世界の中古高級品市場製品タイプ別(ハンドバッグ、その他高級皮革製品、アパレル、時計、宝飾品、その他)、流通チャネル別(オンライン、オフライン)、地域別の規模と動向、COVID-19の影響と2028年までの予測分析Global Global Secondhand Luxury Market: Analysis By Product Type (Handbags and Other Luxury Leather Goods, Apparel, Watches, Jewelry, and Others), By Distribution Channel (Online and Offline), By Region Size and Trends with Impact of COVID-19 and Forecast up to 2028 中古ラグジュアリー市場とは、消費者が中古のデザイナーズ・アイテムを売買する、中古または中古のラグジュアリー商品の市場を指し、二次市場の売り手は商品を委託販売店に預けたり、中古再販サイトでバイヤーに... もっと見る
サマリー中古ラグジュアリー市場とは、消費者が中古のデザイナーズ・アイテムを売買する、中古または中古のラグジュアリー商品の市場を指し、二次市場の売り手は商品を委託販売店に預けたり、中古再販サイトでバイヤーに直接格安で販売しようとしたりする。ファストファッションやファッション業界における持続可能性の問題に対する認識がますます高まっているため、多くの消費者が中古の高級品に焦点を移しつつある。2022年の世界の中古高級品市場規模は311億2000万米ドルで、2028年には583億米ドルに達すると予想されている。世界の中古高級品市場は、主に若い消費者によって牽引され、一貫した成長を示した。消費者の購買パターンや習慣の変化は、特に高級ファッション市場において、従来の買い物方法に変化をもたらしている。富裕層(HNWI)の増加、ファストファッションに対する意識の高まり、ハイエンドのファッションアクセサリーを選ぶ都市化した人口、ファッションにおける安全性の問題の高まり、限定カプセルコレクションとファッションドロップの人気の高まり、eコマース再販部門とオンラインファッション再販市場の急成長は、中古高級品に対する需要の増加にプラスに寄与している。さらに、中古品を使用することへのスティグマが薄れつつあること、ミレニアル世代とZ世代の間で手頃な価格の中古高級品への需要が高まっていること、中古品の評判を向上させるために戦略的パートナーシップを結ぶオンライン再販プラットフォームや高級ブランドの数が増加していることなどが、中古高級品の需要増加にプラスに寄与している。例えば、2020年10月5日、The RealRealはGucciとの提携を発表し、中古のGucci商品を扱うオンラインショップを立ち上げ、高級ファッションのサーキュラリティを促進している。同市場は、2023~2028年の予測期間中に年平均成長率約11%で成長すると予測されている。 市場細分化分析: 製品タイプ別:本レポートでは、中古高級品市場を製品タイプ別に、ハンドバッグおよびその他の高級革製品、アパレル、時計、宝飾品、その他の5つのセグメントに分類している。中古高級ハンドバッグとその他の高級革製品は、世界の中古高級市場において最大かつ最も急成長しているセグメントである。その理由は、一流ブランドの中古高級ハンドバッグ&革製品に関連する高い品質、職人技、耐久性、手頃な価格の高級革製品への需要の増加、急速に拡大するeコマース&オンラインプラットフォーム、若い世代における高級品の持続可能性に関する意識の高まり、特に有名ブランドの革製品の高い投資可能性などである。 流通チャネル別:本レポートでは、中古高級品市場を流通チャネル別にオフラインとオンラインの2つのセグメントに分けている。オフラインは、中古品の品質、職人技、ディテールを分析するために店舗が提供する具体的かつ感覚的な体験、高級再販ブティックやヴィンテージショップによるオンラインチャネルでは入手困難な高級品の提供、高級実店舗におけるブランドの認知、イメージ、エレガンスに沿ったラグジュアリーな雰囲気の魅力により、世界の高級品市場の最大セグメントとなっている。オンラインは世界の中古高級品市場において最も急成長している分野であるが、これはソーシャルメディアの普及率の増加、デジタル化、中古高級品の幅広い品揃えを便利に提供するオンライン・プラットフォーム、消費者のテクノロジーへの依存度の上昇、中古高級品の購入・販売のためのオンライン・ピアツーピア・ファッション再販プラットフォームの出現によるものである。 地域別:本レポートでは、欧州、北米、アジア太平洋地域、その他の地域という地域別に、中古高級品市場に関する洞察を提供している。欧州は世界の中古高級品市場において最大の地域であるが、その理由は、高級ファッションにおける豊かな伝統、中古品再販の経済的利点に対する欧州人の広範な認識、急速な都市化、オンライン再販部門の拡大、ファッションアパレルから化粧品に至る複数の高級小売ブランドの存在感の高まりにある。フランスは欧州の中古高級品市場において支配的な地位を占めているが、これは、かなりの高所得人口、中古高級品に対する需要の高まり、中古高級品の売買を普及させるためにオンライン再販高級品プラットフォームと提携するフランスを拠点とする高級品ブランドの増加によるものである。 アジア太平洋地域は、世界の中古高級品市場において最も急成長している地域であり、その原動力となっているのは、大規模な消費者基盤、ソーシャルメディア・プラットフォーム上で倹約のコンセプトを支持するソーシャルメディア・インフルエンサーやセレブリティの増加、持続可能性と循環経済に対する消費者の態度の進化、eコマース部門の拡大、費用対効果の高い中古高級品を購入する傾向の高まりである。中国の中古高級品市場は、複数のブランドや中古高級品オンライン取引プラットフォームがエコシステムの一部となり、進化している。2021年現在、Z世代とY世代が中国の中古高級品市場の最大の消費者層を占めているが、その主な理由は、彼らにとって中古高級アクセサリーは持続可能性とコスト効率に相当するからである。 市場ダイナミクス: 成長の原動力:世界の中古高級品市場は、富裕層(HNWI)の増加、ミレニアル世代とZ世代の需要の高まり、急速な都市化、オンラインレコメンデーションの拡大、希少品やヴィンテージ品へのアクセスの増加などの要因により、ここ数年で急速に成長している。Eコマース再販部門とオンライン・ファッション再販市場の急成長は、様々な中古高級品、認証・物流サービス、ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースを提供するオンライン再販プラットフォームを介した中古高級アクセサリーの需要増加にプラスに寄与しており、オンライン再販プラットフォームは中古高級品の買い手と売り手の双方にとって便利で魅力的な選択肢となっており、その結果、オンラインプラットフォームを介した中古高級品の入手可能性とアクセシビリティが高まり、より多くの人々が利用するようになっている。 課題:しかし、市場の成長は、偽造品の存在など様々な課題によってマイナスの影響を受けるだろう。模倣品の増加は、市場シェアの低下と正規販売者の収益損失、高級ブランドの真正性と価値に対する消費者の信頼と信用の低下、中古高級品市場における大半の高級ブランドが提供するブランド価値と差別化の毀損をもたらし、企業が市場におけるプレミアムなポジショニングを維持することを困難にする。 動向:人工知能(AI)とデータ分析の統合、ソーシャルメディア普及率の上昇、中古品の受け入れ拡大、中古市場に参入する高級ブランドの増加、持続可能性と環境への好影響、デジタルドレッシングの台頭などにより、市場は予測期間中に速いペースで成長すると予測される。インターネットの普及率の上昇、中古高級品の宣伝・広告のためのデジタル・ソーシャルメディア・プラットフォームの利用の増加、中古高級品を購入し着用するプロセスを正常化するために、自分の発見やスタイリングのヒントを共有することによって、倹約の概念を促進するインフルエンサーやファッション愛好家の数の増加は、高級再販市場によって提供される高品質の中古高級品の認知度向上にプラスに寄与している。 さらに、現代の消費者は、自分の購買習慣とその選択が持つ倫理的な意味合いをより意識するようになっており、中古の高級品を手に入れることは、持続可能な消費の考え方や、循環型経済のコンセプトを支持する原則に合致している。したがって、高級品消費者が購入の倫理的意味合いをより意識するようになったことで、中古高級品市場は今後数年間、急速なペースで加速し続けるだろう。 COVID-19の影響分析と今後の方向性: COVID-19は、生産性の低下、人命の損失、事業の閉鎖、工場や組織の閉鎖、オンラインによる労働形態への移行など、世界に多くの変化をもたらした。COVID-19の大流行は、家計の可処分所得の減少、死亡者数の増加、失業率の上昇、食料品、個人防護具、医療用品などの必需品の価格高騰をもたらし、多くの個人に経済的な不安感と経済的困難をもたらし、その結果、中古の高級品を含む高価な非必需品や贅沢品の購入に対する人々の態度に否定的な変化をもたらした。また、COVID-19パンデミックの間、旅行が制限され、多くの人が集まる場所が閉鎖され、ファッション・イベントが中止されたため、自分の業績、富、社会的地位、独自のスタイル・センス、個性的なファッションの象徴として、これらのアイテムを誇示し、披露するために、手頃な中古の高級品に対する高級品消費者の需要が減少した。したがって、COVID-19が世界の中古高級品市場に与えた全体的な影響は、小売店の閉鎖、厳しい外出禁止令のタイミング、旅行制限の強化、消費者支出の減少というマイナスの結果となった。 競争環境: 米国の高級品再販市場は断片化されており、地元の小規模ブティックや小規模委託販売店、消費者の目に触れることの少ない個人間取引が主流である。しかし、オンライン高級品再販サイトの拡大が高級品再販セクターを根本的に変え、市場の統合を引き起こしている。 中古高級品市場の主要プレーヤーは以下の通り: The RealReal, Inc. ThredUp, Inc. ファーフェッチ・リミテッド アリババ・グループ(アイドル・フィッシュ) Yoogi'sクローゼット(Yoogi's Closet, Inc. ヴェスティエール・コレクティブ タイムピース360 ラグジュアリー・クローゼット Luxepolis Retail Services Pvt Ltd.( Garderobe Fashionphile Group, LLC 中古高級品市場の企業は、自社の能力を補完し、より大きな市場シェアを素早く獲得し、より少ない投資と持続可能な商品で中古品市場に進出するため、買収、提携、合弁事業、新商品開発への関与を強めている。また、市場の主要プレーヤーは、持続可能性と循環経済へのコミットメントを示すために、オンライン市場のプレーヤーや再販業者と協力し、eコマース機能やオンライン市場を強化している。例えば、2022年10月3日、RealReal, Inc.は、世界的な高級アクセサリーブランドJimmy Chooとのサーキュラーパートナーシップを発表し、Jimmy Chooの顧客がRealRealを通じて中古の高級品を委託販売できるようにし、サーキュラー・エコノミーの認識と採用を高めている。 目次1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1.1 Definition of Secondhand Luxury 2.1.2 Benefits of Secondhand Luxury 2.2 Secondhand Luxury Market Segmentation: An Overview 2.2.1 Secondhand Luxury Market Segmentation 3. Global Market Analysis 3.1 Global Secondhand Luxury Market: An Analysis 3.1.1 Global Secondhand Luxury Market: An Overview 3.1.2 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 3.1.3 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Product Type (Handbags And Other Luxury Leather Goods, Apparel, Watches, Jewelry, and Others) 3.1.4 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Distribution Channel (Offline and Online) 3.1.5 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Gender (Male and Female) 3.1.6 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World) 3.2 Global Secondhand Luxury Market: Product Type Analysis 3.2.1 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Product Type: An Overview 3.2.2 Global Secondhand Luxury Handbags and Other Luxury Leather Goods Market by Value 3.2.3 Global Secondhand Luxury Apparel Market by Value 3.2.4 Global Secondhand Luxury Watches Market by Value 3.2.5 Global Secondhand Luxury Jewelry Market by Value 3.2.6 Global Others Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 3.3 Global Secondhand Luxury Market: Distribution Channel Analysis 3.3.1 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Distribution Channel: An Overview 3.3.2 Global Offline Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 3.3.3 Global Online Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4. Regional Market Analysis 4.1 Europe Secondhand Luxury Market: An Analysis 4.1.1 Europe Secondhand Luxury Market: An Overview 4.1.2 Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.1.3 Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Region (Germany, UK, France, Italy, and Rest of Europe) 4.1.4 Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Product Type (Handbags And Other Luxury Leather Goods, Apparel, Watches And Jewelry, and Others) 4.1.5 France Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.1.6 Italy Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.1.7 UK Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.1.8 Germany Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.1.9 Rest of the Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.2 North America Secondhand Luxury Market: An Analysis 4.2.1 North America Secondhand Luxury Market: An Overview 4.2.2 North America Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.2.3 North America Secondhand Luxury Market by Region ( The US, Canada and Mexico) 4.2.4 The US Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.2.5 The US Secondhand Luxury Market by Distribution Channel (Online and Offline) 4.2.6 Canada Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.2.7 Mexico Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.3 Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market: An Analysis 4.3.1 Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market: An Overview 4.3.2 Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.3.3 Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Region (China, Japan, India, and Rest of Asia Pacific) 4.3.4 China Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.3.5 China Secondhand Luxury Market by Gender (Male and Female) 4.3.6 Japan Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.3.7 India Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.3.8 India Secondhand Luxury Market by Product Type (Handbags And Other Luxury Leather Goods, Apparel, Watches And Jewelry, and Others) 4.3.9 Rest of Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.4 Rest of the World Secondhand Luxury Market: An Analysis 4.4.1 Rest of the World Secondhand Luxury Market: An Overview 4.4.2 Rest of the World Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 5. Impact of COVID-19 5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Secondhand Luxury Market 5.2 Post COVID-19 Impact on Secondhand Luxury Market 6. Market Dynamics 6.1 Growth Drivers 6.1.1 Increasing Wealth and Number of High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs) 6.1.2 Rapid Urbanization 6.1.3 Expanding Online Re-commence 6.1.4 Rising Demand among Millennials and Gen Z 6.1.5 Increased Access to Rare and Vintage Items 6.2 Challenges 6.2.1 Presence of Counterfeit Products 6.2.2 Uncertain Quality, Scammers, And Tricky Returns 6.3 Market Trends 6.3.1 Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Analytics 6.3.2 Increasing Number Of Luxury Brands Entering The Secondhand Market 6.3.3 Increasing Social Media Penetration 6.3.4 Growing Acceptance of Pre-Owned Goods 6.3.5 Positive Impact On Sustainability And Environment 6.3.6 Rise in Digital Dressing 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1 Global Secondhand Luxury Market: Competitive Landscape 7.2 The US Secondhand Luxury Players by Market Share 7.3 Global Secondhand Luxury Market Players: Business Comparison 8. Company Profiles 8.1 The RealReal, Inc. 8.1.1 Business Overview 8.1.2 Revenue By Source 8.1.3 Business Strategy 8.2 ThredUp, Inc 8.2.1 Business Overview 8.2.2 Revenue By Source 8.2.3 Business Strategy 8.3 Farfetch Limited 8.3.1 Business Overview 8.3.2 Operating Segments 8.3.3 Business Strategy 8.4 Alibaba Group (Idle Fish) 8.4.1 Business Overview 8.5 Yoogi's Closet, Inc. 8.5.1 Business Overview 8.6 Vestiaire Collective 8.6.1 Business Overview 8.7 Timepiece360 8.7.1 Business Overview 8.8 The Luxury Closet 8.8.1 Business Overview 8.9 Luxepolis Retail Services Pvt Ltd. ( 8.9.1 Business Overview 8.10 Garderobe 8.10.1 Business Overview 8.11 Fashionphile Group, LLC 8.11.1 Business Overview List of Figures Figure 1: Secondhand Luxury Market Segmentation Figure 2: Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 3: Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 4: Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Product Type; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 5: Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Distribution Channel; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Gender; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 7: Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 8: Global Secondhand Luxury Handbags and Other Luxury Leather Goods Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 9: Global Secondhand Luxury Handbags and Other Luxury Leather Goods by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 10: Global Secondhand Luxury Apparel Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 11: Global Secondhand Luxury Apparel Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 12: Global Secondhand Luxury Watches Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 13: Global Secondhand Luxury Watches Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 14: Global Secondhand Luxury Jewelry Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 15: Global Secondhand Luxury Jewelry Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 16: Global Others Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 17: Global Others Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 18: Global Offline Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 19: Global Offline Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 20: Global Online Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 21: Global Online Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 22: Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 23: Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 24: Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 25: Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Product type; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 26: France Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 27: France Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 28: Italy Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 29: Italy Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 30: UK Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 31: UK Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 32: Germany Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 33: Germany Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 34: Rest of the Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 35: Rest of the Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 36: North America Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 37: North America Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 38: North America Secondhand Luxury Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 39: The US Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 40: The US Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 41: The US Secondhand Luxury Market by Distribution Channel; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 42: Canada Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 43: Canada Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 44: Mexico Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 45: Mexico Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 46: Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 47: Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 48: Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 49: China Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 50: China Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 51: China Secondhand Luxury Market by Gender; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 52: Japan Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 53: Japan Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 54: India Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 55: India Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 56: India Secondhand Luxury Market by Product Type; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 57: Rest of Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 58: Rest of Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 59: Rest of the World Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 60: Rest of the World Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 61: Global Population of High-Net-Worth Individuals; 2018-2022 (Million) Figure 62: Global Wealth of High-Net-Worth Individuals; 2018-2022 (US$ Trillion) Figure 63: Global Share of Urban Population in Total Population; 2016, 2021 & 2050 (Percentage, %) Figure 64: The US E-commerce Resale Volume; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion and Percentage, %) Figure 65: Global Artificial Intelligence Market Size; 2021–2025 (US$ Billion) Figure 66: The Number Of Fashion Brands Participating In Online Resale Programs In The US; 2019-2022 and February 2023 (Unit) Figure 67: The US Secondhand Luxury Players by Market Share; 2022 (Percentage, %) Table 1: Global Secondhand Luxury Market Players: Business Comparison; 2023 Figure 68: The RealReal Inc. Revenue by Source; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 69: ThredUp, Inc. Revenue by Source; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 70: Farfetch Limited Revenue by Reportable Operating Segments; 2022 (Percentage, %)
SummarySecondhand luxury market refers to the market for pre-owned or used luxury goods, where consumers buy and sell pre-owned designer items, with secondary market sellers entrusting their goods to a consignment store or attempting to sell their items directly to buyers at a discount on secondhand resale websites. Due to the ever-growing awareness of fast-fashion and the issue of sustainability in the fashion industry, many consumers are shifting their focus to pre-owned luxury. The global secondhand luxury market value stood at US$31.12 billion in 2022, and is expected to reach US$58.30 billion by 2028. Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1.1 Definition of Secondhand Luxury 2.1.2 Benefits of Secondhand Luxury 2.2 Secondhand Luxury Market Segmentation: An Overview 2.2.1 Secondhand Luxury Market Segmentation 3. Global Market Analysis 3.1 Global Secondhand Luxury Market: An Analysis 3.1.1 Global Secondhand Luxury Market: An Overview 3.1.2 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 3.1.3 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Product Type (Handbags And Other Luxury Leather Goods, Apparel, Watches, Jewelry, and Others) 3.1.4 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Distribution Channel (Offline and Online) 3.1.5 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Gender (Male and Female) 3.1.6 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World) 3.2 Global Secondhand Luxury Market: Product Type Analysis 3.2.1 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Product Type: An Overview 3.2.2 Global Secondhand Luxury Handbags and Other Luxury Leather Goods Market by Value 3.2.3 Global Secondhand Luxury Apparel Market by Value 3.2.4 Global Secondhand Luxury Watches Market by Value 3.2.5 Global Secondhand Luxury Jewelry Market by Value 3.2.6 Global Others Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 3.3 Global Secondhand Luxury Market: Distribution Channel Analysis 3.3.1 Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Distribution Channel: An Overview 3.3.2 Global Offline Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 3.3.3 Global Online Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4. Regional Market Analysis 4.1 Europe Secondhand Luxury Market: An Analysis 4.1.1 Europe Secondhand Luxury Market: An Overview 4.1.2 Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.1.3 Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Region (Germany, UK, France, Italy, and Rest of Europe) 4.1.4 Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Product Type (Handbags And Other Luxury Leather Goods, Apparel, Watches And Jewelry, and Others) 4.1.5 France Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.1.6 Italy Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.1.7 UK Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.1.8 Germany Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.1.9 Rest of the Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.2 North America Secondhand Luxury Market: An Analysis 4.2.1 North America Secondhand Luxury Market: An Overview 4.2.2 North America Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.2.3 North America Secondhand Luxury Market by Region ( The US, Canada and Mexico) 4.2.4 The US Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.2.5 The US Secondhand Luxury Market by Distribution Channel (Online and Offline) 4.2.6 Canada Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.2.7 Mexico Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.3 Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market: An Analysis 4.3.1 Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market: An Overview 4.3.2 Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.3.3 Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Region (China, Japan, India, and Rest of Asia Pacific) 4.3.4 China Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.3.5 China Secondhand Luxury Market by Gender (Male and Female) 4.3.6 Japan Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.3.7 India Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.3.8 India Secondhand Luxury Market by Product Type (Handbags And Other Luxury Leather Goods, Apparel, Watches And Jewelry, and Others) 4.3.9 Rest of Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 4.4 Rest of the World Secondhand Luxury Market: An Analysis 4.4.1 Rest of the World Secondhand Luxury Market: An Overview 4.4.2 Rest of the World Secondhand Luxury Market by Value 5. Impact of COVID-19 5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Secondhand Luxury Market 5.2 Post COVID-19 Impact on Secondhand Luxury Market 6. Market Dynamics 6.1 Growth Drivers 6.1.1 Increasing Wealth and Number of High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs) 6.1.2 Rapid Urbanization 6.1.3 Expanding Online Re-commence 6.1.4 Rising Demand among Millennials and Gen Z 6.1.5 Increased Access to Rare and Vintage Items 6.2 Challenges 6.2.1 Presence of Counterfeit Products 6.2.2 Uncertain Quality, Scammers, And Tricky Returns 6.3 Market Trends 6.3.1 Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Analytics 6.3.2 Increasing Number Of Luxury Brands Entering The Secondhand Market 6.3.3 Increasing Social Media Penetration 6.3.4 Growing Acceptance of Pre-Owned Goods 6.3.5 Positive Impact On Sustainability And Environment 6.3.6 Rise in Digital Dressing 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1 Global Secondhand Luxury Market: Competitive Landscape 7.2 The US Secondhand Luxury Players by Market Share 7.3 Global Secondhand Luxury Market Players: Business Comparison 8. Company Profiles 8.1 The RealReal, Inc. 8.1.1 Business Overview 8.1.2 Revenue By Source 8.1.3 Business Strategy 8.2 ThredUp, Inc 8.2.1 Business Overview 8.2.2 Revenue By Source 8.2.3 Business Strategy 8.3 Farfetch Limited 8.3.1 Business Overview 8.3.2 Operating Segments 8.3.3 Business Strategy 8.4 Alibaba Group (Idle Fish) 8.4.1 Business Overview 8.5 Yoogi's Closet, Inc. 8.5.1 Business Overview 8.6 Vestiaire Collective 8.6.1 Business Overview 8.7 Timepiece360 8.7.1 Business Overview 8.8 The Luxury Closet 8.8.1 Business Overview 8.9 Luxepolis Retail Services Pvt Ltd. ( 8.9.1 Business Overview 8.10 Garderobe 8.10.1 Business Overview 8.11 Fashionphile Group, LLC 8.11.1 Business Overview List of Figures Figure 1: Secondhand Luxury Market Segmentation Figure 2: Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 3: Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 4: Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Product Type; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 5: Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Distribution Channel; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Gender; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 7: Global Secondhand Luxury Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 8: Global Secondhand Luxury Handbags and Other Luxury Leather Goods Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 9: Global Secondhand Luxury Handbags and Other Luxury Leather Goods by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 10: Global Secondhand Luxury Apparel Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 11: Global Secondhand Luxury Apparel Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 12: Global Secondhand Luxury Watches Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 13: Global Secondhand Luxury Watches Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 14: Global Secondhand Luxury Jewelry Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 15: Global Secondhand Luxury Jewelry Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 16: Global Others Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 17: Global Others Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 18: Global Offline Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 19: Global Offline Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 20: Global Online Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 21: Global Online Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 22: Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 23: Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 24: Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 25: Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Product type; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 26: France Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 27: France Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 28: Italy Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 29: Italy Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 30: UK Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 31: UK Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 32: Germany Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 33: Germany Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 34: Rest of the Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 35: Rest of the Europe Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 36: North America Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 37: North America Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 38: North America Secondhand Luxury Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 39: The US Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 40: The US Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 41: The US Secondhand Luxury Market by Distribution Channel; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 42: Canada Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 43: Canada Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 44: Mexico Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 45: Mexico Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 46: Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 47: Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 48: Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Region; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 49: China Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 50: China Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 51: China Secondhand Luxury Market by Gender; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 52: Japan Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 53: Japan Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 54: India Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Million) Figure 55: India Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Million) Figure 56: India Secondhand Luxury Market by Product Type; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 57: Rest of Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 58: Rest of Asia Pacific Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 59: Rest of the World Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 60: Rest of the World Secondhand Luxury Market by Value; 2023-2028 (US$ Billion) Figure 61: Global Population of High-Net-Worth Individuals; 2018-2022 (Million) Figure 62: Global Wealth of High-Net-Worth Individuals; 2018-2022 (US$ Trillion) Figure 63: Global Share of Urban Population in Total Population; 2016, 2021 & 2050 (Percentage, %) Figure 64: The US E-commerce Resale Volume; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion and Percentage, %) Figure 65: Global Artificial Intelligence Market Size; 2021–2025 (US$ Billion) Figure 66: The Number Of Fashion Brands Participating In Online Resale Programs In The US; 2019-2022 and February 2023 (Unit) Figure 67: The US Secondhand Luxury Players by Market Share; 2022 (Percentage, %) Table 1: Global Secondhand Luxury Market Players: Business Comparison; 2023 Figure 68: The RealReal Inc. Revenue by Source; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 69: ThredUp, Inc. Revenue by Source; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 70: Farfetch Limited Revenue by Reportable Operating Segments; 2022 (Percentage, %)
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