
農業用微量栄養素の世界市場レポート:栄養素タイプ別(亜鉛、ホウ素、鉄、モリブデン、マンガン、その他)、形態別(キレート化、非キレート化)、作物タイプ別(油糧種子・豆類、果物・野菜、穀物・穀類、その他作物タイプ)、用途別(葉面散布、土壌散布、施肥)、国別、企業分析 2024-2032

農業用微量栄養素の世界市場レポート:栄養素タイプ別(亜鉛、ホウ素、鉄、モリブデン、マンガン、その他)、形態別(キレート化、非キレート化)、作物タイプ別(油糧種子・豆類、果物・野菜、穀物・穀類、その他作物タイプ)、用途別(葉面散布、土壌散布、施肥)、国別、企業分析 2024-2032

Global Agricultural Micronutrients Market Report By Nutrient Type (Zinc, Boron, Iron, Molybdenum, Manganese, Others), Form (Chelated, Non-Chelated), Crop Type (Oilseeds & Pulses, Fruits & Vegetables, Cereals & Grains, Other Crop Types), Application (Foliar, Soil, Fertigation), Countries and Company Analysis 2024-2032

農業用微量栄養素の世界市場 農業用微量栄養素の世界市場は、2023年の51.9億米ドルから2032年には101.4億米ドルに拡大し、2024年から2032年までの年平均成長率は7.73%となる。多様な人口の増加と十分な食糧供... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2024年7月1日 US$2,990
3営業日程度 220 英語



















農業用微量栄養素市場には、Basf SE、Compass Minerals、Coromandel International、Deepak Fertilizers、Nouryon、Nufarm、Nutrien Ltd.、Yara Internationalなどの主要企業が含まれる。

2022年7月、アナンド・アグロ・ケアは2つの革新的な製品カテゴリーを発表した:Anand Agro CareのDr. Bacto's 4KとAnand Agro CareのDr. Bacto's 5Gである。これらの製品はグルコースをベースとした、環境にやさしく、生分解性のゼラチン状カプセルで、特に有機農業の用途に適している。


形態 - 市場は2つの視点に分けられる




栄養タイプ - 市場は6つの視点に分けられる


用途 - 市場は3つの視点に分けられる




- アメリカ
- カナダ


- フランス
- ドイツ
- イタリア
- スペイン
- イギリス
- ベルギー
- オランダ
- トルコ


- 中国
- 日本
- インド
- オーストラリア
- 韓国
- タイ
- マレーシア
- インドネシア
- ニュージーランド


- ブラジル
- メキシコ
- アルゼンチン


- 南アフリカ
- サウジアラビア
- アラブ首長国連邦


- 概要
- 最近の動向
- 製品ポートフォリオ
- 収益


1.Basf SE







4.1 成長ドライバー
4.2 課題
4.3 チャンス



6.1 形態別
6.2 作物タイプ別
6.3 栄養素タイプ別
6.4 用途別
6.5 国別


7.1 キレート
7.2 非キレート


8.1 果物および野菜
8.2 穀物および穀類
8.3 油糧種子および豆類
8.4 その他の作物タイプ

9.栄養タイプ - 農業用微量栄養素の世界市場

9.1 亜鉛
9.2 ホウ素
9.3 鉄
9.4 モリブデン
9.5 マンガン
9.6 その他

10.アプリケーション - 農業用微量栄養素の世界市場

10.1 土壌
10.2 葉面散布
10.3 施肥


11.1 北米

11.1.1 米国
11.1.2 カナダ

11.2 ヨーロッパ

11.2.1 フランス
11.2.2 ドイツ
11.2.3 イタリア
11.2.4 スペイン
11.2.5 イギリス
11.2.6 ベルギー
11.2.7 オランダ
11.2.8 トルコ

11.3 アジア太平洋

11.3.1 中国
11.3.2 日本
11.3.3 インド
11.3.4 オーストラリア
11.3.5 韓国
11.3.6 タイ
11.3.7 マレーシア
11.3.8 インドネシア
11.3.9 ニュージーランド

11.4 ラテンアメリカ

11.4.1 ブラジル
11.4.2 メキシコ
11.4.3 アルゼンチン

11.5 中東・アフリカ

11.5.1 南アフリカ
11.5.2 サウジアラビア
11.5.3 アラブ首長国連邦


12.1 買い手の交渉力
12.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
12.3 競争の程度
12.4 新規参入の脅威
12.5 代替品の脅威


13.1 強み
13.2 弱点
13.3 チャンス
13.4 脅威


14.1 Basf se

14.1.1 概要
14.1.2 最近の動向
14.1.3 製品ポートフォリオ
14.1.4 収益

14.2 コンパスミネラル

14.2.1 概要
14.2.2 最近の動向
14.2.3 製品ポートフォリオ
14.2.4 収益

14.3 コロマンデル・インターナショナル

14.3.1 概要
14.3.2 最近の動向
14.3.3 製品ポートフォリオ
14.3.4 収益

14.4 ディーパック肥料

14.4.1 概要
14.4.2 最近の動向
14.4.3 製品ポートフォリオ
14.4.4 収益

14.5 ヌリョン

14.5.1 概要
14.5.2 最近の動向
14.5.3 製品ポートフォリオ
14.5.4 収益

14.6 ニューファーム

14.6.1 概要
14.6.2 最近の動向
14.6.3 製品ポートフォリオ
14.6.4 収益

14.7 ニュートリエン社

14.7.1 概要
14.7.2 最近の動向
14.7.3 製品ポートフォリオ
14.7.4 収益

14.8 モザイク社

14.8.1 概要
14.8.2 最近の動向
14.8.3 製品ポートフォリオ
14.8.4 収益

14.9 ヤラ・インターナショナル

14.9.1 概要
14.9.2 最近の動向
14.9.3 製品ポートフォリオ
14.9.4 収益





Global Agricultural Micronutrients Market

The Global Agricultural Micronutrients Market will US$ 10.14 billion in 2032, up from US$ 5.19 billion 2023, with a CAGR of 7.73% between 2024 to 2032. An increase in population of diverse population and the increasing need to ensure adequate food supplies will drive the market during the forecast period.

Agricultural Micronutrients Definition

Micronutrients entail and are therefore significant for plant development and are indispensable when considering the nutrition of the plant. A primary macronutrient may be needed in small amounts compared to secondary and micronutrients but a plant can be severely affected when these nutrients are not available. The problem of low micronutrients in the soil GAPs, is indeed a very big challenge to crop production and quality, which also has a very close relationship to food security on the global front. The micronutrient commonly reported to be deficient is Zinc. Nonetheless, the process of obtaining adequate amounts of iron is somewhat difficult given the high turnover rate and the fact that soil reserves are replenished very quickly; moreover, the use of facilities that irrigate rice fields significantly reduces the amount of available iron.

The presence of micronutrient will hasten metabolic activities of the plants and other quality parameters, availability of other nutrients like iron which is important in the synthesis of chlorophyll and photosynthesis to enhance yield. This role was very crucial during the Green Revolution era as there was a great increase in food production, especially grains, often at the cost of soils. The use of fertilizer in growth of HYVs led also to malnutrition of the soils thereby reducing the nutrient availabilities. The following are known to be important nutrients that are required by plants of which at least 17 are known. Micronutrients that are offered by the soil comprise of iron, manganese, boron, molybdenum, copper, zinc, chlorine, and cobalt though in small amounts.

Factor Driving the Global Agricultural Micronutrients Industry

Raising awareness and promoting the use of different micronutrients

Educating the society on various micronutrients that are available and the benefits that come with using different micronutrients are paramount for improving crop production and food security. There are essential microminerals Still that include Iron Zinc Copper Manganese and Boron that are very significant to plants’ growth, developments, and health. Through awareness creation on the aspects of these micronutrients, farmers will be informed on the ways to take proper care on soil management and application of fertilizers. It is possible to leverage awareness campaigns, training, and informative resources to promote women’s use of MISt-containing fertilisers and practice the efficient use of micronutrients in crop production. It enhances agricultural yields and a favorable nutrition value of food crops, and this eradicates malnutrition and health complications affecting societies that depend on farming.

The world's population is growing, and there are increasing worries about food security.

As the global demos grows in concern with food secure, it becomes even more imperative. As more people are being born hence people to feed more pressure is put on producers, distributors and availability of food. Eradicating this problem is not only necessary; it is mandatory. Supporting improved methods of farming and decent facilities for food storage together with the promotion of efficient ways of food preservation can go along way in making effective solutions to change the approach on food security for the worse. Food security can not be secured without sustainable production of food and the active participation of his community in food production for the increasing population globally. Among the report’s findings ho includes the World Bank’s expected global population to hit 9 billion people. 7 billion people require a fifty percent increase in agricultural productivity for food consumption to be met.

Integration of digital technologies into agriculture:

Digital technologies help organizations to achieve the goal of automation and improve efficiency in the business processes. Using data analytics, AI, and IoT devices is another path to the increase of the production and operational effectiveness of companies. These technologies also has brought in other means with which businesses can interact with their customers through social media, purchase and sales, advertisements among others which makes the interactions with customers to be more specific and thus leads to a better understanding of the consumers. The intertwining of digitization enhances concept generation for new products, business models and services leading to innovations and identification of new revenues. Further, through having access to large amounts of data, it is also possible to make efficient decisions with reference to its analysis of the trends in the marketplace, the contingent’s behavior, as well as organizational performance.

Growing Interest in Biofortifying Crops

Iron or vitamin A enhanced sweet potatoes and beans for instance are instances of bio fortified crops. They supplement the available nutrients in the community in a way that is sustainable and within easy reach for consumption especially for persons in the community that may not be able to afford energy dense foods most of the time. It has for instance been described that biofortification seeks to solve the crisis of low micronutrient levels in the staple foods thus the nutritional status is improved reducing the ability of diseases to affect people who have been biofortified. First of all, biofortified varieties have higher potential to better withstand the adverse weather conditions and contain higher resistance towards pests and diseases, which improves the crop resilience and food security. It also adds to the crop yields and or the market value of the produce, hence improving farmers’ income and productivity. This approach can be applied to the different staple crops, for example rice, maize, wheat and cassava, so different and healthy diet affordable by multiple population is freely available.

Asia Pacific Agriculture Micronutrients Market
The Asia Pacific agricultural micronutrient market grows at a very fast pace due to the large scale of agriculture and the rising food needs. These include; population increase, increased food processing marketing and urbanization, changes in diet and desire for quality produce. Increased awareness of the yields and quality of crops by small holder farmers due to resulting from the use of micronutrients is leading to growth if the market. Due to high production and demand for food and agricultural products, companies operational in China, India, and Japan are considered more influential in micronutrient for agriculture markets operational in the Asian Pacific region. As per the NIC database of India, the country is second in agricultural production all over the world. It is a main supplier of assorted aqueous agricultural products that help greater growth for the farm micronutrient market in the country and, in effect, inside the Asia Pacific. Major players in the markets of Asian agricultural micronutrients are anticipated to be Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand in the coming years.

Agricultural Micronutrients Company Analysis

The agricultural micronutrient market includes key players such as Basf SE, Compass Minerals, Coromandel International, Deepak Fertilizers, Nouryon, Nufarm, Nutrien Ltd., and Yara International.

In July 2022, Anand Agro Care unveiled two innovative product categories: Anand Agro Care’s Dr. Bacto’s 4K and Anand Agro Care’s Dr. Bacto’s 5G. These products are glucose-based, environmentally friendly, and biodegradable gelatinous capsules, particularly well-suited for organic farming applications.

In May 2023, Aries Agro Limited launched the "100 Days Drone Yatra" program, which uses drones to provide micronutrient spraying services for crops. This initiative is ideal for vast fields, effectively reducing time and labor costs through drone technology.

Form - Market is divided into 2 viewpoints

1. Chelated
2. Non-Chelated

Crop Type – Market is divided into 4 viewpoints

1. Fruits & Vegetables
2. Cereals & Grains
3. Oilseeds & Pulses
4. Other Crop Types

Nutrient Type – Market is divided into 6 viewpoints

1. Zinc
2. Boron
3. Iron
4. Molybdenum
5. Manganese
6. Others

Application – Market is divided into 3 viewpoints

1. Soil
2. Foliar
3. Fertigation

Countries – Market breakup of 25 Countries

North America

• United States
• Canada


• France
• Germany
• Italy
• Spain
• United Kingdom
• Belgium
• Netherlands
• Turkey

Asia Pacific

• China
• Japan
• India
• Australia
• South Korea
• Thailand
• Malaysia
• Indonesia
• New Zealand

Latin America

• Brazil
• Mexico
• Argentina

Middle East & Africa

• South Africa
• Saudi Arabia
• United Arab Emirates

All the Key players have been covered from 4 Viewpoints:

• Overviews
• Recent Developments
• Product Portfolio
• Revenue

Companies List

1. Basf SE
2. Compass Minerals
3. Coromandel International
4. Deepak Fertilizers
5. Nouryon
6. Nufarm
7. Nutrien Ltd
8. Yara International
9. The Mosaic Company


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamic

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges
4.3 Opportunities

5. Global Agricultural Micronutrients Market

6. Global Agricultural Micronutrients Market Share Analysis

6.1 By Form
6.2 By Crop Type
6.3 By Nutrient Type
6.4 By Application
6.5 By Countries

7. Form – Global Agricultural Micronutrients Market

7.1 Chelated
7.2 Non-Chelated

8. Crop Type – Global Agricultural Micronutrients Market

8.1 Fruits & Vegetables
8.2 Cereals & Grains
8.3 Oilseeds & Pulses
8.4 Other Crop Types

9. Nutrient Type – Global Agricultural Micronutrients Market

9.1 Zinc
9.2 Boron
9.3 Iron
9.4 Molybdenum
9.5 Manganese
9.6 Others

10. Application – Global Agricultural Micronutrients Market

10.1 Soil
10.2 Foliar
10.3 Fertigation

11. Countries – Global Agricultural Micronutrients Market

11.1 North America

11.1.1 United States
11.1.2 Canada

11.2 Europe

11.2.1 France
11.2.2 Germany
11.2.3 Italy
11.2.4 Spain
11.2.5 United Kingdom
11.2.6 Belgium
11.2.7 Netherlands
11.2.8 Turkey

11.3 Asia Pacific

11.3.1 China
11.3.2 Japan
11.3.3 India
11.3.4 Australia
11.3.5 South Korea
11.3.6 Thailand
11.3.7 Malaysia
11.3.8 Indonesia
11.3.9 New Zealand

11.4 Latin America

11.4.1 Brazil
11.4.2 Mexico
11.4.3 Argentina

11.5 Middle East & Africa

11.5.1 South Africa
11.5.2 Saudi Arabia
11.5.3 United Arab Emirates

12. Porter's Five Forces Analysis

12.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
12.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
12.3 Degree of Competition
12.4 Threat of New Entrants
12.5 Threat of Substitutes

13. SWOT Analysis

13.1 Strength
13.2 Weakness
13.3 Opportunity
13.4 Threats

14. Key Players Analysis

14.1 Basf se

14.1.1 Overviews
14.1.2 Recent Developments
14.1.3 Product Portfolio
14.1.4 Revenue

14.2 Compass Minerals

14.2.1 Overviews
14.2.2 Recent Developments
14.2.3 Product Portfolio
14.2.4 Revenue

14.3 Coromandel International

14.3.1 Overviews
14.3.2 Recent Developments
14.3.3 Product Portfolio
14.3.4 Revenue

14.4 Deepak fertilizers

14.4.1 Overviews
14.4.2 Recent Developments
14.4.3 Product Portfolio
14.4.4 Revenue

14.5 Nouryon

14.5.1 Overviews
14.5.2 Recent Developments
14.5.3 Product Portfolio
14.5.4 Revenue

14.6 Nufarm

14.6.1 Overviews
14.6.2 Recent Developments
14.6.3 Product Portfolio
14.6.4 Revenue

14.7 Nutrien Ltd.

14.7.1 Overviews
14.7.2 Recent Developments
14.7.3 Product Portfolio
14.7.4 Revenue

14.8 The Mosaic Company

14.8.1 Overviews
14.8.2 Recent Developments
14.8.3 Product Portfolio
14.8.4 Revenue

14.9 Yara International

14.9.1 Overviews
14.9.2 Recent Developments
14.9.3 Product Portfolio
14.9.4 Revenue





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2025/03/10 10:26

148.38 円

161.64 円

194.69 円
