


Global PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) Market

PUソール(履物用ポリウレタン)の世界市場:種類・用途・地域別、2023-2030年世界予測 世界のPUソール(履物用ポリウレタン)市場の販売量は、2021年の1,870.90キロトンから2028年には2,291.63キロトンまで、年... もっと見る



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FactView Research
2024年8月1日 US$4,650
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- 軽量:PUソールはゴムのような他のソール素材よりも軽く、シューズ全体の快適性に貢献します。
- 耐久性:PUソールは耐摩耗性に優れているため、通常の使用でも長持ちします。
- 履き心地:PUソールはクッション性と衝撃吸収性に優れ、足の疲労を軽減し、快適な履き心地を提供します。
- 滑りにくさ:PUソールの多くは、グリップ力と耐滑性に優れています。
- 柔軟性:PUの柔軟性は、サポート力と運動性のバランスを必要とするフットウェアに最適です。
- 耐水性:PUソールは一般的に耐水性があり、さまざまな天候条件に適している。
- 2022年12月、オーストラリアのトップフットウェアサプライヤーであるBerkat Safety社とBASF社により、KAMU安全長靴の導入が発表された。この安全長靴は、BASF社の熱可塑性ポリウレタン(TPU)と発泡熱可塑性ポリウレタン(E-TPU)の素材を使用している。これらの素材は、卓越した耐滑性、軽量クッション性、エネルギーリターン、長期的な快適性を提供します。
- BASF SEが2022年に発表したところによると、インドのムンバイに新しいポリウレタン応用開発研究所が開設される。この新しい研究所は約2,000平方メートルの広さで、最先端の応用技術が装備される。2024年の開設が予定されているこの研究所は、家電製品、履物、その他の産業など、急成長している分野におけるインドの顧客との協力関係を強化する。



1 エグゼクティブサマリー
2 市場のダイナミクス
2.1 はじめに
2.2 推進要因
2.3 課題
3 PUソール(靴用ポリウレタン)の世界市場:用途別
3.1 はじめに
3.2 スポーツ
3.2.1 市場分析、2017年~2021年、予測、2022年~2028年 (売上高、USD Mn)
3.3 スリッパ・サンダル
3.3.1 市場分析、2017年~2021年および予測、2022年~2028年 (売上高、USD Mn)
3.4 カジュアル
3.4.1 市場分析、2017 - 2021年および予測、2022 - 2028年 (売上高、USD Mn)
3.5 フォーマル
3.5.1 市場分析、2017~2021年および予測、2022~2028年 (売上高、USD Mn)
3.6 作業用/安全用ブーツ
3.6.1 市場分析、2017~2021年および予測、2022~2028年 (売上高、USD Mn)
4 PUソール(靴用ポリウレタン)の世界市場、地域別
4.1 はじめに

4.2 北米
4.2.1 市場分析、2017年~2021年および予測、2022年~2028年 (収益、USD Mn)
4.3 欧州
4.3.1 市場分析、2017~2021年および予測、2022~2028年(収益、USD Mn)
4.4 アジア太平洋
4.4.1 市場分析、2017~2021年および予測、2022~2028年 (収益、USD Mn)
4.5 中東・アフリカ
4.5.1 市場分析、2017年~2021年および予測、2022年~2028年(収益、USD Mn)
4.6 中南米
4.6.1 市場分析、2017~2021年および予測、2022~2028年 (収益、USD Mn)
5 アジア太平洋地域のPUソール(履物用ポリウレタン)市場予測、地域別、2017年 - 2021年および予測、2022年 - 2028年 (売上高、USD Mn)
5.1 はじめに
5.2 用途別分析 2017 - 2021年および予測 2022 - 2028年:売上高(USD Mn)、前年比成長率(%)、市場シェア(%)
5.2.1 スポーツ
5.2.2 スリッパ&サンダル
5.2.3 カジュアル
5.2.4 フォーマル
5.2.5 ワーク/安全ブーツ
5.3 国別分析 2017年~2021年および予測 2022年~2028年 売上高(USD Mn)、前年比成長率(%)、市場シェア(%)

5.3.1 中国
5.3.2 インド
5.3.3 ベトナム
5.3.4 インドネシア
5.3.5 その他のアジア太平洋地域
6 ラテンアメリカのPUソール(履物用ポリウレタン)市場予測、地域別、2017〜2021年および予測、2022〜2028年 (売上高、USD Mn)
6.1 はじめに
6.2 用途別分析 2017 - 2021年および予測 2022 - 2028年:売上高(USD Mn)、前年比成長率(%)、市場シェア(%)
6.2.1 スポーツ
6.2.2 スリッパ&サンダル
6.2.3 カジュアル
6.2.4 フォーマル
6.2.5 ワーク/安全ブーツ
6.3 国別分析 2017年~2021年および予測 2022年~2028年 売上高(USD Mn)、前年比成長率(%)、市場シェア(%)
6.3.1 ブラジル
6.3.2 メキシコ
6.3.3 その他のラテンアメリカ
7 中東・アフリカPUソール(履物用ポリウレタン)市場予測:地域別、2017年~2021年および2022年~2028年予測 (売上高、USD Mn)
7.1 はじめに

7.2 用途別分析 2017 - 2021年および予測 2022 - 2028年:売上高(USD Mn)、前年比成長率(%)、市場シェア(%)
7.2.1 スポーツ
7.2.2 スリッパ&サンダル
7.2.3 カジュアル
7.2.4 フォーマル
7.2.5 ワーク/安全ブーツ
7.3 国別分析 2017 - 2021年および予測 2022 - 2028年:売上高(USD Mn)、前年比成長率(%)、市場シェア(%)
7.3.1 トルコ
7.3.2 南アフリカ
7.3.3 その他の中東・アフリカ
8 欧州PUソール(履物用ポリウレタン)市場予測:地域別、2017〜2021年および予測、2022〜2028年 (売上高、USD Mn)
8.1 はじめに
8.2 用途別分析 2017 - 2021年および予測 2022 - 2028年:売上高(USD Mn)、前年比成長率(%)、市場シェア(%)
8.2.1 スポーツ
8.2.2 スリッパ&サンダル
8.2.3 カジュアル
8.2.4 フォーマル
8.2.5 ワーク/安全ブーツ
8.3 国別分析 2017年~2021年および予測 2022年~2028年 売上高(USD Mn)、前年比成長率(%)、市場シェア(%)

8.3.1 イタリア
8.3.2 スペイン
8.3.3 ポルトガル
8.3.4 その他のヨーロッパ
9 北米PUソール(履物用ポリウレタン)市場予測:地域別、2017〜2021年および予測、2022〜2028年 (売上高、USD Mn)
9.1 はじめに
9.2 用途別分析 2017 - 2021年および予測 2022 - 2028年:売上高(USD Mn)、前年比成長率(%)、市場シェア(%)
9.2.1 スポーツ
9.2.2 スリッパ&サンダル
9.2.3 カジュアル
9.2.4 フォーマル
9.2.5 ワーク/安全ブーツ
9.3 国別分析 2017年~2021年および予測 2022年~2028年 売上高(USD Mn)、前年比成長率(%)、市場シェア(%)
9.3.1 米国
9.3.2 カナダ
10 企業プロフィール
10.1 BASF SE
10.2 CovestrAG
10.3 ダウ

10.4 ハンツマン・インターナショナルLLC
10.5 ランクセス
10.6 三井化学
10.7 萬華化工集団有限公司
10.8 華孚PU
10.9 イノアックコーポレーション
10.10 コイムグループ
10.11 エラ・ポリマーズ社
10.12 セルラーモールディング
11 付録
11.1 調査方法





Global PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) Market by Type, Application and Region and Global Forecast 2023-2030
The global PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) market sales volume is expected to grow from 1.870.90 kiloton in 2021 to 2,291.63 kiloton by 2028 at a CAGR of 2.9%.
PU (Polyurethane) soles are made from a type of polymer material known as polyurethane. This material is synthesized by reacting diisocyanates with polyols, resulting in a versatile polymer that can be tailored for different applications by varying the chemical composition. PU soles are known for being lightweight, flexible, and durable. They offer excellent abrasion resistance, good shock absorption, and are resistant to various environmental conditions, making them ideal for footwear.
The most common method for manufacturing PU soles is direct injection molding, where liquid polyurethane is injected into a mold where it hardens and takes the shape of the sole. The process involves mixing the polyol and isocyanate components, injecting the mixture into a mold, and allowing it to cure. The result is a sole with precise dimensions and consistent properties. In some cases, the PU mixture is poured into open molds, which are then closed and allowed to cure. This method is typically used for more intricate designs or larger production runs.
Advantages of PU Soles:
• Lightweight: PU soles are lighter than other sole materials like rubber, which contributes to the overall comfort of the footwear.
• Durability: PU is known for its excellent abrasion resistance, which means PU soles last longer even with regular use.
• Comfort: PU soles provide good cushioning and shock absorption, reducing foot fatigue and providing a comfortable wearing experience.
• Slip Resistance: Many PU soles are designed to offer good grip and slip resistance, which is crucial for safety in various environments.
• Flexibility: The flexibility of PU makes it ideal for footwear that requires a balance of support and mobility.
• Water Resistance: PU soles are generally water-resistant, making them suitable for various weather conditions.
The recyclability of PU soles is a growing concern. Some advancements are being made in creating more sustainable and recyclable PU formulations, but traditional PU is not easily recyclable. Research and development in the footwear industry are increasingly focused on developing more eco-friendly PU alternatives, including bio-based polyurethanes and PU with lower environmental impact.
In summary, PU soles are a key component in modern footwear, offering a balance of comfort, durability, and cost-effectiveness. They are widely used across various types of shoes, from casual to work and sports footwear. The manufacturing process, primarily involving direct injection molding, allows for precise and efficient production. While there are environmental challenges associated with PU, ongoing innovations aim to improve its sustainability, making it a continued favourite in the footwear industry.
“Sports product segment, by application, to be largest market from 2023 to 2030.”
Among the applications, the sports segment, with 35.60% share in 2021, is expected to be the largest contributor and this trend is expected to continue during the forecast period. Casuals, and slippers and sandals segments are also expected to offer lucrative revenue opportunities to the PU sole vendors. The increasing adoption of safety boots during construction, electrical, and home service works is likely to drive the adoption of PU soles in work/safety boots.
“Asia Pacific to be largest region in PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) Market.”
By region, the market is divided into North America, Europe, APAC, and Others. Others are further divided into the Middle East and South America. Among regions, Asia Pacific, with more than 88% share, is expected to dominate the global PU Sole market owing to growth in the usage of PU sole (footwear polyurethane) in sports, casual, boots, formals, slippers & sandals footwear.
The PU (Polyurethane) sole market in the Asia-Pacific region has been experiencing significant growth due to a combination of factors, including rising consumer demand, the expansion of the footwear industry, and advancements in manufacturing technologies. The Asia-Pacific region is one of the fastest-growing markets for PU soles, driven by the region's large and growing population, increasing urbanization, and rising disposable incomes. The footwear industry in Asia-Pacific is expanding rapidly, with countries like China, India, and Vietnam emerging as major manufacturing hubs. This growth is fueling the demand for PU soles, which are widely used in various types of footwear, including casual, athletic, and work shoes.
With increasing disposable incomes, consumers in Asia-Pacific are spending more on footwear, including premium and branded products that often use PU soles for their durability and comfort. The rapid urbanization in countries like China, India, and Southeast Asia is leading to a higher demand for fashionable and comfortable footwear, which in turn drives the demand for PU soles.
Asia-Pacific is a major global hub for footwear manufacturing, with countries like China, India, Vietnam, and Indonesia leading in production. The presence of large-scale manufacturing facilities and a well-established supply chain supports the growth of the PU sole market. A significant portion of footwear produced in Asia-Pacific is exported to Europe, North America, and other regions. The growing global demand for affordable and high-quality footwear continues to drive the production of PU soles in the region. Advances in PU technology, including the development of lightweight, eco-friendly, and high-performance PU materials, are driving the adoption of PU soles in various footwear applications. The cost efficiency of PU sole production, coupled with innovations in manufacturing processes such as direct injection molding, is making PU soles a preferred choice for both manufacturers and consumers. The rise of e-commerce platforms in Asia-Pacific has made it easier for consumers to access a wide range of footwear products, including those with PU soles. The convenience of online shopping is contributing to increased footwear sales, thereby boosting the demand for PU soles.
China ranks among the world's biggest producers and users of footwear. Nine out of ten pairs of shoes are reportedly made in Asia, with China being the region's biggest market.
In a similar vein, the Indian footwear market has recently shown positive growth. The country's footwear sector has been driven by urbanisation and the entry of foreign brands. Under the 'Make in India' campaign, the government has directed its attention towards the footwear sector.
About 90% of the footwear made in India is produced to satisfy local demand. In the upcoming years, the Indian footwear market is expected to increase at a rate of 4.5%. Running shoes are the most popular type of sports footwear, with a 1.5X increase in sales over the prior year. One of the top shoe companies in the nation, Bata, plans to create 500 new franchise locations by the end of 2023. In 2021, the Japanese footwear market was valued at USD 29 billion. It is anticipated that the country's footwear market will have an average volume per person of 5.62 pairs. It is anticipated that these developments will propel the nation's polyurethane market.
Competitive Landscape
The competitive landscape of the PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) Market involves assessing the competitive landscape to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the industry. Key industry players have recognized that the adoption of PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) holds the potential for further growth. The growing desire among producers to optimize their production costs has spurred collaborative efforts among companies to scale up their production capacity. This strategic collaboration not only aims to increase revenue but also seeks to establish dominance in the market.
The PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) Market is highly competitive, with numerous companies vying for market share.
Major Players:
Covestro AG
Recent Developments:
• The introduction of KAMU safety boots was announced in December 2022 by Australia's top footwear supplier, Berkat Safety, and BASF. The safety boots are made with materials from BASF that are Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) and Expanded Thermoplastic Polyurethane (E-TPU). These materials offer exceptional slip resistance, lightweight cushioning, energy return, and long-term comfort.
• Mumbai, India will host a new Polyurethane Application Development Laboratory, according to a 2022 announcement by BASF SE. The new laboratory will be about 2,000 square meters in size and equipped with cutting edge applications technology. Anticipated for opening in 2024, the lab will enhance cooperation with Indian clients in fast-growing sectors such as consumer appliances, footwear, and other industries.


Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary
2 Market Dynamics
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Drivers
2.3 Challenges
3 Global PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) Market, By Application
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Sports
3.2.1 Market Analysis, 2017 - 2021 And Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
3.3 Slippers & Sandals
3.3.1 Market Analysis, 2017 - 2021 And Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
3.4 Casuals
3.4.1 Market Analysis, 2017 - 2021 And Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
3.5 Formals
3.5.1 Market Analysis, 2017 - 2021 And Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
3.6 Work/Safety Boots
3.6.1 Market Analysis, 2017 - 2021 And Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
4 Global PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) Market, By Region
4.1 Introduction

4.2 North America
4.2.1 Market Analysis, 2017 - 2021 And Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
4.3 Europe
4.3.1 Market Analysis, 2017 - 2021 And Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
4.4 Asia-Pacific
4.4.1 Market Analysis, 2017 - 2021 And Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
4.5 Middle East and Africa
4.5.1 Market Analysis, 2017 - 2021 And Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
4.6 Latin America
4.6.1 Market Analysis, 2017 - 2021 And Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
5 Asia-Pacific PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) Market Forecast, By Region, 2017 - 2021 and Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
5.1 Introduction
5.2 By Application Analysis 2017 - 2021 and Forecast 2022 - 2028 by Revenue (USD Mn), Y-o-Y Growth (%), and Market Share (%)
5.2.1 Sports
5.2.2 Slippers & Sandals
5.2.3 Casuals
5.2.4 Formals
5.2.5 Work/Safety Boots
5.3 By Country Analysis 2017 - 2021 and Forecast 2022 - 2028 by Revenue (USD Mn), Y-o-Y Growth (%), and Market Share (%)

5.3.1 China
5.3.2 India
5.3.3 Vietnam
5.3.4 Indonesia
5.3.5 Rest of Asia-Pacific
6 Latin America PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) Market Forecast, By Region, 2017 - 2021 and Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
6.1 Introduction
6.2 By Application Analysis 2017 - 2021 and Forecast 2022 - 2028 by Revenue (USD Mn), Y-o-Y Growth (%), and Market Share (%)
6.2.1 Sports
6.2.2 Slippers & Sandals
6.2.3 Casuals
6.2.4 Formals
6.2.5 Work/Safety Boots
6.3 By Country Analysis 2017 - 2021 and Forecast 2022 - 2028 by Revenue (USD Mn), Y-o-Y Growth (%), and Market Share (%)
6.3.1 Brazil
6.3.2 Mexico
6.3.3 Rest of Latin America
7 Middle East and Africa PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) Market Forecast, By Region, 2017 - 2021 and Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
7.1 Introduction

7.2 By Application Analysis 2017 - 2021 and Forecast 2022 - 2028 by Revenue (USD Mn), Y-o-Y Growth (%), and Market Share (%)
7.2.1 Sports
7.2.2 Slippers & Sandals
7.2.3 Casuals
7.2.4 Formals
7.2.5 Work/Safety Boots
7.3 By Country Analysis 2017 - 2021 and Forecast 2022 - 2028 by Revenue (USD Mn), Y-o-Y Growth (%), and Market Share (%)
7.3.1 Turkey
7.3.2 South Africa
7.3.3 Rest of Middle East and Africa
8 Europe PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) Market Forecast, By Region, 2017 - 2021 and Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
8.1 Introduction
8.2 By Application Analysis 2017 - 2021 and Forecast 2022 - 2028 by Revenue (USD Mn), Y-o-Y Growth (%), and Market Share (%)
8.2.1 Sports
8.2.2 Slippers & Sandals
8.2.3 Casuals
8.2.4 Formals
8.2.5 Work/Safety Boots
8.3 By Country Analysis 2017 - 2021 and Forecast 2022 - 2028 by Revenue (USD Mn), Y-o-Y Growth (%), and Market Share (%)

8.3.1 Italy
8.3.2 Spain
8.3.3 Portugal
8.3.4 Rest of Europe
9 North America PU Sole (Footwear Polyurethane) Market Forecast, By Region, 2017 - 2021 and Forecast, 2022 - 2028 (Revenue, USD Mn)
9.1 Introduction
9.2 By Application Analysis 2017 - 2021 and Forecast 2022 - 2028 by Revenue (USD Mn), Y-o-Y Growth (%), and Market Share (%)
9.2.1 Sports
9.2.2 Slippers & Sandals
9.2.3 Casuals
9.2.4 Formals
9.2.5 Work/Safety Boots
9.3 By Country Analysis 2017 - 2021 and Forecast 2022 - 2028 by Revenue (USD Mn), Y-o-Y Growth (%), and Market Share (%)
9.3.1 US
9.3.2 Canada
10 Company Profiles
10.1 BASF SE
10.2 CovestrAG
10.3 Dow

10.4 Huntsman International LLC
10.6 Mitsui Chemicals Inc.
10.7 Wanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd
10.8 Huafon PU
10.10 Coim Group
10.11 Era Polymers Pty Ltd
11 Appendix
11.1 Research Methodology






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