![]() プライベートLTEと5Gネットワークのエコシステム:2023年-2030年のビジネスチャンス、課題、戦略、産業分野と予測The Private LTE & 5G Network Ecosystem: 20232030 Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies, Industry Verticals & Forecasts あらすじ プライベートセルラーネットワーク(3GPP用語ではNPN(Non-Public Networks)とも呼ばれる)は、これまで携帯電話通信業界のニッチセグメントだったが、近年、プライバシー、セキュ... もっと見る
プライベートセルラーネットワーク(3GPP用語ではNPN(Non-Public Networks)とも呼ばれる)は、これまで携帯電話通信業界のニッチセグメントだったが、近年、プライバシー、セキュリティ、信頼性、性能の面で公衆モバイルネットワークや競合無線技術よりも優れていることに加え、有線接続を非障害無線リンクに置き換える可能性があることから、急速に普及している。3GPP主導によるMCX(ミッションクリティカルPTT、ビデオ&データ)、URLLC(超高信頼性低遅延通信)、TSC(時間敏感通信)、SNPN(スタンドアロンNPN)、PNI-NPN(公衆網統合NPN)、ネットワークスライシングなどの機能の標準化により、LTEおよび5G技術に基づくプライベートネットワークは、重要な通信、インダストリー4.0、企業変革関連アプリケーションのための包括的な接続プラットフォームとして認知されるようになりました。従来、これらの分野では、LMR(陸上移動無線)、Wi-Fi、産業用イーサネット、ファイバーなどの異種ネットワークが主流だった。
周波数帯域の自由化も、プライベートLTEや5Gネットワークの採用を加速させている要因のひとつだ。世界各国の規制当局が、共有周波数帯やローカルエリア・ライセンス周波数帯へのアクセス権を解放しているか、またはその過程にある。例えば、米国の3段階CBRS(市民ブロードバンド無線サービス)周波数共有方式、カナダが計画しているNCL(非競争的地域)免許枠組み、英国の共有および地域アクセス免許モデル、ドイツの3.7~3.8GHzおよび28GHz免許などが挙げられるが、これらに限定されるものではない。 8GHzおよび28GHzの5Gキャンパス・ネットワーク用免許、フランスの垂直周波数帯およびサブリース契約、オランダの地理的に制限されたミッドバンド周波数割り当て、フィンランドのローカル4G/5Gネットワーク用2.3GHzおよび26GHz免許、スウェーデンの3.7GHzおよび26GHz免許、ノルウェーの3. 8~4.2GHz帯、ポーランドの地方自治体および企業向け周波数割り当て、バーレーンの民間5Gネットワーク・ライセンス、日本の4.6~4.9GHzおよび28GHzのローカル5Gネットワーク・ライセンス、韓国の4.7GHzおよび28GHz帯のe-Um 5G割り当て、台湾の4. 8~4.9GHz帯のプライベート5Gネットワーク用周波数帯、香港のLWBS(Localized Wireless Broadband System)ライセンス、オーストラリアの装置ライセンス方式、インドのCNPN(Captive Non-Public Network)リース枠組み、ブラジルのSLP(Private Limited Service)ライセンスなどがある。携帯通信事業者が初期の民間5G設置の最前線にいた中国でさえ、民間5G周波数ライセンスをエンドユーザー組織に直接割り当て始めている。プライベート・ネットワーク用の免許不要のLTEおよび5G NR-U機器の運用に使用できる、世界的および地域的に調和された免許不要の周波数帯も、世界中で広く利用可能である。さらに、多くの国では、1GHz未満およびそれ以上の周波数の専用周波数が、特定の重要な通信関連アプリケーションのために割り当てられている。
市場の定義に関する見解は多少異なるものの、はっきりしていることがひとつある。プライベートLTEおよび5Gネットワークは、工場、倉庫、鉱山、発電所、変電所、洋上風力発電所、石油・ガス施設、建設現場、海上港湾、空港、病院、オフィスビル、大学キャンパスでの専用接続用の局地的な無線システムから、公益事業向けの地域および全国的な1GHz未満のプライベート無線ブロードバンドネットワークまで、さまざまな業界にわたる多数のユースケースをターゲットとした展開により、上昇軌道を続けている、 また、ドイツ軍のZNV(Deployable Cellular Networks)ソリューション、新竹市消防局の緊急通信用衛星バックホールドポータブル5Gネットワーク、チャールズ国王の戴冠式で使用されたBBC(英国放送協会)の一時的なプライベート5Gネットワークなど、迅速に展開可能なシステムもある。特注のセルラーネットワークは南極大陸のような遠隔地にも導入されており、月面や宇宙空間への設置計画さえある。
SNS Telecom & IT社は、垂直型産業向けのプライベートLTEおよび5Gネットワーク・インフラに対する世界の支出は、2023年から2026年にかけて年平均成長率約18%で成長し、最終的には2026年末までに64億ドル以上に達すると予測している。これらの投資の40%(約28億ドル)は、製造業とプロセス産業のデジタル化と自動化のために進行中のインダストリー4.0革命をサポートする主要な無線通信媒体となるスタンドアロン・プライベート5Gネットワークの構築に向けられる。このような前例のないレベルの成長により、プライベートLTEおよび5Gネットワークは、2020年代後半には市場規模において公共モバイル事業者のインフラとほぼ並列の機器エコシステムに変貌する可能性が高い。
プライベートLTEと5Gネットワークのエコシステム:2023 -2030 ビジネスチャンス、課題、戦略、産業分野と予測レポートは、プライベートLTEと5Gネットワークのエコシステムについて、バリューチェーン、市場促進要因、普及の障壁、実現技術、運用とビジネスモデル、産業分野、アプリケーションシナリオ、主要動向、今後のロードマップ、標準化、周波数帯の利用可能性と割り当て、規制情勢、ケーススタディ、エコシステムプレーヤーのプロファイルと戦略など、詳細な評価を掲載しています。また、2023年から2030年までの世界と地域の市場規模予測も掲載している。予測は、3つのインフラサブマーケット、2つの技術世代、4つの周波数ライセンスモデル、15の業種、5つの地域市場をカバーしています。
SNS Telecom & ITは、垂直型産業向けのプライベートLTEおよび5Gネットワークインフラへの世界的な支出は、2023年から2026年にかけて年平均成長率約18%で成長し、最終的には2026年末までに64億ドル以上に達すると予測している。
新しいクラスのプライベート・ネットワーク事業者も市場で成功を収めている。Celona、Betacom、Kajeet、BearCom、Ambra Solutions、iNET (Infrastructure Networks)、Tampnet、Smart Mobile Labs、MUGLER、Telent、Logicalis、Citymesh、Netmore、RADTONICS、Combitech、Grape One (日本)、NS Solutions、OPTAGE、Wave-In Communicationや、Boingo Wireless、Crown Castle、Cellnex Telecom、BAI Communications/Boldyn Networks、Freshwave、Digitaといった中立的なホスト・インフラストラクチャ・プロバイダーのプライベート4G/5G事業部門などがその代表例であるが、これらに限定されるものではない。
ベンダーの多様性がインフラ売上に反映され始めているが、HPE(Hewlett Packard Enterprise)が最近イタリアのモバイルコアテクノロジー・プロバイダーAthonetを買収したように、大手企業は戦略的買収への投資を続けている。
サービス・プロバイダー・セグメントも統合とは無縁ではない。例えばオーストラリアでは、携帯電話事業者のTelstraがTelstra Purple部門を通じて、産業用プライベート・ワイヤレスのスペシャリストであるAqura Technologiesを買収した。さらに最近では、光ファイバーとネットワーク・ソリューションの専門プロバイダーであるVocusが、プライベートLTEと5Gネットワークのもう1つのオーストラリアのパイオニアであるChallenge Networksを買収した。
農業: 農業: 農業業界におけるプライベート・セルラー・ネットワークの導入は、ブラジルの農業用機械、車両、センサー、現場作業員向けに広域セルラー・カバレッジを提供するカスタムメイドの250 MHz LTEネットワークから、4K UHD(超高精細)ビデオ伝送、モバイル・ロボット、遠隔操作トラクター、その他の高度なスマート農業関連アプリケーション機能をサポートする日本のスタンドアロン・ローカル5Gネットワークまで多岐にわたる。
航空: プライベートLTEおよび5Gネットワークは、香港、上海浦東および虹橋、東京成田、ロンドン・ヒースロー、パリ・シャルル・ド・ゴール、オルリーおよびル・ブルジェ、フランクフルト、ケルン・ボン、ブリュッセル、アムステルダム・スキポール、ウィーン、アテネ、オスロ、ヘルシンキ、バーレーン、シカゴ・オヘア、DFW(ダラス・フォートワース)、ダラス・ラブフィールド、MSP(ミネアポリス・セントポール)など、最も利用者の多い国際空港および国内空港の内部運用をサポートするために導入または試験運用されている。ルフトハンザ テクニクやJAL(日本航空)などは、航空機の整備業務にプライベート5G接続を活用している。さらに、機内ブロードバンドや重要な空中通信のための国内および国境を越えたA2G(Air-to-Ground)ネットワークも大きく普及し始めている。
放送業界: 放送業界では、FOX Sports、BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation)、BT Group、RTE(Raidio Teilifis Eireann)、Media Broadcast、WDR(Westdeutscher Rundfunk Koln)、RTVE(Radiotelevision Espanola)、SVT(Sveriges Television)、NRK(Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation)、TV 2、TVBS、CMG(China Media Group)、その他複数のメディア・放送事業者が、ライブ制作やその他のユースケースをサポートするために、仮設および固定設置の両方でプライベート5Gネットワークを活用している。
建設 建設:モーテンソン、フェロヴィアル、BAM Nuttall(ロイヤルBAMグループ)、フィラ(フィンランド)、熊谷組、大林組、清水建設、大成建設、竹中工務店、CSCEC(中国国家建設工程総公司)、ホーバン建設、ヒップヒンエンジニアリング、ガモン建設、現代建設(エンジニアリング&コンストラクション)などは、建設現場での生産性と作業員の安全性を高めるためにプライベートLTEと5Gネットワークを活用している企業の代表例である。
教育: 高等教育機関は、キャンパス環境でオンプレミス5Gネットワークをホストする最前線にいる。首都大学東京、マクマスター大学、テキサスA&M大学、パデュー大学、カルポリ(カリフォルニア工科大学)、ノースイースタン大学、UWM(ウィスコンシン大学ミルウォーキー校)、RWTHアーヘン大学、TUカイザースラウテルン(カイザースラウテルン工科大学)、CTU(チェコ工科大学プラハ校)などは、実験的研究やスマートキャンパス関連のアプリケーションのためにプライベート5Gネットワークを導入している多くの大学の一例である。また、教育分野では、遠隔学習のためのデジタルデバイド解消を目的とした専用LTEネットワーク、特に米国の学区向けCBRSネットワークが増加している。
林業: 林業の通信ニーズを満たすプライベート・セルラー・ネットワークには、産業と環境の両面で大きな関心が寄せられている。例えば、スウェーデンの林業会社SCA(Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget)は、木材ターミナルや製紙工場でのデジタル化と自動化を促進するためにローカル5Gネットワークを導入しており、Tolko IndustriesとResolute Forest Productsは、これまで携帯電話の電波がほとんど届かないか存在しなかったカナダのケベック州とブリティッシュ・コロンビア州の遠隔地で、ポータブルLTEシステムを活用して遠隔地の林業作業をサポートしている。
ヘルスケア 長崎大学病院、中国西部第二大学病院(四川大学)、SMC(サムスン・メディカル・センター)、梨花女子大学木洞病院、ベスレム・ロイヤル病院、フランクフルト大学病院、ヘリオス・パーク病院(ライプチヒ)、UKD(デュッセルドルフ大学病院)、UKSH(シュレスヴィヒ・ホルシュタイン大学病院)、UKB(ボン大学病院)、クリーブランド・クリニックのメンター病院、ホスピタル・ダス・クリニカス(サンパウロ)など、多くの病院でスマート・ヘルスケア・アプリケーションをサポートするために、専用の5Gキャンパス・ネットワークが設置され、または導入されつつある。さらに、オンプレミスLTEネットワークも世界中の多くの病院や医療施設で運用されている。
製造業 AGC、Airbus、Arcelik、ASN(Alcatel Submarine Networks)、Atlas Copco、BASF、BMW、BorgWarner、British Sugar、Calpak、China Baowu Steel Group、COMAC(中国商用航空機)、Del Conca、Delta Electronics、Dow、Ford、Foxconn、GM(General Motors)、Gerdau、 グランビア、ハイアール、ホルメン・イゲスン、インヴェンテック、ジョン・ディア、ローガン・アルミニウム、マグナ・シュタイヤー、メルセデス・ベンツ、ミディア、ミーレ、ナバンティア、ルノー、リコー、サーブ、三洋重工、シュナイダー・エレクトリック、SIBUR、ワールプール、エックス・ショア、ヤラ・インターナショナル、そしてLTE/5G機器サプライヤーを含む数十のメーカー。LTE/5G機器サプライヤーも含め、何十社ものメーカーがすでに工場での生産業務にプライベートセルラー接続を組み込んでいる。アルセロール・ミッタル、バイエル、ボッシュ、現代自動車、KAI(韓国航空宇宙産業)、ネスレ、日産自動車、SEAT、シーメンス、ステランティス、トヨタ自動車、フォルクスワーゲン、WEGを含む多くのメーカーが、初期の試験的導入からインダストリー4.0アプリケーションのための5Gネットワークへの移行を慎重に進めている。
軍事: 米国防総省(DOD)の「5G-to-Next G」イニシアチブを筆頭に、軍事基地や訓練施設でのプライベート5Gネットワーク、防衛専用のネットワークスライス、戦術通信用のポータブルセルラーシステムの採用を加速するためのプログラムがいくつか進行中だ。米軍、カナダ陸軍、ドイツ連邦軍、イタリア陸軍、ノルウェー軍、フィンランド国防軍、ラトビア国防省、カタール国防軍、ADF(オーストラリア国防軍)、韓国軍、ブラジル陸軍などは、軍事分野でプライベートセルラーネットワークを採用している多くの企業のひとつである。
鉱業: 鉱山会社では、3GPPベースのプライベート・ワイヤレス・ネットワークを地表や地下の採掘作業に導入し、作業員間の鉱山全体の通信、リアルタイムのビデオ監視、採掘機器の遠隔操作、車両管理、自動運転トラック、その他のアプリケーションをサポートする動きが加速しています。注目すべき例としては、Agnico Eagle、Albemarle、Anglo American、AngloGold Ashanti、Antofagasta Minerals、BHP、Boliden、Codelco、China Shenhua Energy、China National Coal、Eldorado Gold、Exxaro、Fortescue Metals、Freeport-McMoRan、Glencore、Gold Fields、Jiangxi Copperなどがある、 Metalloinvest、Newcrest Mining、Newmont、Northern Star Resources、Nornickel (Norilsk Nickel)、Nutrien、Polyus、Polymetal International、Rio Tinto、Roy Hill、Severstal、Shaanxi Coal、South32、Southern Copper (Grupo Mexico)、Teck Resources、Vale、Yankuang Energy、Zijin Mining。
石油・ガス アロー・エナジー、BP、セントリカ、シェブロン、CNOOC(中国海洋石油総公司)、コノコフィリップス、エクイノール、エクソンモービル、ガスプロム・ネフチ、ネステ、PCKラフィネリー、ペトロブラス、ペトロチャイナ/CNPC(中国石油集団)、 Phillips66、PKN ORLEN、Repsol、Santos、Schlumberger、Shell、Sinopec (China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation)、TotalEnergiesなど、石油・ガス業界の多くの企業がプライベートセルラーネットワークを利用している。多様な接続要件に対応するため、多面的なアプローチを追求している企業もある。例えば、アラムコ(サウジアラビア石油会社)は、重要な通信用に450 MHzのLTEネットワーク、遠隔地のIoT資産への接続を可能にするLEO衛星ベースのNB-IoTカバレッジ、高度なインダストリー4.0関連アプリケーション用のプライベート5Gネットワークを採用している。
港湾・海上輸送: 多くの港湾・ターミナル事業者は、AGV(無人搬送車)、遠隔操作クレーン、スマート荷役、予知保全などのアプリケーション向けに高速かつ低遅延の無線接続を提供するため、プライベートLTEおよび5Gネットワークに投資している。主な例としては、APM Terminals(Maersk)、CMPort(China Merchants Port Holdings)、COSCO Shipping Ports、Hutchison Ports、PSA International、SSA Marine(Carrix)、Stevecoなどが挙げられるが、これらに限定されるものではない。海上輸送分野では、衛星バックホール・リンクに支えられた船上プライベート・セルラー・ネットワークが、航海中の旅客船と貨物船の両方に音声、データ、メッセージング、IoT接続サービスを提供するために広く利用されている。
公共安全: FirstNet、韓国のSafe-Net、フランスのRRF(Radio Network of the Future)、スペインのSIRDEE、フィンランドのVIRVE 2.0のような国家のミッションクリティカルなブロードバンドプラットフォームから、タイ王立警察のVIRVE 2. 0、タイ王立警察の800 MHz LTEネットワーク、カナダ・オンタリオ州のハルトン・ピール地域PSBN(Public Safety Broadband Network)などがある。5G NRを搭載したPPDR(Public Protection & Disaster Relief)ブロードバンドシステムも、ファーストレスポンダー機関に採用され始めている。例えば、台湾の新竹市消防局は、災害地域で広帯域かつ低遅延の緊急通信を確立するために、Open RAN標準に基づく衛星バックホールのプライベート5Gネットワークを搭載した緊急対応車両を使用している。
鉄道: GSM-RからFRMCS(Future Railway Mobile Communication System)への移行は2020年代後半になると予想されているが、鉄道通信用のLTEおよび5Gベースのネットワークは、Adif AVの物流端末用プライベート5Gネットワーク、SGP(Societe du Grand Paris)のグラン・パリ・エクスプレス地下鉄システム用プライベートLTEネットワークなど、数多く導入されている、 PTA(Public Transport Authority of Western Australia)の無線システム交換プロジェクト、NCRTC(National Capital Regional Transport Corporation)のデリー-ミールートRRTS(Regional Rapid Transit System)回廊用プライベートLTEネットワーク、KRNA(Korea Rail Network Authority)のLTE-Rネットワーク、中国国鉄グループの5G-Rプログラムなどがある。DB(ドイツ鉄道)、SNCF(フランス国鉄)、Network Railなども、5Gベースの鉄道接続プロジェクトを運用開始前に進めている。
公益事業: ユーティリティ業界のプライベートセルラーネットワークは、スマートグリッド通信用の広域3GPPネットワーク(410 MHz、450 MHz、900 MHz、その他の1 GHz未満の周波数帯で運用)から、発電所、変電所、洋上風力発電所などの重要なインフラ施設で局所的な無線接続を提供することを目的とした専用LTEおよび5Gネットワークまで多岐にわたる。エンドユーザーの採用例としては、Ameren、CNNC(中国核工業集団)、CPFL Energia、CSG(中国南方電力網)、E. ON、Edesur Dominiciciaなどがある。 ON, Edesur Dominicana, EDF, Enel, ESB Networks, Bahrain EWA (Electricity and Water Authority), Evergy, Fortum, Hokkaido Electric Power, Iberdrola, Kansai Electric Power, KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation), LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority), Osaka Gas, PGE (Polish Energy Group), SDG&E (San Diego Gas & Electric), SGCC (State Grid Corporation of China), Southern Company, Tampa Electric (Emera) and Xcel Energy などがある。
その他のセクター プライベートLTEと5Gネットワークは、スポーツ、芸術、文化から小売、接客、公共サービスまで、他の垂直セクターでも展開されている。水平的な観点では、屋内カバレッジ強化のための企業向けRANシステムが比較的一般的で、エンドツーエンドのプライベート・ネットワークもオフィスビルやキャンパスで導入され始めている。BlackRock、Imagin'Office(Icade)、三井不動産、NAVER、Rudin Management Company、WISTA Managementなどは、オフィス環境にオンプレミスのプライベート5Gネットワークを導入している企業である。
RAN(LTE & 5G NR無線アクセスネットワーク)
モバイル・コア(EPC & 5GC)
ローバンド(1 GHz未満)
ミッドバンド(1~6 GHz)
Report Description
Historically a niche segment of the wider cellular communications industry, private cellular networks ? also referred to as NPNs (Non-Public Networks) in 3GPP terminology ? have rapidly gained popularity in recent years due to privacy, security, reliability and performance advantages over public mobile networks and competing wireless technologies as well as their potential to replace hardwired connections with non-obstructive wireless links. With the 3GPP-led standardization of features such as MCX (Mission-Critical PTT, Video & Data), URLLC (Ultra-Reliable, Low-Latency Communications), TSC (Time-Sensitive Communications), SNPNs (Standalone NPNs), PNI-NPNs (Public Network-Integrated NPNs) and network slicing, private networks based on LTE and 5G technologies have gained recognition as an all-inclusive connectivity platform for critical communications, Industry 4.0 and enterprise transformation-related applications. Traditionally, these sectors have been dominated by LMR (Land Mobile Radio), Wi-Fi, industrial Ethernet, fiber and other disparate networks.
The liberalization of spectrum is another factor that is accelerating the adoption of private LTE and 5G networks. National regulators across the globe have released or are in the process of granting access to shared and local area licensed spectrum. Examples include but are not limited to the three-tiered CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service) spectrum sharing scheme in the United States, Canada's planned NCL (Non-Competitive Local) licensing framework, United Kingdom's shared and local access licensing model, Germany's 3.7-3.8 GHz and 28 GHz licenses for 5G campus networks, France's vertical spectrum and sub-letting arrangements, Netherlands' geographically restricted mid-band spectrum assignments, Finland's 2.3 GHz and 26 GHz licenses for local 4G/5G networks, Sweden's 3.7 GHz and 26 GHz permits, Norway's regulation of local networks in the 3.8-4.2 GHz band, Poland's spectrum assignment for local government units and enterprises, Bahrain's private 5G network licenses, Japan's 4.6-4.9 GHz and 28 GHz local 5G network licenses, South Korea's e-Um 5G allocations in the 4.7 GHz and 28 GHz bands, Taiwan's provision of 4.8-4.9 GHz spectrum for private 5G networks, Hong Kong's LWBS (Localized Wireless Broadband System) licenses, Australia's apparatus licensing approach, India's CNPN (Captive Non-Public Network) leasing framework and Brazil's SLP (Private Limited Service) licenses. Even China ? where mobile operators have been at the forefront of initial private 5G installations ? has started allocating private 5G spectrum licenses directly to end user organizations. Vast swaths of globally and regionally harmonized license-exempt spectrum are also available worldwide that can be used for the operation of unlicensed LTE and 5G NR-U equipment for private networks. In addition, dedicated national spectrum in sub-1 GHz and higher frequencies has been allocated for specific critical communications-related applications in many countries.
LTE and 5G-based private cellular networks come in many different shapes and sizes, including isolated end-to-end NPNs in industrial and enterprise settings, local RAN equipment for targeted cellular coverage, dedicated on-premise core network functions, virtual sliced private networks, secure MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) platforms for critical communications, and wide area networks for application scenarios such as PPDR (Public Protection & Disaster Relief) broadband, smart utility grids, railway communications and A2G (Air-to-Ground) connectivity. However, it is important to note that equipment suppliers, system integrators, private network specialists, mobile operators and other ecosystem players have slightly different perceptions as to what exactly constitutes a private cellular network. While there is near universal consensus that private LTE and 5G networks refer to purpose-built cellular communications systems intended for the exclusive use of vertical industries and enterprises, some industry participants extend this definition to also include other market segments ? for example, 3GPP-based community and residential broadband networks deployed by non-traditional service providers. Another closely related segment is multi-operator or shared neutral host infrastructure, which may be employed to support NPN services in specific scenarios.
Despite the somewhat differing views on market definition, one thing is clear ? private LTE and 5G networks are continuing their upward trajectory with deployments targeting a multitude of use cases across various industries, ranging from localized wireless systems for dedicated connectivity in factories, warehouses, mines, power plants, substations, offshore wind farms, oil and gas facilities, construction sites, maritime ports, airports, hospitals, office buildings and university campuses to regional and nationwide sub-1 GHz private wireless broadband networks for utilities, FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System)-ready networks for train-to-ground communications, and hybrid government-commercial public safety LTE networks, as well as rapidly deployable systems such as the German Armed Forces' ZNV (Deployable Cellular Networks) solution, Hsinchu City Fire Department's satellite-backhauled portable 5G network for emergency communications and BBC's (British Broadcasting Corporation) temporary private 5G network used during King Charles' coronation. Custom-built cellular networks have also been implemented in locations as remote as Antarctica and there are even plans for installations on the moon's surface and outer space.
SNS Telecom & IT estimates that global spending on private LTE and 5G network infrastructure for vertical industries will grow at a CAGR of approximately 18% between 2023 and 2026, eventually accounting for more than $6.4 Billion by the end of 2026. As much as 40% of these investments ? nearly $2.8 Billion ? will be directed towards the build-out of standalone private 5G networks that will become the predominant wireless communications medium to support the ongoing Industry 4.0 revolution for the digitization and automation of manufacturing and process industries. This unprecedented level of growth is likely to transform private LTE and 5G networks into an almost parallel equipment ecosystem to public mobile operator infrastructure in terms of market size by the late 2020s.
The “Private LTE & 5G Network Ecosystem: 2023 ? 2030 ? Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies, Industry Verticals & Forecasts” report presents an in-depth assessment of the private LTE and 5G network ecosystem, including the value chain, market drivers, barriers to uptake, enabling technologies, operational and business models, vertical industries, application scenarios, key trends, future roadmap, standardization, spectrum availability and allocation, regulatory landscape, case studies, ecosystem player profiles and strategies. The report also presents global and regional market size forecasts from 2023 till 2030. The forecasts cover three infrastructure submarkets, two technology generations, four spectrum licensing models, 15 vertical industries and five regional markets.
The report comes with an associated Excel datasheet suite covering quantitative data from all numeric forecasts presented in the report, as well as a database of over 6,000 global private LTE/5G engagements ? as of Q2’2023.
Key Findings
The report has the following key findings:
SNS Telecom & IT estimates that global spending on private LTE and 5G network infrastructure for vertical industries will grow at a CAGR of approximately 18% between 2023 and 2026, eventually accounting for more than $6.4 Billion by the end of 2026.
As much as 40% of these investments ? nearly $2.8 Billion ? will be directed towards the build-out of standalone private 5G networks that will become the predominant wireless communications medium to support the ongoing Industry 4.0 revolution for the digitization and automation of manufacturing and process industries.
This unprecedented level of growth in the coming years is likely to transform private LTE and 5G networks into an almost parallel equipment ecosystem to public mobile operator infrastructure in terms of market size by the late 2020s.
Existing private cellular network deployments range from localized wireless systems in industrial and enterprise settings to sub-1 GHz private wireless broadband networks for utilities, FRMCS-ready networks for train-to-ground communications, and hybrid government-commercial public safety broadband networks, as well as rapidly deployable LTE/5G systems that deliver temporary or on-demand cellular connectivity.
As for the practical and quantifiable benefits of private LTE and 5G networks, end user organizations across manufacturing, mining, oil and gas, ports and other vertical industries have credited private cellular network installations with productivity and efficiency gains in the range of 30 to 70%, cost savings of more than 20%, and an uplift of up to 80% in worker safety and accident reduction.
Spectrum liberalization initiatives ? particularly shared and local spectrum licensing frameworks ? are playing a pivotal role in accelerating the adoption of private LTE and 5G networks. Telecommunications regulators in multiple national markets ? including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Bahrain, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Australia, India and Brazil ? have released or are in the process of granting access to shared and local area licensed spectrum.
By capitalizing on their extensive licensed spectrum holdings, infrastructure assets and cellular networking expertise, national mobile operators have continued to retain a strong foothold in the private LTE and 5G network market. With an expanded focus on vertical B2B (Business-to-Business) opportunities in the 5G era, mobile operators are actively involved in diverse projects extending from localized 5G networks for secure and reliable wireless connectivity in industrial and enterprise environments to nationwide public safety broadband networks.
New classes of private network operators have also found success in the market. Notable examples include but are not limited to Celona, Betacom, Kajeet, BearCom, Ambra Solutions, iNET (Infrastructure Networks), Tampnet, Smart Mobile Labs, MUGLER, Telent, Logicalis, Citymesh, Netmore, RADTONICS, Combitech, Grape One (Japan), NS Solutions, OPTAGE, Wave-In Communication and the private 4G/5G business units of neutral host infrastructure providers such as Boingo Wireless, Crown Castle, Cellnex Telecom, BAI Communications/Boldyn Networks, Freshwave and Digita.
NTT, Kyndryl and other global system integrators have been quick to seize the private cellular opportunity with strategic technology alliances and early commercial wins. Meanwhile, hyperscalers ? most notably AWS (Amazon Web Services), Google and Microsoft ? are offering managed private 5G services by leveraging their cloud and edge platforms.
Although greater vendor diversity is beginning to be reflected in infrastructure sales, larger players are continuing to invest in strategic acquisitions as highlighted by HPE's (Hewlett Packard Enterprise) recent acquisition of Italian mobile core technology provider Athonet.
The service provider segment is not immune to consolidation either. For example, in Australia, mobile operator Telstra ? through its Telstra Purple division ? has acquired industrial private wireless specialist Aqura Technologies. More recently, specialist fiber and network solutions provider Vocus has acquired Challenge Networks ? another Australian pioneer in private LTE and 5G networks.
Summary of Private LTE/5G Engagements
Some of the existing and planned private LTE and 5G engagements are summarized below:
Agriculture: Private cellular network installations in the agriculture industry range from custom-built 250 MHz LTE networks that provide wide area cellular coverage for agribusiness machinery, vehicles, sensors and field workers in Brazil to Japan's standalone local 5G networks supporting 4K UHD (Ultra-High Definition) video transmission, mobile robotics, remote-controlled tractors and other advanced smart agriculture-related application capabilities.
Aviation: Private LTE and 5G networks have been deployed or are being trialed to support internal operations at some of the busiest international and domestic airports, including Hong Kong, Shanghai Pudong and Hongqiao, Tokyo Narita, London Heathrow, Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Orly and Le Bourget, Frankfurt, Cologne Bonn, Brussels, Amsterdam Schiphol, Vienna, Athens, Oslo, Helsinki, Bahrain, Chicago O'Hare, DFW (Dallas Fort Worth), Dallas Love Field and MSP (Minneapolis-St. Paul). Lufthansa Technik and JAL (Japan Airlines), among others, are leveraging private 5G connectivity for aircraft maintenance operations. In addition, national and cross-border A2G (Air-to-Ground) networks for inflight broadband and critical airborne communications are also beginning to gain significant traction.
Broadcasting: Within the broadcasting industry, FOX Sports, BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), BT Group, RTE (Raidio Teilifis Eireann), Media Broadcast, WDR (Westdeutscher Rundfunk Koln), RTVE (Radiotelevision Espanola), SVT (Sveriges Television), NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation), TV 2, TVBS, CMG (China Media Group) and several other media and broadcast players are utilizing private 5G networks ? both temporary and fixed installations ? to support live production and other use cases.
Construction: Mortenson, Ferrovial, BAM Nuttall (Royal BAM Group), Fira (Finland), Kumagai Gumi, Obayashi Corporation, Shimizu Corporation, Taisei Corporation, Takenaka Corporation, CSCEC (China State Construction Engineering Corporation), Hoban Construction, Hip Hing Engineering, Gammon Construction and Hyundai E&C (Engineering & Construction) are notable examples of companies that have employed the use of private LTE and 5G networks to enhance productivity and worker safety at construction sites.
Education: Higher education institutes are at the forefront of hosting on-premise 5G networks in campus environments. Tokyo Metropolitan University, McMaster University, Texas A&M University, Purdue University, Cal Poly (California Polytechnic State University), Northeastern University, UWM (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), RWTH Aachen University, TU Kaiserslautern (Technical University of Kaiserslautern) and CTU (Czech Technical University in Prague) are among the many universities that have deployed private 5G networks for experimental research or smart campus-related applications. Another prevalent theme in the education sector is the growing number of purpose-built LTE networks aimed at eliminating the digital divide for remote learning ? particularly CBRS networks for school districts in the United States.
Forestry: There is considerable interest in private cellular networks to fulfill the communications needs of the forestry industry for both industrial and environmental purposes. For example, Swedish forestry company SCA (Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget) is deploying local 5G networks to facilitate digitization and automation at its timber terminals and paper mills, while Tolko Industries and Resolute Forest Products are utilizing portable LTE systems to support their remote forestry operations in remote locations in Quebec and British Columbia, Canada, where cellular coverage has previously been scarce or non-existent.
Healthcare: Dedicated 5G campus networks have been installed or are being implemented to support smart healthcare applications in many hospitals, including Nagasaki University Hospital, West China Second University Hospital (Sichuan University), SMC (Samsung Medical Center), Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital, Bethlem Royal Hospital, Frankfurt University Hospital, Helios Park Hospital Leipzig, UKD (University Hospital of Dusseldorf), UKSH (University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein), UKB (University Hospital Bonn), Cleveland Clinic's Mentor Hospital and Hospital das Clinicas (Sao Paulo). In addition, on-premise LTE networks are also operational at many hospitals and medical complexes across the globe.
Manufacturing: AGC, Airbus, Arcelik, ASN (Alcatel Submarine Networks), Atlas Copco, BASF, BMW, BorgWarner, British Sugar, Calpak, China Baowu Steel Group, COMAC (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China), Del Conca, Delta Electronics, Dow, Ford, Foxconn, GM (General Motors), Gerdau, Glanbia, Haier, Holmen Iggesund, Inventec, John Deere, Logan Aluminum, Magna Steyr, Mercedes-Benz, Midea, Miele, Navantia, Renault, Ricoh, Saab, SANY Heavy Industry, Schneider Electric, SIBUR, Whirlpool, X Shore and Yara International and dozens of additional manufacturers ? including LTE/5G equipment suppliers themselves ? have already integrated private cellular connectivity into their production operations at their factories. Many others ? including ArcelorMittal, Bayer, Bosch, Hyundai, KAI (Korea Aerospace Industries), Nestle, Nissan, SEAT, Siemens, Stellantis, Toyota, Volkswagen and WEG ? are treading cautiously in their planned transition from initial pilot installations to live 5G networks for Industry 4.0 applications.
Military: Led by the U.S. DOD's (Department of Defense) "5G-to-Next G" initiative, several programs are underway to accelerate the adoption of private 5G networks at military bases and training facilities, defense-specific network slices and portable cellular systems for tactical communications. The U.S. military, Canadian Army, Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces), Italian Army, Norwegian Armed Forces, Finnish Defense Forces, Latvian Ministry of Defense, Qatar Armed Forces, ADF (Australian Defence Force), ROK (Republic of Korea) Armed Forces and Brazilian Army are among the many adopters of private cellular networks in the military sector.
Mining: Mining companies are increasingly deploying 3GPP-based private wireless networks at their surface and underground mining operations to support mine-wide communications between workers, real-time video monitoring, teleoperation of mining equipment, fleet management, self-driving trucks and other applications. Some noteworthy examples include Agnico Eagle, Albemarle, Anglo American, AngloGold Ashanti, Antofagasta Minerals, BHP, Boliden, Codelco, China Shenhua Energy, China National Coal, Eldorado Gold, Exxaro, Fortescue Metals, Freeport-McMoRan, Glencore, Gold Fields, Jiangxi Copper, Metalloinvest, Newcrest Mining, Newmont, Northern Star Resources, Nornickel (Norilsk Nickel), Nutrien, Polyus, Polymetal International, Rio Tinto, Roy Hill, Severstal, Shaanxi Coal, South32, Southern Copper (Grupo Mexico), Teck Resources, Vale, Yankuang Energy and Zijin Mining.
Oil & Gas: Arrow Energy, BP, Centrica, Chevron, CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Corporation), ConocoPhillips, Equinor, ExxonMobil, Gazprom Neft, Neste, PCK Raffinerie, Petrobras, PetroChina/CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation), Phillips 66, PKN ORLEN, Repsol, Santos, Schlumberger, Shell, Sinopec (China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation), TotalEnergies and many others in the oil and gas industry are utilizing private cellular networks. Some companies are pursuing a multi-faceted approach to address their diverse connectivity requirements. For instance, Aramco (Saudi Arabian Oil Company) is adopting a 450 MHz LTE network for critical communications, LEO satellite-based NB-IoT coverage to enable connectivity for remote IoT assets, and private 5G networks for advanced Industry 4.0-related applications.
Ports & Maritime Transport: Many port and terminal operators are investing in private LTE and 5G networks to provide high-speed and low-latency wireless connectivity for applications such as AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles), remote-controlled cranes, smart cargo handling and predictive maintenance. Prominent examples include but are not limited to APM Terminals (Maersk), CMPort (China Merchants Port Holdings), COSCO Shipping Ports, Hutchison Ports, PSA International, SSA Marine (Carrix) and Steveco. In the maritime transport segment, onboard private cellular networks ? supported by satellite backhaul links ? are widely being utilized to provide voice, data, messaging and IoT connectivity services for both passenger and cargo vessels while at sea.
Public Safety: A myriad of fully dedicated, hybrid government-commercial and secure MVNO/MOCN (Multi-Operator Core Network)-based public safety LTE networks are operational or in the process of being rolled out throughout the globe, ranging from national mission-critical broadband platforms such as FirstNet, South Korea’s Safe-Net, France's RRF (Radio Network of the Future), Spain's SIRDEE and Finland's VIRVE 2.0 to the Royal Thai Police's 800 MHz LTE network and Halton-Peel region PSBN (Public Safety Broadband Network) in Canada's Ontario province. 5G NR-equipped PPDR (Public Protection & Disaster Relief) broadband systems are also starting to be adopted by first responder agencies. For example, Taiwan's Hsinchu City Fire Department is using an emergency response vehicle ? which features a satellite-backhauled private 5G network based on Open RAN standards ? to establish high-bandwidth, low-latency emergency communications in disaster zones.
Railways: Although the GSM-R to FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System) transition is not expected until the late 2020s, a number of LTE and 5G-based networks for railway communications are being deployed, including Adif AV's private 5G network for logistics terminals, SGP's (Societe du Grand Paris) private LTE network for the Grand Paris Express metro system, PTA's (Public Transport Authority of Western Australia) radio systems replacement project, NCRTC's (National Capital Regional Transport Corporation) private LTE network for the Delhi-Meerut RRTS (Regional Rapid Transit System) corridor, KRNA's (Korea Rail Network Authority) LTE-R network and China State Railway Group's 5G-R program. DB (Deutsche Bahn), SNCF (French National Railways), Network Rail and others are also progressing their 5G-based rail connectivity projects prior to operational deployment.
Utilities: Private cellular networks in the utilities industry range from wide area 3GPP networks ? operating in 410 MHz, 450 MHz, 900 MHz and other sub-1 GHz spectrum bands ? for smart grid communications to purpose-built LTE and 5G networks aimed at providing localized wireless connectivity in critical infrastructure facilities such as power plants, substations and offshore wind farms. Some examples of end user adopters include Ameren, CNNC (China National Nuclear Corporation), CPFL Energia, CSG (China Southern Power Grid), E.ON, Edesur Dominicana, EDF, Enel, ESB Networks, Bahrain EWA (Electricity and Water Authority), Evergy, Fortum, Hokkaido Electric Power, Iberdrola, Kansai Electric Power, KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation), LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority), Osaka Gas, PGE (Polish Energy Group), SDG&E (San Diego Gas & Electric), SGCC (State Grid Corporation of China), Southern Company, Tampa Electric (Emera) and Xcel Energy.
Other Sectors: Private LTE and 5G networks have also been deployed in other vertical sectors, extending from sports, arts and culture to retail, hospitality and public services. From a horizontal perspective, enterprise RAN systems for indoor coverage enhancement are relatively common and end-to-end private networks are also starting to be implemented in office buildings and campuses. BlackRock, Imagin'Office (Icade), Mitsui Fudosan, NAVER, Rudin Management Company and WISTA Management are among the companies that have deployed on-premise private 5G networks in office environments.
Topics Covered
The report covers the following topics:
Introduction to private LTE and 5G networks
Value chain and ecosystem structure
Market drivers and challenges
System architecture and key elements of private LTE and 5G networks
Operational and business models, network size, geographic reach and other practical aspects of private LTE and 5G networks
Critical communications broadband evolution, Industry 4.0, enterprise transformation and other themes shaping the adoption of private LTE and 5G networks
Enabling technologies and concepts, including 3GPP-defined MCX, URLLC, TSC, NR-U, SNPN and PNI-NPN, cellular IoT, high-precision positioning, network slicing, edge computing and network automation capabilities
Key trends such as the emergence of new classes of specialized network operators, shared and local area spectrum licensing, private NaaS (Network-as-a-Service) offerings, IT/OT convergence, Open RAN, vRAN (Virtualized RAN) and rapidly deployable LTE/5G systems
Analysis of vertical industries and application scenarios, extending from mission-critical group communications and real-time video transmission to reconfigurable wireless production lines, collaborative mobile robots, AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) and untethered AR/VR/MR (Augmented, Virtual & Mixed Reality)
Future roadmap of private LTE and 5G networks
Review of private LTE and 5G network installations worldwide, including 100 case studies spanning 15 verticals
Database tracking more than 6,000 private LTE and 5G engagements in over 120 countries across the globe
Spectrum availability, allocation and usage across the global, regional and national domains
Standardization, regulatory and collaborative initiatives
Profiles and strategies of more than 1,800 ecosystem players
Strategic recommendations for LTE/5G equipment and chipset suppliers, system integrators, private network specialists, mobile operators and end user organizations
Market analysis and forecasts from 2023 till 2030
Forecast Segmentation
Market forecasts are provided for each of the following submarkets and their subcategories:
Infrastructure Submarkets
RAN (LTE & 5G NR Radio Access Network)
Base Station RUs (Radio Units)
DUs/CUs (Distributed & Centralized Baseband Units)
Mobile Core (EPC & 5GC)
User Plane Functions
Control Plane Functions
Transport Network (Fronthaul, Midhaul & Backhaul)
Fiber & Wireline
Satellite Communications
Technology Generations
Cell Sizes
Small Cells
Spectrum Licensing Models
Mobile Operator-Owned Spectrum
Wide Area Licensed Spectrum
Shared & Local Area Licensed Spectrum
Unlicensed Spectrum
Frequency Ranges
Low-Band (Sub-1 GHz)
Mid-Band (1-6 GHz)
High-Band mmWave (Millimeter Wave)
End User Markets
Vertical Industries
Oil & Gas
Ports & Maritime Transport
Public Safety
Offices, Buildings & Corporate Campuses
Regional Markets
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
Latin & Central America
Key Questions Answered
The report provides answers to the following key questions:
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Executive Summary
1.2 Topics Covered
1.3 Forecast Segmentation
1.4 Key Questions Answered
1.5 Key Findings
1.6 Summary of Private LTE/5G Engagements
1.7 Methodology
1.8 Target Audience
1.9 Companies & Organizations Mentioned
2 Chapter 2: An Overview of Private LTE & 5G Networks
2.1 An Introduction to the 3GPP-Defined LTE & 5G Standards
2.1.1 LTE: The First Global Standard for Cellular Communications
2.1.2 LTE-Advanced: Delivering the Promise of True 4G Performance
2.1.3 LTE-Advanced Pro: Laying the Foundation for the 5G Era
2.1.4 5G: Accelerating 3GPP Expansion in Vertical Industries 5G Service Profiles eMBB (Enhanced Mobile Broadband) URLLC (Ultra-Reliable, Low-Latency Communications) mMTC/mIoT (Massive Machine-Type Communications/Internet of Things)
2.1.5 5G-Advanced & the Evolution to 6G
2.2 Why Adopt LTE & 5G-Based Private Wireless Networks?
2.2.1 Performance, Mobility, Reliability & Security Characteristics
2.2.2 Ability to Address Both Wide Area & Localized Coverage Needs
2.2.3 Variety of Frequency Bands, Bandwidth Flexibility & Spectral Efficiency
2.2.4 Interworking With Public Mobile Networks & Non-3GPP Technologies
2.2.5 3GPP Support for Industrial-Grade & Mission-Critical Applications
2.2.6 Future-Proof Transition Path Towards 6G Networks
2.2.7 Thriving Ecosystem of Chipsets, Devices & Network Equipment
2.2.8 Economic Viability of Deployment & Operational Costs
2.3 Key Themes Influencing the Adoption of Private LTE & 5G Networks
2.3.1 Critical Communications Broadband Evolution
2.3.2 Industry 4.0-Driven Wireless Connectivity Requirements
2.3.3 Localized Cellular Coverage for Enterprise Transformation Initiatives
2.3.4 Neutral Hosting, Smart Cities, Community Broadband & Other Themes
2.4 Practical Aspects of Private LTE & 5G Networks
2.4.1 LTE & 5G Technology Deployment Modes LTE NSA (Non-Standalone) 5G SA (Standalone) 5G
2.4.2 Spectrum Options National Spectrum for Specific Applications Defense & PPDR (Public Protection & Disaster Relief) Utilities & Critical Infrastructure Industries Aviation, Maritime & Railway Communications Other Segments Local Area Licensed Spectrum Local Area Licenses for Enterprises & Vertical Users Local Leasing of Public Mobile Operator Frequencies ASA (Authorized Shared Access) & Light Licensing Unlicensed Spectrum Designated License-Exempt Bands Opportunistic Unlicensed Access
2.4.3 Network Size & Geographic Reach Wide Area Private Cellular Networks Medium-Scale Local Area Networks On-Premise Campus Networks
2.4.4 Operational Scenarios Isolated NPNs (Non-Public Networks) Public Mobile Operator-Integrated NPNs Dedicated Mobile Operator RAN Coverage Shared RAN With On-Premise Core Shared RAN & Control Plane NPNs Hosted By Public Networks Virtual Sliced Private Networks Hybrid Public-Private Networks Shared Core Private Networks Secure MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) Arrangements Other Approaches
2.4.5 Business Models Fully Independent Private Networks Service Provider-Managed Private Networks Hybrid Ownership, Management & Control Private NaaS (Network-as-a-Service) Other Business Models
2.5 The Value Chain of Private LTE & 5G Networks
2.5.1 Semiconductor & Enabling Technology Specialists
2.5.2 Terminal OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers)
2.5.3 RAN, Core & Transport Infrastructure Suppliers
2.5.4 Service Providers Critical Communications, Industrial, OT & IT System Integrators Pure-Play Private 4G/5G Network Operators National Mobile Operators MVNOs Neutral Hosts Towercos (Tower Companies) Cloud & Edge Platform Providers Fixed-Line Service Providers Fiber Network Operators Satellite Communications Service Providers
2.5.5 End User Organizations
2.5.6 Other Ecosystem Players
2.6 Market Drivers
2.6.1 Growing Demand for High-Bandwidth & Low-Latency Wireless Applications
2.6.2 Endorsement From the Critical Communications & Industry 4.0 Sectors
2.6.3 Limited Public Cellular Coverage in Indoor, Industrial & Remote Environments
2.6.4 Availability of Suitable Spectrum Options for Private Use
2.6.5 Guaranteed Connectivity & QoS (Quality-of-Service) Control
2.6.6 Greater Levels of Network Security & Data Privacy
2.6.7 Operators' & Vendors' Desire for New Revenue Sources
2.6.8 Government-Funded 5G Innovation Initiatives
2.7 Market Barriers
2.7.1 Cost & ROI (Return-On-Investment) Justification
2.7.2 Technical Complexities of Network Deployment & Operation
2.7.3 Integration With Existing Infrastructure & Applications
2.7.4 Limited Scale Effects Due to Lack of Spectrum Harmonization
2.7.5 Competition From Non-3GPP Technologies & Solutions
2.7.6 LTE/5G Terminal Equipment-Related Challenges
2.7.7 Skills Gap & Shortage of Proficient Engineers
2.7.8 Conservatism & Slow Pace of Change
3 Chapter 3: Private LTE/5G System Architecture & Technologies
3.1 Architectural Components of Private LTE/5G Networks
3.2 UE (User Equipment)
3.2.1 Smartphones & Handportable Devices
3.2.2 Industrial-Grade Routers & Gateways
3.2.3 Mobile Hotspots & Vehicular Terminals
3.2.4 Fixed Wireless CPEs (Customer Premises Equipment)
3.2.5 Tablets & Notebook PCs
3.2.6 Smart Wearables
3.2.7 Cellular IoT Modules
3.2.8 Add-On Dongles
3.3 RAN (Radio Access Network)
3.3.1 E-UTRAN ? LTE RAN eNBs ? LTE Base Stations
3.3.2 NG-RAN ? 5G NR Access Network gNBs ? 5G NR Base Stations en-gNBs ? Secondary Node 5G NR Base Stations ng-eNBs ? Next-Generation LTE Base Stations
3.3.3 Architectural Components of eNB/gNB Base Stations RUs (Radio Units) Integrated Radio & Baseband Units DUs (Distributed Baseband Units) CUs (Centralized Baseband Units)
3.4 Mobile Core
3.4.1 EPC (Evolved Packet Core): LTE Mobile Core SGW (Serving Gateway) PGW (Packet Data Network Gateway) MME (Mobility Management Entity) HSS (Home Subscriber Server) PCRF (Policy Charging & Rules Function)
3.4.2 5GC (5G Core): Core Network for Standalone 5G Implementations Access, Mobility & Session Management AMF (Access & Mobility Management Function) SMF (Session Management Function) UPF (User Plane Function) Subscription & Data Management AUSF (Authentication Server Function) AAnF (AKMA Anchor Function) UDM (Unified Data Management) UDR (Unified Data Repository) UDSF (Unstructured Data Storage Function) UCMF (UE Radio Capability Management Function) 5G-EIR (5G Equipment Identity Register) Policy & Charging PCF (Policy Control Function) CHF (Charging Function) Signaling & Routing SCP (Service Communication Proxy) SEPP (Security Edge Protection Proxy) BSF (Binding Support Function) Network Resource Management NEF (Network Exposure Function) NRF (Network Repository Function) NSSF (Network Slice Selection Function) NSSAAF (Network Slice-Specific & SNPN Authentication-Authorization Function) NSACF (Network Slice Admission Control Function) Data Analytics & Automation NWDAF (Network Data Analytics Function) AnLF (Analytics Logical Function) MTLF (Model Training Logical Function) DCCF (Data Collection Coordination Function) ADRF (Analytics Data Repository Function) MFAF (Messaging Framework Adaptor Function) Location Services LMF (Location Management Function) GMLC (Gateway Mobile Location Center) Application Enablement AFs (Application Functions) SMSF (Short Message Service Function) CBCF (Cell Broadcast Center Function) 5G DDNMF (5G Direct Discovery Name Management Function) TSCTSF (Time-Sensitive Communication & Time Synchronization Function) TSN AF (Time-Sensitive Networking Application Function) EASDF (Edge Application Server Discovery Function) Multicast-Broadcast Support MB-SMF (Multicast-Broadcast SMF) MB-UPF (Multicast-Broadcast UPF) MBSF (Multicast-Broadcast Service Function) MBSTF (Multicast-Broadcast Service Transport Function)
3.5 Transport Network
3.5.1 Fronthaul: RU-to-DU Transport
3.5.2 Midhaul: DU-to-CU Transport
3.5.3 Backhaul: RAN-to-Core Transport
3.5.4 Physical Transmission Mediums Fiber & Wireline Transport Technologies Owned, Lit & Dark Fiber Ethernet & IP-Based Transport WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) PON (Passive Optical Network) OTN (Optical Transport Network) DOCSIS, G.fast & Other Technologies Microwave & mmWave (Millimeter Wave) Wireless Links Traditional Bands (6 ? 42 GHz) V-Band (60 GHz) E-Band (70/80 GHz) W-Band (92 ? 114.25 GHz) D-Band (130 ? 174.8 GHz) Satellite Communications GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit) MEO (Medium Earth Orbit) LEO (Low Earth Orbit)
3.6 Services & Interconnectivity
3.6.1 End User Application Services Generic Broadband, Messaging & IoT Services IMS Core: VoLTE-VoNR (Voice-Over-LTE/5G NR) & MMTel (Multimedia Telephony) MBMS, eMBMS, FeMBMS & 5G MBS/5MBS (5G Multicast-Broadcast Services) Group Communications & MCS (Mission-Critical Services) IIoT (Industrial IoT), Cyber-Physical Control & Domain-Specific Connected Services ProSe (Proximity-Based Services) for Direct D2D (Device-to-Device) Discovery & Communications Vehicular, Aviation, Maritime & Railway-Related Applications 3GPP Service Frameworks for Vertical Industries CAPIF (Common API Framework) SEAL (Service Enabler Architecture Layer for Verticals) EDGEAPP (Architecture for Enabling Edge Applications) VAL (Vertical Application Layer) Enablers V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) UAS (Uncrewed Aerial Systems) 5GMARCH/MSGin5G (Messaging in 5G) FF (Factories of the Future) PINAPP (Personal IoT Networks), XR (Extended Reality) & Others
3.6.2 Interconnectivity With 3GPP & Non-3GPP Networks 3GPP Roaming & Service Continuity National & International Roaming Service Continuity Outside Network Footprint Non-3GPP Network Integration ePDG (Evolved Packet Data Gateway) TWAG/TWAP (Trusted WLAN Access Gateway/Proxy) ANDSF (Access Network Discovery & Selection Function) N3IWF (Non-3GPP Interworking Function) TNGF (Trusted Non-3GPP Gateway Function) TWIF (Trusted WLAN Interworking Function) NSWOF (Non-Seamless WLAN Offload Function) W-AGF (Wireline Access Gateway Function) IWF (Interworking Function) for LMR (Land Mobile Radio) ATSSS (Access Traffic Steering, Switching & Splitting)
3.7 Key Enabling Technologies & Concepts
3.7.1 3GPP Support for NPNs (Non-Public Networks) Types of NPNs SNPNs (Standalone NPNs) PNI-NPNs (Public Network-Integrated NPNs) SNPN Identification & Selection PNI-NPN Resource Allocation & Isolation CAG (Closed Access Group) for Cell Access Control Mobility, Roaming & Service Continuity Interworking Between SNPNs & Public Networks UE Configuration & Subscription-Related Aspects Other 3GPP-Defined Capabilities for NPNs
3.7.2 Critical Communications MCX (Mission-Critical PTT, Video & Data) QPP (QoS, Priority & Preemption) IOPS (Isolated Operation for Public Safety) Cell Site & Infrastructure Hardening HPUE (High-Power User Equipment) Other UE-Related Functional Enhancements
3.7.3 Industry 4.0 & Cellular IoT URLLC Techniques: High-Reliability & Low-Latency Enablers 5G LAN (Local Area Network)-Type Service Integration With IEEE 802.1 TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking) Systems Native 3GPP Support for TSC (Time-Sensitive Communications) 5G NR Light: RedCap (Reduced Capability) UE Type eMTC, NB-IoT & mMTC: Wide Area & High-Density IoT Applications
3.7.4 High-Precision Positioning Assisted-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) RAN-Based Positioning Techniques RAN-Independent Methods
3.7.5 Edge Computing Optimizing Latency, Service Performance & Backhaul Costs 3GPP-Defined Features for Edge Computing Support Public vs. Private Edge Computing
3.7.6 Network Slicing Logical Partitioning of Network Resources 3GPP Functions, Identifiers & Procedures for Slicing RAN Slicing Mobile Core Slicing Transport Network Slicing UE-Based Network Slicing Features Management & Orchestration Aspects
3.7.7 Network Sharing Service-Specific PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network) IDs DNN (Data Network Name)/APN (Access Point Name)-Based Isolation GWCN (Gateway Core Network): Core Network Sharing MOCN (Multi-Operator Core Network): RAN & Spectrum Sharing MORAN (Multi-Operator RAN): RAN Sharing Without Spectrum Pooling DECOR (Dedicated Core) & eDECOR (Enhanced DECOR) Roaming in Non-Overlapping Service Areas Passive Sharing of Infrastructure Resources
3.7.8 E2E (End-to-End) Security UE Authentication Framework Subscriber Privacy Air Interface Confidentiality & Integrity Resilience Against Radio Jamming RAN, Core & Transport Network Security Security Aspects of Network Slicing Application Domain Protection Other Security Considerations
3.7.9 Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service): Three-Tiered Sharing LSA (Licensed Shared Access): Two-Tiered Sharing Local Area Licensing of Shared Spectrum LTE-U, LAA (Licensed Assisted Access), eLAA (Enhanced LAA) & FeLAA (Further Enhanced LAA) MulteFire: Standalone LTE Operation in Unlicensed Spectrum License-Exempt 1.9 GHz sXGP (Shared Extended Global Platform) 5G NR-U (NR in Unlicensed Spectrum)
3.7.10 Rapidly Deployable LTE & 5G Network Systems NIB (Network-in-a-Box) Systems Vehicular COWs (Cells-on-Wheels) Aerial Cell Sites Maritime Cellular Platforms
3.7.11 Direct Communications & Coverage Expansion Sidelink for Direct Mode D2D Communications UE-to-Network & UE-to-UE Relays Indoor & Outdoor Small Cells DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems) IAB (Integrated Access & Backhaul) Mobile IAB: VMRs (Vehicle-Mounted Relays) NCRs (Network-Controlled Repeaters) NTNs (Non-Terrestrial Networks) ATG/A2G (Air-to-Ground) Connectivity
3.7.12 Cloud-Native, Software-Driven & Open Networking Cloud-Native Technologies Microservices & SBA (Service-Based Architecture) Containerization of Network Functions NFV (Network Functions Virtualization) SDN (Software-Defined Networking) Cloud Compute, Storage & Networking Infrastructure APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) Open RAN & Core Architectures
3.7.13 Network Intelligence & Automation AI (Artificial Intelligence) Machine & Deep Learning Big Data & Advanced Analytics SON (Self-Organizing Networks) Intelligent Control, Management & Orchestration Support for Network Intelligence & Automation in 3GPP Standards
4 Chapter 4: Key Vertical Industries & Applications
4.1 Cross-Sector & Enterprise Application Capabilities
4.1.1 Mobile Broadband
4.1.2 FWA (Fixed Wireless Access)
4.1.3 Voice & Messaging Services
4.1.4 High-Definition Video Transmission
4.1.5 Telepresence & Video Conferencing
4.1.6 Multimedia Broadcasting & Multicasting
4.1.7 IoT (Internet of Things) Networking
4.1.8 Wireless Connectivity for Wearables
4.1.9 Untethered AR/VR/MR (Augmented, Virtual & Mixed Reality)
4.1.10 Real-Time Holographic Projections
4.1.11 Tactile Internet & Haptic Feedback
4.1.12 Precise Positioning & Tracking
4.1.13 Industrial Automation
4.1.14 Remote Control of Machines
4.1.15 Connected Mobile Robotics
4.1.16 Unmanned & Autonomous Vehicles
4.1.17 BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight) Operation of Drones
4.1.18 Data-Driven Analytics & Insights
4.1.19 Sensor-Equipped Digital Twins
4.1.20 Predictive Maintenance of Assets
4.2 Vertical Industries & Specific Application Scenarios
4.2.1 Agriculture Intelligent Monitoring of Crop, Soil & Weather Conditions IoT & Advanced Analytics-Driven Yield Optimization Sensor-Based Smart Irrigation Control Systems Real-Time Tracking & Geofencing in Farms Livestock & Aquaculture Health Management Video-Based Remote Veterinary Inspections Unmanned Autonomous Tractors & Farm Vehicles Robots for Planting, Weeding & Harvesting 5G-Equipped Agricultural Drones Connected Greenhouses & Vertical Farms
4.2.2 Aviation Inflight Connectivity for Passengers & Cabin Crew Connected Airports for Enhanced Traveler & Visitor Experience Coordination of Ground Support Equipment, Vehicles & Personnel ATM (Air Traffic Management) for Drones & Urban Air Mobility Vehicles Wireless Upload of EFB (Electronic Flight Bag) & IFE (In-Flight Entertainment) Updates Aircraft Data Offload for Operational & Maintenance Purposes Video Surveillance of Airport Surface & Terminal Areas 5G-Enabled Remote Inspection & Repair of Aircraft Navigation, Weather & Other IoT Sensors Smart Baggage Handling Asset Awareness & Tracking Passenger Flow & Resource Management Automation of Check-In & Boarding Procedures Intelligent Airport Service Robots
4.2.3 Broadcasting 3GPP-Based PMSE (Program Making & Special Events) Live AV (Audio-Visual) Media Production Using NPNs Private 5G-Enabled Production in Remote Locations Network Slicing for Contribution Feeds Wire-Free Cameras & Microphones Multicast & Broadcast Content Distribution
4.2.4 Construction Wireless Connectivity for Construction Sites & Field Offices Instantaneous Access to Business-Critical Applications 5G-Based Remote Control of Heavy Machinery Autonomous Mobile Robots for Construction IoT Sensor-Driven Maintenance of Equipment Video Surveillance & Analytics for Site Security Real-Time Visibility of Personnel, Assets & Materials Aerial Surveying & Monitoring of Construction Sites
4.2.5 Education Remote & Distance Learning Services Mobile Access to Academic Resources 5G-Connected Smart Classrooms Automation of Administrative Tasks Personalized & Engaging Learning AR/VR-Based Immersive Lessons 5G-Enabled Virtual Field Trips Educational Telepresence Robots
4.2.6 Forestry Wireless Connectivity for Forestry Operations & Recreation 5G-Facilitated Teleoperation of Forestry Equipment Autonomous Harvesting & Milling Machinery Real-Time Tracking of Equipment, Vehicles & Personnel Cellular IoT Sensors for Biological & Environmental Monitoring Wireless Cameras for Wildlife Observation, Conservation & Security Early Wildfire Detection & Containment Systems Drones for Search & Rescue Operations
4.2.7 Healthcare 5G-Connected Smart Hospitals & Healthcare Facilities Wireless Transmission of Medical Imagery & Rich Datasets Real-Time Monitoring of Patients in Acute & Intensive Care Telehealth Video Consultations for Visual Assessment Connectivity for AI-Based Healthcare Applications AR Systems for Complex Medical Procedures Remote-Controlled Surgery & Examination Assisted Living & Rehabilitation Robotics Immersive VR-Based Medical & Surgical Training Connected Ambulances for EMS (Emergency Medical Services)
4.2.8 Manufacturing Untethered Connectivity for Production & Process Automation Wireless Motion Control & C2C (Control-to-Control) Communications Cellular-Equipped Mobile Control Panels Mobile Robots & AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) Autonomous Forklifts & Warehouse Robotics AR-Facilitated Factory Floor Operations Machine Vision-Based Quality Inspection Closed-Loop Process Control Process & Environmental Monitoring Precise Indoor Positioning for Asset Management Remote Access & Maintenance of Equipment
4.2.9 Military 5G-Based Tactical Battlefield Communications Smart Military Bases & Command Posts ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance) Command & Control of Weapon Systems Remote Operation of Robotics & Unmanned Assets AR HUD (Heads-Up Display) Systems Wireless VR/MR-Based Military Training Perimeter Security & Force Protection
4.2.10 Mining Safety-Critical Communications in Remote Mining Environments Wireless Control of Drilling, Excavation & Related Equipment Automated Loading, Haulage & Train Operations Video-Based Monitoring of Personnel & Assets Underground Positioning & Geofencing Smart Ventilation & Water Management Real-Time Operational Intelligence AR & VR for Mining Operations
4.2.11 Oil & Gas Wireless Connectivity for Remote Exploration & Production Sites Critical Voice & Data-Based Mobile Workforce Communications Push-to-Video & Telepresence Conferencing for Field Operations Cellular-Equipped Surveillance Cameras for Situational Awareness IoT Sensor-Enabled Remote Monitoring & Automation of Processes SCADA (Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition) Communications Location Services for Worker Safety & Asset Tracking AR Smart Helmets for Hands-Free Remote Assistance Predictive Maintenance of Oil & Gas Facilities Mobile Robots for Safety Hazard Inspections
4.2.12 Ports & Maritime Transport Critical Communications for Port Workers Automation of Port & Terminal Operations 5G-Connected AGVs for Container Transport Remote-Controlled Cranes & Terminal Tractors Video Analytics for Operational Purposes Environmental & Condition Monitoring Port Traffic Management & Control AR & VR Applications for Port Digitization Unmanned Aerial Inspections of Port Facilities Private Cellular-Enabled Maritime Communications Wireless Ship-to-Shore Connectivity in Nearshore Waters 5G-Facilitated Remote Steering of Unmanned Vessels
4.2.13 Public Safety Mission-Critical PTT Voice Communications Real-Time Video & High-Resolution Imagery Messaging, File Transfer & Presence Services Secure & Seamless Mobile Broadband Access Location-Based Services & Enhanced Mapping Multimedia CAD (Computer-Aided Dispatch) Massive-Scale Video Surveillance & Analytics Smart Glasses & AR Headgear for First Responders 5G-Equipped Police, Firefighting & Rescue Robots 5G MBS/5MBS in High-Density Environments Sidelink-Based Direct Mode Communications
4.2.14 Railways FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System) Train-to-Ground & Train-to-Train Connectivity Wireless Intra-Train Communications Rail Operations-Critical Voice, Data & Video Services ATO (Automatic Train Operation) & Traffic Management Video Surveillance for Operational Safety & Security Smart Maintenance of Railway Infrastructure Intelligent Management of Logistics Facilities Onboard Broadband Internet Access PIS (Passenger Information Systems) Smart Rail & Metro Station Services
4.2.15 Utilities Multi-Service FANs (Field Area Networks) Critical Applications for Field Workforce Communications AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) DA (Distribution Automation) Systems Microgrid & DER (Distributed Energy Resource) Integration 5G-Enabled VPPs (Virtual Power Plants) Low-Latency SCADA Applications for Utilities Teleprotection of Transmission & Distribution Grids Video Monitoring for Critical Infrastructure Protection Sensor-Based Detection of Water & Gas Leaks AR Information Overlays for Repairs & Maintenance Drone & Robot-Assisted Inspections of Utility Assets Local Wireless Connectivity for Remote & Offshore Facilities
4.2.16 Other Verticals
5 Chapter 5: Spectrum Availability, Allocation & Usage
5.1 National & Local Area Licensed Spectrum
5.1.1 Low-Band (Sub-1 GHz) 200 ? 400 MHz 410 & 450 MHz 600 MHz 700 MHz 800 MHz 900 MHz
5.1.2 Mid-Band (1 ? 6 GHz) 1.4 GHz 1.6 GHz 1.8 GHz 1.9 GHz 2.1 GHz 2.3 GHz 2.4 GHz 2.5 GHz 2.6 GHz 3.3 ? 3.8 GHz 3.8 ? 4.2 GHz 4.6 ? 4.9 GHz Other Bands
5.1.3 High-Band mmWave (Millimeter Wave) 26 GHz 28 GHz 37 GHz Other Bands
5.2 License-Exempt (Unlicensed) Spectrum
5.2.1 Sub-1 GHz Bands (470 ? 790/800/900 MHz)
5.2.2 1.8 GHz DECT Guard Band
5.2.3 1.9 GHz sXGP Band
5.2.4 2.4 GHz (2,400 ? 2,483.5 MHz)
5.2.5 3.5 GHz CBRS GAA Tier (3,550 ? 3,700 MHz)
5.2.6 5 GHz (5,150 ? 5,925 MHz)
5.2.7 6 GHz (5,925 ? 7,125 MHz)
5.2.8 60 GHz (57 ? 71 GHz)
5.2.9 Other Bands
5.3 North America
5.3.1 United States
5.3.2 Canada
5.4 Asia Pacific
5.4.1 Australia
5.4.2 New Zealand
5.4.3 China
5.4.4 Hong Kong
5.4.5 Taiwan
5.4.6 Japan
5.4.7 South Korea
5.4.8 Singapore
5.4.9 Malaysia
5.4.10 Indonesia
5.4.11 Philippines
5.4.12 Thailand
5.4.13 Vietnam
5.4.14 Laos
5.4.15 Myanmar
5.4.16 India
5.4.17 Pakistan
5.4.18 Rest of Asia Pacific
5.5 Europe
5.5.1 United Kingdom Great Britain Northern Ireland
5.5.2 Republic of Ireland
5.5.3 France
5.5.4 Germany
5.5.5 Belgium
5.5.6 Netherlands
5.5.7 Switzerland
5.5.8 Austria
5.5.9 Italy
5.5.10 Spain
5.5.11 Portugal
5.5.12 Sweden
5.5.13 Norway
5.5.14 Denmark
5.5.15 Finland
5.5.16 Estonia
5.5.17 Czech Republic
5.5.18 Poland
5.5.19 Ukraine
5.5.20 Turkiye
5.5.21 Greece
5.5.22 Bulgaria
5.5.23 Romania
5.5.24 Hungary
5.5.25 Slovenia
5.5.26 Croatia
5.5.27 Russia
5.5.28 Belarus
5.5.29 Rest of Europe
5.6 Middle East & Africa
5.6.1 Saudi Arabia
5.6.2 United Arab Emirates
5.6.3 Qatar
5.6.4 Oman
5.6.5 Bahrain
5.6.6 Kuwait
5.6.7 Jordan
5.6.8 Israel
5.6.9 Egypt
5.6.10 Algeria
5.6.11 Morocco
5.6.12 Tunisia
5.6.13 South Africa
5.6.14 Botswana
5.6.15 Zambia
5.6.16 Kenya
5.6.17 Ethiopia
5.6.18 Angola
5.6.19 Republic of the Congo
5.6.20 Gabon
5.6.21 Nigeria
5.6.22 Ghana
5.6.23 Senegal
5.6.24 Rest of the Middle East & Africa
5.7 Latin & Central America
5.7.1 Brazil
5.7.2 Mexico
5.7.3 Argentina
5.7.4 Colombia
5.7.5 Chile
5.7.6 Peru
5.7.7 Ecuador
5.7.8 Bolivia
5.7.9 Dominican Republic
5.7.10 Bardados
5.7.11 Trinidad & Tobago
5.7.12 Suriname
5.7.13 Rest of Latin & Central America
6 Chapter 6: Standardization, Regulatory & Collaborative Initiatives
6.1 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project)
6.1.1 Releases 11-14: 3GPP-Based Critical Communications Features
6.1.2 Release 15: 5G eMBB, Network Slicing, Improvements for MTC/IoT & MCX Extensions
6.1.3 Release 16: 3GPP Support for NPNs, 5G URLLC, TSN, NR-U & Vertical Application Enablers
6.1.4 Release 17: NPN Enhancements, Edge Computing, TSC, Expansion of IIoT Features, RedCap & NTN Connectivity
6.1.5 Release 18: 5G-Advanced, Further NPN Refinements, DetNet, Intelligent Automation, Spectrum Flexibility & XR Services
6.1.6 Releases 19, 20, 21 & Beyond: Succession From 5G-Advanced to the 6G Evolution
6.2 450 MHz Alliance
6.2.1 Promoting 3GPP Technologies in the 380 ? 470 MHz Frequency Range
6.3 5G-ACIA (5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation)
6.3.1 Maximizing the Applicability of 5G Technology in the Industrial Domain
6.4 5GAIA (5G Applications Industry Array)
6.4.1 Advancing the Development of China's 5G Applications Industry
6.5 5G Campus Network Alliance
6.5.1 Supporting the Market Development of 5G Campus Networks in Germany
6.6 5GDNA (5G Deterministic Networking Alliance)
6.6.1 Industry Collaboration & Promotion of 5GDN (5G Deterministic Networking)
6.7 5GFF (5G Future Forum)
6.7.1 Accelerating the Delivery of 5G MEC (Multi-Access Edge Computing) Solutions
6.8 5G Forum (South Korea)
6.8.1 Expanding Convergence Between 5G Technology & Vertical Industries
6.9 5G Health Association
6.9.1 Interfacing 5G-Based Connectivity & Healthcare Applications
6.10 5G-MAG (5G Media Action Group)
6.10.1 5G-Based NPNs in Media Production
6.11 5GMF (Fifth Generation Mobile Communication Promotion Forum, Japan)
6.11.1 Initiatives Related to Local 5G Networks in Japan
6.12 5GSA (5G Slicing Association)
6.12.1 Addressing Vertical Industry Requirements for 5G Network Slicing
6.13 6G-IA (6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association)
6.13.1 Private 5G-Related Projects & Activities
6.14 AGURRE (Association of Major Users of Operational Radio Networks, France)
6.14.1 Spectrum Access, Regulatory Framework & Industrial Ecosystem for Private Mobile Networks
6.15 APCO (Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials) International
6.15.1 Public Safety LTE/5G-Related Advocacy Efforts
6.16 ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions)
6.16.1 Deployment & Operational Requirements of 5G-Based NPNs
6.16.2 Shared HNI & IBN Administration for CBRS Spectrum
6.16.3 Other Private LTE & 5G-Related Initiatives
6.17 BTG (Dutch Association of Large-Scale ICT & Telecommunications Users)
6.17.1 KMBG (Dutch Critical Mobile Broadband Users) Expert Group
6.18 B-TrunC (Broadband Trunking Communication) Industry Alliance
6.18.1 B-TrunC Standard for LTE-Based Critical Communications
6.19 CAMET (China Association of Metros)
6.19.1 Adoption of 3GPP Networks for Urban Rail Transit Systems
6.20 CEPT (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations)
6.20.1 Common Spectrum Policies for Local 4G/5G, PPDR Broadband & FRMCS
6.21 DSA (Dynamic Spectrum Alliance)
6.21.1 Promoting Unlicensed & Dynamic Access to Spectrum
6.22 Electricity Canada (Canadian Electricity Association)
6.22.1 PVNO & Dedicated Spectrum for Smart Grid Communications
6.23 ENTELEC (Energy Telecommunications and Electrical Association)
6.23.1 Policy Advocacy & Other Private LTE/5G-Related Activities
6.24 EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute)
6.24.1 Research & Guidelines in Support of 3GPP-Based Utility Communications
6.25 ERA (European Union Agency for Railways)
6.25.1 Evolution of Railway Radio Communication Project
6.26 ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
6.26.1 Technical Specifications for FRMCS, PPDR Broadband, MCX & TETRA-3GPP Interworking
6.26.2 Other Work Relevant to Private LTE & 5G Networks
6.27 EU-Rail (Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking)
6.27.1 FRMCS-Related Research & Innovation Activities
6.28 EUTC (European Utilities Telecom Council)
6.28.1 Addressing LTE & 5G-Related Requirements for European Utilities
6.29 EUWENA (European Users of Enterprise Wireless Networks Association)
6.29.1 Catalyzing the Wider Adoption of 3GPP-Based Private Networks
6.30 EWA (Enterprise Wireless Alliance)
6.30.1 Supporting the Private Wireless Industry in the United States
6.31 free5GC
6.31.1 Open-Source 5GC Software
6.32 GSA (Global Mobile Suppliers Association)
6.32.1 Advocacy for Private Mobile Networks
6.33 GSMA (GSM Association)
6.33.1 Guidelines for 5G Private & Dedicated Networks
6.34 GUTMA (Global UTM Association)
6.34.1 ACJA (Aerial Connectivity Joint Activity) Initiative
6.35 ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
6.35.1 International & Regional Harmonization of LTE/5G Spectrum
6.35.2 Defining the Role of IMT-2020 to Support Vertical Applications
6.36 JOTS (Joint Operators Technical Specification) Forum
6.36.1 NHIB (Neutral Host In-Building) Specification
6.37 JRC (Joint Radio Company)
6.37.1 Supporting LTE/5G-Based Smart Grid Initiatives
6.38 KRRI (Korea Railroad Research Institute)
6.38.1 Functional Testing & Certification of LTE-R (LTE-Based Railway Communications)
6.39 LF (Linux Foundation)
6.39.1 Magma Mobile Core Software Platform
6.39.2 LF Networking's 5G Super Blueprint
6.39.3 LF Edge's Akraino Private LTE/5G ICN (Integrated Cloud-Native) Blueprint
6.39.4 Other Projects Relevant to Private LTE & 5G Networks
6.40 MFA (MulteFire Alliance)
6.40.1 Uni5G Technology Blueprints for Private 5G Networks
6.40.2 Network Identifier Program Supporting Private & Neutral Host Networks
6.40.3 MulteFire Specifications: LTE Operation in Unlicensed Spectrum
6.40.4 Certification Program for MulteFire Equipment
6.40.5 MulteFire OSU (Online Sign-Up) System
6.41 NGA (Next G Alliance)
6.41.1 Building the Foundation for North American Leadership in 6G
6.42 NGMN (Next-Generation Mobile Networks) Alliance
6.42.1 Work Related to Private 5G & Network Slicing
6.43 NSC (National Spectrum Consortium)
6.43.1 Enhancing Spectrum Superiority & 5G Capabilities for Federal Users
6.44 OCP (Open Compute Project) Foundation
6.44.1 Initiatives Aimed at Open Designs for Telco Hardware
6.45 one6G Association
6.45.1 Driving 6G Innovation & Development Across Vertical Industries
6.46 ONF (Open Networking Foundation)
6.46.1 Aether Private 5G Connected Edge Platform
6.46.2 SD-RAN, SD-Core, OMEC & Other Relevant Projects
6.47 OnGo Alliance
6.47.1 Promoting 4G & 5G OnGo Wireless Network Technology
6.47.2 Technical Specifications & Guidelines for 4G/5G-Based CBRS Networks
6.47.3 Product Certification Program Supporting Multi-Vendor Interoperability
6.48 OPC Foundation
6.48.1 OPC UA (Unified Architecture) Over 5G for Industry 4.0 Applications
6.49 Open RAN Policy Coalition
6.49.1 Promoting Policies to Drive the Adoption of Open RAN
6.50 Open5GCore
6.50.1 Vendor-Independent 5GC Implementation
6.51 Open5GS & NextEPC
6.51.1 Open-Source 5GC & EPC Software
6.52 OpenInfra (Open Infrastructure) Foundation
6.52.1 StarlingX Software Stack for Ultra-Low Latency Edge Applications
6.52.2 OpenStack Cloud Software & Other Projects
6.53 O-RAN Alliance
6.53.1 O-RAN Architecture Specifications
6.53.2 O-RAN SC (Software Community)
6.53.3 Testing & Integration Support
6.54 OSA (OpenAirInterface Software Alliance)
6.54.1 OAI (OpenAirInterface) 5G RAN, Core & MOSAIC5G Projects
6.55 PIA (PSBN Innovation Alliance)
6.55.1 PSBN (Public Safety Broadband Network) Governance in Canada's Ontario Province
6.56 PMeV (German Professional Mobile Radio Association)
6.56.1 Professional Broadband & 5G Campus Network-Related Activities
6.57 PSBTA (Public Safety Broadband Technology Association)
6.57.1 Public Safety LTE/5G-Related Activities
6.58 PSCE (Public Safety Communication Europe)
6.58.1 Public Safety Broadband-Related Standardization Activities
6.58.2 BroadX Projects: Pan-European Interoperable Mobile Broadband System for Public Safety
6.59 Safe-Net Forum
6.59.1 Technical & Policy Guidance for 3GPP-Based Critical Communications Networks
6.60 SCF (Small Cell Forum)
6.60.1 Reference Blueprints for Private 5G Networks
6.60.2 Neutral Hosting, Edge Computing & Other Relevant Work
6.61 Seamless Air Alliance
6.61.1 Leading Global Standards for Inflight Connectivity
6.62 SimpleRAN
6.62.1 Ensuring Interoperability & Transparency in the vRAN Ecosystem
6.63 srsRAN Project
6.63.1 Open-Source 4G & 5G Software Suites
6.64 TCA (Trusted Connectivity Alliance)
6.64.1 5G SIM/eSIM Recommendations for Private Networks
6.65 TCCA (The Critical Communications Association)
6.65.1 CCBG (Critical Communications Broadband Group)
6.65.2 BIG (Broadband Industry Group)
6.65.3 SCADA, Smart Grid & IoT Group
6.65.4 Future Technologies Group
6.66 techUK
6.66.1 SPF (Spectrum Policy Forum)
6.67 TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association)
6.67.1 Defining Requirements for LMR-3GPP Interworking & Critical Broadband Capabilities
6.68 TIP (Telecom Infra Project)
6.68.1 5G Private Networks Solution Group
6.68.2 Neutral Host NaaS Solution Group
6.68.3 OpenRAN & Open Core Network Groups
6.68.4 Other Relevant Product & Solution Groups
6.69 TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association, South Korea)
6.69.1 Standardization Efforts for 3GPP-Based Public Safety, Railway & Maritime Communications
6.70 U.S. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
6.70.1 Public Safety Broadband & 5G-Related R&D Initiatives
6.71 U.S. NPSTC (National Public Safety Telecommunications Council)
6.71.1 Leadership for LMR-3GPP Interworking & Public Safety Broadband Communications
6.72 U.S. NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration)
6.72.1 Wireless Innovation & Supply Chain Security
6.73 UBBA (Utility Broadband Alliance)
6.73.1 Championing the Advancement of Private Broadband Networks for Utilities
6.74 UIC (International Union of Railways)
6.74.1 FRMCS Program for the Replacement of GSM-R Networks
6.75 UK5G Innovation Network
6.75.1 Promoting Private 5G Adoption Projects, Testbeds & Trials
6.76 UNIFE (The European Rail Supply Industry Association)
6.76.1 UNITEL Committee: Development & Implementation of FRMCS
6.77 UTC (Utilities Technology Council)
6.77.1 Private LTE & 5G-Related Advocacy, Technology Development & Policy Efforts
6.78 UTCAL (Utilities Telecom & Technology Council America Latina)
6.78.1 Promoting Private LTE & 5G Networks for Latin American Utilities
6.79 VDMA (German Mechanical and Plant Engineering Association)
6.79.1 Guidelines for 5G in Mechanical & Plant Engineering
6.80 WBA (Wireless Broadband Alliance)
6.80.1 5G & Wi-Fi Convergence in Private 5G Networks
6.80.2 OpenRoaming for Private LTE/5G
6.81 WhiteSpace Alliance
6.81.1 Promoting the Use of 3GPP, IEEE & IETF Standards for TVWS Spectrum
6.82 WInnForum (Wireless Innovation Forum)
6.82.1 CBRS Standards for the Implementation of FCC Rulemaking
6.82.2 6 GHz Unlicensed Sharing & Other Committees
6.83 XGP (eXtended Global Platform) Forum
6.83.1 Development & Promotion of the sXGP Unlicensed LTE Service
6.84 Others
6.84.1 Vendor-Led Private LTE/5G Alliances
6.84.2 National Government Agencies & Regulators
6.84.3 Regional & Country-Specific Associations
6.84.4 Global Industry Initiatives & Organizations
7 Chapter 7: Review of Private LTE/5G Installations Worldwide
7.1 North America
7.1.1 United States
7.1.2 Canada
7.2 Asia Pacific
7.2.1 Australia
7.2.2 New Zealand
7.2.3 China
7.2.4 Hong Kong
7.2.5 Taiwan
7.2.6 Japan
7.2.7 South Korea
7.2.8 Singapore
7.2.9 Malaysia
7.2.10 Indonesia
7.2.11 Papua New Guinea
7.2.12 Philippines
7.2.13 Thailand
7.2.14 Vietnam
7.2.15 Laos
7.2.16 Myanmar
7.2.17 India
7.2.18 Pakistan
7.2.19 Bangladesh
7.2.20 Rest of Asia Pacific
7.3 Europe
7.3.1 United Kingdom
7.3.2 Republic of Ireland
7.3.3 France
7.3.4 Germany
7.3.5 Belgium
7.3.6 Netherlands
7.3.7 Switzerland
7.3.8 Austria
7.3.9 Italy
7.3.10 Spain
7.3.11 Portugal
7.3.12 Sweden
7.3.13 Norway
7.3.14 Denmark
7.3.15 Finland
7.3.16 Estonia
7.3.17 Czech Republic
7.3.18 Poland
7.3.19 Ukraine
7.3.20 Latvia
7.3.21 Turkiye
7.3.22 Greece
7.3.23 Bulgaria
7.3.24 Romania
7.3.25 Hungary
7.3.26 Slovakia
7.3.27 Slovenia
7.3.28 Croatia
7.3.29 Serbia
7.3.30 Kosovo
7.3.31 Russia
7.3.32 Belarus
7.3.33 Rest of Europe
7.4 Middle East & Africa
7.4.1 Saudi Arabia
7.4.2 United Arab Emirates
7.4.3 Qatar
7.4.4 Oman
7.4.5 Bahrain
7.4.6 Kuwait
7.4.7 Iraq
7.4.8 Jordan
7.4.9 Lebanon
7.4.10 Israel
7.4.11 Egypt
7.4.12 Algeria
7.4.13 Morocco
7.4.14 Tunisia
7.4.15 South Africa
7.4.16 Botswana
7.4.17 Zimbabwe
7.4.18 Zambia
7.4.19 Kenya
7.4.20 Ethiopia
7.4.21 Somalia
7.4.22 Madagascar
7.4.23 Mauritius
7.4.24 Angola
7.4.25 Republic of the Congo
7.4.26 Gabon
7.4.27 Central African Republic
7.4.28 Cameroon
7.4.29 Nigeria
7.4.30 Ghana
7.4.31 Cote d'Ivoire
7.4.32 Mali
7.4.33 Senegal
7.4.34 Rest of the Middle East & Africa
7.5 Latin & Central America
7.5.1 Brazil
7.5.2 Mexico
7.5.3 Argentina
7.5.4 Colombia
7.5.5 Chile
7.5.6 Peru
7.5.7 Venezuela
7.5.8 Ecuador
7.5.9 Bolivia
7.5.10 Dominican Republic
7.5.11 Jamaica
7.5.12 Barbados
7.5.13 Trinidad & Tobago
7.5.14 Dutch Caribbean
7.5.15 Suriname
7.5.16 Rest of Latin & Central America
8 Chapter 8: Private LTE/5G Case Studies
8.1 450connect: Nationwide 450 MHz LTE Network for the Digitization of German Energy & Water Utilities
8.1.1 Operational Model
8.1.2 Spectrum Type
8.1.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.1.4 Deployment Summary
8.2 ADF (Australian Defence Force): Revamping Military Training Facilities With Private Cellular Networks
8.2.1 Operational Model
8.2.2 Spectrum Type
8.2.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.2.4 Deployment Summary
8.3 Adif AV (Alta Velocidad): Private 5G Network for Strategic Logistics Terminals
8.3.1 Operational Model
8.3.2 Spectrum Type
8.3.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.3.4 Deployment Summary
8.4 Agnico Eagle Mines: Streamlining Mining Operations With Private 4G/5G Networks
8.4.1 Operational Model
8.4.2 Spectrum Type
8.4.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.4.4 Deployment Summary
8.5 Airport Authority Hong Kong: HKIA Public-Private 5G Infrastructure Project
8.5.1 Operational Model
8.5.2 Spectrum Type
8.5.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.5.4 Deployment Summary
8.6 Ameren: 900 MHz Private Communications Network for Grid Modernization
8.6.1 Operational Model
8.6.2 Spectrum Type
8.6.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.6.4 Deployment Summary
8.7 ANA (All Nippon Airways): Local 5G-Enabled Digital Transformation of Aviation Training
8.7.1 Operational Model
8.7.2 Spectrum Type
8.7.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.7.4 Deployment Summary
8.8 APM Terminals (Maersk): Revolutionizing Terminal Operations With Private 5G Networks
8.8.1 Operational Model
8.8.2 Spectrum Type
8.8.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.8.4 Deployment Summary
8.9 Aramco (Saudi Arabian Oil Company): Private LTE Network for Remote Oil & Gas Wells
8.9.1 Operational Model
8.9.2 Spectrum Type
8.9.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.9.4 Deployment Summary
8.10 ArcelorMittal: 5G Steel Project for the Digitization of Industries Sites
8.10.1 Operational Model
8.10.2 Spectrum Type
8.10.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.10.4 Deployment Summary
8.11 ASTRID: BLM (Blue Light Mobile) Secure MVNO Service for Belgian First Responders
8.11.1 Operational Model
8.11.2 Spectrum Type
8.11.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.11.4 Deployment Summary
8.12 BAM Nuttall: Accelerating Innovation at Construction Sites With Private 5G Networks
8.12.1 Operational Model
8.12.2 Spectrum Type
8.12.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.12.4 Deployment Summary
8.13 BlackRock: On-Premise Private 5G Network Installation for New York Global Headquarters
8.13.1 Operational Model
8.13.2 Spectrum Type
8.13.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.13.4 Deployment Summary
8.14 Brazilian Army: Leveraging Private LTE Infrastructure for National Defense Applications
8.14.1 Operational Model
8.14.2 Spectrum Type
8.14.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.14.4 Deployment Summary
8.15 BT Media & Broadcast: Portable Private 5G Networks for Live Sports Broadcasting
8.15.1 Operational Model
8.15.2 Spectrum Type
8.15.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.15.4 Deployment Summary
8.16 Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces): ZNV (Deployable Cellular Networks) Program
8.16.1 Operational Model
8.16.2 Spectrum Type
8.16.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.16.4 Deployment Summary
8.17 China National Coal Group: Multi-Band 700 MHz & 2.6 GHz Private 5G Network for Dahaize Coal Mine
8.17.1 Operational Model
8.17.2 Spectrum Type
8.17.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.17.4 Deployment Summary
8.18 City of Las Vegas: Municipal Private Wireless Network for Businesses, Government & Educational Institutions
8.18.1 Operational Model
8.18.2 Spectrum Type
8.18.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.18.4 Deployment Summary
8.19 Cologne Bonn Airport: Transforming Internal Operations With Private 5G Campus Network
8.19.1 Operational Model
8.19.2 Spectrum Type
8.19.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.19.4 Deployment Summary
8.20 COMAC (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China): 5G-Connected Intelligent Aircraft Manufacturing Factories
8.20.1 Operational Model
8.20.2 Spectrum Type
8.20.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.20.4 Deployment Summary
8.21 ConocoPhillips: Private LTE Network for Curtis Island LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Facility
8.21.1 Operational Model
8.21.2 Spectrum Type
8.21.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.21.4 Deployment Summary
8.22 CSG (China Southern Power Grid): Harnessing Private LTE & 5G Network Slicing for Smart Grid Operations
8.22.1 Operational Model
8.22.2 Spectrum Type
8.22.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.22.4 Deployment Summary
8.23 DB (Deutsche Bahn): Digitizing & Automating Rail Operations With 5G-Based FRMCS
8.23.1 Operational Model
8.23.2 Spectrum Type
8.23.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.23.4 Deployment Summary
8.24 Dongyi Group Coal Gasification Company: Hybrid Public-Private Network for Xinyan Coal Mine
8.24.1 Operational Model
8.24.2 Spectrum Type
8.24.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.24.4 Deployment Summary
8.25 Dow: Modernizing Chemical Plant Maintenance With Private Cellular Networks
8.25.1 Operational Model
8.25.2 Spectrum Type
8.25.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.25.4 Deployment Summary
8.26 EAN (European Aviation Network): Hybrid Satellite-A2G Network for Inflight Broadband
8.26.1 Operational Model
8.26.2 Spectrum Type
8.26.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.26.4 Deployment Summary
8.27 Edesur Dominicana: Custom-Built 2.3 GHz LTE Network for Critical Grid Communications
8.27.1 Operational Model
8.27.2 Spectrum Type
8.27.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.27.4 Deployment Summary
8.28 EDF: Private Mobile Networks for Enhanced Connectivity at Nuclear Power Plants & Wind Farms
8.28.1 Operational Model
8.28.2 Spectrum Type
8.28.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.28.4 Deployment Summary
8.29 Enel: Global 3GPP-Based Private Wireless Communications Platform for Utility Communications
8.29.1 Operational Model
8.29.2 Spectrum Type
8.29.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.29.4 Deployment Summary
8.30 ESN (Emergency Services Network): Great Britain's Critical Communications Broadband System
8.30.1 Operational Model
8.30.2 Spectrum Type
8.30.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.30.4 Deployment Summary
8.31 Estonian Ministry of Defense: Private 5G Network for CR14 (Cyber Range 14)
8.31.1 Operational Model
8.31.2 Spectrum Type
8.31.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.31.4 Deployment Summary
8.32 Evergy: Facilitating Grid Modernization With Private Broadband Network
8.32.1 Operational Model
8.32.2 Spectrum Type
8.32.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.32.4 Deployment Summary
8.33 EWA (Electricity and Water Authority, Bahrain): 410 MHz Private LTE Network
8.33.1 Operational Model
8.33.2 Spectrum Type
8.33.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.33.4 Deployment Summary
8.34 Ferrovial: Standalone Private 5G Network for the Silvertown Tunnel Project
8.34.1 Operational Model
8.34.2 Spectrum Type
8.34.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.34.4 Deployment Summary
8.35 FirstNet (First Responder Network): United States' Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network
8.35.1 Operational Model
8.35.2 Spectrum Type
8.35.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.35.4 Deployment Summary
8.36 Fraport: Private 5G Campus Network for Future-Oriented Operations at Frankfurt Airport
8.36.1 Operational Model
8.36.2 Spectrum Type
8.36.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.36.4 Deployment Summary
8.37 Gale South Beach Hotel: CBRS Network for Guest Engagement & Hotel Operations
8.37.1 Operational Model
8.37.2 Spectrum Type
8.37.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.37.4 Deployment Summary
8.38 Gogo Business Aviation: 5G A2G Wireless Network for Inflight Connectivity
8.38.1 Operational Model
8.38.2 Spectrum Type
8.38.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.38.4 Deployment Summary
8.39 Gold Fields: Enabling Surface & Underground Communications With LTE Networks
8.39.1 Operational Model
8.39.2 Spectrum Type
8.39.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.39.4 Deployment Summary
8.40 Groupe ADP: 3GPP-Based Private Mobile Network for Paris Airports
8.40.1 Operational Model
8.40.2 Spectrum Type
8.40.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.40.4 Deployment Summary
8.41 Heathrow Commercial Telecoms: WAMD (Wide Area Mobile Data) Network
8.41.1 Operational Model
8.41.2 Spectrum Type
8.41.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.41.4 Deployment Summary
8.42 Hip Hing Engineering: Dedicated 5G Network for Kai Tak Sports Park
8.42.1 Operational Model
8.42.2 Spectrum Type
8.42.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.42.4 Deployment Summary
8.43 Hiroshima Gas: Local 5G-Powered Safety Operations at Hatsukaichi LNG Terminal
8.43.1 Operational Model
8.43.2 Spectrum Type
8.43.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.43.4 Deployment Summary
8.44 Hsinchu City Fire Department: Satellite-Backhauled Private 5G Network for PPDR Communications
8.44.1 Operational Model
8.44.2 Spectrum Type
8.44.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.44.4 Deployment Summary
8.45 Hutchison Ports: Driving the Digitization & Automation of Ports Through Private 5G Networks
8.45.1 Operational Model
8.45.2 Spectrum Type
8.45.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.45.4 Deployment Summary
8.46 iNET (Infrastructure Networks): Private 4G/5G-Ready Network for Remote Industrial Connectivity
8.46.1 Operational Model
8.46.2 Spectrum Type
8.46.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.46.4 Deployment Summary
8.47 John Deere: Private Cellular Connectivity for Manufacturing Processes & Agricultural Applications
8.47.1 Operational Model
8.47.2 Spectrum Type
8.47.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.47.4 Deployment Summary
8.48 KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation): Private 5G Networks for Substation Management
8.48.1 Operational Model
8.48.2 Spectrum Type
8.48.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.48.4 Deployment Summary
8.49 KRNA (Korea Rail Network Authority): LTE-R (LTE-Based Railway Communications) Network
8.49.1 Operational Model
8.49.2 Spectrum Type
8.49.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.49.4 Deployment Summary
8.50 Kumagai Gumi: Unleashing the Potential of Unmanned Construction Using Local 5G Networks
8.50.1 Operational Model
8.50.2 Spectrum Type
8.50.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.50.4 Deployment Summary
8.51 Latvian Ministry of Defense: Camp ?da?i 5G Testbed for Defense Innovations
8.51.1 Operational Model
8.51.2 Spectrum Type
8.51.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.51.4 Deployment Summary
8.52 Lishui Municipal Emergency Management: 5G-Enabled Natural Disaster Management System
8.52.1 Operational Model
8.52.2 Spectrum Type
8.52.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.52.4 Deployment Summary
8.53 Lufthansa Technik: Industrial-Grade 5G Campus Network for Hamburg Engine Shops
8.53.1 Operational Model
8.53.2 Spectrum Type
8.53.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.53.4 Deployment Summary
8.54 Mercedes-Benz Group: World's First 5G Network for Automotive Production
8.54.1 Operational Model
8.54.2 Spectrum Type
8.54.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.54.4 Deployment Summary
8.55 Murray City School District: LTE-Based Private CBRS Network for K-12 Education
8.55.1 Operational Model
8.55.2 Spectrum Type
8.55.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.55.4 Deployment Summary
8.56 Nanjing Municipal Government: 1.4 GHz Broadband GRN (Government Radio Network)
8.56.1 Operational Model
8.56.2 Spectrum Type
8.56.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.56.4 Deployment Summary
8.57 NCRTC (National Capital Regional Transport Corporation): Private LTE Network for ETCS Level 2 Signaling
8.57.1 Operational Model
8.57.2 Spectrum Type
8.57.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.57.4 Deployment Summary
8.58 Nedaa: Dubai's Mission-Critical LTE & 5G-Ready Network for Professional Communications
8.58.1 Operational Model
8.58.2 Spectrum Type
8.58.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.58.4 Deployment Summary
8.59 Norwegian Armed Forces: Defense-Specific Network Slices & Tactical Private 5G Systems
8.59.1 Operational Model
8.59.2 Spectrum Type
8.59.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.59.4 Deployment Summary
8.60 Nutrien: Private Cellular Infrastructure for Improved Safety & Productivity in Underground Potash Mines
8.60.1 Operational Model
8.60.2 Spectrum Type
8.60.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.60.4 Deployment Summary
8.61 Ocado: 4G-Based Wireless Control System for Warehouse Automation
8.61.1 Operational Model
8.61.2 Spectrum Type
8.61.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.61.4 Deployment Summary
8.62 Ooredoo: Purpose-Built LTE Network for Qatar's Oil & Gas Industry
8.62.1 Operational Model
8.62.2 Spectrum Type
8.62.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.62.4 Deployment Summary
8.63 Orsted: Boosting Offshore Wind Farm Safety & Efficiency With Private Cellular Networks
8.63.1 Operational Model
8.63.2 Spectrum Type
8.63.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.63.4 Deployment Summary
8.64 PCK Raffinerie: Accelerating Oil Refinery Digitization With 5G Campus Network
8.64.1 Operational Model
8.64.2 Spectrum Type
8.64.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.64.4 Deployment Summary
8.65 Petrobras (Petroleo Brasileiro): Private Cellular Connectivity for Offshore Platforms & Production Sites
8.65.1 Operational Model
8.65.2 Spectrum Type
8.65.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.65.4 Deployment Summary
8.66 PGE Systemy: 450 MHz Mission-Critical LTE Network for Polish Electricity & Gas DSOs
8.66.1 Operational Model
8.66.2 Spectrum Type
8.66.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.66.4 Deployment Summary
8.67 Porsche: Private 5G for Smart Manufacturing & Intelligent Vehicle Development
8.67.1 Operational Model
8.67.2 Spectrum Type
8.67.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.67.4 Deployment Summary
8.68 Port of Tyne: Advancing Smart Port Transformation With Private 5G Network
8.68.1 Operational Model
8.68.2 Spectrum Type
8.68.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.68.4 Deployment Summary
8.69 PSA International: Private 5G Connectivity for Pasir Panjang Terminal & Tuas Mega Port
8.69.1 Operational Model
8.69.2 Spectrum Type
8.69.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.69.4 Deployment Summary
8.70 PTA (Public Transport Authority of Western Australia): Radio Systems Replacement Project
8.70.1 Operational Model
8.70.2 Spectrum Type
8.70.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.70.4 Deployment Summary
8.71 Royal Thai Police: 800 MHz Public Safety LTE Network for Secure Communications
8.71.1 Operational Model
8.71.2 Spectrum Type
8.71.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.71.4 Deployment Summary
8.72 RRF (Radio Network of the Future): France's National Mission-Critical Broadband Network
8.72.1 Operational Model
8.72.2 Spectrum Type
8.72.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.72.4 Deployment Summary
8.73 Rudin Management Company: Neutral Host CBRS Network for Multi-Tenant Office Building
8.73.1 Operational Model
8.73.2 Spectrum Type
8.73.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.73.4 Deployment Summary
8.74 Safe-Net: South Korea's National Disaster Safety Communications Network
8.74.1 Operational Model
8.74.2 Spectrum Type
8.74.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.74.4 Deployment Summary
8.75 Santos: Wireless to the Wellhead Private LTE Project
8.75.1 Operational Model
8.75.2 Spectrum Type
8.75.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.75.4 Deployment Summary
8.76 Sao Martinho: Private LTE & 5G Networks for Agribusiness Applications
8.76.1 Operational Model
8.76.2 Spectrum Type
8.76.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.76.4 Deployment Summary
8.77 SCA (Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget): Local 5G Connectivity for Timber Terminals & Paper Mills
8.77.1 Operational Model
8.77.2 Spectrum Type
8.77.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.77.4 Deployment Summary
8.78 SDG&E (San Diego Gas & Electric): pLTE (Private LTE) Network for Advanced Safety & Protection Technologies
8.78.1 Operational Model
8.78.2 Spectrum Type
8.78.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.78.4 Deployment Summary
8.79 Seaboard Marine: Private Cellular Network Solution for Real-Time Cargo Vessel Monitoring
8.79.1 Operational Model
8.79.2 Spectrum Type
8.79.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.79.4 Deployment Summary
8.80 SGP (Societe du Grand Paris): Private LTE Network for the Grand Paris Express Rapid Transit System
8.80.1 Operational Model
8.80.2 Spectrum Type
8.80.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.80.4 Deployment Summary
8.81 Shenzhen Metro: 3GPP Connectivity for Operations-Critical Railway Communications
8.81.1 Operational Model
8.81.2 Spectrum Type
8.81.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.81.4 Deployment Summary
8.82 Sinopec (China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation): 5G + Smart Petrochemical Project
8.82.1 Operational Model
8.82.2 Spectrum Type
8.82.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.82.4 Deployment Summary
8.83 SIRDEE: Spain's Mission-Critical Broadband Network for Public Safety Organizations
8.83.1 Operational Model
8.83.2 Spectrum Type
8.83.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.83.4 Deployment Summary
8.84 SNCF (French National Railways): Enabling Rail Innovations With 5G Technology
8.84.1 Operational Model
8.84.2 Spectrum Type
8.84.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.84.4 Deployment Summary
8.85 Southern Linc: CriticalLinc LTE Network for Utilities, Government & Business Customers
8.85.1 Operational Model
8.85.2 Spectrum Type
8.85.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.85.4 Deployment Summary
8.86 Swedish Armed Forces: Tactical 5G Bubbles for Secure Military Communications
8.86.1 Operational Model
8.86.2 Spectrum Type
8.86.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.86.4 Deployment Summary
8.87 Tampnet: Delivering Offshore Cellular Coverage Through Private 4G/5G-Ready Networks
8.87.1 Operational Model
8.87.2 Spectrum Type
8.87.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.87.4 Deployment Summary
8.88 Tianjin Port Group: On-Premise 5G Infrastructure for Intelligent & Automated Port Operations
8.88.1 Operational Model
8.88.2 Spectrum Type
8.88.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.88.4 Deployment Summary
8.89 TotalEnergies: 3GPP-Based PMR (Professional Mobile Radio) Network for Critical Communications
8.89.1 Operational Model
8.89.2 Spectrum Type
8.89.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.89.4 Deployment Summary
8.90 Toyota Motor Corporation: Private LTE & Local 5G Networks for Industry 4.0 Applications
8.90.1 Operational Model
8.90.2 Spectrum Type
8.90.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.90.4 Deployment Summary
8.91 U.S. Army: Expanding Military Communications Capabilities With 5G Technology
8.91.1 Operational Model
8.91.2 Spectrum Type
8.91.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.91.4 Deployment Summary
8.92 U.S. Marine Corps: Private 5G for Smart Warehousing & Expeditionary Base Operations
8.92.1 Operational Model
8.92.2 Spectrum Type
8.92.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.92.4 Deployment Summary
8.93 UKD (University Hospital of Dusseldorf): Improving Patient Care & Saving Lives With 5G Campus Network
8.93.1 Operational Model
8.93.2 Spectrum Type
8.93.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.93.4 Deployment Summary
8.94 UN (United Nations): Dedicated Cellular Networks for Peacekeeping Missions
8.94.1 Operational Model
8.94.2 Spectrum Type
8.94.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.94.4 Deployment Summary
8.95 Vale: Private Wireless Networks for Iron Ore Mining & Transport Operations
8.95.1 Operational Model
8.95.2 Spectrum Type
8.95.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.95.4 Deployment Summary
8.96 VIRVE 2.0: Finland's Nationwide Mission-Critical Broadband Service
8.96.1 Operational Model
8.96.2 Spectrum Type
8.96.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.96.4 Deployment Summary
8.97 VIT (Virginia International Terminals): Private 5G Network for Port Of Virginia Container Terminal
8.97.1 Operational Model
8.97.2 Spectrum Type
8.97.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.97.4 Deployment Summary
8.98 X Shore: Empowering Electric Boat Manufacturing With Private 5G Network
8.98.1 Operational Model
8.98.2 Spectrum Type
8.98.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.98.4 Deployment Summary
8.99 Xcel Energy: 900 MHz Private LTE Network for Electric & Gas Utility Operations
8.99.1 Operational Model
8.99.2 Spectrum Type
8.99.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.99.4 Deployment Summary
8.100 Yumeshima Container Terminal: Local 5G Network for the Digital Transformation of Port Facilities
8.100.1 Operational Model
8.100.2 Spectrum Type
8.100.3 Integrators & Suppliers
8.100.4 Deployment Summary
9 Chapter 9: Key Ecosystem Players
9.1 10T Tech
9.2 1NCE
9.3 1oT
9.4 3D-P (Epiroc)
9.5 450connect
9.6 4K Solutions
9.7 4RF
9.8 6Harmonics/6WiLInk
9.9 6WIND
9.10 7P (Seven Principles)
9.11 A Beep/Diga-Talk+
9.12 A1 Telekom Austria Group
9.13 A10 Networks
9.14 A5G Networks
9.15 AAEON Technology (ASUS ? ASUSTeK Computer)
9.16 Aarna Networks
9.17 ABB
9.18 ABEL Mobilfunk
9.19 ABiT Corporation
9.20 ABS
9.21 Abside Networks
9.22 Accedian
9.23 AccelerComm
9.24 Accelink Technologies
9.25 Accelleran
9.26 Accenture
9.27 Access Spectrum
9.28 Accton Technology Corporation
9.29 Accuver (InnoWireless)
9.30 ACE Technologies
9.31 AceAxis
9.32 AceTel (Ace Solutions)
9.33 Achronix Semiconductor Corporation
9.34 ACOME
9.35 Actelis Networks
9.36 Action Technologies (Shenzhen Action Technologies)
9.37 Actiontec Electronics
9.38 Active911
9.39 Actus Networks
9.40 Adax
9.41 Adcor Magnet Systems
9.42 ADI (Analog Devices, Inc.)
9.43 ADLINK Technology
9.44 ADRF (Advanced RF Technologies)
9.45 ADT
9.46 Adtran
9.47 ADVA
9.48 Advanced Energy Industries
9.49 AdvanceTec Industries
9.50 Advantech
9.51 Advantech Wireless Technologies (Baylin Technologies)
9.52 Aegex Technologies
9.53 Aerial Applications
9.54 Aeris
9.55 Aerostar International
9.56 Aethertek
9.57 Affarii Technologies
9.58 Affirmed Networks (Microsoft Corporation)
9.59 AFL Global
9.60 AFRY
9.61 Agile (Agile Interoperable Solutions)
9.62 AGIS (Advanced Ground Information Systems)
9.63 AGM Mobile
9.65 AI-LINK
9.66 AINA Wireless
9.67 Airbus/SLC (Secure Land Communications)
9.68 Airfide Networks
9.69 Airgain
9.70 AirHop Communications
9.71 Airlinq
9.72 Airspan Networks
9.73 Airtower Networks
9.74 Airwavz Solutions
9.75 AIS (Advanced Info Service)
9.76 AiVader
9.77 Akamai Technologies
9.78 Akoustis Technologies
9.79 Alaxala Networks Corporation (Fortinet)
9.80 ALBEDO Telecom
9.81 albis-elcon (UET ? United Electronic Technology)
9.82 Alcadis
9.83 Alea (Leonardo)
9.84 Alef (Alef Edge)
9.85 Alepo
9.86 Alibaba Group
9.87 Aliniant
9.88 Allbesmart
9.89 Allen Vanguard Wireless
9.90 Allerio
9.91 Allied Telesis
9.92 Allot
9.93 Alpha Networks
9.94 Alpha Wireless
9.95 Alsatis Reseaux
9.96 Alstom
9.97 Altaeros
9.98 Altair Semiconductor (Sony Semiconductor Israel)
9.99 ALTAN Redes
9.100 Altice Group
9.101 Altiostar (Rakuten Symphony)
9.102 ALVIS (Argentina)
9.103 AM Telecom
9.104 Amantya Technologies
9.105 Amarisoft
9.106 Amazon/AWS (Amazon Web Services)
9.107 Ambra Solutions-ECOTEL
9.108 AMD (Advanced Micro Devices)
9.109 Amdocs
9.110 America Movil
9.111 American Tower Corporation
9.112 AMI (American Megatrends International)
9.113 AMIT Wireless
9.114 Ampere Computing
9.115 Amphenol Corporation
9.116 Ampleon
9.117 Amtele Communication
9.118 Andesat
9.119 ANDRO Computational Solutions
9.120 Anktion (Fujian) Technology
9.121 Anokiwave
9.122 Anritsu
9.123 ANS ? Advanced Network Services (Charge Enterprises)
9.124 Antenna Company
9.125 Anterix
9.126 Antna Antenna Technology
9.127 Aorotech
9.128 Apple
9.129 APRESIA Systems
9.130 APSTAR (APT Satellite Company)
9.131 APT (Asia Pacific Telecom)
9.132 aql
9.133 Aquila (Suzhou Aquila Solutions)
9.134 Aqura Technologies (Telstra Purple)
9.135 Arabsat
9.136 Arcadyan Technology Corporation (Compal Electronics)
9.137 Archos
9.138 Arete M
9.139 Argela
9.140 ArgoNET
9.141 Aria Networks
9.142 Arista Networks
9.143 Arkessa (Wireless Logic Group)
9.144 Arm
9.145 Armour Communications
9.146 Arqit Quantum
9.147 ArrayComm (Chengdu ArrayComm Wireless Technologies)
9.148 Arrcus
9.149 Artemis Networks
9.150 Artiza Networks
9.151 Aruba (HPE ? Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
9.152 Arukona
9.153 Asavie
9.155 AsiaInfo Technologies
9.156 AsiaSat (Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company)
9.157 Askey Computer Corporation (ASUS ? ASUSTeK Computer)
9.158 ASOCS
9.159 Aspire Technology (NEC Corporation)
9.160 ASR Microelectronics
9.161 Assured Wireless Corporation (Nextivity)
9.162 AST SpaceMobile
9.163 ASTELLA (Astella Technologies)
9.164 ASTRI (Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute)
9.165 ASUS (ASUSTeK Computer)
9.166 Asylon
9.167 AT&T
9.168 ATDI
9.169 ATEL (Asiatelco Technologies)
9.170 Atel Antennas
9.171 Atesio
9.172 Athonet (HPE ? Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
9.173 ATL ? A Test Lab (Eurofins E&E ? Electrical and Electronics)
9.174 Atlas Telecom
9.175 ATN International
9.176 Atos
9.177 Atrinet
9.178 Attabotics
9.179 AttoCore
9.180 Auden Techno
9.181 Auray Technology (Auden Techno)
9.182 Aurora Insight
9.183 Avanti Communications
9.184 Avari Wireless
9.185 AVI
9.186 Aviat Networks
9.187 Avidyne Corporation
9.188 AVIWEST (Haivision)
9.189 AVM
9.190 AW2S ? Advanced Wireless Solutions and Services (SERMA Group)
9.191 AWTG
9.192 Axell Wireless
9.193 AXESS Networks (HISPASAT)
9.194 Axians (VINCI Energies)
9.195 Axiata Group
9.196 Axione
9.197 Axis Communications
9.198 Axon
9.199 Axtel
9.200 Axxcelera Broadband Wireless (Axxcss Wireless Solutions)
9.201 Axxcss Wireless Solutions
9.202 Azcom Technology
9.203 Azetti Networks
9.204 B+B SmartWorx (Advantech)
9.205 BAE Systems
9.206 BAI Communications/Boldyn Networks
9.207 Baicells
9.208 Ball Aerospace
9.209 Ballast Networks
9.210 BandRich
9.211 BandwidthX
9.212 Barrett Communications (Motorola Solutions)
9.213 BATS Wireless (Broadband Antenna Tracking Systems)
9.214 BAYFU (Bayerische Funknetz)
9.215 Baylin Technologies
9.216 BBB (BB Backbone Corporation)
9.217 BBK Electronics
9.218 BCDVideo
9.219 Beam Semiconductor
9.220 Beamlink
9.221 BearCom
9.222 BEC Technologies
9.223 becon
9.224 Beeper Communications
9.225 Beijer Electronics Group
9.226 Belden
9.227 BelFone
9.228 Bell Canada
9.229 Bellantenna
9.230 Benetel
9.231 BesoVideo
9.232 Betacom
9.233 Bharti Airtel
9.234 BHE (Bonn Hungary Electronics)
9.235 BICS (Proximus)
9.236 Billion Electric
9.237 BinnenBereik (NOVEC)
9.238 Bird Technologies
9.239 BISDN (Berlin Institute for Software Defined Networks)
9.240 Bittium
9.241 BK Technologies
9.242 Black & Veatch
9.243 Black Box
9.244 BlackBerry
9.245 Blackned
9.246 BLiNQ Networks (CCI ? Communication Components Inc.)
9.247 Blu Wireless
9.248 Blue Arcus Technologies
9.249 Blue Danube Systems (NEC Corporation)
9.250 Blue Wireless
9.251 Bluebird
9.252 Blueforce Development Corporation
9.253 BLUnet Schweiz (Axpo WZ-Systems)
9.254 Boeing/Aurora Flight Sciences
9.255 Boelink (Shanghai Boelink Communication Technology)
9.256 Boingo Wireless (DigitalBridge Group)
9.257 Bombardier
9.258 Booz Allen Hamilton
9.259 Boston Dynamics
9.260 Bouygues Telecom
9.261 Boxchip
9.262 Branch Communications
9.263 BravoCom
9.264 Bredengen
9.265 Broadcom
9.266 BroadForward
9.267 Broadmobi ? Shanghai Broadmobi Communication Technology (Wutong Group)
9.268 Broadpeak
9.269 Broadtech
9.270 BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited)
9.271 BT Group
9.272 BTI Wireless
9.273 Bullitt Mobile
9.274 Bumicom Telecommunicatie
9.275 Bureau Veritas/7Layers
9.276 BVSystems (Berkeley Varitronics Systems)
9.277 BWT (BlueWaveTel)
9.278 BYD
9.279 B-Yond
9.280 C Spire
9.281 C Squared Systems
9.282 CableFree (Wireless Excellence)
9.283 CableLabs
9.284 CACI International/LGS Innovations
9.285 Cadence Design Systems
9.286 CalAmp
9.287 CalChip Connect
9.288 Caliber Public Safety
9.289 Calix
9.290 Calnex Solutions
9.291 Caltta Technologies
9.292 Cambium Networks
9.293 Cambridge Consultants (Capgemini Invent)
9.294 CampusGenius
9.295 Canoga Perkins
9.296 Canonical
9.297 Capgemini Engineering
9.298 CapX Nederland
9.299 Carbyne
9.300 Carlson Wireless Technologies
9.301 Casa Systems
9.302 CASIC (China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation)
9.303 Casio Computer Company
9.304 Castor Marine
9.305 Catalyst Communications Technologies
9.306 Cavli Wireless
9.307 CBNG (Cambridge Broadband Networks Group)
9.308 CCI (Communication Components Inc.)
9.309 CCN (Cirrus Core Networks)
9.310 CCww (Communications Consultants Worldwide)
9.311 Cegeka
9.312 CeLa Link Corporation
9.313 Celfinet (Cyient)
9.314 CellAntenna Corporation
9.315 Cellcomm Solutions
9.316 Cellient
9.317 Celling 5G
9.318 CellMax Technologies (Rosenberger)
9.319 Cellnex Telecom
9.320 CellOnyx
9.321 Cellwize (Qualcomm)
9.322 cellXica
9.323 cellXion
9.324 Celona
9.325 CelPlan Technologies
9.326 Centerline Communications
9.327 CENTRA Technology
9.328 CentralSquare Technologies
9.329 Ceragon Networks
9.330 Cerillion
9.331 CertusNet
9.332 CETC (China Electronics Technology Group Corporation)
9.333 CEVA
9.334 CGI
9.335 Challenge Networks (Vocus)
9.336 Charter Communications
9.337 Cheerzing (Xiamen Cheerzing IoT Technology)
9.338 Chelton
9.339 Chemring Technology Solutions
9.340 Chengdu NTS
9.341 China All Access
9.342 China Mobile
9.343 China Satcom (China Satellite Communications)
9.344 China Telecom
9.345 China Unicom
9.346 Chunghwa Telecom
9.347 Cibicom
9.348 CICT ? China Information and Communication Technology Group (China Xinke Group)
9.349 Ciena Corporation
9.350 CIG (Cambridge Industries Group)
9.351 CIO (Connected IO)
9.352 Cirpack
9.353 Cisco Systems
9.354 Citymesh (Cegeka/DIGI Communications)
9.355 CitySwitch
9.356 CKH IOD (CK Hutchison)
9.357 Clavister
9.358 Clever Logic
9.359 CloudMinds
9.360 CMIoT (China Mobile IoT)
9.361 Cobham
9.362 COCUS
9.363 Codan Communications
9.364 Codium Networks
9.365 Cogisys
9.366 Cognizant
9.367 Cohere Technologies
9.368 Coherent Logix
9.369 Coiler Corporation
9.370 Collinear Networks (EOS ? Electro Optic Systems)
9.371 Collins Aerospace (Raytheon Technologies Corporation)
9.372 Colt Technology Services
9.373 Com4 (Wireless Logic Group)
9.374 Comander (ANDRA)
9.375 Comarch
9.376 Comba Telecom
9.377 Combain Mobile
9.378 Comcast Corporation
9.379 Comcores
9.380 Comfone
9.381 COMLAB
9.382 CommAgility (E-Space)
9.383 CommandWear Systems
9.384 Commnet Wireless (ATN International)
9.385 Comms365
9.386 CommScope
9.387 Compal Electronics
9.388 Comprod
9.389 Comptek Technologies (Aero Wireless Group)
9.390 Comrod Communication Group
9.391 COMSovereign
9.392 Comtech Telecommunications Corporation
9.393 Comtest Wireless
9.394 Comtrend Corporation
9.395 Comviva (Tech Mahindra)
9.396 CONET Technologies
9.397 CONEXIO Corporation
9.398 CONGIV (ROBUR Industry Service Group)
9.399 Connect Tech
9.400 Connect44 Group
9.401 Connectivity Wireless Solutions (M/C Partners)
9.402 Contela
9.403 Continual
9.404 Coolpad
9.405 CopaSAT
9.406 coreNOC
9.407 Cornerstone (CTIL)
9.408 Cornet Technology
9.409 Corning
9.410 Cortina Access
9.411 Cosemi Technologies
9.412 COSMOTE (OTE Group)
9.413 Council Rock
9.414 Coweaver
9.415 Cox Communications
9.416 Cradlepoint (Ericsson)
9.417 Creanord
9.418 CrisisGo
9.420 Crown Castle International Corporation
9.421 CRSC (China Railway Signal & Communication Corporation)/CASCO Signal
9.422 CS Corporation
9.423 CSG Systems International
9.424 CTG (Celestia Technologies Group)
9.425 CTS (Communication Technology Services)
9.426 CTS Corporation
9.427 Cubic Corporation
9.428 Cubic Telecom
9.429 Cumucore
9.430 Custom MMIC
9.431 CybertelBridge
9.432 Cyient
9.433 Cyrus Technology
9.434 D2 Technologies
9.435 DAEL Group
9.436 Daeyoun System Company
9.437 Dahua Technology
9.438 Dali Wireless
9.439 DAMM Cellular Systems
9.441 DataSoft
9.442 DBcom
9.443 DeepSig
9.444 Dejero Labs
9.445 DEKRA
9.446 Dell Technologies
9.447 Delta Electronics
9.448 DENGYO (Nihon Dengyo Kosaku)
9.449 Dense Air (SIP ? Sidewalk Infrastructure Partners)
9.450 DGS (Digital Global Systems)
9.451 Dialogic
9.452 Diamond Communications
9.453 Digi International
9.454 Digicert
9.455 Digita (DigitalBridge Group)
9.456 Digital Ally
9.457 Digital Enhancement
9.458 DigitalBridge Group
9.459 DigitalRoute
9.460 Digitata
9.461 DigitGate (Nanjing DigitGate Communication Technology)
9.462 Dimetor
9.463 DISH Network Corporation
9.464 DKK (Denki Kogyo)
9.465 D-Link Corporation
9.466 DMI
9.467 Doogee
9.468 Doosan Corporation
9.469 DragonWave-X (COMSovereign)
9.470 Drakontas
9.471 DriveNets
9.472 Drone Aviation (COMSovereign)
9.473 DroneSense
9.474 Druid Software
9.475 DSBJ (Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing)
9.476 DT (Deutsche Telekom)
9.477 DTAC (Total Access Communication)
9.478 du (EITC ? Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company)
9.479 Duons
9.480 Durabook (Twinhead International Corporation)
9.481 Duubee
9.482 DZS
9.483 Eahison Communication
9.484 EANTC
9.485 Eastcom (Eastern Communications)
9.486 Easycom (Shenzhen Easycom Electronics)
9.487 E-Band Communications (Axxcss Wireless Solutions)
9.488 e-BO Enterprises
9.489 ECE (European Communications Engineering)
9.490 EchoStar Corporation
9.491 Ecom Instruments (Pepperl+Fuchs)
9.492 Ecrio
9.493 Edgecore Networks (Accton Technology Corporation)
9.494 EdgeQ
9.495 Edgybees
9.496 edotco Group (Axiata Group)
9.497 EDX Wireless
9.498 Edzcom (Cellnex Telecom)
9.499 Effnet
9.500 Eigencomm
9.501 eino
9.502 EION Wireless
9.503 Eir (Eircom)
9.504 Ekinops
9.505 Elbit Systems
9.506 Elefante Group
9.507 E-Lins Technology
9.508 Elisa
9.509 Elisa Polystar
9.510 Elistair
9.511 Elsight
9.512 Elta Systems (IAI ? Israel Aerospace Industries)
9.513 Eltex
9.514 ELUON Corporation
9.515 ELVA-1
9.516 Emblasoft
9.517 Embraer
9.518 Embratel
9.519 Emerson
9.520 EMnify
9.521 EMS (Electronic Media Services)
9.522 Encore Networks
9.523 Endress+Hauser
9.524 Enea
9.525 ENENSYS Technologies
9.526 Energizer Mobile (Avenir Telecom)
9.527 EnerSys
9.528 Entropia
9.529 Entropy Solution
9.530 Eoptolink Technology
9.531 Epiroc
9.532 Equiendo
9.533 Eravant (SAGE Millimeter)
9.534 Ericsson
9.535 Errigal
9.536 Eseye
9.537 Esharah Etisalat Security Solutions
9.538 E-Space
9.539 Estalky (K-Mobile Technology)
9.540 ETELM
9.541 eTera (Sinotech R&D Group)
9.542 Ethernity Networks
9.543 Etherstack
9.544 Etisalat Group (e&)
9.545 ETRI (Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute, South Korea)
9.546 Etteplan
9.547 EUCAST
9.548 Eurofins E&E (Electrical and Electronics)
9.549 Eurotech
9.550 Eutelsat Communications
9.551 Eventide Communications
9.552 Exacom
9.553 Exaware
9.554 Excelerate Technology
9.555 EXFO
9.556 Exium
9.557 Expandium
9.558 Expeto
9.559 ExteNet Systems (DigitalBridge Group)
9.560 Extreme Networks
9.561 EY (Ernst & Young)
9.562 Eyecom Telecommunications Group
9.563 EZcon Network
9.564 F2G (Far-Together) Solutions
9.565 F5
9.566 Fairspectrum
9.567 Fairwaves
9.568 Faraday Technology Corporation
9.569 Fastback Networks (COMSovereign)
9.570 FCNT (Fujitsu Connected Technologies)-JEMS (Japan EM Solutions)
9.571 Federal Engineering
9.572 Federated Wireless
9.573 Fenix Group
9.574 Festo
9.575 FET (Far EasTone Telecommunications)
9.577 Fibocom
9.578 Fibrolan
9.579 Filtronic
9.580 Fingu (Wuhan Fingu Electronic Technology)
9.581 Fiplex Communications (Honeywell International)
9.582 Firecell
9.583 Fivecomm
9.584 Flash Networks
9.585 Flash Private Mobile Networks
9.586 Fleet Complete
9.587 Flex
9.588 Flex Logix Technologies
9.589 Flightcell International
9.590 FLIR Systems
9.591 floLIVE
9.592 Flymotion
9.593 FMBE (FMB Engineering)
9.594 Forsk
9.595 Fortinet
9.596 Fortress Solutions
9.597 Four-Faith Communication Technology
9.598 Foxconn (Hon Hai Technology Group)
9.599 Franklin Wireless
9.600 Fraunhofer FOKUS (Institute for Open Communication Systems)
9.601 Fraunhofer HHI (Heinrich Hertz Institute)
9.602 Fraunhofer IIS (Institute for Integrated Circuits)
9.603 Fraunhofer IPT (Institute for Production Technology)
9.604 FreedomFi
9.605 Freeeway
9.606 Frequentis
9.607 Freshwave Group (DigitalBridge Group)
9.608 Frog Cellsat
9.609 FRTek
9.610 FSG (Field Solutions Group)
9.611 FTS ? Formula Telecom Solutions (Magic Software Group)
9.612 Fujikura
9.613 Fujitsu
9.614 Funk-Electronic Piciorgros
9.615 Funkwerk
9.616 Furukawa Electric
9.617 Furuno Electric
9.618 Future Technologies Venture
9.619 G REIGNS (HTC Corporation)
9.620 G+D (Giesecke+Devrient)
9.621 G3 Global
9.622 Galtronics (Baylin Technologies)
9.623 Gamma Nu
9.624 Gapwaves
9.625 Garderos
9.626 Gazprom Space Systems
9.627 GCT Semiconductor
9.628 GD (General Devices)
9.629 GE (General Electric)
9.630 Gemtek Technology
9.631 General Dynamics
9.632 Genesis Group
9.633 GENEViSiO (QNAP Systems)
9.634 Genew Technologies
9.635 Genmix Technology
9.636 GenXComm
9.637 Geotab
9.638 GeoTraq
9.639 Getac Technology Corporation
9.640 Gewei (Wuhan Gewei Electronic Technology)
9.641 GF (GlobalFoundries)
9.642 GIGABYTE Technology
9.643 Gigalane
9.645 Gigamon
9.646 GigaTera Communications (KMW)
9.647 GigSky
9.648 Gilat Satellite Networks
9.649 GL Communications
9.650 Global Telecom
9.651 Globalgig
9.652 Globalstar
9.653 Globe Telecom
9.654 GNConnect (Greenet)
9.655 Gogo Business Aviation
9.656 Goodman Telecom Services
9.657 Goodmill Systems
9.658 Google (Alphabet)
9.659 Goosetown Communications
9.660 Gore (W. L. Gore & Associates)
9.661 GosuncnWelink Technology (Gosuncn Group)
9.662 Granite Telecommunications
9.663 Grape One (Sumitomo Corporation)
9.664 Green Communications
9.665 Green Packet
9.666 GreenPalm (Hangzhou GreenPalm Technology)
9.667 GrenTech
9.668 GridGears
9.669 Groundhog Technologies
9.670 GroupTalk
9.671 GS Lab (Great Software Laboratory)
9.672 GSI (GS Instech)/GST (GS Teletech)
9.673 Guavus (Thales)
9.674 Guerrilla RF
9.675 HAAS Alert
9.676 Haier
9.677 Haivision
9.678 Halys
9.679 Hancom MDS
9.680 Handheld Group
9.681 Handsfree Group
9.682 Hansen Technologies
9.683 Hanswell
9.684 Hanwha Techwin
9.685 HAPSMobile
9.686 Harbor Max
9.687 HARMAN DTS (Digital Transformation Solutions)
9.689 Harvilon (Shenzhen Harvilon Technology)
9.690 Hawk Networks (Althea)
9.691 Haystax Technology (Fishtech Group/Cyderes)
9.692 HBFEC (Hebei Far East Communication System Engineering)
9.693 HCL Technologies
9.694 Helios (Fujian Helios Technologies)
9.695 Hengxin (Jiangsu Hengxin Technology)
9.696 Henkel
9.697 Herystorm (Guangzhou Herystorm Technology)
9.698 Hexagon
9.699 Hexagon Communication (Suzhou Hexagon Communication Technologies)
9.700 HFCL
9.701 HFR Networks
9.702 HG Genuine (HGTECH ? Huagong Technology)
9.703 Highstreet Technologies
9.704 Hikvision (Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology)
9.705 Hilinks Technology
9.706 HipLink Software
9.707 Hisense
9.708 HiSilicon Technologies (Huawei)
9.710 Hitachi
9.711 HKT (PCCW)
9.712 HKTech (Howking Tech)
9.713 HLS (HARD-LINE Solutions)
9.714 HMD Global
9.715 HMF (Hytera Mobilfunk)
9.716 HMS Networks
9.717 Hoimyung ICT
9.718 Hologram
9.719 Honeywell International
9.720 Hongdian Corporation
9.721 HONOR
9.722 Hoverfly Technologies
9.723 HP
9.724 HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
9.725 HQT (Shenzhen HQT Science and Technology)
9.726 HSC (Hughes Systique Corporation)
9.727 HTC Corporation
9.728 Huahuan (Beijing Huahuan Electronics)
9.729 Huaptec
9.730 Huawei
9.732 HUCOM Wireless
9.733 Hughes Network Systems (EchoStar Corporation)
9.734 HXI (Renaissance Electronics & Communications)
9.735 Hypha (Wireless Innovation)
9.736 Hytec Inter
9.737 Hytera Communications
9.738 i.safe MOBILE
9.739 i2i Systems
9.740 iBASIS (Tofane Global)
9.741 IBM
9.742 IBO Technology Company
9.743 iBwave Solutions
9.744 iCana (Foxconn ? Hon Hai Technology Group)
9.745 Ice Norway (Lyse)
9.746 Icom
9.747 Iconec
9.748 iConNext
9.749 iDAQS
9.750 IDEMIA
9.751 IDY Corporation
9.752 IFLY Electronics
9.753 ifm
9.754 IIJ (Internet Initiative Japan)
9.755 II-VI
9.756 IM Technology
9.757 Imec
9.758 IMPTT
9.759 InCoax Networks
9.760 Indra
9.761 iNET (Infrastructure Networks)
9.762 INEX Microtechnology
9.763 Infineon Technologies
9.764 Infinera
9.765 InfiNet Wireless
9.766 Infinite Electronics
9.767 Infomark Corporation
9.768 Infosys
9.769 Infovista
9.770 InHand Networks
9.771 Inmanta
9.772 Inmarsat
9.773 Innertron
9.774 InnoGence Technology (TROY Information)
9.775 InnoLight Technology
9.776 Innonet
9.777 Innovile
9.778 InnoWireless
9.779 Inrico Technologies
9.780 Inseego Corporation
9.781 Inspur
9.782 Insta Group
9.783 Instant Connect
9.784 INSYS icom (INSYS Microelectronics)
9.785 Intec E&C
9.786 Intel Corporation
9.787 Intelbras
9.788 Intelliport Solutions
9.789 Intelsat
9.790 Intenna Systems
9.791 InterDigital
9.793 Interop Technologies
9.794 InterTalk Critical Information Systems
9.795 Intracom Telecom
9.796 Intrado Corporation
9.797 Intrepid Networks
9.798 Inventec Corporation
9.799 INWIT (Infrastrutture Wireless Italiane)
9.800 IoT4Net
9.801 IoTAS (IoT & Approval Solutions)
9.802 IP Infusion (ACCESS CO.)
9.804 IPITEK (Integrated Photonics Technology)
9.805 IPLOOK Technologies
9.806 iPosi
9.807 Iradio Electronics
9.808 Iridium Communications
9.809 ISCO International
9.810 IS-Wireless
9.811 Italtel
9.812 ITCEN
9.813 ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan)
9.814 Itron
9.815 IWT (Innovative Wireless Technologies)
9.816 Jabil
9.817 JACS Solutions
9.818 JATONTEC (Jaton Technology)
9.819 JCI (Japan Communications Inc.)
9.820 JET Connectivity
9.821 Jezetek (Sichuan Jiuzhou Electric Group)
9.822 Jiaxun Feihong (Beijing Jiaxun Feihong Electrical)
9.823 Jinan USR IoT Technology (Mokuai/Wenheng)
9.824 JIT (JI Technology)
9.825 JMA Wireless
9.826 Johnson Controls
9.827 JOUAV
9.828 JPC Connectivity
9.829 JPS Interoperability Solutions
9.830 JQL Technologies
9.831 JRC (Japan Radio Company)
9.832 JSC Ingenium
9.833 JT IoT
9.834 Juniper Networks
9.835 Junkosha
9.836 Juvare
9.837 JVCKENWOOD Corporation
9.838 Kacific Broadband Satellites
9.839 Kaelus
9.840 Kaifa (Shenzen Kaifa Technology)
9.841 Kajeet
9.842 Kalmar (Cargotec)
9.843 Kaloom
9.844 Kalray
9.845 Katela Networks
9.846 KBR
9.847 KBT (Kenbotong Technology)
9.848 KDDI Corporation
9.849 Key Bridge Wireless
9.850 Keysight Technologies
9.851 Kiana Analytics
9.852 Kigen
9.853 Kindroid ? Shanghai Jinzhuo Technology (Kyland Technology)
9.854 Kirisun Communications
9.855 Kisan Telecom
9.856 KLA Laboratories
9.857 Klas Telecom
9.858 Klein Electronics
9.859 Kleos
9.860 KMW
9.861 Knightscope
9.862 Komatsu
9.863 Konecranes
9.864 Kontron
9.865 KORE Wireless
9.866 KPN
9.867 KT Corporation
9.868 Kudelski Group
9.869 KUKA
9.870 Kumu Networks
9.871 K-Won/Hunter Technology
9.872 Kyland Technology
9.873 Kymeta Corporation
9.874 Kyndryl
9.875 Kyocera Corporation
9.876 Kyrio (CableLabs)
9.877 KZ TECH (KZ Broadband Technologies)
9.878 L3Harris Technologies
9.879 Laird Connectivity
9.880 Landis+Gyr
9.881 Landmark Dividend (DigitalBridge Group)
9.882 Lanner Electronics
9.883 Lantronix
9.884 Lattice Semiconductor
9.885 LCR Embedded Systems
9.886 Leenos Corporation
9.887 Leidos
9.888 Lekha Wireless Solutions
9.889 Lemko Corporation
9.890 Lenovo
9.891 Leonardo
9.892 Lextrum (COMSovereign)
9.893 LG Corporation
9.894 LG Uplus
9.895 Lierda Science & Technology Group
9.896 Lifecycle Software
9.897 Ligado Networks
9.898 Lightron
9.899 Lime Microsystems
9.900 Lindsay Broadband
9.901 Linkem
9.902 Linksys
9.903 Linx Technologies
9.904 LIONS Technology
9.905 Lisheng Fujian Communications
9.906 LITE-ON Technology Corporation
9.907 LitePoint (Teradyne)
9.908 LiveU
9.909 Lociva
9.910 Lockheed Martin Corporation
9.911 Logicalis (Datatec)
9.912 LogicTree IT Solutions
9.913 Longsung Technology (Sunsea AIoT Technology)
9.914 Lookout
9.915 LS Mtron
9.916 LS telcom
9.917 LTTS (L&T Technology Services)
9.918 Luceor
9.919 Lumen Technologies
9.920 Lumentum
9.921 Lumineye
9.922 LuxCarta
9.923 Luxoft (DXC Technology)
9.924 Lyfo
9.925 Lynk Global
9.926 M1
9.927 m3connect
9.928 M4PS (Mobility 4 Public Safety)
9.929 MACOM
9.930 Magnaquest Technologies
9.931 Maipu Communication Technology
9.932 Maja Systems
9.933 MantisNet
9.934 MarchNet
9.935 Marlink
9.936 Marquistech
9.937 Martin UAV
9.938 Marubeni Corporation
9.939 Marubun Corporation
9.940 Marvell Technology
9.942 Mathworks
9.943 Matrix Electronica/Webdyn (Flexitron Group)
9.944 MATRIXX Software
9.945 MatSing
9.946 Maven Wireless
9.947 Mavenir
9.948 MaxComm
9.949 Maxis
9.950 MaxLinear
9.951 MC Technologies
9.952 MCP (Mission Critical Partners)
9.953 MCS Benelux
9.955 Mdex (Wireless Logic Group)
9.956 MEASAT Satellite Systems
9.957 MECSware
9.958 Media Broadcast (freenet Group)
9.959 MediaTek
9.960 Meeami Technologies
9.961 MegaChips Corporation
9.962 MegaFon
9.963 Meglab (Epiroc)
9.964 MeiG Smart Technology
9.965 Meizu
9.966 Mentura Group
9.967 MER Group
9.968 Meta
9.969 Metanoia Communications
9.970 Metaswitch Networks (Microsoft Corporation)
9.971 Metawave Corporation
9.972 Metismake
9.973 MetTel
9.974 MHD (Muhan Digital)
9.975 MIC Nordic
9.976 MICAS-RF (MICAS Shenzhen Telecommunication)
9.977 MiCOM Labs
9.978 Micran
9.979 Microamp Solutions
9.980 Microchip Technology
9.981 Microlab (RF Industries)
9.982 MicroNova
9.983 Microsoft Corporation
9.984 Microwave Networks
9.985 MikroTik
9.986 Mikwave (Guangdong Mikwave Communication Tech)
9.987 Milesight
9.988 Milestone Systems
9.989 Miliwave
9.990 MiMOMax
9.991 MIPS
9.992 MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation
9.993 MitraStar Technology (Unizyx Holding Corporation)
9.994 MITRE Corporation
9.995 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
9.996 MKI (Mitsui Knowledge Industry)
9.997 MOBI (Mobi Antenna Technologies)
9.998 Mobile Mark
9.999 Mobile Tornado
9.1000 Mobile Viewpoint
9.1001 MobileDemand
9.1002 MobileIron
9.1003 MobileTek (Shanghai Mobiletek Communication)
9.1004 Mobileum
9.1005 Mobilicom
9.1006 Mobilitie (BAI Communications)
9.1007 Mobiveil
9.1008 Modular Mining Systems (Komatsu)
9.1009 Molex
9.1010 Monogoto
9.1011 Morningcore Technology (CICT ? China Information and Communication Technology Group)
9.1012 Morningstar Corporation
9.1013 Moseley Associates (Axxcss Wireless Solutions)
9.1014 MosoLabs (Sercomm Corporation)
9.1015 Motive Infrastructure Solutions
9.1016 Motorola Mobility (Lenovo)
9.1017 Motorola Solutions
9.1018 Mott MacDonald
9.1019 Movandi
9.1020 Moxa
9.1021 MP Antenna
9.1022 MRK Media
9.1023 MRT Technology (Suzhou)
9.1024 MSB (M S Benbow & Associates)
9.1025 MST Global ? Mine Site Technologies (Komatsu)
9.1026 MTI (Microelectronics Technology Inc.)
9.1027 MTI Wireless Edge
9.1028 MTN Group
9.1029 MTS (Mobile TeleSystems)
9.1030 MUGLER
9.1031 MultiTech (Multi-Tech Systems)
9.1032 Murata Manufacturing
9.1033 Mushroom Networks
9.1034 Mutualink
9.1035 MVI Group
9.1036 MYCOM OSI
9.1037 Mynaric
9.1038 MYT Electronics
9.1039 N.A.T.
9.1040 Nable Communications
9.1041 NanoSemi (MaxLinear)
9.1042 Napatech
9.1043 Nash Technologies
9.1044 Nearby Computing
9.1045 NEC Corporation
9.1046 Nemergent Solutions
9.1047 Nemko
9.1048 Neolink Communications Technology
9.1049 NeoPlane
9.1050 Neoway Technology
9.1051 Neptune Communications
9.1052 Neragon Networks
9.1053 Net AI
9.1054 Neta?
9.1055 NETBEE (NET-Automation)
9.1056 NetCity (GEOS Telecom/GEOS Holding)
9.1057 Netcracker Technology (NEC Corporation)
9.1058 NetFoundry
9.1059 Netgear
9.1060 NetModule (Belden)
9.1061 Netmore Group
9.1062 NETSCOUT Systems
9.1063 Netsia (Argela)
9.1064 Netvision Telecom
9.1065 Neutral Wireless
9.1066 Neutroon Technologies
9.1067 New H3C Technologies (Tsinghua Unigroup)
9.1068 New Postcom Equipment
9.1069 NewEdge Signal Solutions
9.1070 NEXCOM International
9.1071 Nexign
9.1072 Nexpring
9.1073 Nextivity
9.1074 NextNav
9.1075 NextWave
9.1076 Nextworks
9.1077 ng4T
9.1078 NGK Group (NGK Insulators)
9.1079 ng-voice
9.1080 NI (National Instruments)
9.1081 NICE
9.1082 NimbeLink
9.1083 Niral Networks
9.1084 Nitto Denko Corporation
9.1085 NKG (New Kinpo Group)
9.1086 Node-H
9.1087 Nokia
9.1088 Nomad Digital (Alstom)
9.1089 Nordic Semiconductor
9.1090 Northrop Grumman Corporation
9.1091 NOTION Information Technology
9.1092 Nova Labs (Helium)
9.1093 NOVEC
9.1095 NRB (Network Research Belgium)
9.1096 NS Solutions Corporation
9.1097 Nsight
9.1098 NT (National Telecom)
9.1099 NTMore (Network Technology More)
9.1100 NTT DoCoMo
9.1101 NTT Group
9.1102 Nubia Technology (ZTE)
9.1103 NuRAN Wireless
9.1104 Nurlink Technology
9.1105 NVIDIA Corporation
9.1106 NXP Semiconductors
9.1107 Oasis Smart SIM
9.1108 Ocado Technology
9.1109 Oceus Networks
9.1110 Octasic
9.1111 O-Cubes
9.1112 ODN (Orbital Data Network)
9.1113 OE Solutions
9.1114 OFS Fitel (Furukawa Electric)
9.1115 OKI Electric Industry
9.1116 Omnispace
9.1117 Omnitele
9.1118 Omnitron Systems
9.1119 Omnitronics
9.1120 One2many (Everbridge)
9.1121 OneLayer
9.1122 OnePlus (BBK Electronics)
9.1123 OneSimCard
9.1124 OneWeb
9.1125 Onomondo
9.1126 Ontix
9.1127 Onwave
9.1128 Ooredoo
9.1129 Opanga Networks
9.1130 Open Valley
9.1131 Opencode Systems
9.1132 Openet (Amdocs)
9.1133 OPPO (BBK Electronics)
9.1134 O'Prueba Technology
9.1135 OPTAGE
9.1136 OptConnect
9.1137 Optical Zonu Corporation
9.1138 Opticoms
9.1139 Option
9.1140 Optiva
9.1141 OQ Technology
9.1142 Oracle Communications
9.1143 Orange
9.1144 ORBCOMM
9.1145 Ori Industries
9.1146 Orion Labs
9.1147 Oscilloquartz (Adtran)
9.1148 OV (Manx Telecom)
9.1149 OVHcloud
9.1150 P.I. Works
9.1151 PacStar (Pacific Star Communications)
9.1152 Padtec
9.1153 Palo Alto Networks
9.1154 Panasonic Connect
9.1155 Panda Electronics
9.1156 PanOptis
9.1157 Panorama Antennas
9.1158 Parallel Wireless
9.1159 Parsec Technologies
9.1160 Particle
9.1161 PAStech
9.1162 Patrocinium Systems
9.1163 Patton
9.1164 Pavlov Media
9.1165 PCS Technologies
9.1166 PCTEL
9.1167 PCTEST Lab (PCTEST Engineering Laboratory)
9.1168 Peatalk Corporation
9.1169 Pegatron Corporation
9.1170 Pei Tel Communications
9.1171 Pelion
9.1172 Penguin Solutions (SGH ? SMART Global Holdings)
9.1173 Pente Networks
9.1174 Pentonet
9.1175 Peplink (Plover Bay Technologies)
9.1176 Pepperl+Fuchs
9.1177 Pepro
9.1178 Peraso
9.1179 Peraton Labs
9.1180 Percepto
9.1181 Perle Systems
9.1182 PGE Systemy (PGE ? Polish Energy Group)
9.1183 Pharrowtech
9.1184 Phirst Technologies/xCraft Enterprises
9.1185 Phluido
9.1186 Phoenix Contact
9.1187 Phytium Technology (Tianjin Phytium Information Technology)
9.1188 PHYTunes
9.1189 Picocom
9.1190 Pierson Wireless
9.1191 Pivot Technology Services
9.1192 Pivotal Commware
9.1193 Pivotel Group
9.1194 Pivotone
9.1195 Pixavi (BARTEC)
9.1196 PK Solutions
9.1197 Platform9
9.1198 Pletronics
9.1199 Plextek
9.1200 Plintron
9.1201 Plus (Polkomtel)
9.1203 Pod Group (G+D ? Giesecke+Devrient)
9.1204 Polaris Networks (Motorola Solutions)
9.1205 Polaris Wireless
9.1206 Pollen Mobile
9.1207 Positron Access Solutions
9.1208 Potevio (CETC ? China Electronics Technology Group Corporation)
9.1209 PPC (Power Plus Communications)
9.1210 PPC Broadband (Belden)
9.1211 Precision OT (Optical Transceivers)
9.1212 PRESCOM
9.1213 PrioCom
9.1214 Proef
9.1215 Proptivity
9.1216 Proscend Communications
9.1217 PROSE Technologies (Rosenberger)
9.1218 PROTEI
9.1219 Proxim Wireless Corporation (SRA Holdings)
9.1220 Proximus
9.1221 Pryme Radio Products
9.1222 pSemi Corporation (Murata Manufacturing)
9.1223 PT INTI (PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia)
9.1224 PT LEN Industri
9.1225 PTC
9.1226 PTI (Persistent Telecom Inc.)
9.1227 Publicis Sapient
9.1228 Puloli
9.1229 Pulsara
9.1230 Pulse Electronics (YAGEO Corporation)
9.1231 Pycom
9.1232 PySENSE
9.1233 QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology)
9.1234 Qinetiq
9.1235 Qorvo
9.1236 QuadGen Wireless Solutions
9.1237 Qualcomm
9.1238 Quanta Computer
9.1239 Quantum Wireless
9.1240 Qucell Networks (InnoWireless)
9.1241 Quectel Wireless Solutions
9.1242 Quintel (Cirtek Holdings Philippines Corporation)
9.1243 Qulsar
9.1244 Quortus (CradlePoint)
9.1245 Qwake Technologies
9.1246 Qwilt
9.1247 R Systems (Computaris International)
9.1248 R3 Solutions
9.1249 RACOM (Czech Republic)
9.1250 RACOM Corporation
9.1251 RAD
9.1252 RADCOM
9.1253 Radiall
9.1254 Radio Gigabit
9.1255 Radio IP Software
9.1256 RadioMobile
9.1257 Radisys (Reliance Industries)
9.1259 Radware
9.1260 RADWIN
9.1261 Rafael Advanced Defense Systems
9.1262 Raisecom
9.1263 Rajant Corporation
9.1264 Rakon
9.1265 Rakuten Symphony
9.1266 RAKwireless
9.1267 Range Networks (AMN ? Africa Mobile Networks)
9.1268 Ranger Systems
9.1269 Ranplan Wireless
9.1270 Rapid.Space (Nexedi)
9.1271 RapidDeploy
9.1272 RapidSOS
9.1273 Rapidtek Technologies
9.1274 Rave Mobile Safety
9.1275 Raycap
9.1276 Raytheon Technologies Corporation
9.1277 RCS Telecommunications
9.1278 RCT (Remote Control Technologies)
9.1279 Ready Wireless
9.1280 Realme (BBK Electronics)
9.1281 Red Hat (IBM)
9.1282 Red Lion Controls (Spectris)
9.1283 RED Technologies
9.1284 REDCOM Laboratories
9.1285 RedZinc
9.1286 Reliance Jio Infocomm (Jio Platforms)
9.1287 REMEC Broadband Wireless Networks (Bridgewave Communications/SAGE SatCom)
9.1288 Renesas Electronics Corporation
9.1289 REPLY
9.1290 Rescue 42
9.1291 Responder Corp
9.1292 RF Connect
9.1293 RF DSP
9.1294 RF Industries
9.1296 RF Window
9.1297 RF-Comm
9.1298 RFHIC Corporation
9.1299 RFI Technology Solutions
9.1300 RFS (Radio Frequency Systems)
9.1301 RFTech
9.1302 Ribbon Communications
9.1303 Ricon Mobile
9.1304 RigNet (Viasat Energy Services)
9.1305 RIMEDO Labs
9.1306 Rivada Networks
9.1307 Rivada Space Networks
9.1308 RKTPL (RK Telesystem Private Limited)
9.1309 Robert Bosch
9.1310 Robin.io (Rakuten Symphony)
9.1311 Robustel
9.1312 Rogers Communications
9.1313 Rogers Corporation
9.1314 Rohde & Schwarz
9.1315 Rohill
9.1316 Rolling Wireless (Fibocom)
9.1317 Rolloos (FMJ Group)
9.1318 Rosenberger
9.1319 Royole Corporation
9.1320 RSCC (Russian Satellite Communications Company)
9.1321 RSConnect
9.1322 RTX A/S
9.1323 RTx Technology
9.1324 RugGear
9.1325 RuggON Corporation
9.1326 Ruijie Networks
9.1327 RunEL
9.1328 Rushmere Technology
9.1329 S&T Iskratel (Kontron)
9.1330 Saab
9.1331 Saankhya Labs (Tejas Networks)
9.1332 SABIC
9.1333 SAC Wireless (Nokia)
9.1334 SAE IT-Systems (LACROIX Group)
9.1335 SAF Tehnika
9.1336 Safe-Com Wireless
9.1337 SafeMobile
9.1338 Safran
9.1339 Sagemcom
9.1340 SageRAN (Guangzhou SageRAN Technology)
9.1341 Saguna Networks (COMSovereign)
9.1342 SAI Technology
9.1343 SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation)
9.1344 Samji Electronics
9.1345 Samsung
9.1346 SAMWON FA
9.1347 Samyoung Celetra
9.1348 Sandvik
9.1349 Sandvine
9.1350 Sanechips Technology (ZTE)
9.1351 Sanjole
9.1352 San-tron
9.1353 Sanxing (Ningbo Sanxing Smart Electric)
9.1354 Sasken Technologies
9.1355 SaskTel
9.1356 Sateliot
9.1357 SatixFy
9.1358 Saviah Technologies
9.1359 Savox Communications
9.1360 SBA Communications
9.1361 Sceye
9.1362 Schneider Electric
9.1363 SEA ? Systems Engineering & Assessment (Cohort)
9.1364 Seamless Waves
9.1365 Sectra Communications
9.1366 Secured Communications
9.1367 SecureG
9.1368 Select Spectrum
9.1369 SEMPRE
9.1370 Semtech Corporation
9.1371 Senko Advanced Components
9.1372 Sensorview
9.1373 Senstar Corporation
9.1374 Sensus (Xylem)
9.1375 Sentient Energy (Koch Engineered Solutions)
9.1376 Sentinel Camera Systems
9.1377 Seong Ji Industrial
9.1379 Seowon Intech
9.1380 Sepura
9.1381 Sequans Communications
9.1382 Sercomm Corporation
9.1383 SES
9.1384 SETUP Protokolltester
9.1385 SGS
9.1386 Shannon Wireless (Zhejiang Shannon Communication Technology)
9.1387 Shared Access
9.1388 Sharp Corporation (Foxconn ? Hon Hai Technology Group)
9.1389 Shenglu (Guangdong Shenglu Telecommunication)
9.1390 Shenzhen CXD Science & Technology
9.1391 Shenzhen Recoda Technologies
9.1392 SIAE Microelettronica
9.1393 SICK
9.1394 Siemens
9.1395 Sierra Wireless (Semtech Corporation)
9.1396 Sigma Wireless
9.1397 Signal Information & Communication Corporation
9.1398 Signalchip
9.1399 Signalwing
9.1400 Siklu
9.1401 Silicom Connectivity Solutions
9.1402 Silicom SAS (France)
9.1403 SIMCom Wireless Solutions (Sunsea AIoT Technology)
9.1404 Simnovus
9.1405 Simoco Wireless Solutions
9.1406 Sinclair Technologies (Norsat International/Hytera Communications)
9.1407 Singtel
9.1408 Sinnwell (audius)
9.1409 SIRADEL
9.1410 SITA
9.1411 siticom (Logicalis)
9.1412 SiTime Corporation
9.1413 SITRONICS (Sistema)
9.1414 SiTune Corporation
9.1415 Sivers Semiconductors
9.1416 Siyata Mobile
9.1417 SK Telecom
9.1418 SK Telesys
9.1419 Skoltech (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology)
9.1420 SKY Perfect JSAT
9.1421 SkyFive
9.1422 Skylark Wireless
9.1423 Skylo Technologies
9.1424 Skytic Telecom
9.1425 Skyvera (TelcoDR)
9.1426 Skyworks Solutions
9.1427 SLA Corporation
9.1428 SM Optics (SIAE Microelettronica)
9.1429 Smart Communications (PLDT)
9.1430 Smart Mobile Labs
9.1431 Smartfren
9.1432 SmarTone
9.1433 SmartSky Networks
9.1434 SMAWave (Shanghai SMAWave Technology)
9.1435 Socionext
9.1436 SoftBank Group
9.1437 Softil
9.1438 Soitec
9.1439 Solectek Corporation/Cielo Networks
9.1440 SOLiD
9.1441 Solidtronic
9.1442 Soliton Systems
9.1443 Sonim Technologies
9.1444 Sony Group Corporation
9.1445 Sooktha
9.1446 Soracom
9.1447 Source Photonics
9.1448 Southern Linc
9.1449 Space Data Corporation
9.1450 SpaceBridge
9.1451 Spacecom
9.1452 SpaceX
9.1453 Spark New Zealand
9.1454 Spectra Group
9.1455 SpectraRep
9.1456 Spectre (Rostec)
9.1457 Spectronite
9.1458 Spectronn
9.1459 Spectrum Effect
9.1460 Speedcast
9.1461 Spideradio (Suzhou Spideradio Telecommunication Technology)
9.1462 SPIE Group
9.1463 Spirent Communications
9.1465 SPL (Stratospheric Platforms Limited)
9.1466 Sporton International
9.1467 SQUAN
9.1468 Squire Technologies
9.1469 SRS (Software Radio Systems)
9.1470 SRTechnology
9.1471 SSC (Shared Spectrum Company)
9.1472 SSS Public Safety
9.1473 ST (STMicroelectronics)
9.1474 ST Engineering iDirect
9.1475 Star Microwave
9.1476 Star Solutions
9.1477 StarHub
9.1478 StarPoint (Beijing StarPoint Technology)
9.1479 STC (Saudi Telecom Company)
9.1480 Steep
9.1481 STEP CG
9.1482 STL (Sterlite Technologies Ltd.)
9.1483 Stop Noise
9.1484 sTraffic
9.1485 Strata Worldwide
9.1486 Streambox
9.1487 Streamwide
9.1488 Subex
9.1489 Sumitomo Electric Industries
9.1490 Summa Networks
9.1491 Summit Tech
9.1492 Sunrise UPC (Liberty Global)
9.1493 Sunsea AIoT Technology
9.1494 Sunwave Communications
9.1495 Supermicro (Super Micro Computer)
9.1496 SureSite Consulting Group
9.1497 SUSE
9.1498 Swisscom
9.1499 Swissphone
9.1500 Sylincom (Beijing Sylincom Technology)
9.1501 Synctechno
9.1502 Syniverse
9.1503 SYRTEM
9.1504 Systech Corporation
9.1505 System Innovation Group
9.1506 Systemics-PAB
9.1507 T&W (Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics)
9.1508 T2M
9.1509 TacSat Networks
9.1510 Tait Communications
9.1511 Taiwan Mobile
9.1513 Talia Communications (Commercis)
9.1514 Talk-IP International
9.1515 Talkpod Technology
9.1516 Tambora Systems
9.1517 Tampa Microwave (Thales)
9.1518 Tampnet
9.1519 Tango Networks
9.1520 Tango Tango
9.1521 Taoglas
9.1522 Tarana Wireless
9.1523 TASSTA
9.1524 Tata Elxsi
9.1525 Tatfook (Shenzhen Tatfook Technology)
9.1526 TCL Communication
9.1527 TCOM
9.1528 TCS (Tata Consultancy Services)
9.1529 TD Tech
9.1530 TDC NET
9.1531 TDCOMM
9.1532 TE Connectivity
9.1533 Teal Communications
9.1534 Tech Mahindra
9.1535 Techbros
9.1536 Technicolor
9.1537 Tecom
9.1538 Tecore Networks
9.1539 Tejas Networks
9.1540 TEKTELIC Communications
9.1541 Telco Systems (BATM Advanced Communications)
9.1542 Telcoware
9.1543 Teldat
9.1544 Tele2
9.1545 Tele2 Russia (Rostelecom)
9.1546 Telecom26
9.1547 Teleena (Tata Communications MOVE)
9.1548 Telefield
9.1549 Telefonica Group
9.1550 Telekom Slovenije
9.1551 Telenet
9.1552 Telenor Group
9.1553 Telent
9.1554 Telesat
9.1555 Telespazio (Leonardo/Thales)
9.1556 Teleste
9.1557 teleSys Software
9.1558 Telet Research
9.1559 Televate
9.1560 Telewave
9.1561 Teleworld Solutions (Samsung)
9.1562 Telia Company
9.1563 Telit Cinterion
9.1564 Telkomsel
9.1565 Tellabs
9.1566 Tellion
9.1567 Telna
9.1568 TELNET Redes Inteligentes
9.1569 TELOX (Telo Systems)
9.1570 Telrad Networks
9.1571 Telsasoft
9.1572 Telstra
9.1573 Teltonika
9.1574 Teltronic (Hytera Communications)
9.1575 Telus
9.1576 TEOCO
9.1577 Teracom
9.1578 Teradek
9.1579 TeraGo
9.1580 Tera-Pass
9.1581 Tessares
9.1582 TESSCO Technologies/Ventev
9.1583 Thaicom
9.1584 Thales
9.1585 ThinkRF
9.1586 Three Group Solutions (CK Hutchison)
9.1587 Thundercomm
9.1588 TI (Texas Instruments)
9.1589 Tianyi (Sichuan Tianyi Comheart Telecom)
9.1590 Tibco Telecoms
9.1591 TietoEVRY
9.1592 Tillman Global Holdings
9.1593 Tilson
9.1594 TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile)
9.1595 Titan ICT
9.1596 Titan.ium Platform
9.1597 TJ Innovation
9.1598 TLC Solutions
9.1599 TM (Telekom Malaysia)
9.1600 T-Mobile US
9.1601 TMYTEK (TMY Technology)
9.1602 TNS (Transaction Network Services)
9.1603 TO21COMMS
9.1604 Tofane Global
9.1605 TOKIE (Irvees Technology)
9.1606 TOMIA
9.1607 Tongyu Communication
9.1608 Toshiba Corporation
9.1609 Totogi
9.1610 TowerJazz
9.1611 TPG Telecom
9.1612 TPL Systemes
9.1613 TP-Link Technologies
9.1614 Transatel (NTT Group)
9.1615 Transit Wireless (BAI Communications)
9.1616 TransPacket
9.1617 TriaSys Technologies Corporation
9.1618 TRIOPT
9.1619 Triorail
9.1620 Tropico (CPQD ? Center for Research and Development in Telecommunications, Brazil)
9.1621 TrueMove H (True Corporation)
9.1622 TRUMPF
9.1623 Truphone
9.1624 TRX Systems
9.1625 TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company)
9.1626 Tsofun
9.1627 TST Systems (Thorcom Systems/Sonic Communications/Tioga Electronic Assembly)
9.1628 T-Systems International
9.1629 TTG International
9.1630 TTM Technologies
9.1631 Tupl
9.1632 Turk Telekom
9.1633 Turkcell
9.1634 TUSUR (Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics)
9.1635 TUV SUD
9.1636 Two Six Labs
9.1637 Tyler Technologies
9.1638 U.S. Cellular
9.1639 UANGEL
9.1640 UBCS
9.1641 Ubicquia
9.1642 Ubiik
9.1643 UBiqube
9.1644 Ubiquoss
9.1645 Ubiwhere
9.1646 U-Blox
9.1647 Ucloudy (Shanghai Ucloudy Information Technology)
9.1648 UCtel
9.1649 UfiSpace
9.1650 UL
9.1651 ULAK Communication
9.1652 Ultraband Technologies
9.1653 UMC (United Microelectronics Corporation)
9.1654 Umlaut (Accenture)
9.1655 UMS (United Monolithic Semiconductors)
9.1656 UNIMO Technology
9.1657 UNISOC (Tsinghua Unigroup)
9.1658 UniStrong
9.1659 UNITAC Technology
9.1660 UniTTEC
9.1661 UROS
9.1662 URSYS
9.1663 US Digital Designs
9.1664 USI (Universal Scientific Industrial)
9.1665 Utility (Utility Associates)
9.1666 Utility Connect (Alliander/Stedin)
9.1667 UTStarcom
9.1668 V&M (Venus & Mercury) Telecom
9.1669 V5 Systems
9.1670 Valid (Brazil)
9.1671 Valid8
9.1672 Vantage Towers
9.1673 Vanu
9.1674 Vapor IO
9.1675 Vavitel (Shenzhen Vavitel Technology)
9.1676 VDI (Virginia Diodes, Inc.)
9.1677 Vector Data
9.1678 Veea
9.1679 VEON
9.1680 Verana Networks
9.1681 Verizon Communications
9.1682 Verkotan
9.1683 Versa Networks
9.1684 Vertel
9.1685 Vertical Bridge (DigitalBridge Group)
9.1686 Vertiv
9.1687 Verveba Telecom
9.1688 VHT (Viettel High Tech)
9.1689 Viasat
9.1690 VIAVI Solutions
9.1691 VIDA Technologies
9.1692 Vigilate
9.1693 Vilicom (BAI Communications)
9.1694 VinSmart (Vingroup)
9.1695 Viper RF
9.1696 Viprinet
9.1697 ViPRO Corporation
9.1698 Virtual Access (Westermo Network Technologies)
9.1699 Virtusa Corporation
9.1700 Vislink Technologies
9.1701 Visual Labs
9.1702 Vital (New Zealand)
9.1703 VITES
9.1704 Vivo (BBK Electronics)
9.1705 VMware
9.1706 VNC ? Virtual NetCom (COMSovereign)
9.1707 VNL ? Vihaan Networks Limited (Shyam Group)
9.1708 Vodacom Group
9.1709 Vodafone Group
9.1710 VoerEir
9.1711 VoiceAge Corporation
9.1712 Voipfuture
9.1713 Volvo CE (Construction Equipment)
9.1714 Voxer
9.1715 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
9.1716 Vubiq Networks
9.1717 VVDN Technologies
9.1718 WAGO
9.1719 WAV4M
9.1720 WAVE (AGC)
9.1721 Wave1
9.1722 Wave-In Communication
9.1723 Wavelabs
9.1724 Wavesight
9.1725 Wavetel Technology
9.1726 Waycare
9.1727 WCCTV (Wireless CCTV)
9.1728 WDNA (Wireless DNA)
9.1729 Weaccess Group
9.1730 WebRadar
9.1731 Weidmuller
9.1732 Welotec
9.1733 Westell Technologies
9.1734 Wevercomm
9.1735 Wewins (Shenzhen Wewins Wireless)
9.1736 wgtwo (Working Group Two)
9.1737 WH Bence Group
9.1738 Whale Cloud Technology (Alibaba Group)
9.1739 Whizz Systems
9.1740 Widelity
9.1741 WIG (Wireless Infrastructure Group)
9.1742 Wildox (Shenzhen Happy Technology)
9.1743 Wilson Electronics
9.1744 Wilus
9.1745 WIN Connectivity (Wireless Information Networks)
9.1746 Wind River Systems
9.1747 Wind Tre
9.1748 Wingtech Technology
9.1750 Winmate Communications
9.1751 Winncom Technologies
9.1752 Wipro
9.1753 Wireless Logic Group
9.1754 Wireless Technologies Finland
9.1755 Wireless Telecom Group
9.1756 WiSig Networks
9.1757 Wistron Corporation
9.1758 Wiwynn (Wistron Corporation)
9.1759 WM Systems
9.1760 WMS (Wireless Maritime Services)
9.1761 WNC (Wistron NeWeb Corporation)
9.1762 Wolfspeed
9.1763 WooriNet
9.1764 Workz
9.1765 World View
9.1766 WorldCell Solutions
9.1767 Wouxun (Quanzhou Wouxun Electronics)
9.1768 WTL (World Telecom Labs)
9.1769 WTW Electronic
9.1770 WWT (World Wide Technology)
9.1771 Wytec International
9.1772 Xantaro
9.1773 XAVi Technologies Corporation (Chicony Electronics)
9.1774 XCOM Labs
9.1775 Xelera Technologies
9.1776 Xemex
9.1777 Xena Networks
9.1778 Xiamen Puxing Electronics Science & Technology
9.1779 Xiamen Sanan Integrated Circuit
9.1780 Xiaomi
9.1781 Xilinx (AMD ? Advanced Micro Devices)
9.1782 Xingtera
9.1783 Xinwei Group
9.1784 XINYI Information Technology
9.1785 XipLink
9.1786 XIUS
9.1787 YADRO (ICS Holding)
9.1788 YAGEO Corporation
9.1789 Yahsat (Al Yah Satellite Communications)/Thuraya
9.1790 YaleBTS
9.1791 Yanton (Quanzhou Yanton Electronics)
9.1792 YOFC (Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable)
9.1793 Yokogawa Electric Corporation
9.1794 Yuge Technology (Shanghai Yuge Information Technology)
9.1795 Zain Group
9.1796 ZaiNar
9.1797 Zaram Technology
9.1798 Z-Com
9.1799 Zealync
9.1800 Zebra Technologies
9.1801 Zeetta Networks
9.1802 Zello
9.1803 ZenFi Networks (BAI Communications)
9.1804 Zengyi Technology
9.1805 Zepcam
9.1806 ZeroEyes
9.1807 Zetron (Codan)
9.1808 Zhengkai Electronics (Jiangsu Zhengkai Electronics Technology)
9.1809 ZILLNK
9.1810 Zinwave (McWane)
9.1811 Zioncom
9.1812 Zmtel (Shanghai Zhongmi Communication Technology)
9.1813 ZT Systems
9.1814 ZTE
9.1815 Zyxel (Unizyx Holding Corporation)
10 Chapter 10: Market Sizing & Forecasts
10.1 Global Outlook for Private LTE & 5G Network Investments
10.2 Infrastructure Submarkets
10.2.1 RAN Base Station RUs DUs/CUs
10.2.2 Mobile Core User Plane Functions Control Plane Functions
10.2.3 Transport Network Fiber & Wireline Microwave Satellite Communications
10.3 Technology Generations
10.3.1 LTE LTE RAN EPC Transport
10.3.2 5G 5G RAN 5GC Transport
10.4 Cell Sizes
10.4.1 Indoor Small Cells
10.4.2 Outdoor Small Cells
10.4.3 Macrocells
10.5 Spectrum Licensing Models
10.5.1 Mobile Operator-Owned Spectrum
10.5.2 Wide Area Licensed Spectrum
10.5.3 Shared & Local Area Licensed Spectrum
10.5.4 Unlicensed Spectrum
10.6 Frequency Ranges
10.6.1 Low-Band (Sub-1 GHz)
10.6.2 Mid-Band (1-6 GHz)
10.6.3 High-Band (mmWave)
10.7 End User Markets & Verticals
10.7.1 Vertical Industries Agriculture Aviation Broadcasting Construction Education Forestry Healthcare Manufacturing Military Mining Oil & Gas Ports & Maritime Transport Public Safety Railways Utilities Others
10.7.2 Offices, Buildings & Corporate Campuses
10.8 Regional Segmentation
10.8.1 North America Infrastructure Submarkets End User Markets & Verticals
10.8.2 Asia Pacific Infrastructure Submarkets End User Markets & Verticals
10.8.3 Europe Infrastructure Submarkets End User Markets & Verticals
10.8.4 Middle East & Africa Infrastructure Submarkets End User Markets & Verticals
10.8.5 Latin & Central America Infrastructure Submarkets End User Markets & Verticals
11 Chapter 11: Conclusion & Strategic Recommendations
11.1 Why is the Market Poised to Grow?
11.2 Future Roadmap: 2023 ? 2030
11.2.1 2023 ? 2025: Continued Investments in Private Cellular Networks
11.2.2 2026 ? 2029: Mass-Market Adoption of Industrial-Grade Standalone 5G NPNs
11.2.3 2030 & Beyond: Towards Private 6G Connectivity for Future Applications
11.3 Competitive Landscape: Acquisitions, Consolidation & Partnerships
11.4 Assessing the Practical & Quantifiable Benefits of Private LTE/5G Networks
11.5 Spectrum Liberalization Initiatives for Private LTE/5G Networks
11.6 The Role of National Mobile Network Operators
11.7 5G Network Slicing & Hybrid Public-Private Networks
11.8 Emergence of New Classes of Private Network Operators
11.9 Opportunities for Global System Integrators, Hyperscalers & Other New Entrants
11.10 Startups Targeting Private Cellular Security, Management & Orchestration Needs
11.11 Open RAN & vRAN (Virtualized RAN) Adoption in Private Networks
11.12 Close Link Between Private LTE/5G Networks & Edge Computing
11.13 SON & AI-Based Automation: Easing the Role of Enterprise IT Departments
11.14 Driving the Convergence of IT & OT Domains With Industrial-Grade 5G Connectivity
11.15 Interconnectivity & Roaming in Private LTE/5G Networks
11.16 Post-Pandemic Changes & Their Impact on the Market
11.17 Strategic Recommendations
11.17.1 LTE /5G Equipment & Chipset Suppliers
11.17.2 System Integrators & Private Network Specialists
11.17.3 National Mobile Network Operators
11.17.4 End User Organizations & Vertical Industries
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