![]() 車内決済:採用状況、ベンダーの位置づけ、市場予測 2020-2025年IN-VEHICLE PAYMENTS: ADOPTION, VENDOR POSITIONING & MARKET FORECASTS 2020-2025 ジュニパーリサーチの新しい「車内決済」リサーチレポートは、この新興市場がどのように発展しているのか、また、消費者および商用車への決済実装のためのユースケースがどのように出現しているのかを詳細に評... もっと見る
Benchmark Industry Forecasts:
Amazon, Apple, Bosch, Connected Car Commerce Alliance, Daimler, Gentex, Google, Harman, Mastercard, P97 Networks, Telenav, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Visa, Worldline, Xevo.
Mentioned:Aitheon, Applebee's, Aptiv, Aquantia, Archer Robotics, Audi, Autonomous Vehicle Alliance, Avis, BMW, Buick, Cadillac, Capra Consulting Group, Chevrolet, Chevron, Connected Travel, Context Information Security, Continental, delivery.com、デンソー、EasyPark、Embark、Ericson、Esso、Exxon/Mobil、Fintech Thinxnet、Ford、General Motors、Gilbarco Veeder-Root、GM、GMC、GS Caltex、Harman、HERE Technologies、Honda、Hyundai、IBM、IEC(International Electrotechnical Commission)、IHOP,Intel, IPS Group, ISO (International Organization for Standardization), Jeep, Lear Corporation, LG U+, Mercedes, Microsoft, Mojio, NCR, NTT, Nvidia Corp, OrbisTech, Otonomo, OwiN, Panasonic Corp, Parkopedia, ParkWhiz, PayPal, Pioneer, Priceline.Samsung、Shell、Shinhan Card、Siemens AG、SiriusXM Connected Vehicles Services、Starbuck、Texaco、TNS (Transaction Network Services)、Toyota、TuSimple、Uber、Verifone、Volkswagen、Volkswagen Group of America、VW、Wayne Fuelling Systems、Waze、Which
ジュニパー・リサーチの「In-vehicle Payments」予測スイートには以下が含まれます
目次 1.車載用ペイメント。Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations 1.1 Key Takeaways .5 2. 車載用ペイメントMarket Landscape 2.1 Introduction.8 2.2 Definition of Terms .8 2.3 In-vehicle Payments ?技術インフラの概要.9 図2.1:コネクテッドカーの通信に関するシステム.10 図2.2:10 2.4 コネクテッドカーのエコシステムと決済 プロバイダーの役割 .10 2.4.1 はじめに .10 2.4.2 コネクテッドカーのエコシステム .11 表2.3 コネクテッドカーの製品とサービス .12 表2.4 コネクテッドカーの製品とサービス -続き.12 2.4.3 車載決済。市場の状況 .12 i. 業界連携の必要性 .13 ii . 進化する自動車の決済モデル .13 iii . 現在の業界パートナーシップ .14 図2.5:車載決済 ?業界の協力体制 .14 iv. 車載用 ペイメントの課題 .15 2.5 車載用ペイメント:将来の展望 .15 2.6 車載用ペイメント の Implementation Considerations .17 2.6.1 Introduction.17 i. IoT and Payments .17 表2.6:IoTとペイメントの統合 ?機会.17 表2.7:IoTとペイメントの統合 ?課題 .18 2.6.2 Suggested Approach to In-vehicle Payments Implementation .18 2.6.3 An Assessment of In-vehicle Payment Systems.18 2.6.4 Payment Companies:業界の発展と課題 .19 i. 業界の発展.19 2.6.5 業界の課題 .....20 3.車載用決済。セグメント分析 3.1 車載用ペイメント ?コネクテッドカー・ペイメントのユースケース .23 3.1.1 車載用ペイメント ?ユースケース ?燃料費の支払い .23 図3.1:Pay-at-the-pump技術の構成要素 .24 i. ペイ・アット・ザ・ポンプのための車載用決済ソリューション。24 ii.展開の課題 .24 iii.電気自動車充電器の支払い .25 iv.燃料/充電の将来展望 .25 3.1.2 車内での支払い ?ユースケース?スマートパーキング .26 i. スマートパーキングのための車載決済ソリューション.26 図 3.2: スマートパーキングの情報配分センター.27 ii.スマートパーキングの将来展望 .27 3.1.3 車載決済 ?ユースケース ?Automatic Toll Gate Payments.28 i. Automatic Toll Gate Payments Future Outlook.28 3.1.4 In-Vehicle Payments ?その他のユースケース .28 i. その他のユースケース ?将来の展望 .29 4. 車載用ペイメント競合状況 4.1 車内決済 ?ベンダー・ポジショニング・インデックス .31 4.1.1 はじめに .31 表4.1: In-vehicle Payments Vendor Positioning Index Score Criteria Definitions .31 表4.2: In-vehicle Payments Vendor Positioning Index Scores .32 Figure & Table 4.3:車載用ペイメント?Phased Evolution Model .32 図4.4:ジュニパー・リサーチ ベンダー・ポジショニング・インデックス ?33 4.2 ポジショニング・インデックス ベンダーの解説 34 i. Xevo .34 ii . ダイムラー .34 iii . Amazon.35 iv.Fiat Chrysler Automobiles .35 v. P97 Networks .36 vi.Telenav .36 vii.Gentex .36 viii.アップル .37 ix.Bosch.37 x. Connected Cars Commerce Alliance .38 xi.グーグル.38 xii.ハーマン .38 xiii . マスターカード.39 xiv.ビザ .39 xv.ワールドライン.40 5.車載用ペイメント。市場予測 5.1 はじめに Methodology & Assumptions .42 Figure 5.1: Consumer In-vehicle Payments ?予測方法 .43 図 5.2:商用 車の決済? 43 図5.2.44 5.3. 1 コネクテッド・ペイメントを行う車両の総数 .45 図・表 5.3: 5.3.1 コネクテッド・ペイメントを行う車両の総数 (m), 2020-2025年, 主要8地域別に分割.45 5.3.2 車載型決済の総量 .46 図・表 5.4: 46 図・表5.4:車載用決済の総量 (百万ドル)、2020-2025年、 8つの主要地域別に分けた場合 .46 5.3.3 車内決済による総支出 .47 図 及び表5.5: 車内決済の総金額(百万ドル)、2020-2025年、 8主要地域別に分割.47 5.4 Consumer In-vehicle Payments .48 5.4.1 Total Number of Consumer In-vehicle Payment Transactions .48 Figure & Table 5.6: Total Transactions Made by Payment-enabled Connected Consumer Vehicles (m), 2020-2025, Split by 8 Key Regions.48 5.4.2 消費者向け車載決済取引の総額 .49 図 & 表 5.7:決済対応 接続された消費者 向け車両 の年間取引 総額 (百万ドル)、2020-2025 年、主要8地域別に分割。 49 5.5 商用車での支払い.50 5.5.1 商用車での支払いトランザクション総数 .50 図 及び表5.8:支払い対応のコネクテッド 商用車 で行われたトランザクション総数 (m)、2020-2025年、主要8地域別に分割.50 5. 5.2 商用車での支払いトランザクションの総額51 図 及び表5.9:支払い対応 接続 された商用車 の年間トランザクション総額 (百万ドル)、2020-2025年、8つの主要地域別に分割51
Report Description
Juniper Research’s new In-vehicle Payments’ research report provides an in-depth evaluation of how this nascent market is developing and how use cases are emerging for the implementation of payments in both consumer and commercial vehicles. The report focuses on the strategies required to drive the connected car commerce market forward, as well as providing an extensive forecast suite, which outlines the future rate of adoption for in-vehicle payment solutions. The forecast and the use case analysis in the report focus on the following segments:
The research report also positions in-vehicle payments vendors via a Juniper Research Vendor Positioning Index; providing a key resource when considering the emerging in-vehicle payments market.
This research suite comprises:
In-vehicle Payments Market Dynamics: Detailed analysis of the current state of evolution of the in-vehicle payments market; analysing the supporting technologies in place, the wider connected car ecosystem and considerations for deployments for vendors throughout the value chain.
In-vehicle Payments Use Case Analysis: Extensive analysis of the main use cases for the adoption of in-vehicle payments, including the current partnerships in place, the challenges involved and future outlook. This analysis includes four main areas:
Juniper Research In-vehicle Payments Vendor Positioning Index: Key player capability and capacity assessment for 15 in-vehicle payment vendors:
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Forecasts for vehicles making payments, transaction volumes and values, split by consumer and commercial, provided across our key use cases.
Included in Juniper Research Vendor Positioning Index: Amazon, Apple, Bosch, Connected Car Commerce Alliance, Daimler, Gentex, Google, Harman, Mastercard, P97 Networks, Telenav, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Visa, Worldline, Xevo.
Mentioned: Aitheon, Applebee’s, Aptiv, Aquantia, Archer Robotics, Audi, Autonomous Vehicle Alliance, Avis, BMW, Buick, Cadillac, Capra Consulting Group, Chevrolet, Chevron, Connected Travel, Context Information Security, Continental, delivery.com, Denso, EasyPark, Embark, Ericson, Esso, Exxon/Mobil, Fintech Thinxnet, Ford, General Motors, Gilbarco Veeder-Root, GM, GMC, GS Caltex, Harman, HERE Technologies, Honda, Hyundai, IBM, IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), IHOP, Intel, IPS Group, ISO (International Organization for Standardization), Jeep, Lear Corporation, LG U+, Mercedes, Microsoft, Mojio, NCR, NTT, Nvidia Corp, OrbisTech, Otonomo, OwiN, Panasonic Corp, Parkopedia, ParkWhiz, PayPal, Pioneer, Priceline.com, Ryde, Samsung, Shell, Shinhan Card, Siemens AG, SiriusXM Connected Vehicles Services, Starbuck, Texaco, TNS (Transaction Network Services), Toyota, TuSimple, Uber, Verifone, Volkswagen, Volkswagen Group of America, VW, Wayne Fuelling Systems, Waze, Which.
Juniper Research’s In-vehicle Payments’ forecast suite includes:
Forecast splits for 8 key regions, as well as 22 country-level data splits for:
Forecasts for vehicles making payments, transaction volumes and values, split by consumer and commercial, provided across the following segments:
Interactive Scenario Tool allowing users to manipulate Juniper Research’s data for 10 different metrics.
Access to the full set of forecast data of 89 tables and more than 19,000 datapoints.
Juniper Research’s highly granular IFxls (interactive Excels) enable clients to manipulate our forecast data and charts to test their own assumptions, by using the Interactive Scenario Tool, and compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase the clients’ ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
Regions:8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Countries:Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA
Table of Contents
1. In-vehicle Payments: Key Takeaways & Strategic
1.1 Key Takeaways .5
2. In-vehicle Payments: Market Landscape
2.1 Introduction.8
2.2 Definition of Terms .8
2.3 In-vehicle Payments ? Technology Infrastructure Overview.9
Figure 2.1: Systems for Connected Cars Communication.10
Figure 2.2: In-vehicle Payment Functionality - BLE.10
2.4 Connected Cars Ecosystems and the Role of Payment
Providers .10
2.4.1 Introduction.10
2.4.2 Connected Car Ecosystem .11
Table 2.3: Connected Car-Product and Services .12
Table 2.4: Connected Car-Product and Services - Continued.12
2.4.3 In-vehicle Payments: Market Landscape.12
i. The Need for Industry Collaboration .13
ii. Evolving Payment Models in Automotive.13
iii. Current Industry Partnerships.14
Figure 2.5: In-Vehicle Payments ? Industry Collaborations .14
iv. In-vehicle Payments Challenges .15
2.5 In-vehicle Payments: Future Outlook .15
2.6 In-vehicle Payments: Implementation Considerations .17
2.6.1 Introduction.17
i. IoT and Payments . 17
Table 2.6: Integrating IoT and Payments ? Opportunities. 17
Table 2.7: Integrating IoT and Payments ? Challenges . 18
2.6.2 Suggested Approach to In-vehicle Payments Implementation
2.6.3 An Assessment of In-vehicle Payment Systems.18
2.6.4 Payment Companies: Industry Developments and Challenges
i. Industry Developments. 19
2.6.5 Industry Challenges .20
3. In-vehicle Payments: Segment Analysis
3.1 In-vehicle Payments ? Use Cases for Connected Car Payments
3.1.1 In-vehicle Payments ? Use Case ? Fuel Payments .23
Figure 3.1: Pay-at-the-pump Technology Components . 24
i. In-vehicle Payment Solutions for pay-at-the pump. 24
ii. Challenges for Deployment . 24
iii. Electric Vehicle Charging Payments . 25
iv. Fuel/Charging Future Outlook. 25
3.1.2 In-vehicle Payments ? Use Case ? Smart Parking .26
i. In-vehicle Payment Solutions for Smart Parking. 26
Figure 3.2: Smart Parking Information Allocation Centre. 27
ii. Smart Parking Future Outlook.27
3.1.3 In-vehicle Payments ? Use Case ? Automatic Toll Gate
i. Automatic Toll Gate Payments Future Outlook .28
3.1.4 In-Vehicle Payments ? Other Use Cases .28
i. Other Use Cases ? Future Outlook .29
4. In-vehicle Payments: Competitive Landscape
4.1 In-vehicle Payments ? Vendor Positioning Index.31
4.1.1 Introduction.31
Table 4.1: In-vehicle Payments Vendor Positioning Index Score Criteria
Definitions .31
Table 4.2: In-vehicle Payments Vendor Positioning Index Scores.32
Figure & Table 4.3: In Vehicle Payments ? Phased Evolution Model .32
Figure 4.4: Juniper Research Vendor Positioning Index ? In-vehicle Payments .33
4.2 Positioning Index Vendor Commentary.34
i. Xevo.34
ii. Daimler .34
iii. Amazon.35
iv. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles .35
v. P97 Networks .36
vi. Telenav.36
vii. Gentex .36
viii. Apple.37
ix. Bosch.37
x. Connected Cars Commerce Alliance .38
xi. Google.38
xii. Harman . 38
xiii. Mastercard. 39
xiv. Visa . 39
xv. Worldline . 40
5. In-vehicle Payments: Market Forecast
5.1 Introduction.42
5.2 In-vehicle Payments ? Methodology & Assumptions .42
Figure 5.1: Consumer In-vehicle Payments ? Forecast Methodology . 43
Figure 5.2: Commercial In-vehicle Payments ? Forecast Methodology. 44
5.3 Forecast Summary .45
5.3.1 Total Vehicles Making Connected Payments .45
Figure & Table 5.3: Total Number of Vehicles Making Payments, (m), 2020-2025,
Split by 8 Key Regions. 45
5.3.2 Total Volume of In-vehicle Payments .46
Figure & Table 5.4: Total Volume of In-vehicle Payments (m), 2020-2025, Split by
8 Key Regions . 46
5.3.3 Total Spend via In-vehicle Payments .47
Figure & Table 5.5: Total Value of In-vehicle Payments ($m), 2020-2025, Split by
8 Key Regions . 47
5.4 Consumer In-vehicle Payments .48
5.4.1 Total Number of Consumer In-vehicle Payment Transactions
Figure & Table 5.6: Total Transactions Made by Payment-enabled Connected
Consumer Vehicles (m), 2020-2025, Split by 8 Key Regions. 48
5.4.2 Total Value of Consumer In-vehicle Payment Transactions .49
Figure & Table 5.7: Total Annual Transaction Value of Payment-enabled
Connected Consumer Vehicles ($m), 2020-2025, Split by 8 Key Regions. 49
5.5 Commercial In-vehicle Payments.50
5.5.1 Total Number of Commercial In-vehicle Payment Transactions
Figure & Table 5.8: Total Transactions Made by Payment-Enabled Connected
Commercial Vehicles (m), 2020-2025, Split by 8 Key Regions.50
5.5.2 Total Value of Commercial In-vehicle Payment Transactions51
Figure & Table 5.9: Total Annual Transaction Value of Payment-enabled
Connected Commercial Vehicles ($m), 2020-2025, Split by 8 Key Regions.51
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