amazon now integrate payment services, increasing and fuelling digital payment transactions.

E-commerce growth has contributed to increasing digital financial services for small industries and customers, fuelling a change in the worldwide digital payments market. E-trade platforms are witnessing an upward thrust in digital payment methods, including virtual wallets, facilitating instant and secure transactions.

Simultaneously, the digital payment market size in rising economies globally has experienced regular expansion because of growing phone ownership and Internet penetration. India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal rising markets have implemented implemented encouraging citizens to exchange to digital transactions. The Indian Government installed the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) to promote retail payments and delivered RuPay, a domestic card scheme, to decorate the digital payments surroundings. These measures taken by government provide growth possibilities for the worldwide market. The speedy digital transformation of 5G technology guarantees to unlock new possibilities for the global payment market. This trend will exponentially increase network speed and connectivity, making financial institution offerings greater efficient and streamlining digital payments. The digital payment market was valued at US$ 9.03 Trillion in 2023.

The digital E-commerce market is experiencing growth in the digital payment industry.

In the world of digital payment, the digital ecommerce market is taking off. This marketplace contains three segments, consisting of digital remittance, digital commerce and cellular POS structures. Thanks to the upward push of e-commerce, smartphone buying, and digital services, digital payments have turn out to be important for humans. There's a variety of opposition on this market, with price processors, virtual wallets, and fintech companies seeking to win customers adoption. This competition results in innovation, which provides consumers convenient, steady, stable, and easy cost experiences. Moreover, emerging technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrencies are reshaping the panorama, imparting new opportunities for worldwide transactions. As the digital trade market continues adapting, it stays a dynamic and influential pressure in shaping the future of payments.

E-wallet is replacing cash on a global scale.

By Methods: The Digital payment market is divided into Credit Cards, e-wallets, Debit cards, Charge and Deferred Debit cards, and bank Transfers. The E-Wallet is the fastest-growing segment in the digital payment industry. With their comfort and protection capabilities, e-wallets have become famous for customers and companies. These digital wallets streamline transactions, presenting secure payment methods across various payments. The e-commerce and mobile payment surge similarly propels their increase as they allow handy purchases on websites and mobile apps. As the world keeps shifting towards cashless transactions, E-Wallets are poised for even faster growth, reshaping the landscape of digital payments and economic dealings for the foreseeable future.

Banking and Financial Sectors will command a critical market share in the digital payment industry in the coming years.

By Application, the Digital payment market is divided into Banking & Financial Sectors, Hotels & Restaurants, E-commerce, Retail, Corporate Sectors, Public Sectors, Healthcare, Transportation & Telecommunication, and Others. The banking and Financial segments are anticipated to gain the highest market share in the digital payment industry. Banking and Financial sectors leverage technology and innovation to offer mobile banking apps, contactless payments, digital wallets, and many more digital payment solutions. With a focus on safety and suitability, they are positioned to gain a significant share of the upward digital payment market. As customers increasingly trust digital platforms for their monetary transactions, the banking and financial segment are poised to play a dynamic role in shaping the future of digital payments.

Marketplace platforms have arisen as top player within the digital payment market.

By Platform, the Digital payment market is split into Proprietary and Marketplace platforms. Marketplace systems make payments on any e-trade website; the funds are transferred from the buyer to the merchant's bank account. These versatile ecosystems facilitate transactions amongst consumers and traders, frequently processing huge volumes of payments. With their huge customer bases and numerous offerings, market structures have grown to be more and more important in ecommerce. These platforms provide streamlined online payment options, making purchasing more handy. As the digital market keeps to increase and trade, those systems are poised to stay dominant, utilising digital cost innovation to reshape how companies and customers interact in the digital economy.

One of the fastest-growing sectors in the digital payment industry is payment gateways, which is expanding at a rapid pace.

The Digital payment market is divided into numerous Solution sub-segments, consisting of Application Program Interface, Payment Gateway, Payment Security, Payment Processing, Fraud Management, Transaction Risk Management, and others. The Payment Gateway vicinity is experiencing a surge in the digital payment market. These gateways are the significant link between virtual traders and financial organizations, making sure and efficient transactions.

With the booming eCommerce and virtual commercial industry landscape, the demand for payment gateways has surged. They facilitate quick, reliable, and protected digital payments, making them essential for corporations of all sizes. As customer preferences shift closer to digital buying and virtual transactions, payment gateways will maintain their speedy growth, organizing themselves as pivotal players and riding forces within the evolving digital payment industry.

With the booming eCommerce and digital commercial industry panorama, the demand for payment gateways has surged. They facilitate quick, dependable, and secure digital payments, making them significant for groups of all sizes. As customer alternatives shift toward digital buying and digital transactions, transactions gateways will preserve their fast growth, organizing themselves as pivotal market player and riding forces in the evolving digital payment market.

China digital payment industry keeps innovating and getting more extensive.

By countries, the digital payment market is broken up into North America (United States, Canada), Europe (United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, France, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland), Asia Pacific (Australia, Israel, India, China, Japan, Indonesia, Korea), Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, South Africa), South America (Argentina, Brazil, Mexico), and the Rest of the World. The Chinese digital payment sector, led by market giants like Alipay and WeChat Pay, has firmly mounted itself as a worldwide leader in digital monetary transactions, working in a hastily evolving and dynamic panorama.

The industry growth is underpinned by numerous pivotal factors, together with China's expansive smartphone user base, a thriving e-exchange, and a technologically adept population. Mobile payment techniques have witnessed a remarkable surge in reputation, with virtual wallets serving various purposes, from facilitating digital purchasing to handling utility bills and enabling in-shop purchases at traditional stores. The adoption of QR code-based bills, emblematic of China's mobile phone payment tradition, has transcended country-wide barriers, garnering global recognition. Concurrently, the Chinese government has taken proactive measures to modify the world, ensuring safety and sincere competition while championing monetary inclusivity by promoting virtual payment accessibility in rural and underserved areas.

Key Player

Paypal Holdings Inc., Visa Inc., Mastercard Incorporated, Amazon.Com Inc., Alphabet Inc., ACI Worldwide, American Express Co, Stripe Inc., Fiserv Inc., and Apple Inc. are the distinguished players in the global digital payment market.

Renub Research report titled “Digital Payment Market Value by Segments (Digital Commerce, Digital Remittance & Mobile POS Systems), By Methods [Credit Card, E-Wallet, Debit Card, Charge and Deferred Debit Card, Bank Transfer], By Application (Banking &, Financial Sectors, Hotels & Restaurants, E-Commerce, Retail, Corporate Sectors, Public Sectors, Healthcare, Transportation & Telecommunication, Others), By Platform (Proprietary Platform, Marketplace Platform), By Solution (Application Program Interface, Payment Gateway, Payment Processing, Payment Security & Fraud Management, Transaction Risk Management, Others), By Countries (North America (United States, Canada), Europe (United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, France, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland) Asia Pacific (Australia, Israel, India, China, Japan, Indonesia, Korea), Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, South Africa), South America (Argentina, Brazil, Mexico) and Rest of World.) Companies (Paypal Holdings Inc, Visa Inc, Mastercard Incorporated, Amazon.Com Inc, Alphabet Inc., ACI Worldwide, American Express Co, Stripe Inc, Fiserv Inc, AppleInc)” captures a detailed analysis of Global Digital Payment Market and gives an all-encompassing study of the key growth drivers and restraints.

Value by Segment: The market & Volume covers in 3 viewpoints

1. Digital Commerce
2. Digital Remmitance
3. Mobile POS Systems

Methods: The market covers in 5 viewpoints

1. Credit Card
2. E-Wallet
3. Debit Card
4. Charge and Deferred Debit Card
5. Bank Transfer

Application: The market covers in 9 viewpoints

1. Banking & Financial Sectors
2. Hotels & Restaurants
3. E-Commerce
4. Retail
5. Corporate Sectors
6. Public Sectors
7. Healthcare
8. Transportation & Telecommunication
9. Others

Platform: The market covers in 2 viewpoints

1. Proprietary Platform
2. Marketplace Platform

Solution: The market covers in 6 viewpoints

1. Application Program Interface
2. Payment Gateway
3. Payment Processing
4. Payment Security & Fraud Management
5. Transaction Risk Management
6. Others

Country: – This report covers 27 Countries Digital Payment Market

1. North America

1.1 United States
1.2 Canada

2. Latin America

2.1 Brazil
2.2 Mexico
2.3 Argentina

3. Europe

3.1 United Kingdom
3.2 France
3.3 Germany
3.4 Spain
3.5 Italy
3.6 Netherlands
3.7 Norway
3.8 Sweden
3.9 Switzerland
3.10 Russia
3.11 Turkey

4. Asia Pacific

4.1 India
4.2 China
4.3 Japan
4.4 Indonesia
4.5 Korea
4.6 Australia

5. Middle East and Africa

5.1 Saudi Arabia
5.2 UAE
5.3 Israel
5.4 South Africa

6. Rest of the World

Company Covered

1. Paypal Holdings Inc.
2. Visa Inc.
3. Mastercard Incorporated
4. Amazon.Com Inc.
5. Alphabet Inc.
6. ACI Worldwide
7. American Express Co.
8. Stripe Inc.
9. Fiserv, Inc.
10. Apple Inc.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Online Payment Market Survey Insights

6. Global Online Payment Market

7. Share Analysis – Global Online Payment Market

7.1 Value by Segments
7.2 Volume by Segments
7.3 By Methods
7.4 By Application
7.5 By Platform
7.6 By Solution
7.7 By Countries

8. Segments – Global Online Payment Market

8.1 Digital Commerce

8.1.1 Value
8.1.2 Volume

8.2 Digital Remittance

8.2.1 Value
8.2.2 Volume

8.3 Mobile POS Systems

8.3.1 Value
8.3.2 Volume

9. Methods – Global Online Payment Volume

9.1 Credit Card
9.2 E-Wallet
9.3 Debit Card
9.4 Charge and Deferred Debit Card
9.5 Bank Transfer

10. Application – Global Online Payment Market

10.1 Banking & Financial Sectors
10.2 Hotels & Restaurants
10.3 E-Commerce
10.4 Retail
10.5 Corporate Sectors
10.6 Public Sectors
10.7 Healthcare
10.8 Transportation & Telecommunication
10.9 Others

11. Platform – Global Online Payment Market

11.1 Proprietary Platform
11.2 Marketplace Platform

12. Solution – Global Online Payment Market

12.1 Application Program Interface
12.2 Payment Gateway
12.3 Payment Processing
12.4 Payment Security & Fraud Management
12.5 Transaction Risk Management
12.6 Others

13. Regions – Global Online Payment Market

13.1 North America

13.1.1 United States
13.1.2 Canada

13.2 Latin America

13.2.1 Brazil
13.2.2 Mexico
13.2.3 Argentina

13.3 Europe

13.3.1 United Kingdom
13.3.2 France
13.3.3 Germany
13.3.4 Spain
13.3.5 Italy
13.3.6 Netherlands
13.3.7 Norway
13.3.8 Sweden
13.3.9 Switzerland
13.3.10 Russia
13.3.11 Turkey

13.4 Asia Pacific

13.4.1 India
13.4.2 China
13.4.3 Japan
13.4.4 Indonesia
13.4.5 Korea
13.4.6 Australia

13.5 Middle East and Africa

13.5.1 Saudi Arabia
13.5.2 UAE
13.5.3 Israel
13.5.4 South Africa

13.6 Rest of the World

14. Porters Five Forces – Global Online Payment Market

14.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
14.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
14.3 Degree of Competition
14.4 Threat of New Entrants
14.5 Threat of Substitutes

15. SWOT Analysis – Global Online Payment Market

15.1 Strengths
15.2 Weaknesses
15.3 Opportunities
15.4 Threats

16. Company Analysis

16.1 Paypal Holdings Inc.

16.1.1 Overview
16.1.2 Recent Development
16.1.3 SWOT Analysis
16.1.4 Revenue Analysis

16.2 Visa Inc.

16.2.1 Overview
16.2.2 Recent Development
16.2.3 SWOT Analysis
16.2.4 Revenue Analysis

16.3 Mastercard Incorporated

16.3.1 Overview
16.3.2 Recent Development
16.3.3 SWOT Analysis
16.3.4 Revenue Analysis

16.4 Amazon.Com Inc.

16.4.1 Overview
16.4.2 Recent Development
16.4.3 SWOT Analysis
16.4.4 Revenue Analysis

16.5 Alphabet Inc.

16.5.1 Overview
16.5.2 Recent Development
16.5.3 SWOT Analysis
16.5.4 Revenue Analysis

16.6 ACI Worldwide

16.6.1 Overview
16.6.2 Recent Development
16.6.3 SWOT Analysis
16.6.4 Revenue Analysis

16.7 American Express Co.

16.7.1 Overview
16.7.2 Recent Development
16.7.3 SWOT Analysis
16.7.4 Revenue Analysis

16.8 Stripe Inc.

16.8.1 Overview
16.8.2 Recent Development
16.8.3 SWOT Analysis
16.8.4 Revenue Analysis

16.9 Fiserv, Inc.

16.9.1 Overview
16.9.2 Recent Development
16.9.3 SWOT Analysis
16.9.4 Revenue Analysis

16.10 Apple Inc.

16.10.1 Overview
16.10.2 Recent Development
16.10.3 SWOT Analysis
16.10.4 Revenue Analysis


List of Tables/Graphs

Table-01: Global – Online Payment Market Share by Segments (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-02: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Market Share by Segments (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-03: Global – Online Payment Volume Share by Segments (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-04: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Volume Share by Segments (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-05: Global – Online Payment Market Share by Methods (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-06: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Market Share by Methods (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-07: Global – Online Payment Market Share by Application (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-08: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Market Share by Application (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-09: Global – Online Payment Market Share by Platform (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-10: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Market Share by Platform (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-11: Global – Online Payment Market Share by Solution (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-12: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Market Share by Solution (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-13: Global – Online Payment Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2018 – 2023
Table-14: Global – Forecast for Online Payment Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2024 – 2030






Renub Research社のIT・通信&インターネット分野での最新刊レポート


Renub Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?

Renubリサーチ (Renub Research)は、インドに本社を置く調査会社です。通信や医薬市場について、市場動向や技術はもちろん、企業レポートや医療観光(メディカルツーリズム)など、幅広い関連... もっと見る


在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。


5) 調査会社からお客様へ納品されます。最近は、pdfにてのメール納品が大半です。










2024/12/18 10:27

154.74 円

162.88 円

199.42 円
