
医療用スクラブの世界市場 - 2023-2030

医療用スクラブの世界市場 - 2023-2030

Global Medical Scrubs Market - 2023-2030

概要 医療用スクラブの世界市場は2022年に865億米ドルに達し、2023年から2030年の予測期間中に年平均成長率5.8%で成長し、2030年には1,344億米ドルに達すると予測されている。 医療用スクラブは(スタッフの住... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
DataM Intelligence
2023年8月22日 US$4,350
3-4営業日以内 195 英語



2023年2月、FableticsはFabletics Scrubsの発売を発表した。Fabletics Scrubsは世界初のアクティブウェア・スクラブであり、同ブランドのプレミアム品質、デザイン、パフォーマンスウェアの専門知識を医療アパレルカテゴリーにもたらすものである。6,500人以上の医療従事者からの広範なリサーチと洞察によって開発されたFabletics Scrubsは、従来のスクラブユニフォームを再定義し、耐久性があり、快適で、非常に活動的なコミュニティが一日中着用するために作られたパフォーマンスグレードのワークウェアコレクションを生み出しました。
院内感染(HAI)予防のために病院全体で医療用スクラブの採用が大幅に増加したことが、コスト上昇の主な原因となっている。米国、カナダ、英国、オーストラリア、ドイツ、フランスなど多くの国々では、これらの製品に対して償還が行われている。例えば、Happythreads LTD.が発表した記事によると、2022年5月、アイルランドでは、看護師は最大1,264米ドル、医師は4年間で1,199米ドル(1,112ユーロ)のユニフォームの税還付を請求できる。
例えば、The Network Association of Uniform Manufacturers and Distributors (NAUMD)が2022年10月に発表した記事によると、医療用アパレル企業のOuraginsは、ThreadFusion技術で医療用スクラブ生地を再発明することを強調している。ThreadFusion抗菌技術は、医療用スクラブ生地に銅を浸透させ、スクラブの表面に接触してから2時間以内に99%の細菌を死滅させる。
医療用スクラブ市場の主な世界企業には、Cardinal Health、Halyard Health、Barco Uniforms、Superior Uniform Groups、Medline Industries、Mölnlycke Health Care、Dickies Medical、Narang Medical Limited、Landau、ABG Uniformsなどがある。
- 手術用スクラブ
- 看護用スクラブ
- マタニティ・患者用スクラブ
- 白衣
- 綿
- ポリエステル
- レーヨン
- スパンデックス
- 再利用可能
- 使い捨て
- 病院
- 専門クリニック
- 外来手術センター
- 研究・診断ラボ
- その他
- 北米
o 米国
o カナダ
- ヨーロッパ
o ドイツ
o フランス
o スペイン
o イタリア
o その他のヨーロッパ
- 南アメリカ
o ブラジル
o アルゼンチン
o その他の南米諸国
- アジア太平洋
o 中国
o インド
o 日本
o オーストラリア
o その他のアジア太平洋地域
- 中東およびアフリカ
 2023年2月、タアラは医療従事者のニーズを満たすようデザインされた持続可能な医療用スクラブを発売した。このスクラブ製品ラインは、エコテックス規格の基準に適合するリサイクル素材を使用したブルーサイン認証済みの生地を採用し、さまざまなスタイル、カラー、サイズを取り揃えている。
 2022年5月、ファッションスタイリストのレベッカ・ラウ・マーシュが医療関係者とコラボレートし、ファッショナブルな医療用スクラブを扱うオーストラリア企業「21スクラブ」を立ち上げた。
 2020年7月、医療用アパレルのトップブランドであるユニフォーム・アドバンテージは、新しく革新的な医療用スクラブコレクション "ムーブメント・バイ・バターソフト "を開発、発表した。これらの新商品は、機能性、快適性、スタイルに関して、すべてのボックスをチェックしている。
- 製品、素材、用途、エンドユーザー、地域に基づく世界の医療用スクラブ市場のセグメンテーションを可視化し、主要な商業資産とプレイヤーを理解する。
- トレンドと共同開発の分析による商機の特定。
- 医療用スクラブ市場レベルの全セグメントを網羅した多数のデータを収録したエクセルデータシート。
- PDFレポートは、徹底的な定性的インタビューと綿密な調査の後の包括的な分析で構成されています。
- すべての主要企業の主要製品で構成されるエクセルで利用可能な製品マッピング。
- メーカー/バイヤー
- 業界投資家/投資銀行家
- 研究専門家
- 新興企業



1. Methodology and Scope
1.1. Research Methodology
1.2. Research Objective and Scope of the Report
2. Definition and Overview
3. Executive Summary
3.1. Snippet By Product
3.2. Snippet by Material
3.3. Snippet by Usage
3.4. Snippet by End User
3.5. Snippet by Region
4. Dynamics
4.1. Impacting Factors
4.1.1. Drivers Rise in The Number of Healthcare Professionals Rise in Demand For Fashionable Products
4.1.2. Restraints
4.1.3. Lack of Reimbursement
4.1.4. Opportunity Use of Phase Change Materials
4.1.5. Impact Analysis
5. Industry Analysis
5.1. Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis
5.2. Supply Chain Analysis
5.3. Pricing Analysis
5.4. Regulatory Analysis
6. COVID-19 Analysis
6.1. Analysis of COVID-19
6.1.1. Scenario Before COVID-19
6.1.2. Scenario During COVID-19
6.1.3. Scenario Post Covid-19
6.2. Pricing Dynamics Amid COVID-19
6.3. Demand-Supply Spectrum
6.4. Government Initiatives Related to the Market During Pandemic
6.5. Manufacturers Strategic Initiatives
6.6. Conclusion
7. By Product
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
7.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Product
7.2. Surgical Scrubs *
7.2.1. Introduction
7.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
7.3. Nursing Scrubs
7.4. Maternity and Patient Scrubs
7.5. Lab Coats
8. By Material
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
8.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Material
8.2. Cotton *
8.2.1. Introduction
8.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
8.3. Polyester
8.4. Rayon
8.5. Spandex
9. By Usage
9.1. Introduction
9.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Usage
9.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Usage
9.2. Reusable*
9.2.1. Introduction
9.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
9.3. Disposable
10. By End User
10.1. Introduction
10.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
10.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By End User
10.2. Hospitals *
10.2.1. Introduction
10.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
10.3. Speciality Clinics
10.4. Ambulatory Surgical Centres
10.5. Research and Diagnostic Laboratories
10.6. Others
11. By Region
11.1. Introduction
11.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Region
11.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Region
11.2. North America
11.2.1. Introduction
11.2.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.2.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
11.2.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.2.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Usage
11.2.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.2.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country U.S. Canada Mexico
11.3. Europe
11.3.1. Introduction
11.3.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.3.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
11.3.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.3.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Usage
11.3.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.3.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Germany U.K. France Spain Italy Rest of Europe
11.4. South America
11.4.1. Introduction
11.4.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.4.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
11.4.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.4.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Usage
11.4.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.4.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Brazil Argentina Rest of South America
11.5. Asia-Pacific
11.5.1. Introduction
11.5.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.5.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
11.5.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.5.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Usage
11.5.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.5.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country China India Japan
Australia Rest of Asia-Pacific
11.6. Middle East and Africa
11.6.1. Introduction
11.6.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.6.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
11.6.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.6.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Usage
11.6.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
12. Competitive Landscape
12.1. Competitive Scenario
12.2. Market Positioning/Share Analysis
12.3. Mergers and Acquisitions Analysis
13. Company Profiles
13.1. Cardinal Health*
13.1.1. Company Overview
13.1.2. Product Portfolio and Description
13.1.3. Financial Overview
13.1.4. Key Developments
13.2. Halyard Heallth
13.3. Barco Uniforms
13.4. Superior Uniform Groups
13.5. Medline Industries
13.6. Mölnlycke Health Care
13.7. Dickies Medical
13.8. Narang Medical Limited
13.9. Landau
13.10. ABG Uniforms
14. Appendix
14.1. About Us and Services
14.2. Contact Us





Global Medical Scrubs Market reached US$ 86.5 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach US$ 134.4 billion by 2030 growing with a CAGR of 5.8% during the forecast period 2023-2030.
Medical scrubs that are treated in a specialised facility (rather than in staff residences) help to limit the transmission of potentially dangerous illnesses and viruses. Scrubs must be washed with the same accuracy and attention to hygiene as any other medical care linen. Medical scrubs for doctors are quite useful in detecting harmful pollutants and vapours. They may contain faeces, pee, blood, vomit, and other substances or fluids. It is critical to do so in order to reduce contamination and the spread of germs.
Furthermore, the global medical scrubs market is driven by various factors like an increase in new material launches, a rise in the healthcare industry, awareness of healthcare-associated Infections rapid expansion of the healthcare resources and personnel in these countries, rapid increase in the number of healthcare professionals and among others helps to drive the market during the forecast.
Rise in The Number of Healthcare Professionals
The rising number of healthcare professionals has a direct influence on the medical scrubs market, as it drives up demand for uniforms and work clothing. As the healthcare sector expands and more experts enter the area, correspondingly rises the demand for proper apparel, especially medical scrubs.
For instance, according to a report published by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 2022. The doctor-population ratio is 1:834 in the country assuming 80% availability of registered allopathic doctors and 5.65 lakh AYUSH doctors. Also, there are 2.89 lakh registered dentists, 32.63 lakh registered nursing personnel and 13 lakh Allied and Healthcare Professionals in the country. This is anticipated to lead to increasing demand for the medical scrubs market from the healthcare workforce in these countries.
Rise in Demand For Fashionable Products
The rising demand for attractive scrubs has resulted in a greater emphasis on customisation and personalisation. Some manufacturers include personalised alternatives for names, logos, or distinctive designs, allowing healthcare practitioners to create personalised uniforms. Thus this factor indeed helps to drive the market growth during the forecast period.
In February 2023, Fabletics announced the launch of Fabletics Scrubs, the world’s first-of-its-kind activewear scrubs that brings the brand’s expertise in premium quality, design and performance wear to the medical apparel category. Developed through extensive research and insights from over 6,500 medical professionals, Fabletics Scrubs has redefined the traditional scrubs uniform to create a collection of performance-grade workwear that is durable, comfortable and made for daylong wear by a highly active community.
Lack of Reimbursement
The significant increase in the adoption of medical scrubs across hospitals to prevent hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) has majorly contributed to its increased cost. Many countries such as the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia, Germany, and France offer reimbursement for these products. For instance, according to an article published by Happythreads LTD., in May 2022, in Ireland, nurses can claim up to USD 1,264, and doctors can claim USD 1,199 (€1,112) tax back on uniforms over four years.
These rules, however, continue to be lacking for emerging countries such as China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, and Africa because there is no compensation for healthcare employees' purchases, which adds to an increase in out-of-pocket spending. This has resulted in an increase in demand for worn scrubs and medical apparel in these nations.
Segment Analysis
The global medical scrubs market is segmented based on product, material, usage, end user and region.
The Surgical Scrubs From the Product Segment Accounted for Approximately 43.7% of the Medical Scrubs Share
The surgical scrubs from the product segment with around 43.7% is expected to dominate during the forecast period, owing to due to increasing focus on preventive care amongst healthcare professionals. The growing number of surgical procedures and rapidly developing healthcare infrastructure are the key factors propelling medical uniforms, primarily contributing to the segment's growth.
For instance, according to an article published by The Network Association of Uniform Manufacturers and Distributors (NAUMD) in October 2022, Ouragins, a medical apparel company, emphasizes reinventing the medical scrub fabric with its ThreadFusion technology. ThreadFusion antimicrobial technology aids in the infusion of copper in the medical scrubs fabric and kills 99% of the germs within 2 hours after contact with the scrub surface.
Geographical Penetration
North America Accounted for Approximately 38.4% of the Market Share in 2022
North America is estimated to hold about 38.4% of the total market share throughout the forecast period, due to the many key players' focus on launching new products with unique designs, contributing to the market growth in the region.
For instance, in November 2021, Livinguard, a Swiss-based company, launched an apparel line of permanent self-disinfecting scrubs, under scrubs, and lab coats using EPA-registered textiles. These scrubs continuously self-disinfect throughout the day, providing hygienic performance for healthcare workers. The technology is tested for hypoallergenic skin sensitivities and is wash-durable for long-lasting performance.
Competitive Landscape
The major global players in the medical scrubs market include Cardinal Health, Halyard Health, Barco Uniforms, Superior Uniform Groups, Medline Industries, Mölnlycke Health Care, Dickies Medical, Narang Medical Limited, Landau, ABG Uniforms and among others.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The COVID-19 epidemic had a severe influence on the medical scrubs market. The epidemic disrupted global supply chains and reduced demand for goods and services in a variety of industries, including the medical scrubs market. One of the most significant effects of COVID-19 on the medical scrubs market was a decrease in consumer expenditure, especially in the first half of 2020. Consumers were hesitant to make non-essential purchases as several countries implemented lockdowns and social distancing measures, affecting market demand.
Russia Ukraine Conflict Analysis
The Russia-Ukraine conflict is estimated to have a moderate impact on the global medical scrubs market, owing to the low prevalence and absence of key market players in this region. However, the impact of the import and export of fabric materials is expected to have little influence over the global medical scrubs market growth over the forecast period.
By Product
• Surgical Scrubs
• Nursing Scrubs
• Maternity and Patient Scrubs
• Lab Coats
By Material
• Cotton
• Polyester
• Rayon
• Spandex
By Usage
• Reusable
• Disposable
By End User
• Hospitals
• Speciality Clinics
• Ambulatory Surgical Centres
• Research and Diagnostic Laboratories
• Others
By Region
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
o Mexico
• Europe
o Germany
o U.K.
o France
o Spain
o Italy
o Rest of Europe
• South America
o Brazil
o Argentina
o Rest of South America
• Asia-Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o Australia
o Rest of Asia-Pacific
• Middle East and Africa
Key Developments
 In February 2023, Taara launched sustainable medical scrubs designed to meet the needs of healthcare professionals. The scrub line features Bluesign-approved fabric made from recycled material that matches the criteria of OEKO-TEX standards and comes in a variety of styles, colours, and sizes.
 In May 2022, Rebecca Lau Marsh, a fashion stylist, collaborated with medical professionals for the launch of 21 Scrubs, which is an Australian company featuring fashionable medical scrubs.
 In July 2020, Uniform Advantage, a top medical apparel brand, developed and launched its new and innovative medical scrubs collection, “Movement by Butter-Soft.” These new arrivals check all boxes when it comes to functionality, comfort, and style.
Why Purchase the Report?
• To visualize the global medical scrubs market segmentation based on product, material, usage, end user and region as well as understand key commercial assets and players.
• Identify commercial opportunities by analyzing trends and co-development.
• Excel data sheet with numerous data points of medical scrubs market level with all segments.
• PDF report consists of a comprehensive analysis after exhaustive qualitative interviews and an in-depth study.
• Product mapping available as excel consisting of key products of all the major players.
The global medical scrubs report market would provide approximately 53 tables, 54 figures and 195 pages.
Target Audience 2023
• Manufacturers/ Buyers
• Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
• Research Professionals
• Emerging Companies


Table of Contents

1. Methodology and Scope
1.1. Research Methodology
1.2. Research Objective and Scope of the Report
2. Definition and Overview
3. Executive Summary
3.1. Snippet By Product
3.2. Snippet by Material
3.3. Snippet by Usage
3.4. Snippet by End User
3.5. Snippet by Region
4. Dynamics
4.1. Impacting Factors
4.1.1. Drivers Rise in The Number of Healthcare Professionals Rise in Demand For Fashionable Products
4.1.2. Restraints
4.1.3. Lack of Reimbursement
4.1.4. Opportunity Use of Phase Change Materials
4.1.5. Impact Analysis
5. Industry Analysis
5.1. Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis
5.2. Supply Chain Analysis
5.3. Pricing Analysis
5.4. Regulatory Analysis
6. COVID-19 Analysis
6.1. Analysis of COVID-19
6.1.1. Scenario Before COVID-19
6.1.2. Scenario During COVID-19
6.1.3. Scenario Post Covid-19
6.2. Pricing Dynamics Amid COVID-19
6.3. Demand-Supply Spectrum
6.4. Government Initiatives Related to the Market During Pandemic
6.5. Manufacturers Strategic Initiatives
6.6. Conclusion
7. By Product
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
7.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Product
7.2. Surgical Scrubs *
7.2.1. Introduction
7.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
7.3. Nursing Scrubs
7.4. Maternity and Patient Scrubs
7.5. Lab Coats
8. By Material
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
8.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Material
8.2. Cotton *
8.2.1. Introduction
8.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
8.3. Polyester
8.4. Rayon
8.5. Spandex
9. By Usage
9.1. Introduction
9.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Usage
9.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Usage
9.2. Reusable*
9.2.1. Introduction
9.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
9.3. Disposable
10. By End User
10.1. Introduction
10.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
10.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By End User
10.2. Hospitals *
10.2.1. Introduction
10.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
10.3. Speciality Clinics
10.4. Ambulatory Surgical Centres
10.5. Research and Diagnostic Laboratories
10.6. Others
11. By Region
11.1. Introduction
11.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Region
11.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Region
11.2. North America
11.2.1. Introduction
11.2.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.2.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
11.2.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.2.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Usage
11.2.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.2.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country U.S. Canada Mexico
11.3. Europe
11.3.1. Introduction
11.3.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.3.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
11.3.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.3.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Usage
11.3.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.3.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Germany U.K. France Spain Italy Rest of Europe
11.4. South America
11.4.1. Introduction
11.4.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.4.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
11.4.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.4.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Usage
11.4.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.4.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Brazil Argentina Rest of South America
11.5. Asia-Pacific
11.5.1. Introduction
11.5.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.5.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
11.5.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.5.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Usage
11.5.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
11.5.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country China India Japan
Australia Rest of Asia-Pacific
11.6. Middle East and Africa
11.6.1. Introduction
11.6.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
11.6.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product
11.6.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Material
11.6.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Usage
11.6.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End User
12. Competitive Landscape
12.1. Competitive Scenario
12.2. Market Positioning/Share Analysis
12.3. Mergers and Acquisitions Analysis
13. Company Profiles
13.1. Cardinal Health*
13.1.1. Company Overview
13.1.2. Product Portfolio and Description
13.1.3. Financial Overview
13.1.4. Key Developments
13.2. Halyard Heallth
13.3. Barco Uniforms
13.4. Superior Uniform Groups
13.5. Medline Industries
13.6. Mölnlycke Health Care
13.7. Dickies Medical
13.8. Narang Medical Limited
13.9. Landau
13.10. ABG Uniforms
14. Appendix
14.1. About Us and Services
14.2. Contact Us





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2025/03/10 10:26

148.38 円

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