多孔質セラミック市場規模・シェア・動向分析レポート:原料別(アルミナ、チタン酸塩)、製品別(ろ過、絶縁)、用途別(医療、自動車)、地域別、セグメント別予測、2021年~2028年Porous Ceramic Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Raw Material (Alumina, Titanate), By Product (Filtration, Insulation), By Application (Medical, Automotive), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2021 - 2028 多孔質セラミック市場の成長と動向 Grand View Research, Inc.の最新レポートによると、多孔質セラミックの世界市場規模は、2028年までに132億4,000万米ドルに達する見込みです。2021年から2028年までのCAGRは... もっと見る
サマリー多孔質セラミック市場の成長と動向Grand View Research, Inc.の最新レポートによると、多孔質セラミックの世界市場規模は、2028年までに132億4,000万米ドルに達する見込みです。2021年から2028年までのCAGRは10.4%で拡大すると予想されています。ヘルスケア分野での医療機器の需要増加と、ろ過製品のニーズの高まりが、予測期間中の市場成長を刺激すると考えられます。 多孔質セラミックスは、その名の通り、構造体に微細な穴が開いているため、軽量で熱容量が小さいという特徴があります。そのため、ろ過材や断熱材、高純度材料、構造材などに使用されています。その優れた特性から、半導体、電子機器、医療、自動車など、さまざまな産業分野で利用されています。 暖房、換気、コーヒーメーカー、エアコンなど、家庭や産業では様々な用途でろ過が必要とされています。多孔質セラミック製のろ過製品は、化学、製薬、食品などの業界で、プロセス液体の洗浄や物質の分離に使用されています。また、高圧耐性、優れた透過性、耐久性、信頼性などの特性を活かして、ガス分離膜にも使用されています。 需要の高まりを受けて、メーカーは新製品を発表しています。例えば、2021年8月には、セラムテック社がクロスフロー膜ろ過用の多孔質セラミック膜を発表しました。これらのマルチチャンネルチューブは、医薬品やバイオテクノロジーを含む様々な業界のナノ、ウルトラ、およびマイクロフィルトレーションで使用されるアルミナから作られています。 東南アジアでは、半導体産業への投資が増加しており、これがアジア太平洋地域の市場成長を牽引すると予想されています。多孔質セラミックスの優れた特性が、半導体ウエハのハンドリングでの需要を促進しています。2021年8月、富士電機はマレーシアでパワー半導体の生産を拡大するために、400億円(約3億6500万米ドル)の追加投資を行うことを発表しました。このような投資は、市場の成長にとって実りあるものとなるでしょう。 この市場は、多数の既存プレーヤーが存在するため、競争が激しいです。主要企業は、より多くの顧客に対応するために事業を拡大しています。例えば、2021年4月、CoorsTek, Inc.は、米国アーカンソー州ベントンでの製造拠点をさらに拡大することを発表しましたが、これは航空宇宙・防衛分野でのイノベーションを支援するための長期戦略の一環です。 多孔質セラミック市場レポートのハイライト - アルミナ原料セグメントは、予測期間中、売上高ベースで2番目に高いCAGRを記録すると予想される - これは、耐摩耗性と耐腐食性に優れているため、ポンプ部品、自動車用センサー、電子機器などの用途に適した材料として需要が高まっていることによる。 - 製品セグメントでは、2020年には「ろ過」が最大の売上シェアを占め、予測期間中もその優位性を維持すると予想されます。これは、工業用ろ過や溶融金属のろ過などのプロセスにおいて、ろ過製品が好まれていることに起因しています。 - 医療技術の進歩と医療機器の需要増加を背景に、医療用途セグメントは、予測期間中に最も速いCAGRを記録すると予測されています。 - 2020年には、製造業の成長と製品の製造・消費の増加により、アジア太平洋地域が最大の売上シェアを占めました。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1. Methodology and Scope 1.1. Market Segmentation & Scope 1.2. Market Definition 1.3. Research Methodology 1.4. Research Scope and Assumptions 1.5. Information Procurement 1.5.1. Purchased Database 1.5.2. GVR’s Internal Database 1.5.3. Secondary Sources 1.5.4. Third-Party Perspectives 1.5.5. Primary Research 1.6. Information Analysis 1.6.1. Data Analysis Models 1.7. Market Formulation & Data Visualization 1.8. Data Validation & Publishing Chapter 2. Executive Summary 2.1. Market Insights 2.2. Segmental Outlook 2.3. Competitive Insights Chapter 3. Porous Ceramic Market Variables, Trends, and Scope 3.1. Market Lineage Outlook 3.2. Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3. Industry Value Chain Analysis 3.3.1. Raw Material Trends 3.3.2. Technology Trends 3.3.3. Sales Channel Analysis 3.3.4. Vendor Selection Criteria Analysis 3.4. Regulatory Framework 3.5. Porous Ceramic Market Dynamics 3.5.1. Market Driver Analysis 3.5.2. Market Restraint Analysis 3.5.3. Market Opportunity Analysis 3.5.4. Impact of COVID-19 3.5.5. Market Challenge Analysis 3.6. Porous Ceramic Industry Analysis - Porter’s Five Forces 3.6.1. Bargaining power of suppliers 3.6.2. Bargaining power of buyers 3.6.3. Competitive rivalry 3.6.4. Threat of substitutes 3.6.5. Threat of new entrants 3.7. Porous Ceramic Industry Analysis - PESTEL Analysis 3.7.1. Political 3.7.2. Economic 3.7.3. Social 3.7.4. Technological 3.7.5. Environmental 3.7.6. Legal Chapter 4. Porous Ceramic Market: Raw Material Outlook Estimates & Forecasts 4.1. Definition & Scope 4.2. Porous Ceramic Market: Raw Material Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 4.3. Alumina Ceramics 4.3.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.4. Titanate Ceramics 4.4.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.5. Zirconate Ceramics 4.5.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.6. Ferrite Ceramics 4.6.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.7. Aluminum Nitride 4.7.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.8. Others 4.8.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Chapter 5. Porous Ceramic Market: Product Outlook Estimates & Forecasts 5.1. Definition & Scope 5.2. Porous Ceramic Market: Product Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 5.3. Filtration 5.3.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.4. Insulation 5.4.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.5. High Purity Materials 5.5.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.6. Structural Components 5.6.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.7. Others 5.7.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Chapter 6. Porous Ceramic Market: Application Outlook Estimates & Forecasts 6.1. Definition & Scope 6.2. Product Mapping 6.3. Porous Ceramic Market: Application Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 6.4. Automotive 6.4.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 6.5. Medical 6.5.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 6.6. Electronics & Semiconductors 6.6.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 6.7. Energy & Power 6.7.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 6.8. Industrial 6.8.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 6.9. Aerospace & Defense 6.9.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 6.10. Others 6.10.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Chapter 7. Porous Ceramic Market Regional Outlook Estimates & Forecasts 7.1. Porous Ceramic Market: Regional Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 7.2. North America 7.2.1. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.2.2. Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.2.3. Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.2.4. Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.2.5. U.S. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.2.6. Canada Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.2.7. Mexico Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3. Europe 7.3.1. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.2. Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.3. Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.4. Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.5. Germany Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.6. U.K. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.7. Italy Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.8. France Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.9. Spain Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4. Asia Pacific 7.4.1. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4.2. Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4.3. Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4.4. Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4.5. China Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4.6. India Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4.7. Japan Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.5. Central & South America 7.5.1. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.5.2. Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.5.3. Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.5.4. Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.5.5. Brazil Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.6. Middle East & Africa 7.6.1. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.6.2. Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.6.3. Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.6.4. Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Chapter 8. Competitive Analysis 8.1. Recent Development & Impact Analysis, By Key Market Participants 8.2. Major Deals & Strategic Alliances 8.3. Company Categorization (Key Innovators, Market Leaders, Emerging Players) 8.4. Vendor Landscape 8.4.1. Competitive market ranking analysis 8.4.2. List of key manufacturers & suppliers 8.4.3. List of prospective end-users 8.4.4. SWOT analysis for key public companies Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats Chapter 9. Company Profiles 9.1. Applied Materials, Inc. 9.1.1. Company Overview 9.1.2. Financial Performance 9.1.3. Product Benchmarking 9.1.4. Strategic Initiatives 9.2. CoorsTek Inc. 9.2.1. Company Overview 9.2.2. Product Benchmarking 9.2.3. Strategic Initiatives 9.3. INNOVACERA 9.3.1. Company Overview 9.3.2. Product Benchmarking 9.4. KeraNor AS 9.4.1. Company Overview 9.4.2. Financial Performance 9.4.3. Product Benchmarking 9.5. Kyocera Corporation 9.5.1. Company Overview 9.5.2. Financial Performance 9.5.3. Product Benchmarking 9.5.4. Strategic Initiatives 9.6. Morgan Advanced Materials 9.6.1. Company Overview 9.6.2. Financial Performance 9.6.3. Product Benchmarking 9.6.4. Strategic Initiatives 9.7. NGK SPARK PLUG CO., LTD. 9.7.1. Company Overview 9.7.2. Financial Performance 9.7.3. Product Benchmarking 9.7.4. Strategic Initiatives 9.8. Nishimura Advanced Ceramics Co., Ltd. 9.8.1. Company Overview 9.8.2. Product Benchmarking 9.9. NORITAKE CO., LIMITED 9.9.1. Company Overview 9.9.2. Financial Performance 9.9.3. Product Benchmarking 9.10. Pall Corporation 9.10.1. Company Overview 9.10.2. Product Benchmarking 9.10.3. Strategic Initiatives 9.11. Porvair plc 9.11.1. Company Overview 9.11.2. Financial Performance 9.11.3. Product Benchmarking 9.11.4. Strategic Initiatives 9.12. SELEE Corporation 9.12.1. Company Overview 9.12.2. Product Benchmarking 9.13. Rauschert Holding GmbH 9.13.1. Company Overview 9.13.2. Product Benchmarking 9.14. Refraction Technologies Corp 9.14.1. Company Overview 9.14.2. Product Benchmarking 9.15. STC Superior Technical Corp. 9.15.1. Company Overview 9.15.2. Product Benchmarking 9.15.3. Strategic Initiatives 9.16. TOTO LTD 9.16.1. Company Overview 9.16.2. Financial Performance 9.16.3. Product Benchmarking
SummaryPorous Ceramic Market Growth & Trends Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1. Methodology and Scope 1.1. Market Segmentation & Scope 1.2. Market Definition 1.3. Research Methodology 1.4. Research Scope and Assumptions 1.5. Information Procurement 1.5.1. Purchased Database 1.5.2. GVR’s Internal Database 1.5.3. Secondary Sources 1.5.4. Third-Party Perspectives 1.5.5. Primary Research 1.6. Information Analysis 1.6.1. Data Analysis Models 1.7. Market Formulation & Data Visualization 1.8. Data Validation & Publishing Chapter 2. Executive Summary 2.1. Market Insights 2.2. Segmental Outlook 2.3. Competitive Insights Chapter 3. Porous Ceramic Market Variables, Trends, and Scope 3.1. Market Lineage Outlook 3.2. Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3. Industry Value Chain Analysis 3.3.1. Raw Material Trends 3.3.2. Technology Trends 3.3.3. Sales Channel Analysis 3.3.4. Vendor Selection Criteria Analysis 3.4. Regulatory Framework 3.5. Porous Ceramic Market Dynamics 3.5.1. Market Driver Analysis 3.5.2. Market Restraint Analysis 3.5.3. Market Opportunity Analysis 3.5.4. Impact of COVID-19 3.5.5. Market Challenge Analysis 3.6. Porous Ceramic Industry Analysis - Porter’s Five Forces 3.6.1. Bargaining power of suppliers 3.6.2. Bargaining power of buyers 3.6.3. Competitive rivalry 3.6.4. Threat of substitutes 3.6.5. Threat of new entrants 3.7. Porous Ceramic Industry Analysis - PESTEL Analysis 3.7.1. Political 3.7.2. Economic 3.7.3. Social 3.7.4. Technological 3.7.5. Environmental 3.7.6. Legal Chapter 4. Porous Ceramic Market: Raw Material Outlook Estimates & Forecasts 4.1. Definition & Scope 4.2. Porous Ceramic Market: Raw Material Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 4.3. Alumina Ceramics 4.3.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.4. Titanate Ceramics 4.4.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.5. Zirconate Ceramics 4.5.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.6. Ferrite Ceramics 4.6.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.7. Aluminum Nitride 4.7.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.8. Others 4.8.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Chapter 5. Porous Ceramic Market: Product Outlook Estimates & Forecasts 5.1. Definition & Scope 5.2. Porous Ceramic Market: Product Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 5.3. Filtration 5.3.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.4. Insulation 5.4.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.5. High Purity Materials 5.5.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.6. Structural Components 5.6.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.7. Others 5.7.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Chapter 6. Porous Ceramic Market: Application Outlook Estimates & Forecasts 6.1. Definition & Scope 6.2. Product Mapping 6.3. Porous Ceramic Market: Application Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 6.4. Automotive 6.4.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 6.5. Medical 6.5.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 6.6. Electronics & Semiconductors 6.6.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 6.7. Energy & Power 6.7.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 6.8. Industrial 6.8.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 6.9. Aerospace & Defense 6.9.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 6.10. Others 6.10.1. Market estimates & forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Chapter 7. Porous Ceramic Market Regional Outlook Estimates & Forecasts 7.1. Porous Ceramic Market: Regional Movement Analysis, 2020 & 2028 7.2. North America 7.2.1. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.2.2. Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.2.3. Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.2.4. Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.2.5. U.S. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.2.6. Canada Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.2.7. Mexico Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3. Europe 7.3.1. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.2. Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.3. Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.4. Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.5. Germany Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.6. U.K. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.7. Italy Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.8. France Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.3.9. Spain Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4. Asia Pacific 7.4.1. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4.2. Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4.3. Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4.4. Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4.5. China Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4.6. India Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.4.7. Japan Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.5. Central & South America 7.5.1. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.5.2. Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.5.3. Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.5.4. Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.5.5. Brazil Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.6. Middle East & Africa 7.6.1. Market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.6.2. Market estimates and forecasts, by raw material, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.6.3. Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 7.6.4. Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2028 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Chapter 8. Competitive Analysis 8.1. Recent Development & Impact Analysis, By Key Market Participants 8.2. Major Deals & Strategic Alliances 8.3. Company Categorization (Key Innovators, Market Leaders, Emerging Players) 8.4. Vendor Landscape 8.4.1. Competitive market ranking analysis 8.4.2. List of key manufacturers & suppliers 8.4.3. List of prospective end-users 8.4.4. SWOT analysis for key public companies Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats Chapter 9. Company Profiles 9.1. Applied Materials, Inc. 9.1.1. Company Overview 9.1.2. Financial Performance 9.1.3. Product Benchmarking 9.1.4. Strategic Initiatives 9.2. CoorsTek Inc. 9.2.1. Company Overview 9.2.2. Product Benchmarking 9.2.3. Strategic Initiatives 9.3. INNOVACERA 9.3.1. Company Overview 9.3.2. Product Benchmarking 9.4. KeraNor AS 9.4.1. Company Overview 9.4.2. Financial Performance 9.4.3. Product Benchmarking 9.5. Kyocera Corporation 9.5.1. Company Overview 9.5.2. Financial Performance 9.5.3. Product Benchmarking 9.5.4. Strategic Initiatives 9.6. Morgan Advanced Materials 9.6.1. Company Overview 9.6.2. Financial Performance 9.6.3. Product Benchmarking 9.6.4. Strategic Initiatives 9.7. NGK SPARK PLUG CO., LTD. 9.7.1. Company Overview 9.7.2. Financial Performance 9.7.3. Product Benchmarking 9.7.4. Strategic Initiatives 9.8. Nishimura Advanced Ceramics Co., Ltd. 9.8.1. Company Overview 9.8.2. Product Benchmarking 9.9. NORITAKE CO., LIMITED 9.9.1. Company Overview 9.9.2. Financial Performance 9.9.3. Product Benchmarking 9.10. Pall Corporation 9.10.1. Company Overview 9.10.2. Product Benchmarking 9.10.3. Strategic Initiatives 9.11. Porvair plc 9.11.1. Company Overview 9.11.2. Financial Performance 9.11.3. Product Benchmarking 9.11.4. Strategic Initiatives 9.12. SELEE Corporation 9.12.1. Company Overview 9.12.2. Product Benchmarking 9.13. Rauschert Holding GmbH 9.13.1. Company Overview 9.13.2. Product Benchmarking 9.14. Refraction Technologies Corp 9.14.1. Company Overview 9.14.2. Product Benchmarking 9.15. STC Superior Technical Corp. 9.15.1. Company Overview 9.15.2. Product Benchmarking 9.15.3. Strategic Initiatives 9.16. TOTO LTD 9.16.1. Company Overview 9.16.2. Financial Performance 9.16.3. Product Benchmarking
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