


India Two Wheeler Market By Vehicle Type (Scooter/Moped, Motorcycles), By Propulsion Type (ICE, Electric), Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2019-2029

インドの二輪車市場は2023年に166億3,000万米ドルと評価され、予測期間のCAGRは10.29%で堅調な成長が予測されている。二輪車は、内燃エンジンまたは電気モーターで推進されることが多く、二輪車と呼ばれる。これ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
TechSci Research
2023年11月7日 US$3,500
PDF:2営業日程度 82 英語



国内外の経済要因は、インドの二輪車市場に大きな影響を与える可能性がある。この課題には次のような側面がある。 COVID-19の大流行時に経験したような景気後退や景気後退は、個人消費の減少や不確実性につながる可能性がある。そのような時期には、消費者は二輪車のような裁量的購入を遅らせたり、再検討したりすることが多い。燃料価格は、二輪車と四輪車の選択に直接的な影響を与える。燃料価格が上昇すると、燃費の良い二輪車への需要が高まる。逆に、燃料価格が下がれば、特に地方では四輪車が有利になる。為替レートの変動は、二輪車製造のための輸入部品や材料のコストに影響を与える可能性がある。これは、特に海外のサプライヤーに依存しているブランドにとっては、価格設定や利益率に影響を与える可能性がある。二輪車販売では、手ごろな融資へのアクセスが重要な役割を果たす。貸出金利、政策、アクセシビリティの変化は、消費者の需要に影響を与える可能性がある。
効率的なインフラと物流は、二輪車市場にとって不可欠である。この課題には次のような側面がある。 販売店、サービスセンター、スペアパーツの供給網をしっかり構築・維持することは、顧客満足とブランド・ロイヤルティにとって極めて重要である。これは、遠隔地やアクセスの悪い地域では特に困難である。都市部での交通渋滞の増加は、二輪車での通勤を不便にする。課題は、都市計画を改善し、二輪車専用レーンを設け、二輪車の利用を促進することである。自然災害やパンデミックのような出来事はサプライチェーンを混乱させ、製造のための部品やコンポーネントのタイムリーな入手に影響を与える可能性がある。電気二輪車の人気が高まるにつれ、広く効率的な充電インフラの必要性が最も重要になる。充電ステーションの不足は、潜在的な電気自動車購入者の足かせとなる可能性がある。
インドの二輪車市場で最も顕著なトレンドのひとつは、電動スクーターや二輪車を含む電気自動車(EV)への関心の高まりである。このトレンドを後押ししている要因はいくつかある:環境意識の高まりや大気汚染への懸念から、消費者は従来のガソリンやディーゼルで動く二輪車に代わる、よりクリーンで環境に優しい二輪車を検討するようになった。インド政府は電気自動車の普及を促進するため、さまざまな優遇措置や補助金を導入している。これには、電気自動車購入者に金銭的インセンティブを提供するFAME(Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles)スキームが含まれる。より効率的で手頃な価格のリチウムイオン電池の開発により、電気二輪車は消費者にとってより実用的で費用対効果の高い選択肢となった。これらのバッテリーは航続距離が長く、充電時間も短い。新興企業や既存の二輪車メーカーが電動二輪車分野に参入し、スタイリッシュで技術的に高度な電動スクーターや電動バイクを提供している。充電ステーションやバッテリー交換ネットワークのインフラが拡大し、消費者が電動モビリティのアイデアに慣れるにつれて、この傾向は成長を続けると予想される。
インドの二輪車市場は伝統的にコミューターバイクとスクーターが中心だったが、プレミアムバイクや高性能バイクへのシフトが顕著になっている。この傾向にはさまざまな要因がある:可処分所得の高い中間層が台頭し、プレミアムで高性能な二輪車を求める傾向が強まっている。消費者は、優れたデザイン、機能、性能を提供する自動車に投資することを厭わない。モータースポーツ、冒険ライディング、長距離ツーリングの人気は、スポーツバイクやアドベンチャーバイクの需要急増につながっている。これらのバイクは、オフロードや長距離走行のための高度な機能、堅牢なエンジン、強化された能力を提供している。大手二輪車メーカーは製品ポートフォリオを拡大し、プレミアムモデルやパフォーマンス志向のモデルを投入している。ロイヤルエンフィールド、KTM、ハーレーダビッドソンなどのブランドは、このセグメントで大きな市場シェアを獲得している。現在、多くの消費者が自分のバイクをパーソナライズしたいと考えており、カスタマイズ可能なモジュール式二輪車への需要が高まっている。メーカーやアフターマー ケット企業は、この傾向に対応している。市場が進化を続けるなか、プレミアム二輪車とパフォーマンス二輪車は、技術、デザイン、機能の革新の機会を得て、持続的な成長を遂げるだろう。
ライドシェア・プラットフォームの成長とラストマイル・コネクティビティに対する需要の高まりが、インドの二輪車市場を形成している。この傾向にはいくつかの要因がある:OlaやUberのような企業はバイクシェアリングサービスを導入し、消費者が二輪車で短時間の乗車を予約できるようにしている。これは特に、混雑した都市部での短時間 の通勤に人気がある。観光地や主要都市では、電動自転車と従来型のレンタサイクル・サービスが人気を集めている。こうしたサービスは、観光客や居住者に、その地域を探索する便利な方法を提供している。都市部では、自転車専用レーンや駐輪場が整備され、二輪車 がより身近になり、毎日の通勤に便利になっている。多くの都市が二輪車と公共交通機関の統合を推進し ており、通勤客は最初の1マイルと最後の1マイルを楽に移動で きるようになっている。都市化が進み、効率的で便利、かつ環境にやさしいラストワンマイルの交通手段に対するニーズが高まるにつれ、この傾向は今後も続くとみられる。
- インドの二輪車市場:車種別
o スクーター/原付
o 二輪車
- インドの二輪車市場:推進タイプ別
- インドの二輪車市場:地域別


Tech Sci Research社のインド二輪車市場レポートでは、所定の市場データを使用して、企業の特定のニーズに応じてカスタマイズを提供しています。このレポートでは以下のカスタマイズが可能です:
- 追加市場参入企業(最大5社)の詳細分析とプロファイリング



1.はじめに1.1.製品概要1.2.レポートの主なハイライト1.3.市場カバレッジ1.4.対象市場セグメント1.5.調査期間2.調査方法2.1.調査目的2.2.ベースライン手法2.3.主要産業パートナー2.4.主な協会と二次情報源2.5.予測手法2.6.データの三角測量と検証2.7.仮定と限界3.エグゼクティブサマリー3.1.市場概要3.2.市場予測3.3.主要地域3.4.主要セグメント4.COVID-19のインド二輪車市場への影響5. 顧客の声分析5.1.ブランド認知度5.2.ブランド満足度5.3.購入決定に影響を与える要因6.インド二輪車市場の展望6.1.市場規模と予測6.1.1.台数・金額別6.2.市場シェアと予測6.2.1.車両タイプ別市場シェア分析(スクーター/原付、二輪車)6.2.2.推進タイプ別市場シェア分析(ICE、電気)6.2.3.地域別市場シェア分析6.2.3.1.北の市場シェア分析6.2.3.2.東部市場シェア分析6.2.3.3.西部市場シェア分析6.2.3.4.南部市場シェア分析6.2.4.企業別市場シェア分析(上位5社、その他-金額ベース、2023年)6.3.インド二輪車市場のマッピングと機会評価6.3.1.車両タイプ別市場マッピングと機会評価6.3.2.推進力タイプ別市場マッピングと機会評価6.3.3.地域別市場マッピングと機会評価7.インドのICE二輪車市場の展望7.1.市場規模・予測7.1.1.台数・金額別7.2.市場シェアと予測7.2.1.車両タイプ別市場シェア分析(スクーター/原付、二輪車)7.2.2.エンジン容量別市場シェア分析(125ccまで、126〜250cc、250cc以上)8.インドのICEモーターサイクル市場の展望8.1.市場規模・予測8.1.1.金額・台数別8.2.市場シェアと予測8.2.1.エンジン容量別市場シェア分析(125ccまで、126~250cc、250cc以上)8.3.価格分析と製品ベンチマーク9.インドのICEスクーター/原付市場の展望9.1.市場規模と予測9.1.1.金額別・台数別9.2.市場シェアと予測(金額ベース)9.2.1.エンジン容量別市場シェア分析(125ccまで、126〜250cc、250cc以上)9.3.価格分析と製品ベンチマーク10.インドの電動二輪車市場展望10.1.市場規模と予測10.1.1.台数・金額別10.2.市場シェアと予測10.2.1.車両タイプ別市場シェア分析(二輪車、スクーター/原付)10.2.2.バッテリー容量別市場シェア分析(25Ah以上、25Ah未満)10.3.価格分析と製品ベンチマーク11.SWOT分析11.1.強み11.2.弱み11.3.機会11.4.脅威12.市場ダイナミクス12.1.市場促進要因12.2.市場の課題13.市場動向と発展14.政策と規制15.インド経済プロフィール16.競争環境16.1.企業プロフィール(主要10社まで)16.1.1.ヒーロー・モトコープ16.1.1.1.会社概要16.1.1.2.主要製品16.1.1.3.最近の動向16.1.1.4.主要経営陣16.1.2.TVSモーター・カンパニー16.1.2.1.会社概要16.1.2.2.主要製品16.1.2.3.最近の動向16.1.2.4.主要経営陣16.1.3.ホンダモーターサイクル&スクーターインディア16.1.3.1.会社概要16.1.3.2.主要製品16.1.3.3.最近の動向16.1.3.4.主要経営陣16.1.4.ヤマハ発動機16.1.4.1.会社概要16.1.4.2.主要製品16.1.4.3.最近の動向16.1.4.4.主要経営陣16.1.5.アイヒャー・モーター16.1.5.1.会社概要16.1.5.2.主要製品16.1.5.3.最近の動向16.1.5.4.主要経営陣16.1.6.バジャイ・オート16.1.6.1.会社概要16.1.6.2.主要製品16.1.6.3.最近の動向16.1.6.4.主要経営陣16.1.7.スズキ・モーターサイクル・インディア・プライベート・リミテッド16.1.7.1.会社概要16.1.7.2.主要製品16.1.7.3.最近の動向16.1.7.4.主要経営陣16.1.8.Piaggio vehicles Pvt ltd会社概要16.1.8.2.主要製品16.1.8.3.最近の動向16.1.8.4.主要経営陣17.戦略的提言17.1.重点分野17.1.1.ターゲット地域17.1.2.車両タイプ別ターゲット17.1.3.推進力タイプ別ターゲット会社概要と免責事項





India Two Wheeler Market has valued at USD 16.63 Billion in 2023 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 10.29%. A two-wheeled vehicle, often propelled by an internal combustion engine or an electric motor, is referred to as a two-wheeler. These vehicles comprise several motorbikes, scooters, and moped models, each of which serves a different consumer demographic and function. For instance, whereas scooters are suitable for short commutes and city driving, motorbikes are frequently linked with long-distance travel and sport. Two-wheelers are also essential in developing nations like India since they offer a cheap and effective form of mobility. The importance of two-wheelers in facilitating mobility is growing as urbanization and traffic congestion both continue to expand. The fact that two-wheelers use less gasoline, cost less to buy, and emit fewer greenhouse gases—especially electric versions—has helped them become quite popular in India recently. One of the main drivers propelling the expansion of the two-wheeler market in India is the rise in vehicle ownership, which is coupled with a rising young population with a natural propensity toward personal mobility solutions that are both practical and fashionable. Moreover, another important component that promotes expansion is the simplicity of funding. Consumer-friendly lending programs, low interest rates, and flexible payment choices are being offered by financial institutions around the nation to lessen the financial load on the buyer.
These financing options enable potential owners to make purchases more quickly and with fewer hurdles to entry. Additionally, two-wheelers are becoming more appealing to consumers thanks to technology developments and breakthroughs in fuel efficiency, safety features like anti-lock brake systems (ABS), and smart features like GPS navigation.
Key Market Drivers
Economic Factors
Economic factors are fundamental drivers of the Indian two-wheeler market. India's economic growth and increasing disposable income have enabled a growing section of the population to afford personal transportation. This has been a key driver behind the robust demand for two-wheelers. As India's economy has grown, the income levels of the middle-class and urban populations have increased significantly. This has led to higher purchasing power and a greater willingness to invest in personal vehicles. Two-wheelers are a cost-effective mode of transportation, making them the preferred choice for many. The availability of affordable financing options such as two-wheeler loans has made it easier for individuals to purchase two-wheelers. This has boosted sales, especially in the entry-level and mid-segment categories. Economic growth has also extended to rural areas, where agriculture and allied industries contribute significantly to incomes. The two-wheeler market has capitalized on this by offering durable and economical transportation solutions, benefiting both farmers and rural consumers.
Urbanization and Congestion
Rapid urbanization and increasing traffic congestion in Indian cities have been pivotal drivers of the two-wheeler market. As Indian cities become increasingly congested, two-wheelers offer a practical solution for maneuvering through traffic. They are agile, occupy less space, and are easier to park, making them highly convenient for urban commuters. In cities with developing public transportation infrastructure, two-wheelers serve as an essential last-mile connectivity option. They bridge the gap between public transport hubs and one's destination, making them an integral part of urban commuting. Urbanization has also influenced lifestyle choices. The youth are looking for convenient, affordable, and stylish modes of transportation, making scooters and motorcycles highly attractive options.
Government Regulations and Policies
Government policies and regulations have a substantial impact on the two-wheeler market in India. Over the years, both central and state governments have implemented policies that have either positively or negatively influenced the market. The Indian government has imposed strict emission standards, including Bharat Stage (BS) norms, to control pollution levels. This has led to a continuous upgrade of technology in the two-wheeler industry, as manufacturers strive to meet these standards. The push for cleaner and more fuel-efficient vehicles has led to the development of eco-friendly two-wheelers. The government has also implemented safety regulations, making features like ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) and CBS (Combined Braking System) mandatory in two-wheelers. This has not only enhanced the safety of riders but also pushed manufacturers to improve the overall quality of their products. Governments at both state and central levels have occasionally offered subsidies and incentives for the manufacturing and adoption of electric two-wheelers. These initiatives have encouraged the growth of electric two-wheelers in India.
Cultural Preferences
Cultural factors play a significant role in shaping consumer preferences in India. Two-wheelers are deeply embedded in the cultural fabric of the country and are seen as more than just a mode of transportation. In India, two-wheelers are often used for family outings, with the capacity to accommodate multiple riders. This aligns with the culture of togetherness and family bonding, making two-wheelers a popular choice for Indian households. Two-wheelers are considered gender-neutral, which means they are accessible and acceptable for both men and women. This inclusivity has expanded the market significantly, with various models catering to diverse consumer needs. Two-wheelers are often associated with festivals and celebrations in India. During festivals and special occasions, people often gift or purchase two-wheelers, contributing to seasonal spikes in sales.
Competitive Landscape
The competitive landscape is another crucial driver of the Indian two-wheeler market. Numerous domestic and international manufacturers operate in the market, offering a wide range of products to cater to diverse consumer preferences. The presence of multiple competitors has driven innovation and technological advancement. Companies continually strive to outdo each other in terms of design, features, and fuel efficiency, resulting in a wide array of options for consumers. Intense competition has also led to competitive pricing strategies. Manufacturers offer a range of two-wheelers at various price points to cater to different segments of the market. This price diversity ensures that two-wheelers remain accessible to a wide range of consumers. Strong competition has also led to aggressive marketing and branding efforts. Manufacturers invest heavily in marketing campaigns and brand building to create a distinct identity and connect with consumers.
Key Market Challenges
Regulatory Changes and Emission Standards
One of the most significant challenges faced by the Indian two-wheeler market is the continuously evolving regulatory landscape. The Indian government, concerned about rising air pollution levels, has been implementing stringent emission standards. Here are the key aspects of this challenge. India follows the Bharat Stage emission standards, equivalent to Euro standards in Europe, to regulate vehicle emissions. The government regularly updates these standards to reduce air pollution. Manufacturers must invest in research and development to meet these standards, which can lead to increased production costs. The transition to BS-VI emissions standards in April 2020 was a significant challenge for two-wheeler manufacturers. Complying with these stricter standards required substantial investments in new technology, refining fuel quality, and redesigning engine components. The higher costs of manufacturing compliant vehicles were partially passed on to consumers, affecting pricing and demand. Frequent changes in regulations and the lack of long-term policy consistency can disrupt the industry's planning and investment. Uncertainty about future emission standards can lead to challenges in product development and investment decisions. While the push for cleaner mobility is positive, the rapid changes in electric vehicle policies and subsidies can be a challenge. Manufacturers need to adapt quickly to remain competitive in the electric two-wheeler segment.
Economic Factors and Market Volatility
Economic factors, both domestic and international, can significantly impact the Indian two-wheeler market. Several aspects of this challenge include Economic recessions or downturns, as experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, can lead to reduced consumer spending and uncertainty. In such periods, consumers often delay or reconsider discretionary purchases like two-wheelers. Fuel prices have a direct influence on the choice between two-wheelers and four-wheelers. When fuel prices rise, there is a greater demand for fuel-efficient two-wheelers. Conversely, lower fuel prices may favor four-wheelers, especially in rural areas. Exchange rate fluctuations can impact the cost of imported components and materials for two-wheeler manufacturing. This can affect pricing and profit margins, particularly for brands relying on international suppliers. Access to affordable financing plays a critical role in two-wheeler sales. Changes in lending rates, policies, and accessibility can impact consumer demand.
Safety Concerns and Road Infrastructure
Safety concerns and the state of road infrastructure are significant challenges for the Indian two-wheeler market. Several issues contribute to this challenge: India has one of the highest rates of road accidents globally, with a disproportionately high number of two-wheeler riders involved. Safety concerns can deter potential buyers from opting for two-wheelers. Many Indian roads, especially in rural areas, are in poor condition. This affects ride comfort, vehicle maintenance, and safety. Better road infrastructure is needed to enhance the riding experience and encourage two-wheeler use. Despite regulations mandating helmets and protective gear, compliance is often low, especially in rural areas. An effort to promote safety gear and its usage is essential. While there have been improvements in vehicle safety standards, there is room for further advancements, including features like airbags for two-wheelers. These can significantly reduce injury risks but also add to production costs.
Competition and Brand Loyalty
The Indian two-wheeler market is highly competitive, with numerous domestic and international players vying for market share. The following factors contribute to the challenge of competition and brand loyalty: The presence of established Indian manufacturers, global brands, and new entrants makes competition in the two-wheeler market fierce. Manufacturers are constantly innovating to differentiate their products and gain a competitive edge. While some consumers have strong brand loyalty, others are open to exploring various brands and models. Building and retaining brand loyalty in a highly competitive market requires substantial marketing efforts and quality assurance. Consumer preferences can shift quickly, influenced by factors such as fashion, technological advancements, and environmental concerns. Manufacturers need to stay attuned to these changes to cater to evolving demands. The presence of counterfeit or substandard parts and accessories in the market poses a challenge to established brands. These products can negatively impact the brand's reputation and consumer trust.
Infrastructure and Logistics
Efficient infrastructure and logistics are vital for the two-wheeler market. Several aspects of this challenge include Establishing and maintaining a robust network of dealerships, service centers, and spare parts availability is crucial for customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. This is especially challenging in remote or less-accessible regions. Increasing traffic congestion in urban areas can make commuting on two-wheelers less convenient. The challenge is to improve urban planning and create dedicated lanes for two-wheelers to encourage their use. Events like natural disasters or pandemics can disrupt the supply chain, affecting the timely availability of parts and components for manufacturing. As electric two-wheelers gain popularity, the need for a widespread and efficient charging infrastructure becomes paramount. The lack of charging stations can deter potential electric vehicle buyers.
Key Market Trends
Shift Towards Electric Two-Wheelers
One of the most prominent trends in the Indian two-wheeler market is the growing interest in electric vehicles (EVs), including electric scooters and motorcycles. Several factors are driving this trend: Increasing environmental awareness and concerns about air pollution have prompted consumers to consider cleaner and greener alternatives to conventional petrol and diesel-powered two-wheelers. The Indian government has introduced various incentives and subsidies to promote the adoption of electric vehicles. These include the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme, which provides financial incentives for electric vehicle buyers. The development of more efficient and affordable lithium-ion batteries has made electric two-wheelers a more practical and cost-effective choice for consumers. These batteries offer longer ranges and faster charging times. Several startups and established two-wheeler manufacturers are entering the electric two-wheeler segment, offering a range of stylish and technologically advanced electric scooters and motorcycles. This trend is expected to continue growing as the infrastructure for charging stations and battery swapping networks expands and consumers become more comfortable with the idea of electric mobility.
Increasing Preference for Premium and Performance Bikes
While the Indian two-wheeler market has traditionally been dominated by commuter motorcycles and scooters, there is a noticeable shift towards premium and high-performance motorcycles. This trend is fueled by various factors: A rising middle class with higher disposable incomes is increasingly looking for premium and performance-oriented two-wheelers. Consumers are willing to invest in vehicles that offer superior design, features, and performance. The popularity of motorsports, adventure riding, and long-distance touring has led to a surge in demand for sports and adventure bikes. These bikes offer advanced features, robust engines, and enhanced capabilities for off-road and long-distance riding. Leading two-wheeler manufacturers have expanded their product portfolios to include premium and performance-oriented models. Brands like Royal Enfield, KTM, and Harley-Davidson have gained significant market share in this segment. Many consumers are now looking to personalize their bikes, leading to a demand for customizable and modular two-wheelers. Manufacturers and aftermarket companies are catering to this trend. As the market continues to evolve, premium and performance two-wheelers are likely to see sustained growth, with opportunities for innovation in technology, design, and features.
Emphasis on Safety Features and Regulations
Safety has become a significant focus in the Indian two-wheeler market due to increasing road accidents and fatalities. Several trends reflect this heightened emphasis on safety: The Indian government has mandated the inclusion of safety features such as Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS) and Combined Braking Systems (CBS) in two-wheelers. These features enhance braking performance and reduce the risk of accidents. The adoption of safer riding gear, including helmets with enhanced features such as full-face designs, anti-fog visors, and better impact protection, has become increasingly common among riders. The growth of organized riding schools and training programs, such as those offered by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF), is encouraging responsible riding practices and safety awareness. Two-wheeler manufacturers are incorporating advanced safety technologies, including traction control, stability control, and cornering ABS, in their premium models. This trend highlights the evolving consumer consciousness around safety, leading to a transformation in the design and manufacturing of two-wheelers in India.
Online Sales and Digital Platforms
The proliferation of digital technology and e-commerce has significantly impacted the way two-wheelers are bought and sold in India. Key trends in this regard include: Several two-wheeler manufacturers and dealers have established online sales platforms, allowing consumers to browse, configure, and purchase two-wheelers from the comfort of their homes. Virtual showrooms and 360-degree tours of vehicles have become common, providing a rich online buying experience with detailed information and imagery. The entire buying process, including financing and documentation, can now be completed online, simplifying the purchase for consumers. Online classified platforms and specialized websites for buying and selling used two-wheelers have gained popularity, making it easier for consumers to find pre-owned vehicles. This trend not only caters to the tech-savvy urban population but also reaches consumers in smaller towns and rural areas, expanding the reach of two-wheeler brands.
Ride-Sharing and Last-Mile Connectivity
The growth of ride-sharing platforms and the increasing demand for last-mile connectivity have shaped the two-wheeler market in India. Several factors contribute to this trend: Companies like Ola and Uber have introduced bike-sharing services, enabling consumers to book short rides on two-wheelers. This is especially popular for quick commutes in congested urban areas. Bike rental services, both electric and conventional, have gained traction in tourist destinations and major cities. These services provide tourists and residents with a convenient way to explore the area. The expansion of dedicated bike lanes and parking facilities in urban areas has made two-wheelers more accessible and convenient for daily commuting. Many cities are promoting the integration of two-wheelers with public transportation, allowing commuters to cover the first and last mile of their journey with ease. This trend is likely to persist as urbanization continues, and the need for efficient, convenient, and eco-friendly last-mile transportation solutions grows.
Segmental Insights
Vehicle Type Insights
The segment's dominant vehicle type is the motorcycle. Motorcycles can be used for a variety of purposes, including everyday commuting, long-distance travel, and even leisure riding. They have a wide range of uses, making them the preferred option for many different types of people. Additionally, the issue of price is crucial. In a country where consumers are sensitive to price, like India, motorcycles sometimes have lower initial purchase costs than scooters or other two-wheeler models. Many Indian consumers, especially those who fall into the middle class and lower income brackets, have tight budgets, and this pricing fits in nicely with their needs. In addition, motorcycles are renowned for their strength and endurance, which is important given India's diverse topography and road conditions. Fuel efficiency is yet another noteworthy benefit.
Regional Insights
West India retained the largest market share since the area is home to numerous significant metropolises, such as Mumbai, Pune, and Ahmedabad, with dense populations and high levels of economic activity. The need for personal mobility is greatly influenced by the fact that these urban centers serve as hubs for numerous sectors. West India is also a favorable location for two-wheeler use because of the strong road infrastructure and comparatively better connectivity. Furthermore, the population of the western areas of India is diversified, with a sizeable middle-class population that frequently searches out practical and economical transportation options, which fits in well with the two-wheeler market's product offers. Also boosting the market for motorbikes and scooters and making it the largest consumer good, the presence of a growing middle-class group with rising disposable income levels.
Key Market Players
Hero MotoCorp
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India
Yamaha motor
Eicher’s Motor
Bajaj Auto
TVS Motor Company
Suzuki Motorcycle India, Private Limited
Piaggio vehicles Pvt ltd
Hero Electric
Report Scope:
In this report, the India Two Wheeler Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
• India Two Wheeler Market, By Vehicle Type:
o Scooter/Moped
o Motorcycles
• India Two Wheeler Market, By Propulsion Type:
o Electric
• India Two Wheeler Market, By Region:
o North
o East
o West
o South
Competitive Landscape
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies presents in the India Two Wheeler Market.
Available Customizations:
India Two Wheeler Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:
Company Information
• Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).


Table of Contents

1. Introduction1.1. Product Overview1.2. Key Highlights of the Report1.3. Market Coverage1.4. Market Segments Covered1.5. Research Tenure Considered2. Research Methodology2.1. Objective of the Study2.2. Baseline Methodology2.3. Key Industry Partners2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources2.5. Forecasting Methodology2.6. Data Triangulation & Validation2.7. Assumptions and Limitations3. Executive Summary3.1. Market Overview3.2. Market Forecast3.3. Key Regions3.4. Key Segments4. Impact of COVID-19 on India Two Wheeler Market5. Voice of Customer Analysis5.1. Brand Awareness5.2. Brand Satisfaction5.3. Factors Affecting Purchase Decision6. India Two Wheeler Market Outlook6.1. Market Size & Forecast6.1.1. By Volume & Value6.2. Market Share & Forecast6.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis (Scooter/Moped, Motorcycles)6.2.2. By Propulsion Type Market Share Analysis (ICE, Electric)6.2.3. By Regional Market Share Analysis North Market Share Analysis6.2.3.2. East Market Share Analysis6.2.3.3. West Market Share Analysis6.2.3.4. South Market Share Analysis 6.2.4. By Company Market Share Analysis (Top 5 Companies, Others - By Value, 2023)6.3. India Two Wheeler Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment6.3.1. By Vehicle Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.2. By Propulsion Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment6.3.3. By Regional Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 7. India ICE Two Wheeler Market Outlook7.1. Market Size & Forecast7.1.1. By Volume & Value7.2. Market Share & Forecast7.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis (Scooter/Moped, Motorcycle)7.2.2. By Engine Capacity Market Share Analysis (Up to 125 cc, 126-250 cc, Above 250 cc)8. India ICE Motorcycle Market Outlook8.1. Market Size & Forecast8.1.1. By Value & Volume8.2. Market Share & Forecast8.2.1. By Engine Capacity Market Share Analysis (Up to 125 cc, 126-250 cc, Above 250 cc)8.3. Pricing Analysis & Product Benchmarking9. India ICE Scooter/Moped Market Outlook9.1. Market Size & Forecast9.1.1. By Value & Volume9.2. Market Share & Forecast (By Value)9.2.1. By Engine Capacity Market Share Analysis (Up to 125 cc, 126-250 cc, Above 250 cc)9.3. Pricing Analysis & Product Benchmarking10. India Electric Two Wheeler Market Outlook 10.1. Market Size & Forecast10.1.1. By Volume & Value10.2. Market Share & Forecast10.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis (Motorcycle, Scooter/Moped)10.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis (>25Ah, <25Ah)10.3. Pricing Analysis & Product Benchmarking11. SWOT Analysis11.1. Strength11.2. Weakness11.3. Opportunities 11.4. Threats12. Market Dynamics12.1. Market Drivers12.2. Market Challenges13. Market Trends and Developments14. Policy & Regulatory Landscape15. India Economic Profile16. Competitive Landscape 16.1. Company Profiles (Up to 10 Major Companies)16.1.1. Hero MotoCorp16.1.1.1. Company Details16.1.1.2. Key Product Offered16.1.1.3. Recent Developments16.1.1.4. Key Management Personnel16.1.2. TVS Motor Company16.1.2.1. Company Details16.1.2.2. Key Product Offered16.1.2.3. Recent Developments16.1.2.4. Key Management Personnel16.1.3. Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Company Details16.1.3.2. Key Product Offered16.1.3.3. Recent Developments16.1.3.4. Key Management Personnel16.1.4. Yamaha motor16.1.4.1. Company Details16.1.4.2. Key Product Offered16.1.4.3. Recent Developments16.1.4.4. Key Management Personnel16.1.5. Eicher’s Motor Company Details16.1.5.2. Key Product Offered16.1.5.3. Recent Developments16.1.5.4. Key Management Personnel16.1.6. Bajaj Auto Company Details16.1.6.2. Key Product Offered16.1.6.3. Recent Developments16.1.6.4. Key Management Personnel16.1.7. Suzuki Motorcycle India, Private Limited Company Details16.1.7.2. Key Product Offered16.1.7.3. Recent Developments16.1.7.4. Key Management Personnel 16.1.8. Piaggio vehicles Pvt ltd Company Details16.1.8.2. Key Product Offered16.1.8.3. Recent Developments16.1.8.4. Key Management Personnel 17. Strategic Recommendations17.1. Key Focus Areas17.1.1. Target Region17.1.2. Target By Vehicle Type 17.1.3. Target By Propulsion Type About Us & Disclaimer






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2025/02/21 10:27

150.86 円

158.69 円

193.74 円
