デジタルコマースの主要トレンド、セクター、市場予測 2021-2025年DIGITAL COMMERCE: KEY TRENDS, SECTORS AND MARKET FORECASTS 2021-2025 ユニパーリサーチの新刊「デジタルコマース」は、COVID-19パンデミックの影響を受けたデジタルコマース市場がどのように推移しているのか、どの分野が繁栄しているのか、どの分野が今後の課題となっているのか... もっと見る
Amazon、American Express、Apple、AppsFlyer、Apptopia、Atom Bank、Azimo、Banco Santander、Bank of England、BBVA、Denver Regional Transportation District、Disney、FeliCa、Financial Times、Fitbit、Flipkart、Garmin、Google、GrabPay、Huawei、Lyft、Masabi、Mastercard、Mercado Libre、MoneyGram、Monzo、M-PESA、N26、Netflix、Nottingham City Transport、NPCI (National Payments Corporation of India),Nubank、Orange、PayPal、Paysafe、Pornhub、Raseedy、RBI(インド準備銀行)、Remitly、Revolut、SafeEntry、saib Bank、Samsung、Shipbob、Standard Bank、Starling、Transport for New South Wales、UK NHS(National Health Service)、Visa、Walmart、Wells Fargo、West African Monetary Union、Western Union、WHO(World Health Organisation)、World Bank、WorldRemit.
ジュニパー・リサーチのIFxls(Interactive Excels)は、デジタル・コマース・レポート内のカスタマイズされたチャートやテーブルで、特定の市場を横に並べて比較することができます。
1.1 はじめに5
1.2 市場分野の定義5
1.2.1 モバイル&オンラインバンキングの定義5
1.2.2 デジタル&フィジカルグッズの定義 .6
i. デジタルグッズ ... 6
1.2.3 デジタル・チケッティングの定義 .7
i. モバイル・チケッティングの定義.7
1.2.5 非接触型決済の定義
デジタルコマースの市場区分 .10
1.4 デジタルコマースにおけるコロナウイルスの影響の定量化.10
1.5 デジタルコマースにおけるコロナウイルスの11
表 1.2: コロナウイルスの影響評価基準.11
表 1.3: デジタルコマースにおけるコロナウイルスの影響評価 .12
1.6 デジタルコマース。Market Forecast Summary .13
1.6.1 Total Transactions Volume.13
Figure & Table 1.4:13
1.6.1.デジタルコマースの総取引量(m)、8 主要地域別に分けた場合、2020-2025年 .13
1.6.2 Total Transactions Value .14
Figure & Table 1.5: Total Digital Commerce Transaction Value ($m), Split by 8
Key Regions, 2020-2025 .14
1.7 デジタルコマースベンダーへの戦略的提言 .15
2. デジタルバンキングの市場
2.1 はじめに .17
2.1.1 調査セグメント分析 .17
i. プッシュ型サービス ?BIS(バンキング・インフォメーション・サービス) .17
ii. プル型サービス ?BPP(Bill Payment & Presentment) .17
図 2.1:プッシュ型とプル型のオンライン・バンキング・サービスの例。18
2.2 デジタル・バンキング市場の主要トレンド 18
2.2.1 デジタル・トランスフォーメーションの進展 18
2.2.2 COVID-19の影響 19
2.2.3 競争圧力を強いる新しいデジタル・バンク 20
2.3 デジタル・バンキング分野の市場予測の概要 22
2.3.1 デジタル・バンキングによる請求書支払い・請求書受け取りのユーザー 22
図・表2.2:2020-2025年における主要8地域別のデジタルバンキング紙幣決済・プリペンテーションユーザー数(m)の割合 .22
2.3.2 BPP (Bill Payment & Presentment) Transaction Value.23
Figure & Table 2.3: BPP Transaction Value ($m), Split by 8 Regions, 2020-2025.23
3.1 はじめに 25
3.1.1 フィジカルグッズ 25
図1.2: 主要なeコマース企業の売上高と成長率 .25
図1.3: eコマースの消費者向け売上高 .26
3.1.2 デジタル製品 27
i. COVID-19 の影響 .27
図 1.4:ネットフリックスの主要統計データ、2019年&2020年 .28
3.2 Physical Goods.29
3.2.1 Total Transaction Volumes.29
Figure & Table 3.1: Total Remote Purchases of Physical Goods per annum (m),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.29
3.2.2 地域別商品総売上高.30
3.3 デジタル商品.31
3.4 総取引量.31
3.4.1 デジタル商品の遠隔地における総取引量.31
図及び表4.3:デジタルグッズのリモート決済総取引数(m)、主要8地域別に分割、2020-2025年 .31
3.4.2 Gross Transaction Value.32
Figure & Table 4.5: Total Remote Gross Transaction Value for Digital Goods ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.32
4.The Market for Mobile & Online Ticketing
4.1 Key Trends in Digital Ticketing .34
4.1.1 Disruption to Ticketing Market Set to Continue.34
4.1.2 Mastercard & Transport for NSW Partner for Contactless
4.1.3 Lyft, Masabi & Denver RTD Launch Mobile Ticketing.34
4. 4.1.
4 カザフスタン、2021年に顔認識式の交通チケットを導入 . 34
4.1.5 Nottingham Deploys Open-loop Multimodal Ticketing.36
4.2.2 デジタルチケット取引総額 .37
図& 表 4.3:オンライン及びモバイルチケットの総取引額(百万ドル)、主要8地域別に分割
2020-2025 ... 37
5.近接型決済の市場。NFC & QR Codes
5.1 Introduction.39
5.2 Key Trends within Contactless & QR Code Payments .39
5.2.1 Contactless Payment Limits Rising Rapidly.39
5.2.2 COVID-19 and the Boost for QR.39
5.2.3 Expansion Outside China .40
5.2.4 Strong Payments Industry Support for QR.41
5.3 Proximity Transaction Forecasts.42
5.3.1 Total Proximity Transactions .42
Figure & Table 6.1:Total Number of Mobile Proximity Transactions (m), Split by
Channel, 2020-2025 .. 42
5.3.2 Total Proximity Transaction Value.43
Figure & Table 6.2: Total Proximity Transaction Value ($m), Split by Channel,
6. The Market for Mobile & Online Money Transfer
6.1 Introduction.45
6.2 The Impact of Coronavirus on Money Transfer .45
i. The Rise of Digital Payments .45
iv.コミュニケーションの容易さ ...47
6.3 Sector Forecast Summary .48
6.3.1 Mobile & Online Money Transfer & Remittances:Total
Volume.48 図及び表2.2:(m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2
020-2025.48 図・表2.2:年間の総送金・再送取引量(m), Split by 8 Key Regions,
6.3.2 モバイル及びオンラインでの送金及び再送。 総取引額.49
図及び表2.3: 年間の全モバイル&オンライン送金の総取引額
(百万ドル)、8つの主要地域別に分けた場合、2020年から2025年まで .49
Report Description
uniper Research’s new Digital Commerce research report offers an in-depth assessment of how the digital commerce market is faring with the disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic, including which areas are thriving, and which areas are facing challenges going forward. The report also contains strategic recommendations for stakeholders, as well as a future outlook for each key vertical within the digital commerce market.
The Digital Commerce research also provides industry benchmark forecasts for digital commerce spend, user bases and transaction volume, across the following key verticals:
This research suite comprises:
Digital Commerce Sector Dynamics: Analysis of key trends and primary challenges across the digital commerce space; including the following areas and how they are faring in the wake of the pandemic:
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Forecasts sizing markets up to 2025 for digital commerce spend, split by 7 verticals, our 8 key regions, and by the 19 countries below:
Mentioned: Amazon, American Express, Apple, AppsFlyer, Apptopia, Atom Bank, Azimo, Banco Santander, Bank of England, BBVA, Denver Regional Transportation District, Disney, FeliCa, Financial Times, Fitbit, Flipkart, Garmin, Google, GrabPay, Huawei, Lyft, Masabi, Mastercard, Mercado Libre, MoneyGram, Monzo, M-PESA, N26, Netflix, Nottingham City Transport, NPCI (National Payments Corporation of India), Nubank, Orange, PayPal, Paysafe, Pornhub, Raseedy, RBI (Reserve Bank of India), Remitly, Revolut, SafeEntry, saib Bank, Samsung, Shipbob, Standard Bank, Starling, Transport for New South Wales, UK NHS (National Health Service), Visa, Walmart, Wells Fargo, West African Monetary Union, Western Union, WHO (World Health Organisation), World Bank, WorldRemit.
Juniper Research’s Digital Commerce forecast suite includes:
Forecast splits for 8 key regions, as well as 19 country-level data splits for:
Market data, split by:
Access to the full set of forecast data of 71 tables and more than 13,500 datapoints.
Juniper Research’s highly granular IFxls (Interactive Excels) enable clients to compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables within the digital commerce report.
Regions:8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Countries:Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA
Table of Contents
1. Total Market for Digital Commerce
1.1 Introduction.5
1.2 Market Sector Definitions.5
1.2.1 Definition of Mobile & Online Banking.5
1.2.2 Definition of Digital & Physical Goods .6
i. Digital Goods .. 6
ii. Physical Goods.. 6
1.2.3 Definition of Digital Ticketing .7
i. Mobile Ticketing Definition.. 7
ii. Online Ticketing. 7
1.2.4 Definition of QR Code Payments.8
1.2.5 Definition of Contactless Payments.8
1.3 Introduction.10
1.3.1 Market Segmentation.10
Figure 1.1: Digital Commerce Market Segmentation . 10
1.4 Quantifying the Impact of Coronavirus on Digital Commerce .10
1.5 Coronavirus in Digital Commerce: Impact Assessment.11
Table 1.2: Coronavirus Impact Assessment Criteria. 11
Table 1.3: Coronavirus in Digital Commerce Impact Assessment . 12
1.6 Digital Commerce: Market Forecast Summary .13
1.6.1 Total Transactions Volume.13
Figure & Table 1.4: Total Digital Commerce Transaction Volume (m), Split by 8
Key Regions, 2020-2025. 13
1.6.2 Total Transactions Value .14
Figure & Table 1.5: Total Digital Commerce Transaction Value ($m), Split by 8
Key Regions, 2020-2025 . 14
1.7 Strategic Recommendations for Digital Commerce Vendors .15
2. The Market for Digital Banking
2.1 Introduction.17
2.1.1 Research Segment Analysis .17
i. Push Services ? BIS (Banking Information Services). 17
ii. ‘Pull’ Services ? BPP (Bill Payment & Presentment) . 17
Figure 2.1: Examples of Push & Pull Online Banking Services. 18
2.2 Key Trends in the Digital Banking Market.18
2.2.1 Increasing Digital Transformation .18
2.2.2 The Impact of COVID-19.19
2.2.3 New Digital Banks Imposing Competitive Pressure .20
2.3 Digital Banking Sector Market Forecast Summary .22
2.3.1 Digital Banking Bill Payment & Presentment Users .22
Figure & Table 2.2: Digital Banking Bill Payment & Presentment Users (m) Split
by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025 . 22
2.3.2 BPP (Bill Payment & Presentment) Transaction Value.23
Figure & Table 2.3: BPP Transaction Value ($m), Split by 8 Regions, 2020-2025
. 23
3. The Market for Digital & Physical Goods
3.1 Introduction.25
3.1.1 Physical Goods.25
Figure 1.2: Revenue & Growth of Selected eCommerce Players . 25
Figure 1.3: eCommerce Consumer Sales . 26
3.1.2 Digital Goods.27
i. Impact of COVID-19 . 27
Figure 1.4: Key Netflix Statistics, 2019 & 2020 . 28
3.2 Physical Goods.29
3.2.1 Total Transaction Volumes.29
Figure & Table 3.1: Total Remote Purchases of Physical Goods per annum (m),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025. 29
3.2.2 Gross Merchandise Sales by Region.30
Figure & Table 3.2: Total Remote Physical Goods Transactions ($m), Split by 8
Key Regions, 2020-2025. 30
3.3 Digital Goods.31
3.4 Total Transaction Volumes.31
3.4.1 Total Digital Goods Remote Transactions .31
Figure & Table 4.3: Total Number of Remote Payment Transactions for Digital
Goods (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025. 31
3.4.2 Gross Transaction Value.32
Figure & Table 4.5: Total Remote Gross Transaction Value for Digital Goods
($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025. 32
4. The Market for Mobile & Online Ticketing
4.1 Key Trends in Digital Ticketing .34
4.1.1 Disruption to Ticketing Market Set to Continue.34
4.1.2 Mastercard & Transport for NSW Partner for Contactless
4.1.3 Lyft, Masabi & Denver RTD Launch Mobile Ticketing.34
4.1.4 Kazakhstan to Roll Out Facial Recognition Transit Ticketing in
4.1.5 Nottingham Deploys Open-loop Multimodal Ticketing.35
4.2 Sector Forecast Summary .36
4.2.1 Digital Ticketing Volume.36
Figure & Table 4.2: Total Online & Mobile Tickets Transaction Volume (m), Split
by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025 . 36
4.2.2 Total Digital Ticketing Transaction Values .37
Figure & Table 4.3: Total Online & Mobile Tickets Transaction Value ($m), Split by
8 Key Regions, 2020-2025 .. 37
5. The Market for Proximity Payments: NFC & QR
5.1 Introduction.39
5.2 Key Trends within Contactless & QR Code Payments .39
5.2.1 Contactless Payment Limits Rising Rapidly.39
5.2.2 COVID-19 and the Boost for QR.39
5.2.3 Expansion Outside China .40
5.2.4 Strong Payments Industry Support for QR.41
5.3 Proximity Transaction Forecasts.42
5.3.1 Total Proximity Transactions .42
Figure & Table 6.1: Total Number of Mobile Proximity Transactions (m), Split by
Channel, 2020-2025 .. 42
5.3.2 Total Proximity Transaction Value.43
Figure & Table 6.2: Total Proximity Transaction Value ($m), Split by Channel,
2020-2025.. 43
6. The Market for Mobile & Online Money Transfer
6.1 Introduction.45
6.2 The Impact of Coronavirus on Money Transfer .45
i. The Rise of Digital Payments . 45
ii. The Impact on Economies. 46
iii. The Growth of Mobile Remittances. 46
iv. Ease of Communication.. 47
6.3 Sector Forecast Summary .48
6.3.1 Mobile & Online Money Transfer & Remittances: Total
Transaction Volume.48
Figure & Table 2.2: Total Money Transfer & Remittance Transactions per annum
(m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020
-2025. 48
6.3.2 Mobile & Online Money Transfer & Remittances: Total
Transaction Value.49
Figure & Table 2.3: Total Value of All Mobile & Online Money Transfers per
annum ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020
-2025 . 49
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