
ギフトカードとインセンティブカードの世界市場インテリジェンスと今後の成長ダイナミクス(データブック) - 市場規模と予測、デジタル/eギフトカード別支出分析、小売・法人消費者、トップ小売業者、流通チャネル、オケージョン、小売セクター、機能(オープンループ、クローズドループ)、都市タイプ、デモグラフィック - 2023年第1四半期更新

Global Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence and Future Growth Dynamics (Databook) - Market Size and Forecast; Spend Analysis by Digital / e-Gift Card, Retail and Corporate Consumers, Top Retailers, Distribution Channel, Occasions, Retail Sectors, Function (Open Loop, Closed Loop), City Type, and Demographics – Q1 2023 Update

Blackhawk NetworkやInComm Paymentsといった大手企業によるギフトカード分野への投資が増加する中、世界のギフトカード業界は安定した成長を記録しています。また、革新的なフィンテック企業の台頭も、世界中の... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2023年3月2日 US$12,900
268 英語



Blackhawk NetworkやInComm Paymentsといった大手企業によるギフトカード分野への投資が増加する中、世界のギフトカード業界は安定した成長を記録しています。また、革新的なフィンテック企業の台頭も、世界中のギフトカード分野の成長を支えています。消費者や企業の間でギフトカードの需要がさらに高まると予想される中、PayNXT360は、これらの企業がこの分野への投資をさらに強化し、戦略的提携を結んで成長を促進すると予想しています。



- 2022年11月、世界のギフトカード業界をリードするGivexは、米国内の注目すべき小売業者のギフトカードを、シンガポールとマレーシアの消費者が利用できるようにしたことを発表しました。このギフトカードプロバイダーは100カ国以上で事業を展開しており、シンガポール、マレーシア、香港、韓国、オーストラリアの30以上の小売業者の拠点にサポートを提供しています。同社は2022年に力強い成長を記録し、2023年も上向きの成長の勢いを継続すると予測されています。



- 2022年12月、米国に拠点を置く暗号通貨取引所およびフィンテック企業であるCoinZoomは、新しいビットコイン報酬型ギフトカードの発売を発表しました。新しいソリューションの発売は、成人の28%がギフトカードを複数回購入していることを同社が発見したことによります。ギフトカードの購入プロセスをより実りあるものにするため、同社は、プラットフォームで購入した各ギフトカードに1%の無料ビットコインを提供します。CoinZoomは、消費者に幅広いギフトカードオプションを提供するために、業界垂直方向、旅行、食品、ゲームの様々な事業者と提携している。


- 2022年9月、世界有数のブランド決済プロバイダーであるブラックホーク・ネットワークは、スウェーデンに本拠を置く小売業者H&Mと戦略的パートナーシップを締結したと発表しました。このパートナーシップの下、両社はB2Bギフトカードプログラムを開始しました。このプログラムの一環として、H&MはBlackhawk NetworkでB2Bギフトカードを提供する他の小売企業に加わる予定です。このギフトカードには有効期限がなく、カード所有者は米国、カナダ、プエルトリコのH&M店舗、および米国のオンラインストアで利用することができます。





グローバルレポート - 世界のギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)

地域レポート1 北米ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
地域レポート2 ヨーロッパのギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
地域レポート4 中東・アフリカ ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
地域レポート5 アジア太平洋地域のギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)

国別レポート1 アルゼンチンのギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
カントリーレポート2 オーストラリアのギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
カントリーレポート3 ブラジル ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
国別レポート4 カナダのギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
Country Report 5 - 中国ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
国別レポート6 フランス ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
国別レポート 7 - ドイツ ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
国別レポート8 インドのギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
カントリーレポート9 インドネシア ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
国別レポート 10 - イタリア ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
国別レポート 11 - ケニア ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
国別レポート12 メキシコのギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
国別レポート13「ナイジェリア ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス」(データブック)
国別レポート 14 - フィリピン ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
国別レポート15 ロシア ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
国別レポート 16 - 南アフリカのギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
国別レポート 17 - タイのギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
国別レポート18 アラブ首長国連邦のギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス(Databook)
国別レポート 19 - イギリス ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)
Country Report 20 - 米国ギフトカードとインセンティブカードのマーケットインテリジェンス (Databook)



This title from PayNXT360 a bundled offering, comprising 1 global, 5 regional and 20 country reports.

Global Report – Global Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

Regional Report 1 – North America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 2 - Europe Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 3 – Latin America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 4 – Middle East & Africa Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 5 – Asia Pacific Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

Country Report 1 - Argentina Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 2 - Australia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 3 - Brazil Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 4 - Canada Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 5 - China Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 6 - France Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 7 - Germany Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 8 - India Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 9 - Indonesia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 10 - Italy Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 11 - Kenya Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 12 - Mexico Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 13 - Nigeria Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 14 - Philippines Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 15 - Russia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 16 - South Africa Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 17 - Thailand Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 18 - United Arab Emirates Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 19 - United Kingdom Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 20 - United States Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

All global, regional, and country reports mentioned above will have the following tables of contents:
1.Total Gift Spend Analyzer
1.1.Total Spend on Gift by Value - Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
1.2.Total Spend on Gift by Volume - Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
1.3.Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment, 2018-2027
1.4.Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Analysis by Product Category
1.5.Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Product Category
1.6.Total Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Trend Analysis by Retail Sector
1.7.Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
2.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Analyzer
2.1.Retail Consumer Spend on Gift - Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
2.2.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Analysis by Volume, 2018-2027
2.3.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Analysis by Product Category
2.4.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Product Category
2.5.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Trend Analysis by Retail Sector
2.6.Retail Consumer Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
3.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Analyzer
3.1.Corporate Consumer Spend on Gift - Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
3.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Market Analysis by Volume, 2018-2027
3.3.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Analysis by Product Category
3.4.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Product Category
3.5.Corporate Consumer Total Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Trend Analysis by Retail Sector
3.6.Corporate Consumer Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
4.Gift Card Spend Analyzer
4.1.Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
4.2.Gift Card Spend Market Analysis by Transaction Value and Volume, 2018-2027
4.3.Gift Card Spend Market Analysis by Avg. Value and Unused Value, 2018-2027
4.4.Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment
4.5.Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
4.6.Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.Digital Gift Card Spend Analyzer
5.1.Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.2.Digital Gift Card Penetration by Occasion, 2018-2027
5.3.Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.4.Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2018-2027
5.5.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.6.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2018-2027
5.7.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size
5.8.Large Enterprise Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Analysis
5.9.Mid-Tier Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Analysis
5.1.Small Scale Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Analysis
6.Gift Card Spend Share by Demographics and Purchase Behaviour
6.1.Gift Card Spend Share by Age, Income, and Gender
6.2.Digital Gift Card Spend Share by Age, Income, and Gender
6.3.Gift Card Consumer Purchase Behaviour
6.4.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend by Company Type
7.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analyzer
7.1.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
7.2.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2018-2027
7.3.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
7.4.Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
8.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Functional Attribute
8.1.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2018-2027
8.2.Retail Consumer Open Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
8.3.Retail Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
8.4.Retail Consumer Average Value of Gift Card Purchased by Functional Attribute
9.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Occasion
9.1.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2018-2027
9.2.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Festivals & Special Celebration Days, 2018-2027
9.3.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Milestone Celebration, 2018-2027
9.4.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Self-Use, 2018-2027
9.5.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Other, 2018-2027
10.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analyzer
10.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
10.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2018-2027
10.3.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
10.4.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
11.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Functional Attribute
11.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2018-2027
11.2.Corporate Consumer Open Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
11.3.Corporate Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
11.4.Corporate Consumer Average Value of Gift Card Purchased by Functional Attribute
12.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Occasion
12.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2018-2027
12.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Employee Incentive, 2018-2027
12.3.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Sales / Channel Incentive, 2018-2027
12.4.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Consumer Incentive, 2018-2027
13.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Company Size
13.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size
13.2.Corporate Consumer - Large Enterprise Segment - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
13.3.Corporate Consumer - Mid-Tier Segment - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
13.4.Corporate Consumer - Small Scale Segment - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
14.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Company Size X Functional Attribute
14.1.Large Enterprise Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
14.2.Mid-Tier Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
14.3.Small Scale Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
15.Gift Card Spend Analysis by Distribution Channel
15.1.Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline, 2020-2027
15.2.Retail Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline, 2020-2027
15.3.Corporate Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline, 2020-2027
15.4.Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Online Distribution Channel - 1st Party Sales vs. 3rd Party Sales, 2020-2027
16.Gift Card Spend Analysis by Retail Sector
16.1.Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Retail Sector, 2018-2027
16.2.Total Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
16.3.Sales Uplift by Retail Sector
17.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Retail Sector
17.1.Retail Consumer - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Retail Sector, 2018-2027
17.2.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
18.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Retail Sector
18.1.Corporate Consumer - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Retail Sector, 2018-2027
18.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
19.Closed Loop Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Top Retailers



All country reports mentioned above will have the following tables:

1. Total Gift Spend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
2. Gift Card Penetration by Market Value(%), 2018-2027
3. Total Gift Spend Analysis by Number of Gifts (in Million), 2018-2027
4. Total Gift Spend Analysis by Avg. Value Per Gift (US$), 2018-2027
5. Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
6. Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment (%), 2018-2027
7. Retail Consumer Gift Spend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
8. Retail Consumer Gift Card Penetration by Market Value (%), 2018-2027
9. Retail Consumer Gift Spend Analysis by Number of Gifts (in Million), 2018-2027
10. Retail Consumer Gift Spend Analysis by Avg. Value Per Gift (US$), 2018-2027
11. Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
12. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Penetration by Market Value (%), 2018-2027
13. Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Analysis by Number of Gifts (in Million), 2018-2027
14. Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Analysis by Avg. Value Per Gift (US$), 2018-2027
15. Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
16. Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million) 2018-2027
17. Gift Card Transaction Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
18. Gift Card Transaction Volume (Million), 2018-2027
19. Average Value of Per Transaction (US$), 2018-2027
20. Unused Value of Gift Card Purchased (US$ Million), 2018-2027
21. Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
22. Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment (%), 2018-2027
23. Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
24. Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (Volume in Million), 2018-2027
25. Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Penetration by Value (US$ Million and %), 2018-2027
26. Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size by Volume - Number of Cards (Mn) and Avg. Value of Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
27. Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Load Value (US$ Million) and Digital Gift Card Penetration, 2018-2027
28. Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Number of Cards (Million) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
29. Digital Gift Card Penetration by Occasion - Retail Consumer (%), 2018-2027
30. Digital Gift Card Penetration by Occasion - Corporate Consumer (%), 2018-2027
31. Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Load Value (US$ Million) and Digital Gift Card Penetration, 2018-2027
32. Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Number of Cards (Million) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
33. Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (US$ Million), 2018-2027
34. Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (%), 2018-2027
35. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Load Value (US$ Million) and Digital Gift Card Penetration, 2018-2027
36. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Number of Cards (Million) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
37. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (US$ Million), 2018-2027
38. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (%), 2018-2027
39. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size (US$ Million), 2018-2027
40. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size (by Value %), 2018-2027
41. Large Enterprise Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size (US$ Million) and Digital Penetration (%), 2018-2027
42. Large Enterprise Segment Digital Gift Card Number of Cards (Mn) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
43. Mid-Tier Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size (US$ Million) and Digital Penetration (%), 2018-2027
44. Mid-Tier Segment Digital Gift Card Number of Cards (Mn) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
45. Small Scale Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size (US$ Million) and Digital Penetration (%), 2018-2027
46. Small Scale Segment Digital Gift Card Number of Cards (Mn) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
47. Retail Consumer Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
48. Retail Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
49. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (US$ Million), 2018-2027
50. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (%), 2018-2027
51. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
52. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (Volume), 2018-2027
53. Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Penetration by Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
54. Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size by Volume - Number of Cards (Mn) and Avg. Value of Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
55. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
56. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (%), 2018-2027
57. Retail Consumer Open Loop Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
58. Retail Consumer Open Loop Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million) 2018-2027
59. Retail Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
60. Retail Consumer Closed Loop Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million) 2018-2027
61. Retail Consumer Avg. Value of Open Loop Gift Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
62. Retail Consumer Avg. Value of Closed Loop Gift Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
63. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (US$ Million), 2018-2027
64. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (%), 2018-2027
65. Retail Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Festivals & Special Celebration Days (US$ Million), 2018-2027
66. Retail Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Festivals & Special Celebration Days (Million) and Average Value (US$), 2018-2027
67. Retail Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Milestone Celebration (US$ Million), 2018-2027
68. Retail Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Milestone Celebration (Million) and Average Value (US$), 2018-2027
69. Retail Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Self-Use (US$ Million), 2018-2027
70. Retail Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Self-Use (Million) and Average Value (US$), 2018-2027
71. Retail Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Other (US$ Million), 2018-2027
72. Retail Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Other (Million) and Average Value (US$), 2018-2027
73. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
74. Corporate Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
75. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (US$ Million), 2018-2027
76. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (%), 2018-2027
77. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
78. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (Number of Cards in Million), 2018-2027
79. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Penetration by Value (US$ Million and %), 2018-2027
80. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size by Volume - Number of Cards (Mn) and Avg. Value of Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
81. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
82. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (%), 2018-2027
83. Corporate Consumer Open Loop Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
84. Corporate Consumer Open Loop Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million), 2018-2027
85. Corporate Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
86. Corporate Consumer Closed Loop Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million), 2018-2027
87. Corporate Consumer Avg. Value of Open Loop Gift Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
88. Corporate Consumer Avg. Value of Closed Loop Gift Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
89. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (US$ Million), 2018-2027
90. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (%), 2018-2027
91. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Employee Incentive (US$ Million), 2018-2027
92. Corporate Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Employee Incentive (Million), 2018-2027
93. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Sales / Channel Incentive (US$ Million), 2018-2027
94. Corporate Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Sales / Channel Incentive (Million), 2018-2027
95. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Consumer Incentive (US$ Million), 2018-2027
96. Corporate Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Consumer Incentive (Million), 2018-2027
97. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size (US$ Million), 2018-2027
98. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Market Share by Company Size (%), 2018-2027
99. Corporate Consumer - Large Enterprise Segment - Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
100. Corporate Consumer - Large Enterprise Segment - Number of Gift Cards (Million), 2018-2027
101. Corporate Consumer - Mid-Tier Segment - Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
102. Corporate Consumer - Mid-Tier Segment - Number of Gift Cards (Million), 2018-2027
103. Corporate Consumer - Small Scale Segment - Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
104. Corporate Consumer - Small Scale Segment - Number of Gift Cards (Million), 2018-2027
105. Large Enterprise Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
106. Large Enterprise Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (Volume - Number of Cards (Mn)), 2018-2027
107. Mid-Tier Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
108. Mid-Tier Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (Volume - Number of Cards (Mn)), 2018-2027
109. Small Scale Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
110. Small Scale Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (Volume - Number of Cards (Mn)), 2018-2027
111. Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline (US$ Million), 2020-2027
112. Gift Card Spend Market Share by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline (%), 2020-2027
113. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline (US$ Million), 2020-2027
114. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline (%), 2020-2027
115. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline (US$ Million), 2020-2027
116. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline (%), 2020-2027
117. Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - 1st Party Sales vs. 3rd Party Sales (US$ Million), 2020-2027
118. Gift Card Spend Market Share by Distribution Channel - 1st Party Sales vs. 3rd Party Sales (%), 2020-2027





The global gift card industry has recorded steady growth amid the rising investment from leading players such as Blackhawk Network and InComm Payments in the sector. This coupled with the rise of innovative fintech firms has also supported the growth of the gift card sector around the world. With the demand for gift cards expected to further rise among consumers and corporates, PayNXT360 expects these players to further boost their investment in the segment and also forge strategic alliances to drive their growth.

The growing shift towards digital channels has also driven the adoption of digital gift cards globally. The surging e-commerce shopping trends have also assisted the demand among consumers, and the trend is expected to further continue from the short to medium-term perspective. With startups raising funding rounds and expanding their geographical footprint, PayNXT360 maintains a robust growth outlook for the global gift card market over the next three to four years.

Global gift card providers are extending the availability of gift cards in Singapore and Malaysia

With the growing demand for gift cards among consumers in Southeast Asia, global gift card providers are extending the availability of their solution in the Singaporean and Malaysian markets. For instance,
• In November 2022, Givex, one of the leading players in the global gift card industry, announced that it had made available gift cards from one of the notable retailers in the United States for consumers in Singapore and Malaysia. The gift card provider has a presence in more than 100 countries and provides support to more than 30 retailers' locations in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Korea, and Australia. The firm recorded strong growth in 2022 and is projected to keep continuing the upward growth momentum in 2023.
From the short to medium-term perspective, the firm is expected to further launch its gift card programs in more global markets, thereby supporting the growth of the global gift card market.

Cryptocurrency exchanges are launching bitcoin reward gift cards amid the rising demand in the United States

Gift cards are a popular gifting option in the United States. Furthermore, the trend of self-use is also growing, thereby assisting the growth of the gift card industry in the country. Amid the growing demand for gift cards in the region, cryptocurrency exchanges are launching bitcoin reward gift cards.

• In December 2022, CoinZoom, a cryptocurrency exchange and fintech firm based in the United States announced the launch of a new bitcoin reward gift card. The launch of the new solution comes after the firm found out that 28% of adults are buying gift cards more than once. To make the gift card buying process more rewarding, the firm is offering 1% in free bitcoin on each gift card bought on the platform. CoinZoom has partnered with various businesses across industry verticals, travel, food, and gaming, to offer consumers a wide range of gift card options.
PayNXT360 expects more such reward-based gift card programs to launch in the global market. This will keep driving the popularity among consumers as well as bring more business for brands and retailers.

European retailers are forging strategic alliances with leading global payments providers to launch a B2B gift card program

Over the last few years, corporates have increasingly adopted gift cards to reward and incentivize their employees and this trend is projected to further continue in 2023, as employees continue to struggle with the rising cost of living. To tap into the growing B2B gift card market and offer corporates a wide range of gift card options, firms are forging strategic alliances.
• In September 2022, Blackhawk Network, one of the leading global branded payments providers, announced that the firm entered into a strategic partnership with Sweden-based retailer H&M. Under the partnership, the two firms launched a B2B gift card program. As part of the program, H&M will join other retailers offering B2B gift cards with Blackhawk Network. These gift cards never expire and cardholders can redeem them at any H&M store in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico, as well as at the online store in the United States.
PayNXT360 expects more European retailers to partner with gift card providers to capitalize on the growing B2B gift card market and drive the growth of their business over the next three to four years.

In value terms, the gift card market in Global has recorded a CAGR of 8.0% during 2018–2022. According to PayNXT360, global gift card industry is expected to grow by 8.1% on annual basis to reach US$ 511019.3 million in 2023.

The gift card industry in Global will continue to grow over the forecast period and is expected to record a CAGR of 6.9% during 2023-2027. Global Gift card market will increase from US$ 472764.8 million in 2022 to reach US$ 668465.5 million by 2027.

This report provides a detailed data centric analysis of gift card market, covering market opportunities and risks across a range of retail categories. With over 75 KPIs at country level, this report provides a comprehensive understanding of gift card market dynamics, market size and forecast.

This title from PayNXT360 a bundled offering, comprising 1 global, 5 regional and 20 country reports.

Global Report – Global Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

Regional Report 1 – North America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 2 - Europe Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 3 – Latin America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 4 – Middle East & Africa Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 5 – Asia Pacific Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

Country Report 1 - Argentina Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 2 - Australia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 3 - Brazil Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 4 - Canada Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 5 - China Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 6 - France Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 7 - Germany Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 8 - India Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 9 - Indonesia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 10 - Italy Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 11 - Kenya Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 12 - Mexico Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 13 - Nigeria Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 14 - Philippines Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 15 - Russia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 16 - South Africa Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 17 - Thailand Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 18 - United Arab Emirates Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 19 - United Kingdom Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 20 - United States Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)


Table of Contents

This title from PayNXT360 a bundled offering, comprising 1 global, 5 regional and 20 country reports.

Global Report – Global Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

Regional Report 1 – North America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 2 - Europe Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 3 – Latin America Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 4 – Middle East & Africa Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Regional Report 5 – Asia Pacific Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

Country Report 1 - Argentina Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 2 - Australia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 3 - Brazil Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 4 - Canada Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 5 - China Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 6 - France Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 7 - Germany Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 8 - India Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 9 - Indonesia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 10 - Italy Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 11 - Kenya Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 12 - Mexico Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 13 - Nigeria Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 14 - Philippines Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 15 - Russia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 16 - South Africa Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 17 - Thailand Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 18 - United Arab Emirates Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 19 - United Kingdom Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)
Country Report 20 - United States Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Intelligence (Databook)

All global, regional, and country reports mentioned above will have the following tables of contents:
1.Total Gift Spend Analyzer
1.1.Total Spend on Gift by Value - Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
1.2.Total Spend on Gift by Volume - Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
1.3.Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment, 2018-2027
1.4.Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Analysis by Product Category
1.5.Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Product Category
1.6.Total Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Trend Analysis by Retail Sector
1.7.Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
2.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Analyzer
2.1.Retail Consumer Spend on Gift - Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
2.2.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Analysis by Volume, 2018-2027
2.3.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Analysis by Product Category
2.4.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Product Category
2.5.Retail Consumer Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Trend Analysis by Retail Sector
2.6.Retail Consumer Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
3.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Analyzer
3.1.Corporate Consumer Spend on Gift - Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
3.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Market Analysis by Volume, 2018-2027
3.3.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Analysis by Product Category
3.4.Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Product Category
3.5.Corporate Consumer Total Gift Spend Market Size and Forecast Trend Analysis by Retail Sector
3.6.Corporate Consumer Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
4.Gift Card Spend Analyzer
4.1.Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
4.2.Gift Card Spend Market Analysis by Transaction Value and Volume, 2018-2027
4.3.Gift Card Spend Market Analysis by Avg. Value and Unused Value, 2018-2027
4.4.Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment
4.5.Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
4.6.Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.Digital Gift Card Spend Analyzer
5.1.Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.2.Digital Gift Card Penetration by Occasion, 2018-2027
5.3.Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.4.Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2018-2027
5.5.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
5.6.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2018-2027
5.7.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size
5.8.Large Enterprise Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Analysis
5.9.Mid-Tier Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Analysis
5.1.Small Scale Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Analysis
6.Gift Card Spend Share by Demographics and Purchase Behaviour
6.1.Gift Card Spend Share by Age, Income, and Gender
6.2.Digital Gift Card Spend Share by Age, Income, and Gender
6.3.Gift Card Consumer Purchase Behaviour
6.4.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend by Company Type
7.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analyzer
7.1.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
7.2.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2018-2027
7.3.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
7.4.Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
8.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Functional Attribute
8.1.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2018-2027
8.2.Retail Consumer Open Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
8.3.Retail Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
8.4.Retail Consumer Average Value of Gift Card Purchased by Functional Attribute
9.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Occasion
9.1.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2018-2027
9.2.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Festivals & Special Celebration Days, 2018-2027
9.3.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Milestone Celebration, 2018-2027
9.4.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Self-Use, 2018-2027
9.5.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Other, 2018-2027
10.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analyzer
10.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
10.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2018-2027
10.3.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
10.4.Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
11.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Functional Attribute
11.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2018-2027
11.2.Corporate Consumer Open Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
11.3.Corporate Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
11.4.Corporate Consumer Average Value of Gift Card Purchased by Functional Attribute
12.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Occasion
12.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion, 2018-2027
12.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Employee Incentive, 2018-2027
12.3.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Sales / Channel Incentive, 2018-2027
12.4.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast - Consumer Incentive, 2018-2027
13.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Company Size
13.1.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size
13.2.Corporate Consumer - Large Enterprise Segment - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
13.3.Corporate Consumer - Mid-Tier Segment - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
13.4.Corporate Consumer - Small Scale Segment - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast, 2018-2027
14.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Company Size X Functional Attribute
14.1.Large Enterprise Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
14.2.Mid-Tier Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
14.3.Small Scale Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute
15.Gift Card Spend Analysis by Distribution Channel
15.1.Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline, 2020-2027
15.2.Retail Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline, 2020-2027
15.3.Corporate Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline, 2020-2027
15.4.Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Online Distribution Channel - 1st Party Sales vs. 3rd Party Sales, 2020-2027
16.Gift Card Spend Analysis by Retail Sector
16.1.Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Retail Sector, 2018-2027
16.2.Total Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
16.3.Sales Uplift by Retail Sector
17.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Retail Sector
17.1.Retail Consumer - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Retail Sector, 2018-2027
17.2.Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
18.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Analysis by Retail Sector
18.1.Corporate Consumer - Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Retail Sector, 2018-2027
18.2.Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Retail Sector
19.Closed Loop Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Top Retailers


List of Tables/Graphs

All country reports mentioned above will have the following tables:

1. Total Gift Spend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
2. Gift Card Penetration by Market Value(%), 2018-2027
3. Total Gift Spend Analysis by Number of Gifts (in Million), 2018-2027
4. Total Gift Spend Analysis by Avg. Value Per Gift (US$), 2018-2027
5. Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
6. Total Gift Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment (%), 2018-2027
7. Retail Consumer Gift Spend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
8. Retail Consumer Gift Card Penetration by Market Value (%), 2018-2027
9. Retail Consumer Gift Spend Analysis by Number of Gifts (in Million), 2018-2027
10. Retail Consumer Gift Spend Analysis by Avg. Value Per Gift (US$), 2018-2027
11. Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Analysis (US$ Million), 2018-2027
12. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Penetration by Market Value (%), 2018-2027
13. Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Analysis by Number of Gifts (in Million), 2018-2027
14. Corporate Consumer Gift Spend Analysis by Avg. Value Per Gift (US$), 2018-2027
15. Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
16. Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million) 2018-2027
17. Gift Card Transaction Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
18. Gift Card Transaction Volume (Million), 2018-2027
19. Average Value of Per Transaction (US$), 2018-2027
20. Unused Value of Gift Card Purchased (US$ Million), 2018-2027
21. Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2018-2027
22. Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Consumer Segment (%), 2018-2027
23. Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
24. Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (Volume in Million), 2018-2027
25. Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Penetration by Value (US$ Million and %), 2018-2027
26. Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size by Volume - Number of Cards (Mn) and Avg. Value of Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
27. Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Load Value (US$ Million) and Digital Gift Card Penetration, 2018-2027
28. Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Number of Cards (Million) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
29. Digital Gift Card Penetration by Occasion - Retail Consumer (%), 2018-2027
30. Digital Gift Card Penetration by Occasion - Corporate Consumer (%), 2018-2027
31. Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Load Value (US$ Million) and Digital Gift Card Penetration, 2018-2027
32. Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Number of Cards (Million) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
33. Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (US$ Million), 2018-2027
34. Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (%), 2018-2027
35. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Load Value (US$ Million) and Digital Gift Card Penetration, 2018-2027
36. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Number of Cards (Million) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
37. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (US$ Million), 2018-2027
38. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (%), 2018-2027
39. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size (US$ Million), 2018-2027
40. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size (by Value %), 2018-2027
41. Large Enterprise Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size (US$ Million) and Digital Penetration (%), 2018-2027
42. Large Enterprise Segment Digital Gift Card Number of Cards (Mn) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
43. Mid-Tier Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size (US$ Million) and Digital Penetration (%), 2018-2027
44. Mid-Tier Segment Digital Gift Card Number of Cards (Mn) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
45. Small Scale Segment Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size (US$ Million) and Digital Penetration (%), 2018-2027
46. Small Scale Segment Digital Gift Card Number of Cards (Mn) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
47. Retail Consumer Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
48. Retail Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
49. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (US$ Million), 2018-2027
50. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (%), 2018-2027
51. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
52. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (Volume), 2018-2027
53. Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Penetration by Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
54. Retail Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size by Volume - Number of Cards (Mn) and Avg. Value of Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
55. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
56. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (%), 2018-2027
57. Retail Consumer Open Loop Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
58. Retail Consumer Open Loop Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million) 2018-2027
59. Retail Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
60. Retail Consumer Closed Loop Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million) 2018-2027
61. Retail Consumer Avg. Value of Open Loop Gift Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
62. Retail Consumer Avg. Value of Closed Loop Gift Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
63. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (US$ Million), 2018-2027
64. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (%), 2018-2027
65. Retail Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Festivals & Special Celebration Days (US$ Million), 2018-2027
66. Retail Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Festivals & Special Celebration Days (Million) and Average Value (US$), 2018-2027
67. Retail Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Milestone Celebration (US$ Million), 2018-2027
68. Retail Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Milestone Celebration (Million) and Average Value (US$), 2018-2027
69. Retail Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Self-Use (US$ Million), 2018-2027
70. Retail Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Self-Use (Million) and Average Value (US$), 2018-2027
71. Retail Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Other (US$ Million), 2018-2027
72. Retail Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Other (Million) and Average Value (US$), 2018-2027
73. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
74. Corporate Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million) and Avg. Value (US$), 2018-2027
75. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (US$ Million), 2018-2027
76. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (%), 2018-2027
77. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
78. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (Number of Cards in Million), 2018-2027
79. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size and Penetration by Value (US$ Million and %), 2018-2027
80. Corporate Consumer Digital Gift Card Spend Market Size by Volume - Number of Cards (Mn) and Avg. Value of Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
81. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
82. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (%), 2018-2027
83. Corporate Consumer Open Loop Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
84. Corporate Consumer Open Loop Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million), 2018-2027
85. Corporate Consumer Closed Loop Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
86. Corporate Consumer Closed Loop Number of Gift Cards Purchased (Million), 2018-2027
87. Corporate Consumer Avg. Value of Open Loop Gift Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
88. Corporate Consumer Avg. Value of Closed Loop Gift Card Purchased (US$), 2018-2027
89. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (US$ Million), 2018-2027
90. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Occasion (%), 2018-2027
91. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Employee Incentive (US$ Million), 2018-2027
92. Corporate Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Employee Incentive (Million), 2018-2027
93. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Sales / Channel Incentive (US$ Million), 2018-2027
94. Corporate Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Sales / Channel Incentive (Million), 2018-2027
95. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Load Value - Consumer Incentive (US$ Million), 2018-2027
96. Corporate Consumer Number of Gift Cards Purchased - Consumer Incentive (Million), 2018-2027
97. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Company Size (US$ Million), 2018-2027
98. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Market Share by Company Size (%), 2018-2027
99. Corporate Consumer - Large Enterprise Segment - Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
100. Corporate Consumer - Large Enterprise Segment - Number of Gift Cards (Million), 2018-2027
101. Corporate Consumer - Mid-Tier Segment - Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
102. Corporate Consumer - Mid-Tier Segment - Number of Gift Cards (Million), 2018-2027
103. Corporate Consumer - Small Scale Segment - Gift Card Load Value (US$ Million), 2018-2027
104. Corporate Consumer - Small Scale Segment - Number of Gift Cards (Million), 2018-2027
105. Large Enterprise Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
106. Large Enterprise Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (Volume - Number of Cards (Mn)), 2018-2027
107. Mid-Tier Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
108. Mid-Tier Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (Volume - Number of Cards (Mn)), 2018-2027
109. Small Scale Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (US$ Million), 2018-2027
110. Small Scale Segment Gift Card Spend Market Share Analysis by Functional Attribute (Volume - Number of Cards (Mn)), 2018-2027
111. Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline (US$ Million), 2020-2027
112. Gift Card Spend Market Share by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline (%), 2020-2027
113. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline (US$ Million), 2020-2027
114. Retail Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline (%), 2020-2027
115. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline (US$ Million), 2020-2027
116. Corporate Consumer Gift Card Spend Market Share by Distribution Channel - Online vs. Offline (%), 2020-2027
117. Gift Card Spend Market Size and Forecast by Distribution Channel - 1st Party Sales vs. 3rd Party Sales (US$ Million), 2020-2027
118. Gift Card Spend Market Share by Distribution Channel - 1st Party Sales vs. 3rd Party Sales (%), 2020-2027








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