![]() 精密医療:主要トレンド、地域別分析、市場予測 2022-2027PRECISION MEDICINE: KEY TRENDS, REGIONAL ANALYSIS AND MARKET FORECASTS 2022-2027 ジュニパーリサーチ社の精密医療レポートは、精密医療分野における技術の進歩と、発展途上市場と既存市場の両方における精密医療の採用など、精密医療に対する需要を詳細に評価したものである。さらに、精密医... もっと見る
アルゼンチン, ブラジル, チリ, コロンビア, エクアドル, メキシコ, ペルー, ウルグアイ
アルジェリア、エジプト、イスラエル、ケニア、クウェート、ナイジェリア、カタール、サウジアラビア、南アフ リカ、アラブ首長国連邦
ジュニパーリサーチのCompetitor Leaderboardに含まれるもの。Abbott Laboratories、Almac Group、AstraZeneca、Asuragen、Biomerieux、Bristol-Myers Squibb、Cepheid、Ge HealthCare、IBM、Illumina、LabCorp、Novartis、Qiagen、Quest Diagnostics、Thermo Fisher Scientific。
言及されています。DNAnexus、Dragonfly、Genomics England、GNS Healthcare、GRAIL、Interscience、Janssen、Kaiku Health、Kura Oncology、LabShares、Loxo Oncology、Lyon Civil Hospitals、Merck、Millennium Pharmaceuticals、Mirrhia、Myriad Genetics、Obsidian Therapeutics、Ono.S.C.C.、Myriad Genetics、Lyon Civil Hospital、Merck、Millennium Pharmaceuticals、Lyon Civil Hospital、LabShares、Kaiku Healthcare ペイジ(病理学人工知能ガイダンスエンジン)、パートナーズヘルスケア、PathAI、パーソナルゲノム診断、ファイザー、キアゲン、ロシュ、上海児童医療センター、マックス財団、ターニングポイントセラピューティクス、ウォルマート、ウェーブライフサイエンス、ウェルカムサンガー研究所。
地理的な分割 60カ国
テーブルの数 18以上のテーブル
データポイント数 12,000以上のデータポイント
ハーベスト 当社のオンライン・データ・プラットフォームであるharvestは、最新の市場データを含み、年間を通じて更新されています。また、比較ツールにより、1つのチャートの中で異なる予測を重ね合わせることができます。マーケット・インテリジェンス・センターでお客様のビジネスを強化し、データが更新されるたびにアラートを受け取ることができます。
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地域: 8つの主要地域 - 北米、中南米、西ヨーロッパ、中央・東ヨーロッパ、極東・中国、インド亜大陸、その他のアジア太平洋地域、アフリカ・中東を含む
国名 アルジェリア、アルゼンチン、オーストラリア、オーストリア、バングラデシュ、ベルギー、ブラジル、カナダ、チリ、中国、コロンビア、クロアチア、チェコ、デンマーク、エクアドル、エジプト、フィンランド、フランス、ドイツ、ギリシャ、香港、ハンガリー、インド、インドネシア、アイルランド、イスラエル、イタリア、ケニヤ、韓国、クウェイト、マレーシア。メキシコ、ネパール、オランダ、ニュージーランド、ナイジェリア、ノルウェー、パキスタン、ペルー、フィリピン、ポーランド、ポルトガル、カタール、ルーマニア、ロシア連邦、サウジアラビア、シンガポール、南アフリカ、スペイン、スウェーデン、スイス、タイ、トルコ、ウクライナ、アラブ首長国連邦、英国、ウルグアイ、米国、ベトナム
Report Description
Juniper Research’s Precision Medicine report provides a detailed evaluation of the technological advancements in the field of precision medicine and demand for precision medicine, including the adoption of precision medicine within both developing markets and established markets. In addition, this report, focusing on precision medicine initiatives, covers market opportunities; providing strategic insights into the technologies and key drivers that are pushing the space forward, and the role of key market players; 15 leading precision medicine vendors across the market.
This extensive research suite covering advances in precision medicine also contains a detailed dataset; providing forecasts for 60 countries across a number of different metrics, including the number of patients being tested for precision medicine purposes, the number of genetic tests carried out for precision medicine, the total number of precision medicine patients receiving personalised treatment, the total spend on precision medicine testing and treatment and total precision medicine revenue.
This precision medicine market report research suite comprises of:
Strategy & Forecasts (PDF)
5-year Market Sizing & Forecast Spreadsheet (Excel)
12 Months Access to harvest Online Data Platform
Key Market Statistics
Market Size in 2022: $35.7bn
Market Size in 2027: $132.3bn
2022 to 2027 Spend Growth: 270%
Market Dynamics: This section of the precision medicine study features strategic analysis of the major drivers, challenges, and innovations shaping the adoption and development of precision medicine, with key factors including the following market segmentation:
COVID-19 pandemic impact on the precision medicine market
Future strategic direction, market share and market outlook for precision medicine
Key issues precision medicine vendors must be aware of surrounding legislation and data sharing
Regional Analysis: A regional market-level analysis of 16 countries, spanning 8 key regions within the healthcare infrastructure; covering the current deployment level of precision medicine applications and the future outlook of precision medicine in each market.
Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations: Analysis of a wide range of key development opportunities and major factors within the market for precision medicine in the healthcare industry, accompanied by key strategic recommendations for stakeholders.
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Investigating lucrative growth of precision medicine market size in full; including forecasts for the total number of patients taking genetic tests for precision medicine, the total number of genetic tests carried out for precision medicine, total number of precision medicine patients receiving medical treatment options and precision medicine drugs, total spend on precision medicine test and treatment, and total precision medicine revenue. This precision medicine market growth data is split by our 8 key forecast regions and 60 countries:
North America:
Canada, United States
Latin America:
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay
West Europe:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Central & East Europe:
Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine
Far East & China:
China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea
Indian Subcontinent:
Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan
Rest of Asia Pacific:
Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
Africa & Middle East:
Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates
Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Key player capability and capacity assessment in the healthcare sector for 15 precision medicine vendors:
Included in the Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Abbott Laboratories, Almac Group, AstraZeneca, Asuragen, Biomerieux, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Cepheid, Ge HealthCare, IBM, Illumina, LabCorp, Novartis, Qiagen, Quest Diagnostics, Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Mentioned: DNAnexus, Dragonfly, Genomics England, GNS Healthcare, GRAIL, Interscience, Janssen, Kaiku Health, Kura Oncology, LabShares, Loxo Oncology, Lyon Civil Hospitals, Merck, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Mirrhia, Myriad Genetics, Obsidian Therapeutics, Ono, Paige (Pathology Artificial Intelligence Guidance Engine), Partners HealthCare, PathAI, Personal Genome Diagnostics, Pfizer, Qiagen, Roche, Shanghai Children’s Medical Centre, The Max Foundation, Turning Point Therapeutics, Walmart, Wave Life Science, Wellcome Sanger Institute.
Key Market Forecast Splits
Metrics including the number of precision medicine patients, number of genetic tests carried out for precision medicine, total number of precision medicine patients receiving treatment, total spend on precision medicine test and treatment and total precision medicine revenue.
Geographical splits: 60 countries
Number of tables: Over 18 tables
Number of datapoints: Over 12,000 datapoints
harvest: Our online data platform, harvest, contains the very latest market data and is updated throughout the year. This is a fully featured platform enabling clients to better understand key data trends and manipulate charts and tables; overlaying different forecasts within the one chart - using the comparison tool. Empower your business with our market intelligence centre, and receive alerts whenever your data is updated.
Interactive Excels (IFxl): Our IFxl tool enables clients to manipulate both forecast data and charts, within an Excel environment, to test their own assumptions using the interactive scenario tool and compare selected markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase a client’s ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
The total spend on precision medicine will reach $132.3 billion globally by 2027; increasing from only $35.7 billion in 2022. This strong growth of 270% is a result of emerging technologies and infrastructure, such as AI, which aids precision medicine by predicting risks for certain diseases. These technological advancements, combined with the healthcare sector’s need to increase efficiencies in the face of an economic downturn, will encourage healthcare providers to invest further into precision medicine.
Benefits such as reductions in adverse reactions from ineffective medication, improving the efficacy of treatments plans via personalisation, and cutting patient spend on medication, will be the primary drivers of precision medicine adoption amongst healthcare providers. To maximise these benefits, the report identified the use of AI to ingest and process large amounts of healthcare data to increase the future accuracy of diagnoses.
The most significant issue surrounding precision medicine will arise from patient data privacy concerns. In many countries, but predominantly the US, there are fears that the uncovering of genetic predispositions using precision medicine will lead to insurance providers leveraging these insights to increase healthcare premiums. To allay these concerns, vendors must consider voluntarily adopting strong codes of conduct around data privacy, as well as creating independent advisory councils, to reassure users and limit the scope of data sharing.
Regions:8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Countries:Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kenya, South Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, UK, Uruguay, USA, Vietnam
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