


Augmented Reality Market, Size, Global Forecast 2024-2030, Industry Trends, Share, Growth, Insight, Impact of Inflation, Company Analysis

Renub Researchによると、世界の拡張現実市場は2030年までに2,890億5,000万米ドルに達する見込みである。拡張現実(AR)は、現実世界に仮想データを重ね合わせ、顧客の感覚を向上させる変革技術である。スマート... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2024年1月1日 US$2,490
3営業日程度 190 英語



Renub Researchによると、世界の拡張現実市場は2030年までに2,890億5,000万米ドルに達する見込みである。拡張現実(AR)は、現実世界に仮想データを重ね合わせ、顧客の感覚を向上させる変革技術である。スマートフォン、スマートグラス、ARヘッドセットなどの機器を通じて、ユーザーは仮想環境と物理環境の融合を楽しむことができる。ARはゲームや教育からヘルスケアや小売まで幅広く応用され、没入型のインタラクティブな研究を提示している。ARはデジタルコンテンツを実世界の状況にシームレスに統合し、視覚化、トレーニング、意思決定戦略をサポートする。テクノロジーは進化を続けており、交通、システム、リモートワークなどの分野でかなりの導入が見込まれており、コミュニケーションや環境理解の方法を変革することが期待されている。







マイクロソフトのHoloLensは、ヘルスケア、生産、教育を変革し、インパクトのあるアプリケーションを例示している。GoogleのARCoreとMetaのSpark ARプラットフォームは、ダイナミックなARパノラマに貢献し、新興企業、研究機関、企業パートナー間のコラボレーションを促進している。このような協力的な環境は、北米をAR技術進歩の最前線へと押し上げる。










世界の主要な拡張現実(AR)ビジネスには、Kopin Corporation、セイコーエプソン株式会社、Vuzix、Lenovo Group Limited、Samsung Electronics Co.Ltd.、Google LLC (Alphabet Inc.)、Apple Inc.、Microsoft Corporationなどである。

2023年6月、レノボはAugmented World Expo (AWE) 2023で、次世代ARメガネLenovo ThinkReality A3を発表した。A3メガネは企業向けに設計されており、情報やアプリケーションへのハンズフリーアクセス、コラボレーションスキルの向上、生産性の向上を実現する。

Renub Researchの調査レポート「拡張現実(AR)市場の世界予測:コンポーネント別(ハードウェア、ソフトウェア)、デバイスタイプ別(ヘッドマウントディスプレイ、ヘッドアップディスプレイ、その他)、用途別(自動車、医療、教育、Eコマース・小売、エンターテイメント・ゲーム、産業・製造、航空宇宙・防衛、その他)」は、以下の国・地域向けに発行されました、国別(米国、カナダ、ドイツ、英国、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、スイス、日本、中国、インド、韓国、インドネシア、オーストラリア、メキシコ、ブラジル、アルゼンチン、サウジアラビア、アラブ首長国連邦、南アフリカ、その他の地域)、企業別(Kopin Corporation、セイコーエプソン株式会社、Vuzix、Lenovo Group Limited、Samsung Electronics Co.Ltd.、Google LLC (Alphabet Inc.)、Apple Inc.、Microsoft Corporation)」は、世界の拡張現実(AR)産業の詳細かつ包括的な洞察を提供しています。



デバイスの種類 - 拡張現実(AR)市場を3つの視点から分析:


アプリケーション - 8つの視点から見た拡張現実(AR)市場


国別 - 21の視点から見た拡張現実(AR)市場


1.1 米国
1.2 カナダ


2.1 ドイツ
2.2 イギリス
2.3 フランス
2.4 イタリア
2.5 スペイン
2.6 スイス


3.1 日本
3.2 中国
3.3 インド
3.4 韓国
3.5 インドネシア
3.6 オーストラリア


4.1 メキシコ
4.2 ブラジル
4.3 アルゼンチン


5.1 サウジアラビア
5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
5.3 南アフリカ



- 概要
- 最近の発展
- 売上高









4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題


6.シェア分析 - 世界の拡張現実市場

6.1 コンポーネント別
6.2 デバイスタイプ別
6.3 アプリケーション別
6.4 国別

7.コンポーネント - 拡張現実の世界市場

7.1 ハードウェア
7.2 ソフトウェア

8.デバイスの種類 - 拡張現実の世界市場

8.1 ヘッドマウントディスプレイ
8.2 ヘッドアップディスプレイ
8.3 その他

9.アプリケーション - 拡張現実の世界市場

9.1 自動車
9.2 ヘルスケア
9.3 教育
9.4 Eコマースと小売
9.5 エンターテインメント&ゲーム
9.6 工業・製造業
9.7 航空宇宙・防衛
9.8 その他


10.1 北米

10.1.1 米国
10.1.2 カナダ

10.2 ヨーロッパ

10.2.1 ドイツ
10.2.2 イギリス
10.2.3 フランス
10.2.4 イタリア
10.2.5 スペイン
10.2.6 スイス

10.3 アジア太平洋

10.3.1 日本
10.3.2 中国
10.3.3 インド
10.3.4 韓国
10.3.5 インドネシア
10.3.6 オーストラリア

10.4 ラテンアメリカ

10.4.1 メキシコ
10.4.2 ブラジル
10.4.3 アルゼンチン

10.5 中東・アフリカ

10.5.1 サウジアラビア
10.5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
10.5.3 南アフリカ

10.6 その他の地域

11.ポーターの5つの力分析 - 拡張現実の世界市場

11.1 買い手の交渉力
11.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
11.3 競争の程度
11.4 新規参入の脅威
11.5 代替品の脅威

12.SWOT分析 - 世界の拡張現実市場

12.1 強み
12.2 弱点
12.3 チャンス
12.4 脅威


13.1 コピン株式会社

13.1.1 概要
13.1.2 最近の開発
13.1.3 収益

13.2 セイコーエプソン株式会社

13.2.1 概要
13.2.2 最近の開発
13.2.3 収益

13.3 Vuzix

13.3.1 概要
13.3.2 最近の開発
13.3.3 収益

13.4 レノボ・グループ・リミテッド

13.4.1 概要
13.4.2 最近の発展
13.4.3 収益

13.5 サムスン電子Ltd.

13.5.1 概要
13.5.2 最近の発展
13.5.3 収益

13.6 グーグル合同会社(アルファベット社)

13.6.1 概要
13.6.2 最近の開発
13.6.3 収益

13.7 アップル社

13.7.1 概要
13.7.2 最近の開発
13.7.3 収益

13.8 マイクロソフト株式会社

13.8.1 概要
13.8.2 最近の開発
13.8.3 収益








Global Augmented Reality Market is expected to reach US$ 289.05 Billion by 2030, according to Renub Research. Augmented Reality (AR) is a transformative technology that overlays virtual data onto the real world, improving customer sensory perceptions. Through appliances like smartphones, smart glasses, or AR headsets, users revel in an amalgamation of virtual and physical environments. AR applies range from gaming and education to healthcare and retail, presenting immersive and interactive studies. AR seamlessly integrates digital content into actual-world situations and supports visualization, training, and decision-making strategies. Technology continues to evolve, with considerable adoption anticipated in areas which include transportation, systems and remote work, promising to transform how to communicate and understand environment.

Moreover, augmented reality (AR) has grown in recognition for its progressive psychological prowess. By constantly blending virtual and real global experiences, AR complements ordinary activities in many sectors. Its recognition stems from its versatility and scalability in gaming, training, healthcare and retail. The interactive nature of AR engages users, providing specialized in-person conferences through devices inclusive of smartphones and smart glasses. Accessible features and users’ friendly systems also make contributions to multiplied adoption. The potential of generation to improve layout, simplify generation, and rework industries, along with layout and navigation, makes it not only trendy but a compelling device for innovation and user experience, riding its enduring recognition.

Global augmented reality market is growing at a CAGR of 36.84% from 2024 to 2030

Augmented fact (AR) is reshaping industries with its transformative strength. It offers immersive recreation learning, exemplified by famous titles like Pokémon Go and The Walking Dead: Our World. AR in college education enhances studying via interactive reporting, permitting university college students to see digital objects and environments for more effective learning. Healthcare sectors advantages from imparting real-time information all through approaches and surgical operation, assisting clinical specialists and assisting patient develop treatment plans. In manufacturing, AR streamlines the technique to impart real-time data to people, decreasing mistakes and enhancing protection. The retail sector undergoes a revolution with AR, allowing digital product trials, furnishings visualization, and actual-time interaction with product statistics, transforming the general customer experience.

Likewise, AR technology is advancing on multiple fronts, with compact and lightweight AR headsets increasing consolation and portability. Enhanced displays offer improved resolution, field of view, and brightness, heightening the realism of AR experiences. Advanced sensors, including cameras and movement trackers, contribute to unique interactions with the real world. AR software has been developed to showcase stepped-forward monitoring, mapping, and rendering abilities for more realistic virtual items.

Simultaneously, user-friendly interfaces and devices simplify content creation. As a result of producing improvements, reduced production prices and intensified market competition make AR devices more affordable, with a few corporations providing subscription-based access. Also, simplified interfaces, voice control, gestures, and seamless integration with mobile devices enhance AR accessibility and consumer experiences, marking a considerable evolution in AR technology. So, the Global Augmented Reality Market was valued at US$ 32.18 Billion in 2023.

Besides, North America leads augmented fact (AR) adoption, fuelled by industry giants Microsoft, Google, and Meta, spearheading hardware and software program innovation. A robust tech infrastructure, which includes high-velocity internet and advanced data facilities, supports the vicinity's AR prominence. Tech-savvy purchasers enlarge market success, even as a surge in demand for immersive amusement and training aligns with AR's interactive potential.

Microsoft's HoloLens transforms healthcare, production, and schooling, exemplifying impactful applications. Google's ARCore and Meta's Spark AR platform contribute to a dynamic AR panorama, fostering collaboration among startups, research establishments, and enterprise partners. These collaborative surroundings propel North America to the forefront of AR technology advancement.

Software is experiencing significant growth in the global augmented reality (AR) market due to its pivotal role in improving user experiences and expanding AR applications

By component, the Global Augmented Reality (AR) Market is fragmented into Hardware and Software. As hardware innovations mature, state-of-the-art AR software is turning into the linchpin for developing immersive, interactive content material and programs. The evolution of user-friendly interfaces, advanced tracking capabilities, and sensible digital object rendering contributes to the software program's increasing prominence. Also, the surge in demand for numerous AR applications across industries, from healthcare and schooling to retail and amusement, underscores the importance of robust, adaptable software solutions. This growth in AR software programs reflects its instrumental position in unlocking the total potential of augmented reality technology worldwide.

Head-mounted Displays (HMDs) spearhead the worldwide augmented reality (AR) market due to their transformative effect on consumer engagement and immersion

By Device Types, the Global Augmented Reality (AR) Market is divided into Head-mounted Displays, Head-up Displays, and Others. The head-mounted display devices, AR glasses, and headsets offer users a hands-free and directly visible overlay of digital records in the real world. The comfort, portability, and evolving form elements of HMDs contribute to their significant adoption. Technological improvements in resolution, subject of view, and layout enhance the overall AR experience, making HMDs essential for applications ranging from gaming and training to healthcare and enterprise. Their versatility and continual innovation position head-mounted displays at the leading edge of the dynamic and expanding global AR market.

Entertainment and gaming are burgeoning segments in the worldwide augmented reality (AR) market

By application, the Global Augmented Reality (AR) Market is classified into Automotive, Healthcare, Education, E-commerce & retail, Entertainment & Gaming, Industrial & Manufacturing, Aerospace & Defence, and Others. The entertainment and gaming sectors are experiencing sturdy growth because of their capability to supply immersive and engaging stories. AR enriches gaming by seamlessly integrating virtual elements into the real world, remodeling the gaming panorama. Popular AR games like Pokémon showcase the technology's tremendous attraction. AR complements live events in the entertainment zone, permitting interactive performances and immersive storytelling. The adoption of AR glasses and advanced smartphones fuels this growth, offering users a novel and dynamic way to engage with their environment. The compelling fusion of digital and physical realities propels entertainment and gaming to the leading edge of AR market enlargement.

China's influence in the global augmented reality (AR) market is rising as the country continues to expand its presence in this rapidly growing industry

By country, the Global Augmented Reality (AR) Market is segmented into the United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Indonesia, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, and Rest of World. China actively promotes augmented reality (AR) for innovation and monetary boom, sponsored by government funding, tax incentives, and AR-focused business parks. With sturdy 5G and cloud infrastructure, China enables seamless AR reviews. Consumer demand fuels AR adoption in gaming, leisure, schooling, and retail. The vibrant AR ecosystem, related to startups and partners, fosters healthcare, production, and retail innovation. Integrated with e-commerce, AR transforms online buying. A mobile-first method drives handy AR hardware, 5G, and cloud development. China prioritizes AR's position in training and vocational schooling, showcasing a complete strategy for AR's large utility and effect across numerous sectors.

Key Players

Leading worldwide augmented reality (AR) businesses include Kopin Corporation, Seiko Epson Corporation, Vuzix, Lenovo Group Limited, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd, Google LLC (Alphabet Inc.), Apple Inc., and Microsoft Corporation.

In June 2023- Lenovo unveiled its next-technology AR glasses, the Lenovo ThinkReality A3, at the Augmented World Expo (AWE) 2023. The A3 glasses are designed for enterprise use, providing hands-free access to information and applications, improved collaboration skills, and progressed productivity.

Renub Research report titled "Augmented Reality (AR) Market Global Forecast by Components (Hardware, and Software), Device Types (Head-mounted Displays, Head-up Displays, and Others), Application (Automotive, Healthcare, Education, E-commerce & Retail, Entertainment & Gaming, Industrial & Manufacturing, Aerospace & Defence, and Others), Countries (United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Indonesia, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, and Rest of World), Companies (Kopin Corporation, Seiko Epson Corporation, Vuzix, Lenovo Group Limited, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd, Google LLC (Alphabet Inc.), Apple Inc., and Microsoft Corporation)" provides a detailed and comprehensive insight of the Global Augmented Reality (AR) Industry.

Component – Augmented Reality Market breakup from 2 viewpoints:

1. Hardware
2. Software

Device Types – Augmented Reality Market breakup from 3 viewpoints:

1. Head-mounted Displays
2. Head-up Displays
3. Others

Application – Augmented Reality Market breakup from 8 viewpoints:

1. Automotive
2. Healthcare
3. Education
4. E-commerce & Retail
5. Entertainment & Gaming
6. Industrial & Manufacturing
7. Aerospace &Defence
8. Others

Country – Augmented Reality Market breakup from 21 viewpoints:

1. North America

1.1 United States
1.2 Canada

2. Europe

2.1 Germany
2.2 United Kingdom
2.3 France
2.4 Italy
2.5 Spain
2.6 Switzerland

3. Asia – Pacific

3.1 Japan
3.2 China
3.3 India
3.4 South Korea
3.5 Indonesia
3.6 Australia

4. Latin America

4.1 Mexico
4.2 Brazil
4.3 Argentina

5. Middle East & Africa

5.1 Saudi Arabia
5.2 United Arab Emirates
5.3 South Africa

6. Rest of World

All companies have been covered from 3 viewpoints:

• Overview
• Recent Development
• Revenue

Company Analysis:

1. Kopin Corporation
2. Seiko Epson Corporation
3. Vuzix
4. Lenovo Group Limited
5. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd,
6. Google LLC (Alphabet Inc.),
7. Apple Inc.,
8. Microsoft Corporation


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research & Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Augmented Reality Market

6. Share Analysis – Global Augmented Reality Market

6.1 By Component
6.2 By Device Types
6.3 By Application
6.4 By Countries

7. Component – Global Augmented Reality Market

7.1 Hardware
7.2 Software

8. Device Types – Global Augmented Reality Market

8.1 Head-mounted Displays
8.2 Head-up Displays
8.3 Others

9. Application – Global Augmented Reality Market

9.1 Automotive
9.2 Healthcare
9.3 Education
9.4 E-commerce & Retail
9.5 Entertainment & Gaming
9.6 Industrial & Manufacturing
9.7 Aerospace & Defense
9.8 Others

10. Countries – Global Augmented Reality Market

10.1 North America

10.1.1 United States
10.1.2 Canada

10.2 Europe

10.2.1 Germany
10.2.2 United Kingdom
10.2.3 France
10.2.4 Italy
10.2.5 Spain
10.2.6 Switzerland

10.3 Asia – Pacific

10.3.1 Japan
10.3.2 China
10.3.3 India
10.3.4 South Korea
10.3.5 Indonesia
10.3.6 Australia

10.4 Latin America

10.4.1 Mexico
10.4.2 Brazil
10.4.3 Argentina

10.5 Middle East & Africa

10.5.1 Saudi Arabia
10.5.2 United Arab Emirates
10.5.3 South Africa

10.6 Rest of World

11. Porter's Five Forces Analysis – Global Augmented Reality Market

11.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
11.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
11.3 Degree of Competition
11.4 Threat of New Entrants
11.5 Threat of Substitutes

12. SWOT Analysis – Global Augmented Reality Market

12.1 Strength
12.2 Weakness
12.3 Opportunity
12.4 Threats

13. Key Players Analysis

13.1 Kopin Corporation

13.1.1 Overview
13.1.2 Recent Development
13.1.3 Revenue

13.2 Seiko Epson Corporation

13.2.1 Overview
13.2.2 Recent Development
13.2.3 Revenue

13.3 Vuzix

13.3.1 Overview
13.3.2 Recent Development
13.3.3 Revenue

13.4 Lenovo Group Limited

13.4.1 Overview
13.4.2 Recent Development
13.4.3 Revenue

13.5 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd

13.5.1 Overview
13.5.2 Recent Development
13.5.3 Revenue

13.6 Google LLC (Alphabet Inc.)

13.6.1 Overview
13.6.2 Recent Development
13.6.3 Revenue

13.7 Apple Inc

13.7.1 Overview
13.7.2 Recent Development
13.7.3 Revenue

13.8 Microsoft Corporation

13.8.1 Overview
13.8.2 Recent Development
13.8.3 Revenue


List of Tables/Graphs

Table-01: Global – Augmented Reality Market Share by Component (Percent), 2019 – 2023
Table-02: Global – Forecast for Augmented Reality Market Share by Component (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-03: Global – Augmented Reality Market Share by Device Type (Percent), 2019 – 2023
Table-04: Global – Forecast for Augmented Reality Market Share by Device Type (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-05: Global – Augmented Reality Market Share by Application (Percent), 2019 – 2023
Table-06: Global – Forecast for Augmented Reality Market Share by Application (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-07: Global – Augmented Reality Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2019 – 2023
Table-08: Global – Forecast for Augmented Reality Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2024 – 2030






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2025/03/07 10:26

149.07 円

161.21 円

194.79 円
