
綿実の世界市場 - 2023-2030

綿実の世界市場 - 2023-2030

Global Cotton Seed Market - 2023-2030

市場概要 綿の種は綿花の種子である。成熟した綿の種子は茶色で、重さは約10グラムである。重さは子葉が60%、被膜が32%、胚根と芽が8%である。タンパク質20%、油分20%、デンプン3.5%を含む。ビタミンEとビタ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
DataM Intelligence
2023年3月28日 US$4,350
3-4営業日以内 200 英語



ハイブリッド綿種子は、他の品種と比較して生産性が50%高い。ハイブリッド綿種子は、適応性が広く、生物学的および生物学的ストレスに対する耐性が高く、繊維品質が優れている。他の品種に比べ、比較的短期間で開発することができます。繊維の品質も均一です。ハイブリッド綿花種子の利点は、優れた繊維特性、優れた収量性能、幅広い適応性、生産物の良い価格です。主要企業が技術的進歩を採用することは、種子の品質向上に役立っている。例えば、Kaveri seeds社はハイブリッド綿花種子にGMS技術を採用している。GMS技術は、苗の段階で雌株を識別するのに役立つ。また、人件費を10~12%削減し、利益率を向上させるのにも役立っている。2022年2月、バイエルはインドで新たな遺伝子組み換え綿花種子を導入する計画を復活させた。2021年10月には、ヴェーダ種苗の新タイプのハイブリッド綿実であるプラチナBG2が、農家に最高の綿花収量をもたらした。同社の綿花種子は、収量性の高い高品質の種子を提供している。
一方、綿実油生産用途の市場は、2022年にYY百万米ドルと予測され、予測期間中(2023~2030年)にCAGR YY%で成長し、2030年にはYY百万米ドルに達すると予測される。綿実油生産用途が綿実油市場の主要シェアを占めている。伝統的な粗製法と科学的処理で綿実を処理することができる。いくつかの主要企業は、消費者の需要を満たすために、綿実油加工用の新しい生産施設を開始した。例えば、2022年3月、Shree Ram Proteins Ltdは消費者の需要を満たすために新しい製油所を設立した。同社は2023年1月末までにナタネ油、落花生油、綿実油を発売する予定である。この新しい施設は、同社の売上高の増加に貢献している。
2022年、アジア太平洋地域の売上高シェアはほぼYY%と最も高かった。主な綿花生産国はインドと中国である。インドは世界最大の綿花栽培面積を有し、G. hirsutum、G. barbadense、G. herbaceum、G. arboreumを商業規模で栽培している。インドの主な綿花生産州は、パンジャブ州、ハリヤナ州、ラジャスタン州、マディヤ・プラデシュ州、マハラシュトラ州、グジャラート州、A.P.州、タミル・ナードゥ州、カルナータカ州である。主要な綿花生産国の中で、ハイブリッド綿花が大規模に栽培されているのはインドと中国だけである。この地域の主要プレーヤーの中には、事業拡大のためにM&A戦略をとっているところもある。例えば、2021年12月、クリスタル・クロップ・プロテクション社は、綿花、マスタード、パールミレット、グレインソルガムのハイブリッドからなるインドのバイエル社の種子事業を買収した。この買収により、同社の事業は強化された。また、同地域の主要プレーヤーは製品の上市に注力し、予測期間中の市場成長を後押しした。同地域における綿実油生産の需要増加も市場成長を後押ししている。
ハイブリッド綿種子は、他の品種と比較して生産性が50%高い。ハイブリッド綿種子は、適応性が広く、生物学的および生物学的ストレスに対する耐性が高く、繊維品質が優れている。他の品種に比べ、比較的短期間で開発することができます。繊維の品質も均一です。ハイブリッド綿花種子の利点は、優れた繊維特性、優れた収量性能、幅広い適応性、生産物の良い価格です。主要企業が技術的進歩を採用することは、種子の品質向上に役立っている。例えば、Kaveri seeds社はハイブリッド綿花種子にGMS技術を採用している。GMS技術は、苗の段階で雌株を識別するのに役立つ。また、人件費を10~12%削減し、利益率を向上させるのにも役立っている。2022年2月、バイエルはインドで新たな遺伝子組み換え綿花種子を導入する計画を復活させた。2021年10月には、ヴェーダ種苗の新タイプのハイブリッド綿実であるプラチナBG2が、農家に最高の綿花収量をもたらした。同社の綿花種子は、収量性の高い高品質の種子を提供している。
一方、綿実油生産用途の市場は、2022年にYY百万米ドルと予測され、予測期間中(2023~2030年)にCAGR YY%で成長し、2030年にはYY百万米ドルに達すると予測される。綿実油生産用途が綿実油市場の主要シェアを占めている。伝統的な粗製法と科学的処理で綿実を処理することができる。いくつかの主要企業は、消費者の需要を満たすために、綿実油加工用の新しい生産施設を開始した。例えば、2022年3月、Shree Ram Proteins Ltdは消費者の需要を満たすために新しい製油所を設立した。同社は2023年1月末までにナタネ油、落花生油、綿実油を発売する予定である。この新しい施設は、同社の売上高の増加に貢献している。
2022年、アジア太平洋地域の売上高シェアはほぼYY%と最も高かった。主な綿花生産国はインドと中国である。インドは世界最大の綿花栽培面積を有し、G. hirsutum、G. barbadense、G. herbaceum、G. arboreumを商業規模で栽培している。インドの主な綿花栽培州は、パンジャブ州、ハリヤナ州、ラジャスタン州、マディヤ・プラデシュ州、マハラシュトラ州、グジャラート州、A.P.州、タミル・ナードゥ州、カルナータカ州である。主要な綿花生産国の中で、ハイブリッド綿花が大規模に栽培されているのはインドと中国だけである。この地域の主要プレーヤーの中には、事業拡大のためにM&A戦略をとっているところもある。例えば、2021年12月、クリスタル・クロップ・プロテクション社は、綿花、マスタード、パールミレット、グレインソルガムのハイブリッドからなるインドのバイエル社の種子事業を買収した。この買収により、同社の事業は強化された。また、同地域の主要プレーヤーは製品の上市に注力し、予測期間中の市場成長を後押しした。同地域における綿実油生産の需要増加も市場成長を後押ししている。
世界の綿実市場は競争が激しく、大手企業が圧倒的な収益シェアを獲得している。Longping High-tech、Monsanto、DowDuPont、Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd、Kaveri Seeds、Mayur Ginning & Pressing Pvt.Ltd、Bayer AG、Corteva Agriscience、Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Co.(Mahyco)、Namdhari Seeds Pvt.Ltd.は、手頃な価格での新発売のための技術進歩に注力している。主要プレーヤーは、市場で強力な競争相手として際立つために、買収・合併、地域拡大、パートナーシップなどの戦略を活用している。R&Dと新製品発売への注力強化は、主要プレーヤーが市場での存在感を高める追加的な方法である。2020年7月、Corteva社はPhytoGen Seed社を買収した。コルテバはこの合弁事業を通じて綿花種子製品の事業を拡大している。2022年2月、バイエルはインドで新たなGM綿花種子の栽培を計画した。このGM綿花種子は、インドにおける栽培コストを削減し、収穫量を増加させ、ピンクボラムシという害虫に対する解毒剤として機能する可能性がある。2022年6月、ハリヤナ州はマヒコにBT綿花品種の圃場試験のNOCを許可した。



Scope and Methodology
1.1. Research Methodology
1.2. Scope of the Market
2. Key Trends and Developments
3. Executive Summary
3.1. Market Snippet by Technology
3.2. Market Snippet by Application
3.3. Market Snippet by Region
4. Market Dynamics
4.1. Market impacting factors
4.1.1. Drivers
4.1.2. Restraints
4.1.3. Opportunities
4.2. Impact analysis
5. Industry Analysis
5.1. Porter's five forces analysis
5.2. Supply Chain Analysis
5.3. Demand and Supply Side Analysis
5.4. Regulatory Analysis
5.5. Technological Advancements
6. COVID-19 Analysis
6.1. Analysis of Covid-19 on the Market
6.1.1. Before COVID-19 Market Scenario
6.1.2. Present COVID-19 Market Scenario
6.1.3. After COVID-19 or Future Scenario
6.2. Pricing Dynamics Amid Covid-19
6.3. Demand-Supply Spectrum
6.4. Government Initiatives Related to the Market During Pandemic
6.5. Manufacturers Strategic Initiatives
7. By Technology
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. Market size analysis, and y-o-y growth analysis (%), By Technology Segment
7.1.2. Market attractiveness index, By Technology Segment
7.2. Hybrids *
7.2.1. Introduction
7.2.2. Market Size Analysis, US$ Million, 2021-2030 And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), 2022-2030
7.3. Open Pollinated Varieties & Hybrid Derivatives
8. By Application
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. Market size analysis, and y-o-y growth analysis (%), By Application Segment
8.1.2. Market attractiveness index, By Application Segment
8.2. Cotton Planting *
8.2.1. Introduction
8.2.2. Market Size Analysis, US$ Million, 2021-2030 And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), 2022-2030
8.3. Cottonseed Oil Production
8.4. Fertilizer
9. By Region
9.1. Introduction
9.1.1. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Region
9.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Region
9.2. North America
9.2.1. Introduction
9.2.2. Key region-specific dynamics
9.2.3. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
9.2.4. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.2.5. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country U.S. Canada Mexico
9.3. South America
9.3.1. Introduction
9.3.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.3.3. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
9.3.4. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.3.5. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Brazil Argentina Rest of South America
9.4. Europe
9.4.1. Introduction
9.4.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.4.3. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
9.4.4. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.4.5. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Germany U.K. France Spain Italy Rest of Europe
9.5. Asia Pacific
9.5.1. Introduction
9.5.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.5.3. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
9.5.4. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.5.5. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country China India Japan Australia Rest of Asia Pacific
9.6. Middle East and Africa
9.6.1. Introduction
9.6.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.6.3. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
9.6.4. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
10. Competitive Landscape
10.1. Competitive scenario
10.2. Competitor strategy analysis
10.3. Market positioning/share analysis
10.4. Mergers and acquisitions analysis
11. Company Profiles
11.1. Longping High-tech*
11.1.1. Company Overview
11.1.2. Product Portfolio and Description
11.1.3. Key Highlights
11.1.4. Financial Overview
11.2. Monsanto
11.3. DowDuPont
11.4. Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd
11.5. Kaveri Seeds
11.6. Mayur Ginning & Pressing Pvt. Ltd
11.7. Bayer AG
11.8. Corteva Agriscience
11.9. Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Co. (Mahyco)
11.10. Namdhari Seeds Pvt. Ltd.
*List not Exhaustive*
12. DataM
12.1. Appendix
12.2. About us and services
12.3. Contact us





Market Overview
Cotton seeds are seeds of the cotton plant. The mature cotton seeds are brown and weigh about 10 grams. By weight, they are 60% cotyledon, 32% coat and 8% embryonic root and shoot. They contain 20% protein, 20% oil and 3.5% starch. The cotton seed contains Vitamin E and K, saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These seeds are used for cotton planting, production, and fertilizer. Cotton is one of the important cash crops of India and plays a dominant role in the industrial and agricultural economy of the country. Seeds play an important role in the growth and development of crops. Increasing demand for cotton seeds for planting, oil production and fertilizer helps to boost the market growth in the forecast period.
The global cotton seed market was valued at USD YY million in 2022. It is forecasted to reach USD YY million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.12% during the forecast period (2023-2030).
Market Dynamics: Growing demand for cottonseed oil helps to boost market growth of cotton seed
Cotton seeds are commonly used in processed food such as potato chips, cookies and crackers, margarine, mayonnaise, and salad dressing to extend the shelf life of products. Cotton seed oil is also frequently used in the baking of products. It provides a solid fat index for shortening, making baked goods that are moist and chewy. It also helps achieve a creamy consistency in icing and whipped toppings. It is also used in fast food deep frying because it enhances flavor instead of masking it. Increased consumers demand cottonseed oil because it is less costly than other vegetable oils. It is also used in oil lamps and to make candles. It is also used in laundry detergent, insecticides and cosmetics. Cottonseed oil contains a high concentration of vitamin E, antioxidants and fatty acids that are useful for skin moisturizing, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties.
Also, an increase in cottonseed oil's health benefits helps boost the market growth. Cottonseed oil helps to reduce inflammation. Cotton seed oil only contains 18% of monosaturated fat. Cotton seed oils are also beneficial in the reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Unsaturated fats in cottonseed oil help to reduce low-density lipoprotein and help to increase high-density lipoprotein. It can improve blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Cottonseed oil is a rich source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that benefits the skin, including faster wound healing. Vitamin E has also been shown to positively affect skin ulcers, psoriasis, and other skin conditions and injuries. Cotton oil plays an important role in hair moisturizing, preventing protein loss and protecting against styling and environmental damage. Cotton seed oil contains unsaturated and saturated fatty acids that play an important role in preventing cancer cell growth.
Market Segmentation: Hybrid segment accounted for the highest share in global cotton seed market
Hybrid cotton seeds have 50% more productivity as compared to other varieties. Hybrid cotton seeds have wider adaptability, high resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and better fiber quality. It can be developed with comparatively less time frame than other varieties. They offer uniform fiber quality. Some advantages of hybrid cotton seeds are superior fiber properties, superior yield performances, wider adaptability, and good prices for produce. Adopting technological advancement by major key players helps boost seed quality. For instance, Kaveri seeds adopt GMS technology for hybrid cotton seeds. GMS technology helps identify female lines at the seedling state itself. It also helps reduce labor costs by 10-12% and improves profit margins. In February 2022, Bayer revived the plan to introduce new GM cotton seeds in India. In October 2021, Platinum BG2, a new type of hybrid cottonseed by Veda Seeds, gave the highest cotton yields to the farmers. The company’s cotton seed offers high-quality seeds with good yielding capacity.
On the other hand, the market for cottonseed oil production application is projected at USD YY million in 2022 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR YY% during the forecast period (2023-2030) to reach USD YY million by 2030. The cottonseed oil production application held a major share of the cottonseed market. Traditional crude methods and scientific processing can process cotton seeds. Some major key players started new production facilities for cotton oil processing to fulfill consumer demand. For instance, in March 2022, Shree Ram Proteins Ltd set up a new oil refinery to fulfill consumer demand. The company will launch rape seed oil, groundnut oil, and cottonseed oil by the end of January 2023. This new facility helps to increase the company’s turnover.
Geographical Penetration: Asia-Pacific is the dominating region during the forecast period
In 2022, Asia-Pacific had the highest revenue share of almost YY percent. Major cotton-producing countries are India and China. India has the largest cultivation area under cotton in the world and cultivated species, namely, G. hirsutum, G. barbadense, G. herbaceum and G. arboreum on a commercial scale. India's major cotton-growing states are Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, A.P., Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Among the major cotton-producing countries, India and China are the only two in which hybrid cotton is cultivated on a large scale. Some of the major key players in the region follow a merger and acquisition strategy to expand their business. For instance, in December 2021, Crystal Crop Protection acquired the seeds business of Bayer in India, comprising Cotton, Mustard, Pearl Millet and Grain Sorghum hybrids. This acquisition strengthens the company's business. Major Key players in the region also focused on product launches which helped to boost the market growth in the forecast period. Increasing the demand for cotton seed for oil production in the region also helps to boost market growth.
Market Dynamics: Growing demand for cottonseed oil helps to boost market growth of cotton seed
Cotton seeds are commonly used in processed food such as potato chips, cookies and crackers, margarine, mayonnaise, and salad dressing to extend the shelf life of products. Cotton seed oil is also frequently used in the baking of products. It provides a solid fat index for shortening, making baked goods that are moist and chewy. It also helps achieve a creamy consistency in icing and whipped toppings. It is also used in fast food deep frying because it enhances flavor instead of masking it. Increased consumers demand cottonseed oil because it is less costly than other vegetable oils. It is also used in oil lamps and to make candles. It is also used in laundry detergent, insecticides and cosmetics. Cottonseed oil contains a high concentration of vitamin E, antioxidants and fatty acids that are useful for skin moisturizing, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties.
Also, an increase in cottonseed oil's health benefits helps boost the market growth. Cottonseed oil helps to reduce inflammation. Cotton seed oil only contains 18% of monosaturated fat. Cotton seed oils are also beneficial in the reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Unsaturated fats in cottonseed oil help to reduce low-density lipoprotein and help to increase high-density lipoprotein. It can improve blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Cottonseed oil is a rich source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that benefits the skin, including faster wound healing. Vitamin E has also been shown to positively affect skin ulcers, psoriasis, and other skin conditions and injuries. Cotton oil plays an important role in hair moisturizing, preventing protein loss and protecting against styling and environmental damage. Cotton seed oil contains unsaturated and saturated fatty acids that play an important role in preventing cancer cell growth.
Market Segmentation: Hybrid segment accounted for the highest share in global cotton seed market
Hybrid cotton seeds have 50% more productivity as compared to other varieties. Hybrid cotton seeds have wider adaptability, high resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and better fiber quality. It can be developed with comparatively less time frame than other varieties. They offer uniform fiber quality. Some advantages of hybrid cotton seeds are superior fiber properties, superior yield performances, wider adaptability, and good prices for produce. Adopting technological advancement by major key players helps boost seed quality. For instance, Kaveri seeds adopt GMS technology for hybrid cotton seeds. GMS technology helps identify female lines at the seedling state itself. It also helps reduce labor costs by 10-12% and improves profit margins. In February 2022, Bayer revived the plan to introduce new GM cotton seeds in India. In October 2021, Platinum BG2, a new type of hybrid cottonseed by Veda Seeds, gave the highest cotton yields to the farmers. The company’s cotton seed offers high-quality seeds with good yielding capacity.
On the other hand, the market for cottonseed oil production application is projected at USD YY million in 2022 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR YY% during the forecast period (2023-2030) to reach USD YY million by 2030. The cottonseed oil production application held a major share of the cottonseed market. Traditional crude methods and scientific processing can process cotton seeds. Some major key players started new production facilities for cotton oil processing to fulfill consumer demand. For instance, in March 2022, Shree Ram Proteins Ltd set up a new oil refinery to fulfill consumer demand. The company will launch rape seed oil, groundnut oil, and cottonseed oil by the end of January 2023. This new facility helps to increase the company’s turnover.
Geographical Penetration: Asia-Pacific is the dominating region during the forecast period
In 2022, Asia-Pacific had the highest revenue share of almost YY percent. Major cotton-producing countries are India and China. India has the largest cultivation area under cotton in the world and cultivated species, namely, G. hirsutum, G. barbadense, G. herbaceum and G. arboreum on a commercial scale. India's major cotton-growing states are Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, A.P., Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Among the major cotton-producing countries, India and China are the only two in which hybrid cotton is cultivated on a large scale. Some of the major key players in the region follow a merger and acquisition strategy to expand their business. For instance, in December 2021, Crystal Crop Protection acquired the seeds business of Bayer in India, comprising Cotton, Mustard, Pearl Millet and Grain Sorghum hybrids. This acquisition strengthens the company's business. Major Key players in the region also focused on product launches which helped to boost the market growth in the forecast period. Increasing the demand for cotton seed for oil production in the region also helps to boost market growth.
Competitive Landscape:
The global cotton seed market is competitive in nature, with the leading players capturing a whopping share in revenues. Longping High-tech, Monsanto, DowDuPont, Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd, Kaveri Seeds, Mayur Ginning & Pressing Pvt. Ltd, Bayer AG, Corteva Agriscience, Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Co. (Mahyco), and Namdhari Seeds Pvt. Ltd. are focused on technology advances for new launches at affordable prices. The major players are utilizing strategies including acquisitions & mergers, regional expansion, and partnerships to stand out as strong competitors in the market. Increased focus on R&D and new product launches are additional ways the key players improve their market presence. In July 2020, Corteva acquired PhytoGen Seed. With a 53.5% stake before the agreement, Corteva has operated this joint venture in the U.S. The company grows its business of cotton seed products through this joint venture. In February 2022, Bayer planned to plant new GM Cotton Seeds in India. The GM cotton seed variety could reduce cultivation costs in India, increase crop yields, and act as an antidote to the pink bollworm pest. In June 2022, Haryana granted NOC to Mahyco for field trials of the BT cotton variety.
COVID-19 Impact: Negative impact on the global cotton seed market
The rapid spread Covid 19 has severely impacted the global supply chain. Reduction in the export of cotton hampers market growth. U.S. cotton exports are currently forecasted at 15 million bales, down 1.5 million bales from the April forecast. The decline of global cotton demand hampers cotton seed growth. Trade uncertainty, increased levels of global competition and economic recession due to the COVID-19 crisis all factor into continued downward pressure on cotton seeds
Major key players in the industry are focusing on creating innovative tactical solutions to deal with urgent crises like the COVID-19 epidemic. Cotton seed farmers require the administration to quickly release updated BT cotton seed costs to avoid a lack of seeds. Major key players in the cotton seed are experiencing a shortage of personnel and raw materials due to the pandemic scenario, which is anticipated to have a negative impact on the cotton seed market.
The global cotton seed market report would provide an access to approximately 53 market data tables, 41 figures and 200 pages


Table of Contents

Scope and Methodology
1.1. Research Methodology
1.2. Scope of the Market
2. Key Trends and Developments
3. Executive Summary
3.1. Market Snippet by Technology
3.2. Market Snippet by Application
3.3. Market Snippet by Region
4. Market Dynamics
4.1. Market impacting factors
4.1.1. Drivers
4.1.2. Restraints
4.1.3. Opportunities
4.2. Impact analysis
5. Industry Analysis
5.1. Porter's five forces analysis
5.2. Supply Chain Analysis
5.3. Demand and Supply Side Analysis
5.4. Regulatory Analysis
5.5. Technological Advancements
6. COVID-19 Analysis
6.1. Analysis of Covid-19 on the Market
6.1.1. Before COVID-19 Market Scenario
6.1.2. Present COVID-19 Market Scenario
6.1.3. After COVID-19 or Future Scenario
6.2. Pricing Dynamics Amid Covid-19
6.3. Demand-Supply Spectrum
6.4. Government Initiatives Related to the Market During Pandemic
6.5. Manufacturers Strategic Initiatives
7. By Technology
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. Market size analysis, and y-o-y growth analysis (%), By Technology Segment
7.1.2. Market attractiveness index, By Technology Segment
7.2. Hybrids *
7.2.1. Introduction
7.2.2. Market Size Analysis, US$ Million, 2021-2030 And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), 2022-2030
7.3. Open Pollinated Varieties & Hybrid Derivatives
8. By Application
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. Market size analysis, and y-o-y growth analysis (%), By Application Segment
8.1.2. Market attractiveness index, By Application Segment
8.2. Cotton Planting *
8.2.1. Introduction
8.2.2. Market Size Analysis, US$ Million, 2021-2030 And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), 2022-2030
8.3. Cottonseed Oil Production
8.4. Fertilizer
9. By Region
9.1. Introduction
9.1.1. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Region
9.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Region
9.2. North America
9.2.1. Introduction
9.2.2. Key region-specific dynamics
9.2.3. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
9.2.4. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.2.5. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country U.S. Canada Mexico
9.3. South America
9.3.1. Introduction
9.3.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.3.3. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
9.3.4. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.3.5. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Brazil Argentina Rest of South America
9.4. Europe
9.4.1. Introduction
9.4.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.4.3. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
9.4.4. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.4.5. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Germany U.K. France Spain Italy Rest of Europe
9.5. Asia Pacific
9.5.1. Introduction
9.5.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.5.3. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
9.5.4. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
9.5.5. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country China India Japan Australia Rest of Asia Pacific
9.6. Middle East and Africa
9.6.1. Introduction
9.6.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
9.6.3. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
9.6.4. Market Size Analysis, And Y-O-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
10. Competitive Landscape
10.1. Competitive scenario
10.2. Competitor strategy analysis
10.3. Market positioning/share analysis
10.4. Mergers and acquisitions analysis
11. Company Profiles
11.1. Longping High-tech*
11.1.1. Company Overview
11.1.2. Product Portfolio and Description
11.1.3. Key Highlights
11.1.4. Financial Overview
11.2. Monsanto
11.3. DowDuPont
11.4. Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd
11.5. Kaveri Seeds
11.6. Mayur Ginning & Pressing Pvt. Ltd
11.7. Bayer AG
11.8. Corteva Agriscience
11.9. Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Co. (Mahyco)
11.10. Namdhari Seeds Pvt. Ltd.
*List not Exhaustive*
12. DataM
12.1. Appendix
12.2. About us and services
12.3. Contact us





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