

Solid-State and Polymer Batteries 2023-2033: Technology, Forecasts, Players

本レポートでは、固体電池の技術、材料、市場、サプライチェーン、プレイヤーを特徴づけています。利用可能な固体電池技術の評価とベンチマークを行い、世界のほとんどのプレイヤーを紹介し、この分野の主要プ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2023年1月24日 US$6,500
861 英語




  • リチウムイオン電池の概要、各種固体電池技術、分析、ベンチマーキング
  • 技術および製造のタイムライン、ロードマップ
  • 製造方法
  • 市場分析および予測
  • コストとエネルギー密度の分析
  • 固体電池の誇大広告と期待の分析
  • プレーヤー活動の追跡と評価
  • サプライチェーン分析
  • 規制とリサイクル




1. エグゼクティブサマリー
1.1. 固体電解質の分類
1.2. 液式電池と固体電池の比較
1.3. 薄膜系とバルク系固体電池の比較
1.4. SSB社CMプラン
1.5. 自動車メーカーによる固体電池の共同開発/投資
1.6. 固体電池事業の現状と将来
1.7. リソースに関する考慮事項
1.8. SSBのさまざまな特徴を分析
1.9. 主要固体電池メーカーの所在地概況
1.10. 固体電池のパートナーシップ
1.11. 固体電解質技術の概要
1.12. 固体電解質システムの比較 1
1.13. 固体電解質膜システムの比較 2
1.14. 現在の電解液の課題と解決策
1.15. 各社の技術概要
1.16. 固体電池バリューチェーン
1.17. 市場予測方法
1.18. SSBの市場予測に関する前提条件と分析
1.19. 各種用途向け固体電池の価格予測
1.20. 固体電池のアドレッサブル市場規模
1.21. 固体電池のアプリケーション別予測 2023-2033 (GWh)
1.22. 固体電池のアプリケーション別予測 2023-2033 (市場金額)
1.23. 固体電池の技術別予測 2023-2033 (GWh)
1.24. 固体電池の技術別予測 2023-2033 (GWh)
1.25. 2023年、2028年の市場規模の区分け
1.26. 車載用プラグイン向け固体電池の予測 2023-2033
2. 固体電池入門
2.1. 固体電池とは
2.1.1. はじめに
2.1.2. 固体電解質の分類
2.1.3. 確かな未来?
2.1.4. 固体電池の歴史
2.1.5. 固体電池開発のマイルストーン
2.1.6. 固体電解質
2.1.7. 多機能固体電解質への要求事項
2.2. 固体電池に関する興味と活動
2.2.1. 固体電解質を上手に設計する方法
2.2.2. エネルギー貯蔵の進化
2.2.3. 固体電池の出版物のダイナミクス
2.2.4. 地域ごとの取り組みアメリカ
2.2.5. 地域ごとの取り組み日本
2.2.6. 地域の取り組み韓国
2.2.7. バッテリーベンダー各社の取り組み - Samsung SDI
2.2.8. サムスンの商業的取り組み
2.2.9. LG' の貢献
2.2.10. 地域ごとの取り組み中国
2.2.11. 中国での関心事
2.2.12. 14 固体電池に関するその他の中国プレイヤーの活動
2.2.13. 中国の自動車メーカーが固体電池で活動
2.2.14. 地域ごとの取り組みイギリス
2.2.15. 地域ごとの取り組みその他
2.2.16. 自動車メーカー各社の取り組み - BMW
2.2.17. メルセデス・ベンツの自社細胞開発
2.2.18. 自動車メーカー各社の取り組み - フォルクスワーゲン
2.2.19. フォルクスワーゲンの電気自動車用バッテリーへの投資について
2.2.20. 自動車メーカーの取り組み - Hyundai
3. 固体電池、希望なのか誇大広告なのか、固体電池に対する賛否両論
3.1. はじめに
3.1.1. 固体電池の価値提案
3.1.2. 固体電池に対する否定的な意見
3.2. 安全性の向上?
3.2.1. 固体電池の代表的な宣伝文句
3.2.2. 安全性への配慮
3.2.3. 液体電解質リチウムイオン電池の安全性
3.2.4. 現代のホラー映画は、携帯電話の電池切れに恐怖を見出す。
3.2.5. サムスンのファイヤーゲート
3.2.6. LIBセル温度とその結果
3.2.7. リチウムイオン電池の安全性
3.2.8. 固体電池の方が安全なのか?
3.2.9. SSBの安全性に関する結論
3.3. エネルギー密度が高い?
3.3.1. SSBはどのようにエネルギー密度に役立っているのか
3.3.2. エネルギー密度の向上
3.3.3. 固体電池は必ずしもエネルギー密度が高くなるとは限らない
3.3.4. 電解質の違いによる比エネルギー比較
3.3.5. 高エネルギー密度化には、代替陽極が必要
3.3.6. リチウム金属負極
3.3.7. リチウムはどこにある?
3.3.8. リチウムの製造方法
3.3.9. 水酸化リチウムと炭酸リチウムの比較
3.3.10. リチウム金属電池への取り組み
3.3.11. 金属リチウム負極の失敗談
3.3.12. リチウム金属への挑戦
3.3.13. デンドライトの形成電流密度
3.3.14. デンドライトの形成圧力と温度
3.3.15. アノードフリーリチウム金属電池のサイクリングプリファレンス
3.3.16. リチウム金属負極を用いた固体電池
3.3.17. 固体電池に含まれるリチウム
3.3.18. リチウム金属箔
3.3.19. シリコンアノード
3.3.20. はじめにシリコンアノードへ
3.3.21. シリコンアノードの価値提案
3.3.22. グラファイトとシリコンの比較
3.3.23. シリコンを組み込むためのソリューション
3.3.24. シリコンアノード固体電解質用
3.3.25. 固体電池のエネルギー密度の結論
3.4. 急速充電?
3.4.1. 各ステージでの急速充電
3.4.2. 急速充電のためのバッテリー機能の重要性
3.4.3. 固体電池の急速充電
3.5. 固体電池の現実
3.5.1. SSBのさまざまな特徴を分析
4. 固体電解質
4.1. はじめに
4.1.1. 固体電解質の景観
4.2. 固体高分子型電解質
4.2.1. LiPo電池、ポリマー系電池、ポリマー系電池
4.2.2. 高分子電解質の種類
4.2.3. 電解ポリマーオプション
4.2.4. 高分子電解質の長所と課題
4.2.5. 固体高分子電解質用PEO
4.2.6. ポリマー固体電解質電池に取り組む企業
4.3. 酸化物系無機固体電解質
4.3.1. 酸化物電解質
4.3.2. ガーネット
4.3.3. LLZOベースSSBの推定コスト予測
4.3.4. ナシコンタイプ
4.3.5. ペロブスカイト
4.3.6. リポン
4.3.7. リポン建設
4.3.8. Players worked and workingリポン-based電池
4.3.9. Cathode material options forリポン-based電池
4.3.10. Anodes forリポン-based電池
4.3.11. Substrate options forリポン-based電池
4.3.12. 各社における薄膜電池の材料・プロセス動向
4.3.13. リポン: 容量増加
4.3.14. 無機酸化物固体電解質の比較
4.3.15. リチウム金属を含む酸化物電解質の熱的安定性
4.3.16. 酸化物系固体電池に取り組む企業
4.4. 固体硫化物系無機電解質
4.4.1. LISICONタイプ1
4.4.2. LISICONタイプ2
4.4.3. アルギロディテ
4.4.4. 硫化物系固体電解質電池に取り組む企業
4.5. 複合電解質
4.5.1. 最高の一品?
4.5.2. 共通ハイブリッド電解質コンセプト
4.6. その他の電解質
4.6.1. リチウムハイドライド
4.6.2. リチウムハライド
4.7. 電解質分析・比較
4.7.1. 技術評価
4.7.2. 技術評価続き
4.7.3. リチウムイオン用固体無機電解質の種類
4.7.4. 無機電解質の利点と問題点1
4.7.5. 無機電解質の利点と問題点2
4.7.6. 無機電解質の利点と問題点3
4.7.7. デンドライトの防止
4.7.8. 無機電解質と高分子電解質の比較1
4.7.9. 無機電解質と高分子電解質の比較2
5. 固体電池のセル設計からシステム設計まで
5.1. 固体電池のセル設計
5.1.1. 市販の電池のフォームファクター1
5.1.2. 市販の電池のフォームファクター2
5.1.3. バッテリー構成1
5.1.4. バッテリー構成2
5.1.5. セルスタッキングオプション
5.1.6. バイポーラ細胞
5.1.7. プロロジム社のバイポーラ設計
5.1.8. "無電極 "電池
5.1.9. 無負荷電池への挑戦
5.1.10. クローズスタック
5.1.11. 固体電池がもたらす柔軟性とカスタマイズ性
5.1.12. セルサイズの推移
5.1.13. セルデザインのアイデア
5.2. セルからパックへ
5.2.1. パックパラメータはセル以上の意味を持つ
5.2.2. パックシステムの重要性
5.2.3. CTP設計の影響
5.2.4. BYDのブレード電池:概要
5.2.5. BYDのブレード電池:構造と構成
5.2.6. BYD' のブレード電池:デザイン
5.2.7. BYDのブレード電池:パックレイアウト
5.2.8. BYDのブレード電池:エネルギー密度向上
5.2.9. BYD' のブレード電池:熱安全性
5.2.10. BYDのブレード電池:構造安全性
5.2.11. コストとパフォーマンス
5.2.12. BYDのブレード電池:CTPが示すもの
5.2.13. CATL'のCTPデザイン
5.2.14. CATL' のCTPバッテリー進化論
5.2.15. CATL' の麒麟電池
5.2.16. 従来型リチウムイオンのセルからパックへ
5.2.17. 固体電池セルからパックへ
5.2.18. バイポーラ対応CTP
5.2.19. 従来設計とバイポーラセル設計の比較
5.2.20. EVバッテリーパックアセンブリ
5.2.21. プロロジム:「MABEVバッテリーパックアセンブリ
5.2.22. アセンブリの稼働率を高めるMABのアイデア
5.2.23. 固体電池。パックレベルで勝負
5.2.24. 電池・自動車メーカー間のビジネスモデル
5.3. 固体電池用バッテリーマネジメントシステム
5.3.1. バッテリーマネージメントシステムの重要性
5.3.2. BMSの機能
5.3.3. BMSサブシステム
5.3.4. セル制御
5.3.5. 冷却技術の比較
5.3.6. 異なる形状のBMSデザイン
5.3.7. 麒麟電池の熱管理システム
5.3.8. セルの熱伝導率
5.3.9. セル接続
5.3.10. SSBのBMS設計上の留意点
6. 固体電池製造
6.1. 量産に向けたタイムライン
6.2. 従来のリチウムイオン電池セル製造工程
6.3. 現存するプロセス:ラミネート
6.4. 従来のリチウムイオン電池の製造条件
6.5. 従来のリチウムイオンとSSBの一般的な製造方法の違い
6.6. 固体電解質製造のプロセスチェーン
6.7. 陽極製造のプロセスチェーン
6.8. カソード製造のプロセスチェーン
6.9. 細胞組立のプロセスチェーン
6.10. 製造工程の一例
6.11. 固体電池用部材の加工ルート検討
6.12. 大量生産が来るのか?
6.13. パウチセル
6.14. アルミニウム積層板製造技術
6.15. パウチセルの包装手順1
6.16. パウチセルの包装手順2
6.17. 酸化物電解質厚みと加工温度
6.18. 固体電池の製造工程
6.19. 固体電池の製造装置
6.20. Li金属ポリマー電池の工業規模での製造
6.21. 薄膜電解質は実現可能か?
6.22. 薄膜電池の主な製造技術の概要
6.23. リチウム酸化物薄膜の湿式・真空成膜法
6.24. リチウム酸化物薄膜材料の大量生産に向けた現在の加工方法と課題
6.25. 薄膜電池用PVDプロセス1
6.26. 薄膜電池用PVDプロセス2
6.27. 薄膜電池用PVDプロセス3
6.28. イリカのPVDアプローチ
6.29. ものづくりへの道
6.30. トヨタの取り組み1
6.31. トヨタの取り組み2
6.32. 日立造船の取り組み
6.33. Sakti3'のPVDアプローチ
6.34. プラナーエナジーの取り組み
6.35. 全固体電池の代表的な製造方法(SMDタイプ)
6.36. プロロジム社のLCB製造プロセス
6.37. プロロジーの製造工程
6.38. 固体電解質。正極と電解液の作製
6.39. 固体高分子形燃料電池の製造
6.40. ソリッドパワーのパイロット生産設備
6.41. 青島工場の製造工程
6.42. Yichun1GWh施設 equipment and capacity
6.43. はじめにから乾式電極の製造まで
6.44. 乾電池電極の製作
6.45. 乾式電極用バインダー
6.46. 湿式スラリープロセスと乾式電極プロセスの比較
7. リチウムイオンを超える固体電池
7.1. 固体電解質リチウム硫黄電池に
7.2. リチウム硫黄固体電解質の開発フェーズ
7.3. 固体電解質リチウム空気電池に
7.4. 固体電解質金属空気電池で
7.5. 固体電解質ナトリウムイオン電池で1
7.6. 固体電解質ナトリウムイオン電池で2
7.7. 固体電解質ナトリウム-硫黄電池で1
7.8. 固体電解質ナトリウム-硫黄電池で2
8. リサイクル
8.1. リチウムイオン電池のリサイクルに関するグローバルな政策概要
8.2. リサイクルのための電池の形状
8.3. パッケージの標準化の欠如
8.4. LIBリサイクルの取り組み概要
8.5. リサイクルカテゴリー
8.6. SSBのリサイクル
8.7. プロロジム社のリサイクル計画
9. 政策・規制・地球環境
9.1. はじめに
9.1.1. 電池セル技術のロードマップ
9.1.2. ドイツNPEが語る技術ロードマップ
9.1.3. 世界のバッテリーターゲットロードマップ
9.1.4. Solid-stateバッテリーロードマップまで2035
9.1.5. 物質から細胞へのロードマップ
9.1.6. セルからアプリケーションへのロードマップ
9.1.7. グローバルな電化のコミットメント
9.1.8. 欧州市場への影響要因1
9.1.9. 欧州市場への影響要因2
9.1.10. 欧州市場への影響要因3
9.2. 自動車用途の規格/方針/規則
9.2.1. 地球環境
9.2.2. 標準化と法的枠組み
9.2.3. グローバルな標準化・規制
9.2.4. 国際機関
9.2.5. 国内の関連団体
9.2.6. UN38.3
9.2.7. IEC - 61960
9.2.8. IEC61960 -3 &4
9.2.9. SAE J2464
9.2.10. UL1642
9.2.11. UL1642 - さらに詳しい情報はこちら試験の範囲
9.2.12. EUCARとハザードレベル
9.2.13. 共通安全検証
10. 固体電池アプリケーション
10.1. 固体電池の応用の可能性
10.2. マーケットレディネス
10.3. マーケットレディネス2
10.4. マーケットレディネス3
10.5. 家電用固体電池
10.6. 性能比較。CEとウェアラブル
10.7. 電気自動車に使用されるバッテリー:例
10.8. 電気自動車用固体電池
11. 会社概要
11.1. 24M
11.1.1. 会社概要
11.1.2. のパフォーマンス概要24M
11.1.3. 24M'セル構成
11.1.4. の歴史24M
11.1.5. の歴史24M(2)
11.1.6. 24M技術情報
11.1.7. パートナーシップの歴史とターゲット仕様
11.1.8. 製造比較
11.1.9. 従来のソリューションに比べ、生産工程を効率化
11.1.10. Time savingの24M技術
11.1.11. FREYR電池の製造ロードマップに基づく24M技術情報
11.1.12. 半固体セルの製造方法
11.1.13. によって実現した新しいプラットフォームです。24M
11.1.14. による製造プロセスの再定義24M
11.1.15. 24M半自動化パイロット生産ライン
11.1.16. 京セラの事業活動
11.1.17. 24M二重電解質システム
11.1.18. 二重電解質システム概念実証
11.1.19. Dual電解質 enabling Li-metal: NMC622/SSE,45 µm /lithium metal
11.1.20. プレリチウムコーティング銅箔
11.1.21. 24Mコマーシャルパートナーおよび投資家
11.1.22. 24Mビジネスモデルと資金調達
11.1.23. 24Mプロダクトロードマップ
11.1.24. FREYR' のバッテリーサプライチェーン
11.1.25. Value chainの Freyr by using24M技術
11.1.26. 欧州のバッテリーサプライチェーンは、フルサイクルの持続可能性を促進する。
11.1.27. 24Mサプライチェーン
11.1.28. 炭素削減分析
11.1.29. Freyr社製電池のコスト内訳
11.1.30. の特許明細書24M
11.1.31. のSWOT分析24M
11.1.32. 技術分析
11.1.33. 技術分析(2)
11.1.34. 製造 andサプライチェーン analysis
11.1.35. リレーションシップとビジネスアナリシス
11.2. アンピュセラ
11.2.1. 会社紹介
11.2.2. アンピュセラ技術情報
11.2.3. 固体コンポジット
11.2.4. 製品情報
11.2.5. 主要顧客とパートナー
11.3. ブルーソリューションズ / Bolloré
11.3.1. はじめにブルー・ソリューションズへ
11.3.2. Bolloré's LMFバッテリー
11.3.3. 自動車メーカーの取り組み - Bolloré
11.3.4. ブルー・ソリューションズ'技術開発
11.4. ブライトボルト
11.4.1. ブライトボルト電池
11.4.2. ブライトボルト電解質
11.4.3. PMEによる後工程組立の簡素化
11.4.4. バッテリーテストデータ
11.4.5. セルのスケーリング
11.4.6. 製造互換性
11.5. CATL
11.5.1. はじめに
11.5.2. CATLエネルギー密度開発ロードマップ
11.5.3. CATLソリッドステートに関する特許電池
11.6. CEAテック
11.7. コスライト
11.8. シンベツ株式会社
11.8.1. はじめにto Cymbet
11.8.2. 技術紹介
11.8.3. マイクロバッテリー製品
11.9. エノベイトモータース
11.10. Ensurge Micropower (旧 Thin Film Electronics ASA )
11.10.1. はじめに社に
11.10.2. Ensurgeの実行計画
11.10.3. エンサージ技術情報1
11.10.4. エンサージ技術情報2
11.10.5. アノードレス設計
11.10.6. ビジネスモデル・市場
11.10.7. 主要顧客、パートナー、競合他社
11.10.8. 会社の財務状況
11.11. エクセラトロン
11.11.1. はじめにまでエクセラトロン
11.11.2. Thin-film solid-state電池 made byエクセラトロン
11.12. 階調エネルギー
11.12.1. 会社概要
11.12.2. のパフォーマンス概要階調エネルギー
11.12.3. はじめにまで階調エネルギー
11.12.4. 会社沿革
11.12.5. 階調エネルギー技術情報
11.12.6. サイクル寿命試験
11.12.7. 昇温・低温試験
11.12.8. パワーテスト
11.12.9. 可能サプライチェーン
11.12.10. のSWOT分析階調エネルギー
11.12.11. 技術分析
11.12.12. 技術分析2
11.12.13. ビジネス・アナリシス
11.13. FDK
11.13.1. はじめに
11.13.2. ApplicationsのFDK's solid stateバッテリー
11.13.3. FDKSMD全固体電池
11.14. フィッシャーマン
11.14.1. Automakers'てs -フィッシャーマン Inc.
11.15. フラウンホーファー
11.15.1. Academic views -フラウンホーファー Batterien
11.15.2. IKTS'ASSBで作業しているサイト
11.15.3. IKTS'テクノロジー
11.15.4. LLZO製造工程
11.15.5. IKTS'EMBATTの開発
11.15.6. LATPへの取り組み
11.16. フロントエッジ技術紹介
11.16.1. 超薄型マイクロバッテリー - NanoEnergy® (1)
11.16.2. 超薄型マイクロバッテリー - NanoEnergy®(2)
11.17. 甘峰リチウム
11.17.1. 会社概要
11.17.2. のパフォーマンス概要甘峰リチウム
11.17.3. 細胞構造の概要
11.17.4. 甘峰リチウム歴史 (1)
11.17.5. 甘峰リチウム歴史(2)
11.17.6. 甘峰リチウム歴史(3)
11.17.7. 東風デモ
11.17.8. 甘峰リチウム's SSB テクノロジー
11.17.9. Ningbo Instituteの Materials技術紹介 & Engineering, CAS
11.17.10. パイロット生産電池:エネルギー密度
11.17.11. パイロット生産電池:評価能力
11.17.12. パイロット生産電池:温度性能
11.17.13. 甘峰のコラボレーション・エコシステム
11.17.14. グローバルレイアウト
11.17.15. Ganfeng'sサプライチェーン layout
11.17.16. R&Dラボ
11.17.17. 科学的研究プラットフォーム
11.17.18. 実施したプロジェクト
11.17.19. コラボレーション
11.17.20. リチウム金属生産量
11.17.21. 技術紹介ロードマップ
11.17.22. 固体電池関連製品。固体高分子形リチウムイオン電池
11.17.23. 固体電池製品固体高分子形リチウム金属電池
11.17.24. 固体電池製品。固体リチウム電池モジュール
11.17.25. 江豊リチウムの場合サプライチェーン
11.17.26. 資金調達と顧客
11.17.27. Financial detailsの2020
11.17.28. 事業部門別売上高
11.17.29. 地域別売上高
11.17.30. 売上高/利益(年率
11.17.31. のSWOT分析甘峰リチウム
11.17.32. 技術紹介および製造分析
11.17.33. サプライチェーン分析
11.17.34. リレーションシップとビジネスアナリシス
11.18. 日立造船
11.18.1. 日立造船's ソリッドステート電解質
11.18.2. 日立造船's電池
11.18.3. バッテリー特性
11.19. ハイドロ・キュート・ベック(Hydro-Québec
11.19.1. ハイドロ・キュート・ベック(Hydro-Québec1
11.19.2. ハイドロ・キュート・ベック(Hydro-Québec2
11.19.3. 電池の開発計画
11.19.4. パートナー
11.20. イリカ
11.20.1. はじめにまでイリカ
11.20.2. イリカ'sマイクロテクノロジー
11.20.3. 技術紹介ロードマップと潜在的なアプリケーション
11.20.4. イリカ'sビジネスモデル
11.20.5. イリカ's製造モデル
11.20.6. イリカ: ステレオックス
11.20.7. イリカ:ゴリアテ
11.20.8. ゴリアテ製造
11.21. インフィニット・パワー・ソリューションズ
11.21.1. 技術紹介のインフィニット・パワー・ソリューションズ
11.21.2. 標準角型電池とIPS'電池のコスト比較
11.22. イオン材料
11.22.1. はじめに
11.22.2. 技術紹介と製造工程のイオン材料
11.23. イオンストレージシステム
11.23.1. はじめにまでイオンストレージシステム
11.23.2. セル技術
11.23.3. Ion Storage System's scaling process
11.23.4. パートナーと専門知識
11.24. JiaWei Renewable Energy(嘉威再生可能エネルギー
11.25. ジョンソン・エナジー・ストレージ
11.25.1. JES'テクノロジー
11.26. Ningbo Instituteの Materials技術紹介 & Engineering, CAS
11.27. 株式会社大原製作所
11.27.1. リチウムイオン伝導性ガラスセラミック粉01
11.27.2. 正極材用添加剤LICGCTM PW-01
11.27.3. Ohara's製品s for solid state電池
11.27.4. 大原/ポリプラス
11.27.5. Applicationの LICGC for all solid state電池
11.27.6. Propertiesの multilayer all solid-state lithium ionバッテリー using LICGC as電解質
11.27.7. 展示会でのLICGC製品の紹介
11.27.8. 製造 processの Ohara glass
11.28. ポリプラス
11.28.1. はじめにまでポリプラス
11.28.2. PLEセパレータ
11.28.3. ポリプラスプロジェクト
11.28.4. PLEベース電池
11.28.5. リチウム海水電池の開発計画
11.28.6. ポリプラスガラス電池
11.28.7. テストデータ
11.28.8. セルファブリケーション
11.28.9. ハイブリッドLi-metal電池と完全固体電池の比較
11.29. プリエト電池
11.30. プライムプラネットエナジー&ソリューション
11.30.1. 会社紹介
11.31. プロロジム
11.31.1. 会社概要
11.31.2. のパフォーマンス概要プロロジム
11.31.3. 細胞構造の概要
11.31.4. セパレータの説明
11.31.5. 会社沿革
11.31.6. 資金調達
11.31.7. 技術紹介そうしゅうへん
11.31.8. Core技術: oxide電解質 & ASM
11.31.9. コア技術。LCB
11.31.10. コアテクノロジーMAB
11.31.11. 製品の種類
11.31.12. Improvementの LCB electrical properties
11.31.13. Improvementの LCBセルs
11.31.14. セル動作温度データ
11.31.15. MABパックの進捗状況ロードマップ
11.31.16. アセンブリの稼働率を高めるMABのアイデア
11.31.17. プロロジムアセンブリCTPとCIP
11.31.18. MAB技術に対応したインレイ構造
11.31.19. プロロジム:EVバッテリーパックアセンブリ
11.31.20. プロロジム:「MABEVバッテリーパックアセンブリ
11.31.21. コスト削減の可能性
11.31.22. プロロジム's製造経験
11.31.23. グローバル生産計画
11.31.24. リサイクル
11.31.25. ビジネスモデル・市場s
11.31.26. サプライチェーンのプロロジム
11.31.27. Patent summary
11.31.28. Adoption case study:エノベイトモータース
11.31.29. のSWOT分析プロロジム
11.31.30. セル技術 strengths
11.31.31. セル技術 weaknesses
11.31.32. Pack技術 analysis
11.31.33. 製造 analysis
11.31.34. サプライチェーン分析
11.31.35. ビジネス・アナリシス
11.32. 青島エネルギー開発
11.32.1. 会社概要
11.32.2. のパフォーマンス概要青島
11.32.3. 細胞構造の概要
11.32.4. の歴史青島エネルギー開発1
11.32.5. の歴史青島エネルギー開発2
11.32.6. の歴史青島エネルギー開発3
11.32.7. Mass specific energy test
11.32.8. 青島 business areas
11.32.9. Yichun1GWh施設 equipment and capacity
11.32.10. 製造 processes
11.32.11. Yichun1GWh施設: major materials
11.32.12. Yichun1GWh施設: major materials(へと続く)
11.32.13. セル生産
11.32.14. 青島バッテリー pilot sample製品ion facilities
11.32.15. 青島 material formation/process R&D platform1
11.32.16. 青島 material formation/process R&D platform2
11.32.17. 青島1GWh施設
11.32.18. 青島's SSB製品s: Cells
11.32.19. 青島's SSB製品s: Packs1
11.32.20. 青島's SSB製品s: Packs2
11.32.21. 青島's SSB製品s: Electronics
11.32.22. 青島's SSB製品s: Energy storage systems
11.32.23. 青島's SSB製品s: Materials
11.32.24. 青島's ソリッドステートバッテリーサプライチェーン
11.32.25. 資金調達
11.32.26. 取締役s
11.32.27. 商品化計画の青島
11.32.28. BAIC'sプロトタイプ
11.32.29. Hozon Automobile'sプロトタイプ
11.32.30. のSWOT分析青島
11.32.31. Analysis factors
11.32.32. Cell performance analysis
11.32.33. 製造 andサプライチェーン analysis
11.32.34. リレーションシップとビジネスアナリシス
11.33. QuantumScape
11.33.1. 会社概要
11.33.2. のパフォーマンス概要QuantumScape
11.33.3. 細胞構造の概要
11.33.4. はじめにまでQuantumScape
11.33.5. はじめにまでQuantumScape技術情報
11.33.6. QuantumScapeプロトタイプs
11.33.7. QuantumScape技術情報
11.33.8. ガーネット電解質/カソライト
11.33.9. Summaryの test analysisのQuantumScape'sセルs
11.33.10. Single layerバッテリー cycle life test
11.33.11. Low temperature life test
11.33.12. 4-layerバッテリー cycle life test
11.33.13. 10-layerバッテリー cycle life test
11.33.14. Cycle life test for LFP電池
11.33.15. Fast charging test
11.33.16. Dendrite resistance performanceの the電解質
11.33.17. Power profile tested by VW
11.33.18. 4C fast charging
11.33.19. Low temperature test
11.33.20. Thermal stability test
11.33.21. ヒースチェックs
11.33.22. Cycle life test
11.33.23. Cycle life test続き
11.33.24. Cycle life test続き
11.33.25. Summaryの external cycle life test
11.33.26. Summaryの cycle life test
11.33.27. Zero externally applied pressure cycle life
11.33.28. QuantumScape特許 summary1
11.33.29. QuantumScape特許 summary2
11.33.30. QuantumScape特許 analysis1
11.33.31. QuantumScape特許 analysis2
11.33.32. QuantumScape特許 analysis3
11.33.33. QuantumScape特許 analysis4
11.33.34. QuantumScape特許 analysis5
11.33.35. QuantumScape特許 analysis6
11.33.36. QuantumScape特許 analysis7
11.33.37. QuantumScape特許 analysis8
11.33.38. QuantumScape特許 analysis9
11.33.39. QuantumScape's製造タイムライン
11.33.40. Key milestones
11.33.41. 製造
11.33.42. Key members inQuantumScape
11.33.43. Solid-stateバッテリーサプライチェーンのQuantumScape
11.33.44. 資金調達 and investors
11.33.45. のSWOT分析QuantumScape
11.33.46. Featuresの garnet電解質 in SSBs
11.33.47. 技術分析:強さs
11.33.48. 技術分析: Weaknesses
11.33.49. 製造 andサプライチェーン analysis
11.33.50. リレーションシップとビジネスアナリシス
11.34. ショット
11.35. SEEO
11.36. セス
11.36.1. 会社概要
11.36.2. のパフォーマンス概要セス
11.36.3. 細胞構造の概要
11.36.4. 会社沿革1
11.36.5. 会社沿革2
11.36.6. 5 metricsのセス'技術
11.36.7. セス技術
11.36.8. Good lithium metal surface required
11.36.9. セス'電解質
11.36.10. セス電解質開発ロードマップ for EV under C/3-C/3
11.36.11. セス電解質開発
11.36.12. セス技術まで樹状突起の成長を妨げる
11.36.13. セス技術まで樹状突起の成長を妨げる (cont'd)
11.36.14. AI powered BMS safety algorithm
11.36.15. Cathode andセル assembly
11.36.16. Cell test data:3-4 layersセル cycle life
11.36.17. Cell test data:4Ahセル cycle life
11.36.18. Cell test data:4Ahセル c-rate capability
11.36.19. Test dataの Hermesセル
11.36.20. アポロ電池
11.36.21. リチウム金属箔
11.36.22. セス' demonstratedセル performance
11.36.23. Comparisonのセスセル and old Li-metalセル, graphite-based Li-ionセル and Li-ionセル with silicon-graphite composite anode
11.36.24. Comparison among conventional Li-ion, solid-state Li-metal andセス hybrid Li-metalセルs
11.36.25. セス'製品s
11.36.26. セス'sリチウム金属電池データ
11.36.27. セス'しじょうくうろん
11.36.28. セス特許s
11.36.29. Developmentの an OEM-readyバッテリー
11.36.30. 製造施設計画
11.36.31. セスロードマップ
11.36.32. Batteryサプライチェーン forセス
11.36.33. The futureの Li-metal / Li-ionサプライチェーン
11.36.34. Customers & partners & investors
11.36.35. パートナーGM、ヒュンダイ、ホンダとのヒップ
11.36.36. 資金調達と財務s
11.36.37. 2021 merge transaction summary
11.36.38. セス取締役s
11.36.39. のSWOT分析セス
11.36.40. セル技術 strengths
11.36.41. セル技術 weaknesses
11.36.42. 製造 andサプライチェーン analysis
11.36.43. リレーションシップとビジネスアナリシス
11.37. ソリッドパワー
11.37.1. 会社概要
11.37.2. Cell specifications
11.37.3. ソリッドパワーセルこうせい
11.37.4. History1
11.37.5. History2
11.37.6. Breaking energy density limitの Li-ion電池
11.37.7. ソリッドパワー'sコア技術
11.37.8. ソリッドパワー's focus in the value chain
11.37.9. 会社概要製品s
11.37.10. ソリッドパワー's sulphide solid-state電解質
11.37.11. Solidパワーテスト data
11.37.12. Solidパワーテスト data (cont'd)
11.37.13. High-content silicon EVセル data
11.37.14. High-content silicon EVセル data (cont'd)
11.37.15. High-content silicon EVセル data (cont'd)
11.37.16. 0.2+ Ah pouchセル data (cont'd)
11.37.17. Technologies onソリッドパワープロダクトロードマップ
11.37.18. ソリッドパワー技術情報ロードマップ
11.37.19. High-content silicon anodeバッテリーロードマップ
11.37.20. リチウム金属負極バッテリーロードマップ
11.37.21. 製品ロードマップ
11.37.22. ソリッドパワー'sセルロードマップ
11.37.23. プログレッシブプロトタイプss
11.37.24. ソリッドパワー showed their samples
11.37.25. 商品化ロードマップ
11.37.26. ソリッドパワー'sビジネスモデル
11.37.27. Solid stateバッテリーサプライチェーンのソリッドパワー
11.37.28. ソリッドパワー's ASSB技術 & partner ecosystem
11.37.29. ソリッドパワー'sフレキシブルな全固体構造プラットフォーム
11.37.30. ソリッドパワー cost estimate
11.37.31. Defined path for cost reduction
11.37.32. Fabricationの cathode and電解質
11.37.33. 固体高分子形燃料電池の製造
11.37.34. Pilot製品ion facility
11.37.35. マネジメントチーム
11.37.36. Upcoming milestones
11.37.37. 資金調達
11.37.38. Key partners & investors
11.37.39. ソリッドパワー特許s
11.37.40. のSWOT分析ソリッドパワー
11.37.41. 技術分析:強さs
11.37.42. 技術分析: Weaknesses
11.37.43. 製造 andサプライチェーン analysis
11.37.44. リレーションシップとビジネスアナリシス
11.38. ソリサー/イメック
11.38.1. imecについて
11.38.2. アイメック's電解質
11.38.3. SOLiTHORについて
11.38.4. ソリソール技術情報
11.39. ソルベイ
11.39.1. ソルベイ1
11.39.2. ソルベイ2
11.40. STMicroelectronics
11.41. 太陽誘電
11.41.1. はじめに
11.41.2. バッテリー特性
11.41.3. Pulse discharge performance
11.41.4. 利用可能製品s
11.42. TDK
11.42.1. はじめに
11.42.2. CeraCharge's performance
11.42.3. Main applicationsの CeraCharge
11.43. Toshiba
11.43.1. はじめに
11.43.2. Composite solid-state電解質
11.44. トヨタ
11.44.1. トヨタ'sアクティビティs
11.44.2. トヨタ'sてs
11.44.3. トヨタ'sプロトタイプ
11.45. WeLionニューエナジー技術紹介
11.45.1. 会社概要
11.45.2. のパフォーマンス概要WeLion
11.45.3. Cell configuration summary
11.45.4. 会社沿革
11.45.5. エヌアイオー
11.45.6. Progressの SSB research at IoP, CAS
11.45.7. WeLion'sバッテリー開発 history
11.45.8. 会社概要 presence
11.45.9. 資金調達
11.45.10. WeLion'sコア技術s1
11.45.11. WeLion'sコア技術s2
11.45.12. Core技術1: Composite lithium anode: target rating and volume expansion issues
11.45.13. Core技術2: Ionic conducting film
11.45.14. Core技術3: In-situ solidification技術
11.45.15. SEM imagesの the lithium metal and電解質
11.45.16. Capacity / voltage performanceの theバッテリー
11.45.17. 石英化前
11.45.18. WeLion製品s
11.45.19. 製品情報とEV用アプリケーション
11.45.20. Hybrid liquid-solidバッテリー performance
11.45.21. High energy density製品 performance
11.45.22. 可能のバリューチェーンWeLion
11.45.23. のSWOT分析WeLion
11.45.24. 技術分析
11.45.25. サプライチェーン, relationship and business analysis
12.1. Appendix: Background
12.1.1. Glossaryの terms - specifications
12.1.2. Useful charts for performance comparison
12.1.3. バッテリーカテゴリーs
12.1.4. Comparisonの commercialバッテリー packaging技術s
12.1.5. Actors along theのバリューチェーン energy storage
12.1.6. Primaryバッテリー chemistries and common applications
12.1.7. Numerical specificationsの popular rechargeableバッテリー chemistries
12.1.8. Battery技術 benchmark
12.1.9. What does1 kilowatthour (kWh) look like?
12.1.10. A-D sample definitions
12.1.11. 技術紹介および製造準備ss
12.2. Appendix: Li-Ion Batteries
12.2.1. Food is electricity for humans
12.2.2. What is a Li-ionバッテリー (LIB)?
12.2.3. Anode alternatives: Lithium titanium and lithium metal
12.2.4. Anode alternatives: Other carbon materials
12.2.5. Anode alternatives: Silicon, tin and alloying materials
12.2.6. Cathode alternatives: LCO & LFP
12.2.7. Cathode alternatives: NMC, NCA & LMO
12.2.8. Cathode alternatives: LNMO and Vanadium pentoxide
12.2.9. Cathode alternatives: Sulphur
12.2.10. Cathode alternatives: Oxygen
12.2.11. High energy cathodes require fluorinated電解質s
12.2.12. How can LIBs be improved?
12.2.13. Milestone discoveries that shaped the modern lithium-ion電池
12.2.14. Push, pull and trilemma in Li-ions
12.2.15. リチウムイオンサプライチェーン
12.2.16. High-end commercial Li-ionバッテリー specifications
12.2.17. Cathode performance comparison
12.2.18. Comparisonの Li-ion電池 for automotive
12.2.19. Cell energy density comparisonの different cathodes
12.3. Appendix:Why Is Battery Development so Slow?
12.3.1. What is aバッテリー?
12.3.2. A big obstacle ? energy density
12.3.3. Battery技術 is based on redox reactions
12.3.4. Electrochemical reaction is essentially based on electron transfer
12.3.5. Electrochemical inactive components reduce energy density
12.3.6. The importanceの an電解質 in aバッテリー
12.3.7. Cathode & anode needまで have structural order
12.3.8. 金属リチウム負極の失敗談
12.3.9. Appendix: Cathode and Cell Comparison for Conventional Lithium-Ion Batteries
12.3.10. Cathode performance comparison
12.3.11. Comparisonの Li-ion電池 for automotive
12.3.12. Cell energy density comparisonの different cathodes






  • 固体電池入門
  • 固体電池、希望か誇大広告か -固体電池に関する賛否両論の意見
  • 固体電解質
  • 固体電池のセル設計からシステム設計まで
  • 固体電池の製造
  • リチウムイオンを超える固体電池
  • リサイクル
  • 政策・規制・地球環境
  • 固体電池の応用
  • 企業情報
Report Summary
This report characterizes the solid-state battery technologies, materials, market, supply chain and players. It assesses and benchmarks the available solid-state battery technologies, introduces most players worldwide and analyzes the key players in this field, forecasted from 2023 to 2033 over 10 application areas of 3 key technology categories for both capacity and market value. The report also analyzes the hype and hopes behind solid-state batteries, providing deep technological and business insights.
Conventional lithium-ion batteries based on graphite anodes, layered oxide cathodes (LCO, NMC, NCA) and liquid electrolyte have been ubiquitously adopted in our daily life, from small consumer electronics to large electric vehicles and stationary energy storage systems. The requirement of decarbonization triggered electrification, further leading to the rapid growth of electric vehicle market, which has driven the development, manufacture and sales of batteries, especially lithium-ion batteries. Since their commercialization in 1991, lithium-ion batteries have had a dominant position in the battery market in various applications. In the meantime, due to their performance limitation, environmental consideration, and supply chain constraints, next-generation battery technologies are being researched, developed and commercialized. Among them, solid-state batteries have attracted the most attention, from research institutes, material providers, battery vendors, component suppliers, automotive OEMs, and venture capitals and investors.
The popular discussions on solid-state batteries have brought efforts both in academia and industry. With an increasing number of players working in this field and some milestones being achieved, a US$8 billion-market-size opportunity is potentially waiting for solid-state batteries.
Solid-state battery addressable market size. Source: IDTechEx
After years of development, a few solid-state batteries have been commercialized, with more under development. At the same time, with the continuous improvement of Li-ion batteries, there are discussions around which technologies are worth the resources and investment. There are hypes in solid-state batteries, as sometimes they are marketed as the definite replacement of conventional lithium-ion batteries. There are also pessimistic opinions, believing solid-state batteries are only in the lab and they won't bring actual superior value propositions compared with existing lithium-ion batteries.
In addition, there is a tremendous number of players announcing their technologies being the game changer of the world, together with their commercial and manufacturing plans. Solid-state batteries differ from conventional lithium-ion batteries, from the materials used, cell design, system design, to supply chain establishment, manufacturing, and recycling. It is not a mature industry yet, leaving lots of unclear questions to answer.
This report is tackling these doubts around solid-state batteries, providing introduction, analysis, and insights from various angles such as technology, commercialization, supply chain, manufacturing, markets, and players.
Within the solid-state battery regime, there are various technology approaches. Oxide, sulfide and polymer systems have become the most popular options in the next-generation development, with further variations under each category. In general, sulfide electrolytes have the advantages of high ionic conductivity - even better than liquid electrolyte - low processing temperature, and a wide electrochemical stability window. Many features make them appealing, being considered by many as the ultimate option. However, the difficulty of manufacturing and the toxic by-product hydrogen sulfide generated in the process make the commercialization relatively slow. Polymer systems are easy to fabricate, most compatible to existing manufacturing facility, and some of them are already in commercialization. The relatively high operating temperature, low anti-oxide potential, and worse stability indicate challenges. Oxide systems are more stable for lithium metal, with good electrochemical and thermal stabilities. However, the higher interface resistance and higher-cost, lower-yield manufacturing processes show some difficulties in general.
Comparison of solid-state batteries. Source: IDTechEx
There are also other technologies with further modifications within the three material systems, as well as beyond.
No technology is perfect, and complication of technical details, testing conditions, and data selected to be published can make the public very confused regarding the pros and cons of each technology. This report is therefore aiming to offer a detailed explanation and analysis from a technical angle, with our own opinions. The hypes and hopes of solid-state batteries are assessed as well. Although a few advantages cannot really be provided by current solid-state batteries, compared with conventional lithium-ion batteries, better safety, potential energy density increase, and system level design simplification are still the major drivers from solid-state batteries.
IDTechEx has been tracking the development of solid-state battery since 2014 and with years of experience, we have observed the gradual transition of efforts in this industry. For instance, early focuses were mostly on solid-state electrolyte and half/full cell demonstration. With further improvement, more things are considered for commercialization. Sample validation, system design, supply chain establishment, and manufacturing optimization are becoming increasingly important.
Conventional lithium-ion battery manufacturing has been dominated by East Asia, with Japan, China, and South Korea playing a significant role. US and European countries are competing in the race, shifting the added values away from East Asia and building battery manufacturing close to the application market. New material/component selection and change of manufacturing procedures show an indication of reshuffle of the battery supply chain. From both a technology and business point of view, development of solid-state battery has become part of the next-generation battery strategy. It has become a global game with regional interests and governmental supports. Opportunities will be available with new materials, components, systems, manufacturing methods and know-how.
Global major solid-state battery players. Source: IDTechEx
The report covers the manufacturing procedures and how various companies try to address the limitations, as well as research progress and activities of important players. The global market analysis is provided, with 10-year forecasts until 2033 for both production capacity and market size, over 10 application areas and 3 major technology groups.
This report also talks about most of the players working in this area and profiles 45 of them in "Company Profile" section. It offers further detailed company analysis of the key players, such as its technology analysis, product introduction, roadmap, financial/funding, materials, cell specification, manufacturing, supply chain, partnerships, patent introduction, future business, and SWOT analysis.
Key takeaways from this report:
  • Overview of lithium-ion battery, various solid-state battery technologies, analysis and benchmarking
  • Technology and manufacturing timelines, roadmaps
  • Manufacturing methods
  • Market analysis and forecasts
  • Cost and energy density analysis
  • Solid-state battery hype vs hope analysis
  • Player activity tracking & evaluation
  • Supply chain analysis
  • Regulations and recycling



Table of Contents

1.1. Classifications of solid-state electrolytes
1.2. Liquid vs. solid-state batteries
1.3. Thin film vs. bulk solid-state batteries
1.4. SSB company commercial plans
1.5. Solid state battery collaborations / investment by Automotive OEMs
1.6. Status and future of solid state battery business
1.7. Resources considerations
1.8. Analysis of different features of SSBs
1.9. Location overview of major solid-state battery companies
1.10. Solid-state battery partnerships
1.11. Summary of solid-state electrolyte technology
1.12. Comparison of solid-state electrolyte systems 1
1.13. Comparison of solid-state electrolyte systems 2
1.14. Current electrolyte challenges and possible solution
1.15. Technology summary of various companies
1.16. Solid-state battery value chain
1.17. Market forecast methodology
1.18. Assumptions and analysis of market forecast of SSB
1.19. Price forecast of solid state battery for various applications
1.20. Solid-state battery addressable market size
1.21. Solid-state battery forecast 2023-2033 by application (GWh)
1.22. Solid-state battery forecast 2023-2033 by application (market value)
1.23. Solid-state battery forecast 2023-2033 by technology (GWh)
1.24. Solid-state battery forecast 2023-2033 by technology (GWh)
1.25. Market size segmentation in 2023 and 2028
1.26. Solid-state battery forecast 2023-2033 for car plug in
2.1. What is a solid-state battery
2.1.1. Introduction
2.1.2. Classifications of solid-state electrolytes
2.1.3. A solid future?
2.1.4. History of solid-state batteries
2.1.5. Milestone of solid-state battery development
2.1.6. Solid-state electrolytes
2.1.7. Requirements for solid-state electrolyte with multifunctions
2.2. Interests and Activities on Solid-State Batteries
2.2.1. How to design a good solid-state electrolyte
2.2.2. Energy storage evolvement
2.2.3. Solid-state battery publication dynamics
2.2.4. Regional efforts: USA
2.2.5. Regional efforts: Japan
2.2.6. Regional efforts: South Korea
2.2.7. Battery vendors' efforts - Samsung SDI
2.2.8. Samsung's commercial efforts
2.2.9. LG's contributions
2.2.10. Regional efforts: China
2.2.11. Interests in China
2.2.12. 14 Other Chinese player activities on solid state batteries
2.2.13. Chinese car player activities on solid-state batteries
2.2.14. Regional efforts: UK
2.2.15. Regional efforts: Others
2.2.16. Automakers' efforts - BMW
2.2.17. Mercedes-Benz's inhouse cell development
2.2.18. Automakers' efforts - Volkswagen
2.2.19. Volkswagen's investment in electric vehicle batteries
2.2.20. Automakers' efforts - Hyundai
3.1. Introduction
3.1.1. Value propositions of solid-state batteries
3.1.2. Negative opinions on solid-state batteries
3.2. Better Safety?
3.2.1. Typical hypes of solid-state batteries
3.2.2. Safety consideration
3.2.3. Safety of liquid-electrolyte lithium-ion batteries
3.2.4. Modern horror films are finding their scares in dead phone batteries
3.2.5. Samsung's Firegate
3.2.6. LIB cell temperature and likely outcome
3.2.7. Safety aspects of Li-ion batteries
3.2.8. Are solid-state battery safer?
3.2.9. Conclusions of SSB safety
3.3. Higher Energy Density?
3.3.1. How do SSBs help with energy density
3.3.2. Energy density improvement
3.3.3. Solid state battery does not always lead to higher energy density
3.3.4. Specific energy comparison of different electrolytes
3.3.5. Alternative anode is required for high energy density
3.3.6. Lithium metal anode
3.3.7. Where is lithium?
3.3.8. How to produce lithium
3.3.9. Lithium hydroxide vs. lithium carbonate
3.3.10. Lithium-metal battery approaches
3.3.11. Failure story about metallic lithium anode
3.3.12. Lithium metal challenge
3.3.13. Dendrite formation: Current density
3.3.14. Dendrite formation: Pressure and temperature
3.3.15. Cycling preference for anode-free lithium metal cells
3.3.16. Solid-state battery with lithium metal anode
3.3.17. Lithium in solid-state batteries
3.3.18. Lithium metal foils
3.3.19. Silicon anode
3.3.20. Introduction to silicon anode
3.3.21. Value proposition of silicon anodes
3.3.22. Comparison between graphite and silicon
3.3.23. Solutions for silicon incorporation
3.3.24. Silicon anode for solid-state electrolyte
3.3.25. Conclusions of solid-state battery energy density
3.4. Fast Charging?
3.4.1. Fast charging at each stage
3.4.2. The importance of battery feature for fast charging
3.4.3. Fast charging for solid-state batteries
3.5. Reality of Solid-State Batteries
3.5.1. Analysis of different features of SSBs
4.1. Introduction
4.1.1. Solid-state electrolyte landscape
4.2. Solid Polymer Electrolyte
4.2.1. LiPo batteries, polymer-based batteries, polymeric batteries
4.2.2. Types of polymer electrolytes
4.2.3. Electrolytic polymer options
4.2.4. Advantages and issues of polymer electrolytes
4.2.5. PEO for solid polymer electrolyte
4.2.6. Companies working on polymer solid state batteries
4.3. Solid Oxide Inorganic Electrolytes
4.3.1. Oxide electrolyte
4.3.2. Garnet
4.3.3. Estimated cost projection for LLZO-based SSB
4.3.4. NASICON-type
4.3.5. Perovskite
4.3.6. LiPON
4.3.7. LiPON: construction
4.3.8. Players worked and working LiPON-based batteries
4.3.9. Cathode material options for LiPON-based batteries
4.3.10. Anodes for LiPON-based batteries
4.3.11. Substrate options for LiPON-based batteries
4.3.12. Trend of materials and processes of thin-film battery in different companies
4.3.13. LiPON: capacity increase
4.3.14. Comparison of inorganic oxide solid-state electrolyte
4.3.15. Thermal stability of oxide electrolyte with lithium metal
4.3.16. Companies working on oxide solid state batteries
4.4. Solid Sulfide Inorganic Electrolytes
4.4.1. LISICON-type 1
4.4.2. LISICON-type 2
4.4.3. Argyrodite
4.4.4. Companies working on sulphide solid state batteries
4.5. Composite Electrolytes
4.5.1. The best of both worlds?
4.5.2. Common hybrid electrolyte concept
4.6. Other Electrolytes
4.6.1. Li-hydrides
4.6.2. Li-halides
4.7. Electrolyte analysis and comparison
4.7.1. Technology evaluation
4.7.2. Technology evaluation (continued)
4.7.3. Types of solid inorganic electrolytes for Li-ion
4.7.4. Advantages and issues with inorganic electrolytes 1
4.7.5. Advantages and issues with inorganic electrolytes 2
4.7.6. Advantages and issues with inorganic electrolytes 3
4.7.7. Dendrites prevention
4.7.8. Comparison between inorganic and polymer electrolytes 1
4.7.9. Comparison between inorganic and polymer electrolytes 2
5.1. Solid-State Battery Cell Design
5.1.1. Commercial battery form factors 1
5.1.2. Commercial battery form factors 2
5.1.3. Battery configurations 1
5.1.4. Battery configurations 2
5.1.5. Cell stacking options
5.1.6. Bipolar cells
5.1.7. ProLogium's bipolar design
5.1.8. "Anode-free" batteries
5.1.9. Challenges of anode free batteries
5.1.10. Close stacking
5.1.11. Flexibility and customisation provided by solid-state batteries
5.1.12. Cell size trend
5.1.13. Cell design ideas
5.2. From Cell to Pack
5.2.1. Pack parameters mean more than cell's
5.2.2. The importance of a pack system
5.2.3. Influence of the CTP design
5.2.4. BYD's blade battery: overview
5.2.5. BYD's blade battery: structure and composition
5.2.6. BYD's blade battery: design
5.2.7. BYD's blade battery: pack layout
5.2.8. BYD's blade battery: energy density improvement
5.2.9. BYD's blade battery: thermal safety
5.2.10. BYD's blade battery: structural safety
5.2.11. Cost and performance
5.2.12. BYD's blade battery: what CTP indicates
5.2.13. CATL's CTP design
5.2.14. CATL's CTP battery evolution
5.2.15. CATL's Qilin Battery
5.2.16. From cell to pack for conventional Li-ions
5.2.17. Solid-state batteries: From cell to pack
5.2.18. Bipolar-enabled CTP
5.2.19. Conventional design vs. bipolar cell design
5.2.20. EV battery pack assembly
5.2.21. ProLogium: "MAB" EV battery pack assembly
5.2.22. MAB idea to increase assembly utilization
5.2.23. Solid-state battery: Competing at pack level
5.2.24. Business models between battery-auto companies
5.3. Battery Management System for Solid-State Batteries
5.3.1. The importance of a battery management system
5.3.2. Functions of a BMS
5.3.3. BMS subsystems
5.3.4. Cell control
5.3.5. Cooling technology comparison
5.3.6. BMS designs with different geometries
5.3.7. Qilin Battery's thermal management system
5.3.8. Thermal conductivity of the cells
5.3.9. Cell connection
5.3.10. BMS design considerations for SSBs
6.1. Timeline for mass production
6.2. Conventional Li-ion battery cell production process
6.3. The incumbent process: lamination
6.4. Conventional Li-ion battery manufacturing conditions
6.5. General manufacturing differences between conventional Li-ion and SSBs
6.6. Process chains for solid electrolyte fabrication
6.7. Process chains for anode fabrication
6.8. Process chains for cathode fabrication
6.9. Process chains for cell assembly
6.10. Exemplary manufacturing processes
6.11. Possible processing routes of solid-state battery components fabrication
6.12. Are mass production coming?
6.13. Pouch cells
6.14. Techniques to fabricate aluminium laminated sheets
6.15. Packaging procedures for pouch cells 1
6.16. Packaging procedures for pouch cells 2
6.17. Oxide electrolyte thickness and processing temperatures
6.18. Solid battery fabrication process
6.19. Manufacturing equipment for solid-state batteries
6.20. Industrial-scale fabrication of Li metal polymer batteries
6.21. Are thin film electrolytes viable?
6.22. Summary of main fabrication technique for thin film batteries
6.23. Wet-chemical & vacuum-based deposition methods for Li-oxide thin films
6.24. Current processing methods and challenges for mass manufacturing of Li-oxide thin-film materials
6.25. PVD processes for thin-film batteries 1
6.26. PVD processes for thin-film batteries 2
6.27. PVD processes for thin-film batteries 3
6.28. Ilika's PVD approach
6.29. Avenues for manufacturing
6.30. Toyota's approach 1
6.31. Toyota's approach 2
6.32. Hitachi Zosen's approach
6.33. Sakti3's PVD approach
6.34. Planar Energy's approach
6.35. Typical manufacturing method of the all solid-state battery (SMD type)
6.36. ProLogium's LCB manufacturing processes
6.37. ProLogium's manufacturing processes
6.38. Solid Power: Fabrication of cathode and electrolyte
6.39. Solid Power cell production
6.40. Pilot production facility of Solid Power
6.41. Qingtao's manufacturing processes
6.42. Yichun 1GWh facility equipment and capacity
6.43. Introduction to dry electrode manufacturing
6.44. Dry battery electrode fabrication
6.45. Dry electrode binders
6.46. Comparison between wet slurry and dry electrode processes
7.1. Solid-state electrolytes in lithium-sulphur batteries
7.2. Lithium sulphur solid electrode development phases
7.3. Solid-state electrolytes in lithium-air batteries
7.4. Solid-state electrolytes in metal-air batteries
7.5. Solid-state electrolytes in sodium-ion batteries 1
7.6. Solid-state electrolytes in sodium-ion batteries 2
7.7. Solid-state electrolytes in sodium-sulphur batteries 1
7.8. Solid-state electrolytes in sodium-sulphur batteries 2
8.1. Global policy summary on Li-ion battery recycling
8.2. Battery geometry for recycling
8.3. Lack of pack standardisation
8.4. LIB recycling approaches overview
8.5. Recycling categories
8.6. Recycling of SSBs
8.7. Recycling plan of ProLogium
9.1. Introduction
9.1.1. Roadmap for battery cell technology
9.1.2. Technology roadmap according to Germany's NPE
9.1.3. Worldwide battery target roadmap
9.1.4. Solid-state battery roadmap to 2035
9.1.5. Material to cell roadmap
9.1.6. Cell to application roadmap
9.1.7. Global electrification commitments
9.1.8. Factors affecting the European market 1
9.1.9. Factors affecting the European market 2
9.1.10. Factors affecting the European market 3
9.2. Standards/Policies/Regulations for Automotive Applications
9.2.1. Global environment
9.2.2. Standardisation and legislative framework
9.2.3. Global Standardization and Regulation
9.2.4. International Organizations
9.2.5. Relevant National Organizations
9.2.6. UN 38.3
9.2.7. IEC - 61960
9.2.8. IEC 61960 - 3 &4
9.2.9. SAE J2464
9.2.10. UL 1642
9.2.11. UL 1642 - Further information: Scope of the Test
9.2.12. EUCAR and the Hazard Level
9.2.13. Common safety verification
10.1. Potential applications for solid-state batteries
10.2. Market readiness
10.3. Market readiness 2
10.4. Market readiness 3
10.5. Solid-state batteries for consumer electronics
10.6. Performance comparison: CEs & wearables
10.7. Batteries used in electric vehicles: example
10.8. Solid-state batteries for electric vehicles
11.1. 24M
11.1.1. Company summary
11.1.2. Performance summary of 24M
11.1.3. 24M's cell configuration
11.1.4. History of 24M
11.1.5. History of 24M (2)
11.1.6. 24M's technology
11.1.7. Partnership history and target specifications
11.1.8. Manufacturing comparison
11.1.9. Streamlined production process vs. conventional solutions
11.1.10. Time saving of 24M technology
11.1.11. FREYR battery manufacturing development roadmap based on 24M's technology
11.1.12. Processes of manufacturing semi-solid cells
11.1.13. New platform enabled by 24M
11.1.14. Redefining manufacturing process by 24M
11.1.15. 24M's semi-automated pilot manufacturing line
11.1.16. Kyocera's commercial activities
11.1.17. 24M Dual Electrolyte System
11.1.18. Dual Electrolyte System proof of concept
11.1.19. Dual electrolyte enabling Li-metal: NMC622/SSE, 45 µm /lithium metal
11.1.20. Lithium coated copper foil for pre-lithiation
11.1.21. 24M commercial partners and investors
11.1.22. 24M's business model and funding
11.1.23. 24M product roadmap
11.1.24. FREYR's battery supply chain
11.1.25. Value chain of Freyr by using 24M technology
11.1.26. Emerging European battery supply chain facilitates full-cycle sustainability
11.1.27. 24M supply chain
11.1.28. Carbon reduction analysis
11.1.29. Battery cost breakdown by Freyr
11.1.30. Patent descriptions of 24M
11.1.31. SWOT analysis of 24M
11.1.32. Technology analysis
11.1.33. Technology analysis (2)
11.1.34. Manufacturing and supply chain analysis
11.1.35. Relationship and business analysis
11.2. Ampcera
11.2.1. Company introduction
11.2.2. Ampcera's technology
11.2.3. Solid-state composite
11.2.4. Products
11.2.5. Key customers and partners
11.3. Blue Solutions / Bolloré
11.3.1. Introduction to Blue Solutions
11.3.2. Bolloré's LMF batteries
11.3.3. Automakers' efforts - Bolloré
11.3.4. Blue Solutions' technology development
11.4. BrightVolt
11.4.1. BrightVolt batteries
11.4.2. BrightVolt electrolyte
11.4.3. PME enabled simplified back-end assembly
11.4.4. Battery testing data
11.4.5. Cell scaling
11.4.6. Manufacturing compatibility
11.5. CATL
11.5.1. Introduction
11.5.2. CATL's energy density development roadmap
11.5.3. CATL's patents on solid-state batteries
11.6. CEA Tech
11.7. Coslight
11.8. Cymbet Corporation
11.8.1. Introduction to Cymbet
11.8.2. Technology
11.8.3. Micro-battery products
11.9. Enovate Motors
11.10. Ensurge Micropower (Formerly Thin Film Electronics ASA )
11.10.1. Introduction to the company
11.10.2. Ensurge's execution plan
11.10.3. Ensurge's technology 1
11.10.4. Ensurge's technology 2
11.10.5. Anode-less design
11.10.6. Business model and market
11.10.7. Key customers, partners, and competitors
11.10.8. Company financials
11.11. Excellatron
11.11.1. Introduction to Excellatron
11.11.2. Thin-film solid-state batteries made by Excellatron
11.12. Factorial Energy
11.12.1. Company summary
11.12.2. Performance summary of Factorial Energy
11.12.3. Introduction to Factorial Energy
11.12.4. Company history
11.12.5. Factorial Energy's technology
11.12.6. Cycle life tests
11.12.7. Elevated and low temperature tests
11.12.8. Power test
11.12.9. Possible supply chain
11.12.10. SWOT analysis of Factorial Energy
11.12.11. Technology analysis
11.12.12. Technology analysis 2
11.12.13. Business analysis
11.13. FDK
11.13.1. Introduction
11.13.2. Applications of FDK's solid state battery
11.13.3. FDK's SMD all-solid-state battery
11.14. Fisker
11.14.1. Automakers' efforts - Fisker Inc.
11.15. Fraunhofer
11.15.1. Academic views - Fraunhofer Batterien
11.15.2. IKTS' sites working on ASSB
11.15.3. IKTS' technology
11.15.4. LLZO manufacturing processes
11.15.5. IKTS' EMBATT development
11.15.6. Work on LATP
11.16. Front Edge Technology
11.16.1. Ultra-thin micro-battery - NanoEnergy® (1)
11.16.2. Ultra-thin micro-battery - NanoEnergy® (2)
11.17. Ganfeng Lithium
11.17.1. Company summary
11.17.2. Performance summary of Ganfeng Lithium
11.17.3. Cell structure summary
11.17.4. Ganfeng Lithium's history (1)
11.17.5. Ganfeng Lithium's history (2)
11.17.6. Ganfeng Lithium's history (3)
11.17.7. Dongfeng demonstration
11.17.8. Ganfeng Lithium's SSB technology
11.17.9. Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, CAS
11.17.10. Pilot produced battery: energy density
11.17.11. Pilot produced battery: rating capability
11.17.12. Pilot produced battery: temperature performance
11.17.13. Ganfeng's collaborative ecosystem
11.17.14. Global layout
11.17.15. Ganfeng's supply chain layout
11.17.16. R&D laboratory
11.17.17. Scientific research platform
11.17.18. Undertaken projects
11.17.19. Collaboration
11.17.20. Lithium metal production
11.17.21. Technology roadmap
11.17.22. Solid-state battery products: Solid-state lithium-ion battery
11.17.23. Solid-state battery products: Solid-State lithium metal cell
11.17.24. Solid-state battery products: Solid-state lithium battery module
11.17.25. Gangfeng Lithium's supply chain
11.17.26. Funding and clients
11.17.27. Financial details of 2020
11.17.28. Revenue by business lines
11.17.29. Revenue by geography
11.17.30. Revenue / profit over years
11.17.31. SWOT analysis of Ganfeng Lithium
11.17.32. Technology and manufacturing analysis
11.17.33. Supply chain analysis
11.17.34. Relationship and business analysis
11.18. Hitachi Zosen
11.18.1. Hitachi Zosen's solid-state electrolyte
11.18.2. Hitachi Zosen's batteries
11.18.3. Battery characteristics
11.19. Hydro-Québec
11.19.1. Hydro-Québec 1
11.19.2. Hydro-Québec 2
11.19.3. Battery development plan
11.19.4. Partners
11.20. Ilika
11.20.1. Introduction to Ilika
11.20.2. Ilika's microtechnology
11.20.3. Technology roadmap and potential applications
11.20.4. Ilika's business model
11.20.5. Ilika's manufacturing model
11.20.6. Ilika: Stereax
11.20.7. Ilika: Goliath
11.20.8. Goliath manufacturing
11.21. Infinite Power Solutions
11.21.1. Technology of Infinite Power Solutions
11.21.2. Cost comparison between a standard prismatic battery and IPS' battery
11.22. Ionic Materials
11.22.1. Introduction
11.22.2. Technology and manufacturing process of Ionic Materials
11.23. Ion Storage Systems
11.23.1. Introduction to Ion Storage Systems
11.23.2. Cell technology
11.23.3. Ion Storage System's scaling process
11.23.4. Partners and expertise
11.24. JiaWei Renewable Energy
11.25. Johnson Energy Storage
11.25.1. JES' technology
11.26. Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, CAS
11.27. Ohara Corporation
11.27.1. Lithium ion conducting glass-ceramic powder-01
11.27.2. LICGCTM PW-01 for cathode additives
11.27.3. Ohara's products for solid state batteries
11.27.4. Ohara / PolyPlus
11.27.5. Application of LICGC for all solid state batteries
11.27.6. Properties of multilayer all solid-state lithium ion battery using LICGC as electrolyte
11.27.7. LICGC products at the show
11.27.8. Manufacturing process of Ohara glass
11.28. PolyPlus
11.28.1. Introduction to PolyPlus
11.28.2. PLE separator
11.28.3. PolyPlus projects
11.28.4. PLE-based batteries
11.28.5. Lithium seawater battery development plan
11.28.6. PolyPlus Glass Battery
11.28.7. Testing data
11.28.8. Cell fabrication
11.28.9. Hybrid Li-metal battery vs fully solid-state battery
11.29. Prieto Battery
11.30. Prime Planet Energy & Solutions
11.30.1. Company introduction
11.31. ProLogium
11.31.1. Company summary
11.31.2. Performance summary of ProLogium
11.31.3. Cell structure summary
11.31.4. Separator description
11.31.5. Company history
11.31.6. Funding
11.31.7. Technology highlights
11.31.8. Core technology: oxide electrolyte & ASM
11.31.9. Core technology: LCB
11.31.10. Core technology: MAB
11.31.11. Product types
11.31.12. Improvement of LCB electrical properties
11.31.13. Improvement of LCB cells
11.31.14. Cell operation temperature data
11.31.15. MAB pack progress roadmap
11.31.16. MAB idea to increase assembly utilization
11.31.17. ProLogium assembly CTP and CIP
11.31.18. Inlay structure for the MAB technology
11.31.19. ProLogium: EV battery pack assembly
11.31.20. ProLogium: "MAB" EV battery pack assembly
11.31.21. Cost reduction potential
11.31.22. ProLogium's manufacturing experience
11.31.23. Global production plan
11.31.24. Recycling
11.31.25. Business model and markets
11.31.26. Supply chain of ProLogium
11.31.27. Patent summary
11.31.28. Adoption case study: Enovate Motors
11.31.29. SWOT analysis of ProLogium
11.31.30. Cell technology strengths
11.31.31. Cell technology weaknesses
11.31.32. Pack technology analysis
11.31.33. Manufacturing analysis
11.31.34. Supply chain analysis
11.31.35. Business analysis
11.32. Qingtao Energy Development
11.32.1. Company summary
11.32.2. Performance summary of Qingtao
11.32.3. Cell structure summary
11.32.4. History of Qingtao Energy Development 1
11.32.5. History of Qingtao Energy Development 2
11.32.6. History of QingTao Energy Development 3
11.32.7. Mass specific energy test
11.32.8. Qingtao business areas
11.32.9. Yichun 1GWh facility equipment and capacity
11.32.10. Manufacturing processes
11.32.11. Yichun 1GWh facility: major materials
11.32.12. Yichun 1GWh facility: major materials (continue)
11.32.13. Cell manufacturing
11.32.14. Qingtao battery pilot sample production facilities
11.32.15. Qingtao material formation/process R&D platform 1
11.32.16. Qingtao material formation/process R&D platform 2
11.32.17. Qingtao 1GWh facility
11.32.18. Qingtao's SSB products: Cells
11.32.19. Qingtao's SSB products: Packs 1
11.32.20. Qingtao's SSB products: Packs 2
11.32.21. Qingtao's SSB products: Electronics
11.32.22. Qingtao's SSB products: Energy storage systems
11.32.23. Qingtao's SSB products: Materials
11.32.24. Qingtao's solid-state battery supply chain
11.32.25. Funding
11.32.26. Board members
11.32.27. Commercialization plan of Qingtao
11.32.28. BAIC's prototype
11.32.29. Hozon Automobile's prototype
11.32.30. SWOT analysis of Qingtao
11.32.31. Analysis factors
11.32.32. Cell performance analysis
11.32.33. Manufacturing and supply chain analysis
11.32.34. Relationship and business analysis
11.33. QuantumScape
11.33.1. Company summary
11.33.2. Performance summary of QuantumScape
11.33.3. Cell structure summary
11.33.4. Introduction to QuantumScape
11.33.5. Introduction to QuantumScape's technology
11.33.6. QuantumScape prototypes
11.33.7. QuantumScape's technology
11.33.8. Garnet electrolyte/catholyte
11.33.9. Summary of test analysis of QuantumScape's cells
11.33.10. Single layer battery cycle life test
11.33.11. Low temperature life test
11.33.12. 4-layer battery cycle life test
11.33.13. 10-layer battery cycle life test
11.33.14. Cycle life test for LFP batteries
11.33.15. Fast charging test
11.33.16. Dendrite resistance performance of the electrolyte
11.33.17. Power profile tested by VW
11.33.18. 4C fast charging
11.33.19. Low temperature test
11.33.20. Thermal stability test
11.33.21. Heath checks
11.33.22. Cycle life test
11.33.23. Cycle life test (continued)
11.33.24. Cycle life test (continued)
11.33.25. Summary of external cycle life test
11.33.26. Summary of cycle life test
11.33.27. Zero externally applied pressure cycle life
11.33.28. QuantumScape patent summary 1
11.33.29. QuantumScape patent summary 2
11.33.30. QuantumScape patent analysis 1
11.33.31. QuantumScape patent analysis 2
11.33.32. QuantumScape patent analysis 3
11.33.33. QuantumScape patent analysis 4
11.33.34. QuantumScape patent analysis 5
11.33.35. QuantumScape patent analysis 6
11.33.36. QuantumScape patent analysis 7
11.33.37. QuantumScape patent analysis 8
11.33.38. QuantumScape patent analysis 9
11.33.39. QuantumScape's manufacturing timeline
11.33.40. Key milestones
11.33.41. Manufacturing
11.33.42. Key members in QuantumScape
11.33.43. Solid-state battery supply chain of QuantumScape
11.33.44. Funding and investors
11.33.45. SWOT analysis of QuantumScape
11.33.46. Features of garnet electrolyte in SSBs
11.33.47. Technology analysis: Strengths
11.33.48. Technology analysis: Weaknesses
11.33.49. Manufacturing and supply chain analysis
11.33.50. Relationship and business analysis
11.34. Schott
11.35. SEEO
11.36. SES
11.36.1. Company summary
11.36.2. Performance summary of SES
11.36.3. Cell structure summary
11.36.4. Company history 1
11.36.5. Company history 2
11.36.6. 5 metrics of SES' technology
11.36.7. SES technology
11.36.8. Good lithium metal surface required
11.36.9. SES' electrolyte
11.36.10. SES electrolyte development roadmap for EV under C/3-C/3
11.36.11. SES electrolyte development
11.36.12. SES technology to prevent dendrite growth
11.36.13. SES technology to prevent dendrite growth (cont'd)
11.36.14. AI powered BMS safety algorithm
11.36.15. Cathode and cell assembly
11.36.16. Cell test data: 3-4 layers cell cycle life
11.36.17. Cell test data: 4Ah cell cycle life
11.36.18. Cell test data: 4Ah cell c-rate capability
11.36.19. Test data of Hermes cell
11.36.20. Apollo cell
11.36.21. Lithium metal foils
11.36.22. SES' demonstrated cell performance
11.36.23. Comparison of SES cell and old Li-metal cell, graphite-based Li-ion cell and Li-ion cell with silicon-graphite composite anode
11.36.24. Comparison among conventional Li-ion, solid-state Li-metal and SES hybrid Li-metal cells
11.36.25. SES' products
11.36.26. SES's lithium metal cell data
11.36.27. SES' view on the market
11.36.28. SES patents
11.36.29. Development of an OEM-ready battery
11.36.30. Manufacturing facility plan
11.36.31. SES roadmap
11.36.32. Battery supply chain for SES
11.36.33. The future of Li-metal / Li-ion supply chain
11.36.34. Customers & partners & investors
11.36.35. Partnership with GM, Hyundai, and Honda
11.36.36. Funding and financials
11.36.37. 2021 merge transaction summary
11.36.38. SES board members
11.36.39. SWOT analysis of SES
11.36.40. Cell technology strengths
11.36.41. Cell technology weaknesses
11.36.42. Manufacturing and supply chain analysis
11.36.43. Relationship and business analysis
11.37. Solid Power
11.37.1. Company summary
11.37.2. Cell specifications
11.37.3. Solid Power cell configuration
11.37.4. History 1
11.37.5. History 2
11.37.6. Breaking energy density limit of Li-ion batteries
11.37.7. Solid Power's core technology
11.37.8. Solid Power's focus in the value chain
11.37.9. Company products
11.37.10. Solid Power's sulphide solid-state electrolyte
11.37.11. Solid Power test data
11.37.12. Solid Power test data (cont'd)
11.37.13. High-content silicon EV cell data
11.37.14. High-content silicon EV cell data (cont'd)
11.37.15. High-content silicon EV cell data (cont'd)
11.37.16. 0.2+ Ah pouch cell data (cont'd)
11.37.17. Technologies on Solid Power product roadmap
11.37.18. Solid Power's technology roadmap
11.37.19. High-content silicon anode battery roadmap
11.37.20. Lithium metal anode battery roadmap
11.37.21. Product roadmap
11.37.22. Solid Power's cell roadmap
11.37.23. Prototype progress
11.37.24. Solid Power showed their samples
11.37.25. Commercialization roadmap
11.37.26. Solid Power's business model
11.37.27. Solid state battery supply chain of Solid Power
11.37.28. Solid Power's ASSB technology & partner ecosystem
11.37.29. Solid Power's flexible All-Solid-State Platform
11.37.30. Solid Power cost estimate
11.37.31. Defined path for cost reduction
11.37.32. Fabrication of cathode and electrolyte
11.37.33. Solid Power cell production
11.37.34. Pilot production facility
11.37.35. Management team
11.37.36. Upcoming milestones
11.37.37. Funding
11.37.38. Key partners & investors
11.37.39. Solid Power patents
11.37.40. SWOT analysis of Solid Power
11.37.41. Technology analysis: Strengths
11.37.42. Technology analysis: Weaknesses
11.37.43. Manufacturing and supply chain analysis
11.37.44. Relationship and business analysis
11.38. SOLiTHOR/Imec
11.38.1. About imec
11.38.2. Imec's electrolyte
11.38.3. About SOLiTHOR
11.38.4. SOLiTHOR's technology
11.39. Solvay
11.39.1. Solvay 1
11.39.2. Solvay 2
11.40. STMicroelectronics
11.41. Taiyo Yuden
11.41.1. Introduction
11.41.2. Battery characteristics
11.41.3. Pulse discharge performance
11.41.4. Available products
11.42. TDK
11.42.1. Introduction
11.42.2. CeraCharge's performance
11.42.3. Main applications of CeraCharge
11.43. Toshiba
11.43.1. Introduction
11.43.2. Composite solid-state electrolyte
11.44. Toyota
11.44.1. Toyota's activities
11.44.2. Toyota's efforts
11.44.3. Toyota's prototype
11.45. WeLion New Energy Technology
11.45.1. Company summary
11.45.2. Performance summary of WeLion
11.45.3. Cell configuration summary
11.45.4. Company history
11.45.5. NIO
11.45.6. Progress of SSB research at IoP, CAS
11.45.7. WeLion's battery development history
11.45.8. Company presence
11.45.9. Funding
11.45.10. WeLion's core technologies 1
11.45.11. WeLion's core technologies 2
11.45.12. Core technology 1: Composite lithium anode: target rating and volume expansion issues
11.45.13. Core technology 2: Ionic conducting film
11.45.14. Core technology 3: In-situ solidification technology
11.45.15. SEM images of the lithium metal and electrolyte
11.45.16. Capacity / voltage performance of the battery
11.45.17. Pre-lithiation
11.45.18. WeLion products
11.45.19. Products and application for EV
11.45.20. Hybrid liquid-solid battery performance
11.45.21. High energy density product performance
11.45.22. Possible value chain for WeLion
11.45.23. SWOT analysis of WeLion
11.45.24. Technology analysis
11.45.25. Supply chain, relationship and business analysis
12.1. Appendix: Background
12.1.1. Glossary of terms - specifications
12.1.2. Useful charts for performance comparison
12.1.3. Battery categories
12.1.4. Comparison of commercial battery packaging technologies
12.1.5. Actors along the value chain for energy storage
12.1.6. Primary battery chemistries and common applications
12.1.7. Numerical specifications of popular rechargeable battery chemistries
12.1.8. Battery technology benchmark
12.1.9. What does 1 kilowatthour (kWh) look like?
12.1.10. A-D sample definitions
12.1.11. Technology and manufacturing readiness
12.2. Appendix: Li-Ion Batteries
12.2.1. Food is electricity for humans
12.2.2. What is a Li-ion battery (LIB)?
12.2.3. Anode alternatives: Lithium titanium and lithium metal
12.2.4. Anode alternatives: Other carbon materials
12.2.5. Anode alternatives: Silicon, tin and alloying materials
12.2.6. Cathode alternatives: LCO & LFP
12.2.7. Cathode alternatives: NMC, NCA & LMO
12.2.8. Cathode alternatives: LNMO and Vanadium pentoxide
12.2.9. Cathode alternatives: Sulphur
12.2.10. Cathode alternatives: Oxygen
12.2.11. High energy cathodes require fluorinated electrolytes
12.2.12. How can LIBs be improved?
12.2.13. Milestone discoveries that shaped the modern lithium-ion batteries
12.2.14. Push, pull and trilemma in Li-ions
12.2.15. Lithium-ion supply chain
12.2.16. High-end commercial Li-ion battery specifications
12.2.17. Cathode performance comparison
12.2.18. Comparison of Li-ion batteries for automotive
12.2.19. Cell energy density comparison of different cathodes
12.3. Appendix:Why Is Battery Development so Slow?
12.3.1. What is a battery?
12.3.2. A big obstacle — energy density
12.3.3. Battery technology is based on redox reactions
12.3.4. Electrochemical reaction is essentially based on electron transfer
12.3.5. Electrochemical inactive components reduce energy density
12.3.6. The importance of an electrolyte in a battery
12.3.7. Cathode & anode need to have structural order
12.3.8. Failure story about metallic lithium anode
12.3.9. Appendix: Cathode and Cell Comparison for Conventional Lithium-Ion Batteries
12.3.10. Cathode performance comparison
12.3.11. Comparison of Li-ion batteries for automotive
12.3.12. Cell energy density comparison of different cathodes






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