![]() 屋外用アイスリンクの市場(製品タイプ:冷蔵アイスリンクと合成アイスリンク、およびカテゴリー:ポータブルと常設)~北米の産業分析、規模、シェア、成長、トレンド、予測、2022年~2031年Outdoor Ice Rink Market (Product Type: Refrigerated Ice Rinks and Synthetic Ice Rinks; and Category: Portable and Permanent) - North America Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2022-2031 北米の屋外アイスリンク市場 - レポートの範囲 TMRの調査レポート「北米の屋外アイスリンク市場」は、2022年から2031年までの予測期間における市場の指標について貴重な洞察を得るために、過去だけでなく現在の... もっと見る
サマリー北米の屋外アイスリンク市場 - レポートの範囲TMRの調査レポート「北米の屋外アイスリンク市場」は、2022年から2031年までの予測期間における市場の指標について貴重な洞察を得るために、過去だけでなく現在の成長動向と機会も調査しています。本レポートでは、2021年を基準年、2031年を予測年として考え、2017年から2031年までの屋外用アイスリンク市場の収益を掲載しています。また、2022年から2031年までの屋外用アイスリンク市場の複合年間成長率(CAGR %)を掲載しています。 本レポートは、広範な調査を経て作成されました。一次調査では、主要なオピニオンリーダー、業界リーダー、オピニオンメーカーへのインタビューを実施しました。二次調査では、主要企業の製品資料、年次報告書、プレスリリース、関連文書などを参照し、北米の屋外アイスリンク市場を把握しました。 また、二次調査として、インターネットソース、政府機関、ウェブサイト、業界団体の統計データも含まれます。アナリストは、トップダウンアプローチとボトムアップアプローチを組み合わせて、北米の屋外アイスリンク市場の様々な属性を調査しました。 本レポートには、調査範囲に含まれる様々なセグメントの成長動向のスナップショットとともに、詳細なエグゼクティブサマリーが含まれています。さらに、北米の屋外用アイスリンク市場における競争ダイナミクスの変化にも光を当てています。これらは、既存の市場関係者だけでなく、北米の屋外用アイスリンク市場への参入を検討している企業にとっても、貴重なツールとなります。 本レポートでは、屋外用アイスリンク市場の競争環境について掘り下げています。北米の屋外用アイスリンク市場で活動する主要企業が特定され、これらの各企業が様々な属性でプロファイルされています。会社概要、財務状況、最近の動向、SWOTは、本レポートで紹介されている屋外用アイスリンク市場のプレーヤーの属性です。 研究方法論 調査方法は、徹底的な一次調査と二次調査を組み合わせて、屋外アイスリンク市場を分析しています。 二次調査 二次調査として、企業文献、技術文書、特許データ、インターネット上の情報源、政府ウェブサイト、業界団体、機関などの統計データなどを調査しました。これは、正確なデータを入手し、業界関係者の洞察を得て、ビジネスチャンスを認識するために、最も信頼性が高く、効果的で成功した方法であることが証明されています。 参考にした二次研究資料には、これらに限定されるものではありません: 企業ウェブサイト、プレゼンテーション、アニュアルレポート、ホワイトペーパー、テクニカルペーパー、製品パンフレット 社内外の独自データベースや関連特許の紹介 各国政府資料、統計データベース、マーケットレポートなど 市場に参入している企業に特化したニュース記事、プレスリリース、ウェブキャストを配信しています。 具体的な二次資料 業界の情報源 北米獣医学会(Veterinary Council of North America 北米アニマルヘルス連盟 北米動物福祉委員会 会社情報 スタティスタ フーバーの ファクティバ ブルームバーグ M&A(合併・買収 トムソン M&A マーチャースタット 深遠 一次調査 調査期間中、幅広い業界関係者やオピニオンリーダーとの綿密なインタビューやディスカッションを実施しました。調査の大部分は一次調査であり、二次調査によって補完されています。 データと分析の検証のために、業界関係者やコメンテーターへの一次インタビューを実施しました。典型的なリサーチ・インタビューは、以下のような機能を果たしています: 市場規模、市場動向、成長トレンド、競争環境、展望などに関する生の情報を提供します。 二次調査結果の検証・強化に役立つ 分析チームの専門知識と市場理解の向上 地域ごとの市場、カテゴリー、セグメント、サブセグメントについて、電子メールでのやりとり、電話取材、対面取材を含むプライマリーリサーチを実施。 参加した参加者は、以下の通りです(ただし、これらに限定されません): 業界関係者の方マーケティング/プロダクトマネージャー、マーケットインテリジェンスマネージャー、リージョナルセールスマネージャー 購買・調達担当者、技術担当者、販売代理店 外部の専門家投資銀行、バリュエーション専門家、リサーチアナリストなど 各業界に特化したキーオピニオンリーダーたち 主な参加者は、これらに限定されるものではありません: バイエルAG エランコ・プロダクツ・カンパニー メルク・アンド・カンパニー、インコーポレイテッド セバ・サンテ・アニマーレ Virbac SA データの三角測量:二次資料・一次資料」から抽出された情報は、四半期ごとに更新される「TMR Knowledge Repository」とクロスチェックされます。 市場推定:市場規模の推定には、製品の特徴、最新技術、地理的存在、製品需要、販売データ(金額または数量)、過去の対前年成長率などの詳細な調査が含まれます。また、市場規模や予測を導き出すために、他のアプローチも活用した。ハードデータがない場合は、包括的なデータセットを作成するために、モデリング技法を用いました。厳密な方法論を採用し、入手可能なハードデータと以下のデータタイプを相互参照し、推定値を作成した: 人口統計データ:人口、インフレ率、その他 産業指標を掲載しています:生産データ、研究開発投資、技術段階、インフラ、部門成長、設備など 市場予測:様々なセグメントの市場予測は、市場の促進要因、阻害要因/課題、機会を考慮し、他のセグメント/サブセグメントに対するセグメント/サブセグメントの優位性/不利性を考慮することで導き出されます。ビジネス環境、過去の販売パターン、アンメットニーズ、競争力、国別消費データなども、市場予測を導き出すために考慮する重要な要素です。 目次1. Preface1.1. Market Definition and Scope 1.2. Market Segmentation 1.3. Key Research Objectives 1.4. Research Highlights 2. Assumptions 3. Research Methodology 4. Executive Summary 5. Market Overview 5.1. Market Dynamics 5.1.1. Drivers 5.1.2. Restraints 5.1.3. Opportunities 5.2. Key Market Indicators 5.2.1. Overall Ice Rink Market Overview 5.3. Key Trend Analysis 5.3.1. Supplier Side 5.3.2. Demand Side 5.4. Industry SWOT Analysis 5.5. Technology Analysis 5.6. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 5.7. Value Chain Analysis 5.8. COVID-19 Impact Analysis 5.9. Regulatory Framework 5.10. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast, 2017- 2031 5.10.1. Market Value Projections (US$ Mn) 5.10.2. Market Volume Projections (Units) 6. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast, by Product Type 6.1. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Product Type, 2017- 2031 6.1.1. Refrigerated Ice Rinks 6.1.2. Synthetic Ice Rinks 6.2. Incremental Opportunity, by Product Type 7. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast, by Category 7.1. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Category, 2017- 2031 7.1.1. Portable 7.1.2. Permanent 7.2. Incremental Opportunity, by Category 8. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast, by Sport 8.1. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Sport, 2017- 2031 8.1.1. Ice Skating 8.1.2. Ice Hockey 8.1.3. Others 8.2. Incremental Opportunity, by Sport 9. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast, by End-user 9.1. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by End-user, 2017- 2031 9.1.1. Residential 9.1.2. Commercial 9.2. Incremental Opportunity, by End-user 10. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast, by Country 10.1. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Country, 2017- 2031 10.1.1. U.S. 10.1.2. Canada 10.1.3. Rest of North America 10.2. Incremental Opportunity, by Country 11. U.S Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast 11.1. Regional Snapshot 11.2. Key Supplier Analysis 11.3. Key Trend Analysis 11.4. Price Trend Analysis 11.4.1. Weighted Average Selling Price (US$) 11.5. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Product Type, 2017- 2031 11.5.1. Refrigerated Ice Rinks 11.5.2. Synthetic Ice Rinks 11.6. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Category, 2017- 2031 11.6.1. Portable 11.6.2. Permanent 11.7. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Sport, 2017- 2031 11.7.1. Ice Skating 11.7.2. Ice Hockey 11.7.3. Others 11.8. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by End-user, 2017- 2031 11.8.1. Residential 11.8.2. Commercial 11.9. Incremental Opportunity Analysis 12. Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast 12.1. Regional Snapshot 12.2. Key Supplier Analysis 12.3. Key Trend Analysis 12.4. Price Trend Analysis 12.4.1. Weighted Average Selling Price (US$) 12.5. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Category, 2017- 2031 12.5.1. Portable 12.5.2. Permanent 12.6. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Sport, 2017- 2031 12.6.1. Ice Skating 12.6.2. Ice Hockey 12.6.3. Others 12.7. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by End-user, 2017- 2031 12.7.1. Residential 12.7.2. Commercial 12.8. Incremental Opportunity Analysis 13. Competition Landscape 13.1. Competition Dashboard 13.2. Market Share Analysis % (2021) 13.3. Company Profiles [Company Overview, Product Portfolio, Financial Information, (Subject to Data Availability), Business Strategies/Recent Developments] 13.3.1. ICE N’GO Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.2. Custom Ice Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.3. Cascadia Sport Systems Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.4. Xtraice Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.5. Smart Rink Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.6. Iron Sleek, Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.7. CTC Group Canada Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.8. Synthetic Ice Solutions Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.9. Total Sport Solutions Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.10. Ice Rink Warehouse Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 14. Key Takeaways 14.1. Identification of Potential Market Spaces 14.1.1. By Product Type 14.1.2. By Category 14.1.3. By Sport 14.1.4. By End-user 14.1.5. By Country 14.2. Understanding the Procurement Process of the End-user 14.3. Preferred Sales & Marketing Strategy 図表リストList of TablesTable 1: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Product Type Table 2: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Product Type Table 3: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Category Table 4: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Category Table 5: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Sport Table 6: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Sport Table 7: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By End-user Table 8: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By End-user Table 9: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Country Table 10: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Country Table 11: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Product Type Table 12: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Product Type Table 13: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Category Table 14: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Category Table 15: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Sport Table 16: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Sport Table 17: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By End-user Table 18: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By End-user Table 19: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Product Type Table 20: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Product Type Table 21: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Category Table 22: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Category Table 23: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Sport Table 24: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Sport Table 25: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By End-user Table 26: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By End-user
SummaryNorth America Outdoor Ice Rink Market – Scope of Report Table of Contents1. Preface1.1. Market Definition and Scope 1.2. Market Segmentation 1.3. Key Research Objectives 1.4. Research Highlights 2. Assumptions 3. Research Methodology 4. Executive Summary 5. Market Overview 5.1. Market Dynamics 5.1.1. Drivers 5.1.2. Restraints 5.1.3. Opportunities 5.2. Key Market Indicators 5.2.1. Overall Ice Rink Market Overview 5.3. Key Trend Analysis 5.3.1. Supplier Side 5.3.2. Demand Side 5.4. Industry SWOT Analysis 5.5. Technology Analysis 5.6. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 5.7. Value Chain Analysis 5.8. COVID-19 Impact Analysis 5.9. Regulatory Framework 5.10. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast, 2017- 2031 5.10.1. Market Value Projections (US$ Mn) 5.10.2. Market Volume Projections (Units) 6. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast, by Product Type 6.1. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Product Type, 2017- 2031 6.1.1. Refrigerated Ice Rinks 6.1.2. Synthetic Ice Rinks 6.2. Incremental Opportunity, by Product Type 7. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast, by Category 7.1. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Category, 2017- 2031 7.1.1. Portable 7.1.2. Permanent 7.2. Incremental Opportunity, by Category 8. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast, by Sport 8.1. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Sport, 2017- 2031 8.1.1. Ice Skating 8.1.2. Ice Hockey 8.1.3. Others 8.2. Incremental Opportunity, by Sport 9. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast, by End-user 9.1. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by End-user, 2017- 2031 9.1.1. Residential 9.1.2. Commercial 9.2. Incremental Opportunity, by End-user 10. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast, by Country 10.1. North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Country, 2017- 2031 10.1.1. U.S. 10.1.2. Canada 10.1.3. Rest of North America 10.2. Incremental Opportunity, by Country 11. U.S Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast 11.1. Regional Snapshot 11.2. Key Supplier Analysis 11.3. Key Trend Analysis 11.4. Price Trend Analysis 11.4.1. Weighted Average Selling Price (US$) 11.5. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Product Type, 2017- 2031 11.5.1. Refrigerated Ice Rinks 11.5.2. Synthetic Ice Rinks 11.6. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Category, 2017- 2031 11.6.1. Portable 11.6.2. Permanent 11.7. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Sport, 2017- 2031 11.7.1. Ice Skating 11.7.2. Ice Hockey 11.7.3. Others 11.8. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by End-user, 2017- 2031 11.8.1. Residential 11.8.2. Commercial 11.9. Incremental Opportunity Analysis 12. Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Analysis and Forecast 12.1. Regional Snapshot 12.2. Key Supplier Analysis 12.3. Key Trend Analysis 12.4. Price Trend Analysis 12.4.1. Weighted Average Selling Price (US$) 12.5. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Category, 2017- 2031 12.5.1. Portable 12.5.2. Permanent 12.6. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by Sport, 2017- 2031 12.6.1. Ice Skating 12.6.2. Ice Hockey 12.6.3. Others 12.7. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Size (US$ Mn) (Units), by End-user, 2017- 2031 12.7.1. Residential 12.7.2. Commercial 12.8. Incremental Opportunity Analysis 13. Competition Landscape 13.1. Competition Dashboard 13.2. Market Share Analysis % (2021) 13.3. Company Profiles [Company Overview, Product Portfolio, Financial Information, (Subject to Data Availability), Business Strategies/Recent Developments] 13.3.1. ICE N’GO Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.2. Custom Ice Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.3. Cascadia Sport Systems Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.4. Xtraice Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.5. Smart Rink Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.6. Iron Sleek, Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.7. CTC Group Canada Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.8. Synthetic Ice Solutions Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.9. Total Sport Solutions Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 13.3.10. Ice Rink Warehouse Company Overview Product Portfolio Financial Information (Subject to Data Availability) Business Strategies/Recent Developments 14. Key Takeaways 14.1. Identification of Potential Market Spaces 14.1.1. By Product Type 14.1.2. By Category 14.1.3. By Sport 14.1.4. By End-user 14.1.5. By Country 14.2. Understanding the Procurement Process of the End-user 14.3. Preferred Sales & Marketing Strategy List of Tables/GraphsList of TablesTable 1: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Product Type Table 2: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Product Type Table 3: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Category Table 4: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Category Table 5: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Sport Table 6: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Sport Table 7: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By End-user Table 8: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By End-user Table 9: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Country Table 10: North America Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Country Table 11: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Product Type Table 12: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Product Type Table 13: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Category Table 14: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Category Table 15: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Sport Table 16: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Sport Table 17: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By End-user Table 18: U.S. Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By End-user Table 19: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Product Type Table 20: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Product Type Table 21: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Category Table 22: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Category Table 23: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By Sport Table 24: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By Sport Table 25: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Value (US$ Mn) Projection, 2017-2031, By End-user Table 26: Canada Outdoor Ice Rink Market Volume (Units) Projection, 2017-2031, By End-user
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