鶏用ケージ市場(デッキの種類。シングルデッキ、ダブルデッキ、トリプルデッキ、フォーデッキ、フラットデッキ、ケージの種類。ケージタイプ:シングルバードケージ、ダブルバードケージ、コロニーケージ;価格。低価格、中価格、高価格、操作性。操作:自動、半自動、手動、アプリケーション。用途:住宅用、商業用、流通経路。欧州の産業分析、サイズ、シェア、成長、トレンド、予測、2021-2031年Poultry Cage Market (Deck Type: Single-deck, Double-deck, Triple-deck, Four-deck, and Flat-deck; Cage Type: Single Bird Cage, Double Bird Cage, and Colony Cages; Price: Low, Medium, and High; Operation: Automatic, Semi-automatic, and Manual; Application: Residential and Commercial; and Distribution Channel: Online and Offline) - Europe Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2021-2031 欧州の鶏用ケージ市場 - 報告書の範囲 このレポートは欧州の養鶏用ケージ市場を調査したTransparency Market Research (TMR)の調査報告書です。本書では、欧州の鶏用ケージ市場の世界的な構造とともに、促進要因... もっと見る
サマリー欧州の鶏用ケージ市場 - 報告書の範囲このレポートは欧州の養鶏用ケージ市場を調査したTransparency Market Research (TMR)の調査報告書です。本書では、欧州の鶏用ケージ市場の世界的な構造とともに、促進要因、市場動向、課題などの主要な市場力学について豊富な情報を提供しています。TMRの調査は、欧州の家禽用ケージ市場に関する貴重な情報を提供し、予測期間である2021年から2031年の間に市場がどのように成長するかを図解しています。 バリューチェーンやサプライチェーン分析、年平均成長率(CAGR)など、市場成長の主要指標は、TMRの調査で包括的に解明されています。このデータは、読者が予測期間中の欧州の鶏肉用ケージ市場の定量的な成長側面を解釈するのに役立ちます。 TMRの欧州鶏肉用ケージ市場に関する調査では、主要な市場プレイヤーの事業戦略に関する広範な分析も掲載されています。これは、読者が欧州の鶏用ケージ市場の成長を予見するための主要な要因を理解するのに役立ちます。この調査では、読者は欧州の鶏用ケージ市場の質的および量的な成長手段に関する具体的なデータも見つけることができ、これは市場参加者が将来的に適切な決定を下す際の指針となることが期待されます。 TMRの欧州家禽用ケージ市場に関する調査での主な回答 欧州各国における鶏用ケージ市場に影響を与える主な要因は何か? 2021年から2031年にかけて、欧州の鶏用ケージ市場のCAGRはどうなるのか? 欧州の鶏用ケージ市場の将来的な範囲と現在の技術動向は? 欧州の鶏用ケージ市場のセグメント別売上高は? 欧州の鶏用ケージ市場のトッププレーヤーはどのような主要戦略をとっているのか? 欧州の鶏用ケージ市場におけるリーディング企業はどこか? 調査方法論 - 欧州の鶏用ケージ市場 TMRでは、欧州の鶏用ケージ市場の成長に関する包括的な調査を実施し、市場の将来の成長見通しに関する結論を得るために、独自の調査手法を活用しています。この調査手法は、一次調査と二次調査を組み合わせたもので、アナリストが導き出された結論の正確性と信頼性を保証するのに役立ちます。 欧州の鶏用ケージ市場のレポート作成時にアナリストが参照した二次資料には、企業の年次報告書、SEC提出書類、企業のウェブサイト、世界銀行のデータベース、投資家のプレゼンテーション、規制データベース、政府刊行物、業界のホワイトペーパーからの統計が含まれます。またアナリストは、欧州の鶏用ケージ市場に関するTMRの調査作成に貢献したシニアマネージャー、製品ポートフォリオマネージャー、CEO、副社長、マーケットインテリジェンスマネージャーにインタビューしています。 これらの一次および二次情報源は、インタビューの際に独占情報を提供し、鶏肉用ケージ市場のリーダーからの検証として機能しています。本レポートでは、社内の広範なリポジトリと社外の独自データベースへのアクセスにより、欧州の鶏用ケージ市場に関する特定の詳細や疑問点を正確に把握することができます。また、本調査では、トップダウンアプローチで各分野の数値を評価し、ボトムアップアプローチでその数値を逆検証しています。これにより、欧州の鶏用ケージ市場の将来展望に関するTMRの予測は、より信頼性が高く正確なものとなっています。 目次1. Preface1.1. Market Definition and Scope 1.2. Market Segmentation 1.3. Key Research Objectives 1.4. Research Highlights 2. Assumptions 3. Research Methodology 4. Executive Summary 5. Market Overview 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Market Dynamics 5.2.1. Drivers 5.2.2. Restraints 5.2.3. Opportunities 5.3. Key Trends Analysis 5.3.1. Demand Side Analysis 5.3.2. Supply Side Analysis 5.4. Key Market Indicators 5.4.1. Overall Poultry Farming Market Overview 5.5. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 5.6. Value Chain Analysis 5.7. Industry SWOT Analysis 5.8. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, 2017 - 2031 5.8.1. Market Revenue Projections (US$ Mn) 5.8.2. Market Revenue Projections (Thousand Units) 6. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, By Deck Type 6.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Deck Type, 2017 - 2031 6.1.1. Single-deck 6.1.2. Double-deck 6.1.3. Triple-deck 6.1.4. Four-deck 6.1.5. Flat-deck 6.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Deck Type 7. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, Cage Type 7.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, Cage Type, 2017 - 2031 7.1.1. Single Bird Cage 7.1.2. Double Bird Cage 7.1.3. Colony Cages 7.2. Incremental Opportunity, Cage Type 8. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, By Operation 8.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Operation, 2017 - 2031 8.1.1. Automatic 8.1.2. Semi-automatic 8.1.3. Manual 8.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Operation 9. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, By Price 9.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 - 2031 9.1.1. Low 9.1.2. Medium 9.1.3. High 9.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Price 10. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, By Application 10.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Application, 2017 - 2031 10.1.1. Residential 10.1.2. Commercial 10.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Application 11. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, By Distribution Channel 11.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 - 2031 11.1.1. Online 11.1.2. Offline Direct Indirect 11.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Distribution Channel 12. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, by Country 12.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units), by Country, 2017 - 2031 12.1.1. Germany 12.1.2. U.K. 12.1.3. France 12.1.4. Italy 12.1.5. Spain 12.1.6. Rest of Europe 12.2. Incremental Opportunity, by Country 13. Germany Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast 13.1. Country Snapshot 13.1.1. By Deck Type 13.1.2. Cage Type 13.1.3. By Operation 13.1.4. By Price 13.1.5. By Application 13.1.6. By Distribution Channel 13.2. Key Trend Analysis 13.3. Covid-19 Impact Analysis 13.4. Key Supplier Analysis 13.5. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Deck Type, 2017 - 2031 13.5.1. Single-deck 13.5.2. Double-deck 13.5.3. Triple-deck 13.5.4. Four-deck 13.5.5. Flat-deck 13.6. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, Cage Type, 2017 - 2031 13.6.1. Single Bird Cage 13.6.2. Double Bird Cage 13.6.3. Colony Cages 13.7. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Operation, 2017 - 2031 13.7.1. Automatic 13.7.2. Semi-automatic 13.7.3. Manual 13.8. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 - 2031 13.8.1. Low 13.8.2. Medium 13.8.3. High 13.9. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Application, 2017 - 2031 13.9.1. Residential 13.9.2. Commercial 13.10. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 - 2031 13.10.1. Online 13.10.2. Offline Direct Indirect 13.11. Incremental Opportunity Analysis 14. U.K. Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast 14.1. Country Snapshot 14.1.1. By Deck Type 14.1.2. Cage Type 14.1.3. By Operation 14.1.4. By Price 14.1.5. By Application 14.1.6. By Distribution Channel 14.2. Key Trend Analysis 14.3. Covid-19 Impact Analysis 14.4. Key Supplier Analysis 14.5. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Deck Type, 2017 - 2031 14.5.1. Single-deck 14.5.2. Double-deck 14.5.3. Triple-deck 14.5.4. Four-deck 14.5.5. Flat-deck 14.6. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, Cage Type, 2017 - 2031 14.6.1. Single Bird Cage 14.6.2. Double Bird Cage 14.6.3. Colony Cages 14.7. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Operation, 2017 - 2031 14.7.1. Automatic 14.7.2. Semi-automatic 14.7.3. Manual 14.8. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 - 2031 14.8.1. Low 14.8.2. Medium 14.8.3. High 14.9. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Application, 2017 - 2031 14.9.1. Residential 14.9.2. Commercial 14.10. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 - 2031 14.10.1. Online 14.10.2. Offline Direct Indirect 14.11. Incremental Opportunity Analysis 15. France Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast 15.1. Country Snapshot 15.1.1. By Deck Type 15.1.2. Cage Type 15.1.3. By Operation 15.1.4. By Price 15.1.5. By Application 15.1.6. By Distribution Channel 15.2. Key Trend Analysis 15.3. Covid-19 Impact Analysis 15.4. Key Supplier Analysis 15.5. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Deck Type, 2017 - 2031 15.5.1. Single-deck 15.5.2. Double-deck 15.5.3. Triple-deck 15.5.4. Four-deck 15.5.5. Flat-deck 15.6. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, Cage Type, 2017 - 2031 15.6.1. Single Bird Cage 15.6.2. Double Bird Cage 15.6.3. Colony Cages 15.7. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Operation, 2017 - 2031 15.7.1. Automatic 15.7.2. Semi-automatic 15.7.3. Manual 15.8. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 - 2031 15.8.1. Low 15.8.2. Medium 15.8.3. High 15.9. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Application, 2017 - 2031 15.9.1. Residential 15.9.2. Commercial 15.10. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 - 2031 15.10.1. Online 15.10.2. Offline Direct Indirect 15.11. Incremental Opportunity Analysis
SummaryEurope Poultry Cage Market – Scope of Report Table of Contents1. Preface1.1. Market Definition and Scope 1.2. Market Segmentation 1.3. Key Research Objectives 1.4. Research Highlights 2. Assumptions 3. Research Methodology 4. Executive Summary 5. Market Overview 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Market Dynamics 5.2.1. Drivers 5.2.2. Restraints 5.2.3. Opportunities 5.3. Key Trends Analysis 5.3.1. Demand Side Analysis 5.3.2. Supply Side Analysis 5.4. Key Market Indicators 5.4.1. Overall Poultry Farming Market Overview 5.5. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 5.6. Value Chain Analysis 5.7. Industry SWOT Analysis 5.8. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, 2017 - 2031 5.8.1. Market Revenue Projections (US$ Mn) 5.8.2. Market Revenue Projections (Thousand Units) 6. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, By Deck Type 6.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Deck Type, 2017 - 2031 6.1.1. Single-deck 6.1.2. Double-deck 6.1.3. Triple-deck 6.1.4. Four-deck 6.1.5. Flat-deck 6.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Deck Type 7. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, Cage Type 7.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, Cage Type, 2017 - 2031 7.1.1. Single Bird Cage 7.1.2. Double Bird Cage 7.1.3. Colony Cages 7.2. Incremental Opportunity, Cage Type 8. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, By Operation 8.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Operation, 2017 - 2031 8.1.1. Automatic 8.1.2. Semi-automatic 8.1.3. Manual 8.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Operation 9. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, By Price 9.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 - 2031 9.1.1. Low 9.1.2. Medium 9.1.3. High 9.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Price 10. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, By Application 10.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Application, 2017 - 2031 10.1.1. Residential 10.1.2. Commercial 10.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Application 11. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, By Distribution Channel 11.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 - 2031 11.1.1. Online 11.1.2. Offline Direct Indirect 11.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Distribution Channel 12. Europe Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast, by Country 12.1. Europe Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units), by Country, 2017 - 2031 12.1.1. Germany 12.1.2. U.K. 12.1.3. France 12.1.4. Italy 12.1.5. Spain 12.1.6. Rest of Europe 12.2. Incremental Opportunity, by Country 13. Germany Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast 13.1. Country Snapshot 13.1.1. By Deck Type 13.1.2. Cage Type 13.1.3. By Operation 13.1.4. By Price 13.1.5. By Application 13.1.6. By Distribution Channel 13.2. Key Trend Analysis 13.3. Covid-19 Impact Analysis 13.4. Key Supplier Analysis 13.5. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Deck Type, 2017 - 2031 13.5.1. Single-deck 13.5.2. Double-deck 13.5.3. Triple-deck 13.5.4. Four-deck 13.5.5. Flat-deck 13.6. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, Cage Type, 2017 - 2031 13.6.1. Single Bird Cage 13.6.2. Double Bird Cage 13.6.3. Colony Cages 13.7. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Operation, 2017 - 2031 13.7.1. Automatic 13.7.2. Semi-automatic 13.7.3. Manual 13.8. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 - 2031 13.8.1. Low 13.8.2. Medium 13.8.3. High 13.9. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Application, 2017 - 2031 13.9.1. Residential 13.9.2. Commercial 13.10. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 - 2031 13.10.1. Online 13.10.2. Offline Direct Indirect 13.11. Incremental Opportunity Analysis 14. U.K. Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast 14.1. Country Snapshot 14.1.1. By Deck Type 14.1.2. Cage Type 14.1.3. By Operation 14.1.4. By Price 14.1.5. By Application 14.1.6. By Distribution Channel 14.2. Key Trend Analysis 14.3. Covid-19 Impact Analysis 14.4. Key Supplier Analysis 14.5. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Deck Type, 2017 - 2031 14.5.1. Single-deck 14.5.2. Double-deck 14.5.3. Triple-deck 14.5.4. Four-deck 14.5.5. Flat-deck 14.6. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, Cage Type, 2017 - 2031 14.6.1. Single Bird Cage 14.6.2. Double Bird Cage 14.6.3. Colony Cages 14.7. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Operation, 2017 - 2031 14.7.1. Automatic 14.7.2. Semi-automatic 14.7.3. Manual 14.8. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 - 2031 14.8.1. Low 14.8.2. Medium 14.8.3. High 14.9. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Application, 2017 - 2031 14.9.1. Residential 14.9.2. Commercial 14.10. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 - 2031 14.10.1. Online 14.10.2. Offline Direct Indirect 14.11. Incremental Opportunity Analysis 15. France Poultry Cage Market Analysis and Forecast 15.1. Country Snapshot 15.1.1. By Deck Type 15.1.2. Cage Type 15.1.3. By Operation 15.1.4. By Price 15.1.5. By Application 15.1.6. By Distribution Channel 15.2. Key Trend Analysis 15.3. Covid-19 Impact Analysis 15.4. Key Supplier Analysis 15.5. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Deck Type, 2017 - 2031 15.5.1. Single-deck 15.5.2. Double-deck 15.5.3. Triple-deck 15.5.4. Four-deck 15.5.5. Flat-deck 15.6. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, Cage Type, 2017 - 2031 15.6.1. Single Bird Cage 15.6.2. Double Bird Cage 15.6.3. Colony Cages 15.7. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Operation, 2017 - 2031 15.7.1. Automatic 15.7.2. Semi-automatic 15.7.3. Manual 15.8. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 - 2031 15.8.1. Low 15.8.2. Medium 15.8.3. High 15.9. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Application, 2017 - 2031 15.9.1. Residential 15.9.2. Commercial 15.10. Poultry Cage Market Size (US$ Mn and Thousand Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 - 2031 15.10.1. Online 15.10.2. Offline Direct Indirect 15.11. Incremental Opportunity Analysis
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2024/12/03 10:26 150.96 円 158.85 円 193.76 円 |