世界の林業用ボランタリー・カーボン・オフセット市場レポート、歴史と予測2016-2027年Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Report, History and Forecast 2016-2027 市場分析と洞察。世界の林業用ボランタリー・カーボン・オフセット市場 この調査レポートは、林業用のボランタリーカーボンオフセット市場を様々な方法論と分析を用いて研究し、市場に関する正確で詳細な情報を... もっと見る
サマリー市場分析と洞察。世界の林業用ボランタリー・カーボン・オフセット市場この調査レポートは、林業用のボランタリーカーボンオフセット市場を様々な方法論と分析を用いて研究し、市場に関する正確で詳細な情報を提供しています。より明確な理解のために、いくつかのパートに分けて、市場のさまざまな側面を取り上げています。そして、各地域の成長の可能性と世界市場への貢献度を読者が理解できるように、各分野を詳しく説明しています。研究者は、一次および二次の方法論を用いて本レポートの情報を収集しました。また、同じデータを用いて現在の市場シナリオを作成しました。本報告書は、市場に対する懸念、より良い、より明確な知識に向けて人々を導くことを目的としています。 林業用ボランタリーカーボンオフセットの世界市場規模は、2020年の1億8,091万米ドルから、2021年から2027年の間に28.75%のCAGRで、2027年には1億1,362万米ドルに達すると予測されています。 世界の林業用ボランタリーカーボンオフセットの範囲とセグメント 世界の林業用ボランタリーカーボンオフセット市場は、企業別、地域(国)別、タイプ別、用途別に分類されています。世界の林業用ボランタリーカーボンオフセット市場に参加するプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、本レポートを強力なリソースとして活用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント別分析では、2016年から2027年までの地域(国)別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別の収益と予測に焦点を当てています。 企業別 サウスポールグループ 3Degrees ファーストクライメイトマーケッツAG ネイチャーオフィスGmbH オールコットグループ Forliance スイスクライメイト エコティエラ エコアクト GreenTrees フォレストカーボン クライメイトパートナーGmbH バイオアッセッツ カーボン・クレジット・キャピタル ブルーソース バイオファイナリズム L&Cカーボン タイプ別セグメント 森林管理プロジェクト 植林プロジェクト アプリケーション別セグメント 個人 企業 地域別 北アメリカ アメリカ カナダ メキシコ アジア太平洋 中国 日本 韓国 東南アジア インド オーストラリア ヨーロッパ ドイツ イギリス フランス オランダ スイス 南米 ブラジル アルゼンチン 中近東・アフリカ 中近東 アフリカ 目次1 MARKET OVERVIEW OF VOLUNTARY CARBON OFFSETS FOR FORESTRY 1 1.1 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Overview 1 1.1.1 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Product Scope 1 1.1.2 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Status and Outlook 3 1.2 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size Overview by Region 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 4 1.3 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Region (2016-2027) 5 1.4 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Historic Market Size by Region (2016-2021) 5 1.5 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 6 1.6 Key Regions Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size (2016-2027) 8 1.6.1 North America Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size (2016-2027) 8 1.6.2 Europe Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size (2016-2027) 9 1.6.3 Asia-Pacific Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size (2016-2027) 10 1.6.4 South America Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size (2016-2027) 11 1.6.5 Middle East & Africa Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size (2016-2027) 12 2 VOLUNTARY CARBON OFFSETS FOR FORESTRY MARKET OVERVIEW BY TYPE 13 2.1 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Type: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 13 2.2 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Historic Market Size by Type (2016-2021) 14 2.3 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Forecasted Market Size by Type (2022-2027) 14 2.4 Forest Management Project 15 2.5 Afforestation Project 15 2.6 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets Market Size by Type: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 16 2.7 Renewable Energy 16 3 VOLUNTARY CARBON OFFSETS FOR FORESTRY MARKET OVERVIEW BY APPLICATION 18 3.1 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Application: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 18 3.2 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Historic Market Size by Application (2016-2021) 19 3.3 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Forecasted Market Size by Application (2022-2027) 20 3.4 Personal 20 3.5 Enterprise 21 4 VOLUNTARY CARBON OFFSETS FOR FORESTRY COMPETITION ANALYSIS BY PLAYERS 22 4.1 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Players (2016-2021) 22 4.2 Global Top Players by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry as of 2020) 25 4.3 Date of Key Players Enter into Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market 26 4.4 Global Top Players Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Headquarters and Area Served 26 4.5 Key Players Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Product Solution and Service 27 4.6 Competitive Status 28 4.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 28 5 COMPANY (TOP PLAYERS) PROFILES AND KEY DATA 30 5.1 South Pole Group 30 5.1.1 South Pole Group Profile 30 5.1.2 South Pole Group Main Business 30 5.1.3 South Pole Group Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 31 5.1.4 South Pole Group Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 31 5.2 3Degrees 32 5.2.1 3Degrees Profile 32 5.2.2 3Degrees Main Business 32 5.2.3 3Degrees Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 32 5.2.4 3Degrees Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 34 5.3 First Climate Markets AG 34 5.3.1 First Climate Markets AG Profile 34 5.3.2 First Climate Markets AG Main Business 34 5.3.3 First Climate Markets AG Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 35 5.3.4 First Climate Markets AG Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 36 5.4 NatureOffice GmbH 36 5.4.1 NatureOffice GmbH Profile 36 5.4.2 NatureOffice GmbH Main Business 36 5.4.3 NatureOffice GmbH Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 37 5.4.4 NatureOffice GmbH Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 38 5.5 Allcot Group 38 5.5.1 Allcot Group Profile 38 5.5.2 Allcot Group Main Business 39 5.5.3 Allcot Group Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 39 5.5.4 Allcot Group Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 40 5.6 Forliance 40 5.6.1 Forliance Profile 40 5.6.2 Forliance Main Business 41 5.6.3 Forliance Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 41 5.6.4 Forliance Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 41 5.7 Swiss Climate 42 5.7.1 Swiss Climate Profile 42 5.7.2 Swiss Climate Main Business 42 5.7.3 Swiss Climate Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 42 5.7.4 Swiss Climate Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 43 5.8 Ecotierra 44 5.8.1 Ecotierra Profile 44 5.8.2 Ecotierra Main Business 44 5.8.3 Ecotierra Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 44 5.8.4 Ecotierra Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 45 5.9 EcoAct 45 5.9.1 EcoAct Profile 45 5.9.2 EcoAct Main Business 45 5.9.3 EcoAct Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 46 5.9.4 EcoAct Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 47 5.10 GreenTrees 47 5.10.1 GreenTrees Profile 47 5.10.2 GreenTrees Main Business 47 5.10.3 GreenTrees Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 48 5.10.4 GreenTrees Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 49 5.11 Forest Carbon 49 5.11.1 Forest Carbon Profile 49 5.11.2 Forest Carbon Main Business 49 5.11.3 Forest Carbon Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 50 5.11.4 Forest Carbon Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 51 5.12 ClimatePartner GmbH 51 5.12.1 ClimatePartner GmbH Profile 51 5.12.2 ClimatePartner GmbH Main Business 52 5.12.3 ClimatePartner GmbH Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 52 5.12.4 ClimatePartner GmbH Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 53 5.13 Bioassets 53 5.13.1 Bioassets Profile 53 5.13.2 Bioassets Main Business 54 5.13.3 Bioassets Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 54 5.13.4 Bioassets Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 55 5.14 Carbon Credit Capital 55 5.14.1 Carbon Credit Capital Profile 55 5.14.2 Carbon Credit Capital Main Business 56 5.14.3 Carbon Credit Capital Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 56 5.14.4 Carbon Credit Capital Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 57 5.15 Bluesource 58 5.15.1 Bluesource Profile 58 5.15.2 Bluesource Main Business 58 5.15.3 Bluesource Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 59 5.15.4 Bluesource Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 59 5.16 Biof铆lica 60 5.16.1 Biof铆lica Profile 60 5.16.2 Biof铆lica Main Business 60 5.16.3 Biof铆lica Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 60 5.16.4 Biof铆lica Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 61 5.17 L&C Carbon 62 5.17.1 L&C Carbon Profile 62 5.17.2 L&C Carbon Main Business 62 5.17.3 L&C Carbon Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 62 5.17.4 L&C Carbon Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 63 6 NORTH AMERICA 64 6.1 North America Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Country (2016-2027) 64 6.2 United States 65 6.3 Canada 66 6.4 Mexico 67 7 EUROPE 68 7.1 Europe Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Country (2016-2027) 68 7.2 Germany 70 7.3 France 71 7.4 U.K. 72 7.5 Netherlands 73 7.6 Switzerland 74 8 ASIA-PACIFIC 75 8.1 Asia-Pacific Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Region (2016-2027) 75 8.2 China 77 8.3 Japan 78 8.4 South Korea 79 8.5 Southeast Asia 80 8.6 India 81 8.7 Australia 82 9 SOUTH AMERICA 83 9.1 South America Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Country (2016-2027) 83 9.2 Brazil 84 9.3 Argentina 85 10 MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA 86 10.1 Middle East & Africa Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Country 86 10.2 Middle East 87 10.3 Africa 88 11 VOLUNTARY CARBON OFFSETS FOR FORESTRY MARKET DYNAMICS 89 11.1 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Industry Trends 89 11.2 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Drivers 90 11.3 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Challenges 96 11.4 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Restraints 97 12 RESEARCH FINDING/CONCLUSION 99 13 METHODOLOGY AND DATA SOURCE 101 13.1 Methodology/Research Approach 101 13.1.1 Research Programs/Design 101 13.1.2 Market Size Estimation 101 13.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation 103 13.2 Data Source 104 13.2.1 Secondary Sources 104 13.2.2 Primary Sources 105 13.3 Disclaimer 106 13.4 Author List 106
SummaryMarket Analysis and Insights: Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Table of Contents1 MARKET OVERVIEW OF VOLUNTARY CARBON OFFSETS FOR FORESTRY 1 1.1 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Overview 1 1.1.1 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Product Scope 1 1.1.2 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Status and Outlook 3 1.2 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size Overview by Region 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 4 1.3 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Region (2016-2027) 5 1.4 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Historic Market Size by Region (2016-2021) 5 1.5 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 6 1.6 Key Regions Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size (2016-2027) 8 1.6.1 North America Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size (2016-2027) 8 1.6.2 Europe Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size (2016-2027) 9 1.6.3 Asia-Pacific Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size (2016-2027) 10 1.6.4 South America Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size (2016-2027) 11 1.6.5 Middle East & Africa Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size (2016-2027) 12 2 VOLUNTARY CARBON OFFSETS FOR FORESTRY MARKET OVERVIEW BY TYPE 13 2.1 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Type: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 13 2.2 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Historic Market Size by Type (2016-2021) 14 2.3 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Forecasted Market Size by Type (2022-2027) 14 2.4 Forest Management Project 15 2.5 Afforestation Project 15 2.6 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets Market Size by Type: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 16 2.7 Renewable Energy 16 3 VOLUNTARY CARBON OFFSETS FOR FORESTRY MARKET OVERVIEW BY APPLICATION 18 3.1 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Application: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 18 3.2 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Historic Market Size by Application (2016-2021) 19 3.3 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Forecasted Market Size by Application (2022-2027) 20 3.4 Personal 20 3.5 Enterprise 21 4 VOLUNTARY CARBON OFFSETS FOR FORESTRY COMPETITION ANALYSIS BY PLAYERS 22 4.1 Global Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Players (2016-2021) 22 4.2 Global Top Players by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry as of 2020) 25 4.3 Date of Key Players Enter into Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market 26 4.4 Global Top Players Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Headquarters and Area Served 26 4.5 Key Players Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Product Solution and Service 27 4.6 Competitive Status 28 4.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 28 5 COMPANY (TOP PLAYERS) PROFILES AND KEY DATA 30 5.1 South Pole Group 30 5.1.1 South Pole Group Profile 30 5.1.2 South Pole Group Main Business 30 5.1.3 South Pole Group Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 31 5.1.4 South Pole Group Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 31 5.2 3Degrees 32 5.2.1 3Degrees Profile 32 5.2.2 3Degrees Main Business 32 5.2.3 3Degrees Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 32 5.2.4 3Degrees Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 34 5.3 First Climate Markets AG 34 5.3.1 First Climate Markets AG Profile 34 5.3.2 First Climate Markets AG Main Business 34 5.3.3 First Climate Markets AG Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 35 5.3.4 First Climate Markets AG Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 36 5.4 NatureOffice GmbH 36 5.4.1 NatureOffice GmbH Profile 36 5.4.2 NatureOffice GmbH Main Business 36 5.4.3 NatureOffice GmbH Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 37 5.4.4 NatureOffice GmbH Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 38 5.5 Allcot Group 38 5.5.1 Allcot Group Profile 38 5.5.2 Allcot Group Main Business 39 5.5.3 Allcot Group Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 39 5.5.4 Allcot Group Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 40 5.6 Forliance 40 5.6.1 Forliance Profile 40 5.6.2 Forliance Main Business 41 5.6.3 Forliance Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 41 5.6.4 Forliance Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 41 5.7 Swiss Climate 42 5.7.1 Swiss Climate Profile 42 5.7.2 Swiss Climate Main Business 42 5.7.3 Swiss Climate Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 42 5.7.4 Swiss Climate Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 43 5.8 Ecotierra 44 5.8.1 Ecotierra Profile 44 5.8.2 Ecotierra Main Business 44 5.8.3 Ecotierra Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 44 5.8.4 Ecotierra Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 45 5.9 EcoAct 45 5.9.1 EcoAct Profile 45 5.9.2 EcoAct Main Business 45 5.9.3 EcoAct Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 46 5.9.4 EcoAct Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 47 5.10 GreenTrees 47 5.10.1 GreenTrees Profile 47 5.10.2 GreenTrees Main Business 47 5.10.3 GreenTrees Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 48 5.10.4 GreenTrees Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 49 5.11 Forest Carbon 49 5.11.1 Forest Carbon Profile 49 5.11.2 Forest Carbon Main Business 49 5.11.3 Forest Carbon Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 50 5.11.4 Forest Carbon Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 51 5.12 ClimatePartner GmbH 51 5.12.1 ClimatePartner GmbH Profile 51 5.12.2 ClimatePartner GmbH Main Business 52 5.12.3 ClimatePartner GmbH Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 52 5.12.4 ClimatePartner GmbH Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 53 5.13 Bioassets 53 5.13.1 Bioassets Profile 53 5.13.2 Bioassets Main Business 54 5.13.3 Bioassets Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 54 5.13.4 Bioassets Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 55 5.14 Carbon Credit Capital 55 5.14.1 Carbon Credit Capital Profile 55 5.14.2 Carbon Credit Capital Main Business 56 5.14.3 Carbon Credit Capital Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 56 5.14.4 Carbon Credit Capital Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 57 5.15 Bluesource 58 5.15.1 Bluesource Profile 58 5.15.2 Bluesource Main Business 58 5.15.3 Bluesource Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 59 5.15.4 Bluesource Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 59 5.16 Biof铆lica 60 5.16.1 Biof铆lica Profile 60 5.16.2 Biof铆lica Main Business 60 5.16.3 Biof铆lica Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 60 5.16.4 Biof铆lica Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 61 5.17 L&C Carbon 62 5.17.1 L&C Carbon Profile 62 5.17.2 L&C Carbon Main Business 62 5.17.3 L&C Carbon Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Products, Services and Solutions 62 5.17.4 L&C Carbon Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Revenue (US$ Million) & (2016-2021) 63 6 NORTH AMERICA 64 6.1 North America Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Country (2016-2027) 64 6.2 United States 65 6.3 Canada 66 6.4 Mexico 67 7 EUROPE 68 7.1 Europe Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Country (2016-2027) 68 7.2 Germany 70 7.3 France 71 7.4 U.K. 72 7.5 Netherlands 73 7.6 Switzerland 74 8 ASIA-PACIFIC 75 8.1 Asia-Pacific Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Region (2016-2027) 75 8.2 China 77 8.3 Japan 78 8.4 South Korea 79 8.5 Southeast Asia 80 8.6 India 81 8.7 Australia 82 9 SOUTH AMERICA 83 9.1 South America Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Country (2016-2027) 83 9.2 Brazil 84 9.3 Argentina 85 10 MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA 86 10.1 Middle East & Africa Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Size by Country 86 10.2 Middle East 87 10.3 Africa 88 11 VOLUNTARY CARBON OFFSETS FOR FORESTRY MARKET DYNAMICS 89 11.1 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Industry Trends 89 11.2 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Drivers 90 11.3 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Challenges 96 11.4 Voluntary Carbon Offsets for Forestry Market Restraints 97 12 RESEARCH FINDING/CONCLUSION 99 13 METHODOLOGY AND DATA SOURCE 101 13.1 Methodology/Research Approach 101 13.1.1 Research Programs/Design 101 13.1.2 Market Size Estimation 101 13.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation 103 13.2 Data Source 104 13.2.1 Secondary Sources 104 13.2.2 Primary Sources 105 13.3 Disclaimer 106 13.4 Author List 106
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