
世界のプリペイドカード事業と投資機会 - 市場規模と予測(2016-2025)、消費者の態度・行動、小売店の支出、市場リスク

Global Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk

世界的なコロナウイルスの大流行にもかかわらず、プリペイドカード業界の主要分野は拡大を続け、よりシンプルで安全で利用しやすい購入方法を提供しています。その結果、プリペイドカードの価値が高まり、今後の... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2021年9月18日 US$9,900
1 英語




世界的なコロナウイルスの大流行にもかかわらず、プリペイドカード業界の主要分野は拡大を続け、よりシンプルで安全で利用しやすい購入方法を提供しています。その結果、プリペイドカードの価値が高まり、今後の成長の原動力となることが期待されています。特に、世界のプリペイドカード市場の成長の大部分は、銀行口座を持たない人々によってもたらされると予想されています。今後4〜8四半期の間に、B2Bプリペイドカード分野は世界的に高成長分野となることが予想されます。また、汎用プリペイドカードと比較して、小売業、企業、政府機関に特化したプリペイド決済手段が高成長を記録すると予想されます。中でも、短期・中期的に大きな価値を生み出す可能性があるのは、プリペイド式決済機器を通じた政府からの支出です。例えば、米国でCARES法による資金提供が行われた際、政府は資金を必要とする人々に迅速に提供するための効率的な決済手段を必要としていました。米国政府にとっては、紙の小切手に比べて、プリペイドカードの方がはるかに効率的であったことは注目に値します。また、欧州やアジア太平洋地域の主要国でも、同様の傾向が見られました。政府機関による資金援助のためのプリペイドカード:世界的に、児童扶養手当や失業手当などの社会的給付のための資金を分配するために、プリペイド式決済手段の導入が進んでいます。しかし、世界的な大流行の際には、柔軟性と迅速性が求められ、銀行口座を持たない人々をはじめとする国民に、他の種類の資金を提供するための真の可能性が浮き彫りになりました。世界中の多くの政府が、より迅速かつ安全に援助物資を配布できることから、プリペイド型決済手段を使って援助物資を配布しています。- 2020年には、何百万人ものアメリカ人が、プリペイドカードを通じて景気刺激策を受け取りました。政府当局は、失業手当の一部として1,400米ドルをプリペイドカードで送金しました。他の国では、コロナウイルスが発生して以来、景気刺激策や失業手当が繰り返されています。プリペイドカード市場の成長を支えるオープンバンキングAPI:プリペイドカード事業者は銀行と提携し、消費者向けのオープンバンキング決済を実現しています。オープンバンキングのプラットフォームは、プリペイドカードの魅力を高めると同時に、企業が既存の顧客の刻々と変化する要求に応え、新しい消費者を惹きつけることを可能にすると期待されています。例えば、-2020年12月、MasterCardプリペイドカードの大手プロバイダーである「K Wearables」と「Their Perfect Gift」の2社がNuapayと提携しました。このNuapayとの戦略的パートナーシップにより、K WearablesとTheir Perfect Giftの両社は処理コストを削減することができます。注目すべきは、この提携により、消費者のギフトカード購入プロセスが簡素化されたことです。例えば、今回の提携により、Nuapayのオープンバンキング決済システムがTheir Perfect Giftのオンラインチェックアウトに統合され、消費者はクレジットカードやデビットカードを使わずに好みのギフトカードを購入することができるようになりました。同様に、K Wearables社では、Nuapay社が提供するオープン・バンキング決済システムを利用して、K Wearables社のプリペイドカードへのチャージが可能になります。
プリペイドカード業界の市場魅力- Load Value Trend Analysis- Transaction Value Trend Analysis- Transaction Volume Trend Analysis- Average Value per Transaction- Number of Card機能属性別市場シェア分析- Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2016 - 2025年2016 - 2025Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card Categories Open Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2016 - 2025- Transaction Value Trend Analysis- Transaction Volume Trend Analysis- Average Value per Transaction- Number of Cards Closed Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics,2016 - 2025年- 取引額のトレンド分析- 取引量のトレンド分析- 1件あたりの平均値- カード枚数 プリペイドカードの消費者利用動向- 年齢層別- 収入層別- 性別別 汎用プリペイドカードの市場規模と予測 ギフトカードの市場規模と予測 機能属性別ギフトカードの市場規模と予測- オープンループギフトカード別- クローズドループギフトカード別 ギフトカードの市場規模と予測 消費者セグメント別- 小売店消費者セグメント別- 法人消費者セグメント別 ギフトカードの市場シェア分析 小売店カテゴリー別 ギフトカードの市場シェア分析プリペイドカードの市場規模と予測ティーン・アンド・キャンパス・プリペイドカードの市場規模と予測ティーン・アンド・キャンパス・プリペイドカードの市場規模と予測機能属性別-オープンループティーン・アンド・キャンパス・プリペイドカード別-クローズドループティーン・アンド・キャンパス・プリペイドカードビジネス・管理費用プリペイドカードの市場規模と予測ビジネス・管理費用プリペイドカードの市場規模と予測消費者セグメント別-小規模ビジネスセグメント別-中堅ビジネスセグメント別-企業ビジネスセグメント別給与計算用プリペイドカードの市場規模と予測給与計算用プリペイドカードの市場規模と予測消費者セグメント別-小規模事業者セグメント別-中規模事業者セグメント別-企業事業者セグメント別-政府セグメント別食事用プリペイドカードの市場規模と予測食事用プリペイドカードの市場規模と予測消費者セグメント別-小規模事業者セグメント別-中規模事業者セグメント別Tier Business Segment- By Enterprise Business Segment- By Government Segment Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and ForecastTravel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments- By Retail- By Small Scale Business Segment- By Mid-Tier Business Segment- By Enterprise Business Segment- By Government Segment Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast Fuel Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast Utilities,その他のプリペイドカードの市場規模と展望
- プリペイドカード市場のダイナミクスを深く理解する。各国のプリペイドカードの75以上の市場セグメントとサブセグメントについて、市場機会、業界ダイナミクス、主要トレンド、ドライバーを把握します。プリペイドカード戦略を策定するために、成長セグメントとターゲットを特定し、市場特有のキートレンド、ドライバー、プリペイドカード業界のリスクを評価します。消費者の態度や行動の変化を理解し、ROIを向上させます。プリペイドカードを利用した小売店での消費に関する詳細な情報を得ることができます。



This offering from PayNXT360 is a bundled offering, combining one global and 20 country reports: 1. Global Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 2. Argentina Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 3. Australia Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 4. Brazil Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 5. Canada Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 6. China Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 7. France Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 8. Germany Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 9. India Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 10. Indonesia Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 11. Italy Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 12. Kenya Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 13. Mexico Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 14. Nigeria Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 15. Philippines Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 16. Russia Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 17. South Africa Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 18. Thailand Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 19. United Arab Emirates Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 20. United Kingdom Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 21. United States Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk All regional, and country reports mentioned above will have analyst comments covering the following tables of contents: 1 About this Report 1.1 Methodology 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Disclaimer 2 Prepaid Card Industry Market Attractiveness 2.1 Prepaid Card Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators 2.1.1 Prepaid Card – Load Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 2.1.2 Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 2.1.3 Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 2.1.4 Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 2.1.5 Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 2.2 Market Share Analysis by Functional Attributes – Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2016 – 2025 2.3 Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card Categories 3 Open Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2016 – 2025 3.1 Trend Analysis by Key Performance Indicators 3.1.1 Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 3.1.2 Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 3.1.3 Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 3.1.4 Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 4 Closed Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2016 – 2025 4.1 Trend Analysis by Key Performance Indicators 4.1.1 Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 4.1.2 Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 4.1.3 Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 4.1.4 Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 5 Prepaid Card Consumer Usage Trends 5.1 Prepaid Card Spend Analysis by Age Group 5.2 Prepaid Card Transaction Value Analysis by Income Group 5.3 Prepaid Card Transaction Value Analysis by Gender 6 Prepaid Card Retail Spend Dynamics 7 General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 7.1 General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 7.2 General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2016-2025 7.2.1 General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Unbanked / Underbanked Segment, 2016-2025 7.2.2 General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Banked Segment, 2016-2025 8 Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 8.1 Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 8.2 Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute 8.2.1 Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 8.2.2 Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 8.3 Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments 8.3.1 Gift Card Market Size Trend Analysis by Retail Consumer Segment 8.3.2 Gift Card Market Size Trend Analysis by Corporate Consumer Segment 8.4 Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Retail Categories 8.5 Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion 8.5.1 Retail Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion 8.5.2 Corporate Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion 8.6 Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Purchase Location 9 Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 10 Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 10.1 Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 10.2 Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute 10.2.1 Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 10.2.2 Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 11 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 11.1 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 11.2 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2016-2025 11.2.1 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2016-2025 11.2.2 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2016-2025 11.2.3 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2016-2025 11.2.4 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2016-2025 12 Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 12.1 Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 12.2 Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2016-2025 12.2.1 Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2016-2025 12.2.2 Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2016-2025 12.2.3 Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2016-2025 12.2.4 Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2016-2025 13 Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 13.1 Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 13.2 Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2016-2025 13.2.1 Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2016-2025 13.2.2 Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2016-2025 13.2.3 Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2016-2025 13.2.4 Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2016-2025 14 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 14.1 Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 14.2 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2016-2025 14.2.1 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Retail, 2016-2025 14.2.2 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2016-2025 14.2.3 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2016-2025 14.2.4 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2016-2025 14.2.5 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2016-2025 15 Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 16 Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 17 Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 18 Fuel Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 19 Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 20 Further Reading 20.1 About PayNXT360 20.2 Related Research
All country reports mentioned above will have the following tables: Table 1: Prepaid Card – Gross Dollar Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 2: Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 3: Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2016-2025 Table 4: Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 Table 5: Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 Table 6: Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2016 – 2025 Table 7: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 8: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2016-2025 Table 9: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 Table 10: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 Table 11: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 12: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2016-2025 Table 13: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 Table 14: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 Table 15: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 16: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Unbanked / Underbanked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 17: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Banked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 18: Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 19: Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 20: Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 21: Prepaid Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 22: Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Corporate Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 23: Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 24: Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 25: Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 26: Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 27: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 28: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 29: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 30: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 31: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 32: Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 33: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 34: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 35: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 36: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 37: Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 38: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 39: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 40: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 41: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 42: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 43: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 44: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 45: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 46: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 47: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 48: Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 49: Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 50: Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 51: Fuel Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 52: Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025
All country reports mentioned above will have the following figures: Figure 1: PayNXT360’s Methodology Framework Figure 2: Prepaid Card – Load Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 3: Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 4: Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2016-2025 Figure 5: Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 Figure 6: Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 Figure 7: Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2016 – 2025 Figure 8: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card Categories Figure 9: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 10: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2016-2025 Figure 11: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 Figure 12: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 Figure 13: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 14: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2016-2025 Figure 15: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 Figure 16: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 Figure 17: Prepaid Card – Trend Analysis by Age Group in Transaction Value Terms Figure 18: Prepaid Card – Trend Analysis by Income Group in Value Terms Figure 19: Prepaid Card – Trend Analysis by Gender in Value Terms Figure 20: Prepaid Card – Prepaid Penetration by Retail Categories Figure 21: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 22: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Consumer Segments, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 23: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Unbanked / Underbanked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 24: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Banked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 25: Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 26: Gift Card Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Functional Attribute, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 27: Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 28: Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 29: Gift Card Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Consumer Segments, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 30: Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 31: Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Corporate Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 32: Gift Card – Market Share Analysis by Retail Categories Figure 33: Gift Card – Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion Figure 34: Gift Card – Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion Figure 35: Gift Card – Market Share Analysis by Purchase Location Figure 36: Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 37: Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 38: Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Functional Attribute, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 39: Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 40: Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 41: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 42: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Consumer Segments, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 43: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 44: Prepaid Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 45: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 46: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 47: Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 48: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Consumer Segments, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 49: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 50: Prepaid Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 51: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 52: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 53: Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 54: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Consumer Segments, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 55: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 56: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 57: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 58: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 59: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 60: Travel Forex Incentive Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Consumer Segments, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 61: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 62: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 63: Prepaid Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 64: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 65: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 66: Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 67: Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 68: Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 69: Fuel Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 70: Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025





Despite the global coronavirus pandemic, key segments of the prepaid card industry continued to expand, providing simpler, safer, and accessible ways of making purchases. Consequently, the value proposition of the prepaid card industry has emerged strongly, which is expected to drive future growth. Notably, a significant part of the growth in the global prepaid card segment is expected to come from the unbanked population. Over the next four to eight quarters, B2B prepaid card segment is expected to be a high-growth area globally. Prepaid payment instruments focusing on retail, corporates, and government segments are also anticipated to record high growth as compared to general-purpose prepaid cards. One of the key segments, where a significant value can be unlocked over the short to medium term is the government disbursement through prepaid payment instruments. For instance, when the CARES Act money was disbursed in the United States, the government needed an efficient payment solution to get the money out to the people who needed it quickly. Notably, prepaid cards were much more efficient for the US Government as compared to paper checks. A similar trend was noted across key economies in Europe and the Asia Pacific as well.Prepaid cards for disbursement of financial aid by government institutions:Globally, the adoption of prepaid payment instruments for distributing funds for social benefits such as child support and unemployment benefits has been increasing. However, the need for flexibility and speed that emerged during the global pandemic highlighted their real potential for delivering other kinds of funds to citizens, especially the unbanked population. Many governments around the world are disbursing aid packages through prepaid payment instruments, as they allow the distribution of aid more quickly and securely. • In 2020, millions of Americans received stimulus payments through prepaid cards. Government authorities transferred US$1,400 in prepaid cards as part of unemployment benefits. In other countries, stimulus payments and unemployment benefits have been recurring since the coronavirus outbreak. Consequently, resulting in the growth of the global prepaid card industry during the pandemic-hit year.Open banking API supporting growth of prepaid card market:Prepaid card providers are partnering with banks to enable open banking payments for consumers. The open banking platform is expected to increase the appeal of the prepaid card while allowing companies to meet the ever-changing demands of existing customers and attract new consumers. For instance, • In December 2020, two leading MasterCard prepaid card providers, K Wearables and Their Perfect Gift, partnered with Nuapay. This strategic partnership with Nuapay will allow both K Wearables and Their Perfect Gift to reduce processing costs. Notably, the partnership has also simplified the gift card buying process for consumers. For instance, under the partnership, the open banking payment system of Nuapay will be integrated into Their Perfect Gift online checkout, allowing consumers to purchase the gift card of their choosing without a credit or debit card. Similarly, for K Wearables, the partnership will allow customers to top up their K Wearables prepaid card using the open banking payments system offered by Nuapay.
Prepaid Card Industry Market Attractiveness• Load Value Trend Analysis• Transaction Value Trend Analysis• Transaction Volume Trend Analysis• Average Value per Transaction• Number of CardsMarket Share Analysis by Functional Attributes – Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2016 – 2025Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card Categories Open Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2016 – 2025• Transaction Value Trend Analysis• Transaction Volume Trend Analysis• Average Value per Transaction• Number of Cards Closed Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2016 – 2025• Transaction Value Trend Analysis• Transaction Volume Trend Analysis• Average Value per Transaction• Number of Cards Prepaid Card Consumer Usage Trends• By Age Group• By Income Group• By Gender General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast Gift Card Market Size and ForecastGift Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute• By Open Loop Gift Card • By Closed Loop Gift CardGift Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments• By Retail Consumer Segment• By Corporate Consumer SegmentGift Card Market Share Analysis by Retail CategoriesGift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting OccasionGift Card Market Share Analysis by Purchase Location Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and ForecastTeen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute• By Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card • By Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and ForecastBusiness and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments• By Small Scale Business Segment• By Mid-Tier Business Segment• By Enterprise Business Segment• By Government Segment Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and ForecastPayroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments• By Small Scale Business Segment• By Mid-Tier Business Segment• By Enterprise Business Segment• By Government Segment Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and ForecastMeal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments• By Small Scale Business Segment• By Mid-Tier Business Segment• By Enterprise Business Segment• By Government Segment Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and ForecastTravel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments• By Retail• By Small Scale Business Segment• By Mid-Tier Business Segment• By Enterprise Business Segment• By Government Segment Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast Fuel Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast
• In-depth understanding of prepaid card market dynamics: Understand market opportunity, industry dynamics, key trends and drivers across 75+ market segments and sub-segments of prepaid cards in countries.• Develop market specific strategies: Identify growth segments and target specific opportunities to formulate your prepaid cards strategy; assess market specific key trends, drivers and risks in prepaid cards industry.• Get insights into consumer attitude and behaviour: Understand changing consumer attitude and behaviour and boost ROI. Get detailed insights into retail spend through prepaid cards.


Table of Contents

This offering from PayNXT360 is a bundled offering, combining one global and 20 country reports: 1. Global Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 2. Argentina Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 3. Australia Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 4. Brazil Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 5. Canada Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 6. China Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 7. France Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 8. Germany Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 9. India Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 10. Indonesia Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 11. Italy Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 12. Kenya Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 13. Mexico Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 14. Nigeria Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 15. Philippines Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 16. Russia Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 17. South Africa Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 18. Thailand Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 19. United Arab Emirates Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 20. United Kingdom Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk 21. United States Prepaid Cards Business and Investment Opportunities – Market Size and Forecast (2016-2025), Consumer Attitude & Behaviour, Retail Spend, Market Risk All regional, and country reports mentioned above will have analyst comments covering the following tables of contents: 1 About this Report 1.1 Methodology 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Disclaimer 2 Prepaid Card Industry Market Attractiveness 2.1 Prepaid Card Market Size and Future Growth Dynamics by Key Performance Indicators 2.1.1 Prepaid Card – Load Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 2.1.2 Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 2.1.3 Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 2.1.4 Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 2.1.5 Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 2.2 Market Share Analysis by Functional Attributes – Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2016 – 2025 2.3 Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card Categories 3 Open Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2016 – 2025 3.1 Trend Analysis by Key Performance Indicators 3.1.1 Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 3.1.2 Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 3.1.3 Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 3.1.4 Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 4 Closed Loop Prepaid Card Future Growth Dynamics, 2016 – 2025 4.1 Trend Analysis by Key Performance Indicators 4.1.1 Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 4.1.2 Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 4.1.3 Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 4.1.4 Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 5 Prepaid Card Consumer Usage Trends 5.1 Prepaid Card Spend Analysis by Age Group 5.2 Prepaid Card Transaction Value Analysis by Income Group 5.3 Prepaid Card Transaction Value Analysis by Gender 6 Prepaid Card Retail Spend Dynamics 7 General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 7.1 General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 7.2 General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2016-2025 7.2.1 General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Unbanked / Underbanked Segment, 2016-2025 7.2.2 General Purpose Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Banked Segment, 2016-2025 8 Gift Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 8.1 Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 8.2 Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute 8.2.1 Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 8.2.2 Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 8.3 Gift Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments 8.3.1 Gift Card Market Size Trend Analysis by Retail Consumer Segment 8.3.2 Gift Card Market Size Trend Analysis by Corporate Consumer Segment 8.4 Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Retail Categories 8.5 Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion 8.5.1 Retail Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion 8.5.2 Corporate Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion 8.6 Gift Card Market Share Analysis by Purchase Location 9 Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 10 Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 10.1 Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 10.2 Teen and Campus Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Functional Attribute 10.2.1 Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 10.2.2 Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 11 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 11.1 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 11.2 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2016-2025 11.2.1 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2016-2025 11.2.2 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2016-2025 11.2.3 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2016-2025 11.2.4 Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2016-2025 12 Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 12.1 Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 12.2 Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2016-2025 12.2.1 Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2016-2025 12.2.2 Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2016-2025 12.2.3 Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2016-2025 12.2.4 Payroll Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2016-2025 13 Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 13.1 Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 13.2 Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2016-2025 13.2.1 Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2016-2025 13.2.2 Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2016-2025 13.2.3 Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2016-2025 13.2.4 Meal Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2016-2025 14 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 14.1 Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis, 2016-2025 14.2 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast by Consumer Segments, 2016-2025 14.2.1 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Retail, 2016-2025 14.2.2 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Small Scale Business Segment, 2016-2025 14.2.3 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Mid-Tier Business Segment, 2016-2025 14.2.4 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Enterprise Business Segment, 2016-2025 14.2.5 Travel Forex Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast – Government Segment, 2016-2025 15 Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 16 Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 17 Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 18 Fuel Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 19 Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards Market Size and Forecast, 2016-2025 20 Further Reading 20.1 About PayNXT360 20.2 Related Research
All country reports mentioned above will have the following tables: Table 1: Prepaid Card – Gross Dollar Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 2: Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 3: Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2016-2025 Table 4: Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 Table 5: Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 Table 6: Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2016 – 2025 Table 7: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 8: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2016-2025 Table 9: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 Table 10: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 Table 11: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 12: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2016-2025 Table 13: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 Table 14: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 Table 15: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 16: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Unbanked / Underbanked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 17: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Banked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 18: Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 19: Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 20: Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 21: Prepaid Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 22: Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Corporate Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 23: Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 24: Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 25: Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 26: Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 27: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 28: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 29: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 30: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 31: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 32: Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 33: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 34: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 35: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 36: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 37: Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 38: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 39: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 40: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 41: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 42: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 43: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 44: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 45: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 46: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 47: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 48: Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 49: Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 50: Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 51: Fuel Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Table 52: Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025
All country reports mentioned above will have the following figures: Figure 1: PayNXT360’s Methodology Framework Figure 2: Prepaid Card – Load Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 3: Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 4: Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2016-2025 Figure 5: Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 Figure 6: Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 Figure 7: Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Open Loop vs. Closed Loop, 2016 – 2025 Figure 8: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis by Prepaid Card Categories Figure 9: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 10: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2016-2025 Figure 11: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 Figure 12: Open Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 Figure 13: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 14: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Million), 2016-2025 Figure 15: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Average Value per Transaction, 2016-2025 Figure 16: Closed Loop Prepaid Card – Number of Cards, 2016-2025 Figure 17: Prepaid Card – Trend Analysis by Age Group in Transaction Value Terms Figure 18: Prepaid Card – Trend Analysis by Income Group in Value Terms Figure 19: Prepaid Card – Trend Analysis by Gender in Value Terms Figure 20: Prepaid Card – Prepaid Penetration by Retail Categories Figure 21: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 22: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Consumer Segments, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 23: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Unbanked / Underbanked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 24: General Purpose Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Banked Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 25: Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 26: Gift Card Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Functional Attribute, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 27: Open Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 28: Closed Loop Gift Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 29: Gift Card Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Consumer Segments, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 30: Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 31: Gift Card – Market Size and Forecast by Corporate Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 32: Gift Card – Market Share Analysis by Retail Categories Figure 33: Gift Card – Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion Figure 34: Gift Card – Market Share Analysis by Gifting Occasion Figure 35: Gift Card – Market Share Analysis by Purchase Location Figure 36: Entertainment and Gaming Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 37: Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 38: Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Functional Attribute, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 39: Open Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 40: Closed Loop Teen and Campus Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 41: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 42: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Consumer Segments, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 43: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 44: Prepaid Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 45: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 46: Business and Administrative Expense Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 47: Payroll Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 48: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Consumer Segments, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 49: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 50: Prepaid Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 51: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 52: Payroll Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 53: Meal Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 54: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Consumer Segments, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 55: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 56: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 57: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 58: Meal Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 59: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 60: Travel Forex Incentive Prepaid Card – Market Share Analysis (Value) by Consumer Segments, 2020 Vs. 2025 Figure 61: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Retail Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 62: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Small Scale Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 63: Prepaid Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Mid-Tier Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 64: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Enterprise Business Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 65: Travel Forex Prepaid Card – Market Size and Forecast by Government Consumer Segment (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 66: Transit and Tolls Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 67: Healthcare and Wellness Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 68: Social Security and Other Government Benefit Programs Prepaid Card – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 69: Fuel Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025 Figure 70: Utilities, and Other Prepaid Cards – Transaction Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2016-2025







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