
野菜種子市場レポート:地域と企業分析 2025-2033

野菜種子市場レポート:地域と企業分析 2025-2033

Vegetable Seeds Market Report: Regions and Company Analysis 2025-2033

野菜種子の市場規模 野菜種子市場は、2024年の80億3,000万米ドルから2033年には141億8,000万米ドルに達し、2024年から2030年までの年平均成長率は6.53%に達すると予測される。アジア太平洋地域は、人口拡大、... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2025年1月1日 US$2,990
お問合わせください 195 英語











この市場を支えているのは、健康効果のある食品に対する需要の高まりである。Organic Trade Associationの調査によると、米国の有機野菜産業は2023年に約35億米ドルと評価されたが、年率8%のペースで拡大すると予測されている。健康志向の今日、顧客は健康的な食生活の価値をより強く認識するようになっている。野菜はバランスのとれた食生活に欠かせないため、ビタミン、ミネラル、抗酸化物質を多く含む特定の種類の野菜に対する需要が高まっている。こうした需要に対応するため、農家は栄養特性を向上させた野菜の種子を使用している。有機品種、残留農薬の少ない品種、ビタミンやミネラルの含有量を高めた品種への需要が高まっている。さらに、地元産の新鮮な野菜に対する需要の高まりや、植物性食生活の流行により、農家はさまざまな野菜を栽培するよう奨励されている。このような嗜好を満たす野菜の種子に対する強い需要の結果、市場は拡大している。





















タイプ別 - 2つの視点からの市場構成

作物の種類 - 6つの視点からの市場内訳:

栽培方法 - 2つの観点からの市場細分化

国別 - レポートの対象となる25カ国の市場内訳:

1.1 米国
1.2 カナダ


2.1 フランス
2.2 ドイツ
2.3 イタリア
2.4 スペイン
2.5 イギリス
2.6 ベルギー
2.7 オランダ
2.8 トルコ


3.1 中国
3.2 日本
3.3 インド
3.4 韓国
3.5 タイ
3.6 マレーシア
3.7 インドネシア
3.8 オーストラリア
3.9 ニュージーランド


4.1 ブラジル
4.2 メキシコ
4.3 アルゼンチン


5.1 サウジアラビア
5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
5.3 南アフリカ

- 概要
- 最近の発展
- 収益分析




野菜種子市場に参入している主要企業には、BASF A.G.、Syngenta AG、Groupe Limagrain、Bayer AG、サカタのタネ、UPL Limited、Gansu Dunhuang Seeds Co.Ltd.、JK Agri Genetics Ltd.などがある。









4.1 成長ドライバー
4.2 課題


6.1 タイプ別
6.2 作物タイプ別
6.3 栽培方法別
6.4 国別

7.1 開花品種
7.2 ハイブリッド

8.1 ソラマメ科
8.2 根および球根
8.3 ウリ科
8.4 アブラナ科
8.5 葉物
8.6 その他

9.1 保護された
9.2 オープンフィールド

10.1 北米

10.1.1 アメリカ合衆国
10.1.2 カナダ

10.2 ヨーロッパ

10.2.1 フランス
10.2.2 ドイツ
10.2.3 イタリア
10.2.4 スペイン
10.2.5 イギリス
10.2.6 ベルギー
10.2.7 オランダ
10.2.8 トルコ

10.3 アジア太平洋

10.3.1 中国
10.3.2 日本
10.3.3 インド
10.3.4 韓国
10.3.5 タイ
10.3.6 マレーシア
10.3.7 インドネシア
10.3.8 オーストラリア
10.3.9 ニュージーランド

10.4 ラテンアメリカ

10.4.1 ブラジル
10.4.2 メキシコ
10.4.3 アルゼンチン

10.5 中東・アフリカ

10.5.1 サウジアラビア
10.5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
10.5.3 南アフリカ

11.1 買い手の交渉力
11.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
11.3 ライバルの度合い
11.4 新規参入の脅威
11.5 代替品の脅威

12.1 強み
12.2 弱点
12.3 機会
12.4 脅威

13.1 BASF A.G.

13.1.1 概要
13.1.2 最近の開発
13.1.3 収益分析

13.2 シンジェンタAG

13.2.1 概要
13.2.2 最近の開発
13.2.3 収益分析

13.3 グループ・リマグラン

13.3.1 概要
13.3.2 最近の開発
13.3.3 収益分析

13.4 バイエル

13.4.1 概要
13.4.2 最近の開発
13.4.3 収益分析

13.5 サカタのタネ

13.5.1 概要
13.5.2 最近の開発
13.5.3 収益分析

13.6 UPL Lmt.

13.6.1 概要
13.6.2 最近の開発
13.6.3 収益分析

13.7 甘粛敦煌種苗有限公司

13.7.1 概要
13.7.2 最近の発展
13.7.3 収益分析

13.8 JK Agri Genetics Ltd.

13.8.1 概要
13.8.2 最近の開発
13.8.3 収益分析





Vegetable Seeds Market Size

Vegetable Seeds market is expected to reach US$ 14.18 billion by 2033 from US$ 8.03 billion in 2024, with a CAGR of 6.53% from 2024 to 2030. The Asia Pacific region is expanding due to factors such population expansion, rising vegetable demand, and agricultural technology developments.

Vegetable Seeds Industry Overview

Every vegetable has a different number of nutrients; thus, a balanced diet should include a range of them. Diets high in vegetables can help reduce the chance of getting any disease or condition, including obesity and vision problems. Losing weight is also aided by eating wholesome, non-starchy greens like spinach, lettuce, and other vegetables. Therefore, the desire to meet a range of dietary and nutritional needs has been the driving force behind the demand for vegetables.

Farmers worldwide are asking for high-quality vegetable planting seeds to suit the increasing demand for vegetables. According to estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO), 1.7 million deaths globally are attributed to insufficient or nonexistent vegetable consumption. Low vegetable intake is also one of the top 10 risk factors for global mortality.

The emphasis on wellness and health has raised demand for organic vegetables, which are thought to be healthier because they don't contain artificial chemicals. Businesses that introduce organic vegetable seeds for greenhouses capitalize on this market of health-conscious consumers. To increase access to the certified organic market, for example, Bayer announced the launch of its organic vegetable seeds range in September 2021. The first selection will focus on key crops like tomatoes, sweet peppers, and cucumbers that are suited for glasshouse and greenhouse production. With plans to expand farther in the future, the commercial debut is set for 2022 in Canada, the US, Mexico, Spain, and Italy.

Growth Drivers for the Vegetable Seeds Market

Growing Interest in Food with Health Benefits

The market is being supported by the rising demand for foods with health benefits. According to a survey by the Organic Trade Association, the U.S. organic vegetable industry was valued at approximately USD 3.5 billion in 2023, but it was projected to expand at an annual pace of 8%. Customers are becoming more cognizant of the value of a healthy diet in today's health-conscious world. Since vegetables are essential to a balanced diet, demand for particular kinds of vegetables—such as those high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants—has increased. To address this demand, farmers are using vegetable seeds that generate product with improved nutritional characteristics. Demand is rising for organic varieties, those with reduced pesticide residues, and those with enhanced vitamin and mineral content. Furthermore, farmers are being encouraged to grow a variety of vegetables due to the growing demand for fresh, locally sourced veggies and the popularity of plant-based diets. The market is expanding as a result of the strong demand for vegetable seeds that satisfy these tastes.

Increasing Product Usage in Ready-to-Eat (RTE) Foods and Snacks

One important factor propelling the market is the growing use of vegetable seeds in snacks and ready-to-eat (RTE) foods. Consumers' snacking habits have changed as they look for more wholesome and nutrient-dense options. Vegetable chips, salads, and pre-cut vegetable trays are just a few of the snack and RTE food items that increasingly feature a lot of vegetables. To meet this expanding demand, food producers need a steady and varied supply of premium veggies. The need for certain vegetable seeds that yield harvests with desired qualities like consistency, flavor, and long shelf life is fueled by this demand.

Additionally, the demand for RTE meals and snacks is growing as customers choose more convenient food options; according to industry research, the worldwide RTE food market is predicted to reach USD 425 billion by 2025. The growth of the market is greatly aided by vegetable seeds that produce vegetables that are appropriate for these items.

Rapid Population Growth

One of the main elements driving market expansion is the population's rapid growth. The need for food, especially vegetables, is rising along with the global population. The United Nations estimates that by 2050, there will be 9.7 billion people on the planet, increasing the demand for food by 60%. Increased agricultural output is required to meet this demand, and the foundation of this effort is vegetable seeds. Farmers look for disease-resistant and high-yielding vegetable seeds that optimize crop productivity in order to feed more mouths. The expanding population also spurs agricultural innovation, resulting in the creation of genetically modified and hybrid vegetable seeds that can flourish in a range of environmental settings, guaranteeing a steady supply of food.

Additionally, since agricultural land shrinks due to urbanization trends, it is imperative to produce more veggies in less areas. Specialized vegetable seeds designed for these conditions can help overcome this difficulty. Rapid population increase essentially serves as a catalyst, causing ongoing developments in vegetable seed technology and propelling market expansion to satisfy rising worldwide food demand.

Challenges in the Vegetable Seeds Market

Pest and Disease Resistance

Given that rising pest invasions and plant diseases endanger crop yields and quality, pest and disease resistance is a major issue in the market for vegetable seeds. Whole harvests can be destroyed by pests and diseases, which are more common due to climate change and altered farming methods. The creation of genetically resistant seed types is essential to reducing these dangers. By providing superior defense against particular pests and diseases, these cultivars can increase crop resilience and lessen the need for chemical pesticides. However, developing these resistant seeds takes a lot of time, money, and research, and in some markets, it can cause worries about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). To get the most out of these advancements, farmers must also modify their methods, which makes it a challenging but essential option.

Changing Climatic Conditions to Obstruct Market Growth

The global market for vegetable seeds has significant challenges due to changing climates, which alter typical farming cycles and have an impact on seed yields and quality. Farmers find it challenging to depend on traditional seed varieties due to unpredictable growing circumstances brought on by extreme weather events including droughts, floods, and uneven rainfall patterns, which are exacerbated by global warming. Under these stressful circumstances, crops may become more vulnerable to pests, illnesses, and poor soil quality. Climate-resilient seed cultivars that can tolerate harsh climatic conditions are therefore in greater demand. But creating such seeds involves a lot of research and creativity, which may be expensive and time-consuming. The market expansion for vegetable seeds is eventually hampered by the unpredictability brought on by shifting climates, which also affects seed availability, costs, and output.

United States Vegetable Seeds Market

The expanding demand for home gardening, sustainable agricultural methods, and the rising appeal of organic products have all contributed to the United States' position as one of the world's major markets for vegetable seeds. Strong agricultural infrastructure, cutting-edge seed technology, and a thriving R&D industry dedicated to creating high-yield, disease-resistant, and climate-resilient seed types all contribute to the market's success. The market is growing as a result of consumer desires for a wider variety of vegetables and better dietary options. Crop efficiency and productivity have also increased thanks to advancements in hybrid types, genetic modification, and seed coating. The stability of the market, however, may be impacted by issues including shifting climatic conditions, restrictions on genetically modified seeds, and market volatility. Notwithstanding these obstacles, the market for vegetable seeds in the US is anticipated to grow further due to continuous improvements in agriculture.

United Kingdom Vegetable Seeds Market

The market for vegetable seeds in the UK is expanding steadily due to rising consumer interest in sustainability, home gardening, and locally produced food. In line with broader trends toward healthier and more ecologically sensitive lifestyles, there is an increasing demand for organic and non-GMO seeds. Furthermore, the UK's emphasis on environmentally friendly farming methods, such as crop rotation and lowering pesticide use, has increased the use of seed varieties that are resistant to disease and climate change. However, obstacles like pests, erratic weather patterns, and laws limiting the use of genetically modified seeds prevent the market from expanding. Following Brexit, the UK is dealing with more complicated import and seed trade laws that have an impact on supply chains. Notwithstanding these obstacles, the market is still expanding due to developments in seed technology and rising interest in urban farming.

India Vegetable Seeds Market

The India vegetable seeds market is seeing tremendous growth, powered by an expanding population, rising urbanization, and greater knowledge of health and nutrition. As farmers look to address issues like unpredictable weather patterns and water scarcity, there is an increasing demand for high-yield, pest-resistant, and climate-adaptable seed varieties. The demand for non-GMO and chemical-free seeds is also being driven by the trend toward organic farming. Market expansion is further accelerated by government assistance for the agriculture industry through programs like research funding and subsidies. But there are still issues including fragmented supply chains, pricing instability, and restricted access to cutting-edge seed technology. Notwithstanding these challenges, developments in hybrid seeds and environmentally friendly agricultural methods are making India a major force in the world market for vegetable seeds.

Since 80% of Indian farmers are small and marginal farmers, the country's growing population and shrinking arable land are driving up demand for high-yielding hybrids, or OPVs, with disease and insect resistance to lower input costs. However, GM brinjal is anticipated to be made available soon due to continuing research trials in genetically modified veggies. The Indian market for hybrid vegetable seeds is anticipated to expand as a result of government regulations pertaining to safe and productive cultivars.

United Arab Emirates Vegetable Seeds Market

Due to the UAE's increased emphasis on sustainable agriculture, urban gardening, and food security, the market for vegetable seeds is expanding quickly. Demand for drought-tolerant, high-yield, and disease-resistant seed varieties is growing as the UAE deals with issues including water scarcity and harsh weather. The government has encouraged the use of cutting-edge agriculture methods that call for specific seeds by supporting projects like hydroponics and vertical farming. Additionally, the market for non-GMO vegetable seeds is expanding due to rising customer interest in locally sourced and organic produce. However, the market faces constraints associated to limited arable land, high seed costs, and dependency on imports. Notwithstanding these obstacles, the UAE's vegetable seed business is growing thanks to government funding and developments in seed technology.

Type – Market breakup in 2 viewpoints:
1. Open Pollinated Varities
2. Hybrid

Crop Type – Market breakup in 6 viewpoints:
1. Solanaceae
2. Root & Bulb
3. Cucurbut
4. Brassica
5. Leafy
6. Others

Cultivation Method – Market breakup in 2 viewpoints:
1. Protected
2. Open Field

Country – Market breakup of 25 Countries Covered in the Report:
1. North America

1.1 United States
1.2 Canada

2. Europe

2.1 France
2.2 Germany
2.3 Italy
2.4 Spain
2.5 United Kingdom
2.6 Belgium
2.7 Netherland
2.8 Turkey

3. Asia Pacific

3.1 China
3.2 Japan
3.3 India
3.4 South Korea
3.5 Thailand
3.6 Malaysia
3.7 Indonesia
3.8 Australia
3.9 New Zealand

4. Latin America

4.1 Brazil
4.2 Mexico
4.3 Argentina

5. Middle East & Africa

5.1 Saudi Arabia
5.2 UAE
5.3 South Africa

All the Key players have been covered from 3 Viewpoints:
• Overview
• Recent Development
• Revenue Analysis

Company Analysis:
1. BASF A.G.
2. Syngenta AG
3. Groupe Limagrain
4. Bayer AG
5. Sakata Seeds Corporation
6. UPL Lmt.
7. Gansu Dunhuang Seeds Co., Ltd.
8. JK Agri Genetics Ltd.

Key Questions Answered in Report:
1. How big is the Vegetable Seeds industry?
The global Vegetable Seeds market size was valued at US$ 7.55 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 11.78 billion in 2030.

2. What is the Vegetable Seeds growth rate?
The global Vegetable Seeds market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.56% from 2024 to 2030.

3. Who are the key players in Vegetable Seeds industry?
Some key players operating in the Vegetable Seeds market includes BASF A.G., Syngenta AG, Groupe Limagrain, Bayer AG, Sakata Seeds Corporation, UPL Limited, Gansu Dunhuang Seeds Co. Ltd, and JK Agri Genetics Ltd.

4. What are the factors driving the Vegetable Seeds industry?
Increased demand for nutritious, organic vegetables, improvements in seed technology (high-yield, disease-resistant varieties), sustainability movements, urban gardening, government assistance for agriculture, and increased worries about food security are the main factors driving the vegetable seeds market.

5. Which Region held the largest market share in the Vegetable Seeds industry?
Asia Pacific is expected to hold the largest market share in the industry.

6. What segments are covered in the Vegetable Seeds Market report?
Type, Crop Type, Cultivation Method, and Countries segment are covered in this report.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamic
4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Vegetable Seeds Market

6. Market Share
6.1 By Type
6.2 By Crop Type
6.3 By Cultivation Method
6.4 Country

7. Type
7.1 Open Pollinated Varities
7.2 Hybrid

8. Crop Type
8.1 Solanaceae
8.2 Root & Bulb
8.3 Cucurbut
8.4 Brassica
8.5 Leafy
8.6 Others

9. Cultivation Method
9.1 Protected
9.2 Open Field

10. Countries
10.1 North America

10.1.1 United States
10.1.2 Canada

10.2 Europe

10.2.1 France
10.2.2 Germany
10.2.3 Italy
10.2.4 Spain
10.2.5 United Kingdom
10.2.6 Belgium
10.2.7 Netherland
10.2.8 Turkey

10.3 Asia Pacific

10.3.1 China
10.3.2 Japan
10.3.3 India
10.3.4 South Korea
10.3.5 Thailand
10.3.6 Malaysia
10.3.7 Indonesia
10.3.8 Australia
10.3.9 New Zealand

10.4 Latin America

10.4.1 Brazil
10.4.2 Mexico
10.4.3 Argentina

10.5 Middle East & Africa

10.5.1 Saudi Arabia
10.5.2 UAE
10.5.3 South Africa

11. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
11.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
11.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
11.3 Degree of Rivalry
11.4 Threat of New Entrants
11.5 Threat of Substitutes

12. SWOT Analysis
12.1 Strength
12.2 Weakness
12.3 Opportunity
12.4 Threat

13. Key Players Analysis
13.1 BASF A.G.

13.1.1 Overview
13.1.2 Recent Development
13.1.3 Revenue Analysis

13.2 Syngenta AG

13.2.1 Overview
13.2.2 Recent Development
13.2.3 Revenue Analysis

13.3 Groupe Limagrain

13.3.1 Overview
13.3.2 Recent Development
13.3.3 Revenue Analysis

13.4 Bayer AG

13.4.1 Overview
13.4.2 Recent Development
13.4.3 Revenue Analysis

13.5 Sakata Seed Corporation

13.5.1 Overview
13.5.2 Recent Development
13.5.3 Revenue Analysis

13.6 UPL Lmt.

13.6.1 Overview
13.6.2 Recent Development
13.6.3 Revenue Analysis

13.7 Gansu Dunhuang Seed Co., Ltd.

13.7.1 Overview
13.7.2 Recent Development
13.7.3 Revenue Analysis

13.8 JK Agri Genetics Ltd.

13.8.1 Overview
13.8.2 Recent Development
13.8.3 Revenue Analysis





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2025/01/30 10:27

155.76 円

162.84 円

196.71 円
