
英国建設業界データブックシリーズ - 住宅、商業、工業、施設、インフラストラクチャ建設における40以上の市場セグメント別の金額および数量(面積および単位)市場規模および予測(2022年第1四半期更新版

United Kingdom Construction Industry Databook Series – Market Size & Forecast by Value and Volume (area and units) across 40+ Market Segments in Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional and Infrastructure Construction, Q1 2022 Update

レポート内容 ConsTrack360の2021年第4四半期世界建設業調査によると、イギリスの建設業は2022年に14.1%成長し、1,667億6500万英ポンドに達すると予想されています。 一部の建設セクターで目先の課題はある... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2022年2月7日 US$2,400
170 英語








ConsTrack360 では、住宅建設部門の成長に拍車をかけるのは、印紙税の免税措置であると予想しています。特筆すべきは、印紙税免除が2021年の購入者の住宅需要を煽ったことです。パンデミック対策が緩和され、経済が再び通常通りビジネスに再開されたことで、ConsTrack360は今後4〜8四半期にわたって住宅分野の需要が継続すると予想しています。しかし、コストの上昇や資材不足が、当面予測される住宅建設セクターの成長全体に深刻な影響を及ぼす可能性があります。




英国が現在進めている主要なインフラプロジェクトも、これらのカテゴリーに含まれます。鉄道網のHigh Speed 2、原子力発電所のHinkley Point C、ロンドンの道路トンネルLower Thames Crossingなどがこれにあたります。政府が発表した「National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline」では、今年中に開始される予定の社会・経済プロジェクトに290億GBP以上が投入されるとしています。注目すべきは、これらのプロジェクトが政府の「Build Back Better」プログラムの一部であり、総投資額が〜1億9,500万GBPを占めると予想されることです。




- 2021年12月、マクドナルドは、英国初のネット・ゼロ・レストラン・ビルをオープンしたと発表しました。注目すべきは、このレストラン店舗が自然素材やリサイクル素材を使用して建てられており、風力発電機とソーラーパネルを組み合わせて電力を供給していることです。
- 特に注目すべきは、このレストランが、建設だけでなく日常業務においてもネット・ゼロの基準を満たすように設計されていることです。同社は、Market Draytonにあるこのネット・ゼロ・レストランが国内初であり、2022年に英国各地でさらに新しいネット・ゼロ・レストランを建設するための青写真として使用されると発表しています。





- 市場データおよびインサイト。本レポートは、2016年から2025年までの10年間における、英国における40以上の建設分野の市場規模および予測を提供します。対象となるKPIは以下の通りです。
- 建設業の市場規模(金額ベース
- 建設量による市場規模
- ユニット数

- 英国住宅建築のカバレッジ。10年間の市場規模&予測:金額ベース、数量ベース(面積、戸数)別
- 住宅タイプ(集合住宅、一戸建て)
- 主要都市(Tier - 1、Tier - 2、Tier - 3セグメンテーション)
- 価格帯/所得水準(高級、中級、手頃な価格帯)
- 建設段階(新築、再開発、維持管理)

- イギリスの住宅用グリーンビルディングの建築カバレッジ。10年間の市場規模および予測:金額および数量(面積および単位)ベース:以下の通り
- グリーンビルディング:住宅タイプ別(集合住宅、一戸建て)
- グリーンビルディング:主要都市別(Tier-1、Tier-2、Tier-3セグメンテーション)
- グリーンビルディング:価格帯/所得水準別(高級、中級、普及価格帯)

- イギリスの商業ビル建築のカバレッジ10年間の市場規模および予測:金額ベースおよび数量ベース(面積および単位):次のとおりです。
- オフィス(グレードA、グレードB、グレードCにさらに細分化)
- 小売(さらにグレードA、グレードB、グレードC別に分類)
- ホスピタリティ(さらにグレードA、グレードB、グレードC別に分類されています。)
- 飲食店(さらにグレードA、グレードB、グレードC別に分類)
- エンターテインメント
- スポーツ施設
- 建設段階(新築、再開発、維持管理)

- イギリスの商業用グリーンビルディングの建築カバレッジ10年間の市場規模および予測:金額ベース、数量ベース(面積、単位)別
- オフィスグリーンビルディング建設
- 小売業向けグリーンビルディング建設
- ホスピタリティグリーンビルディング建設
- レストラン向けグリーンビルディング建設
- エンターテインメント施設グリーンビルディング
- スポーツ施設グリーンビルディング建設
- その他商業施設グリーンビルディング工事

- イギリスの産業用グリーンビルディング建築のカバレッジ10年間の市場規模&予測(金額、数量)(面積、単位

- イギリスの施設建築の施工範囲。10年間の施設建築の市場規模(面積、単位)推移と予測(単位:百万円)。
- 医療施設建設
- 教育施設
- 公共部門
- 建設段階(新築、再開発、維持管理)

- イギリスの施設向けグリーンビルディングの建設カバレッジ。10年間の市場規模および予測:金額ベース、数量ベース(面積、単位)別
- 医療施設向けグリーンビルディング建設
- 教育施設向けグリーンビルディング建設

- イギリスのインフラ建設セクター10年間の市場規模(金額ベース)&予測(単位:百万円
- 海洋・内陸水域インフラ
- ユーティリティシステム構築(石油・ガスインフラ、通信インフラ、電力インフラ、上・下水道インフラ)
- 交通インフラ(高速道路、道路・橋梁、鉄道、空港、トンネル)分野
- 建設ステージ(新規建設、再開発、維持管理)

- イギリスのグリーンインフラ建設10年後の市場規模(金額ベース)および予測


- 建設市場ダイナミクスの詳細な理解イギリスの建築・インフラ建設業界の40以上の市場セグメントとサブセグメントにおける市場機会、業界力学、主要トレンド、ドライバーを理解することができます。

- 数量と金額のデータ。過去および予測期間について、金額と数量(活動量および単位)の両方の観点から市場を詳細に理解することができます。

- 市場別戦略の策定。成長セグメントを特定し、特定の機会をターゲットにして戦略を策定します。建設業界における市場固有の主要トレンド、ドライバー、リスクを評価します。

- 都市レベルでの洞察。Tier-1、Tier-2、Tier-3の各都市における都市レベルのトレンド分析が得られます。



1. About this Report 1.1 Methodology 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Disclaimer 2. United Kingdom Construction Industry Dynamics and Growth Prospects 2.1 Construction Industry Growth Dynamics 2.1.1 United Kingdom Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 2.1.2 United Kingdom Building Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 2.1.3 United Kingdom Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 2.1.4 Market Share Analysis by Building Construction Sectors, 2017 – 2026 2.1.5 Market Share Analysis by Infrastructure Construction Markets, 2017 – 2026 2.1.6 United Kingdom Green Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 2.1.7 United Kingdom Green Building Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 2.1.8 United Kingdom Green Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 2.1.9 Market Share Analysis by Green Building Construction Sectors, 2017 – 2026 3. United Kingdom Residential Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 3.1 Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 3.2 Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 3.3 Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 3.4 Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 3.5 Snapshot by Residential Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 3.6 New Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 3.7 Re-development & Maintenance Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 3.8 Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 3.9 Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 4. Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Construction type 4.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Construction Type 4.2 Multi Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 4.3 Multi Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 4.4 Multi Family Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 4.5 Multi Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 4.6 Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 4.7 Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 4.8 Single Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 4.9 Single Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 4.10 Single Family Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 4.11 Single Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 4.12 Single Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 4.13 Single Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 5. Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Key Cities 5.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Key Cities 5.2 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 5.3 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 5.4 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 5.5 Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 5.6 Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 5.7 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 5.8 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 5.9 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 5.10 Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 5.11 Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 5.12 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 5.13 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 5.14 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 5.15 Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 5.16 Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 6. Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Price Point 6.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Price Point 6.2 Luxury Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 6.3 Luxury Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 6.4 Luxury Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 6.5 Luxury Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 6.6 Luxury Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 6.7 Luxury Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 6.9 Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 6.10 Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 6.11 Mid–Tier Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 6.12 Mid-Tier Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 6.13 Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 6.14 Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 6.15 Affordable Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 6.16 Affordable Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 6.17 Affordable Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 6.18 Affordable Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 6.19 Affordable Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 6.20 Affordable Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 7. United Kingdom Commercial Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 7.1 Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 7.2 Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 7.3 Commercial Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 7.4 Market Share Analysis by Commercial Building Construction Markets 7.5 Snapshot by Commercial Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 7.6 New Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 7.7 Re-development & Maintenance Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 7.8 Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 7.9 Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 8. Office Building Construction Outlook 8.1 Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 8.2 Office Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 8.3 Office Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 8.4 Office Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 8.5 Snapshot by Office Building Construction Markets by Price Point 8.6 Grade - A Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 8.7 Grade - B Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 8.8 Grade - C Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 8.9 Office Building Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 8.10 Office Building Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 9. Retail Building Construction Outlook 9.1 Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 9.2 Retail Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 9.3 Retail Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 9.4 Retail Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 9.5 Snapshot by Retail Building Construction Markets by Price Point 9.6 Grade - A Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 9.7 Grade - B Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 9.8 Grade - C Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 9.9 Retail Buildings Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 9.10 Retail Buildings Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 10. Hospitality Building Construction Outlook 10.1 Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 10.2 Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 10.3 Hospitality Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 10.4 Snapshot by Hospitality Building Construction Markets by Price Point 10.5 Grade - A Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 10.6 Grade - B Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 10.7 Grade - C Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 10.8 Hospitality Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 10.9 Hospitality Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 11. Restaurant Building Construction Outlook 11.1 Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 11.2 Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 11.3 Restaurant Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 11.4 Snapshot by Restaurant Building Construction Markets by Price Point 11.5 Grade - A Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 11.6 Grade - B Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 11.7 Grade - C Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 11.8 Restaurant Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 11.9 Restaurant Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 12. Sports Facility Building Construction Outlook 12.1 Sports Facility Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 12.2 Sports Facility Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 12.3 Sports Facility Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 12.4 Sports Facility Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 12.5 Sports Facility Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 13. Other Commercial Building Construction Outlook 13.1 Other Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 13.2 Other Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 13.3 Other Commercial Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 13.4 Other Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 13.5 Other Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 14. United Kingdom Institutional Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 14.1 Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 14.2 Snapshot by Institutional Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 14.3 New Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 14.4 Re-development & Maintenance Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 14.5 Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 14.6 Institutional Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 14.7 Institutional Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 14.8 Institutional Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 15. Outlook and Growth Dynamics by Institutional Building Construction Sectors 15.1 Market Share Analysis by Healthcare Building Construction Markets 15.2 Healthcare Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 15.3 Healthcare Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 15.4 Healthcare Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 15.5 Healthcare Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 15.6 Healthcare Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 15.7 Education Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 15.8 Education Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 15.9 Education Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 15.10 Education Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 15.11 Education Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 15.12 Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 15.13 Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 15.14 Other Institutional Segment Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 15.15 Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 15.16 Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 16. United Kingdom Industrial Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 16.1 Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 16.2 Snapshot by Industrial Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 16.3 New Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 16.4 Re-development & Maintenance Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 16.5 Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 16.6 Industrial Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 16.7 Green Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 16.8 Green Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 17. Outlook and Growth Dynamics by Industrial Building Construction Sectors 17.1 Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.2 Snapshot by Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 17.3 New Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.4 Re-development & Maintenance Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.5 Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 17.6 Manufacturing Plant Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 17.7 Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.8 Snapshot by Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 17.9 New Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.10 Re-development & Maintenance Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.11 Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 17.12 Metal & Material Processing Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 17.13 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.14 Snapshot by Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 17.15 New Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.16 Re-development & Maintenance Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.17 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 17.18 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 18. Infrastructure Construction Outlook 18.1 Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 18.2 Snapshot by Infrastructure Construction Markets by Development Stage 18.3 New Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 18.4 Re-development & Maintenance Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 18.5 Green Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 19. United Kingdom Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 19.1 Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value ( Million), 2017 – 2026 19.2 Snapshot by Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 19.3 New Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 19.4 Re-development & Maintenance Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20. United Kingdom Utility System Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 20.1 Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.2 Snapshot by Utility System Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 20.3 New Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.4 Re-development & Maintenance Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.5 Snapshot by Utility System Infrastructure Construction Markets 20.6 Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.7 Snapshot by Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 20.8 New Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.9 Re-development & Maintenance Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.10 Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.11 Snapshot by Power Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 20.12 New Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.13 Re-development & Maintenance Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.14 Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.15 Snapshot by Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 20.16 New Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.17 Re-development & Maintenance Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.18 Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.19 Snapshot by Communication Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 20.20 New Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.21 Re-development & Maintenance Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21. United Kingdom Transport Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 21.1 Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.2 Snapshot by Transport Infrastructure Construction by Development State 21.3 New Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.4 Re-development & Maintenance Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.5 Snapshot by Transport Infrastructure Construction Markets 21.6 Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.7 Snapshot by Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 21.8 New Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.9 Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.10 Railway Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.11 Snapshot by Railway Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 21.12 New Railway Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.13 Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.14 Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.15 Snapshot by Airport Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 21.16 New Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.17 Re-development & Maintenance Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.18 Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.19 Snapshot by Tunnel Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage, 2016 -2025 21.20 New Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.21 Re-development & Maintenance Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 22. Further Reading 22.1 About ConsTrack360 22.2 Related Research 22.3 ConsTrack360 Knowledge Center





Report Description

According to ConsTrack360's Q4 2021 Global Construction Survey, construction industry in United Kingdom is expected to grow by 14.1% to reach GBP 1,66,765 million in 2022.

Despite near-term challenges in certain construction sectors, medium to long term growth story in United Kingdom remains intact. The construction industry in United Kingdom is expected to grow steadily over the next four quarters. The growth momentum is expected to continue over the forecast period, recording a CAGR of 8.1% during 2022-2026. The construction output in the country is expected to reach GBP 2,27,627.2 million by 2026.

The construction industry is growing rapidly in the United Kingdom

A sharp increase in business activity was seen across all areas of the construction industry, including the residential, commercial, and infrastructure sectors. However, the housebuilding sector remains one of the fastest-growing in the United Kingdom construction industry.

ConsTrack360 expects the growth in the housebuilding sector to be spurred by the stamp duty exemption. Notably, the stamp duty exemption has fueled the demand for housing among buyers in 2021. With the pandemic measures easing and the economy reopening again for business, as usual, ConsTrack360 expects the demand to continue in the housing sector over the next four to eight quarters. However, rising costs and material shortages could have a severe impact on the overall projected growth in the residential construction sector in the near term.

About the growth prospects of the overall construction industry in the country, ConsTrack360 remains optimistic over the next four to eight quarters.

Increasing spending on infrastructure projects to boost the industry growth

In September 2021, the government announced the National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline, thereby setting out a plan for GBP 650 billion of investment in various infrastructure projects over the next ten years. Of these GBP 650 billion, the largest share of investment has been allocated for the transport sector. Notably, the sector is expected to receive nearly ~GBP 68 billion from 2022 to 2025. The energy-related construction projects are expected to account for over ~GBP 50 billion during the same period.

Some of the major infrastructure projects currently undertaken by the United Kingdom also fall within these categories. These projects include the High Speed 2 rail network, the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant, and the Lower Thames Crossing Road tunnel in London. The National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline document released by the government states that over ~GBP 29 billion will be given to social and economic projects, which are expected to be launched this year. Notably, these projects are part of the Build Back Better program of the government, which is expected to account for a total investment of ~GBP 195 million.

ConsTrack360 expects this increased spending by the government on the infrastructure development projects to support the growth of the industry from the short to medium-term perspective.

Sustainability driven innovation is expected to further boost growth in the construction industry

The UK Green Building Council is promoting a net-zero carbon buildings framework in the country. With this framework in mind, businesses are building new stores that are built using natural or recycled materials. For instance,

• In December 2021, McDonald's announced that the firm had opened UK's first net-zero restaurant building in the country. Notably, the restaurant store is built using natural or recycled materials and is powered by a combination of wind turbines and solar panels.
• Notably, the restaurant has been designed to meet net-zero standards in both its construction as well as its everyday operations. The firm has announced that the net-zero restaurant in the Market Drayton is the first in the country and will be used as a blueprint to build more new net-zero restaurants around the United Kingdom in 2022.

ConsTrack360, therefore, expects the green construction activities in the country to boost further growth in the overall construction market over the next four to eight quarters in the United Kingdom.

This report from ConsTrack360 provides data and trend analyses on construction industry in the United Kingdom, with over 100 KPIs. This is a data-centric report and it provides trend analyses with over 140+ charts and 110+ tables. It details market size & forecast, emerging trends, market opportunities, and investment risks in over 40 segments in residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and infrastructure construction sectors.

It provides a comprehensive understanding of construction industry sectors in both value and volume (both by activity and units) terms. The report focuses on combining industry dynamics with macro-economic scenario and changing consumer behavior to offer a 360-degree view of the opportunities and risks.


• Market Data and Insights: This report provides market size and forecast across 40+ construction segments for a period of 10 years from 2016-2025 in United Kingdom. KPIs covered include the following:
• Market size by value
• Market size by volume of construction
• Number of units

• United Kingdom Residential Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units) terms by
• Housing type (multi family, single family)
• Key cities (Tier – 1, Tier – 2, Tier – 3 segmentation)
• Price point / income level (luxury, mid-tier, affordable)
• Construction stage (new construction, re-development & maintenance)

• United Kingdom Residential Green Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units) terms by
• Green building by Housing type (multi family, single family)
• Green building by Key cities (Tier – 1, Tier – 2, Tier – 3 segmentation)
• Green building by Price point / income level (luxury, mid-tier, affordable)

• United Kingdom Commercial Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units) terms by
• Office (further broken down by Grade A, Grade B, and Grade C)
• Retail (further broken down by Grade A, Grade B, and Grade C)
• Hospitality (further broken down by Grade A, Grade B, and Grade C)
• Restaurant (further broken down by Grade A, Grade B, and Grade C)
• Entertainment
• Sports facility
• Construction stage (new construction, re-development & maintenance)

• United Kingdom Commercial Green Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units) terms by
• Office green building construction
• Retail green building construction
• Hospitality green building construction
• Restaurant green building construction
• Entertainment green building construction
• Sports facility green building construction
• Other commercial green building construction

• United Kingdom Industrial Green Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units)

• United Kingdom Institutional Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units) terms by
• Healthcare construction
• Educational construction
• Public sector
• Construction stage (new construction, re-development & maintenance)

• United Kingdom Institutional Green Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units) terms by
• Healthcare green building construction
• Educational green building construction

• United Kingdom Infrastructure Construction Sectors: 10- year market size & forecast in value terms by
• Marine and inland water infrastructure
• Utility system construction (oil and gas infrastructure, communication infrastructure, power infrastructure, water and sewer infrastructure)
• Transportation infrastructure (highway, street and bridge construction, railway construction, airport construction, and tunnel construction)
• Construction stage (new construction, re-development & maintenance)

• United Kingdom Green Infrastructure Construction: 10- year market size & forecast in value terms

Reasons to buy

• In-depth Understanding of Construction Market Dynamics: Understand market opportunity, industry dynamics, key trends and drivers across 40+ market segments and sub-segments of building and infrastructure construction industry in United Kingdom.

• Volume and Value Data: Get detailed understanding of the market both from value and volume (both by activity and units) perspective for historical as well as forecast period

• Develop Market Specific Strategies: Identify growth segments and target specific opportunities to formulate your strategy; assess market specific key trends, drivers and risks in construction industry.

• City Level Insights: Get city level trend analyses by tier-1, tier-2, and tier-3 cities.


Table of Contents

1. About this Report 1.1 Methodology 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Disclaimer 2. United Kingdom Construction Industry Dynamics and Growth Prospects 2.1 Construction Industry Growth Dynamics 2.1.1 United Kingdom Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 2.1.2 United Kingdom Building Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 2.1.3 United Kingdom Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 2.1.4 Market Share Analysis by Building Construction Sectors, 2017 – 2026 2.1.5 Market Share Analysis by Infrastructure Construction Markets, 2017 – 2026 2.1.6 United Kingdom Green Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 2.1.7 United Kingdom Green Building Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 2.1.8 United Kingdom Green Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 2.1.9 Market Share Analysis by Green Building Construction Sectors, 2017 – 2026 3. United Kingdom Residential Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 3.1 Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 3.2 Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 3.3 Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 3.4 Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 3.5 Snapshot by Residential Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 3.6 New Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 3.7 Re-development & Maintenance Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 3.8 Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 3.9 Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 4. Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Construction type 4.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Construction Type 4.2 Multi Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 4.3 Multi Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 4.4 Multi Family Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 4.5 Multi Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 4.6 Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 4.7 Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 4.8 Single Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 4.9 Single Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 4.10 Single Family Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 4.11 Single Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 4.12 Single Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 4.13 Single Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 5. Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Key Cities 5.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Key Cities 5.2 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 5.3 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 5.4 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 5.5 Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 5.6 Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 5.7 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 5.8 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 5.9 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 5.10 Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 5.11 Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 5.12 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 5.13 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 5.14 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 5.15 Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 5.16 Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 6. Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Price Point 6.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Price Point 6.2 Luxury Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 6.3 Luxury Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 6.4 Luxury Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 6.5 Luxury Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 6.6 Luxury Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 6.7 Luxury Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 6.9 Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 6.10 Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 6.11 Mid–Tier Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 6.12 Mid-Tier Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 6.13 Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 6.14 Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 6.15 Affordable Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 6.16 Affordable Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 6.17 Affordable Residential Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 6.18 Affordable Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 6.19 Affordable Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 6.20 Affordable Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 7. United Kingdom Commercial Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 7.1 Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 7.2 Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 7.3 Commercial Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 7.4 Market Share Analysis by Commercial Building Construction Markets 7.5 Snapshot by Commercial Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 7.6 New Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 7.7 Re-development & Maintenance Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 7.8 Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 7.9 Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 8. Office Building Construction Outlook 8.1 Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 8.2 Office Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 8.3 Office Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 8.4 Office Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 8.5 Snapshot by Office Building Construction Markets by Price Point 8.6 Grade - A Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 8.7 Grade - B Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 8.8 Grade - C Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 8.9 Office Building Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 8.10 Office Building Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 9. Retail Building Construction Outlook 9.1 Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 9.2 Retail Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 9.3 Retail Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 9.4 Retail Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2017 – 2026 9.5 Snapshot by Retail Building Construction Markets by Price Point 9.6 Grade - A Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 9.7 Grade - B Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 9.8 Grade - C Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 9.9 Retail Buildings Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 9.10 Retail Buildings Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 10. Hospitality Building Construction Outlook 10.1 Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 10.2 Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 10.3 Hospitality Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 10.4 Snapshot by Hospitality Building Construction Markets by Price Point 10.5 Grade - A Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 10.6 Grade - B Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 10.7 Grade - C Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 10.8 Hospitality Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 10.9 Hospitality Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 11. Restaurant Building Construction Outlook 11.1 Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 11.2 Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 11.3 Restaurant Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 11.4 Snapshot by Restaurant Building Construction Markets by Price Point 11.5 Grade - A Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 11.6 Grade - B Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 11.7 Grade - C Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 11.8 Restaurant Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 11.9 Restaurant Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 12. Sports Facility Building Construction Outlook 12.1 Sports Facility Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 12.2 Sports Facility Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 12.3 Sports Facility Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 12.4 Sports Facility Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 12.5 Sports Facility Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 13. Other Commercial Building Construction Outlook 13.1 Other Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 13.2 Other Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 13.3 Other Commercial Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 13.4 Other Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 13.5 Other Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 14. United Kingdom Institutional Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 14.1 Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 14.2 Snapshot by Institutional Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 14.3 New Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 14.4 Re-development & Maintenance Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 14.5 Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 14.6 Institutional Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 14.7 Institutional Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 14.8 Institutional Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 15. Outlook and Growth Dynamics by Institutional Building Construction Sectors 15.1 Market Share Analysis by Healthcare Building Construction Markets 15.2 Healthcare Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 15.3 Healthcare Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 15.4 Healthcare Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 15.5 Healthcare Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 15.6 Healthcare Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 15.7 Education Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 15.8 Education Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 15.9 Education Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 15.10 Education Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 15.11 Education Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 15.12 Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 15.13 Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 15.14 Other Institutional Segment Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 15.15 Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 15.16 Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 16. United Kingdom Industrial Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 16.1 Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 16.2 Snapshot by Industrial Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 16.3 New Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 16.4 Re-development & Maintenance Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 16.5 Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 16.6 Industrial Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 16.7 Green Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 16.8 Green Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 17. Outlook and Growth Dynamics by Industrial Building Construction Sectors 17.1 Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.2 Snapshot by Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 17.3 New Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.4 Re-development & Maintenance Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.5 Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 17.6 Manufacturing Plant Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 17.7 Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.8 Snapshot by Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 17.9 New Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.10 Re-development & Maintenance Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.11 Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 17.12 Metal & Material Processing Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 17.13 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.14 Snapshot by Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 17.15 New Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.16 Re-development & Maintenance Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 17.17 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2017 – 2026 17.18 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Average Construction Value, 2017 – 2026 18. Infrastructure Construction Outlook 18.1 Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 18.2 Snapshot by Infrastructure Construction Markets by Development Stage 18.3 New Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 18.4 Re-development & Maintenance Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 18.5 Green Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 19. United Kingdom Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 19.1 Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value ( Million), 2017 – 2026 19.2 Snapshot by Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 19.3 New Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 19.4 Re-development & Maintenance Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20. United Kingdom Utility System Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 20.1 Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.2 Snapshot by Utility System Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 20.3 New Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.4 Re-development & Maintenance Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.5 Snapshot by Utility System Infrastructure Construction Markets 20.6 Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.7 Snapshot by Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 20.8 New Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.9 Re-development & Maintenance Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.10 Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.11 Snapshot by Power Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 20.12 New Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.13 Re-development & Maintenance Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.14 Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.15 Snapshot by Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 20.16 New Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.17 Re-development & Maintenance Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.18 Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.19 Snapshot by Communication Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 20.20 New Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 20.21 Re-development & Maintenance Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21. United Kingdom Transport Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 21.1 Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.2 Snapshot by Transport Infrastructure Construction by Development State 21.3 New Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.4 Re-development & Maintenance Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.5 Snapshot by Transport Infrastructure Construction Markets 21.6 Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.7 Snapshot by Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 21.8 New Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.9 Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.10 Railway Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.11 Snapshot by Railway Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 21.12 New Railway Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.13 Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.14 Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.15 Snapshot by Airport Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 21.16 New Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.17 Re-development & Maintenance Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.18 Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.19 Snapshot by Tunnel Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage, 2016 -2025 21.20 New Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 21.21 Re-development & Maintenance Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2017 – 2026 22. Further Reading 22.1 About ConsTrack360 22.2 Related Research 22.3 ConsTrack360 Knowledge Center







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