監視カメラの世界市場。システムタイプ別(アナログ、IP商用、IP民生、その他監視カメラ)、技術別(イメージシグナルプロセッサ、ビジョンプロセッサ、ビジョンプロセッサ+AI)、地域別サイズとトレンド、COVID-19の影響による分析、2027年までの予測Global Surveillance Camera Market: Analysis By System Type (Analog, IP Commercial, IP Consumer and Other Surveillance Camera), By Technology (Image Signal Processor, Vision Processor, Vision Processor + AI) By Region Size and Trends with Impact of COVID-19 and Forecast up to 2027 2021年の監視カメラ世界市場規模は280億2,000万米ドル。2027年には455億4,000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。監視カメラは、ある地域を観察する目的で使用されるビデオカメラです。多くの場合、記録装置やI... もっと見る
サマリー2021年の監視カメラ世界市場規模は280億2,000万米ドル。2027年には455億4,000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。監視カメラは、ある地域を観察する目的で使用されるビデオカメラです。多くの場合、記録装置やIPネットワークに接続され、警備員や警察官によって監視されることもあります。監視カメラは、盗難、火災、洪水、侵入から個人または企業を保護することができます。さらに、監視カメラの世界市場規模は、2021年の2億1430万台から、2027年には5億2475万台に達すると予測されています。都市人口の増加、犯罪脅威の増加、交通管理の増加、技術の向上、ATM数の増加などにより、今後数年間は市場成長を推進すると思われます。2022-2027年の予測期間には、CAGR8.38%で市場が成長すると予測される。 市場セグメンテーションの分析 システムタイプ別。本レポートでは、システムタイプに基づく市場の二分化を提供しています。金額ベースでは、市場は2つのセグメントに二分されます。アナログ監視カメラとIP監視カメラです。2021年の市場では、IP監視カメラが65%の主要シェアを占めている。数量ベースでは、市場はシステムタイプによって以下のセグメントに二分される。アナログ、IPコマーシャル、IPコンシューマー、その他の監視カメラです。2021年の市場では、IP商用監視カメラが40%以上の主要シェアを占めている。一方、アナログ分野は、多くの利点を持つIPカメラの出現により、今後数年間で減少すると予想されています。 技術別本レポートではさらに、画像信号処理装置、ビジョンプロセッサ、ビジョンプロセッサ+AI監視カメラという技術に基づく市場規模のセグメント分けを掲載しています。イメージシグナルプロセッサは、市場の70%以上のシェアを占めている。ホームセキュリティシステムの販売増、監視カメラへの人工知能システムの搭載、IoTベースの監視システムの採用が市場拡大に寄与している。ビジョンプロセッサ+AI監視カメラ分野は、最も高いCAGRで成長すると予測されます。監視カメラメーカーは、基本的な画像処理からAI処理にシフトしており、これが世界のビジョンプロセッサ(+AI)カメラ市場の成長に貢献すると思われる。人工知能(AI)技術の重要性は、COVID-19のパンデミックの間に、かなり増加し、リアルタイム監視ソリューションを提供する上で、様々なセクター、特に医療に役立ったという。 地域別では本レポートでは、欧州、北米、アジア太平洋地域、その他の地域の監視カメラ市場に関する洞察を提供しています。アジア太平洋地域は、犯罪の増加や治安の悪化により、市場の40%以上を占めています。 北米では、米国が圧倒的なシェアを占めています。米国は世界でも有数の監視対象国であり、公共施設や私有地のほとんどにCCTVカメラが設置されています。しかし、同国では小売・商業エンドユーザー市場のカメラ設置台数が最も多いと推定される。一方、アジア太平洋地域では、日本と中国が市場で大きなシェアを占めています。日本では、効率的な安全ソリューションを提供するために、公共安全機関が新興技術に多額の投資を行っているためです。 市場ダイナミクス 成長の原動力。近年、犯罪行為の減少や防止を目的として、監視カメラが急速に普及しています。監視カメラの普及に比例して、犯罪件数は減少している。また、監視カメラは、逮捕や処罰の可能性を高めることで、犯罪を抑止することができます。さらに、急速な都市化、ATM数の増加、交通管理の増加、監視カメラ業界の技術改善と発展、その他多くの要因によって、過去数年間、市場は成長しています。 課題しかし、個人情報保護への関心の高まり、投資コストの高さなど、いくつかの課題に直面しています。 トレンド監視カメラへの人工知能システムの搭載、IoTベースの監視システムの採用、VSaaS(Video Surveillance as a Service)の出現など、様々な最新トレンドにより、予測期間中に市場は速いペースで成長すると予測されます。IoTシステムは、自動車、輸送、スマートホーム、エネルギー、ユーティリティ、セキュリティ、監視、公共安全、金融サービス、小売、ヘルスケア、産業、倉庫、流通などの分野で展開されている。IoTベースの監視システムの採用が拡大していることは、世界の監視カメラ市場に全体的な成長機会をもたらしています。 COVID-19の影響分析および今後の方向性。 世界の監視カメラ市場は、COVID-19の大流行によって様々な影響を受けた。COVID-19の大流行を受けて、さまざまな監視カメラが社会的距離を置くなどの目的に有効な手段であることが判明しつつある。COVID患者の監視のため、COVID病棟で監視カメラが使用されました。また、人混みでのCOVID感染拡大を防ぐため、温度監視も開始されました。 競合他社の状況 世界の監視カメラ市場は、主に中国企業によって支配されており、HikvisionとDahuaが監視カメラ市場全体の約60%を占めています。 監視カメラの世界市場における主要プレイヤーは以下の通りです。 ロバート・ボッシュGmbH パナソニック株式会社 ハネウェルインターナショナル株式会社 シスコシステムズ株式会社 ソニーグループ株式会社 LG電子株式会社 ヒクビジョン ダーファテクノロジー アクシスコミュニケーションズAB テレダイン・テクノロジーズ・インコーポレイテッド ハンファグループ モトローラソリューションズ(Avigilon) ユニビュー 監視カメラ市場の主要企業間の戦略には、製品の発売、合併、買収、提携などがあります。例えば、2021年にHikvisionは、TandemVu技術を搭載した新しいDeepinView弾丸ネットワークカメラの発売を発表し、TandemVu技術の範囲をPTZユニットから弾丸スタイルのモデルへと拡大しました。一方、Dahua Technologyは、同社のネットワークカメラとビデオレコーダー製品がETSI EN 303 645規格に合格したことを発表した。 目次1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1 Surveillance Camera: An Overview 2.1.1 Definition of Surveillance Camera 2.1.2 Applications of Surveillance Cameras 2.2 Surveillance Camera Segmentation: An Overview 2.2.1 Surveillance Camera Segmentation 3. Global Market Analysis 3.1 Global Surveillance Camera Market: An Analysis 3.1.1 Global Surveillance Camera Market: An Overview 3.1.2 Global Surveillance Camera Market by Value 3.1.3 Global Surveillance Camera Market by System Type (IP surveillance and analog surveillance camera) 3.1.4 Global Surveillance Camera Market by Region (Asia Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of the World) 3.2 Global Surveillance Camera Market: System Type Analysis 3.2.1 Global Surveillance Camera Market by System Type: An Overview 3.2.2 Global Internet Protocol (IP) Surveillance Camera Market by Value 3.2.3 Global Analog Surveillance Camera Market by Value 3.3 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume: An Analysis 3.3.1 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume: An Overview 3.3.2 Global Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.3.3 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume by System Type (IP commercial, IP consumer, analog and other) 3.3.4 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume by Technology (Image signal processor, vision processor and vision processor + AI surveillance camera) 3.4 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume: System Type Analysis 3.4.1 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume by System Type: An Overview 3.4.2 Global IP Commercial Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.4.3 Global IP Consumer Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.4.4 Global Analog Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.4.5 Global Other Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.5 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume: Technology Analysis 3.5.1 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume by Technology: An Overview 3.5.2 Global Image Signal Processor Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.5.3 Global Vision Processor Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.5.4 Global Vision Processor + AI Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 4. Regional Market Analysis 4.1 Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market: An Analysis 4.1.1 Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market: An Overview 4.1.2 Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.1.3 Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Region (Japan, China, South Korea, India, Australia and Rest of Asia Pacific) 4.1.4 Japan Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.1.5 China Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.1.6 South Korea Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.1.7 India Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.1.8 Australia Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.1.9 Rest of Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.2 North America Surveillance Camera Market: An Analysis 4.2.1 North America Surveillance Camera Market: An Overview 4.2.2 North America Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.2.3 North America Surveillance Camera Market by Region (The US, Canada and Mexico) 4.2.4 The US Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.2.5 Canada Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.2.6 Mexico Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3 Europe Surveillance Camera Market: An Analysis 4.3.1 Europe Surveillance Camera Market: An Overview 4.3.2 Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3.3 Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Region (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain and Rest of the Europe) 4.3.4 United Kingdom Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3.5 Germany Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3.6 France Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3.7 Spain Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3.8 Italy Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3.9 Rest of Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.4 Rest of the World (ROW) Surveillance Camera Market: An Analysis 4.4.1 Rest of the World (ROW) Surveillance Camera Market: An Overview 4.4.2 Rest of the World (ROW) Surveillance Camera Market by Value 5. Impact of COVID-19 5.1 Impact of COVID-19 5.1.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Surveillance Camera Market 5.1.2 Impact of COVID-19 on Video Analytics 5.1.3 Impact of COVID-19 on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) 5.1.4 Need for Surveillance in COVID-19 Wards 5.1.5 Impact of COVID-19 on Thermal Imaging Systems 6. Market Dynamics 6.1 Growth Drivers 6.1.1 Growing Number of ATMs 6.1.2 Increase in Crime Rate and Threats 6.1.3 Rise in Infrastructure Developments 6.1.4 Rapid Urbanization 6.1.5 Rising Sales of Home Security Systems 6.1.6 Escalating Demand for Big Data 6.1.7 Growth in Traffic Management 6.1.8 Growing Adoption of IP Cameras 6.2 Challenges 6.2.1 Increase in Privacy Concern 6.2.2 High Investment Cost 6.3 Market Trends 6.3.1 Integration of Artificial Intelligence Systems in Surveillance Camera 6.3.2 Adoption of IoT based Surveillance Systems 6.3.3 Emergence of Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) 6.3.4 Increase in Adoption of Spy and Hidden Cameras 6.3.5 Growth in Transition from Analog Surveillance to IP Cameras 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1 Global Surveillance Camera Players by Market Share 8. Company Profiles 8.1 Robert Bosch GmbH 8.1.1 Business Overview 8.1.2 Operating Segment 8.1.3 Business Strategy 8.2 Panasonic Corporation 8.2.1 Business Overview 8.2.2 Operating Segment 8.2.3 Business Strategy 8.3 Honeywell International Inc. 8.3.1 Business Overview 8.3.2 Operating Segment 8.3.3 Business Strategy 8.4 Cisco Systems, Inc. 8.4.1 Business Overview 8.4.2 Operating Segment 8.4.3 Business Strategy 8.5 Sony Group Corporation 8.5.1 Business Overview 8.5.2 Operating Segments 8.5.3 Business Strategy 8.6 LG Electronics Inc. 8.6.1 Business Overview 8.6.2 Operating Segment 8.6.3 Business Strategy 8.7 Hikvision 8.7.1 Business Overview 8.7.2 Business Strategy 8.8 Dahua Technology 8.8.1 Business Overview 8.8.2 Business Strategy 8.9 Axis Communications AB 8.9.1 Business Overview 8.9.2 Operating Segments 8.9.3 Business Strategy 8.10 Teledyne Technologies Incorporated 8.10.1 Business Overview 8.10.2 Operating Segment 8.10.3 Business Strategy 8.11 Hanwha Group 8.11.1 Business Overview 8.11.2 Operating Segment 8.11.3 Business Strategy 8.12 Motorola Solutions (Avigilon) 8.12.1 Business Strategy 8.12.2 Operating Segment 8.12.3 Business Strategy 8.13 Uniview 8.13.1 Business Overview 8.13.2 Business Strategy List of Figures Figure 1: Applications of Surveillance Cameras Figure 2: Surveillance Camera Segmentation Figure 3: Global Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 4: Global Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 5: Global Surveillance Camera Market by System Type; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: Global Surveillance Camera Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 7: Global Internet Protocol (IP) Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 8: Global Internet Protocol (IP) Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 9: Global Analog Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 10: Global Analog Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 11: Global Surveillance Camera Market by Volume; 2017-2021 (Million Units) Figure 12: Global Surveillance Camera Market by Volume; 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 13: Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume by System Type; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 14: Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume by Technology; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 15: Global IP Commercial Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2017-2021 (Million Units) Figure 16: Global IP Commercial Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 17: Global IP Consumer Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2017-2021 (Million Units) Figure 18: Global IP Consumer Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 19: Global Analog Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2017-2021 (Thousand Units) Figure 20: Global Analog Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Thousand Units) Figure 21: Global Other Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2017-2021 (Million Units) Figure 22: Global Other Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 23: Global Image Signal Processor Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2019-2021 (Million Units) Figure 24: Global Image Signal Processor Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 25: Global Vision Processor Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2019-2021 (Million Units) Figure 26: Global Vision Processor Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 27: Global Vision Processor + AI Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2019-2021 (Million Units) Figure 28: Global Vision Processor + AI Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 29: Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 30: Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 31: Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 32: Japan Surveillance Camera Market by Value, 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 33: Japan Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 34: China Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 35: China Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 36: South Korea Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 37: South Korea Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 38: India Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 39: India Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 40: Australia Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 41: Australia Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 42: Rest of Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 43: Rest of Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 44: North America Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 45: North America Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 46: North America Surveillance Camera Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 47: The US Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 48: The US Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 49: Canada Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 50: Canada Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 51: Mexico Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 52: Mexico Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 53: Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 54: Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 55: Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 56: United Kingdom Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 57: United Kingdom Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 58: Germany Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 59: Germany Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 60: France Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 61: France Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 62: Spain Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 63: Spain Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 64: Italy Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 65: Italy Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 66: Rest of Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 67: Rest of Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 68: Rest of the World (ROW) Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 69: Rest of the World (ROW) Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 70: Global Video Analytics Market, 2019-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 71: Global Civil Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Production, 2019-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 72: Global Number of ATMs; 2014-2020 (Per 100000 Adults) Figure 73: Global Crime Rate by Region; 2021-2022 (Crime Index) Figure 74: Global Infrastructure Investment at Current Trends; 2017-2037 (US$ Trillion) Figure 75: Global Urban Population; 2016-2021 (Billion) Figure 76: Global Home Security System Sales; 2017-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 77: Global Big Data Analytics Market; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 78: Global Traffic Management Market; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion) Figure 79: Global Artificial Intelligence Market Revenues; 2020-2023 (US$ Billion) Figure 80: Number of Global Active IoT Connections (Installed Base); 2017-2025 (Billion) Figure 81: Global Surveillance Camera Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 82: Robert Bosch Sales by Business Sector; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 83: Panasonic Corporation Net Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 84: Honeywell International Inc. Net Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 85: Cisco Systems, Inc. Revenue by Geographic Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 86: Sony Group Corporation Total Sales & Financial Services Revenues by Segment; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 87: LG Electronics Inc. Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 88: Axis Communications AB Revenue by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 89: Teledyne Technologies Incorporated Net Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 90: Hanwha Group Total Sales by Business Segment; 2020 (Percentage, %) Figure 91: Motorola Solutions, Inc. Net Sales; 2021 (Percentage, %)
SummaryThe global surveillance camera market in 2021 was valued at US$28.02 billion. The market is expected to reach US$45.54 billion by 2027. Surveillance camera are video cameras used for the purpose of observing an area. They are often connected to a recording device or IP network, and maybe watched by a security guard or law enforcement officer. Surveillance camera can protect individuals or businesses from theft, fire, flood, or intrusion. Furthermore, the global surveillance camera market volume is expected to reach 524.75 million units in 2027, increasing from 214.30 million units in 2021. Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1 Surveillance Camera: An Overview 2.1.1 Definition of Surveillance Camera 2.1.2 Applications of Surveillance Cameras 2.2 Surveillance Camera Segmentation: An Overview 2.2.1 Surveillance Camera Segmentation 3. Global Market Analysis 3.1 Global Surveillance Camera Market: An Analysis 3.1.1 Global Surveillance Camera Market: An Overview 3.1.2 Global Surveillance Camera Market by Value 3.1.3 Global Surveillance Camera Market by System Type (IP surveillance and analog surveillance camera) 3.1.4 Global Surveillance Camera Market by Region (Asia Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of the World) 3.2 Global Surveillance Camera Market: System Type Analysis 3.2.1 Global Surveillance Camera Market by System Type: An Overview 3.2.2 Global Internet Protocol (IP) Surveillance Camera Market by Value 3.2.3 Global Analog Surveillance Camera Market by Value 3.3 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume: An Analysis 3.3.1 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume: An Overview 3.3.2 Global Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.3.3 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume by System Type (IP commercial, IP consumer, analog and other) 3.3.4 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume by Technology (Image signal processor, vision processor and vision processor + AI surveillance camera) 3.4 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume: System Type Analysis 3.4.1 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume by System Type: An Overview 3.4.2 Global IP Commercial Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.4.3 Global IP Consumer Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.4.4 Global Analog Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.4.5 Global Other Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.5 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume: Technology Analysis 3.5.1 Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume by Technology: An Overview 3.5.2 Global Image Signal Processor Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.5.3 Global Vision Processor Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 3.5.4 Global Vision Processor + AI Surveillance Camera Market by Volume 4. Regional Market Analysis 4.1 Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market: An Analysis 4.1.1 Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market: An Overview 4.1.2 Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.1.3 Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Region (Japan, China, South Korea, India, Australia and Rest of Asia Pacific) 4.1.4 Japan Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.1.5 China Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.1.6 South Korea Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.1.7 India Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.1.8 Australia Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.1.9 Rest of Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.2 North America Surveillance Camera Market: An Analysis 4.2.1 North America Surveillance Camera Market: An Overview 4.2.2 North America Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.2.3 North America Surveillance Camera Market by Region (The US, Canada and Mexico) 4.2.4 The US Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.2.5 Canada Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.2.6 Mexico Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3 Europe Surveillance Camera Market: An Analysis 4.3.1 Europe Surveillance Camera Market: An Overview 4.3.2 Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3.3 Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Region (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain and Rest of the Europe) 4.3.4 United Kingdom Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3.5 Germany Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3.6 France Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3.7 Spain Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3.8 Italy Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.3.9 Rest of Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Value 4.4 Rest of the World (ROW) Surveillance Camera Market: An Analysis 4.4.1 Rest of the World (ROW) Surveillance Camera Market: An Overview 4.4.2 Rest of the World (ROW) Surveillance Camera Market by Value 5. Impact of COVID-19 5.1 Impact of COVID-19 5.1.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Surveillance Camera Market 5.1.2 Impact of COVID-19 on Video Analytics 5.1.3 Impact of COVID-19 on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) 5.1.4 Need for Surveillance in COVID-19 Wards 5.1.5 Impact of COVID-19 on Thermal Imaging Systems 6. Market Dynamics 6.1 Growth Drivers 6.1.1 Growing Number of ATMs 6.1.2 Increase in Crime Rate and Threats 6.1.3 Rise in Infrastructure Developments 6.1.4 Rapid Urbanization 6.1.5 Rising Sales of Home Security Systems 6.1.6 Escalating Demand for Big Data 6.1.7 Growth in Traffic Management 6.1.8 Growing Adoption of IP Cameras 6.2 Challenges 6.2.1 Increase in Privacy Concern 6.2.2 High Investment Cost 6.3 Market Trends 6.3.1 Integration of Artificial Intelligence Systems in Surveillance Camera 6.3.2 Adoption of IoT based Surveillance Systems 6.3.3 Emergence of Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) 6.3.4 Increase in Adoption of Spy and Hidden Cameras 6.3.5 Growth in Transition from Analog Surveillance to IP Cameras 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1 Global Surveillance Camera Players by Market Share 8. Company Profiles 8.1 Robert Bosch GmbH 8.1.1 Business Overview 8.1.2 Operating Segment 8.1.3 Business Strategy 8.2 Panasonic Corporation 8.2.1 Business Overview 8.2.2 Operating Segment 8.2.3 Business Strategy 8.3 Honeywell International Inc. 8.3.1 Business Overview 8.3.2 Operating Segment 8.3.3 Business Strategy 8.4 Cisco Systems, Inc. 8.4.1 Business Overview 8.4.2 Operating Segment 8.4.3 Business Strategy 8.5 Sony Group Corporation 8.5.1 Business Overview 8.5.2 Operating Segments 8.5.3 Business Strategy 8.6 LG Electronics Inc. 8.6.1 Business Overview 8.6.2 Operating Segment 8.6.3 Business Strategy 8.7 Hikvision 8.7.1 Business Overview 8.7.2 Business Strategy 8.8 Dahua Technology 8.8.1 Business Overview 8.8.2 Business Strategy 8.9 Axis Communications AB 8.9.1 Business Overview 8.9.2 Operating Segments 8.9.3 Business Strategy 8.10 Teledyne Technologies Incorporated 8.10.1 Business Overview 8.10.2 Operating Segment 8.10.3 Business Strategy 8.11 Hanwha Group 8.11.1 Business Overview 8.11.2 Operating Segment 8.11.3 Business Strategy 8.12 Motorola Solutions (Avigilon) 8.12.1 Business Strategy 8.12.2 Operating Segment 8.12.3 Business Strategy 8.13 Uniview 8.13.1 Business Overview 8.13.2 Business Strategy List of Figures Figure 1: Applications of Surveillance Cameras Figure 2: Surveillance Camera Segmentation Figure 3: Global Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 4: Global Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 5: Global Surveillance Camera Market by System Type; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: Global Surveillance Camera Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 7: Global Internet Protocol (IP) Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 8: Global Internet Protocol (IP) Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 9: Global Analog Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 10: Global Analog Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 11: Global Surveillance Camera Market by Volume; 2017-2021 (Million Units) Figure 12: Global Surveillance Camera Market by Volume; 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 13: Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume by System Type; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 14: Global Surveillance Camera Market Volume by Technology; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 15: Global IP Commercial Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2017-2021 (Million Units) Figure 16: Global IP Commercial Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 17: Global IP Consumer Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2017-2021 (Million Units) Figure 18: Global IP Consumer Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 19: Global Analog Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2017-2021 (Thousand Units) Figure 20: Global Analog Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Thousand Units) Figure 21: Global Other Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2017-2021 (Million Units) Figure 22: Global Other Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 23: Global Image Signal Processor Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2019-2021 (Million Units) Figure 24: Global Image Signal Processor Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 25: Global Vision Processor Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2019-2021 (Million Units) Figure 26: Global Vision Processor Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 27: Global Vision Processor + AI Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2019-2021 (Million Units) Figure 28: Global Vision Processor + AI Surveillance Camera Market by Volume, 2022-2027 (Million Units) Figure 29: Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 30: Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 31: Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 32: Japan Surveillance Camera Market by Value, 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 33: Japan Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 34: China Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 35: China Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 36: South Korea Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 37: South Korea Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 38: India Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 39: India Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 40: Australia Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 41: Australia Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 42: Rest of Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 43: Rest of Asia Pacific Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 44: North America Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 45: North America Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 46: North America Surveillance Camera Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 47: The US Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 48: The US Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 49: Canada Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 50: Canada Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 51: Mexico Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 52: Mexico Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 53: Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 54: Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 55: Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 56: United Kingdom Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 57: United Kingdom Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 58: Germany Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 59: Germany Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 60: France Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 61: France Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 62: Spain Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 63: Spain Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 64: Italy Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Million) Figure 65: Italy Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Million) Figure 66: Rest of Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 67: Rest of Europe Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 68: Rest of the World (ROW) Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 69: Rest of the World (ROW) Surveillance Camera Market by Value; 2022-2027 (US$ Billion) Figure 70: Global Video Analytics Market, 2019-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 71: Global Civil Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Production, 2019-2021 (US$ Billion) Figure 72: Global Number of ATMs; 2014-2020 (Per 100000 Adults) Figure 73: Global Crime Rate by Region; 2021-2022 (Crime Index) Figure 74: Global Infrastructure Investment at Current Trends; 2017-2037 (US$ Trillion) Figure 75: Global Urban Population; 2016-2021 (Billion) Figure 76: Global Home Security System Sales; 2017-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 77: Global Big Data Analytics Market; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 78: Global Traffic Management Market; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion) Figure 79: Global Artificial Intelligence Market Revenues; 2020-2023 (US$ Billion) Figure 80: Number of Global Active IoT Connections (Installed Base); 2017-2025 (Billion) Figure 81: Global Surveillance Camera Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 82: Robert Bosch Sales by Business Sector; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 83: Panasonic Corporation Net Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 84: Honeywell International Inc. Net Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 85: Cisco Systems, Inc. Revenue by Geographic Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 86: Sony Group Corporation Total Sales & Financial Services Revenues by Segment; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 87: LG Electronics Inc. Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 88: Axis Communications AB Revenue by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 89: Teledyne Technologies Incorporated Net Sales by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 90: Hanwha Group Total Sales by Business Segment; 2020 (Percentage, %) Figure 91: Motorola Solutions, Inc. Net Sales; 2021 (Percentage, %)
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