キメラ抗原受容体(CAR)T細胞療法の研究開発の現状と課題Current Research & Development Status of Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapy 報告書の範囲 本調査の主な目的は以下の通りです。 - CAR T-cell技術の歴史的発展を振り返る。 - キメラ抗原受容体設計の原理を論じる。 - CAR T細胞免疫療法に関連する作用機序を理解する。 - CAR T細胞... もっと見る
サマリー報告書の範囲本調査の主な目的は以下の通りです。 - CAR T-cell技術の歴史的発展を振り返る。 - キメラ抗原受容体設計の原理を論じる。 - CAR T細胞免疫療法に関連する作用機序を理解する。 - CAR T細胞療法分野における現在進行中の臨床および非臨床の進歩に注目する。 - 既存のCAR T-cell技術の副作用、欠点、限界にアクセスする。 - 現在販売されている医薬品について、開発状況や特許切れの詳細を確認する。 - CAR T-cellの製造方法を確認する。 - 現在CAR T細胞技術に焦点を当てているジョイントベンチャー、コラボレーション、ライセンス契約、研究契約の範囲を検討する。 - 規制要件のレビュー。 - 世界のCAR T細胞療法市場のダイナミクスをレビューする。 - CAR T細胞免疫療法の治療薬開発に携わる主要企業を調査し、企業プロフィールを提供する。 この研究を購入することで、読者は以下を得ることができます。 - このエキサイティングで新しく革新的な技術の現状と将来についての理解を深めることができます。 - この技術の開発に携わる主要企業の最新情報、実施中の臨床試験、知的財産の状況、製品パイプライン、独自技術に関する知見。 - CAR T細胞療法の開発に関する各国の役割と影響力、米国と中国やその他の国のCAR T細胞の試験数。 - CAR T細胞療法市場の潜在的な可能性と予想される市場の発展に関する知識。 分析には、製品の成長や市場内の動向を測定する図表を使用します。また、癌の発生率や死亡率、対象市場の分析により、今後の治療の可能性や研究開発予算の可能性をより深く理解することができます。売上高、製品パイプラインの状況、研究開発動向など、企業固有の情報については、本レポート全体を通じて提供しています。 レポートには、以下の内容が含まれます。 - 37のデータ表と55の追加表 - キメラ抗原受容体(CAR)T細胞療法の世界市場について、現在の研究開発状況に重点を置いた最新のレビューを掲載 - 2018年から2020年の過去データ、2021年と2022年の推定値、2026年までの年平均成長率(CAGR)の予測値による世界市場動向の分析 - CAR T細胞療法全体の市場規模をドル換算で評価・予測し、それに対応する製品、用途、技術、地域別の市場シェア分析を掲載 - CAR T細胞療法市場の可能性、現在および将来の需要を推定する機会および動向、COVID-19がこの市場の進展に与える影響についてのハイライト - 開発活動、研究開発活動、予想される開発など、現在販売されている薬剤の評価、および業界内の特許失効に関する考察。 - 世界のCAR T細胞療法市場の主要なステークホルダーの最新情報、知的財産の状況、製品イノベーション、技術的進歩、研究協力や事業統合のレビューとともに紹介 - CAR T細胞療法の治療薬開発に携わる主要企業の現在の競争環境、最近のM&A、ライセンス契約、企業収益シェア分析に関する洞察力 - アストラゼネカ、ブリストル・マイヤーズスクイブ、ギリアド・サイエンス、ノバルティス、ホフマン・ラ・ロシュ、武田薬品工業など、業界の主要企業の詳細なプロフィールを掲載しています。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction Scope of This Report What's New in this Update? Methodology and Information Sources Primary Data and Information Gathering Secondary Data and Information Gathering Market Share Analysis and Market Forecast Analyst's Credentials BCC Custom Research Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights CAR T-Cell Design and Evolution FDA Product Approvals Market Analysis Clinical Applications of CAR T-Cell Therapy CARs for Tumors of the Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues CAR T-Cell Therapy for Solid Tumors Barriers to Research and Product Development Clinical Trials Chapter 3 Introduction to Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapy Introduction A Brief History of CAR T-Cell Therapy Development Antigens Exogenous Antigens Endogenous Antigens Autoantigens Tumor Antigens Cluster of Differentiation Lymphocytes B Cells T Cells Adoptive Cell Transfer (ACT) Technologies Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) T-Cell Receptors (TCRs) Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CARs) Chapter 4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market Overview Outlook Chapter 5 Market Dynamics Market Dynamics Selected Drivers of the Global CAR T-Cell Market Trends Selected Restraints of the Global CAR T-Cell Market Chapter 6 Current Production Methods, Latest Technological Advances and Future Direction Production of CAR T Cells Stage 1: Leukapheresis and T-Cell Isolation Stage 2: T-Cell Activation, Transduction and Modification of CAR T Cells Stage 3: Expanding Modified CAR T Cells Overcoming CAR T-Cell Manufacturing Challenges Latest Advances in Production Processes Closed, Automated Production Systems End-to-End Production Systems and Solutions Key Technologies Used in the Manufacturing Stage Chapter 7 Clinical Trials on CAR T Cells and Related Technologies Introduction Clinical Trials Being Conducted Globally Distribution of CAR T-Cell Trials in the U.S. Distribution of CAR T-Cell Clinical Trials in China Chapter 8 Cancer Demographics: A Global Summary Cancer: The Disease Epidemiology by Cancer Type/Site Global Cancer Incidence Global Cancer Prevalence, 2020 Global Cancer Mortality Overview Cancer Epidemiology by Region Europe North America Asia-Pacific Rest of the World Global Cancer Burden and Worldwide Cancer Risk Factors Tobacco Use and Statistics Alcohol Abuse and Cancer Statistics Obesity and Cancer Statistics Infectious Diseases and Cancer Inherited Genes: Diseases and Cancer Sun, Ultraviolet Radiation and Cancer Hormones and Cancer Chapter 9 Global CAR T-Cell Market Analysis Introduction Global CAR T-Cell Market Yescarta Tecartus Kymriah Breyanzi Abecma Chapter 10 Regional Analysis North America Europe Asia-Pacific Rest of the World Chapter 11 Regulatory and Legislative Requirements North America United States Canada Europe Mutual Recognition Procedure (MRP) Decentralized Procedure (DCP) Centralized Procedure (CP) Asia-Pacific Japan China India South Korea Central and South America Brazil Argentina Mexico Middle East and Africa South Africa Saudi Arabia Published Guidelines on Production and Testing of Cell-Based Therapies Chapter 12 Patent Review/New Developments Introduction Complexities of the Patents and Patent Applications for Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Companies Anticipated Increase in Patent Litigation on Customized Patient Treatments Company Specific Intellectual Property and Patent Information Amgen Avacta Life Sciences Ltd. Bellicum Pharmaceuticals Inc. Bluebird Bio Celgene Corp. Cellectis Celyad SA Editas Medicine Inc. Eureka Therapeutics Inc. Gilead Sciences Inc. iCell Gene Therapeutics Juno Therapeutics Inc. (A Celgene Co.) Mustang Bio Inc. Noile-Immune Biotech Novartis AG Chapter 13 Global Competitive Market Landscape Global CAR T-Cell Market Share Analysis Market Share Analysis Product Launches Strategic Initiatives Mergers and Acquisitions Chapter 14 Company Profiles ABBVIE INC. AMGEN ASTRAZENECA AVACTA LIFE SCIENCES LTD. BELLICUM PHAMACEUTICALS BLUEBIRD BIO BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB CELLECTIS CELYAD SA EDITAS MEDICINE INC. EUREKA THERAPEUTICS INC. FORMULA PHARMACEUTICALS INC. GILEAD SCIENCES F. HOFFMAN-LA ROCHE AG ICELL GENE THERAPEUTICS MUSTANG BIO INC. NOILE-IMMUNE BIOTECH NOVARTIS AG PROTHERAGEN INC. PURETECH HEALTH SERVIER LABORATORIES TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICALS TRANSGENE SA Chapter 15 Appendix A Company Contact Details Chapter 16 Appendix B Government Regulatory Agencies and Professional Organizations Chapter 17 Appendix C Commonly Used Acronyms Associated with CAR T-Cell Therapy Chapter 18 Appendix D Recent Patent Applications Filed Related to CAR T-Cell Therapy Chapter 19 Appendix E CAR T-Cell and CD19 Clinical Trials in China
SummaryReport Scope: Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction Scope of This Report What's New in this Update? Methodology and Information Sources Primary Data and Information Gathering Secondary Data and Information Gathering Market Share Analysis and Market Forecast Analyst's Credentials BCC Custom Research Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights CAR T-Cell Design and Evolution FDA Product Approvals Market Analysis Clinical Applications of CAR T-Cell Therapy CARs for Tumors of the Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues CAR T-Cell Therapy for Solid Tumors Barriers to Research and Product Development Clinical Trials Chapter 3 Introduction to Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapy Introduction A Brief History of CAR T-Cell Therapy Development Antigens Exogenous Antigens Endogenous Antigens Autoantigens Tumor Antigens Cluster of Differentiation Lymphocytes B Cells T Cells Adoptive Cell Transfer (ACT) Technologies Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) T-Cell Receptors (TCRs) Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CARs) Chapter 4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market Overview Outlook Chapter 5 Market Dynamics Market Dynamics Selected Drivers of the Global CAR T-Cell Market Trends Selected Restraints of the Global CAR T-Cell Market Chapter 6 Current Production Methods, Latest Technological Advances and Future Direction Production of CAR T Cells Stage 1: Leukapheresis and T-Cell Isolation Stage 2: T-Cell Activation, Transduction and Modification of CAR T Cells Stage 3: Expanding Modified CAR T Cells Overcoming CAR T-Cell Manufacturing Challenges Latest Advances in Production Processes Closed, Automated Production Systems End-to-End Production Systems and Solutions Key Technologies Used in the Manufacturing Stage Chapter 7 Clinical Trials on CAR T Cells and Related Technologies Introduction Clinical Trials Being Conducted Globally Distribution of CAR T-Cell Trials in the U.S. Distribution of CAR T-Cell Clinical Trials in China Chapter 8 Cancer Demographics: A Global Summary Cancer: The Disease Epidemiology by Cancer Type/Site Global Cancer Incidence Global Cancer Prevalence, 2020 Global Cancer Mortality Overview Cancer Epidemiology by Region Europe North America Asia-Pacific Rest of the World Global Cancer Burden and Worldwide Cancer Risk Factors Tobacco Use and Statistics Alcohol Abuse and Cancer Statistics Obesity and Cancer Statistics Infectious Diseases and Cancer Inherited Genes: Diseases and Cancer Sun, Ultraviolet Radiation and Cancer Hormones and Cancer Chapter 9 Global CAR T-Cell Market Analysis Introduction Global CAR T-Cell Market Yescarta Tecartus Kymriah Breyanzi Abecma Chapter 10 Regional Analysis North America Europe Asia-Pacific Rest of the World Chapter 11 Regulatory and Legislative Requirements North America United States Canada Europe Mutual Recognition Procedure (MRP) Decentralized Procedure (DCP) Centralized Procedure (CP) Asia-Pacific Japan China India South Korea Central and South America Brazil Argentina Mexico Middle East and Africa South Africa Saudi Arabia Published Guidelines on Production and Testing of Cell-Based Therapies Chapter 12 Patent Review/New Developments Introduction Complexities of the Patents and Patent Applications for Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Companies Anticipated Increase in Patent Litigation on Customized Patient Treatments Company Specific Intellectual Property and Patent Information Amgen Avacta Life Sciences Ltd. Bellicum Pharmaceuticals Inc. Bluebird Bio Celgene Corp. Cellectis Celyad SA Editas Medicine Inc. Eureka Therapeutics Inc. Gilead Sciences Inc. iCell Gene Therapeutics Juno Therapeutics Inc. (A Celgene Co.) Mustang Bio Inc. Noile-Immune Biotech Novartis AG Chapter 13 Global Competitive Market Landscape Global CAR T-Cell Market Share Analysis Market Share Analysis Product Launches Strategic Initiatives Mergers and Acquisitions Chapter 14 Company Profiles ABBVIE INC. AMGEN ASTRAZENECA AVACTA LIFE SCIENCES LTD. BELLICUM PHAMACEUTICALS BLUEBIRD BIO BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB CELLECTIS CELYAD SA EDITAS MEDICINE INC. EUREKA THERAPEUTICS INC. FORMULA PHARMACEUTICALS INC. GILEAD SCIENCES F. HOFFMAN-LA ROCHE AG ICELL GENE THERAPEUTICS MUSTANG BIO INC. NOILE-IMMUNE BIOTECH NOVARTIS AG PROTHERAGEN INC. PURETECH HEALTH SERVIER LABORATORIES TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICALS TRANSGENE SA Chapter 15 Appendix A Company Contact Details Chapter 16 Appendix B Government Regulatory Agencies and Professional Organizations Chapter 17 Appendix C Commonly Used Acronyms Associated with CAR T-Cell Therapy Chapter 18 Appendix D Recent Patent Applications Filed Related to CAR T-Cell Therapy Chapter 19 Appendix E CAR T-Cell and CD19 Clinical Trials in China
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よくあるご質問BCC Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?BCCリサーチ(BCC Research)は1971年に設立され、様々な業界経験を持つアナリストと編集者によりトップクラスの市場情報源を長年提供している調査会社です。 設立初期は先端材料とプラ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。