
中国スナック食品市場レポート:製品別(クッキー&クラッカー(バークッキー、成型クッキー、ロールクッキー、ドロップクッキー、その他)、ポテトチップス(オーガニック、従来型)、トルティーヤチップス、フリップス&プレッツェル(有塩、無塩)、流通チャネル別(スーパーマーケット&ハイパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、オンライン小売、その他)、企業分析 2024-2032

中国スナック食品市場レポート:製品別(クッキー&クラッカー(バークッキー、成型クッキー、ロールクッキー、ドロップクッキー、その他)、ポテトチップス(オーガニック、従来型)、トルティーヤチップス、フリップス&プレッツェル(有塩、無塩)、流通チャネル別(スーパーマーケット&ハイパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、オンライン小売、その他)、企業分析 2024-2032

China Snacks Food Market Report by Products (Cookies & Crackers (Bar Cookies, Molded Cookies, Rolled Cookies, Drop Cookies, Others), Potato Chips (Organic and Conventional), Tortilla Chips, Flips & Pretzels (Salted and Unsalted), Distribution Channels (Supermarket & Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Online Retails, and Others), and Company Analysis 2024-2032

中国のスナック菓子市場規模は、2032年までに約1,963億米ドルになると予測されている。2024年から2032年までの中国スナック市場のCAGRは5.14%である。Renub Researchによると、2023年の市場規模は1,250億米ドルで... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2024年5月1日 US$2,790
3営業日程度 120 英語



中国のスナック菓子市場規模は、2032年までに約1,963億米ドルになると予測されている。2024年から2032年までの中国スナック市場のCAGRは5.14%である。Renub Researchによると、2023年の市場規模は1,250億米ドルであった。



- 中国スナック食品業界における肉スナックの人気の高まり


- 中国のスナック菓子市場における健康食品の消費


- Z世代(16~24歳)消費者の成長

中国のZ世代は中国のスナック菓子食品市場を再定義している。利便性は、中国の若い消費者の大半が求めている特性である。これは、Z世代が雇用市場で不可欠な存在になりつつあるためでもある。悪名高い過重労働のライフスタイルや996(週6日、午前9時から午後9時まで働く勤務体系)は、従業員の食事時間を圧迫している。例えば、リブカインドリー・コレクティブは2021年、新たな旗艦ブランド「ギグリングピッグ(Giggling Pig)咯咯」と「ハッピーチキン(Happy Chicken)哈皮ड(Ha Pi Ji)」を中国で発売すると発表した。どちらも中国のGenZの消費者の嗜好に合うように改良され、国内で製造されており、LIVEKINDLY Collectiveが初めて自社で作ったブランドである。

- 流通チャネルの増加




2020年2月-ペプシコが中国の大手オンラインスナック会社Be & Cheeryを7億500万ドルで買収する。

製品 - 3つの視点からの市場分析:


1.1 棒状クッキー
1.1 成形クッキー
1.1 ロールクッキー
1.1 ドロップクッキー
1.1 その他


2.1 オーガニック
2.2 コンベンショナル


3.1 有塩
3.2 無塩

流通チャネル - 4つの視点からの市場細分化:



- 概要
- 最近の開発
- 収益分析









4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題



6.1 商品別
6.2 流通チャネル別

7.製品別 - 中国のスナック菓子市場

7.1 クッキー&クラッカー

7.1.1 棒状クッキー
7.1.2 成形クッキー
7.1.3 ロール・クッキー
7.1.4 ドロップクッキー
7.1.5 その他

7.2 ポテトチップス

7.2.1 オーガニック
7.2.2 コンベンショナル

7.3 トルティーヤチップス、フリップス、プレッツェル

7.3.1 有塩
7.3.2 無塩


8.1 スーパーマーケットとハイパーマーケット
8.2 コンビニエンスストア
8.3 オンライン小売
8.4 その他


9.1 買い手の交渉力
9.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
9.3 競争の程度
9.4 新規参入の脅威
9.5 代替品の脅威


10.1 強み
10.2 弱点
10.3 チャンス
10.4 脅威


11.1 ペプシコ・チャイナ・リミテッド

11.1.1 概要
11.1.2 主要人物
11.1.3 製品分析
11.1.4 最近の開発
11.1.5 収益

11.2 ネスレSA

11.2.1 概要
11.2.2 主要人物
11.2.3 製品分析
11.2.4 最近の開発
11.2.5 収益

11.3 ゼネラル・ミルズ社

11.3.1 概要
11.3.2 主要人物
11.3.3 製品分析
11.3.4 最近の開発
11.3.5 収益

11.4 コナグラ・ブランズ社

11.4.1 概要
11.4.2 主要人物
11.4.3 製品分析
11.4.4 最近の開発
11.4.5 収益

11.5 ユニリーバ

11.5.1 概要
11.5.2 主要人物
11.5.3 製品分析
11.5.4 最近の開発
11.5.5 収益

11.6 モンデリーズ・インターナショナル

11.6.1 概要
11.6.2 主要人物
11.6.3 製品分析
11.6.4 最近の開発
11.6.5 収益

11.7 タイソンフーズ

11.7.1 概要
11.7.2 主要人物
11.7.3 製品分析
11.7.4 最近の開発
11.7.5 収益








China Snacks Food Market size is foreseen to be around US$ 196.3 Billion by 2032. The CAGR for the China snack market from 2024 to 2032 is 5.14%. Renub Research states that it amounted to US$ 125.0 Billion in 2023.

Snacks are ready-to-eat foods typically excessive in oil and flavored with salty seasonings. They are a popular food supply in the market. Consumers commonly purchase snacks to eat between two primary meals. Snack foods may have attributes that include being healthy or simply having fun. They are a giant part of the food industry. Snacks come in numerous forms, like packaged snack ingredients, other processed ingredients, and items crafted from fresh ingredients at home. Snacking Made Right Report 2022 by Mondelez International states that 70% of customers worldwide enjoy snacks at least twice an afternoon. The document also discovered that purchasers are increasingly changing conventional meals with snacks, with 60% of respondents choosing a snack instead of dinner, a tremendous growth from 46% in 2020.

China Snacks Food Market Trends

• Growth in the popularity of meat snacks in China Snacks Food Industry

China is a vast nation. Chinese customers spend hours (or even days) on trains. Meat snacks have come to be a regular item. This is adding to the growth within the China snacks food market. With China’s second and third-tier cities increasingly experiencing the cutting-edge, speedy-paced life of the country’s essential cities further east, the demand for meat-based snacks (that also can be used within the kitchen) seems to continue growing notably. Beef jerky and chicken feet are the most famous. High-earners choose high-protein meat snacks. Meat snack merchandise is popular amongst younger masses, especially those with particular dietary options for excessive protein and low-fat products. The USDA states that meat snack sales have grown over the last years and are expected to reach more than 14% of overall product income in 2023.

• Healthy Food Consumption in the Chinese Snacks Food Market

Consumer fitness attention has expanded. Low-sugar, low-fat, fewer additives and preservative-free snack ingredients are becoming more famous in the China snacks food market. CBNData research report said that customers favored healthier, nutritionally dense snacks with lower fat content or rich in good fat. Based on customers ' notions, the top three healthy snack categories are roasted nuts, seeds, and fruits at 72%, braised meat at 55%, and pastries at 43%. Better-knowledgeable Chinese consumers pay more strict attention to product component lists and are willing to choose foods with simple substances. Snack ingredients with health-promoting additives, which include nuts seasoned with probiotics or DHA-enriched pastries, are becoming more popular. A current survey conducted by Ipsos revealed that 84% of 3,000 survey respondents aged 18-65 from tier 1-3 towns reported that they are paying greater interest to their fitness now. People aged 25 or above especially showed growing attention and satisfaction with their modern fitness condition. The trend of healthy meal intake is propelling the China snacks food market.

• Growth of the Generation Z (aged 16 to 24 years) Consumers

China’s Gen Zers are redefining the China snacks food market. Convenience is a trait that most of China’s younger consumers are seeking out. This is partially because Gen Z is becoming the job market's essential force. The notorious overwork lifestyle or 996 (a work schedule where the workforce starts working from 9 am to 9 pm six days a week) has squeezed the mealtime of employees. Therefore, meals that are convenient to prepare or contain minimum effort don’t take too much time to eat, catering to the short-paced life of most of China’s Gen Z. For example, in 2021, LIVEKINDLY Collective announced its launch in China with new flagship brands, Giggling Pig 咯咭藸 [Ge Ji Zhu] and Happy Chicken 哈皮鸡 [Ha Pi Ji]. Both have been advanced and manufactured domestically to cater to Chinese GenZ patron tastes and are the first brands created in-house by LIVEKINDLY Collective.

• Increase in the Distribution Channels

The boom in the diverse sales channels is propelling the China snacks food market. The USDA stated that approximately 80% of snack foods are bought offline, with retail chains accounting for over 40%. The snack retail channel is also developing in recognition. It is intently associated with its diverse product classes, cost-effective commodity, and comfortable and convenient consumption experience. According to a study this kind of offline store reached close to 13K in 2022 and is projected to reach 30K-45,K in 2025. The pandemic extended retail digitalization in China and e-trade snack food sales are developing. E-commerce platforms like TikTok (Dou Yin) are a new increase platform for the Chinese snack food industry.

China Snacks Food Company News

PepsiCo China Limited, Nestle SA, General Mills Inc., Conagra Brands Inc., Unilever, Mondelez International, Inc., and Tyson Foods, Inc. are among the major businesses in the China snacks food market.

In January 2024 - Mars China recently announced that it would launch a new variant of the SNICKERS bar featuring dark chocolate cereal.
In February 2024 - Hsu Fu Chi, a renowned Chinese snack brand, recently announced that its sweets and pastry products are now on sale at Costco stores throughout the Bay Area in the United States. This marks a significant leap for the snack giant in its efforts to enter the mainstream American market.
In April 2024 - Montdelez International Inc. expanded into China with a 53 Million Yuan ($7.34 million) investment in an intelligent warehousing center in Beijing. The company plans to introduce European-brand French desserts in China in the second half of this year, aiming to strengthen its foothold in the market.
In November 2023 - Leading Chinese snack mass retail stores Busy for You and Super Ming announced a strategic merger.
In February 2020 - PepsiCo will acquire Be & Cheery, a leading online snacks company in China, for $705 million.

Products – Market breakup in 3 viewpoints:

1. Cookies & Crackers

1.1 Bar Cookies
1.1 Molded Cookies
1.1 Rolled Cookies
1.1 Drop Cookies
1.1 Others

2. Potato Chips

2.1 Organic
2.2 Conventional

3. Tortilla Chips, Flips & Pretzels

3.1 Salted
3.2 Unsalted

Distribution Channels – Market breakup in 4 viewpoints:

1. Supermarket & Hypermarkets
2. Convenience Stores
3. Online Retails
4. Others

All the Key players have been covered from 3 Viewpoints:

• Overview
• Recent Development
• Revenue Analysis

Company Analysis:

1. PepsiCo China Limited
2. Nestle SA
3. General Mills Inc.
4. Conagra Brands Inc.
5. Unilever
6. Mondelez International, Inc.
7. Tyson Foods, Inc.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. China Snacks Food Market

6. Market Share – China Snacks Food Analysis

6.1 By Products
6.2 By Distribution Channels

7. Product – China Snacks Food Market

7.1 Cookies & Crackers

7.1.1 Bar Cookies
7.1.2 Molded Cookies
7.1.3 Rolled Cookies
7.1.4 Drop Cookies
7.1.5 Others

7.2 Potato Chips

7.2.1 Organic
7.2.2 Conventional

7.3 Tortilla Chips, Flips & Pretzels

7.3.1 Salted
7.3.2 Unsalted

8. Distribution Channels – China Snacks Food Market

8.1 Supermarket & Hypermarkets
8.2 Convenience Stores
8.3 Online Retails
8.4 Others

9. Porter's Five Forces Analysis – China Snacks Food Market

9.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
9.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
9.3 Degree of Competition
9.4 Threat of New Entrants
9.5 Threat of Substitutes

10. SWOT Analysis – China Snacks Food Market

10.1 Strength
10.2 Weakness
10.3 Opportunity
10.4 Threats

11. Key Players Analysis

11.1 PepsiCo China Limited

11.1.1 Overview
11.1.2 Key Persons
11.1.3 Product Analysis
11.1.4 Recent Development
11.1.5 Revenue

11.2 Nestle SA

11.2.1 Overview
11.2.2 Key Persons
11.2.3 Product Analysis
11.2.4 Recent Development
11.2.5 Revenue

11.3 General Mills Inc.

11.3.1 Overview
11.3.2 Key Persons
11.3.3 Product Analysis
11.3.4 Recent Development
11.3.5 Revenue

11.4 Conagra Brands Inc.

11.4.1 Overview
11.4.2 Key Persons
11.4.3 Product Analysis
11.4.4 Recent Development
11.4.5 Revenue

11.5 Unilever

11.5.1 Overview
11.5.2 Key Persons
11.5.3 Product Analysis
11.5.4 Recent Development
11.5.5 Revenue

11.6 Mondelez International, Inc.

11.6.1 Overview
11.6.2 Key Persons
11.6.3 Product Analysis
11.6.4 Recent Development
11.6.5 Revenue

11.7 Tyson Foods, Inc.

11.7.1 Overview
11.7.2 Key Persons
11.7.3 Product Analysis
11.7.4 Recent Development
11.7.5 Revenue


List of Tables/Graphs

Table-01: China – Snacks Food Market Share by Product (Percent), 2019 – 2023
Table-02: China – Forecast for Snacks Food Market Share by Product (Percent), 2024 – 2032
Table-03: China – Snacks Food Market Share by Distribution Channel (Percent), 2019 – 2023
Table-04: China – Forecast for Snacks Food Market Share by Distribution Channel (Percent), 2024 – 2032






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2025/02/21 10:27

150.86 円

158.69 円

193.74 円
