
アジア太平洋地域の組み込み型保険ビジネスと投資機会 - 2022年第1四半期最新版

アジア太平洋地域の組み込み型保険ビジネスと投資機会 - 2022年第1四半期最新版

Asia Pacific Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities – Q1 2022 Update

レポート内容 PayNXT360の2021年第4四半期組み込み金融調査によると、同地域の組み込み保険業界は年率32.3%の成長を遂げ、2022年には241億2730万米ドルに達すると予測されています。 組み込み型保険業界は... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
2022年2月15日 US$7,900
2営業日程度 400 英語










- 2021年9月、シンガポールの保険会社Sompo Holdings (Asia) Pte.Ltd.が設立されました。(損保アジア)は、米国を拠点とするインシュアテック企業であり、組み込み型保険会社であるCover Genius社への出資を実施しました。
- これは、Cover Genius社のグローバルネットワークを活用し、組み込み保険市場における販路を拡大するための損保ホールディングスの戦略的な動きです。
- Cover Geniusは、Booking Holdings、Skyscanner、Ola、Intuit、Shopeeなどの有名な大手ブランドを含む複数の業界の多くのeコマースプラットフォームをパートナーとして、全世界で展開しています。
- 損保ホールディングスによると、同社はCover Geniusの顧客ネットワークを活用し、保険商品の組み込みや販売チャネルの充実を図る予定です。
- 逆に、カバージーニアスは、損保ホールディングスの支援を活用し、グローバルな保険流通基盤を拡充していく予定です。




- 2021年8月、オーストラリアのインシュアテック・アジャイルが内陸輸送のための組み込み保険を発売した。Agile Underwriting Servicesは、拡大し続ける商品ポートフォリオに内陸輸送を追加しました。






- 組み込み型保険(産業別)、2020年~2029年
-- 消費財分野での組み込み型保険
-- 旅行・ホスピタリティ分野での組み込み型保険
-- 自動車分野での組み込み型保険
-- ヘルスケア分野での組み込み保険
-- 不動産業における組み込み型保険
-- 運輸・物流業向け保険
-- その他における組み込み型保険

- 保険種類別エンベディッドインシュアランス(2020年~2029年
-- 生命保険セグメントにおけるエンベディッドインシュアランス
-- 損害保険事業におけるエンベディッド・インシュアランス

- 提供形態別 組込み型保険(2020年~2029年
-- 商品分野での組み込み型保険
-- サービス部門における組み込み型保険


図10:ヘルスケア - 組込み型保険業界の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年
図11:不動産 - 組込保険業界の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年
図12:運輸・物流 - 組込み保険業界の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年
図13:その他 - 組込み保険業界の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年

表6:自動車 - 組込み保険業界の収益動向分析、2020-2029年
表10:その他 - 組込み型保険業界の収益(百万米ドル)、2020-2029年


- エンベデッドファイナンスの市場ダイナミクスを深く理解する。予測(2019-2028年)と共に市場機会や主要トレンドを理解する。

- 最終用途分野別の機会に関する洞察 - 最終用途分野別の市場ダイナミクスを把握し、様々な最終用途分野にわたる新たな機会を評価します。

- 市場別戦略の策定。成長セグメントを特定し、組み込み金融戦略を策定するために特定の機会をターゲットとし、業界における市場固有の主要トレンド、ドライバー、リスクを評価します。

- セクターの洞察を得る。本レポートでは、独自の調査結果をもとに、組み込み型融資、組み込み型保険、組み込み型金融、組み込み型富裕層の各セクターにおけるビジネスチャンスを明らかにしています。



This report provides detailed 14 sections, covering regional insights along with data centric analysis at regional and country level (220+ charts and 160+ tables in all):

1. Asia Pacific Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
2. Australia Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
3. Bangladesh Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
4. China Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
5. India Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
6. Indonesia Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
7. Japan Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
8. Malaysia Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
9. South Korea Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
10. Philippines Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
11. Singapore Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
12. Taiwan Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
13. Thailand Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
14. Vietnam Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities

All the regional and country sections above follow the following table of contents covering 16 charts and 12 tables for each country / region:

1 About this Report
1.1 Summary
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Embedded Insurance Definitions
1.4 Disclaimer

2 Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

3 Embedded Insurance Industry Market Size and Forecast by Type of Insurance
3.1 Market Share Analysis by Type of Insurance
3.2 Life Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
3.3 Non-Life Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

4 Embedded Insurance Industry Market Size and Forecast by End Use Industry
4.1 Market Share Analysis by End Use Industry Segments
4.2 Consumer Products – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.3 Travel & Hospitality – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.4 Automotive – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.5 Healthcare – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.6 Real Estate – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.7 Transport & Logistics – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.8 Other – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

5 Embedded Insurance Industry Market Size and Forecast by Type of Offering
5.1 Market Share Analysis by Type of Offering
5.2 Product Based Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
5.3 Service Based Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

6 Further Reading
6.1 About PayNXT360
6.2 Related Research





Report Description

According to PayNXT360’s Q4 2021 Embedded Finance Survey, Embedded Insurance industry in the region is expected to grow by 32.3% on annual basis to reach US$24,127.3 million in 2022.

The embedded insurance industry is expected to grow steadily over the forecast period, recording a CAGR of 21.6% during 2022-2029. The embedded insurance revenues in the region will increase from US$24,127.3 million in 2022 to reach US$71,855.4 million by 2029.

The Asia Pacific is the largest embedded insurance market. The region is home to one-third of the world's population and one of the world's fastest-growing economies. The most significant number of insurtech firms are emerging in China and India. This is primarily due to a large uninsured population and the strong growth of the fintech industry.

Insurers and insurtech firms are widely experimenting with new insurance offerings, distribution models, and technological advancements resulting in innovations. In the recent four to eight quarters, there has been a significant increase in the number of funds raised by market players in the embedded insurance ecosystem.

Additionally, substantial growth in digitization in emerging countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India is attracting the attention of market players. However, the number of technology companies trying to underwrite and sell policies will be limited in the region due to regulatory restrictions on issuing carrier licenses.

Insurers are making strategic investments in insurtech firms to expand their digital distribution channels

Leading insurance companies are planning to expand their operations across the globe, taking advantage of the tremendous growth opportunity that exists in the global embedded insurance industry. For instance,
• In September 2021, Singapore-based insurance provider Sompo Holdings (Asia) Pte. Ltd. (Sompo Asia) made an investment in Cover Genius, a United States-based insurtech firm and embedded insurance company.
• This is a strategic move by Sompo Holdings to expand its distribution channels in the embedded insurance market by leveraging Cover Genius' global network.
• Cover Genius has many e-commerce platforms as partners in multiple industries, including Booking Holdings, Skyscanner, Ola, Intuit, Shopee, and other well-known leading brands, across the globe.
• According to Sompo Holdings, the company is planning to utilize Cover Genius’s client network to embed its insurance products and enhance distribution channels.
• Conversely, Cover Genius will utilize the support from Sompo Holdings to expand its global insurance distribution platform.

New embedded insurance products are being launched by market players to tap the growing demand for goods in transit protection

Over the last few quarters, the e-commerce industry has been one of the fastest-growing Asia-Pacific sectors. The domination of the Asia-Pacific e-commerce market is due to the massive increase in digital sales and the existence of e-commerce giants such as Alibaba, JD. Com, Flipkart, and Shoppe, in the region.

Covid-19 has accelerated the expansion of the e-commerce market, with the sector expected to expand further over the next four to eight quarters. Increased number of merchants partnered with e-commerce giants to continue their businesses during the lockdown.

This strong growth in the e-commerce industry has resulted in tremendous demand growth for insuring goods in transit. Moreover, Insurance companies and insurtech firms are launching new products to cater to the fast-growing demand for protecting goods in transit. For instance,
• In August 2021, Australian Insurtech Agile launched embedded insurance for inland transit. Agile Underwriting Services has added inland transit to its ever-expanding product portfolio.

This report provides regional insights into key trends and drivers along with a detailed data centric analysis of market opportunities in embedded insurance industry at regional and country level. Region and countries included in this report are:

1. Asia Pacific
2. Australia
3. Bangladesh
4. China
5. India
6. Indonesia
7. Japan
8. Malaysia
9. South Korea
10. Philippines
11. Singapore
12. Taiwan
13. Thailand
14. Vietnam


This report provides regional insights, along with an in-depth data centric analysis of the Embedded Insurance industry in the Asia Pacific, covering 50+ KPIs for each region and country (220+ charts and 160+ tables in all). Below is a summary of key market segments:

Embedded Insurance Market Size and Forecast

• Embedded Insurance by Industry, 2020 – 2029
-- Embedded Insurance in Consumer Products
-- Embedded Insurance in Travel & Hospitality
-- Embedded Insurance in Automotive
-- Embedded Insurance in Healthcare
-- Embedded Insurance in Real Estate
-- Embedded Insurance in Transport & Logistics
-- Embedded Insurance in Others

• Embedded Insurance by Insurance Type, 2020 – 2029
-- Embedded Insurance in Life Segment
-- Embedded Insurance in Non-Life Segment

• Embedded Insurance by Type of Offering, 2020 – 2029
-- Embedded Insurance in Product Segment
-- Embedded Insurance in Service Segment

All the regional and country reports cover the following charts and tables:

Figure 1: PayNXT360’s Methodology Framework
Figure 2: Embedded Insurance – Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 3: Market Share Analysis by Type of Insurance (%), 2020-2029
Figure 4: Life Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 5: Non-Life Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 6: Market Share Analysis by End Use Industry Segments, 2021 Vs. 2029
Figure 7: Consumer Products – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 8: Travel & Hospitality – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 9: Automotive – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 10: Healthcare – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 11: Real Estate – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 12: Transport & Logistics – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 13: Other – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 14: Market Share Analysis by Type of Offering (%), 2020-2029
Figure 15: Product Based Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Figure 16: Service Based Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029

Table 1: Embedded Insurance – Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 2: Life Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 3: Non-Life Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 4: Consumer Products – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 5: Travel & Hospitality – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 6: Automotive – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
Table 7: Healthcare – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 8: Real Estate – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 9: Transport & Logistics – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 10: Other – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 11: Product Based Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029
Table 12: Service Based Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2029

Reasons to buy

• In-depth Understanding of Embedded Finance Market Dynamics: Understand market opportunities and key trends along with forecast (2019-2028).

• Insights into Opportunity by end-use sectors – Get market dynamics by end-use sectors to assess emerging opportunity across various end-use sectors.

• Develop Market Specific Strategies: Identify growth segments and target specific opportunities to formulate embedded finance strategy; assess market specific key trends, drivers, and risks in the industry.

• Get Sector Insights: Drawing from proprietary survey results, this report identifies opportunities across embedded lending, embedded insurance, embedded finance, and embedded wealth sectors.


Table of Contents

This report provides detailed 14 sections, covering regional insights along with data centric analysis at regional and country level (220+ charts and 160+ tables in all):

1. Asia Pacific Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
2. Australia Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
3. Bangladesh Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
4. China Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
5. India Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
6. Indonesia Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
7. Japan Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
8. Malaysia Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
9. South Korea Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
10. Philippines Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
11. Singapore Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
12. Taiwan Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
13. Thailand Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities
14. Vietnam Embedded Insurance Business and Investment Opportunities

All the regional and country sections above follow the following table of contents covering 16 charts and 12 tables for each country / region:

1 About this Report
1.1 Summary
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Embedded Insurance Definitions
1.4 Disclaimer

2 Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

3 Embedded Insurance Industry Market Size and Forecast by Type of Insurance
3.1 Market Share Analysis by Type of Insurance
3.2 Life Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
3.3 Non-Life Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

4 Embedded Insurance Industry Market Size and Forecast by End Use Industry
4.1 Market Share Analysis by End Use Industry Segments
4.2 Consumer Products – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.3 Travel & Hospitality – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.4 Automotive – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.5 Healthcare – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.6 Real Estate – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.7 Transport & Logistics – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
4.8 Other – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

5 Embedded Insurance Industry Market Size and Forecast by Type of Offering
5.1 Market Share Analysis by Type of Offering
5.2 Product Based Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029
5.3 Service Based Insurance – Embedded Insurance Industry Revenue Trend Analysis, 2020-2029

6 Further Reading
6.1 About PayNXT360
6.2 Related Research






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