![]() ニュージーランドのメガトレンドMegatrends in New Zealand このメガトレンド報告書は、消費者の価値観や行動の変化から生じる長期的なトレンドに焦点を当てています。ユーロモニターインターナショナルの10のメガトレンドの要約と、各トレンドがニュージーランドでどのよ... もっと見る
サマリーこのメガトレンド報告書は、消費者の価値観や行動の変化から生じる長期的なトレンドに焦点を当てています。ユーロモニターインターナショナルの10のメガトレンドの要約と、各トレンドがニュージーランドでどのように顕在化したかについての洞察を提供している。EuromonitorのMegatrends in New Zealandレポートは、国内の消費者支出に影響を与える要因を分析しています。消費者のライフスタイルに関するレポートには、人口、都市開発、住宅所有、世帯プロファイル、労働、所得、消費支出と家族支出、健康、教育、食習慣、飲酒習慣、買い物習慣、身だしなみ、衣服、レジャー習慣、貯蓄と投資、メディア、コミュニケーション、交通、旅行と観光が含まれています。このレポートを利用して、国民のライフスタイルの選択に影響を与える要因を理解してください。 データ範囲:市場規模(過去および予測)、企業シェア、ブランドシェア、流通データ。 本レポートを購入する理由 * メガトレンド市場を詳細に把握; * 成長分野を特定し、変化を促す要因を特定する; * 競争環境、市場の主要プレーヤー、主要ブランドを理解する; * 5年間の予測を用いて、市場がどのように発展すると予測されるかを評価する。 ユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、市場調査レポート、ビジネス参考書、オンライン情報システムの出版において40年以上の経験を有しています。ロンドン、シカゴ、シンガポール、上海、ヴィリニュス、ドバイ、ケープタウン、サンティアゴ、シドニー、東京、バンガロールにオフィスを構え、世界中に800人以上のアナリストのネットワークを持つユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、情報に基づいた戦略立案を支援する信頼性の高い情報資源を開発する独自の能力を有しています。 目次ScopeThe drivers shaping consumer behaviour Megatrends framework Businesses harness megatrends to renovate, innovate and disrupt Convenience Jess’s Underground Kitchen brings consumers healthier ready meals Tech is used to simplify everyday tasks Consumers seek more flexibility in all areas of life Shoppers want to see before they buy Young people see cooking as a chore Digital living AI-driven app helps to identify all types of New Zealand flora and fauna Video gaming is a favourite pastime among young Kiwis Consumers are protective of their personal data Millennials are the most likely to want online anonymity Friends and family remain the most trusted information source Fewer than a quarter of Kiwis expect more face-to-face activity in future Diversity and inclusion Lenovo promotes digital inclusion with launch of bilingual Te Reo Maori keyboard Millennials want to change the world for the better Most New Zealanders feel comfortable expressing their identity Gen Z are most likely to support purpose-driven companies Experience more New Zealand developer unveils world’s first ChatGPT-enabled “digital twin” Kiwis enjoy socialising both online and offline Relaxation and safety are key priorities in a holiday destination Consumers still more likely to value real world than online experiences Personalisation Australian vitamin subscription service Vitable arrives in New Zealand Millennials are the most enthusiastic about virtual activities Younger cohorts are the most individualistic Premiumisation The New Zealand Natural Pet Food Co adds to WOOF range of premium dog treats New Zealanders want a simpler life Millennials are the most confident about their investments Animal welfare is a key concern among Kiwis Pursuit of value Government’s “Find Money in Weird Places” campaign aims to slash household energy bills Older generations are the most frugal Most are worried about the rising cost of living New Zealanders have embraced the circular economy Shoppers seek ways to help make their money go further Shopper reinvented Countdown supermarkets modernised, rebranded as Woolworths New Zealanders are less enthusiastic about tailored experiences than their global peers S-commerce gains traction as part of the omnichannel experience Younger cohorts have the most interaction with brands Sustainable living ABB wins Global Water Award for its innovative water management solutions Most consumers are worried about global warming Mindful consumption is on the rise Reducing food waste tops the list of green activities Wellness Nymbl Science collaborates with ACC to provide balance training for seniors Meditation and massage are the principal antidotes to stress New Zealanders exercise more than the global average Consumers remain wary of health and safety when out and about Leverage the power of megatrends to shape your strategy today
SummaryThis megatrend report highlights long-term trends resulting from shifts in consumer values and behaviors. It provides a summary of Euromonitor International’s 10 megatrends and insights as to how each trend has manifested in New Zealand. Table of ContentsScopeThe drivers shaping consumer behaviour Megatrends framework Businesses harness megatrends to renovate, innovate and disrupt Convenience Jess’s Underground Kitchen brings consumers healthier ready meals Tech is used to simplify everyday tasks Consumers seek more flexibility in all areas of life Shoppers want to see before they buy Young people see cooking as a chore Digital living AI-driven app helps to identify all types of New Zealand flora and fauna Video gaming is a favourite pastime among young Kiwis Consumers are protective of their personal data Millennials are the most likely to want online anonymity Friends and family remain the most trusted information source Fewer than a quarter of Kiwis expect more face-to-face activity in future Diversity and inclusion Lenovo promotes digital inclusion with launch of bilingual Te Reo Maori keyboard Millennials want to change the world for the better Most New Zealanders feel comfortable expressing their identity Gen Z are most likely to support purpose-driven companies Experience more New Zealand developer unveils world’s first ChatGPT-enabled “digital twin” Kiwis enjoy socialising both online and offline Relaxation and safety are key priorities in a holiday destination Consumers still more likely to value real world than online experiences Personalisation Australian vitamin subscription service Vitable arrives in New Zealand Millennials are the most enthusiastic about virtual activities Younger cohorts are the most individualistic Premiumisation The New Zealand Natural Pet Food Co adds to WOOF range of premium dog treats New Zealanders want a simpler life Millennials are the most confident about their investments Animal welfare is a key concern among Kiwis Pursuit of value Government’s “Find Money in Weird Places” campaign aims to slash household energy bills Older generations are the most frugal Most are worried about the rising cost of living New Zealanders have embraced the circular economy Shoppers seek ways to help make their money go further Shopper reinvented Countdown supermarkets modernised, rebranded as Woolworths New Zealanders are less enthusiastic about tailored experiences than their global peers S-commerce gains traction as part of the omnichannel experience Younger cohorts have the most interaction with brands Sustainable living ABB wins Global Water Award for its innovative water management solutions Most consumers are worried about global warming Mindful consumption is on the rise Reducing food waste tops the list of green activities Wellness Nymbl Science collaborates with ACC to provide balance training for seniors Meditation and massage are the principal antidotes to stress New Zealanders exercise more than the global average Consumers remain wary of health and safety when out and about Leverage the power of megatrends to shape your strategy today
Euromonitor International社の消費者ライフスタイル分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD()の最新刊レポート
よくあるご質問Euromonitor International社はどのような調査会社ですか?Euromonitor International(ユーロモニターインターナショナル)は年17,000以上の市場調査レポートを発行しています。あらゆる国や産業のトレンド、消費者動向を分析し、詳細カテゴ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。