![]() オット・ビジネス・メッセージング:2023-2028OTT BUSINESS MESSAGING: 2023-2028 当社の新しいOTTビジネスメッセージング市場調査は、CPaaS(Communications Platform-as-a-Service)およびCSP(通信サービスプロバイダー)がOTT(Over the Top)メッセージングチャネルをどのように活用して... もっと見る
当社の新しいOTTビジネスメッセージング市場調査は、CPaaS(Communications Platform-as-a-Service)およびCSP(通信サービスプロバイダー)がOTT(Over the Top)メッセージングチャネルをどのように活用してビジネスメッセージングの提供と収益を拡大できるかについて、不可欠な分析を提供しています。LLM(大規模言語モデル)チャットボット、スーパーアプリ、顧客データプラットフォーム、CRM(カスタマー・リレーションシップ・マネージャー)など、主要なOTTビジネス・メッセージング・サービスの革新と収益化に関する戦略的提言が提供される。さらに、EU(欧州連合)のデジタル市場法の導入により、メッセンジャーアプリ間の相互運用性の開発が迫られていることや、WhatsAppのOTTビジネスメッセージングサービスの新料金体系の導入など、OTTビジネス市場の動向についても分析と提言を行っている。
市場動向と戦略 (PDF)
競合他社リーダーボード (PDF)
データと予測 (PDF)
2023年から2028年のCAGR成長率 31%
トレンド分析と将来機会: OTTビジネスメッセージング市場におけるCPaaSプロバイダーおよびCSPの主要な収益化機会と新たな収益化機会の評価:
グローバルOTTビジネスメッセージング国別準備指数: 60カ国のOTTビジネスメッセージングテクノロジーとソリューションのテクノロジーインパクト評価。ジュニパーリサーチは、各国のOTTビジネスメッセージング市場の現状と今後の見通しを評価する「各国の準備状況指数」で、各国を採点しています。さらに詳細な評価は以下の国について行っている:
ジュニパーリサーチの競合リーダーボード: OTTビジネスメッセージングベンダー20社の主要プレーヤーの能力とキャパシティを評価し、既存リーダー、有力チャレンジャー、破壊者とチャレンジャーのいずれかに位置付けます。当社のCompetitor Leaderboardは、OTTビジネスメッセージング分野における事業規模、市場提携の範囲と幅、プラットフォームの洗練度、各社の技術革新と将来の事業展望に関するジュニパーリサーチの見解に基づいて、これらの企業を採点しています。ジュニパーリサーチのOTTビジネスメッセージング競合企業リーダーボードに掲載された企業は以下の通り:
ベンチマーク業界予測: OTTメッセージングユーザー総数、OTTメッセージ送信総数、OTTビジネスメッセージングからの総収入、OTTビジネスメッセージングによるオペレーターの総収入損失について、5年間の予測を提供します。指標は8つの主要予測地域と以下の60カ国に分けています:
北米: カナダ、米国
アルジェリア, エジプト, イスラエル, ケニア, クウェート, ナイジェリア, カタール, サウジアラビア, 南アフリカ, アラブ首長国連邦
インタビュー グップシャップ、Syniverse.
ジュニパーリサーチのCompetitor Leaderboardに掲載されました: Clickatell、CM.com、Comviva、GMS Worldwide、Gupshup、Infobip、Kaleyra、LINK Mobility、MessageBird、Mitto、Monty Mobile、Route Mobile、Sinch、Syniverse、Tata Communications、Twilio。
言及された 2bebot, A Vote, Accura Scan, ACL Mobile, Actito, Adax, Adobe, Adwise, AFS (Arab Financial Services), Airbnb, Airtel, Airtouch New Media, Alfa Orascom Telcom, Alfa-Bank Kazakhstan, Alibaba, Alisys, Allied Bank, Altiria, Amazon Web Services, American Express, AMM SpA, Amphia Hospital, Anam, Apple, Apptivo, Ares Management, Asia Insurance 1950, ATGen, Athonet、 Audi, Avangrid, Axiata, BAB International Corporation, Bahrain Financing Company, Bancontact, Bandyer, Bank of Maharashtra, Batelco, BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), BBVA, Bessemer Venture Partners, Best Western, Bharti Airtel, BlaBlaCar, Blackopal, BlackRock, Bloomberg, Blueorange Group SRL, BMW, BNP Paribas, Boku Mobile Identity, Bolt, Bon Prix, Booking. com、Bosch Group、BotsNext、British Gas、Building Blocks、Bukalapak、Cambridge Hospitals NHS Trust、Cancer Research UK、Cape Epic、Capitec、CarDekho、Central Bank of Nigeria、Chatfuel、China Mobile、Chorally Srl、Cisco、Citrus、CleverTap、Cloud Integrate、Coca-Cola、Cognigy、Collab、 Comium、Commio、Comsys、Conceptboard、Credit Agricole、DAG Ventures、Dahmakan、Daraz、Decathlon、Deliveroo、Dell、Deloitte、Destined、Deutsche Post、DHL、Dialogic、Die Post、Digitel、DinarPAY、Dis-Chem Pharmacies、DNB、Domino's、DoorDash、Draper Fisher Jurveston、e&enterprise、EaseMyTrip. com、eBay、EchoRoaster、Eclat Media Group、Econet Wireless、Electric Imp、Emarsys、Emirates、Emirates College of Technology、Ericsson、Estee Lauder、Etam、Etisalat、Everbridge、Eversource、Experian、Expresso、Federated Wireless、Fidelity Management、Fitbit、FKP Scorpio、Flipkart、FlySafair、Forever、Founder Collective、 フランス政府、Frensworkz、富士通、Gamigo、Genesys、GEVA Group、GitHub、Glassdoor、Globeair、Glovo、Go Biz IT、GoDaddy、Google、Grameenphone、GrandPad、GTBank、Harbor Spring Capital、HDFC Bank、Healthcare at Home、helloguide、HF Group、HP、HubSpot、Hulu、HUNT、Hutch、Hutchison Telecom、Hyundai、IBM、 ICICI Bank, Idea Cellular, iDEAL, IKEA, IMDb, Imowi, Imperial Logistics, Indeed, Inditex, Indosat, Infosys, Inteliquent, IOCL, ISS, Jawwal, Jazz, Johnson & Johnson, JT Telecom, JustPark, Jysk, Kakao, Kickstarter, King's College Hospital, Klaviyo, L'Oreal, LeadSquared, Leanpay, Lebara Mobile, LinkedIn、 Lotus Hospitals, Lyft, Magento, Malabar Investments, Marham, MarketingPlatform, Marks & Spencer, Mastercard, Matelab Srl, McKinsey & Company, medGo, MediaMarkt, Mediatel Data, Medtel, Mepal, MercadoLibre, Message Broadcast, MessageMedia, MessengerPeople, Meta, Metrodata, Microsoft, Mob, MobiFone, MTN, Mukuru, MUUUH!Next, Nederlandse Loterij, Nestle, Netflix, Netokracija, NetVoice, Nexi, Nickel, Nifty Window, NLB Banka, Nomorobo, Nouriza, Novartis, O2, Occum Health, OEP (One Equity Partners), OLA, Old Mutual, Onebit Cloud、 Ooredoo、OpenCart、OpenMarket、OpenRent、OpenSooq、Oracle、Orange、Oxfam、Oxfordcaps、Papa John's Pizza、ParkMobile、Parloa、Pathwire、Paylogic、Paytm、Peerless Network、Philips、Pick n Pay Group、Plantt. io、Plus、PostNord、Quadra、Radware、Raiffeisen Bank、楽天、Randstad、Rapido、Rappi、Red Hat、Redpoint Ventures、Rently、Responsys、Revolut、Robi、RSPCA、Safaricom、Salesforce、San Paolo、Santagostino、SAP、Segment、Selligent、Senati、Sequouia Capital、Shift Conference、ShoeBeDo、Shopify、SimpleTECH、? koda Auto, Skype, Slack, Smart Communications, SMARTY, Social25, SodaStream, Somtel, Source.One, Specsavers, Spetz, Spotify, Standard Bank, stc, Sterling Bank, Strands, Stripe, SurveyMonkey, SWAN, Tailorman, Takeaway. com、Talis、Tangerine、Tantan、Target、Tarjeta Plan Platino、TATA 1mg、Tele2、Telefonica、Telegram、Telekom Deutschland、Telkom South Africa、Tellephant、telXira、Teravoz、Tesco Bank、The American Red Cross、The Denan Project、 オランダ政府、オランダ赤十字、ノルウェー保健庁、タイムズ・グループ、ウォーリック大学、シンク・モト、タイガー・グローバル、ティスミ、TM(テレコム・マレーシア)、トコペディア、トタル、TRADEofficer、TransUnion、 Trimitrasis, Truecaller, Truweight, TTN, TUI, Twistellar, Twitch, UBA, Uber, Ubicua Limitada, Unilever, United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust, US Foods, ValueFirst, Viber, Viettel, Visa, VMware, Vodafone, Voiceitt, Volpy、 Wakeflow、Walgreens、Walmart、WebEngage、Wefarm、Welthungerhilfe、WeWork、WhatsApp、WIT Software、WooCommerce、WorkIndia、Wurth、X、Yelp、Yousign、YouTube、Zain、ZALORA、Zendesk、Zipcar、Zipwhip、ZOHO、Zoko、Zomato、Zong 4G.
OTT Retailビジネスメッセージによるオペレーターの損失合計
OTT その他のビジネスメッセージの総数
地域別 60カ国
テーブル数: 54 テーブル
データポイントの数 24,300以上のデータポイント
ハーベスト 当社のオンライン・データ・プラットフォームであるharvestは、最新の市場データを含み、年間を通じて更新されます。このプラットフォームは完全な機能を備えており、お客様は主要データの傾向をよりよく理解し、チャートや表を操作することができます。マーケット・インテリジェンス・センターでお客様のビジネスを強化し、データが更新されるたびにアラートを受け取ることができます。
インタラクティブ・エクセル(IFxl): 当社のIFxlツールにより、お客様はエクセル環境内で予測データとチャートの両方を操作し、インタラクティブ・シナリオ・ツールを使って独自の仮定をテストしたり、カスタマイズしたチャートと表で選択した市場を並べて比較したりすることができます。IFxlは、お客様が特定の市場を理解し、独自の見解をモデルに統合する能力を大幅に向上させます。
国 アルジェリア、アルゼンチン、オーストラリア、オーストリア、バングラデシュ、ベルギー、ブラジル、カナダ、チリ、中国、コロンビア、クロアチア、デンマーク、エクアドル、エジプト、フィンランド、フランス、ドイツ、ギリシャ、香港、ハンガリー、インド、インドネシア、アイルランド、イスラエル、イタリア、日本、ケニア、クウェート、マレーシア、 メキシコ、ネパール、オランダ、ニュージーランド、ナイジェリア、ノルウェー、パキスタン、ペルー、フィリピン、ポーランド、ポルトガル、カタール、ルーマニア、ロシア連邦、サウジアラビア、シンガポール、南アフリカ、スペイン、スウェーデン、スイス、タイ、ウクライナ、アラブ首長国連邦、ウルグアイ、ヴィエトナ
このレポートは、CPaaS(Communications Platform-as-a-Service)およびCSP(通信サービスプロバイダー)がOTT(Over the Top)メッセージングチャネルをどのように活用してビジネスメッセージングの提供と収益を拡大できるかについて、不可欠な分析を提供しています。
Report Description
Our new OTT Business Messaging market research provides indispensable analysis into how CPaaS (Communications Platform-as-a-Service), and CSPs (Communications Service Providers) can leverage OTT (Over the Top) messaging channels to expand their business messaging offerings, and revenue. Strategic recommendations are provided for the innovation, and monetisation of key OTT business messaging services including, LLM (Large Language Model) chatbots, super apps, customer data platforms, and CRMs (Customer Relationship Managers). Further analysis, and recommendations are provided for developments in the OTT business market, including the introduction of the EU’s (European Union) Digital Markets Act, which has forced the development of interoperability between messenger apps, and the introduction of WhatsApp’s new pricing structure for its OTT business messaging services.
The new research also includes Juniper Research’s Country Readiness Index, which provides a detailed assessment of the current, and future OTT business messaging market for each of the 60 countries, included in the report’s forecast data. Using a rigorous methodology, the Country Readiness Index leverages bespoke 5-year forecasts, and our analysts’ expertise to provide scoring for each country.
This report is accompanied by 5-year forecasts for the market, including:
Content Payment
The research suite includes:
Market Trends & Strategies (PDF)
Competitor Leaderboard (PDF)
Data & Forecasting (PDF)
5-year Market Sizing & Forecast Spreadsheet (Excel)
12 Months' Access to our harvest Online Data Platform
Key Market Statistics
Market Size in 2023: $218.5m
Market Size in 2028: $836.8m
2023 to 2028 CAGR Growth: 31%
Trend Analysis & Future Opportunities: An assessment of key and emerging monetisation opportunities for CPaaS providers, and CSPs in the OTT business messaging market, including:
Analysis of different OTT Messaging Channels, including LINE, Messenger, Telegram, WhatsApp, WeChat, and Viber
Analysis of the Advertising, Banking, Healthcare, Content Payment, Retail, And Ticketing Market Verticals
WhatsApp’s New Pricing Model
Superapp Monetisation
Customer Data Platform Integration
LLM Chatbot Innovation
Global OTT Business Messaging Country Readiness Index: A technology impact assessment for OTT business messaging technologies, and solutions, across 60 countries. Each of these countries has been scored by Juniper Research in its Country Readiness Index, which assesses the present status of each country’s OTT business messaging market, and its future prospects. Further detailed assessment is provided for the following countries:
South Korea
Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Key player capability and capacity assessment for 20 OTT business messaging vendors; positioning them as either an established leader, leading challenger, or disruptor and challenger. Our Competitor Leaderboard scores these companies on their size of operations in the OTT business messaging space, their extent and breadth of market partnerships, the sophistication of their platforms and Juniper Research's view on each company's innovation and future business prospects. The companies included in Juniper Research's OTT business messaging Competitor Leaderboard are:
GMS Worldwide
LINK Mobility
Monty Mobile
Route Mobile
Tata Communications
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: 5-year forecasts are provided for the total number of OTT messaging users, the total number of OTT messages sent, the total revenue from OTT business messaging, and total operator revenue loss from OTT business messaging. Metrics are split by our 8 key forecast regions and the 60 countries listed below:
North America:
Canada, US
Latin America:
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay
West Europe:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
Central & East Europe:
Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine
Far East & China:
China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea
Indian Subcontinent:
Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan
Rest of Asia Pacific:
Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
Africa & Middle East:
Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates
Interviewed: Gupshup, Syniverse.
Included in Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Clickatell, CM.com, Comviva, GMS Worldwide, Gupshup, Infobip, Kaleyra, LINK Mobility, MessageBird, Mitto, Monty Mobile, Route Mobile, Sinch, Syniverse, Tata Communications, Twilio.
Mentioned: 2bebot, A Vote , Accura Scan, ACL Mobile, Actito, Adax, Adobe, Adwise, AFS (Arab Financial Services), Airbnb, Airtel, Airtouch New Media, Alfa Orascom Telcom, Alfa-Bank Kazakhstan, Alibaba, Alisys, Allied Bank, Altiria, Amazon Web Services, American Express, AMM SpA, Amphia Hospital, Anam, Apple, Apptivo, Ares Management, Asia Insurance 1950, ATGen, Athonet, Audi, Avangrid, Axiata , BAB International Corporation, Bahrain Financing Company, Bancontact, Bandyer, Bank of Maharashtra, Batelco, BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), BBVA, Bessemer Venture Partners, Best Western, Bharti Airtel, BlaBlaCar, Blackopal, BlackRock, Bloomberg, Blueorange Group SRL, BMW, BNP Paribas, Boku Mobile Identity, Bolt, Bon Prix, Booking.com, Bosch Group, BotsNext, British Gas, Building Blocks, Bukalapak, Cambridge Hospitals NHS Trust, Cancer Research UK, Cape Epic, Capitec, CarDekho, Central Bank of Nigeria, Chatfuel, China Mobile, Chorally Srl, Cisco, Citrus, CleverTap,, Cloud Integrate, Coca-Cola, Cognigy, Collab, Comium, Commio, Comsys, Conceptboard, Credit Agricole, DAG Ventures, Dahmakan, Daraz, Decathlon, Deliveroo, Dell, Deloitte, Destined, Deutsche Post, DHL, Dialogic, Die Post, Digitel, DinarPAY, Dis-Chem Pharmacies, DNB, Domino’s, DoorDash, Draper Fisher Jurveston, e& enterprise, EaseMyTrip.com, eBay, EchoRoaster, Eclat Media Group, Econet Wireless, Electric Imp, Emarsys, Emirates, Emirates College of Technology, Ericsson, Estee Lauder, Etam, Etisalat, Everbridge, Eversource, Experian, Expresso, Federated Wireless, Fidelity Management, Fitbit, FKP Scorpio, Flipkart, FlySafair, Forever, Founder Collective, French Government, Frensworkz, Fujitsu, Gamigo, Genesys, GEVA Group, GitHub, Glassdoor, Globeair, Glovo, Go Biz IT, GoDaddy, Google, Grameenphone, GrandPad, GTBank, Harbor Spring Capital, HDFC Bank, Healthcare at Home, helloguide, HF Group, HP, HubSpot, Hulu, HUNT, Hutch, Hutchison Telecom, Hyundai, IBM, ICICI Bank, Idea Cellular, iDEAL, IKEA, IMDb, Imowi, Imperial Logistics, Indeed, Inditex, Indosat, Infosys, Inteliquent, IOCL, ISS, Jawwal, Jazz, Johnson & Johnson, JT Telecom, JustPark, Jysk, Kakao, Kickstarter, King’s College Hospital, Klaviyo, L’Oreal, LeadSquared, Leanpay, Lebara Mobile, LinkedIn, Lotus Hospitals, Lyft, Magento, Malabar Investments, Marham, MarketingPlatform, Marks & Spencer, Mastercard, Matelab Srl, McKinsey & Company, medGo, MediaMarkt, Mediatel Data, Medtel, Mepal, MercadoLibre, Message Broadcast, MessageMedia, MessengerPeople, Meta, Metrodata, Microsoft, Mob, MobiFone, MTN, Mukuru, MUUUH! Next, Nederlandse Loterij, Nestle, Netflix, Netokracija, NetVoice, Nexi, Nickel, Nifty Window, NLB Banka, Nomorobo, Nouriza, Novartis, O2, Occum Health, OEP (One Equity Partners), OLA, Old Mutual, Onebit Cloud, Ooredoo, OpenCart, OpenMarket, OpenRent, OpenSooq, Oracle, Orange, Oxfam, Oxfordcaps, Papa John’s Pizza, ParkMobile, Parloa, Pathwire, Paylogic, Paytm, Peerless Network, Philips, Pick n Pay Group, Plantt.io, Plus, PostNord, Quadra, Radware, Raiffeisen Bank, Rakuten, Randstad, Rapido, Rappi, Red Hat, Redpoint Ventures, Rently, Responsys, Revolut, Robi, RSPCA, Safaricom, Salesforce, San Paolo, Santagostino, SAP, Segment, Selligent, Senati, Seqouia Capital, Shift Conference, ShoeBeDo, Shopify, SimpleTECH, ?koda Auto, Skype, Slack, Smart Communications, SMARTY, Social25, SodaStream, Somtel, Source.One, Specsavers, Spetz, Spotify, Standard Bank, stc, Sterling Bank, Strands, Stripe, SurveyMonkey, SWAN, Tailorman, Takeaway.com, Talis, Tangerine, Tantan, Target, Tarjeta Plan Platino, TATA 1mg, Tele2, Telefonica, Telegram, Telekom Deutschland, Telkom South Africa, Tellephant, telXira, Teravoz, Tesco Bank, The American Red Cross, The Denan Project, the Dutch Government, The Netherlands Red Cross, The Norwegian Health Agency, The Times Group, The University of Warwick, think moto, Tiger Global, Tismi, TM (Telekom Malaysia Berhad), Tokopedia, Total, TRADEofficer, TransUnion, Trimitrasis, Truecaller, Truweight, TTN, TUI, Twistellar, Twitch, UBA, Uber, Ubicua Limitada, Unilever, United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust, US Foods, ValueFirst, Viber, Viettel, Visa, VMware, Vodafone, Voiceitt, Volpy, Wakeflow, Walgreens, Walmart, WebEngage, Wefarm, Welthungerhilfe, WeWork, WhatsApp, WIT Software, WooCommerce, WorkIndia, Wurth, X, Yelp , Yousign, YouTube, Zain, ZALORA, Zendesk, Zipcar, Zipwhip, ZOHO, Zoko, Zomato, Zong 4G.
Juniper Research’s latest OTT Business Messaging market forecast provides leading market research into key metrics and statistics, such as the total number of OTT business messages sent, and revenue from OTT business messaging, that provide next-level insight into the OTT business messaging market of 60 countries.
Juniper Research’s OTT Business Messaging market forecast provides insight into the following key metrics:
OTT Summary:
Total Number of OTT Messenger App Users
Total Number of Messages Sent on OTT Messenger Apps
Total Number of OTT Business Messages Sent
Total Revenue from OTT Business Messaging
Total Operator A2P Revenue Lost to OTT Business Messaging
OTT Advertising:
Total Number of OTT Advertising Business Messages
Total Revenue from OTT Advertising Business Messaging
Total Operator Loss from OTT Advertising Business Messaging
OTT Banking:
Total Number of OTT Banking Business Messages
Total Revenue from OTT Banking Business Messaging
Total Operator Loss from OTT Banking Business Messaging
OTT Healthcare:
Total Number of OTT Healthcare Business Messages
Total Revenue from OTT Healthcare Business Messaging
Total Operator Loss from OTT Healthcare Business Messaging
OTT Content Payment:
Total Number of OTT Content Payment Business Messages
Total Revenue from OTT Content Payment Business Messaging
Total Operator Loss from OTT Content Payment Business Messaging
OTT Retail:
Total Number of OTT Retail Business Messages
Total Revenue from OTT Retail Business Messaging
Total Operator Loss from OTT Retail Business Messaging
OTT Ticketing:
Total Number of OTT Ticketing Business Messages
Total Revenue from OTT Ticketing Business Messaging
Total Operator Loss from OTT Ticketing Business Messaging
OTT Other:
Total Number of OTT Other Business Messages
Total Revenue from OTT Other Business Messaging
Total Operator Loss from OTT Other Business Messaging
Geographical splits: 60 countries
Number of tables: 54 tables
Number of datapoints: Over 24,300 datapoints
harvest: Our online data platform, harvest, contains the very latest market data and is updated throughout the year. This is a fully featured platform; enabling clients to better understand key data trends and manipulate charts and tables; overlaying different forecasts within the one chart - using the comparison tool. Empower your business with our market intelligence centre, and receive alerts whenever your data is updated.
Interactive Excels (IFxl): Our IFxl tool enables clients to manipulate both forecast data and charts, within an Excel environment, to test their own assumptions using the interactive scenario tool and compare selected markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase a client’s ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
OTT business messaging traffic will grow to 375 billion in 2028, rising from 100 billion messages in 2023. Diminishing quality of SMS networks will drive enterprises that use mobile business messaging to explore alternative channels, including OTT messaging apps. As a result, operators are expected to lose over $3 billion of SMS business messaging revenue globally to OTT channels over the next five years.
Reduced SMS network quality is being driven by the rising prevalence of fraud,whilst operators’ SMS prices continue to rise to maintain revenue amidst slowingdemand for business messaging traffic. To capitalise on this plateauing SMSmarket, OTT app vendors must deploy pricing strategies that attract high-spendingenterprises away from established SMS channels. These strategies must separatetraffic by uses, charging a premium to enterprises for mission critical traffic, suchas MFA (Multi-factor Authentication).
A large increase in OTT business messaging spend for retail, growing from $790million globally in 2023, to over $2.6 billion by 2028. OTT messaging vendors mustintegrate data from other retail channels into OTT business messaging activities. Indoing so, these vendors can position their apps as a key channel for retailers’eCommerce strategies. To maximise the potential in this space, it is imperative thatOTT messaging vendors directly integrate payment capabilities into apps tomaximise the channel’s value proposition.
Regions:8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Countries:Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Vietnam
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