Inside This Report
In order to address key challenges retailers are beginning to embrace artificial intelligence and robotics solution to increase operational efficiency through automation. As the modern retail landscape continues to evolve with the integration of ecommerce and omnichannel fulfilment strategies, inventory management accuracy, product replenishment and availability, and improved customers engagement are more pertinent than ever.
Vendors Listed in this Report
ABB Robotics, Amazon Robotics, Avatria, Badger Technologies, Bleum Robotics, Bossa Nova, Brain Corp, DataRobot, Epson Robotics, Fetch Robotics, IBM, InVia, Honeywell Intelligrated, Kindred, Locus Robotics, Logility, LucidWorks, Righthand Robotics, Swisslog, Universal Robotics, Zebra Technologies
Table of Contents
List of Exhibits
Exhibit 1: Please select the types of robot technology deployed in your retail operation or are currently
evaluating. Please select all that apply.
Exhibit 2: Please select your PRIMARY deployment environment of your robotics hardware or the
primary deployment environment that you are currently evaluating for.
Exhibit 3: Please select the subset of retail shop floor environment your organization primarily
operates in.
Exhibit 4: Please select your primary collaborative robot arm manufacturer under evaluation or
currently invested in.
Exhibit 5: Please select your primary autonomous robot manufacturer or the brand you are currently
Exhibit 6: What was the purchasing price of your collaborative robot arm per unit?
Exhibit 7: For the cobot arm hardware you are currently evaluating, how much are you willing to pay
per unit?
Exhibit 8: What was the purchasing price of your autonomous mobile robot per unit?
Exhibit 9: For the autonomous mobile robot hardware you are currently evaluating, how much are you
willing to pay per unit?
Exhibit 10: What is the primary application that your robot hardware performs in the retail shop floor?
Exhibit 11: What is the primary application that your robot hardware performs in the warehouse or DC?
Exhibit 12: Approximately, how many collaborative robot units are deployed across your organization’s
facilities in the United States and Canada? What do you expect it to be in 2020-2025?
Exhibit 13: Approximately, how many autonomous robot units are deployed across your organization’s
facilities in the United States and Canada? What do you expect it to be in 2020-2025?
Exhibit 14: What are the top three deployment challenges of robotics hardware?
Exhibit 15: What are the top three factors that influence a purchasing decision of robotics hardware?
Exhibit 16: Please rate your overall satisfaction with your cobot arm investment on the following criteria
where 1=extremely dissatisfied and 7= extremely satisfied?
Exhibit 17: Please rate your overall satisfaction with your AMR investment on the following criteria
where 1=extremely dissatisfied and 7= extremely satisfied?
Exhibit 18: Please rate the overall importance of the following criteria to making a cobot arm purchasing
decision where 1=extremely unimportant and 7= extremely important?
Exhibit 19: Please rate the overall importance of the following criteria to making a AMR purchasing
decision where 1=extremely unimportant and 7= extremely important?
Exhibit 20: At which rate do you believe collaborative robotic hardware
Exhibit 21: At which rate do you believe autonomous mobile robot hardware investments will grow or
contract in the next 3 years?
next 3 years?
c 2020 VDC Research | Robotics & AI in Retail 4
Exhibit 22: What is the timeframe to achieve a return on investment (ROI) after deploying robotics
Exhibit 23: What is the primary environment for which your organization leverages its AI solution in?
Exhibit 24: What are the top three applications of your AI retail platform or currently evaluating for?
Exhibit 25: What are the top three applications of your AI retail platform or currently evaluating for?
Exhibit 26: Please select your primary application AI and loss prevention.
Exhibit 27: Please select all the components included in your AI loss prevention solution are or
currently evaluating: please select all that apply.
Exhibit 28: Who is the primary developer of your AI retail platform or currently evaluating ?
Exhibit 29: Please rate your AI Vendor in the following categories where 1= s... - Please select your
satisfaction level
Exhibit 30: Please rate the critical importance of the following categories when evaluating an AI solution
provider - Please select your satisfaction level
Exhibit 31: How much improvement in PROFITABILITY does your organization experience that is
directly attributed to your AI solution?
Exhibit 32: How much improvement in AVERAGE ORDER VALUE is created by your AI solution?
Exhibit 33: How much improvement in CONVERSION RATES is created by your AI solution?
Exhibit 34: How much improvement in SHRINK REDUCTION is created by your AI solution?
Exhibit 35: What is the average cost of ownership of your current AI retail
Exhibit 36: How much are you willing to pay for an AI retail platform annually?
Exhibit 37: What is the time frame to achieve a return on investment (ROI) after integrating AI?
Exhibit 38: What are the most pervasive challenges that affects your AI retail platform?
Exhibit 39: Please rate your AI Vendor on the following capabilities where 1= terrible and 5= excellent?
Exhibit 40: Please rate the importance of the following criteria to making an AI purchasing decision from
evaluation where 1 = extremely unimportant and 7= extremely important?
Exhibit 41: At what rate do you expect AI investment to grow or contract in the next 3 years?