![]() タイの消費者健康Consumer Health in Thailand タイの消費者向け健康食品市場は、2023年も現在の金額ベースで健全な成長を享受した。これは、消費者の物理的な仕事場への復帰、旅行量の増加、家族や友人とのより定期的な接触など、パンデミック以前の正常な行... もっと見る
サマリータイの消費者向け健康食品市場は、2023年も現在の金額ベースで健全な成長を享受した。これは、消費者の物理的な仕事場への復帰、旅行量の増加、家族や友人とのより定期的な接触など、パンデミック以前の正常な行動パターンの復活によるところが大きい。移動と社会的交流の増加に伴い、タイ人はますますインフルエンザなどの呼吸器疾患にさらされるようになった。Euromonitor Internationalの調査レポート「タイの消費者向け健康」は、国レベルの市場規模と形状に関する包括的なガイドを提供しています。2019年から2023年までの最新の小売販売データを提供し、成長を牽引する分野を特定することができます。2028年までの予測は市場がどのように変化するかを示しています。 対象製品アレルギーケア、ハーブ/伝統的製品、OTC、小児用コンシューマーヘルス、スポーツニュートリション、ビタミンと栄養補助食品、体重管理とウェルビーイング。 データ範囲:市場規模(過去と予測)、企業シェア、ブランドシェア、流通データ。 このレポートを購入する理由 * 消費者健康市場の詳細な把握; * 成長分野を特定し、変化を促す要因を特定する; * 競争環境、市場の主要プレーヤー、主要ブランドを理解する; * 5年間の予測を用いて、市場がどのように発展するかを評価する。 ユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、市場調査レポート、ビジネス参考書、オンライン情報システムの出版において40年以上の経験を有しています。ロンドン、シカゴ、シンガポール、上海、ヴィリニュス、ドバイ、ケープタウン、サンティアゴ、シドニー、東京、バンガロールにオフィスを構え、世界中に800人以上のアナリストのネットワークを持つユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、情報に基づいた戦略立案を支援する信頼性の高い情報資源を開発する独自の能力を有しています。 目次Consumer Health in ThailandEuromonitor International January 2024 List Of Contents And Tables CONSUMER HEALTH IN THAILAND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Consumer health in 2023: The big picture 2023 key trends Competitive landscape Retailing developments What next for consumer health? MARKET INDICATORS Table 1 Consumer Expenditure on Health Goods and Medical Services: Value 2018-2023 Table 2 Life Expectancy at Birth 2018-2023 MARKET DATA Table 3 Sales of Consumer Health by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 4 Sales of Consumer Health by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 5 NBO Company Shares of Consumer Health: % Value 2019-2023 Table 6 LBN Brand Shares of Consumer Health: % Value 2020-2023 Table 7 Penetration of Private Label in Consumer Health by Category: % Value 2018-2023 Table 8 Distribution of Consumer Health by Format: % Value 2018-2023 Table 9 Distribution of Consumer Health by Format and Category: % Value 2023 Table 10 Forecast Sales of Consumer Health by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 11 Forecast Sales of Consumer Health by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 APPENDIX OTC registration and classification Vitamins and dietary supplements registration and classification Self-medication/self-care and preventive medicine Switches DISCLAIMER DEFINITIONS SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources ANALGESICS IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Analgesics shows dynamic growth, following return to pre-pandemic lifestyles Revival of international tourism benefits sales of topical analgesics Players look for new ways to capture consumer interest PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy growth expected, thanks to growing trend towards self-medication Players will invest in creative marketing solutions to expand their consumer base Bricks-and-mortar pharmacies will continue to dominate sales CATEGORY DATA Table 12 Sales of Analgesics by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 13 Sales of Analgesics by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 14 NBO Company Shares of Analgesics: % Value 2019-2023 Table 15 LBN Brand Shares of Analgesics: % Value 2020-2023 Table 16 Forecast Sales of Analgesics by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 17 Forecast Sales of Analgesics by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 COUGH, COLD AND ALLERGY (HAY FEVER) REMEDIES IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Return to pre-pandemic lifestyles boosts demand for cough, cold and allergy (hay fever) remedies High levels of air pollution trigger respiratory problems Players invest in new product development as competition intensifies PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Sales are set to benefit from increase in self-medication, while high levels of air pollution will lead to rise in demand for remedies targeted at respiratory problems Herbal remedies will gain traction Digital marketing strategies will serve to increase customer engagement CATEGORY DATA Table 18 Sales of Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 19 Sales of Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 20 NBO Company Shares of Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies: % Value 2019-2023 Table 21 LBN Brand Shares of Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies: % Value 2020-2023 Table 22 Forecast Sales of Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 23 Forecast Sales of Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 DIGESTIVE REMEDIES IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Return to busy, stressful lifestyles, combined with tourism revival, fuels demand for digestive remedies Demand for H2 blockers continues to decline Players make efforts to target younger consumers PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Return to busy, stressful lifestyles should increase demand for digestive remedies Players will focus on new flavours, formats and herbal remedies to attract the attention of consumers 7-11 chain will likely grow in importance CATEGORY DATA Table 24 Sales of Digestive Remedies by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 25 Sales of Digestive Remedies by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 26 NBO Company Shares of Digestive Remedies: % Value 2019-2023 Table 27 LBN Brand Shares of Digestive Remedies: % Value 2020-2023 Table 28 Forecast Sales of Digestive Remedies by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 29 Forecast Sales of Digestive Remedies by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 DERMATOLOGICALS IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Resumption of active lifestyles, including travel, boosts demand of dermatological products Retail networks continue to expand in easily accessible locations Social media influencers play an increasingly important role in promotion of locally-made dermatological products PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Demand will continue to grow, as consumers resume their engagement in outdoor and travel activities Ageing society is likely to positively impact sales E-commerce will emerge as the new battleground for dermatological players CATEGORY DATA Table 30 Sales of Dermatologicals by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 31 Sales of Dermatologicals by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 32 NBO Company Shares of Dermatologicals: % Value 2019-2023 Table 33 LBN Brand Shares of Dermatologicals: % Value 2020-2023 Table 34 LBN Brand Shares of Hair Loss Treatments: % Value 2020-2023 Table 35 Forecast Sales of Dermatologicals by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 36 Forecast Sales of Dermatologicals by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 NRT SMOKING CESSATION AIDS IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Continuous promotion of smoking cessation ensures healthy demand Rising popularity of e-cigarettes amongst Gen Z consumers impacts demand for NRT products Physical stores remain the key channel for NRT smoking cessation aids PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Reduction in smoking population could diminish future growth New drug from the Government Pharmaceutical Organisation could prove to be a double-edged sword for NRT smoking cessation aids NRT lozenges are expected to see some development CATEGORY INDICATORS Table 37 Number of Smokers by Gender 2018-2023 CATEGORY DATA Table 38 Sales of NRT Smoking Cessation Aids by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 39 Sales of NRT Smoking Cessation Aids by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 40 NBO Company Shares of NRT Smoking Cessation Aids: % Value 2019-2023 Table 41 LBN Brand Shares of NRT Smoking Cessation Aids: % Value 2020-2023 Table 42 Forecast Sales of NRT Smoking Cessation Aids by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 43 Forecast Sales of NRT Smoking Cessation Aids by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 SLEEP AIDS IN THAILAND 2023 DEVELOPMENTS EYE CARE IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Resumption of office routines and ageing population sustain growth momentum for eye care products Air pollution crisis in Thailand leads to growing incidence of eye-related health issues Local brands continue to dominate sales, although international players have a growing presence PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES New product development and social media marketing will be key to players gaining a competitive edge Bricks-and-mortar stores will remain key channel for impulse purchases Eye health will remain a priority, but growing popularity of dietary supplements could impede sales CATEGORY DATA Table 44 Sales of Eye Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 45 Sales of Eye Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 46 NBO Company Shares of Eye Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 47 LBN Brand Shares of Eye Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 48 Forecast Sales of Eye Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 49 Forecast Sales of Eye Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 WOUND CARE IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Resumption of active lifestyles fuels demand for wound care Reduced need for stockpiling wound care products, following expansion of pharmacy network Launch of Tigerplast FLEXIE should help Tigerplast to challenge market leaders PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Sustained demand for wound care products, thanks to increase in physical activity levels, greater focus on health and hygiene and expansion of pharmacy network Growing middle class will drive demand for better quality products Offline sales will continue to dominate on-the-go purchasing behaviour persists CATEGORY DATA Table 50 Sales of Wound Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 51 Sales of Wound Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 52 NBO Company Shares of Wound Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 53 LBN Brand Shares of Wound Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 54 Forecast Sales of Wound Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 55 Forecast Sales of Wound Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 VITAMINS IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Ongoing health concerns, coupled with new product developments, remain key to growth Manufacturers invest in omnichannel strategies Retail landscape for vitamins continues to evolve, in response to changing consumer preferences PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Players will tap into health needs of specific demographics to harness further growth Multivitamins will continue to lead growth More investment expected in digital sales and marketing CATEGORY DATA Table 56 Sales of Vitamins by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 57 Sales of Vitamins by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 58 Sales of Multivitamins by Positioning: % Value 2018-2023 Table 59 NBO Company Shares of Vitamins: % Value 2019-2023 Table 60 LBN Brand Shares of Vitamins: % Value 2020-2023 Table 61 Forecast Sales of Vitamins by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 62 Forecast Sales of Vitamins by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Continued focus on preventative health drives demand Ageing population presents new opportunities Supplements targeting gut health gain traction PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Culture of wellbeing will fuel demand for dietary supplements with stress-relieving attributes Focus on “beauty from within” could boost sales E-commerce and direct selling are set to play a bigger role in dietary supplements CATEGORY DATA Table 63 Sales of Dietary Supplements by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 64 Sales of Dietary Supplements by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 65 Sales of Dietary Supplements by Positioning: % Value 2018-2023 Table 66 NBO Company Shares of Dietary Supplements: % Value 2019-2023 Table 67 LBN Brand Shares of Dietary Supplements: % Value 2020-2023 Table 68 Forecast Sales of Dietary Supplements by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 69 Forecast Sales of Dietary Supplements by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 WEIGHT MANAGEMENT AND WELLBEING IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Return to new normal sees consumers striving to shed excess weight Ageing population stimulates demand for supplement nutritional drinks Fibre supplements gain traction PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Aging population to influence demand Competition expected to intensify as new players continue to enter the market Hectic lifestyles will encourage growth of e-commerce CATEGORY DATA Table 70 Sales of Weight Management and Wellbeing by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 71 Sales of Weight Management and Wellbeing by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 72 NBO Company Shares of Weight Management and Wellbeing: % Value 2019-2023 Table 73 LBN Brand Shares of Weight Management and Wellbeing: % Value 2020-2023 Table 74 Forecast Sales of Weight Management and Wellbeing by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 75 Forecast Sales of Weight Management and Wellbeing by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 SPORTS NUTRITION IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Return of sport and exercise activities and rising influence of social media platforms help to drive interest in sports nutrition New product development helps fuel consumer demand Increasing reliance on social media to promote and sell products PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Burgeoning health and fitness trend bodes well for sports nutrition Product innovations to continue as players eye expansion opportunities Sports nutrition likely to face stiff competition from high-protein packaged food and beverages CATEGORY DATA Table 76 Sales of Sports Nutrition by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 77 Sales of Sports Nutrition by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 78 NBO Company Shares of Sports Nutrition: % Value 2019-2023 Table 79 LBN Brand Shares of Sports Nutrition: % Value 2020-2023 Table 80 Forecast Sales of Sports Nutrition by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 81 Forecast Sales of Sports Nutrition by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 HERBAL/TRADITIONAL PRODUCTS IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Herbal remedies retain their popularity Relaxation of regulations leads to wider availability of CBD-based offerings Suntory remains the clear leader PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Robust growth expected, thanks to sustained investment in new product launches Trend towards healthier eating habits, and competition from functional packaged foods could affect demand Thai government looks set to play key role in promoting the use of local herbal/traditional products CATEGORY DATA Table 82 Sales of Herbal/Traditional Products by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 83 Sales of Herbal/Traditional Products by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 84 NBO Company Shares of Herbal/Traditional Products: % Value 2019-2023 Table 85 LBN Brand Shares of Herbal/Traditional Products: % Value 2020-2023 Table 86 Forecast Sales of Herbal/Traditional Products by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 87 Forecast Sales of Herbal/Traditional Products by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 PAEDIATRIC CONSUMER HEALTH IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Paediatric vitamins and dietary supplements leads growth, as competitive landscape becomes increasingly fragmented Herbal natural ingredients remain popular Increased focus on healthier alternatives within packaged food industry PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Growth will likely impacted by declining birth rate but this is likely to be offset by rising demand for premium products, alongside education of the consumer base Increased focus on healthy eating could limit demand for some paediatric consumer health products Companies will expand their online presence CATEGORY DATA Table 88 Sales of Paediatric Consumer Health by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 89 Sales of Paediatric Consumer Health by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 90 NBO Company Shares of Paediatric Consumer Health: % Value 2019-2023 Table 91 LBN Brand Shares of Paediatric Consumer Health: % Value 2020-2023 Table 92 Forecast Sales of Paediatric Consumer Health by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 93 Forecast Sales of Paediatric Consumer Health by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028
SummaryThe market for consumer health products in Thailand continued to enjoy healthy growth in current value terms in 2023. This was driven, to a large extent, by the revival of normal pre-pandemic patterns of behaviour, including the return of consumers to their physical workspaces, increasing amounts of travel and more regular contact with family and friends. With higher levels of mobility and social interaction, Thais were increasingly exposed to respiratory illnesses, such as influenza, given the... Table of ContentsConsumer Health in ThailandEuromonitor International January 2024 List Of Contents And Tables CONSUMER HEALTH IN THAILAND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Consumer health in 2023: The big picture 2023 key trends Competitive landscape Retailing developments What next for consumer health? MARKET INDICATORS Table 1 Consumer Expenditure on Health Goods and Medical Services: Value 2018-2023 Table 2 Life Expectancy at Birth 2018-2023 MARKET DATA Table 3 Sales of Consumer Health by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 4 Sales of Consumer Health by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 5 NBO Company Shares of Consumer Health: % Value 2019-2023 Table 6 LBN Brand Shares of Consumer Health: % Value 2020-2023 Table 7 Penetration of Private Label in Consumer Health by Category: % Value 2018-2023 Table 8 Distribution of Consumer Health by Format: % Value 2018-2023 Table 9 Distribution of Consumer Health by Format and Category: % Value 2023 Table 10 Forecast Sales of Consumer Health by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 11 Forecast Sales of Consumer Health by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 APPENDIX OTC registration and classification Vitamins and dietary supplements registration and classification Self-medication/self-care and preventive medicine Switches DISCLAIMER DEFINITIONS SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources ANALGESICS IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Analgesics shows dynamic growth, following return to pre-pandemic lifestyles Revival of international tourism benefits sales of topical analgesics Players look for new ways to capture consumer interest PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy growth expected, thanks to growing trend towards self-medication Players will invest in creative marketing solutions to expand their consumer base Bricks-and-mortar pharmacies will continue to dominate sales CATEGORY DATA Table 12 Sales of Analgesics by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 13 Sales of Analgesics by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 14 NBO Company Shares of Analgesics: % Value 2019-2023 Table 15 LBN Brand Shares of Analgesics: % Value 2020-2023 Table 16 Forecast Sales of Analgesics by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 17 Forecast Sales of Analgesics by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 COUGH, COLD AND ALLERGY (HAY FEVER) REMEDIES IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Return to pre-pandemic lifestyles boosts demand for cough, cold and allergy (hay fever) remedies High levels of air pollution trigger respiratory problems Players invest in new product development as competition intensifies PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Sales are set to benefit from increase in self-medication, while high levels of air pollution will lead to rise in demand for remedies targeted at respiratory problems Herbal remedies will gain traction Digital marketing strategies will serve to increase customer engagement CATEGORY DATA Table 18 Sales of Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 19 Sales of Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 20 NBO Company Shares of Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies: % Value 2019-2023 Table 21 LBN Brand Shares of Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies: % Value 2020-2023 Table 22 Forecast Sales of Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 23 Forecast Sales of Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 DIGESTIVE REMEDIES IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Return to busy, stressful lifestyles, combined with tourism revival, fuels demand for digestive remedies Demand for H2 blockers continues to decline Players make efforts to target younger consumers PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Return to busy, stressful lifestyles should increase demand for digestive remedies Players will focus on new flavours, formats and herbal remedies to attract the attention of consumers 7-11 chain will likely grow in importance CATEGORY DATA Table 24 Sales of Digestive Remedies by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 25 Sales of Digestive Remedies by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 26 NBO Company Shares of Digestive Remedies: % Value 2019-2023 Table 27 LBN Brand Shares of Digestive Remedies: % Value 2020-2023 Table 28 Forecast Sales of Digestive Remedies by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 29 Forecast Sales of Digestive Remedies by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 DERMATOLOGICALS IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Resumption of active lifestyles, including travel, boosts demand of dermatological products Retail networks continue to expand in easily accessible locations Social media influencers play an increasingly important role in promotion of locally-made dermatological products PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Demand will continue to grow, as consumers resume their engagement in outdoor and travel activities Ageing society is likely to positively impact sales E-commerce will emerge as the new battleground for dermatological players CATEGORY DATA Table 30 Sales of Dermatologicals by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 31 Sales of Dermatologicals by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 32 NBO Company Shares of Dermatologicals: % Value 2019-2023 Table 33 LBN Brand Shares of Dermatologicals: % Value 2020-2023 Table 34 LBN Brand Shares of Hair Loss Treatments: % Value 2020-2023 Table 35 Forecast Sales of Dermatologicals by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 36 Forecast Sales of Dermatologicals by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 NRT SMOKING CESSATION AIDS IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Continuous promotion of smoking cessation ensures healthy demand Rising popularity of e-cigarettes amongst Gen Z consumers impacts demand for NRT products Physical stores remain the key channel for NRT smoking cessation aids PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Reduction in smoking population could diminish future growth New drug from the Government Pharmaceutical Organisation could prove to be a double-edged sword for NRT smoking cessation aids NRT lozenges are expected to see some development CATEGORY INDICATORS Table 37 Number of Smokers by Gender 2018-2023 CATEGORY DATA Table 38 Sales of NRT Smoking Cessation Aids by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 39 Sales of NRT Smoking Cessation Aids by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 40 NBO Company Shares of NRT Smoking Cessation Aids: % Value 2019-2023 Table 41 LBN Brand Shares of NRT Smoking Cessation Aids: % Value 2020-2023 Table 42 Forecast Sales of NRT Smoking Cessation Aids by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 43 Forecast Sales of NRT Smoking Cessation Aids by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 SLEEP AIDS IN THAILAND 2023 DEVELOPMENTS EYE CARE IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Resumption of office routines and ageing population sustain growth momentum for eye care products Air pollution crisis in Thailand leads to growing incidence of eye-related health issues Local brands continue to dominate sales, although international players have a growing presence PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES New product development and social media marketing will be key to players gaining a competitive edge Bricks-and-mortar stores will remain key channel for impulse purchases Eye health will remain a priority, but growing popularity of dietary supplements could impede sales CATEGORY DATA Table 44 Sales of Eye Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 45 Sales of Eye Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 46 NBO Company Shares of Eye Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 47 LBN Brand Shares of Eye Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 48 Forecast Sales of Eye Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 49 Forecast Sales of Eye Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 WOUND CARE IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Resumption of active lifestyles fuels demand for wound care Reduced need for stockpiling wound care products, following expansion of pharmacy network Launch of Tigerplast FLEXIE should help Tigerplast to challenge market leaders PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Sustained demand for wound care products, thanks to increase in physical activity levels, greater focus on health and hygiene and expansion of pharmacy network Growing middle class will drive demand for better quality products Offline sales will continue to dominate on-the-go purchasing behaviour persists CATEGORY DATA Table 50 Sales of Wound Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 51 Sales of Wound Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 52 NBO Company Shares of Wound Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 53 LBN Brand Shares of Wound Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 54 Forecast Sales of Wound Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 55 Forecast Sales of Wound Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 VITAMINS IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Ongoing health concerns, coupled with new product developments, remain key to growth Manufacturers invest in omnichannel strategies Retail landscape for vitamins continues to evolve, in response to changing consumer preferences PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Players will tap into health needs of specific demographics to harness further growth Multivitamins will continue to lead growth More investment expected in digital sales and marketing CATEGORY DATA Table 56 Sales of Vitamins by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 57 Sales of Vitamins by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 58 Sales of Multivitamins by Positioning: % Value 2018-2023 Table 59 NBO Company Shares of Vitamins: % Value 2019-2023 Table 60 LBN Brand Shares of Vitamins: % Value 2020-2023 Table 61 Forecast Sales of Vitamins by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 62 Forecast Sales of Vitamins by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Continued focus on preventative health drives demand Ageing population presents new opportunities Supplements targeting gut health gain traction PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Culture of wellbeing will fuel demand for dietary supplements with stress-relieving attributes Focus on “beauty from within” could boost sales E-commerce and direct selling are set to play a bigger role in dietary supplements CATEGORY DATA Table 63 Sales of Dietary Supplements by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 64 Sales of Dietary Supplements by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 65 Sales of Dietary Supplements by Positioning: % Value 2018-2023 Table 66 NBO Company Shares of Dietary Supplements: % Value 2019-2023 Table 67 LBN Brand Shares of Dietary Supplements: % Value 2020-2023 Table 68 Forecast Sales of Dietary Supplements by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 69 Forecast Sales of Dietary Supplements by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 WEIGHT MANAGEMENT AND WELLBEING IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Return to new normal sees consumers striving to shed excess weight Ageing population stimulates demand for supplement nutritional drinks Fibre supplements gain traction PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Aging population to influence demand Competition expected to intensify as new players continue to enter the market Hectic lifestyles will encourage growth of e-commerce CATEGORY DATA Table 70 Sales of Weight Management and Wellbeing by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 71 Sales of Weight Management and Wellbeing by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 72 NBO Company Shares of Weight Management and Wellbeing: % Value 2019-2023 Table 73 LBN Brand Shares of Weight Management and Wellbeing: % Value 2020-2023 Table 74 Forecast Sales of Weight Management and Wellbeing by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 75 Forecast Sales of Weight Management and Wellbeing by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 SPORTS NUTRITION IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Return of sport and exercise activities and rising influence of social media platforms help to drive interest in sports nutrition New product development helps fuel consumer demand Increasing reliance on social media to promote and sell products PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Burgeoning health and fitness trend bodes well for sports nutrition Product innovations to continue as players eye expansion opportunities Sports nutrition likely to face stiff competition from high-protein packaged food and beverages CATEGORY DATA Table 76 Sales of Sports Nutrition by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 77 Sales of Sports Nutrition by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 78 NBO Company Shares of Sports Nutrition: % Value 2019-2023 Table 79 LBN Brand Shares of Sports Nutrition: % Value 2020-2023 Table 80 Forecast Sales of Sports Nutrition by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 81 Forecast Sales of Sports Nutrition by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 HERBAL/TRADITIONAL PRODUCTS IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Herbal remedies retain their popularity Relaxation of regulations leads to wider availability of CBD-based offerings Suntory remains the clear leader PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Robust growth expected, thanks to sustained investment in new product launches Trend towards healthier eating habits, and competition from functional packaged foods could affect demand Thai government looks set to play key role in promoting the use of local herbal/traditional products CATEGORY DATA Table 82 Sales of Herbal/Traditional Products by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 83 Sales of Herbal/Traditional Products by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 84 NBO Company Shares of Herbal/Traditional Products: % Value 2019-2023 Table 85 LBN Brand Shares of Herbal/Traditional Products: % Value 2020-2023 Table 86 Forecast Sales of Herbal/Traditional Products by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 87 Forecast Sales of Herbal/Traditional Products by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 PAEDIATRIC CONSUMER HEALTH IN THAILAND KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Paediatric vitamins and dietary supplements leads growth, as competitive landscape becomes increasingly fragmented Herbal natural ingredients remain popular Increased focus on healthier alternatives within packaged food industry PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Growth will likely impacted by declining birth rate but this is likely to be offset by rising demand for premium products, alongside education of the consumer base Increased focus on healthy eating could limit demand for some paediatric consumer health products Companies will expand their online presence CATEGORY DATA Table 88 Sales of Paediatric Consumer Health by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 89 Sales of Paediatric Consumer Health by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 90 NBO Company Shares of Paediatric Consumer Health: % Value 2019-2023 Table 91 LBN Brand Shares of Paediatric Consumer Health: % Value 2020-2023 Table 92 Forecast Sales of Paediatric Consumer Health by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 93 Forecast Sales of Paediatric Consumer Health by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028
Euromonitor International社の消費者向け医療分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD()の最新刊レポート
よくあるご質問Euromonitor International社はどのような調査会社ですか?Euromonitor International(ユーロモニターインターナショナル)は年17,000以上の市場調査レポートを発行しています。あらゆる国や産業のトレンド、消費者動向を分析し、詳細カテゴ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。