
コンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場:技術、ソリューション、ユースケース、導入モデル、産業分野別 2022年~2027年

AI in Computer Vision Market by Technology, Solutions, Use Cases, Deployment Model and Industry Verticals 2022 – 2027

概要 本レポートでは、コネクテッドデバイス、ハードウェアコンポーネント、組み込みソフトウェア、AIプラットフォーム、分析などと組み合わせて使用されるコンピュータビジョンシステムにおけるAIの... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Mind Commerce
2022年2月7日 US$2,500
189 英語




  • コンピュータビジョンにおけるAIの世界市場は、2027年までに737億ドルに達すると予測
  • コンピュータビジョンにおける強化学習の世界市場規模は2027年に347億ドルに達する
  • 2027年には世界の2Dマシンビジョンが34億ドル、3Dマシンビジョンが74億ドルに達する見込み
  • コンピュータビジョンにおけるAIは、2027年までCAGR37.8%で拡大する
  • 毎秒125フレームレート以上のカメラの世界市場は、2027年に100億ドルを超える見込み
  • コンピュータビジョンにおけるAIをサポートするアジア太平洋地域のソフトウェア市場は、2027年までに118億ドルに達し、CAGRは33.7%になる
  • ABエレクトロラックス
  • ABB株式会社
  • アイブリアン株式会社
  • アルゴルックス
  • アマゾン
  • AMD
  • AMP ロボティクス
  • アップル社
  • ARMリミテッド
  • アテナ・セキュリティ
  • アトメル株式会社
  • バイドゥ株式会社
  • バスラー
  • ブリテリオン・インク
  • バディ
  • 株式会社セバ
  • クリエイティブ・バーチャル
  • キュアメトリクス
  • デジタル・リーズニング・システムズ株式会社
  • フェイスブック(メタ)
  • ゼネラル・エレクトリック
  • 株式会社ジェネラルビジョン
  • グーグル
  • グラフコア
  • グル-プ
  • グロック
  • Hailo
  • ヒューレットパッカードエンタープライズ
  • 華為技術有限公司 Ltd.
  • IBM
  • インスペクト
  • インテル
  • アイロボット社
  • フィリップスN.V.
  • リープモーション
  • リープモーション株式会社
  • ライオンブリッジAI
  • マイクロソフト
  • モーションコントロールズロボティクス株式会社
  • モーション・ドット・アイ
  • ニュアンス・コミュニケーションズ株式会社
  • NVidia
  • オムロンアデプトテクノロジー
  • パナソニック株式会社
  • ポイントグラブ株式会社
  • プリセンソ
  • クアルコム
  • リシンク・ロボティクス
  • ロボティック・ビジョン・テクノロジーズ
  • サムスン電子
  • シーメンスAG
  • ソフトバンクロボティクスホールディング株式会社
  • スパークコグニション社
  • テキサス・インスツルメンツ
  • トライビジョン
  • ビズシーク
  • 小米科技股份有限公司(Xiaomi Technology Co. Ltd.
  • ザイリンクス



1.0 全体概要
1.1 概要
1.2 調査目的
1.3 調査結果の選択
2.0 はじめに
2.1 コンピュータビジョンにおけるAIの定義
2.1.1 画像・映像処理
2.1.2 会話型ユーザーインターフェース
2.2 人工一般知能とスーパーインテリジェンス
2.3 AIとコンピュータビジョンの市場予測
2.4 AIの成果と企業のメリット
2.5 コグニティブコンピューティングとスウォームインテリジェンス
2.6 市場の推進要因と機会分析
2.6.1 市場の可能性
2.7 市場の課題分析
2.8 Covid-19の影響
2.9 バリューチェーン分析
2.9.1 AI企業
2.9.2 IoT企業
2.9.3 AIアナリティクスプロバイダー
2.9.4 半導体企業
2.9.5 エンドユーザー
2.10 価格分析
2.11 Hsコード854231
2.12 AI特許と規制の枠組み
2.13 AI公共政策の課題
3.0 技術とアプリケーションの分析
3.1 技術分析
3.1.1 認知機能付きロボット
3.1.2 IoTデバイス・システム
3.1.3 ビジョンカメラ技術
3.1.4 ハードウエア・コンポーネント
3.1.5 AIソフトウェアとプラットフォーム
3.2 IoTデバイスのエコシステム。コンシューマー、エンタープライズ、インダストリアル、ガバメント
3.2.1 ウェアラブルデバイス
3.2.2 医療機器
3.2.3 スマートアプライアンス
3.2.4 セキュリティデバイス
3.2.5 産業用機械
3.2.6 車載用デバイス
3.2.7 軍事用デバイス
3.2.8 農業専用デバイス
3.2.9 映像通信機器
3.3 機械学習モデル
3.3.1 ディープラーニング
3.3.2 教師あり学習と教師なし学習
3.3.3 強化学習(Reinforcement Learning
3.3.4 機械学習API IBM Watson API Microsoft Azure機械学習API Google Prediction API アマゾン機械学習API BigML AT&T スピーチ APIウィットアイ アルケミーAPI Diffbot(ディフボット PredictionIO(プレディクションイオ 一般的なアプリケーション環境
3.4 人工ニューラルネットワーク
3.5 エモーションAI解析
3.5.1 顔検出API
3.5.2 テキスト認識API
3.5.3 音声認識API
3.6 エッジコンピューティングと5Gネットワーク
3.7 スマートマシンとバーチャルツインズ
3.8 ファクトリーオートメーションとインダストリー4.0
3.9 ビルディングオートメーションとスマートワークプレイス
3.10 クラウドロボティクスとパブリックセキュリティ
3.11 予測的3次元設計
3.12 IoT活用とビッグデータ解析
3.12.1 データサイエンスと予測分析
3.13 AIアプリケーションデリバリープラットフォーム
3.13.1 AIaaSとMLaaS
3.14 企業の導入と外部投資
3.14.1 企業向けAIは生産性向上を促進する
3.15 アプリケーションと産業分野別分析
3.16 ユースケース分析
3.16.1 ヴァルカン・セーファー・ワークプレイス・ソリューション
3.16.2 ADLINK 溶接欠陥検出装置
3.16.3 小売業における顧客行動追跡
3.16.4 公衆衛生における画像セグメンテーション
3.16.5 自動車産業における物体認識
4.0 企業分析
4.1 NVidia
4.2 インテル
4.3 マイクロソフト
4.4 IBM
4.5 クアルコム
4.6 Amazon Inc.
4.7 ザイリンクス
4.8 グーグル
4.9 フェイスブック(メタ)
4.10 AMD
4.11 グラフコア
4.12 リープモーション
4.13 サムスン電子
4.14 バイドゥ(Baidu Inc.
4.15 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
4.17 アーム・リミテッド
4.18 ヒューレットパッカードエンタープライズ
4.19 シーメンスAG
4.20 Apple Inc.
4.21 ゼネラル・エレクトリック
4.22 ABB Ltd.
4.23 フィリップス
4.24 ABエレクトロラックス
4.25 デジタル・リーズニング・システムズ株式会社
4.26 スパークコグニション社(SparkCognition Inc.
4.27 リシンク・ロボティクス
4.28 モーションコントロールズロボティクス株式会社
4.29 パナソニック株式会社
4.30 ニュアンス・コミュニケーションズ株式会社
4.31 モーション.AI
4.32 バディ
4.33 ポイントグラブ株式会社
4.34 Xiaomi Technology Co. Ltd.
4.35 Leap Motion Inc.
4.36 アットメル株式会社
4.37 テキサス・インスツルメンツ株式会社
4.38 オムロンアデプトテクノロジー
4.39 アイブリアン株式会社
4.40 (株)ブリテリオン
4.41 株式会社ジェネラルビジョン
4.42 ソフトバンクロボティクスホールディング株式会社
4.43 アイロボット(株)
4.44 プリセンソ
4.45 クリエイティブ・バーチャル
4.46 Groq
4.47 バスラー
4.48 Hailo
4.49 株式会社セバ
4.50 グルーピック
4.51 アルゴルックス
4.52 アテナ・セキュリティ
4.53 ライオンブリッジAI
4.54 Vizseek
4.55 キュアメトリクス
4.56 トライビジョン
4.57 ロボティック・ビジョン・テクノロジーズ
4.58 AMPロボティクス
4.59 ZIVID
4.60 インスペクト
5.0 コンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場の分析と予測 2022年~2027年
5.1 コンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場 2022年~2027年
5.1.1 AI in Computer Visionの世界市場
5.1.2 コンピュータビジョンのAI市場(ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービス別 AI in Computer Vision市場 ハードウェアタイプ コネクテッドデバイスタイプのAI in Computer Vision市場 コンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場 IoTデバイスタイプ コンポーネントタイプ別AI in Computer Vision市場 組込み型コンポーネントタイプ別AI in Computer Vision市場 プロセッサタイプ別AI in Computer Vision市場 AI in Computer Visionの市場:ソフトウェアタイプ別 AI in Computer Visionのサービスタイプ別市場 プロフェッショナルサービスタイプ別のAI in Computer Vision市場
5.1.3 コンピュータビジョンのAI市場(カメラ技術別 AI in Computer Vision市場(カメラ技術フレームレートタイプ別 AI in Computer Visionのカメラ技術別解像度市場
5.1.4 コンピュータビジョンのAI市場:機械学習モデルタイプ別 AI in Computer Visionの市場:教師あり機械学習モデルタイプ別
5.1.5 コンピュータビジョンのAI市場(管理機能タイプ別
5.1.6 コンピュータビジョンのAI市場(アプリケーションタイプ別
5.1.7 産業分野別コンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場 AI in Computer Vision市場:自動車・運輸アプリケーション別 AI in Computer Visionの市場:家電製品アプリケーション別 AI in Computer Visionの市場:ヘルスケア・医療アプリケーション別 AI in Computer Visionの市場:小売・アパレル向けアプリケーション AI in Computer Visionの市場:セキュリティと監視のアプリケーション別 AI in Computer Visionの市場(製造業向けアプリケーション別 AI in Computer Visionの市場(農業分野別 AI in Computer Visionの市場:物流とサプライチェーンのアプリケーション別 AI in Computer Visionの市場:公共安全、軍事、防衛用途 AI in Computer Visionの市場:石油、ガス、鉱業アプリケーション別 AI in Computer Vision市場:通信・ITアプリケーション別 AI in Computer Vision市場:その他(教育、建設、FinTech)アプリケーション別
5.1.8 AI in Computer Visionの市場(デプロイメントタイプ別 AI in Computer Vision市場のクラウドデプロイメントタイプ
5.1.9 AI in Computer Visionの市場(顧客タイプ別
5.1.10 AI in Computer Visionの地域別市場 北米のAI in Computer Visionの国別市場 APACのAI in Computer Visionの国別市場 ヨーロッパのAI in Computer Visionの国別市場 MEAのコンピュータビジョンのAI市場(国別 ラテンアメリカのコンピュータビジョンのAI市場(国別
5.2 コンピュータビジョンにおける地域別AI市場 2022年~2027年
5.2.1 北米のAI in Computer Vision市場。ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービス、機能、機械学習、企業、展開、カメラ技術、アプリケーション、産業分野別
5.2.2 APACのコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場。ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービス、機能、機械学習、エンタープライズ、デプロイメント、カメラ技術、アプリケーション、産業バーティカル
5.2.3 欧州のコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場。ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービス、機能、機械学習、エンタープライズ、デプロイメント、カメラ技術、アプリケーション、産業バーティカル
5.2.4 MEAのコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場。ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービス、機能、機械学習、エンタープライズ、デプロイメント、カメラ技術、アプリケーション、産業バーティカル
5.2.5 ラテンアメリカのコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場。ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービス、機能、機械学習、エンタープライズ、デプロイメント、カメラ技術、アプリケーション、産業バーティカル
5.3 コンピュータビジョンのAIユニット平均価格 2022年~2027年
5.3.1 世界のAI in Computer Visionのコネクテッドデバイスタイプ別ユニット平均価格
5.3.2 コンポーネントタイプ別AI in Computer Visionユニットの世界平均価格
5.3.3 世界のAI in Computer Visionユニットの平均価格(ソフトウェアタイプ別
5.4 AI in Computer Visionユニットの展開 2022年~2027年
5.4.1 AI in Computer Visionユニットの世界的な普及状況
5.4.2 AI in Computer Visionユニットのセグメント別導入状況 AI in Computer Vision Unitのハードウェアタイプ別導入状況 コネクテッドデバイスタイプのAI in Computer Visionユニットの導入状況 IoTデバイスタイプ別AI in Computer Visionユニット導入状況 コンポーネントタイプ別AI in Computer Visionユニットの導入状況 AI in Computer Visionユニットのソフトウェアタイプ別導入状況
5.4.3 世界の地域別AI in Computer Visionユニット展開状況 北米 AI in Computer Vision Unit の国別導入状況 APAC AI in Computer Vision Unitの国別導入状況 欧州 コンピュータビジョンユニットの国別導入状況 MEA コンピュータビジョン用AIの国別展開状況 ラテンアメリカの国別コンピュータビジョン用AIユニット導入状況
5.5 地域別AI in Computer Vision Unitの展開 2022年~2027年
5.5.1 北米 AI in Computer Vision Unit の展開: コネクテッドデバイス、Iotデバイス、ソフトウェア、コンポーネント
5.5.2 APAC AI in Computer Vision Unitの展開。コネクテッドデバイス、Iotデバイス、ソフトウェア、コンポーネント
5.5.3 欧州 AI in Computer Vision Unit の展開。コネクテッドデバイス、Iotデバイス、ソフトウェア、コンポーネント
5.5.4 MEA AI in Computer Vision Unitの展開。コネクテッドデバイス、Iotデバイス、ソフトウェア、コンポーネント
5.5.5 中南米 コンピュータビジョンユニットにおけるAIの展開: コネクテッドデバイス、Iotデバイス、ソフトウェア、コンポーネント
6.0 結論と提言
図9:Cognitive Roboticsモジュール
図10:IoT AIアーキテクチャ
図13:Cortex AIプラットフォーム
図16:AIネットワークに必要な5G NRの要件
図18:IIoT MLaaSの状況
図25: コンピュータビジョンにおけるAIの世界市場 2022年~2027年
図26: 世界のAI in Computer Visionのユニット展開 2022年~2027年
表10:IoTデバイスタイプ別AI in Computer Visionの世界市場 2022年~2027年
表16:プロフェッショナルサービスタイプ別コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場 2022年~2027年
表18:カメラ技術フレームレートタイプ別コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場 2022年~2027年
表19:カメラ技術の解像度タイプ別コンピュータビジョンの世界市場 2022年~2027年
表26.コンピュータビジョンにおけるAIの世界市場:自動車・輸送用途別 2022年~2027年
表27.コンピュータビジョンにおけるAIの世界市場:家電アプリケーション別 2022年~2027年
表28.コンピュータビジョンにおけるAIの世界市場:ヘルスケア・医療アプリケーション別 2022年~2027年
表29.コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場:小売・アパレル用途 2022年~2027年
表30: コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場:セキュリティ・監視アプリケーション別 2022年~2027年
表31.コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場:製造業アプリケーション別 2022年~2027年
表32: コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場:農業アプリケーション別 2022年~2027年
表33: コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場:物流・サプライチェーンアプリケーション別 2022年~2027年
表34: コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場:公共安全、軍事、防衛アプリケーション別 2022年~2027年
表 35: コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場:石油、ガス、鉱業アプリケーション別 2022年~2027年
表36.コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場:通信・ITアプリケーション別 2022年~2027年
表37.コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場:その他(教育、建設、FinTech)アプリケーション別 2022年~2027年
表38.コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場:デプロイメントタイプ別 2022年~2027年
表39.AI in Computer Vision の世界市場:クラウド展開タイプ別 2022 年~2027 年
表40.コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場:企業タイプ別 2022年~2027年
表41.コンピュータビジョンのAI世界市場:地域別 2022年~2027年
表42.北米のコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場:国別 2022年~2027年
表43: APACのコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場:国別2022年〜2027年
表49.北米のコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場:コネクテッドデバイスタイプ別 2022年~2027年
表51.北米のコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場:コンポーネントタイプ別 2022年~2027年
表52.北米のコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場:組込みコンポーネントタイプ別 2022年~2027年
表53.北米のコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場:プロセッサタイプ別 2022年~2027年
表54.北米のコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場:ソフトウェアタイプ別 2022年~2027年
表55.北米のコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場:サービスタイプ別 2022年~2027年
表56.北米のコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場:プロフェッショナルサービスタイプ別 2022年~2027年
表57.北米のコンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場(カメラ技術別) 2022年~20年






  1. 全体概要
  2. はじめに
  3. 技術とアプリケーションの分析
  4. 企業分析
  5. コンピュータビジョンにおけるAI市場の分析と予測 2022年~2027年
  6. 結論と提言
This report assesses the application of AI in computer vision systems used in conjunction with connected devices, hardware components, embedded software, AI platforms and analytics. The report analyzes machine learning models and APIs used in computer vision systems along with the application of neural networks in AI analytics systems.
This research also evaluates the causal relationship of computer vision systems with IoT, Edge computing, and connected machines along with core hardware and software technology. The report also analyzes the relation of emotion AI with computer vision systems along with the market factors.
Select Report Findings:
  • The global market for AI in computer vision will reach $73.7 billion by 2027
  • Global reinforcement learning in computer vision will reach $34.7 billion by 2027
  • Global 2D and 3D machine vision will reach $3.4 billion and $7.4 billion respectively by 2027
  • Global AI in computer vision by unit volume expansion will grow at 37.8% CAGR through 2027
  • Global market for cameras with greater than 125 frame rate per second will exceed $10 billion by 2027
  • Asia Pacific software market in support of AI in computer vision will reach $11.8 billion by 2027 with 33.7% CAGR
Computer vision systems are dedicated to simulate the human visual system while analyzing the information extracted from photos and videos. They do this by way of mathematical operations in conjunction with signal processing systems to process both digital and analog images. These systems leverage both two dimensional and three-dimensional processes.
AI represents the ability to organize information and create outcomes in learning, decision-making, and problem-solving using a computer-enabled robotic system in the same way a human brain does. The integration of AI and computer vision systems enhance the accuracy of object identification, classification, and analysis of information.
Through leveraging AI, computer vision systems provide a robotic system in which vision sensing capabilities provide information about the environment. One of the best examples of this in practice is autonomous vehicles, which rely on computer vision and AI-based decision making for safe travel. 
Companies in Report:
  • AB Electrolux
  • ABB Ltd.
  • AIBrian Inc.
  • Algolux
  • Amazon Inc.
  • AMD
  • AMP Robotics
  • Apple Inc.
  • ARM Limited
  • Athena Security
  • Atmel Corporation
  • Baidu Inc.
  • Basler
  • Brighterion Inc.
  • Buddy
  • Ceva Inc.
  • Creative Virtual
  • CureMetrix
  • Digital Reasoning Systems Inc.
  • Facebook (Meta)
  • General Electric
  • General Vision Inc.
  • Google
  • Graphcore
  • Groopic
  • Groq
  • Hailo
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
  • IBM
  • Inspekto
  • Intel
  • iRobot Corp.
  • Koninklijke Philips N.V
  • Leap Motion
  • Leap Motion Inc.
  • Lionbridge AI
  • Microsoft
  • Motion Controls Robotics Inc.
  • Nuance Communications Inc.
  • NVidia
  • Omron Adept Technology
  • Panasonic Corporation
  • PointGrab Ltd.
  • Presenso
  • Qualcomm
  • Rethink Robotics
  • Robotic Vision Technologies
  • Samsung Electronics Co Ltd.
  • Siemens AG
  • SoftBank Robotics Holding Corp.
  • SparkCognition Inc.
  • Texas Instruments Inc.
  • TriVision
  • Vizseek
  • Xiaomi Technology Co. Ltd.
  • Xilinx


Table of Contents

1.0 Executive Summary
1.1 Overview
1.2 Research Objectives
1.3 Select Findings
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Defining AI in Computer Vision
2.1.1 Image and Video Processing
2.1.2 Conversational User Interface
2.2 Artificial General Intelligence and Super Intelligence
2.3 AI and Computer Vision Market Predictions
2.4 AI Outcomes and Enterprise Benefits
2.5 Cognitive Computing and Swarm Intelligence
2.6 Market Driver and Opportunity Analysis
2.6.1 Market Opportunities
2.7 Market Challenge Analysis
2.8 Covid-19 Impact
2.9 Value Chain Analysis
2.9.1 AI Companies
2.9.2 IoT Companies
2.9.3 AI Analytics Providers
2.9.4 Semiconductor Companies
2.9.5 End Users
2.10 Pricing Analysis
2.11 Hs Code 854231
2.12 AI Patent and Regulatory Framework
2.13 AI Public Policy Issues
3.0 Technology and Application Analysis
3.1 Technology Analysis
3.1.1 Cognitive Robots
3.1.2 IoT Device and System
3.1.3 Vision Camera Technology
3.1.4 Hardware Component
3.1.5 AI Software and Platform
3.2 IoT Device Ecosytem: Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, and Government
3.2.1 Wearable Devices
3.2.2 Medical Devices
3.2.3 Smart Appliances
3.2.4 Security Devices
3.2.5 Industrial Machines
3.2.6 In-Vehicle Devices
3.2.7 Military Devices
3.2.8 Agriculture Specific Devices
3.2.9 Video Communication Devices
3.3 Machine Learning Model
3.3.1 Deep Learning
3.3.2 Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning
3.3.3 Reinforcement Learning
3.3.4 Machine Learning APIs IBM Watson API Microsoft Azure Machine Learning API Google Prediction API Amazon Machine Learning API BigML AT&T Speech API AlchemyAPI Diffbot PredictionIO General Application Environment
3.4 Artificial Neural Networks
3.5 Emotion AI Analysis
3.5.1 Facial Detection APIs
3.5.2 Text Recognition APIs
3.5.3 Speech Recognition APIs
3.6 Edge Computing and 5G Networks
3.7 Smart Machine and Virtual Twinning
3.8 Factory Automation and Industry 4.0
3.9 Building Automation and Smart Workplace
3.10 Cloud Robotics and Public Security
3.11 Predictive 3D Design
3.12 IoT Application and Big Data Analytics
3.12.1 Data Science and Predictive Analytics
3.13 AI Application Delivery Platforms
3.13.1 AIaaS and MLaaS
3.14 Enterprise Adoption and External Investment
3.14.1 Enterprise AI Drive Productivity Gains
3.15 Application and Industry Vertical Analysis
3.16 Use Case Analysis
3.16.1 Vulcan Safer Workplace Solution
3.16.2 ADLINK Weld Defect Detection
3.16.3 Retail Customer Behavior Tracking
3.16.4 Image Segmentation in Public Health
3.16.5 Object Recognition in Automotive Industry
4.0 Company Analysis
4.1 NVidia
4.2 Intel
4.3 Microsoft
4.4 IBM
4.5 Qualcomm
4.6 Amazon Inc.
4.7 Xilinx
4.8 Google
4.9 Facebook (Meta)
4.10 AMD
4.11 Graphcore
4.12 Leap Motion
4.13 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd.
4.14 Baidu Inc.
4.15 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
4.17 ARM Limited
4.18 Hewlett Packard Enterprise
4.19 Siemens AG
4.20 Apple Inc.
4.21 General Electric
4.22 ABB Ltd.
4.23 Koninklijke Philips N.V
4.24 AB Electrolux
4.25 Digital Reasoning Systems Inc.
4.26 SparkCognition Inc.
4.27 Rethink Robotics
4.28 Motion Controls Robotics Inc.
4.29 Panasonic Corporation
4.30 Nuance Communications Inc.
4.32 Buddy
4.33 PointGrab Ltd.
4.34 Xiaomi Technology Co. Ltd.
4.35 Leap Motion Inc.
4.36 Atmel Corporation
4.37 Texas Instruments Inc.
4.38 Omron Adept Technology
4.39 AIBrian Inc.
4.40 Brighterion Inc.
4.41 General Vision Inc.
4.42 SoftBank Robotics Holding Corp.
4.43 iRobot Corp.
4.44 Presenso
4.45 Creative Virtual
4.46 Groq
4.47 Basler
4.48 Hailo
4.49 Ceva Inc.
4.50 Groopic
4.51 Algolux
4.52 Athena Security
4.53 Lionbridge AI
4.54 Vizseek
4.55 CureMetrix
4.56 TriVision
4.57 Robotic Vision Technologies
4.58 AMP Robotics
4.59 ZIVID
4.60 Inspekto
5.0 AI in Computer Vision Market Analysis and Forecasts 2022 – 2027
5.1 AI in Computer Vision Market 2022 – 2027
5.1.1 Global AI in Computer Vision Market
5.1.2 AI in Computer Vision Market by Hardware, Software and Services AI in Computer Vision Market Hardware Type AI in Computer Vision Market by Connected Device Type AI in Computer Vision Market IoT Device Type AI in Computer Vision Market by Component Type AI in Computer Vision Market by Embedded Component Type AI in Computer Vision Market by Processor Type AI in Computer Vision Market by Software Type AI in Computer Vision Market by Service Type AI in Computer Vision Market by Professional Service Type
5.1.3 AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Frame Rate Type AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Resolution Type
5.1.4 AI in Computer Vision Market by Machine Learning Model Type AI in Computer Vision Market by Supervised Machine Learning Model Type
5.1.5 AI in Computer Vision Market by Management Function Type
5.1.6 AI in Computer Vision Market by Application Type AI in Computer Vision Market by Industrial Vision Type
5.1.7 AI in Computer Vision Market by Industry Vertical AI in Computer Vision Market by Automotive and Transportation Application AI in Computer Vision Market by Consumer Electronics Application AI in Computer Vision Market by Healthcare and Medical Application AI in Computer Vision Market by Retail and Apparel Application AI in Computer Vision Market by Security and Surveillance Application AI in Computer Vision Market by Manufacturing Application AI in Computer Vision Market by Agriculture Application AI in Computer Vision Market by Logistics and Supply Chain Application AI in Computer Vision Market by Public Safety, Military and Defense Application AI in Computer Vision Market by Oil, Gas, and Mining Application AI in Computer Vision Market by Telecommunication and IT Application AI in Computer Vision Market by Others (Education, Construction, and FinTech) Application
5.1.8 AI in Computer Vision Market by Deployment Type AI in Computer Vision Market Cloud Deployment Type
5.1.9 AI in Computer Vision Market by Customer Type
5.1.10 AI in Computer Vision Market by Region North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Country APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Country Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Country MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Country Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Country
5.2 Regional AI in Computer Vision Market 2022 – 2027
5.2.1 North America AI in Computer Vision Market: Hardware, Software, Service, Function, Machine Learning, Enterprise, Deployment, Camera Technology, Application, and Industry Vertical
5.2.2 APAC AI in Computer Vision Market: Hardware, Software, Service, Function, Machine Learning, Enterprise, Deployment, Camera Technology, Application, and Industry Vertical
5.2.3 Europe AI in Computer Vision Market: Hardware, Software, Service, Function, Machine Learning, Enterprise, Deployment, Camera Technology, Application, and Industry Vertical
5.2.4 MEA AI in Computer Vision Market: Hardware, Software, Service, Function, Machine Learning, Enterprise, Deployment, Camera Technology, Application, and Industry Vertical
5.2.5 Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market: Hardware, Software, Service, Function, Machine Learning, Enterprise, Deployment, Camera Technology, Application, and Industry Vertical
5.3 AI in Computer Vision Unit Average Price 2022 – 2027
5.3.1 Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Average Price by Connected Device Type
5.3.2 Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Average Price by Component Type
5.3.3 Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Average Price by Software Type
5.4 AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment 2022 – 2027
5.4.1 Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment
5.4.2 AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Segment AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Hardware Type AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Connected Device Type AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by IoT Device Type AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Component Type AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Software Type
5.4.3 Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Region North America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Country APAC AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Country Europe AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Country MEA AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Country Latin America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Country
5.5 Regional AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment 2022 – 2027
5.5.1 North America AI in Computer Vision  Unit Deployment: Connected Device, Iot Device, Software, and Component
5.5.2 APAC AI in Computer Vision  Unit Deployment: Connected Device, Iot Device, Software, and Component
5.5.3 Europe AI in Computer Vision  Unit Deployment: Connected Device, Iot Device, Software, and Component
5.5.4 MEA AI in Computer Vision  Unit Deployment: Connected Device, Iot Device, Software, and Component
5.5.5 Latin America AI in Computer Vision  Unit Deployment: Connected Device, Iot Device, Software, and Component
6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations
Figure 1: Computer Vision System
Figure 2: Integration of AI and Computer Vision System
Figure 3: Image and Video processing with Deep Learning
Figure 4: Conversational User Interface
Figure 5: AI Technology Impact Landscape
Figure 6: HS Code 854231 Defining
Figure 7: HS Codes 854231 Import and Export Trends
Figure 8: HS Codes 854231 Import and Export Trends
Figure 9: Cognitive Robotics Module
Figure 10: IoT AI Architecture
Figure 11: Machine Vision Imaging System
Figure 12: AI Chipset
Figure 13: Cortex AI Platform
Figure 14: Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning
Figure 15: Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning
Figure 16: 5G NR Requirement for AI Network
Figure 17: AI Smart Machine Landscape
Figure 18: IIoT MLaaS Landscape
Figure 19: AI in Smart Workplace
Figure 20: AI Application Matrix
Figure 21: AI Driven Enterprise Productivity Gains
Figure 22: AI Supervised Human Workers
Figure 23: AI and Computer Vision Industry Application Matrix
Figure 24: VizSeek Visual Search Engine
Figure 25: Global AI in Computer Vision Market 2022 – 2027
Figure 26: Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment 2022 – 2027
Table 1: AI External Investment
Table 2: AI Driven Economic Transaction Percentage
Table 3: AI Business Analytics Software Percentage
Table 4: AI Self Service Visual Discovery
Table 5: AI Building Security System Percentage
Table 6: AI Generated Business Content Percentage
Table 7: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Segments 2022 – 2027
Table 8: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Hardware Type 2022 – 2027
Table 9: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Connected Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 10: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by IoT Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 11: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 12: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Embedded Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 13: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Processor Type 2022 – 2027
Table 14: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Software Type 2022 – 2027
Table 15: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Service Type 2022 – 2027
Table 16: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Professional Service Type 2022 – 2027
Table 17: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology 2022 – 2027
Table 18: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Frame Rate Type 2022 – 2027
Table 19: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Resolution Type 2022 – 2027
Table 20: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Machine Learning Model Type 2022 – 2027
Table 21: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Supervised Machine Learning Model Type 2022 – 2027
Table 22: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Management Function Type 2022 – 2027
Table 23: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Application Type 2022 – 2027
Table 24: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Industrial Vision Type 2022 – 2027
Table 25: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Industry Vertical 2022 – 2027
Table 26: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Automotive and Transportation Application 2022 – 2027
Table 27: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Consumer Electronics Application 2022 – 2027
Table 28: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Healthcare and Medical Application 2022 – 2027
Table 29: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Retail and Apparel Application 2022 – 2027
Table 30: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Security and Surveillance Application 2022 – 2027
Table 31: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Manufacturing Application 2022 – 2027
Table 32: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Agriculture Application 2022 – 2027
Table 33: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Logistics and Supply Chain Application 2022 – 2027
Table 34: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Public Safety, Military and Defense Application 2022 – 2027
Table 35: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Oil, Gas, and Mining Application 2022 – 2027
Table 36: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Telecommunication and IT Application 2022 – 2027
Table 37: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Others (Education, Construction, and FinTech) Application 2022 – 2027
Table 38: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Deployment Type 2022 – 2027
Table 39: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Cloud Deployment Type 2022 – 2027
Table 40: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Enterprise Type 2022 – 2027
Table 41: Global AI in Computer Vision Market by Region  2022 – 2027
Table 42: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Country  2022 – 2027
Table 43: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Country  2022 – 2027
Table 44: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Country  2022 – 2027
Table 45: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Country  2022 – 2027
Table 46: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Country  2022 – 2027
Table 47: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Segments 2022 – 2027
Table 48: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Hardware Type 2022 – 2027
Table 49: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Connected Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 50: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by IoT Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 51: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 52: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Embedded Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 53: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Processor Type 2022 – 2027
Table 54: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Software Type 2022 – 2027
Table 55: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Service Type 2022 – 2027
Table 56: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Professional Service Type 2022 – 2027
Table 57: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology 2022 – 2027
Table 58: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Frame Rate Type 2022 – 2027
Table 59: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Resolution Type 2022 – 2027
Table 60: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Machine Learning Model Type 2022 – 2027
Table 61: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Supervised Machine Learning Model Type 2022 – 2027
Table 62: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Management Function Type 2022 – 2027
Table 63: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Application Type 2022 – 2027
Table 64: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Industrial Vision Type 2022 – 2027
Table 65: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Industry Vertical 2022 – 2027
Table 66: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Automotive and Transportation Application 2022 – 2027
Table 67: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Consumer Electronics Application 2022 – 2027
Table 68: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Healthcare and Medical Application 2022 – 2027
Table 69: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Retail and Apparel Application 2022 – 2027
Table 70: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Security and Surveillance Application 2022 – 2027
Table 71: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Manufacturing Application 2022 – 2027
Table 72: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Agriculture Application 2022 – 2027
Table 73: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Logistics and Supply Chain Application 2022 – 2027
Table 74: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Public Safety, Military and Defense Application 2022 – 2027
Table 75: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Oil, Gas, and Mining Application 2022 – 2027
Table 76: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Telecommunication and IT Application 2022 – 2027
Table 77: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Others (Education, Construction, and FinTech) Application 2022 – 2027
Table 78: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Deployment Type 2022 – 2027
Table 79: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Cloud Deployment Type 2022 – 2027
Table 80: North America AI in Computer Vision Market by Enterprise Type 2022 – 2027
Table 81: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Segments 2022 – 2027
Table 82: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Hardware Type 2022 – 2027
Table 83: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Connected Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 84: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by IoT Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 85: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 86: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Embedded Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 87: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Processor Type 2022 – 2027
Table 88: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Software Type 2022 – 2027
Table 89: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Service Type 2022 – 2027
Table 90: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Professional Service Type 2022 – 2027
Table 91: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology 2022 – 2027
Table 92: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Frame Rate Type 2022 – 2027
Table 93: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Resolution Type 2022 – 2027
Table 94: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Machine Learning Model Type 2022 – 2027
Table 95: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Supervised Machine Learning Model Type 2022 – 2027
Table 96: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Management Function Type 2022 – 2027
Table 97: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Application Type 2022 – 2027
Table 98: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Industrial Vision Type 2022 – 2027
Table 99: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Industry Vertical 2022 – 2027
Table 100: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Automotive and Transportation Application 2022 – 2027
Table 101: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Consumer Electronics Application 2022 – 2027
Table 102: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Healthcare and Medical Application 2022 – 2027
Table 103: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Retail and Apparel Application 2022 – 2027
Table 104: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Security and Surveillance Application 2022 – 2027
Table 105: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Manufacturing Application 2022 – 2027
Table 106: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Agriculture Application 2022 – 2027
Table 107: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Logistics and Supply Chain Application 2022 – 2027
Table 108: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Public Safety, Military and Defense Application 2022 – 2027
Table 109: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Oil, Gas, and Mining Application 2022 – 2027
Table 110: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Telecommunication and IT Application 2022 – 2027
Table 111: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Others (Education, Construction, and FinTech) Application 2022 – 2027
Table 112: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Deployment Type 2022 – 2027
Table 113: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Cloud Deployment Type 2022 – 2027
Table 114: APAC AI in Computer Vision Market by Enterprise Type 2022 – 2027
Table 115: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Segments 2022 – 2027
Table 116: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Hardware Type 2022 – 2027
Table 117: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Connected Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 118: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by IoT Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 119: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 120: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Embedded Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 121: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Processor Type 2022 – 2027
Table 122: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Software Type 2022 – 2027
Table 123: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Service Type 2022 – 2027
Table 124: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Professional Service Type 2022 – 2027
Table 125: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology 2022 – 2027
Table 126: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Frame Rate Type 2022 – 2027
Table 127: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Resolution Type 2022 – 2027
Table 128: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Machine Learning Model Type 2022 – 2027
Table 129: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Supervised Machine Learning Model Type 2022 – 2027
Table 130: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Management Function Type 2022 – 2027
Table 131: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Application Type 2022 – 2027
Table 132: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Industrial Vision Type 2022 – 2027
Table 133: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Industry Vertical 2022 – 2027
Table 134: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Automotive and Transportation Application 2022 – 2027
Table 135: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Consumer Electronics Application 2022 – 2027
Table 136: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Healthcare and Medical Application 2022 – 2027
Table 137: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Retail and Apparel Application 2022 – 2027
Table 138: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Security and Surveillance Application 2022 – 2027
Table 139: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Manufacturing Application 2022 – 2027
Table 140: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Agriculture Application 2022 – 2027
Table 141: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Logistics and Supply Chain Application 2022 – 2027
Table 142: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Public Safety, Military and Defense Application 2022 – 2027
Table 143: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Oil, Gas, and Mining Application 2022 – 2027
Table 144: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Telecommunication and IT Application 2022 – 2027
Table 145: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Others (Education, Construction, and FinTech) Application 2022 – 2027
Table 146: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Deployment Type 2022 – 2027
Table 147: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Cloud Deployment Type 2022 – 2027
Table 148: Europe AI in Computer Vision Market by Enterprise Type 2022 – 2027
Table 149: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Segments 2022 – 2027
Table 150: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Hardware Type 2022 – 2027
Table 151: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Connected Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 152: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by IoT Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 153: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 154: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Embedded Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 155: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Processor Type 2022 – 2027
Table 156: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Software Type 2022 – 2027
Table 157: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Service Type 2022 – 2027
Table 158: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Professional Service Type 2022 – 2027
Table 159: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology 2022 – 2027
Table 160: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Frame Rate Type 2022 – 2027
Table 161: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Resolution Type 2022 – 2027
Table 162: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Machine Learning Model Type 2022 – 2027
Table 163: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Supervised Machine Learning Model Type 2022 – 2027
Table 164: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Management Function Type 2022 – 2027
Table 165: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Application Type 2022 – 2027
Table 166: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Industrial Vision Type 2022 – 2027
Table 167: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Industry Vertical 2022 – 2027
Table 168: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Automotive and Transportation Application 2022 – 2027
Table 169: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Consumer Electronics Application 2022 – 2027
Table 170: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Healthcare and Medical Application 2022 – 2027
Table 171: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Retail and Apparel Application 2022 – 2027
Table 172: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Security and Surveillance Application 2022 – 2027
Table 173: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Manufacturing Application 2022 – 2027
Table 174: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Agriculture Application 2022 – 2027
Table 175: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Logistics and Supply Chain Application 2022 – 2027
Table 176: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Public Safety, Military and Defense Application 2022 – 2027
Table 177: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Oil, Gas, and Mining Application 2022 – 2027
Table 178: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Telecommunication and IT Application 2022 – 2027
Table 179: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Others (Education, Construction, and FinTech) Application 2022 – 2027
Table 180: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Deployment Type 2022 – 2027
Table 181: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Cloud Deployment Type 2022 – 2027
Table 182: MEA AI in Computer Vision Market by Enterprise Type 2022 – 2027
Table 183: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Segments 2022 – 2027
Table 184: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Hardware Type 2022 – 2027
Table 185: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Connected Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 186: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by IoT Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 187: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 188: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Embedded Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 189: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Processor Type 2022 – 2027
Table 190: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Software Type 2022 – 2027
Table 191: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Service Type 2022 – 2027
Table 192: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Professional Service Type 2022 – 2027
Table 193: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology 2022 – 2027
Table 194: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Frame Rate Type 2022 – 2027
Table 195: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Camera Technology Resolution Type 2022 – 2027
Table 196: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Machine Learning Model Type 2022 – 2027
Table 197: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Supervised Machine Learning Model Type 2022 – 2027
Table 198: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Management Function Type 2022 – 2027
Table 199: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Application Type 2022 – 2027
Table 200: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Industrial Vision Type 2022 – 2027
Table 201: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Industry Vertical 2022 – 2027
Table 202: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Automotive and Transportation Application 2022 – 2027
Table 203: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Consumer Electronics Application 2022 – 2027
Table 204: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Healthcare and Medical Application 2022 – 2027
Table 205: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Retail and Apparel Application 2022 – 2027
Table 206: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Security and Surveillance Application 2022 – 2027
Table 207: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Manufacturing Application 2022 – 2027
Table 208: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Agriculture Application 2022 – 2027
Table 209: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Logistics and Supply Chain Application 2022 – 2027
Table 210: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Public Safety, Military and Defense Application 2022 – 2027
Table 211: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Oil, Gas, and Mining Application 2022 – 2027
Table 212: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Telecommunication and IT Application 2022 – 2027
Table 213: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Others (Education, Construction, and FinTech) Application 2022 – 2027
Table 214: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Deployment Type 2022 – 2027
Table 215: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Cloud Deployment Type 2022 – 2027
Table 216: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Market by Enterprise Type 2022 – 2027
Table 217: Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Average Price by Connected Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 218: Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Average Price by Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 219: Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Average Price by Software Type 2022 – 2027
Table 220: Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Segment 2022 – 2027
Table 221: Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Hardware Type 2022 – 2027
Table 222: Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Connected Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 223: Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by IoT Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 224: Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 225: Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Software Type 2022 – 2027
Table 226: Global AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Region 2022 – 2027
Table 227: North America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Country 2022 – 2027
Table 228: APAC AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Country 2022 – 2027
Table 229: Europe AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Country 2022 – 2027
Table 230: MEA AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Country 2022 – 2027
Table 231: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Country 2022 – 2027
Table 232: North America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Segment 2022 – 2027
Table 233: North America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Hardware Type 2022 – 2027
Table 234: North America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Connected Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 235: North America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by IoT Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 236: North America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 237: North America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Software Type 2022 – 2027
Table 238: APAC AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Segment 2022 – 2027
Table 239: APAC AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Hardware Type 2022 – 2027
Table 240: APAC AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Connected Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 241: APAC AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by IoT Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 242: APAC AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 243: APAC AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Software Type 2022 – 2027
Table 244: Europe AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Segment 2022 – 2027
Table 245: Europe AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Hardware Type 2022 – 2027
Table 246: Europe AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Connected Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 247: Europe AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by IoT Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 248: Europe AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 249: Europe AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Software Type 2022 – 2027
Table 250: MEA AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Segment 2022 – 2027
Table 251: MEA AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Hardware Type 2022 – 2027
Table 252: MEA AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Connected Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 253: MEA AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by IoT Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 254: MEA AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 255: MEA AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Software Type 2022 – 2027
Table 256: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Segment 2022 – 2027
Table 257: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Hardware Type 2022 – 2027
Table 258: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Connected Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 259: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by IoT Device Type 2022 – 2027
Table 260: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Component Type 2022 – 2027
Table 261: Latin America AI in Computer Vision Unit Deployment by Software Type 2022 – 2027






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