
民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)企業上位20社 2023年

Top 20 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Companies 2023

レポート詳細 民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場上位20社レポート 2023-2033年: 本レポートは、業界とその基礎となるダイナミクスをより良く理解したい場合、新たな収益ポケットを... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 図表数 言語
2023年10月6日 GBP4,500
217 107 英語

※上記価格は部署ライセンス(Departmental licence)価格です。




民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場上位20社レポート 2023-2033年:本レポートは、業界とその基礎となるダイナミクスをより良く理解したい場合、新たな収益ポケットを目指している大手企業にとって非常に貴重なものとなります。異業種への進出や新たな地域での既存事業の拡大を目指す企業にも有用です。






- 民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場上位20社はどのように進化しているのか?
- 民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場上位20社の牽引役と抑制要因は何か?
- 民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場上位20社の各サブマーケットセグメントは予測期間中にどのように成長し、2033年にはどれくらいの売上を占めるようになるのか?
- 2023年から2033年にかけて、民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場上位20社の各サブマーケットの市場シェアはどのように推移するのか?
- 2023年から2033年にかけて、市場全体の主な牽引役は何か?
- 民間航空機の整備・修理・分解整備(MRO)市場上位20社の主要市場はマクロ経済の動きに概ね追随するのか、それとも各国市場が他を凌駕するのか?
- 主要プレーヤーと予測期間中の見通しは?
- これら大手企業の民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)プロジェクト上位20社は何か?
- 2023年から2033年の間に、業界はどのように発展するのか?民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)プロジェクト上位20社の現在および今後10年間の影響とは?
- 民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場上位20社はどこに向かっているのか、そしてどのようにすれば市場の最前線に立つことができるのか?
- 企業を新たな成長軌道に乗せ、C-suiteへと導くための重要な展望とは?

- 217ページにわたる本レポートでは、65の表と42の図表を掲載しています。
- このレポートでは、業界の主要な有利分野をハイライトしていますので、今すぐターゲットを絞ることができます。
- 競合他社が成功した主要トレンド、変化、収益予測をハイライトしています。


- 2033年までの収益予測に加え、直近の業績、成長率、市場シェアもご覧いただけます。
- ビジネスの展望と発展に関する独自の分析をご覧いただけます。
- 質的分析(市場ダイナミクス、促進要因、機会、阻害要因、課題を含む)、民間航空機整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)上位20社価格上昇の影響、最近の動向をご覧いただけます。



- 旅客航空会社
- 貨物航空会社

- ナローボディ機
- ワイドボディ機
- リージョナル機

- 相手先ブランド製造業者(OEM)
- 独立系MROサービスプロバイダー
- 航空会社の自社MRO施設
- その他のサービスプロバイダー

- ラインメンテナンス
- ベースメンテナンス
- エンジン整備
- 部品メンテナンス
- その他のメンテナンスタイプ

- 機体
- エンジン
- 着陸装置
- アビオニクス
- 内装
- その他の部品

- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- ラテンアメリカ
- 中東・アフリカ


・ Aeroman
・ Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance
・ AirAsia Engineering
・ ANA Trading Corp
・ Aveos Fleet Performance Inc.
・ British Airways Engineering
・ Delta TechOps
・ Etihad Airways Engineering
・ GE Aerospace
・ Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd.
・ Lufthansa Technik AG
・ MTU Aero Engines AG
・ Sabena Technics
・ SIA Engineering Company
・ Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd
・ TAP Maintenance & Engineering
・ Turkish Technic


この調査レポートは民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場 2023-2033年 (上位20社)を分析・予測したものです。

- 民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場上位20社の2023年~2033年までの収益予測 エンドユーザー、航空機タイプ、サービスプロバイダー、整備タイプ、部品タイプ、それぞれの予測を世界および地域レベルで掲載 - 業界の展望を発見し、投資と収益に最も有利な場所を見つけることができます。

- 4つの地域と20の主要国市場の2033年までの収益予測 - 北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、ラテンアメリカ、中東・アフリカの商用航空機整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場上位20社の2023年から2033年までの市場予測をご覧ください。

- 既存企業および市場参入を目指す企業の展望 - 世界の民間航空機整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場、2023年から2033年に関わる主要企業20社の企業プロファイルを掲載。






1 レポート概要
1.1 調査の目的
1.2 民間航空機整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場の紹介
1.3 本レポートの内容
1.4 本レポートを読むべき理由
1.5 本分析レポートが回答する主な質問
1.6 本レポートの対象者
1.7 方法論
1.7.1 市場の定義
1.7.2 市場評価・予測手法
1.7.3 データの検証 一次調査 セカンダリーリサーチ
1.8 よくある質問(FAQ)
1.9 Visiongainの関連レポート
1.10 Visiongainについて

2 エグゼクティブ・サマリー

3 市場概要
3.1 主要な調査結果
3.2 市場ダイナミクス
3.2.1 市場促進要因 世界的な航空需要の増加により、効率的なMROサービスの必要性が引き続き高まっている。 常に存在する航空事故の脅威がMROの重要性を高める 航空機設計とアビオニクスの技術進化がMROサービスの専門化を必要とする
3.2.2 市場抑制要因 航空業界における熟練技術者、エンジニア、整備士の不足 インハウスMROサービスを選択する航空会社は、インフラと設備に多額の先行投資を伴う 複雑で進化する航空規制を遵守するには、綿密な計画と継続的な更新が必要
3.2.3 市場機会 MROサービスのアウトソーシング傾向の高まりにより、専門プロバイダーが成長市場に参入できるようになる 電子商取引の台頭が航空貨物需要を押し上げ、MROプロバイダーにチャンスをもたらす MROサービスのアウトソーシングは、航空会社にとって、自社でメンテナンスを行うよりも費用対効果が高い場合が多い。
3.3 ポーターのファイブフォース分析
3.3.1 サプライヤーの交渉力(中)
3.3.2 買い手の交渉力(中)
3.3.3 競争力(高)
3.3.4 代替品による脅威(低)
3.3.5 新規参入の脅威(低)
3.4 COVID-19の影響分析
3.4.1 "V字型回復"
3.4.2 "U字型回復"
3.4.3 "W字型回復"
3.4.4 "L字型回復"
3.5 PEST分析

4 世界の民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場分析
4.1 世界の地域セグメント 市場魅力度指数
4.2 世界の民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場規模推定と予測:エンドユーザー別
4.2.1 旅客航空会社
4.2.2 貨物航空会社
4.2.3 2023年と2033年のエンドユーザー別市場シェア(%)
4.3 世界の民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場規模推定と予測:航空機タイプ別
4.3.1 ナローボディ航空機
4.3.2 ワイドボディ機
4.3.3 リージョナル航空機
4.3.4 2023年と2033年の航空機タイプ別市場シェア(%)
4.4 世界の民間航空機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場規模推定と予測:サービス事業者別
4.4.1 相手先ブランド製造業者(OEM)
4.4.2 独立系MROプロバイダー
4.4.3 航空会社の自社MRO施設
4.4.4 その他のサービスプロバイダー
4.4.5 2023年と2033年のサービスプロバイダー別市場シェア(%)
4.5 世界の民間航空機おn整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場規模推定と予測:整備タイプ別
4.5.1 ライン整備
4.5.2 ベース整備
4.5.3 エンジン整備
4.5.4 コンポーネントメンテナンス
4.5.5 その他の整備タイプ
4.5.6 2023年および2033年の整備タイプ別市場シェア(%)
4.6 世界の民間航空機整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場規模推定と予測:コンポーネントタイプ別
4.6.1 機体
4.6.2 エンジン
4.6.3 着陸装置
4.6.4 アビオニクス
4.6.5 内装
4.6.6 その他
4.6.7 2023年および2033年のコンポーネントタイプ別市場シェア(%)

5 民間航空機の地域別整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)市場分析
5.1 主要な調査結果
5.2 地域別市場規模の推定と予測

6 会社のプロファイル
6.1 競争環境、2022年
6.2 戦略的展望
6.3 Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance
6.3.1 会社概要
6.3.2 会社概要
6.3.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.3.4 戦略的展望
6.3.5 事業戦略分析
6.3.5 会社の将来展望
6.4.1 会社概要
6.4.2 会社概要
6.4.3 財務分析 純収入、2018-2022年
6.4.4 製品ベンチマーク
6.4.5 戦略的展望
6.4.6 事業戦略分析
6.4.7 企業の将来展望
6.5 Lufthansa Technik AG
6.5.1 会社概要
6.5.2 会社概要
6.5.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.5.4 戦略的展望
6.5.5 事業戦略分析
6.5.6 会社の将来展望
6.6 SIA Engineering Company
6.6.1 会社概要
6.6.2 会社概要
6.6.3 財務分析 純収入、2018-2022年 R&D、2018-2022年 地域別収益シェア、2022年(%)
6.6.4 製品ベンチマーク
6.6.5 戦略的展望
6.6.6 事業戦略分析
6.6.7 企業の将来展望
6.7 GE Aerospace
6.7.1 会社概要
6.7.2 会社概要
6.7.3 財務分析 純収入、2018-2022年 R&D、2018年~2022年 地域別収益シェア、2022年(%) 事業セグメント収益シェア、2022年(%)
6.7.4 製品ベンチマーク
6.7.5 戦略的展望
6.7.6 事業戦略分析
6.7.7 企業の将来展望
6.8 Delta TechOps
6.8.1 会社概要
6.8.2 会社概要
6.8.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.8.4 戦略的展望
6.8.5 事業戦略分析
6.8.6 企業の将来展望
6.9 Aveos Fleet Performance Inc.
6.9.1 会社概要
6.9.2 会社概要
6.9.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.9.4 事業戦略分析
6.9.5 会社の将来展望
6.10 Sabena technics
6.10.1 会社概要
6.10.2 会社概要
6.10.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.10.4 戦略的展望
6.10.5 事業戦略分析
6.10.6 企業の将来展望
6.11Turkish Technic
6.11.1 会社概要
6.11.2 会社概要
6.11.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.11.4 戦略的展望
6.11.5 事業戦略分析
6.11.6 企業の将来展望
6.12 Etihad Airways Engineering
6.12.1 会社概要
6.12.2 会社概要
6.12.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.12.4 戦略的展望
6.12.5 事業戦略分析
6.12.6 企業の将来展望
6.13 MTU Aero Engines AG
6.13.1 会社概要
6.13.2 会社概要
6.13.3 財務分析 純収入、2018年~2022年 R&D、2018年〜2022年 地域別収益シェア、2022年(%) 事業セグメント収益シェア、2022年(%)
6.13.4 製品ベンチマーク
6.13.5 戦略的展望
6.13.6 事業戦略分析
6.13.7 企業の将来展望
6.14 British Airways Engineering
6.14.1 会社概要
6.14.2 会社概要
6.14.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.14.4 戦略的展望
6.14.5 事業戦略分析
6.14.6 会社の将来展望
6.15 Aeroman
6.15.1 会社概要
6.15.2 会社概要
6.15.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.15.4 事業戦略分析
6.15.5 今後の展望
6.16 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd
6.16.1 会社概要
6.16.2 会社概要
6.16.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.16.4 戦略的展望
6.16.5 事業戦略分析
6.16.6 会社の将来展望
6.17 Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd.
6.17.1 会社概要
6.17.2 会社概要
6.17.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.17.4 戦略的展望
6.17.5 事業戦略分析
6.17.6 会社の将来展望
6.18 ANA Trading Corp
6.18.1 会社概要
6.18.2 会社概要
6.18.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.18.4 戦略的展望
6.18.5 事業戦略分析
6.18.6 会社の将来展望
6.19 TAP Maintenance & Engineering
6.19.1 会社概要
6.19.2 会社概要
6.19.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.19.4 事業戦略分析
6.19.5 会社の将来展望
6.20 AirAsia Engineering
6.20.1 会社概要
6.20.2 会社概要
6.20.3 製品ベンチマーク
6.20.4 戦略的展望
6.20.5 事業戦略分析
6.20.6 会社の将来展望

7 結論と提言
7.1 Visiongainからの結びの言葉
7.2 市場プレイヤーへの提言



Table 1 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Snapshot, 2023 & 2033 (US$ Billion, CAGR %)
Table 2 Air Passenger Market in Detail
Table 3 MROs Companies in India
Table 4 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 5 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 6 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 7 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 8 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by End-User, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%))
Table 9 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Aircraft Type, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%))
Table 10 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Service Provider, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%))
Table 11 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Maintenance Type, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%))
Table 12 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Component Type, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%))
Table 13 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Forecast by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 14 Strategic Outlook - Contract
Table 15 Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 16 Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance: Product Benchmarking
Table 17 Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance: Strategic Outlook
Table 18 AAR CORP: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 19 AAR CORP: Product Benchmarking
Table 20 AAR CORP: Strategic Outlook
Table 21 Lufthansa Technik AG: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 22 Lufthansa Technik AG: Product Benchmarking
Table 23 Lufthansa Technik AG: Strategic Outlook
Table 24 SIA Engineering Company: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 25 SIA Engineering Company: Product Benchmarking
Table 26 SIA Engineering Company: Strategic Outlook
Table 27 GE Aerospace: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 28 GE Aerospace: Product Benchmarking
Table 29 GE Aerospace: Strategic Outlook
Table 30 Delta TechOps: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 31 Delta TechOps: Product Benchmarking
Table 32 Delta TechOps: Strategic Outlook
Table 33 Aveo’s Fleet Performance Inc.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 34 Aveo’s Fleet Performance Inc.: Product Benchmarking
Table 35 Sabena technics: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 36 Sabena technics: Product Benchmarking
Table 37 Sabena technics: Strategic Outlook
Table 38 Turkish Technic: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 39 Turkish Technic: Product Benchmarking
Table 40 Turkish Technic: Strategic Outlook
Table 41 Etihad Airways Engineering: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 42 Etihad Airways Engineering: Product Benchmarking
Table 43 Etihad Airways Engineering: Strategic Outlook
Table 44 MTU Aero Engines AG: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 45 MTU Aero Engines AG: Product Benchmarking
Table 46 MTU Aero Engines AG: Strategic Outlook
Table 47 British Airways Engineering: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 48 British Airways Engineering: Product Benchmarking
Table 49 British Airways Engineering: Strategic Outlook
Table 50 Aero man: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 51 Aeroman: Product Benchmarking
Table 52 KKK: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 53 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd: Product Benchmarking
Table 54 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd: Strategic Outlook
Table 55 Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 56 Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd.: Product Benchmarking
Table 57 Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd.: Strategic Outlook
Table 58 ANA Trading Corp: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 59 ANA Trading Corp: Product Benchmarking
Table 60 ANA Trading Corp: Strategic Outlook
Table 61 TAP Maintenance & Engineering: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 62 TAP Maintenance & Engineering: Product Benchmarking
Table 63 AirAsia Engineering: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 64 AirAsia Engineering: Product Benchmarking
Table 65 AirAsia Engineering: Strategic Outlook

Figure 1 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Segmentation
Figure 2 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by End-User: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 3 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Aircraft Type: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 4 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Service Provider: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 5 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Maintenance Type: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 6 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Component Type: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 7 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Attractiveness Index by Region
Figure 8 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market: Market Dynamics
Figure 9 The Growth in Retail Ecommerce Sales Worldwide 2021 to 2026 forecast year
Figure 10 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Figure 11 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Share Forecast by COVID, 2023-2033 (%)
Figure 12 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 13 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 14 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 15 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 16 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market: PEST Analysis
Figure 17 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region : Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 18 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by End-User, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%))
Figure 19 End-User Market Share Forecast by End-User, 2023 & 2033 (%)
Figure 20 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Aircraft Type, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%))
Figure 21 End-User Market Share Forecast by Aircraft Type, 2023 & 2033 (%)
Figure 22 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Service Provider, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%))
Figure 23 End-User Market Share Forecast by Service Provider, 2023 & 2033 (%)
Figure 24 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Maintenance Type, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%))
Figure 25 End-User Market Share Forecast by Maintenance Type, 2023 & 2033 (%)
Figure 26 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Component Type, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%))
Figure 27 End-User Market Share Forecast by Component Type, 2023 & 2033 (%)
Figure 28 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Forecast by Region 2023 and 2033 (Revenue, CAGR%)
Figure 29 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 30 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market: Company Share, 2022
Figure 31 AAR CORP.: Net Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 32 SIA Engineering Company.: Net Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 33 SIA Engineering Company.: R&D, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 34 SIA Engineering Company.: Regional Revenue Share, 2022 (%)
Figure 35 GE Aerospace.: Net Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 36 GE Aerospace.: R&D, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 37 GE Aerospace.: Regional Revenue Share, 2022 (%)
Figure 38 GE Aerospace.: Business Segment Revenue Share, 2022 (%)
Figure 39 MTU Aero Engines AG.: Net Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 40 MTU Aero Engines AG.: R&D, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 41 MTU Aero Engines AG.: Regional Revenue Share, 2022 (%)
Figure 42 MTU Aero Engines AG.: Business Segment Revenue Share, 2022 (%)





Report Details

The Top 20 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Report 2023-2033: This report will prove invaluable to leading firms striving for new revenue pockets if they wish to better understand the industry and its underlying dynamics. It will be useful for companies that would like to expand into different industries or to expand their existing operations in a new region.

The Increasing Global Demand for Air Travel Continues to Drive the Need for Efficient MRO Services
The relentless surge in global air travel demand has emerged as a pivotal driver fuelling the imperative for efficient Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) services within the aviation industry. This escalating appetite for air travel, spurred by factors such as economic growth, expanding tourism, and increased connectivity, underscores the critical importance of maintaining aircraft at peak operational performance. As airlines strive to meet the growing needs of passengers, the seamless functioning of their fleets becomes paramount.

The increasing global demand for air travel not only results in greater aircraft utilization but also necessitates quicker turnaround times between flights. This intensifies the demand for MRO services that can swiftly and meticulously address maintenance requirements without compromising safety or quality. Airlines are compelled to optimize their operational efficiency to accommodate rising passenger numbers, and reliable MRO services play an indispensable role in ensuring that aircraft remain airworthy, reliable, and conform to stringent safety standards.

As airlines seek to strike a balance between meeting the escalating demand for air travel and maintaining the highest safety standards, efficient MRO services become a linchpin. The effective management of maintenance cycles, the swift turnaround of aircraft, and the utilization of advanced technologies are instrumental in coping with the soaring global demand for air travel. Thus, the symbiotic relationship between the burgeoning need for air travel and the imperative for efficient MRO services underscores the pivotal role MRO plays in shaping the modern aviation landscape.

Shortage of Skilled Technicians, Engineers, And Mechanics in the Aviation Industry
The aviation industry is encountering a significant challenge in its growth trajectory due to a shortage of skilled technicians, engineers, and mechanics. As the demand for aircraft maintenance technicians surges, the aviation sector faces the task of bridging the gap between capability and opportunity. This challenge revolves around critical aspects such as hiring, training, retaining, and fairly compensating technicians and mechanics, who play a pivotal role in turning aviation aspirations into tangible achievements. Experts within the industry are closely examining data projections, industry analyses, shifts in education, and workforce management strategies to navigate this complex issue.

The aviation industry confronts a critical challenge in the form of a persistent shortage of skilled labour in aircraft maintenance, posing potential risks to safety and operational efficiency. This scarcity of Aircraft Maintenance Technicians (AMTs), responsible for vital maintenance, repairs, and safety checks, is a global concern with far-reaching implications, impacting regions including the United States, Europe, and Asia.

What Questions Should You Ask before Buying a Market Research Report?
• How is the top 20 commercial aircraft maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) market evolving?
• What is driving and restraining the top 20 commercial aircraft maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) market?
• How will each top 20 commercial aircraft maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) submarket segment grow over the forecast period and how much revenue will these submarkets account for in 2033?
• How will the market shares for each top 20 commercial aircraft maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) submarket develop from 2023 to 2033?
• What will be the main driver for the overall market from 2023 to 2033?
• Will leading top 20 commercial aircraft maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) markets broadly follow the macroeconomic dynamics, or will individual national markets outperform others?
• Who are the leading players and what are their prospects over the forecast period?
• What are the top 20 commercial aircraft maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) projects for these leading companies?
• How will the industry evolve during the period between 2023 and 2033? What are the implications of top 20 commercial aircraft maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) projects taking place now and over the next 10 years?
• Where is the top 20 commercial aircraft maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) market heading and how can you ensure you are at the forefront of the market?
• What are the key prospects for moving companies into a new growth path and C-suite?

You need to discover how this will impact the top 20 commercial aircraft maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) market today, and over the next 10 years:
• Our 217-page report provides 65 tables and 42 charts/graphs exclusively to you.
• The report highlights key lucrative areas in the industry so you can target them – NOW.
• It highlights for you the key successful trends, changes and revenue projections made by your competitors.

This report tells you TODAY how the top 20 commercial aircraft maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) market will develop in the next 10 years, and in line with the variations in COVID-19 economic recession and bounce. This market is more critical now than at any point over the last 10 years.

Forecasts to 2033 and other analyses reveal commercial prospects
• In addition to revenue forecasting to 2033, our new study provides you with recent results, growth rates, and market shares.
• You will find original analyses, with business outlooks and developments.
• Discover qualitative analyses (including market dynamics, drivers, opportunities, restraints and challenges), impact of rising top 20 commercial aircraft maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) prices and recent developments.

This report includes data analysis and invaluable insight into how COVID-19 will affect the industry and your company. Four COVID-19 recovery patterns and their impact, namely, “V”, “L”, “W” and “U” are discussed in this report.

Segments Covered in the Report

Market Segment by End-User
• Passenger Airline
• Cargo Airline

Market Segment by Aircraft Type
• Narrow-Body Aircraft
• Wide-Body Aircraft
• Regional Aircraft

Market Segment by Service Provider
• Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
• Independent MRO Service Providers
• Airlines’ In-House MRO Facilities
• Other Service Provider

Market Segment by Maintenance Type
• Line Maintenance
• Base Maintenance
• Engine Maintenance
• Component Maintenance
• Other Maintenance Type

Market Segment by Component Type
• Airframe
• Engine
• Landing Gear
• Avionics
• Interiors
• Other Component Types

In addition to the revenue predictions for the overall world market and segments, you will also find revenue forecasts for four regional and 20 leading national markets:
• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• Latin America
• Middle East & Africa

The report also includes profiles and for some of the leading companies in the Top 20 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market, 2023 to 2033, with a focus on this segment of these companies’ operations.

Leading companies and the potential for market growth
• Aeroman
• Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance
• AirAsia Engineering
• ANA Trading Corp
• Aveos Fleet Performance Inc.
• British Airways Engineering
• Delta TechOps
• Etihad Airways Engineering
• GE Aerospace
• Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd.
• Lufthansa Technik AG
• MTU Aero Engines AG
• Sabena Technics
• SIA Engineering Company
• Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd
• TAP Maintenance & Engineering
• Turkish Technic

Overall world revenue for Top 20 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market, 2023 to 2033 in terms of value the market will surpass US$86.1 billion in 2023, our work calculates. We predict strong revenue growth through to 2033. Our work identifies which organizations hold the greatest potential. Discover their capabilities, progress, and commercial prospects, helping you stay ahead.

How will the Top 20 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market, 2023 to 2033 report help you?
In summary, our 210+ page report provides you with the following knowledge:

• Revenue forecasts to 2033 for Top 20 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market, 2023 to 2033 Market, with forecasts for end-user, aircraft type, service provider, maintenance type, component type, each forecast at a global and regional level – discover the industry’s prospects, finding the most lucrative places for investments and revenues.

• Revenue forecasts to 2033 for four regional and 20 key national markets – See forecasts for the Top 20 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market, 2023 to 2033 market in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa.

• Prospects for established firms and those seeking to enter the market – including company profiles for 20 of the major companies involved in the global commercial aircraft maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) Market, 2023 to 2033.

Find quantitative and qualitative analyses with independent predictions. Receive information that only our report contains, staying informed with invaluable business intelligence.

Information found nowhere else
With our new report, you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss out on opportunities. See how our work could benefit your research, analyses, and decisions. Visiongain’s study is for everybody needing commercial analyses for the Top 20 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market, 2023 to 2033, market-leading companies. You will find data, trends and predictions.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Report Overview
1.1 Objectives of the Study
1.2 Introduction to Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market
1.3 What This Report Delivers
1.4 Why You Should Read This Report
1.5 Key Questions Answered by This Analytical Report
1.6 Who Is This Report for?
1.7 Methodology
1.7.1 Market Definitions
1.7.2 Market Evaluation & Forecasting Methodology
1.7.3 Data Validation Primary Research Secondary Research
1.8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1.9 Associated Visiongain Reports
1.10 About Visiongain

2 Executive Summary

3 Market Overview
3.1 Key Findings
3.2 Market Dynamics
3.2.1 Market Driving Factors The Increasing Global Demand for Air Travel Continues to Drive the Need for Efficient MRO Services The Ever-Present Threat of Air Accidents Reinforces the Importance of MRO Evolving Technologies in Aircraft Design and Avionics Necessitate Specialized MRO Services
3.2.2 Market Restraining Factors Shortage of Skilled Technicians, Engineers, and Mechanics in the Aviation Industry Airlines Opting for in-House MRO Services, Involves Substantial Upfront Investments in Infrastructure and Equipment Adhering to Complex and Evolving Aviation Regulations Necessitates Meticulous Planning and Continuous Updates to Ensure Compliance
3.2.3 Market Opportunities The Increasing Trend of Outsourcing MRO Services Allows Specialized Providers to Tap into a Growing Market The Rise of E-Commerce has Boosted Air Cargo Demand, Creating Opportunities for MRO Providers Outsourcing MRO Services Can Often be More Cost-Effective for Airlines Compared to Conducting Maintenance in-House
3.3 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
3.3.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers (Medium)
3.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers (Medium)
3.3.3 Competitive Rivalry (High)
3.3.4 Threat from Substitutes (Low)
3.3.5 Threat of New Entrants (Low)
3.4 COVID-19 Impact Analysis
3.4.1 “V-Shaped Recovery”
3.4.2 “U-Shaped Recovery”
3.4.3 “W-Shaped Recovery”
3.4.4 “L-Shaped Recovery”
3.5 PEST Analysis

4 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Analysis
4.1 Global Regional Segment: Market Attractiveness Index
4.2 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Size Estimation and Forecast by End-User
4.2.1 Passenger Airline
4.2.2 Cargo Airline
4.2.3 Market Share by End-User, 2023 & 2033 (%)
4.3 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Aircraft Type
4.3.1 Narrow-Body Aircraft
4.3.2 Wide-Body Aircraft
4.3.3 Regional Aircraft
4.3.4 Market Share by Aircraft Type, 2023 & 2033 (%)
4.4 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Service Provider
4.4.1 Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
4.4.2 Independent MRO Providers
4.4.3 Airlines’ In-House MRO Facilities
4.4.4 Other Service Provider
4.4.5 Market Share by Service Provider, 2023 & 2033 (%)
4.5 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Maintenance Type
4.5.1 Line Maintenance
4.5.2 Base Maintenance
4.5.3 Engine Maintenance
4.5.4 Component Maintenance
4.5.5 Other Maintenance Type
4.5.6 Market Share by Maintenance Type, 2023 & 2033 (%)
4.6 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Component Type
4.6.1 Airframe
4.6.2 Engine
4.6.3 Landing Gear
4.6.4 Avionics
4.6.5 Interiors
4.6.6 Others
4.6.7 Market Share by Component Type, 2023 & 2033 (%)

5 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Analysis by Region
5.1 Key Findings
5.2 Regional Market Size Estimation and Forecast

6 Company Profiles
6.1 Competitive Landscape, 2022
6.2 Strategic Outlook
6.3 Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance
6.3.1 Company Snapshot
6.3.2 Company Overview
6.3.3 Product Benchmarking
6.3.4 Strategic Outlook
6.3.5 Business Strategy Analysis
6.3.5 Company Future Outlook
6.4.1 Company Snapshot
6.4.2 Company Overview
6.4.3 Financial Analysis Net Revenue, 2018-2022
6.4.4 Product Benchmarking
6.4.5 Strategic Outlook
6.4.6 Business Strategy Analysis
6.4.7 Company Future Outlook
6.5 Lufthansa Technik AG
6.5.1 Company Snapshot
6.5.2 Company Overview
6.5.3 Product Benchmarking
6.5.4 Strategic Outlook
6.5.5 Business Strategy Analysis
6.5.6 Company Future Outlook
6.6 SIA Engineering Company
6.6.1 Company Snapshot
6.6.2 Company Overview
6.6.3 Financial Analysis Net Revenue, 2018-2022 R&D, 2018-2022 Regional Revenue Share, 2022 (%)
6.6.4 Product Benchmarking
6.6.5 Strategic Outlook
6.6.6 Business Strategy Analysis
6.6.7 Company Future Outlook
6.7 GE Aerospace
6.7.1 Company Snapshot
6.7.2 Company Overview
6.7.3 Financial Analysis Net Revenue, 2018-2022 R&D, 2018-2022 Regional Revenue Share, 2022 (%) Business Segment Revenue Share, 2022 (%)
6.7.4 Product Benchmarking
6.7.5 Strategic Outlook
6.7.6 Business Strategy Analysis
6.7.7 Company Future Outlook
6.8 Delta TechOps
6.8.1 Company Snapshot
6.8.2 Company Overview
6.8.3 Product Benchmarking
6.8.4 Strategic Outlook
6.8.5 Business Strategy Analysis
6.8.6 Company Future Outlook
6.9 Aveos Fleet Performance Inc.
6.9.1 Company Snapshot
6.9.2 Company Overview
6.9.3 Product Benchmarking
6.9.4 Business Strategy Analysis
6.9.5 Company Future Outlook
6.10 Sabena technics
6.10.1 Company Snapshot
6.10.2 Company Overview
6.10.3 Product Benchmarking
6.10.4 Strategic Outlook
6.10.5 Business Strategy Analysis
6.10.6 Company Future Outlook
6.11 Turkish Technic
6.11.1 Company Snapshot
6.11.2 Company Overview
6.11.3 Product Benchmarking
6.11.4 Strategic Outlook
6.11.5 Business Strategy Analysis
6.11.6 Company Future Outlook
6.12 Etihad Airways Engineering
6.12.1 Company Snapshot
6.12.2 Company Overview
6.12.3 Product Benchmarking
6.12.4 Strategic Outlook
6.12.5 Business Strategy Analysis
6.12.6 Company Future Outlook
6.13 MTU Aero Engines AG
6.13.1 Company Snapshot
6.13.2 Company Overview
6.13.3 Financial Analysis Net Revenue, 2018-2022 R&D, 2018-2022 Regional Revenue Share, 2022 (%) Business Segment Revenue Share, 2022 (%)
6.13.4 Product Benchmarking
6.13.5 Strategic Outlook
6.13.6 Business Strategy Analysis
6.13.7 Company Future Outlook
6.14 British Airways Engineering
6.14.1 Company Snapshot
6.14.2 Company Overview
6.14.3 Product Benchmarking
6.14.4 Strategic Outlook
6.14.5 Business Strategy Analysis
6.14.6 Company Future Outlook
6.15 Aeroman
6.15.1 Company Snapshot
6.15.2 Company Overview
6.15.3 Product Benchmarking
6.15.4 Business Strategy Analysis
6.15.5 Company Future Outlook
6.16 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd
6.16.1 Company Snapshot
6.16.2 Company Overview
6.16.3 Product Benchmarking
6.16.4 Strategic Outlook
6.16.5 Business Strategy Analysis
6.16.6 Company Future Outlook
6.17 Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd.
6.17.1 Company Snapshot
6.17.2 Company Overview
6.17.3 Product Benchmarking
6.17.4 Strategic Outlook
6.17.5 Business Strategy Analysis
6.17.6 Company Future Outlook
6.18 ANA Trading Corp
6.18.1 Company Snapshot
6.18.2 Company Overview
6.18.3 Product Benchmarking
6.18.4 Strategic Outlook
6.18.5 Business Strategy Analysis
6.18.6 Company Future Outlook
6.19 TAP Maintenance & Engineering
6.19.1 Company Snapshot
6.19.2 Company Overview
6.19.3 Product Benchmarking
6.19.4 Business Strategy Analysis
6.19.5 Company Future Outlook
6.20 AirAsia Engineering
6.20.1 Company Snapshot
6.20.2 Company Overview
6.20.3 Product Benchmarking
6.20.4 Strategic Outlook
6.20.5 Business Strategy Analysis
6.20.6 Company Future Outlook

7 Conclusion and Recommendations
7.1 Concluding Remarks from Visiongain
7.2 Recommendations for Market Players


List of Tables/Graphs

List of Tables
Table 1 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Snapshot, 2023 & 2033 (US$ Billion, CAGR %)
Table 2 Air Passenger Market in Detail
Table 3 MROs Companies in India
Table 4 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 5 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 6 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 7 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 8 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by End-User, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%))
Table 9 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Aircraft Type, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%))
Table 10 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Service Provider, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%))
Table 11 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Maintenance Type, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%))
Table 12 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Component Type, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%), CAGR (%))
Table 13 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Forecast by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 14 Strategic Outlook - Contract
Table 15 Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 16 Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance: Product Benchmarking
Table 17 Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance: Strategic Outlook
Table 18 AAR CORP: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 19 AAR CORP: Product Benchmarking
Table 20 AAR CORP: Strategic Outlook
Table 21 Lufthansa Technik AG: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 22 Lufthansa Technik AG: Product Benchmarking
Table 23 Lufthansa Technik AG: Strategic Outlook
Table 24 SIA Engineering Company: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 25 SIA Engineering Company: Product Benchmarking
Table 26 SIA Engineering Company: Strategic Outlook
Table 27 GE Aerospace: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 28 GE Aerospace: Product Benchmarking
Table 29 GE Aerospace: Strategic Outlook
Table 30 Delta TechOps: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 31 Delta TechOps: Product Benchmarking
Table 32 Delta TechOps: Strategic Outlook
Table 33 Aveo’s Fleet Performance Inc.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 34 Aveo’s Fleet Performance Inc.: Product Benchmarking
Table 35 Sabena technics: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 36 Sabena technics: Product Benchmarking
Table 37 Sabena technics: Strategic Outlook
Table 38 Turkish Technic: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 39 Turkish Technic: Product Benchmarking
Table 40 Turkish Technic: Strategic Outlook
Table 41 Etihad Airways Engineering: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 42 Etihad Airways Engineering: Product Benchmarking
Table 43 Etihad Airways Engineering: Strategic Outlook
Table 44 MTU Aero Engines AG: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 45 MTU Aero Engines AG: Product Benchmarking
Table 46 MTU Aero Engines AG: Strategic Outlook
Table 47 British Airways Engineering: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 48 British Airways Engineering: Product Benchmarking
Table 49 British Airways Engineering: Strategic Outlook
Table 50 Aero man: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 51 Aeroman: Product Benchmarking
Table 52 KKK: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 53 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd: Product Benchmarking
Table 54 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd: Strategic Outlook
Table 55 Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 56 Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd.: Product Benchmarking
Table 57 Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd.: Strategic Outlook
Table 58 ANA Trading Corp: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 59 ANA Trading Corp: Product Benchmarking
Table 60 ANA Trading Corp: Strategic Outlook
Table 61 TAP Maintenance & Engineering: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 62 TAP Maintenance & Engineering: Product Benchmarking
Table 63 AirAsia Engineering: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 64 AirAsia Engineering: Product Benchmarking
Table 65 AirAsia Engineering: Strategic Outlook

List of Figures
Figure 1 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Segmentation
Figure 2 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by End-User: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 3 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Aircraft Type: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 4 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Service Provider: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 5 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Maintenance Type: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 6 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Component Type: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 7 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Attractiveness Index by Region
Figure 8 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market: Market Dynamics
Figure 9 The Growth in Retail Ecommerce Sales Worldwide 2021 to 2026 forecast year
Figure 10 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Figure 11 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Share Forecast by COVID, 2023-2033 (%)
Figure 12 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 13 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 14 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 15 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 16 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market: PEST Analysis
Figure 17 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region : Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 18 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by End-User, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%))
Figure 19 End-User Market Share Forecast by End-User, 2023 & 2033 (%)
Figure 20 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Aircraft Type, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%))
Figure 21 End-User Market Share Forecast by Aircraft Type, 2023 & 2033 (%)
Figure 22 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Service Provider, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%))
Figure 23 End-User Market Share Forecast by Service Provider, 2023 & 2033 (%)
Figure 24 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Maintenance Type, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%))
Figure 25 End-User Market Share Forecast by Maintenance Type, 2023 & 2033 (%)
Figure 26 Global Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Component Type, 2023-2033 (US$ Bn, AGR (%))
Figure 27 End-User Market Share Forecast by Component Type, 2023 & 2033 (%)
Figure 28 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market Forecast by Region 2023 and 2033 (Revenue, CAGR%)
Figure 29 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market by Region, 2023-2033 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 30 Commercial Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Market: Company Share, 2022
Figure 31 AAR CORP.: Net Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 32 SIA Engineering Company.: Net Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 33 SIA Engineering Company.: R&D, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 34 SIA Engineering Company.: Regional Revenue Share, 2022 (%)
Figure 35 GE Aerospace.: Net Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 36 GE Aerospace.: R&D, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 37 GE Aerospace.: Regional Revenue Share, 2022 (%)
Figure 38 GE Aerospace.: Business Segment Revenue Share, 2022 (%)
Figure 39 MTU Aero Engines AG.: Net Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 40 MTU Aero Engines AG.: R&D, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 41 MTU Aero Engines AG.: Regional Revenue Share, 2022 (%)
Figure 42 MTU Aero Engines AG.: Business Segment Revenue Share, 2022 (%)






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