


Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Machine - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts 2020 - 2029

ハイブリッド積層造形機の市場規模は、2024年に2,157億8,000万米ドルと推定され、2029年には4,372億7,000万米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間中(2024年~2029年)の年平均成長率は15.17%で推移する見込みであ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Mordor Intelligence
2024年2月17日 US$4,750
3営業日以内 150 英語












  • ハイブリッド積層造形機の市場において、導入率という点では医療分野が大きなシェアを占めている。医療分野におけるハイブリッド製造の利点は、既製のチタン部品を使用するのではなく、部品をカスタマイズするオプションによるものである。医療業界では、ハイブリッド製造は、手術器具、補綴物やインプラント、足場などの最終製品の製造に使用される。
  • 医療分野でのハイブリッド積層造形の利用は拡大しているが、その主な理由は、より多くの手術が行われるようになり、より多くの人々が医療技術の進歩を認識し、利用するようになったためである。例えば、医療分野での手術ロボットの普及は自動化につながっており、医療分野がハイブリッド製造を必要とする理由となっている。
  • さらに、医療産業における従来の製造と比較した場合のハイブリッド製造の主な利点は、製品開発期間の短縮、患者の回復の向上、患者または外科医に特化した製品の開発、製造コストの低減、精度の向上である。
  • また、従来、医療分野における積層造形プロセスは、プロトタイプやモデルの製造のみに使用される技術と考えられていた。しかし、先端技術と生体適合性材料の開発により、市場は主要なプロセスとしてハイブリッド製造の採用を拡大している。
  • また、デジタル化が進んだことで、3Dプリントを含め、あらゆることがオンラインで行われるようになった。3Dファイルはオンライン・プラットフォーム上に保管され、いつでもどこでも顧客や販売業者が簡単にアクセスでき、オンデマンドで注文することができる。トレンドによると、医療機器向けの3Dプリンティングは楽観視されているようだ。医療従事者が手術を繰り返したり、手術時間を短縮したり、意思決定の時間を制限したりするのに役立つからだ。しかし、ハイブリッド積層造形機の高コストが市場の妨げになると予想される。


  • 北米地域は、複数の大手プレイヤーの存在と、あらゆる産業分野にわたってハイブリッド製造機の消費が比較的高いことから、収益面でハイブリッド積層造形機市場で大きなシェアを占めると予想される。
  • しかし、医師や患者は新しい医療技術の利点について知識を深めており、このことがこの地域でのこれらの技術の採用を加速させる一助となっている。
  • また、北米は先進医療技術の早期導入国でもある。さらに、医療費の増加、可処分所得の高さ、製造コストの低さ、迅速な製品開発、医療ツーリズムに代わる外科手術の増加などが、市場プレイヤーの関心を高めている。
  • さらに、米国における航空宇宙産業と自動車産業の継続的な拡大が、急速なペースで業界の発展を促している。効率的な生産能力を提供するハイブリッド製造機に対する意識の高まりが、業界全体の需要を牽引している。




  • エクセル形式の市場推定(ME)シート
  • 3ヶ月のアナリスト・サポート



1 はじめに
1.1 調査成果物
1.2 調査の前提
1.3 調査範囲

2 調査方法

3 要約

4 市場ダイナミクス
4.1 市場の概要
4.2 市場の促進要因と抑制要因の紹介
4.3 市場の促進要因
4.3.1 インダストリー4.0の統合
4.3.2 医療や自動車などの産業では、カスタマイズされた患者専用部品の需要が高まっている。
4.4 市場の阻害要因
4.4.1 ハイブリッド積層造形機は取得や設置に高額な費用がかかることが多く、中小製造業者や企業がこの技術を採用するのを躊躇させる可能性がある。
4.4.2 ハイブリッド製造プロセスにおいて一貫した品質と精度を確保することは、アディティブとサブトラクティブのステージ間の緊密な統合、精密なキャリブレーション、メンテナンスが必要となるため、困難な場合がある。
4.5 市場機会
4.5.1 航空宇宙・防衛分野での採用拡大
4.5.2 石油・ガスなどのエネルギー分野では、耐腐食性と構造的完全性を向上させた複雑な部品やコンポーネントを製造するハイブリッドAM機の恩恵を受けることができる。
4.6 産業バリューチェーン分析
4.7 産業の魅力 - ポーターのファイブフォース分析
4.7.1 サプライヤーの交渉力
4.7.2 買い手/消費者の交渉力
4.7.3 新規参入者の脅威
4.7.4 代替製品の脅威
4.7.5 競争ライバルの激しさ
4.8 技術スナップショット

5 市場の区分
5.1 エンドユーザー産業別
5.1.1 航空宇宙・防衛
5.1.2 エネルギー・電力
5.1.3 エレクトロニクス
5.1.4 医療
5.1.5 自動車
5.1.6 その他のエンドユーザー産業
5.2 地域
5.2.1 北米
5.2.2 ヨーロッパ
5.2.3 アジア太平洋
5.2.4 その他の地域

6 競争環境
6.1 企業プロフィール
6.1.1 オプトメック
6.1.2 株式会社マザック
6.1.3 DMG MORI
6.1.4 株式会社松浦機械製作所
6.1.5 ハイブリッド生産技術
6.1.6 ELB-SCHLIFF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH
6.1.7 三井精機株式会社
6.1.8 オークマ・アメリカ・コーポレーション
6.1.9 ダイバーシファイド・マシン・システムズ
6.1.10 ファブリソニック

7 投資分析

8 市場の将来性





The Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Machine Market size is estimated at USD 215.78 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 437.27 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 15.17% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

The market is driven by the increasing demand from the aerospace, defense, and automotive industries.

Hybrid manufacturing is the process of putting both subtractive and additive processes into a single machine. The market is mostly driven by the fact that both processes can be done on one machine. This is especially true in the aerospace, defense, and automotive industries. It makes manufacturing effortless with the capability to switch between two processes instantly. Although the technology is relatively new, much like 3D printing, the potential benefits of hybrid additive manufacturing have made the adopters of the technology very optimistic about the technology’s prospects. The COVID-19 epidemic halted the production of several items in the hybrid additive manufacturing machine sector, mostly because of the extended lockdown in important international markets. This severely slowed the market growth for hybrid additive manufacturing equipment during the past several months. COVID-19 impacted equipment and machinery sales in the first quarter of 2020, and market growth suffered throughout the year.

Hybrid manufacturing also makes parts as they are needed, so there is no need to keep expensive and space-consuming stock. With hybrid additive manufacturing, manufacturers can produce custom materials and rapid prototypes and provide an opportunity for new products and better efficiency. Recently, in January 2023, the US Navy installed a Phillips additive hybrid metal 3D printing solution on USS Bataan. Also, using this equipment in different industries helps to reduce the bad effects on the environment. The hybrid production processes release fewer chemical and hazardous pollutants and account for a major reduction in the carbon footprint.

Also, hybrid additive manufacturing makes up for some of the flaws of the additive manufacturing system by using multi-axis systems that let the parts being made move in any direction. Also, 95% waste reduction, better efficiency, capabilities for process development and material characterization, and material and material cost savings, etc., are some of the major benefits that are further augmenting the adoption of hybrid additive manufacturing machines across sectors. However, high initial investments and installation costs associated with these machines are hindering market growth. Further, SMEs and manufacturing companies with low investment capabilities are unable to deploy the machinery due to the high initial investment costs.

Additionally, the machines require skilled and well-trained labor to operate them. To maintain equipment performance and eliminate system breakage issues, companies need to incur huge costs to provide professional training sessions for workers. Nikon Corporation (Nikon) has disclosed a recent investment in Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies Global, Inc. An integration technique that enables users to integrate additive tools onto any platform was successfully developed by Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies Global, Inc. (HMT), an award-winning industry leader in additive manufacturing (AM). By combining several complementary technologies in a single setup, this ground-breaking solution enables users to fully use the production process.

Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Machine Market Trends

Medical Sector Expected to Hold a Significant Share

  • In terms of rate of deployment, the medical sector holds a significant share of the market for hybrid additive manufacturing machines. The benefits of hybrid manufacturing in the medical sector are due to the option to customize parts rather than using pre-made titanium pieces. In the medical industry, hybrid manufacturing is used to make end products such as surgical equipment, prosthetics and implants, and scaffolds.
  • The use of hybrid additive manufacturing in the medical field is growing, mostly because more surgeries are being done and more people are becoming aware of and using advances in medical technology. For example, the widespread use of surgical robots in the medical field is leading to automation, which is why the medical field needs hybrid manufacturing.
  • Further, the major benefits of hybrid manufacturing over traditional manufacturing in the medical industry are short product development times, better patient recovery, the development of patient- or surgeon-specific products, low manufacturing costs, and better accuracy.
  • Also, traditionally, the additive manufacturing process in the medical field was considered a technique used solely to produce prototypes or models. However, with the development of advanced technologies and biocompatible materials, the market has grown in its adoption of hybrid manufacturing as a major process.
  • Also, with a splurge in digitization, everything, including 3D printing, is happening online. 3D files can be kept on an online platform that is easily accessible to clients or distributors everywhere at any time to order on demand. According to the trends, 3D printing for medical devices seems optimistic. Such practices are further expected to augment market demand in the industry because they help medical practitioners repeat the operation, reduce the time of the surgery, and limit the decision-making time. However, the high cost of hybrid additive manufacturing machines is expected to hamper the market.

North America to Hold a Major Share

  • The North American region is expected to hold a major share in the hybrid additive manufacturing machines market in terms of revenue, owing to the presence of several major players and the relatively higher consumption of hybrid manufacturing machines across all industry verticals.
  • However, doctors and patients are becoming more educated about the benefits of new medical technologies, which is helping to speed up the adoption of these technologies in the region.
  • Also, North America has been an early adopter of advanced medical technologies. Moreover, the increasing healthcare expenditure, high disposable incomes, low cost of manufacturing, rapid product development, and a growing number of surgical procedures in lieu of medical tourism have amplified the interest of market players.
  • Furthermore, the continuous expansion of the aerospace and automotive industries in the U.S. is driving industry development at a rapid pace. The rising awareness of hybrid manufacturing machines that offer efficient production capabilities is driving overall industry demand.

Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Machine Industry Overview

The competitive landscape of the hybrid additive manufacturing machine market is moderately concentrated due to the presence of major vendors providing the machines and equipment used for hybrid manufacturing, and these vendors hold the majority market share. The companies providing hybrid manufacturing machines adopt various strategies, such as new product development, innovations, mergers and acquisitions, partnerships and collaborations, to sustain in the highly competitive industry and to enhance their hybrid additive-manufacturing machines offerings worldwide. Moreover, major players in the hybrid manufacturing machine market are focusing on innovation and development of technologically advanced and cost-effective equipment so that they are affordable and hence applicable to a majority of industries and not just large industries.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support


Table of Contents

1.1 Study Deliverables
1.2 Study Assumptions
1.3 Scope of the Study



4.1 Market Overview
4.2 Introduction to Market Drivers and Restraints
4.3 Market Drivers
4.3.1 Industry 4.0 Integration
4.3.2 In industries like healthcare and automotive, there is a growing demand for customized and patient-specific parts.
4.4 Market Restraints
4.4.1 Hybrid additive manufacturing machines are often expensive to acquire and install, which can deter smaller manufacturers and businesses from adopting this technology.
4.4.2 Ensuring consistent quality and precision in hybrid manufacturing processes can be challenging, as it requires tight integration between additive and subtractive stages, precise calibration, and maintenance
4.5 Market Opportunities
4.5.1 Increased Adoption in Aerospace and Defense
4.5.2 The energy sector, including oil and gas, can benefit from hybrid AM machines for producing complex components and parts with improved corrosion resistance and structural integrity
4.6 Industry Value Chain Analysis
4.7 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
4.7.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
4.7.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
4.7.3 Threat of New Entrants
4.7.4 Threat of Substitute Products
4.7.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
4.8 Technology Snapshot

5.1 By End-user Industry
5.1.1 Aerospace & Defense
5.1.2 Energy & Power
5.1.3 Electronics
5.1.4 Medical
5.1.5 Automotive
5.1.6 Other End-user Industries
5.2 Geography
5.2.1 North America
5.2.2 Europe
5.2.3 Asia-Pacific
5.2.4 Rest of the World

6.1 Company Profiles
6.1.1 Optomec, Inc.
6.1.2 Mazak Corporation
6.1.3 DMG MORI
6.1.4 Matsuura Machinery Ltd.
6.1.5 Hybrid Manufacturing technologies
6.1.6 ELB-SCHLIFF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH
6.1.7 Mitsui Seiki, Inc.
6.1.8 Okuma America Corporation
6.1.9 Diversified Machine Systems
6.1.10 Fabrisonic*







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