米国調査会社マインドコマース(Mind Commerce)の下記の調査レポートのセット販売です。たいへんお得な価格設定です。
専用LTEと5G New Radio (5GNR)の専用無線ソリューション市場:企業オートメーション、産業用IoTアプリケーション、サービス 2019-2024年
この調査レポートは世界の無人走行車両(UGV)市場を分析・予測したMarket Forecastの市場調査報告書です。
The defense forces across the world have been investing into high end equipment, which are capable of neutralizing enemy targets beyond the …
V2X Market for Vehicle to Everything by Connection Type (Cellular and Non-cellular), Communications Type (V2V, V2I, V2P, etc.), Vehicle Autonomy Level, Safety and Commercial Applications 2019 – 2024
ABI Research has been covering consumer robotics since 2006 and is now covering it in more depth and detail than ever before, leveraging our experience in high-tech products, enabling technologies, and the large technology vendor ecosystem involved. ABI…
This report analyzes the market opportunities, drivers, and obstacles for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), which is a technique that allows devices to map an unknown environment at the same time as they locate themselves in it. For that, th…
英国とドバイに拠点をおく調査会社シグナルズアンドシステムズテレコム/SNSリサーチ (Signals and Systems Telecom/SNS Research)の調査レポート「V2X(車車間通信・路車間通信)のエコシステム 2019-2030年:ビジネスチャンス、課題、戦略、市場予測」は、V2Xの市場促進…