![]() カンバセーショナル・コマース:ビジネスモデル分析、付加価値サービス、市場予測 2022-2027年CONVERSATIONAL COMMERCE: BUSINESS MODEL ANALYSIS, VALUE-ADDED SERVICES & MARKET FORECASTS 2022-2027 オムニチャネルリテールと顧客エンゲージメント、デジタルチャネルにおけるカスタマージャーニー全体の進化により、サービスプロバイダはメッセージングアプリ、Webサイト、音声チャネルを複数統合してサポー... もっと見る
この会話型商取引チャネルに関する製品イノベーション研究では、複数のチャネルと垂直方向の機会を分析することで、会話型商取引市場とオンライン顧客体験における将来の機会を綿密に評価しています。製品の詳細には、市場ドライバーと課題の評価が含まれ、会話型コマースサービスプロバイダーによる潜在的な顧客との対話のための将来の推奨事項を提供しています。この深層学習レポートのその他の重要な要素としては、戦略的分析に沿った5年間の予測、19の会話型コマースベンダーを多くの定量的・定性的基準で評価したJuniper ResearchのCompetitor Leaderboardの著名なプレーヤーなどがあります。
Juniper ResearchのCompetitor Leaderboard。会話型コマースプロバイダー19社の主要プレイヤーの能力と性能を評価し、既存リーダー、主要チャレンジャー、破壊者とチャレンジャーのいずれかに位置付けています。Competitor Leaderboardは、会話型商取引分野における事業規模、市場提携の範囲と幅、プラットフォームの洗練度、各社の技術革新と今後の事業見通しに関するJuniper Researchの見解に基づいて採点しています。Juniper ResearchのConversational Commerce Competitor Leaderboardに掲載されている企業は次のとおりです。
アルゼンチン, ブラジル, チリ, コロンビア, エクアドル, メキシコ, ペルー, ウルグアイ
Interviewed: Clickatell, CM.com, Infobip, Kaleyra, Route Mobile, Tata Communications, Vonage.
Included in the Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Clickatell, CM.com, Comviva, Genesys, Google Dialogflow, Gupshup, Infobip, Kaleyra, Kasisto, LivePerson, Meta, Octane AI, Route Mobile, Sinch, Tata Communications, Viber, Vonage, WhatsApp, Zendesk.
Mentioned: 20 Minutes, A Vote, Absa, Absa Cape Epic, Accura Scan, ACL Mobile, ACTITO, Adax, Adobe, AfroSaude, AFS (Arab Financial Services), AI.Reverie, Air Asia, Airtel, Al Rayan Bank, Alfa-Bank Kazakhstan, Allied Bank, Amazon, American Express, AmeriSave Mortgage, Anam, Aramex, Arbetsformedlingen, Ares Management, Armature Studio, Asia Insurance 1950, AstraZeneca, Audiocodes, AVAYA, Axiata, Baby Coats, Bahrain Financing Company B.S.C, Banca Intesa San Paolo, Banca Sella, Banca Transilvania, Banca Widiba, Bancontact, Bandyer, Bank of Maharashtra, Barry Callebaut, Bharti Airtel, BlaBlaCar, BlackRock, Blue Turtle Technologies, BMW, Bold360, Bolt, Booking.com, Bosch Group, BotCentral, BT, Building Blocks, Bukalapak, Cake, Camouflaj, Cancer Research UK, Capitec, Carbyne, CarDekho, Carousell, CBN (Central Bank of Nigeria), Centilli, Chatfuel, Chatlayer, Cisco, CitNOW, Citrus, CIVICA, ClearFreight, Coca Cola, Comcast, ConsenSys, Conversable, Crunch, CTI Africa, Curious Thing, Curlsmith, CX Company, Cybersource, CYSM, Dahmakan, Danfoss, Daraz, DataMix, DBS, DBS Bank, Decentro, Deloitte, DHL, Dialogic, Digitel, DinarPAY, DocPlanner Group, Doctolib, Doctor Anywhere, Domino’s, Dotgo, Doxy.me, DPD UK, Dutch Government, EaseMyTrip.com, e-bot7, Ebury, Eclat Media Group, Econet Wireless, EE , Emirates, Etam, Etisalat, Euroconsumers, ExamRoom.AI, Exceed.ai, Fidelity Management, FIS, Fisher & Paykel, Five 9, FKP Scorpio, Flipkart, FlySafair, Food Network, Gamigo, Genesys, Geva Group, Giorgio Armani, Glassdoor, Global Ticket, GM Financial, GoDaddy, Goosehead Insurance, Grameenphone, GT Bank, HDFC Bank, Headsets.com, Healthcare at Home, Hellman & Friedman, HeyHi, HF Group, Holiday Inn, Hotelbeds, HP, HSBC, Hutch, ICICI Bank, Idea Cellular, iDeal, IKEA, ImagineOptix, Indosat, Infobip, Instagram, Insung Information, Inteliquent, Interteleco, IOCL, Jazz, JioChat, Johnson & Johnson, Jones Road Beauty, JP Morgan Chase, Jumper.ai, Kakao, Kellogg’s, Key Travel, Klaviyo, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Leanpay, Lebara Mobile, LendingPoint, LINE, LinkedIn, Litify, liveClinic, Lofelt, log build, Manulife, Marham, Masivian S.A.S , Mastercard, medGo, MediaMarkt, Mepal, Mercedes Benz, MessageMedia, MessengerPeople, Meta, Microsoft, Miracle Mink Hair, Mitel, MobiFone Vietnam, Momentive, Moneythor, Monjin, MotoGP, MTD Products, MTN, Mukuru, myElefant SAS, Nature Wisr, Nedbank, Nederlandse Loterij, Netokracija, New York Angels, New10, Nexi, Next Education, Nice inContact, Nickel, NLB Banka, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, NPR One, Oak HC/FT, OLA, Onecom, OneDirect, Ooredoo, OpenSooq, OpenTable, Orange, Ouest France, Oxfam, Paidy, PalFish, Panera Bread, Papa John’s Pizza, Parkmobile, Partnership of New York City, Pathwire, Paylogic, PayPlaza, Peerless Network, PensionBee, Pointillst, PopBox Asia, presize.ai, PUBG, Radware, Raiffeisen Bank, Rakuten, RAM Tracking, Randstad, Rapido, Rappi, ReCharge, Red Hat, Redfin, Reliance Jio, Relief International, Remitly, Revolut, Rho, Roadmap, Robi, RobinHQ.com, Routesms Solutions FZE, RSPCA, Safaricom, Santagostino, SAP, Sberbank, SBI , SecureAppbox, Selligent, Senati, Sequoia, ShoeBeDo, Shopify, Siemens, Signal Wire, Singapore Airlines, Skinny Mixes, Skype, Slack, Sngular, Spotify, SRI International, Standard Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Sterling Bank Plc, StoryCorps, Strands, Takeaway.com, Tangerine, TanTan, TATA 1mg, TD Bank, Tea Junction, Tele2, Teledgers Technologies, Telefonica, Telegram, Tele-Town Hall, Temasek Holdings, Ten Coves Capital, Tenfold, Tesco, The Motley Fool, The Partnership Fund for New York, The Times Group, The Wall Street Journal, Thinca, Ticketmaster, Tiger Global, TM (Telekom Malaysia Berhad), TP Vision, Transcosmos Research & Development Inc, Truecaller, TTN, Tulka, Twilio, Twisted Pixel Games, Twitter, Two Sigma Ventures, UBA, Uber, UCSC, Ujet , Unilever, Unit 2 Games, US Foods, Viber, Vietnamobile, Vinted, Visa, Visionflex, Vodafone, Vogue, VoiceBase, VoicePing, VoiceSage, Volpy, Voximplant, VTB Bank, VvAA Groep BV, Wall Street English, WAVY Global, WeFarm, Wells Fargo, Welthungerhilfe, Westpase, WeWork, Wicked Edge, Within, WorkIndia, Wrigley, Wurth, Xerox, Yousign, Zain, Zamtel, Zapier, Zipcar, Zomato.
Juniper Researchのカンバセーショナル・コマース予測スイートには以下が含まれます。
地域別 60カ国
テーブル数: 159テーブル
データポイント数 108,700以上のデータポイント
ハーベスト 当社のオンラインデータプラットフォームであるharvestは、最新の市場データを含み、年間を通じて更新されています。これは、お客様が主要なデータの傾向をよりよく理解し、チャートや表を操作できるようにするための完全な機能を備えたプラットフォームで、1つのチャートの中で異なる予測を重ね合わせたり、比較ツールを使用したりすることが可能です。マーケット・インテリジェンス・センターでお客様のビジネスを強化し、データが更新されるたびにアラートを受け取ることができます。
Interactive Excels(IFxl)。IFxlツールにより、お客様はエクセル環境で予測データとチャートの両方を操作し、インタラクティブ・シナリオ・ツールを使ってご自身の仮定を検証したり、カスタマイズしたチャートや表で選択した市場を並べて比較したりすることができます。IFxlは、お客様が特定の市場を理解し、ご自身の見解をモデルに統合する能力を大幅に向上させます。
地域:8つの主要地域 - 北米、中南米、西ヨーロッパ、中央・東ヨーロッパ、極東・中国、インド亜大陸、その他のアジア太平洋地域、アフリカ・中東を含む。
国名 アルジェリア、アルゼンチン、オーストラリア、オーストリア、バングラデシュ、ベルギー、ブラジル、カナダ、チリ、中国、コロンビア、クロアチア、チェコ、デンマーク、エクアドル、エジプト、フィンランド、フランス、ドイツ、ギリシャ、香港、ハンガリー、インド、インドネシア、アイルランド、イスラエル、イタリア、日本、ケニヤ、韓国、クウェイト、マレーシア。メキシコ、ネパール、オランダ、ニュージーランド、ナイジェリア、ノルウェー、パキスタン、ペルー、フィリピン、ポーランド、ポルトガル、カタール、ルーマニア、ロシア連邦、サウジアラビア、シンガポール、南アフリカ、スペイン、スウェーデン、スイス、タイ、トルコ、ウクライナ、アラブ首長国連邦、英国、ウルグアイ、米国、ベトナム
Report Description
The evolution of omnichannel retail and customer engagement, and the overall customer journey in digital channels has resulted in service providers supporting multiple integrated messaging apps, websites and voice channels to provide an enhanced commerce experience. Juniper Research’s latest Conversational Commerce research offers in-depth analysis of messaging applications and insight into the market growth of this developing market benefiting the user journey, along with tailored future recommendations for conversational commerce service providers in order to maximise customer satisfaction.
This product innovation research into conversational commerce channels meticulously assesses future opportunities within the conversational commerce market and online customer experience by analysing multiple channel and vertical opportunities. The product details includes an assessment of market drivers and challenges, and provides future recommendations for potential customer interactions by conversational commerce service providers. Other key factors of this deep learning report include 5-year forecasts aligned with strategic analysis, and prominent players in Juniper Research’s Competitor Leaderboard, which evaluates 19 conversational commerce vendors using a number of quantitative and qualitative criteria.
The essential business function report contains a sector analysis of key industries primed for disruption using conversational commerce tools, including:
Banking & Financial Services
It also contains a thorough product offerings analysis split across 4 key messaging channels:
This research suite includes:
Key Market Statistics
Market size in 2022: $13.3bn
Market size in 2023: $25.1bn
2022 to 2023 Growth: 89%
Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations: An overview of the key trends and opportunities present in the market, and Juniper Research’s strategic recommendations on how to capitalise on this growing area.
Business Model Analysis: An evaluation on the future of the conversational commerce market, analysing its full potential by assessing:
As well as recommendations for value-added services including:
Market Segment Analysis: Deep dive evaluation of the use cases and monetisation strategies, paired with supplementary 5-year forecast data that will aid in future conversational commerce market growth. The 3 key markets considered here include:
Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Key player capability and capacity assessment for 19 conversational commerce providers; positioning them as either an established leader, leading challenger, or disruptor and challenger. Our Competitor Leaderboard scores these companies on their size of operations in the conversational commerce space, their extent and breadth of market partnerships, the sophistication of their platforms, and Juniper Research's view on each company's innovation and future business prospects. The companies included in Juniper Research's Conversational Commerce Competitor Leaderboard are:
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: 5-year forecasts are provided for total conversational commerce users, total transactions and total transaction volume. These forecasts are split into 4 traffic channels including chatbots, OTT messaging, RCS messaging, voice assistants, and further split by 3 key markets including banking & financial services, eCommerce & retail and digital ticketing. These metrics are split by our 8 key forecast regions and the 60 countries listed below:
North America:
Canada, US
Latin America:
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay.
West Europe:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK.
Central & East Europe:
Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine.
Far East & China:
China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea.
Indian Subcontinent:
Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan.
Rest of Asia Pacific:
Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.
Africa & Middle East
Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates.
Interviewed: Clickatell, CM.com, Infobip, Kaleyra, Route Mobile, Tata Communications, Vonage.
Included in the Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Clickatell, CM.com, Comviva, Genesys, Google Dialogflow, Gupshup, Infobip, Kaleyra, Kasisto, LivePerson, Meta, Octane AI, Route Mobile, Sinch, Tata Communications, Viber, Vonage, WhatsApp, Zendesk.
Mentioned: 20 Minutes, A Vote, Absa, Absa Cape Epic, Accura Scan, ACL Mobile, ACTITO, Adax, Adobe, AfroSaude, AFS (Arab Financial Services), AI.Reverie, Air Asia, Airtel, Al Rayan Bank, Alfa-Bank Kazakhstan, Allied Bank, Amazon, American Express, AmeriSave Mortgage, Anam, Aramex, Arbetsformedlingen, Ares Management, Armature Studio, Asia Insurance 1950, AstraZeneca, Audiocodes, AVAYA, Axiata, Baby Coats, Bahrain Financing Company B.S.C, Banca Intesa San Paolo, Banca Sella, Banca Transilvania, Banca Widiba, Bancontact, Bandyer, Bank of Maharashtra, Barry Callebaut, Bharti Airtel, BlaBlaCar, BlackRock, Blue Turtle Technologies, BMW, Bold360, Bolt, Booking.com, Bosch Group, BotCentral, BT, Building Blocks, Bukalapak, Cake, Camouflaj, Cancer Research UK, Capitec, Carbyne, CarDekho, Carousell, CBN (Central Bank of Nigeria), Centilli, Chatfuel, Chatlayer, Cisco, CitNOW, Citrus, CIVICA, ClearFreight, Coca Cola, Comcast, ConsenSys, Conversable, Crunch, CTI Africa, Curious Thing, Curlsmith, CX Company, Cybersource, CYSM, Dahmakan, Danfoss, Daraz, DataMix, DBS, DBS Bank, Decentro, Deloitte, DHL, Dialogic, Digitel, DinarPAY, DocPlanner Group, Doctolib, Doctor Anywhere, Domino’s, Dotgo, Doxy.me, DPD UK, Dutch Government, EaseMyTrip.com, e-bot7, Ebury, Eclat Media Group, Econet Wireless, EE , Emirates, Etam, Etisalat, Euroconsumers, ExamRoom.AI, Exceed.ai, Fidelity Management, FIS, Fisher & Paykel, Five 9, FKP Scorpio, Flipkart, FlySafair, Food Network, Gamigo, Genesys, Geva Group, Giorgio Armani, Glassdoor, Global Ticket, GM Financial, GoDaddy, Goosehead Insurance, Grameenphone, GT Bank, HDFC Bank, Headsets.com, Healthcare at Home, Hellman & Friedman, HeyHi, HF Group, Holiday Inn, Hotelbeds, HP, HSBC, Hutch, ICICI Bank, Idea Cellular, iDeal, IKEA, ImagineOptix, Indosat, Infobip, Instagram, Insung Information, Inteliquent, Interteleco, IOCL, Jazz, JioChat, Johnson & Johnson, Jones Road Beauty, JP Morgan Chase, Jumper.ai, Kakao, Kellogg’s, Key Travel, Klaviyo, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Leanpay, Lebara Mobile, LendingPoint, LINE, LinkedIn, Litify, liveClinic, Lofelt, log build, Manulife, Marham, Masivian S.A.S , Mastercard, medGo, MediaMarkt, Mepal, Mercedes Benz, MessageMedia, MessengerPeople, Meta, Microsoft, Miracle Mink Hair, Mitel, MobiFone Vietnam, Momentive, Moneythor, Monjin, MotoGP, MTD Products, MTN, Mukuru, myElefant SAS, Nature Wisr, Nedbank, Nederlandse Loterij, Netokracija, New York Angels, New10, Nexi, Next Education, Nice inContact, Nickel, NLB Banka, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, NPR One, Oak HC/FT, OLA, Onecom, OneDirect, Ooredoo, OpenSooq, OpenTable, Orange, Ouest France, Oxfam, Paidy, PalFish, Panera Bread, Papa John’s Pizza, Parkmobile, Partnership of New York City, Pathwire, Paylogic, PayPlaza, Peerless Network, PensionBee, Pointillst, PopBox Asia, presize.ai, PUBG, Radware, Raiffeisen Bank, Rakuten, RAM Tracking, Randstad, Rapido, Rappi, ReCharge, Red Hat, Redfin, Reliance Jio, Relief International, Remitly, Revolut, Rho, Roadmap, Robi, RobinHQ.com, Routesms Solutions FZE, RSPCA, Safaricom, Santagostino, SAP, Sberbank, SBI , SecureAppbox, Selligent, Senati, Sequoia, ShoeBeDo, Shopify, Siemens, Signal Wire, Singapore Airlines, Skinny Mixes, Skype, Slack, Sngular, Spotify, SRI International, Standard Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Sterling Bank Plc, StoryCorps, Strands, Takeaway.com, Tangerine, TanTan, TATA 1mg, TD Bank, Tea Junction, Tele2, Teledgers Technologies, Telefonica, Telegram, Tele-Town Hall, Temasek Holdings, Ten Coves Capital, Tenfold, Tesco, The Motley Fool, The Partnership Fund for New York, The Times Group, The Wall Street Journal, Thinca, Ticketmaster, Tiger Global, TM (Telekom Malaysia Berhad), TP Vision, Transcosmos Research & Development Inc, Truecaller, TTN, Tulka, Twilio, Twisted Pixel Games, Twitter, Two Sigma Ventures, UBA, Uber, UCSC, Ujet , Unilever, Unit 2 Games, US Foods, Viber, Vietnamobile, Vinted, Visa, Visionflex, Vodafone, Vogue, VoiceBase, VoicePing, VoiceSage, Volpy, Voximplant, VTB Bank, VvAA Groep BV, Wall Street English, WAVY Global, WeFarm, Wells Fargo, Welthungerhilfe, Westpase, WeWork, Wicked Edge, Within, WorkIndia, Wrigley, Wurth, Xerox, Yousign, Zain, Zamtel, Zapier, Zipcar, Zomato.
Juniper Research’s Conversational Commerce forecast suite includes:
Conversational Commerce Market Summary, including:
Total Users of Conversational Commerce
Total Spend over Conversational Commerce
Chatbot Commerce Market Summary, including:
Total Number of Commerce Chatbots Accessed per annum
Total Number of Commerce Chatbots That Complete In-app Purchases
Total Spend over Chatbot Commerce
OTT Messaging Commerce Market Summary, including:
Total Number of Smartphone Users Who Use IM (Instant Messaging)
Total Number of IM Users That Are Conversational Commerce Capable
Total Number of IM Commerce Transactions
Total Transaction Value via IM Conversational Commerce Services
RCS Messaging Commerce Market Summary, including:
Total RCS-capable Mobile Subscribers
Total Number of RCS-capable Subscribers Making Payments via Conversational Commerce
Total Transactions via RCS-based Conversational Commerce
Total Spend over RCS-based Conversational Commerce Channels
Voice Assistants Commerce Market Summary, including:
Total Voice Assistants That Are Payment-enabled
Total Number of Voice Assistants That Actively Make Payments
Total Transactions Made by Payment-enabled Voice Assistants
Total Spend over Payment-enabled Voice Assistants
Data Splits for each channel is also provided for the proportion of total spend attributable to the following markets:
eCommerce & Retail
Food & Groceries
Clothing & Fashion
Digital Ticketing
Geographical splits: 60 countries
Number of tables: 159 tables
Number of datapoints: Over 108,700 datapoints
harvest: Our online data platform, harvest, contains the very latest market data and is updated throughout the year. This is a fully featured platform enabling clients to better understand key data trends and manipulate charts and tables; overlaying different forecasts within the one chart ? using the comparison tool. Empower your business with our market intelligence centre, and receive alerts whenever your data is updated.
Interactive Excels (IFxl): Our IFxl tool enables clients to manipulate both forecast data and charts, within an Excel environment, to test their own assumptions using the interactive scenario tool and compare selected markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase a client’s ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
The global spend for conversational commerce over OTT channels, including WhatsApp or WeChat, will rise from $13.3 billion in 2022 to $25.1 billion in 2023. This growth of 89% will be driven by verticals such as retail and eCommerce, which provide increased online presence and product availability as retailers refine their online customer experience.
eCommerce and retail will account for over 35% of spend via OTT conversational commerce channels in 2023; equating $9 billion of spend globally. However, regional fragmentation in the OTT messaging space was identified as a key hurdle to growth. To overcome this, conversational commerce vendors must onboard each messaging app individually, while adhering strictly to the varying financial regulations in each country.
Other issues for conversational commerce vendors include the varying types of payment methods in use across countries. Vendors need to account for these differences and support various digital wallets. This flexibility will enable vendors to offer a complete omnichannel experience by providing payments across OTT apps, chatbots, voicebots and RCS business messaging.
To increase market share, conversational commerce platforms must also invest in value-added services to provide differentiation from existing conversational services. For example, digital loyalty programmes can be used to provide personalised and incentivised messages to achieve increases in digital engagement. In addition, vendors must facilitate features such as link tracking and call-to-action support to monitor engagement.
Supporting a sufficient number of communication channels is no longer enough to ensure the success of omnichannel experiences. Vendors must look to include additional value-added services into their business model to create depth within existing communication channels.
Regions:8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Countries:Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, UK, Uruguay, USA, Vietnam
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