





2024/09/20 10:26

143.76 円

160.81 円

193.57 円

通信・IT 市場調査レポート

このリストでは通信・IT 市場に関する調査レポートを新刊順に紹介しています。
例えば、5Gモバイル、XaaS、IoT・M2M、機械学習、Deep Learning、XR (メタバース)、量子コンピューティング、その他のICT分野の動向に関する調査レポート (技術動向、市場規模予測)を紹介しています。

人物の監視と安全のソリューション (第7版)
People Monitoring and Safety Solutions – 7th Edition
価格 Eur 1,500 |  Berg Insight | 2020年1月
Connected Consumer Survey 2019: mobile customer satisfaction and churn in Australia and New Zealand
価格 US$ 4,999 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年1月
This report focuses on aspects of Analysys Mason's <em>Connected Consumer Survey</em> that relate to the behaviour, preferences and plans of smartphone users in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ). In particular, it focuses on customer satisf…
IoT in the NewSpace era
価格はお問い合わせください |  IDATE | 2020年1月
This report analyses the main satellite market trends and their impact on IoT markets. It explores technological developments, how well satellite suits each of the target vertical markets, as well as market dynamics (strengths and weaknesses). It al…
北米のLTEアプリケーションとサービス:機器タイプ毎、サービスプロバイダタイプ毎(キャリア、OTT)、セグメント毎(消費者、企業、産業、政府行政)、産業毎のLTE AdvancedとPro 2020-2025年
LTE Applications and Services in North America by LTE Advanced and Pro by Device Type, Service Provider Type (Carrier and OTT), Segment (Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, and Government), and Industry Verticals 2020 – 2025
価格 US$ 2,500 |  Mind Commerce | 2020年1月
米国調査会社マインドコマース(Mind Commerce)の調査レポート「北米のLTEアプリケーションとサービス:機器タイプ毎、サービスプロバイダタイプ毎(キャリア、OTT)、セグメント毎(消費者、企業、産業、政府行政)、産業毎のLTE AdvancedとPro 2020-2025年」は、北米のLT…
Connected Consumer Survey 2019: mobile customer satisfaction and churn in emerging Asia-Pacific
価格 US$ 4,999 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年1月
This report focuses on aspects of Analysys Mason's Connected Consumer Survey that relate to the behaviour, preferences and plans of smartphone users in emerging Asia?Pacific. In particular, it focuses on the drivers of customer satisfaction and churn…
ゲーム、教育、シミュレーションの仮想現実市場 2020-2025年
Virtual Reality Market in Gaming, Education, and Simulations 2020 – 2025
価格 US$ 2,500 |  Mind Commerce | 2020年1月
米国調査会社マインドコマース(Mind Commerce)の調査レポート「ゲーム、教育、シミュレーションの仮想現実市場 2020-2025年」は、ゲーム、教育、シミュレーショントレーニングに使用される消費者と企業用途の仮想現実について査定している。主要企業、戦略、製品、サービ…
High-Altitude Platform Station Systems
価格はお問い合わせください |  IDATE | 2020年1月
While much attention in recent years has been cast on the development of LEO satellite constellations to provide connectivity in remote or hard-to-serve areas, high-altitude platform station systems is an interesting concept that still needs to demonstr…
Mobile Infrastructure
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2020年1月
Actionable Benefits Understand the impact of CBRS and other private cellular technologies. Determine mobile RAN infrastructure strategy for indoor and outdoor networks. Early identification of future mobile technology roadmaps to help posit…
Splunk: AI and analytics
価格 US$ 999 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年1月
Splunk is a rapidly growing analytics company that is using organic growth and acquisitions to build its functionality and market share. Its focus has been on horizonal capabilities on its core platform and key market areas such as IoT, but it is increasi…
Ericsson: AI and analytics
価格 US$ 999 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年1月
Ericsson is one of the largest providers of services, hardware and software to the telecoms industry. This company profile provides an overview of its AI and analytics capabilities that support its customers, managed services and partners.
IoT MVNOs are looking for closer partnerships with MNOs in order to address customer requirements
価格 US$ 499 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年1月
This article outlines what MVNOs want from their MNO partners, based on interviews with four IoT MVNOs.
5G市場戦略:ディープダイブ戦略と競争 2020-2025
5G Market Strategies Deep Dive Strategy & Competition - 2020-2025
価格 GBP 1,990 |  Juniper Research | 2020年1月
Juniper Research’s 5G Market Strategies provides an in-depth evaluation of the future of 5G networks, including use cases and key IoT verticals that will be enhanced through 5G. Additionally, it provides an updated spectrum and investment analysis…
5G市場戦略:エグゼクティブサマリーと主要な調査結果 2020-2025
5G Market Strategies Executive Summary & Core Findings - 2020-2025
価格 GBP 1,990 |  Juniper Research | 2020年1月
Top-level report summarising key takeaways and market forecasts, allied to a series of strategic recommendations for players across the value chain. Offered in PDF format. Research Details Publisher:Juniper Research Publish…
5G市場戦略【完全版】:消費者とIoT市場機会と戦略 2020-2025
5G Market Strategies: Consumer & IoT Opportunities & Strategies 2020-2025
価格 GBP 3,750 |  Juniper Research | 2020年1月
Juniper Research’s latest 5G Market Strategies research provides insights on the investment in 5G technologies, including regional analysis and 5G’s impact on IoT services. It includes strategic recommendations for market stakeholders, align…
5G市場戦略:ディープダイブデータと予測 2020-2025
5G Market Strategies Deep Dive Data & Forecasting - 2020-2025
価格 GBP 2,990 |  Juniper Research | 2020年1月
5G Market Strategies Deep Dive Data & Forecasting - 2020-2025Provided in a PDF report and interactive Excel spreadsheet. The forecasts include: 5G adoption metrics including: User Adoption Number of SIM Connections …
Globe Telecom is developing multiple initiatives to drive future business revenue growth
価格 US$ 499 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年1月
Globe Telecom is looking to the business market for future revenue growth following strong performance with its core products. This article looks at the various initiatives that Globe is backing to grow business revenue.
Cisco Systems invests USD1 billion in enabling the ‘Internet for the Future’ and go-to-market flexibility
価格 US$ 499 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年1月
In December 2019, Cisco Systems announced the culmination of a 5-year, USD1 billion investment in the 'Internet for the Future' and network disaggregation. This article analyses the announcement and suggests key challenges for Cisco as it implem…
Businesses are much less satisfied with their fixed and mobile services than consumers are
価格 US$ 499 |  Analysys Mason | 2020年1月
Businesses in Western Europe are far less satisfied with their telecoms services than consumers are, according to the data from our 2019 Business and Connected Consumer surveys. Operators should investigate the cause of this gulf and determine whether it …
5G and Edge Networks in Manufacturing
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2020年1月
Actionable Benefits Determine a set of measurements for smart manufacturers to gauge the benefit of 5G and edge computing in the factory floor. Understand Industry 4.0 market dynamics and associated strategies that ecosystem players can use to …
モバイル支払い市場:技術毎(SMS、ビーコン、エミュレーションなど)、位置毎(近接、遠隔)、機器毎(スマートフォン、ウェアラブル、埋め込み技術など)、支払いタイプ毎(銀行、商業、P2P)、ユーザタイプ毎(銀行利用者、非銀行利用者)、産業毎 2020-2025年
Mobile Payments Market by Technology (SMS, Beacon, Emulation, etc.), Location (Proximity and Remote), Device (Smartphone, Wearable, Implantable, others), Payment Type (Banking, Merchant, and P2P), User Type (Banked, Unbanked, and Underbanked), and Industry Verticals 2020 – 2025
価格 US$ 2,500 |  Mind Commerce | 2020年1月
米国調査会社マインドコマース(Mind Commerce)の調査レポート「モバイル支払い市場:技術毎(SMS、ビーコン、エミュレーションなど)、位置毎(近接、遠隔)、機器毎(スマートフォン、ウェアラブル、埋め込み技術など)、支払いタイプ毎(銀行、商業、P2P)、ユーザタイプ…
