5G&オープンRAN時代のSON(自己組織化ネットワーク):2022年~2030年の機会、課題、戦略、予測SON (Self-Organizing Networks) in the 5G & Open RAN Era: 2022 - 2030 Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts 概要 SON (Self-Organizing Network) テクノロジーは、導入時のネットワーク・エレメントの手動コンフィギュレーションから、運用中の動的最適化とトラブルシューティングまで、モバイル・ネ... もっと見る
SON (Self-Organizing Network) テクノロジーは、導入時のネットワーク・エレメントの手動コンフィギュレーションから、運用中の動的最適化とトラブルシューティングまで、モバイル・ネットワークのライフサイクル・コストを最小限に抑えます。SONは、ネットワーク・パフォーマンスと顧客体験を向上させるだけでなく、モバイル事業者のサービス・コストを大幅に削減し、OpEx対収益比を改善し、回避可能なCapExを先送りすることができます。
SONを早期に導入した事業者は、5G NRおよびLTE RAN(無線アクセス・ネットワーク)のロールアウト時間の短縮、ネットワーク・アップグレードの簡素化、通話切断の減少、コール・セットアップ成功率の向上、エンドユーザー・スループットの向上、特別イベント時の混雑緩和、加入者の満足度とロイヤルティの向上、エネルギーやコストの節約などの運用効率化、無線エンジニアの反復的な手作業からの解放など、数多くのメリットをすでに目の当たりにしています。
革新的なオープン RAN および vRAN (仮想化 RAN) アーキテクチャの人気が急上昇しているため、従来はニッチで独自製品主導だった SON 市場が、オープン標準準拠の RIC (RAN インテリジェントコントローラ)、xApp、rApp 製品によって再び活性化しています。
SNS Telecom & ITは、RICプラットフォーム、xApps、rAppsへの世界的な支出は、初期実装がフィールド試験から本番グレードの展開に移行する2023年に1億2000万ドルに達すると予測している。商業的な成熟に伴い、このサブマーケットはさらに5倍に拡大し、2025年末までに約6億ドルに達すると予想されている。広範なSON市場(組み込みD-SON機能のライセンス供与、サードパーティのC-SON機能と関連OSSプラットフォーム、モバイル事業者が内部開発した社内SON機能、RAN、モバイルコア、トランスポートの各領域にわたるSON関連プロフェッショナルサービスなど)の年間投資額は、同期間中、年平均成長率約7%で増加すると予想される。
SNS Telecom & ITは、RICプラットフォーム、xApps、rAppsへの世界的な支出は、初期実装がフィールド試験から本番グレードの展開に移行する2023年に1億2000万ドルに達すると予測している。商業的な成熟に伴い、このサブマーケットはさらに5倍に拡大し、2025年末までに約6億ドルに達すると予想されている。
サードパーティのSONベンダーのエコシステムは統合の兆しを見せており、クアルコムが5G RANインフラを強化するためにC-SONのスペシャリストであるCellwizeを最近買収したこと、Elisa AutomateがPolystarと合併してElisa Polystarを設立したこと、HCLがシスコのSONテクノロジー事業を買収したことなど、いくつかの著名なM&A案件がある。
しかしその一方で、VMware、ジュニパーネットワークス、その他のRICプラットフォーム・プロバイダから、Cohere Technologies、DeepSig、Groundhog Technologies、Subex、B-Yond、Net AI、RIMEDO Labsといったx/rAppのスペシャリストまで、新しいサプライヤも台頭し始めている。
SONの機能は、現在進行中のプライベート4G/5Gネットワークの普及において極めて重要な役割を果たしており、これはセクターを超えたパートナーシップの増加からも明らかである。例えば、民間の無線サービス・プロバイダーであるBetacom社は、クアルコムと提携し、前者の5GaaS(5G-as-a-Service)と後者のCellwize RAN自動化・管理プラットフォームなどの実現エコシステムを組み合わせることで、プライベート5Gネットワークの企業導入を加速させている。同様に、ドイツを拠点とするシステムインテグレーターのOpticoms社は、SONのスペシャリストであるInnovile社とパートナーシップを結び、Open RAN標準に準拠したプライベート5Gネットワークの自動化と最適化を進めている。
2020年から2022年にかけて、Verizon、EE(BTグループ)、Orange、Telefonica、Turkcell、beCloud(Belarusian Cloud Technologies)、VEON、Ooredoo、Zain、BTC(Botswana Telecommunications Corporation)、LTT(Libya Telecom & Technology)、Telstra、Singtel、Telkomsel、Globe Telecom、Smart Communications(PLDT)、Telecom Argentinaなど、複数の事業者が大規模なC-SONを導入した。
オープンRANおよびvRAN(仮想化RAN)アーキテクチャ、ダイナミックスペクトラム管理、ネットワークスライシング、エッジコンピューティング、ビッグデータ、高度分析、AI(人工知能)/ML(機械学習)、ゼロタッチ自動化など、次世代5G SON実装の主要トレンド
RAN セグメント SON アーキテクチャ サブマーケット
オープンRAN RIC、xApps、rApps
2G & 3G
Wi-Fi & その他
目次 目次 1 第1章:はじめに 1.1 エグゼクティブサマリー 1.2 対象となるトピック 1.3 予測セグメンテーション 1.4 回答された主な質問 1.5 主な調査結果 1.6 方法論 1.7 対象読者 1.8 注目企業・団体 2 Chapter 2: SON & モバイルネットワーク最適化のエコシステム 2.1 従来のモバイルネットワーク最適化 2.1.1 ネットワークプランニング 2.1.2 測定収集 : ドライブテスト、プローブ、エンドユーザーデータ 2.1.3 後処理、最適化、ポリシー実施 2.2 SON(自己組織化ネットワーク)のコンセプト 2.2.1 SONとは? 2.2.2 SONの必要性 2.3 SONの機能領域 2.3.1 自己構成 2.3.2 自己最適化 2.3.3 自己治癒 2.3.4 自己保護 2.3.5 自己学習 2.4 SON バリューチェーン 2.4.1 SON、xApp/rApp & 自動化スペシャリスト 2.4.2 OSS & RIC プラットフォームプロバイダー 2.4.3 RAN、コア & トランスポートネットワーク機器サプライヤー 2.4.4 無線サービスプロバイダー 全国移動通信事業者 固定回線サービスプロバイダー 民間 4G/5G ネットワーク事業者 ニュートラルホスト 2.4.5 エンドユーザー 消費者 企業と垂直産業 2.4.6 その他のエコシステム・プレーヤー 2.5 市場牽引要因 2.5.1 5G & Open RAN時代 : インフラ投資の継続 2.5.2 複雑なマルチRAN環境における最適化 2.5.3 OpExとCapExの削減:コスト削減の可能性 2.5.4 加入者エクスペリエンスの向上と解約の削減 2.5.5 節電:より環境に優しいモバイルネットワークへ 2.5.6 トラフィック管理による混雑の緩和 2.5.7 小型セルのプラグ&プレイ展開の実現 2.5.8 プライベート4G/5Gネットワークの採用拡大 2.6 市場の障壁 2.6.1 実装の複雑さ 2.6. 2.6.3 自動化に対する信頼の欠如 2.6.4 独自のSONアルゴリズム 2.6.5 分散型SONと集中型SONの間の調整 2.6.6 ネットワーク・セキュリティの懸念:新しいインターフェースと監視の欠如 3章:SON技術、実装アーキテクチャ、およびユースケース 3.1 SONはモバイル・ネットワークのどこに位置するか? 3.1.1 RAN 3.1.2 モバイル・コア 3.1.3 トランスポート(フロントホール、ミッドホール、バックホール) 3.1.4 デバイス支援型SON 3.2 従来のSONアーキテクチャ 3.2.1 D-SON(分散型SON) 3.2.2 C-SON(集中型SON) 3.2.3 H-SON (Hybrid SON) 3.3 Open Standards-Compliant RIC, xApps & rApps 3.3.1 RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) Near-RT (Real-Time) RIC Non-RT (Real-Time) RIC 3.3.2 xApps:オープンD-SONアプリケーション 3.3.3 rApps:Open C-SON Applications 3.4 SON Use Cases 3.4.1 RAN-Centric Use Cases ANR (Automatic Neighbor Relations) CNR (Centralized Neighbor Relations) PCI (Physical Cell ID) Allocation & Conflict Resolution CCO (Coverage & Capacity Optimization) MRO (Mobility Robustness Optimization) MLB (Mobility Load Balancing) 3.4. ICIC(Inter-Cell Interference Coordination)&eICIC(Enhanced ICIC) COD/COC(Cell Outage Detection & Compensation) MDT(Minimization of Drive Tests) Advanced Traffic Steering Automated Anomaly Detection Massive MIMO & Beamforming Optimization 4G-5G デュアルコネクティビティ管理 RAN スライス管理 DSS(ダイナミックスペクトラムシェアリング) 周波数レイヤ管理 BBU(ベースバンドユニット)リソースプール 3.4. V2X 通信シナリオにおけるハンドオーバー管理 小型セルの迅速なプラグ&プレイ構成 DAS(分散アンテナシステム)の最適化 3.4.2 マルチドメイン、コア、トランスポート関連のユースケース ネットワーク要素の自己構成とテスト ドメイン接続管理 自動インベントリチェック AIC(自動不整合修正) ネットワーク障害の自己修復 シグナリングストーム保護 エネルギー効率と節約 QoS と QoE ベースの最適化 輻輳予測と管理 AI 対応パフォーマンス診断 産業用IoTの最適化 コアネットワークの自動化 ネットワークスライシングのリソース割り当て VNF & CNFの最適化 トランスポートリンクの自動プロビジョニング トランスポートネットワーク帯域幅の最適化 無線トランスポート干渉管理 シームレスなベンダーインフラのスワップ SON Coordination Management Cognitive & Self-Learning Networks 4章: 次世代SON実装の主要動向 4.1 Open RAN & vRAN (Virtualized RAN) アーキテクチャ 4.1.1 RANの自動化とRIC、xApps、rAppsによるインテリジェンスの実現 4.2 小セル、ヘットネット、RANの高密度化 4.2.1 プラグアンドプレイの小セル 4.2.2 SONが可能にするUDN(超高密度ネットワーク)の調整 4.3 Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum 4.3.1 SONを利用したスペクトラムの動的管理 4.4 MEC(Multi-Access Edge Computing) 4.4.1 SONとの相乗効果の可能性 4.5 ネットワーク・スライシング 4.5.1 5Gネットワークにおけるネットワーク・スライシングのためのSONメカニズム 4.6 ビッグデータと高度分析 4.6.1 ビッグデータによるSONのメリットの最大化 4.6.2 予測&行動アナリティクスの重要性 4.7 AI(人工知能)&ML(機械学習) 4.7.1 自己学習型SONエンジンへ 4.7.2 ディープラーニング:ゼロタッチモバイルネットワークの実現 4.8 NFV(Network Functions Virtualization) 4.8.1 SON-Driven Deployment of VNFs & CNFs の実現 4.9 SDN(Software-Defined Networking) & プログラマビリティ 4.9.1 トランスポートネットワークにおける SON のプラットフォームとしての SDN コントローラの使用 4.10 クラウドコンピューティング 4.10.1 C-SON のスケーラビリティと弾力性の促進 4.11 その他の動向と補完技術 4.11.1 プライベート4G/5Gネットワーク 4.11.2 FWA(固定無線アクセス) 4.11.3 DPI(Deep Packet Inspection) 4.11.4 自己保護のためのデジタルセキュリティ 4.11.5 IoTアプリケーションのためのSON機能 4.11.6 ユーザーベースのプロファイリングと垂直5Gアプリケーションの最適化 4.11.7 D2D(デバイス間)通信への対応と新たなユースケース 5章:標準化、規制、共同イニシアティブ 5.1 3GPP(Third Generation Partnership Project) 5.1.1 3GPP による SON 機能の標準化 5.1.2 LTE SON 機能 リリース 8 リリース 9 リリース 10 リリース 11 リリース 12 リリース 13 & 14 5.1.3 5G NR SON 機能 リリース 15 リリース 16 リリース 17 リリース 18 & 以降 5.1.4 3GPP-Specified SON 機能の実装アプローチ 5.2 O-RAN Alliance 5.2.1 Open RAN RICアーキテクチャ仕様 5.2.2 xApp & rAppユースケース 5.3 OSA(OpenAirInterface Software Alliance) 5.3.1 M5G(MOSAIC5G)プロジェクト:Flexible RAN & Core Controllers 5.4 TIP (Telecom Infra Project) 5.4.1 RIA (RAN Intelligence & Automation) Project 5.5 ONF (Open Networking Foundation) 5.5.1 SD-RAN Project:Near Real-Time RIC & Exemplar xApps 5.6 Linux Foundation's ONAP (Open Network Automation Platform) 5.6.1 OOF (ONAP Optimization Framework)-SON for 5G Networks 5.6.2 Open RAN RIC統合のためのインターフェースサポート 5.7 SCF (Small Cell Forum) 5.7.1 4G/5G Small Cell SON & Orchestration 5.8 OSSii (Operations Support Systems Interoperability Initiative) 5.8.1 Enabling Multi-Vendor SON Interoperability 5.9 NGMN Alliance 5.9.1 SONイニシアチブの構想 5.9.2 Multi-Vendor SON展開のための推奨事項 5.9.3 SON Capabilities for 5G Network Deployment, Operation & Management 5.10 Others 6 Chapter 6: SON Deployment Case Studies 6.1 AT&T 6.1.1 Vendor Selection 6.1.2 SON導入レビュー 6.1.3 結果と今後の計画 6.2 ベル・カナダ 6.2.1 ベンダーの選定 6.2.2 SON導入レビュー 6.2.3 結果と今後の計画 6.3 バーティ・エアテル 6.3.1 ベンダー選定 6.3.2 SON導入レビュー 6.3.3 実績と今後の計画 6.4 BTグループ 6.4.1 ベンダー選定 6.4.2 SON導入レビュー 6.4.3 実績と今後の計画 6.5 China Mobile 6.5.1 ベンダー選定 6.5.2 SON導入レビュー 6.5.3 結果と今後の計画 6.6 Elisa 6.6.1 ベンダー選定 6.6.2 SON導入レビュー 6.6.3 結果と今後の計画 6.7 Globe Telecom 6.7.1 ベンダー選定 6.7.2 SON導入レビュー 6.7.3 結果と今後の計画 6.8 KDDI株式会社 6.8.1 ベンダー選定 6.8.2 SON導入レビュー 6.8.3 実績と今後の計画 6.9 メガフォン 6.9.1 ベンダー選定 6.9.2 SON導入レビュー 6.9.3 実績と今後の計画 6.10 NTTドコモ 6.10.1 ベンダー選定 6.10.2 SON 導入レビュー 6.10.3 結果と今後の計画 6.11 Ooredoo 6.11.1 ベンダー選定 6.11.2 SON 導入レビュー 6.11.3 結果と今後の計画 6.12 Orange 6.12.1 ベンダー選定 6.12.2 SON 導入レビュー 6.12.3 結果と今後の計画 6.13 Singtel 6.13.1 ベンダー選定 6.13.2 SON 導入レビュー 6.13.3 結果と今後の計画 6.14 SKテレコム 6.14.1 ベンダー選定 6.14.2 SON導入レビュー 6.14.3 結果と今後の計画 6.15 アルゼンチンテレコム 6.15.1 ベンダー選定 6.15.2 SON導入レビュー 6.15.3 結果と今後の計画 6.16 テレフォニカ・グループ 6.16.1 ベンダー選定 6.16.2 SON導入レビュー 6.16.3 結果と今後の計画 6.17 TIM(テレコム・イタリア・モバイル) 6.17.1 ベンダーの選定 6.17.2 SON 導入レビュー 6.17.3 結果と今後の計画 6.18 Turkcell 6.18.1 ベンダーの選定 6.18.2 SON 導入レビュー 6.18.3 結果と今後の計画 6.19 Verizon Communications 6.19.1 ベンダー選定 6.19.2 SON 導入レビュー 6.19.3 結果と今後の計画 6.20 Vodafone Group 6.20.1 Vendor Selection 6.20.2 SON Deployment Review 6.20.3 Results & Future Plans 6.21 Other Recent Deployments & Ongoing Projects 6.21.1 beCloud (Belarusian Cloud Technologies):AI-Enabled Network Automation & Performance Management 6.21.2 Beeline Russia:C-SON 技術を利用したモバイル体験の変革 6.21.3 Betacom:RAN自動化で企業のプライベート5G導入を加速 6.21.4 BTC(ボツワナ電気通信公社):SON による全国ネットワークの最適化 6.21.5 Celona:企業向け自己組織化5G LANソリューション 6.21.6 America Movil:SON ベースの自動化により 5G 展開を加速 6.21.7 DISH Network Corporation:RIC ベースのカスタム RAN プログラマビリティとインテリジェンス 6.21.8 DT(ドイツテレコム):ベルリン SD-RAN 4G/5G 屋外フィールドトライアル 6.21.9 KPN:ネットワーク最適化のための SON 駆動自動化 6.21.10 Kyivstar:C-SON の活用によるネットワークパフォーマンスの向上 6.21.11 Liberty Global: 顧客第一のネットワーク構築 6.21.12 LTT (Libya Telecom & Technology):Nationwide RAN Automation 6.21.13 NEC Corporation:Self-Learning Local 5G Networks 6.21.14 Opticoms:オープン RAN 準拠のプライベート 5G ネットワークの最適化 6.21.15 楽天モバイル:RAN 自動化アプリケーション向け組み込み RIC 6.21.16 スマートコミュニケーションズ(PLDT):マルチベンダー4G/5Gネットワークの自動化を実現 6.21.17 Smartfren:ネットワークの高密度化と C-SON 技術によるヘットネット管理の促進 6.21.18 STC (Saudi Telecom Company):ネットワーク運用の自動化と 5G 変革の推進 6.21.19 Telkomsel:SON-Enabled Automated Network Optimization 6.21.20 Telstra:モバイル・ネットワークの自動化を促進 6.21.21 Zain Group:SON for Performance Enhancement 7 Chapter 7: Key Ecosystem Players 7.1 Aarna Networks 7.2 Abside Networks 7.3 Accedian 7.4 Accelleran 7.5 Accuver (InnoWireless) 7.6 Actiontec Electronics 7.7 AI-LINK 7.8 AirHop Communications 7.9 Airspan Networks 7.10 AiVader 7.11 Aliniant 7.12 Allot 7.13 Alpha Networks 7.14 Altiostar (Rakuten Symphony) 7.15 Amazon/AWS (Amazon Web Services) 7.16 Amdocs 7.17 Anktion (Fujian) Technology 7.18 アンリツ 7.19 Arcadyan Technology Corporation (Compal Electronics) 7.20 Argela 7.21 Aria Networks 7.22 ArrayComm (Chengdu ArrayComm Wireless Technologies) 7.23 Artemis Networks 7.24 Artiza Networks 7.25 Arukona 7.26 Askey Computer Corporation (ASUS ? ASUSTeK Computer) 7.27 ASOCS 7.28 Aspire Technology (NEC Corporation) 7.29 ASTRI (Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute) 7.30 ATDI 7.31 Atesio 7.32 Atrinet 7.33 Aurora Insight 7.34 Aviat Networks 7.35 Azcom Technology 7.36 Baicells 7.37 BandwidthX 7.38 BLiNQ Networks (CCI ? Communication Components Inc.) 7.39 Blu Wireless 7.40 Blue Danube Systems (NEC Corporation) 7.41 BTI Wireless 7.42 B-Yond 7.43 CableFree (Wireless Excellence) 7.44 Cambium Networks 7.45 Capgemini Engineering 7.46 Casa Systems 7.47 CBNG (Cambridge Broadband Networks Group) 7.48 CCS ?Cambridge Communication Systems (ADTRAN) 7.49 Celfinet (Cyient) 7.50 CellOnyx 7.51 Cellwize (Qualcomm) 7.52 CelPlan Technologies 7.53 CGI 7.54 Chengdu NTS 7.55 CICT ?China Information and Communication Technology Group (China Xinke Group) 7.56 Ciena Corporation 7.57 CIG (Cambridge Industries Group) 7.58 Cisco Systems 7.59 Cohere Technologies 7.60 Comarch 7.61 Comba Telecom 7.62 CommAgility (Wireless Telecom Group) 7.63 CommScope 7.64 COMSovereign 7.65 Contela 7.66 Continual 7.67 Corning 7.68 Creanord 7.69 DeepSig 7.70 Dell Technologies 7.71 DGS (Digital Global Systems) 7.72 Digitata 7.73 D-Link Corporation 7.74 DZS 7.75 ECE (European Communications Engineering) 7.76 EDX Wireless 7.77 eino 7.78 Elisa Polystar 7.79 Equiendo 7.80 Ericsson 7.81 Errigal 7.82 ETRI (Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute, South Korea) 7.83 EXFO 7.84 Fairspectrum 7.85 Federated Wireless 7.86 Flash Networks 7.87 Forsk 7.88 Foxconn (Hon Hai Technology Group) 7.89 Fraunhofer HHI (Heinrich Hertz Institute) 7.90 富士通 7.91 Gemtek Technology 7.92 GENEViSiO (QNAP Systems) 7.93 GenXComm 7.94 Gigamon 7.95 GigaTera Communications (KMW) 7.96 Google (Alphabet) 7.97 Groundhog Technologies 7.98 Guavus (Thales) 7.99 HCL Technologies 7.100 Helios (Fujian Helios Technologies) 7.101 HFR Networks 7.102 Highstreet Technologies 7.103 Hitachi 7.104 HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise) 7.105 HSC (Hughes Systique Corporation) 7.106 Huawei 7.107 iBwave Solutions 7.108 iConNext 7.109 Infinera 7.110 Infosys 7.111 InfoVista 7.112 Inmanta 7.113 Innovile 7.114 InnoWireless 7.115 Intel Corporation 7.116 InterDigital 7.117 Intracom Telecom 7.118 Inventec Corporation 7.119 ISCO International 7.120 IS-Wireless 7.121 ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan) 7.122 JMA Wireless 7.123 JRC (Japan Radio Company) 7.124 Juniper Networks 7.125 Key Bridge Wireless 7.126 Keysight Technologies 7.127 Kleos 7.128 KMW 7.129 クムネットワークス 7.130 レムコ・コーポレーション 7.131 レノボ 7.132 レクストラム(コムソブリン) 7.133 ライムマイクロシステムズ 7.134 ライオンズ・テクノロジー 7.135 ライトオン・テクノロジー・コーポレーション 7.136 LSテレコム 7.137 ラックスカルタ 7.138 マンティスネット 7.139 マーベル・テクノロジー 7 . 140 Mavenir 7.141 Meta Connectivity 7.142 MicroNova 7.143 Microsoft Corporation 7.144 MikroTik 7.145 MitraStar Technology (Unizyx Holding Corporation) 7.146 MYCOM OSI (Amdocs) 7.147 Nash Technologies 7.148 NEC Corporation 7.149 Net AI 7.150 Netcracker Technology (NEC) 7.151 NETSCOUT Systems 7.152 Netsia (Argela) 7.153 New H3C Technologies (Tsinghua Unigroup) 7.154 New Postcom Equipment 7.155 Nextivity 7.156 Node-H 7.157 Nokia 7.158 NuRAN Wireless 7.159 NXP Semiconductors 7.160 Oceus Networks 7.161 Omnitele 7.162 Opanga Networks 7.163 Openet (Amdocs) 7.164 P.I. Works 7.165 Parallel Wireless 7.166 Phluido 7.167 Picocom 7.168 Pivotal Commware 7.169 Polte 7.170 Potevio (CETC ? China Electronics Technology Group Corporation) 7.171 Qualcomm 7.172 Quanta Computer 7.173 Qucell Networks (InnoWireless) 7.174 RADCOM 7.175 Radisys (Reliance Industries) 7.176 楽天シンフォニー 7.177 Ranplan Wireless 7.178 Red Hat (IBM) 7.179 RED Technologies 7.180 RIMEDO Labs 7.181 Rivada Networks 7.182 Rohde & Schwarz 7.183 Ruijie Networks 7.184 RunEL 7.185 SageRAN (Guangzhou SageRAN Technology) 7.186 Saguna Networks (COMSovereign) 7.187 Samji Electronics 7.188 Samsung 7.189 Sandvine 7.190 Sercomm Corporation 7.191 Signalwing 7.192 Siklu 7.193 SIRADEL 7.194 Skyvera (TelcoDR) 7.195 SOLiD 7.196 Sooktha 7.197 Spectrum Effect 7.198 SSC (Shared Spectrum Company) 7.199 Star Solutions 7.200 STL (Sterlite Technologies Ltd.) 7.201 Subex 7.202 Sunwave Communications 7.203 Systemics-PAB 7.204 T&W(Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics) 7.205 Tarana Wireless 7.206 TCS(Tata Consultancy Services) 7.207 Tech Mahindra 7.208 Tecore Networks 7.209 Telrad Networks 7.210 TEOCO 7.211 ThinkRF 7.212 TI(Texas Instruments) 7.213 TietoEVRY 7.214 Tropico(CPQD ?Center for Research and Development in Telecommunications, Brazil) 7.215 TTG International 7.216 Tupl 7.217 ULAK Communication 7.218 Vavitel(Shenzhen Vavitel Technology) 7.219 VHT(Viettel High Tech) 7.220 VIAVI Solutions 7.221 VMware 7.222 VNC ?Virtual NetCom (COMSovereign) 7.223 VNL ?Vihaan Networks Limited (Shyam Group) 7.224 WDNA (Wireless DNA) 7.225 WebRadar 7.226 Wind River Systems 7.227 Wipro 7.228 Wiwynn (Wistron Corporation) 7.229 WNC(Wistron NeWeb Corporation) 7.230 XCOM Labs 7.231 Xingtera 7.232 ZaiNar 7.233 Z-Com 7.234 Zeetta Networks 7.235 ZTE 7.236 Zyxel(Unizyx Holding Corporation) 第8章 市場規模&予測 8.1 SON&モバイルネットワーク最適化収入 8.2 SON収入 8.3 ネットワークセグメント別の SON 収益 8.3.1 RAN 8.3.2 モバイルコア 8.3.3 トランスポート(フロントホール、ミッドホール、バックホール) 8.4 RAN セグメントのアーキテクチャ別 SON 収益:従来型 SON 対 オープン RAN RIC、xApps & rApps 8.4.1 従来型 D-SON & C-SON 組み込み型 D-SON の機能 Third Party C-SON & OSS Platforms 8.4.2 Open RAN RIC, xApps & rApps RIC Platforms Near Real-Time xApps Non Real-Time rApps 8.4.3 モバイル事業者の社内SONツール&システム 8.5 アクセスネットワーク技術別SON売上 8.5.1 2G & 3G 8.5.2 LTE 8.5.3 5G NR 8.5.4 Wi-Fi & その他 8.6 地域別SON収益 8.7 従来型モバイルネットワークプランニングと最適化収益 8.8 地域別従来型モバイルネットワークプランニングと最適化収益 8.9 北米 8.9.1 SON 8.9.2 従来のモバイルネットワークプランニングと最適化 8.10 アジア太平洋 8.10.1 SON 8.10.2 従来型モバイルネットワークプランニング & 最適化 8.11 欧州 8.11.1 SON 8.11.2 従来型モバイルネットワークプランニング & 最適化 8.12 中東・アフリカ 8.12.1 SON 8.12.2 従来型モバイルネットワークプランニング&最適化 8.13 中南米 8.13.1 SON 8.13.2 従来型モバイルネットワークプランニング&最適化 9章 結論と戦略的提言 9.1 なぜ市場は成長するのか? 9.2 将来のロードマップ:2022 ? 2030 9.2.1 2022 ? 2025年 : 従来のSONからRICプラットフォーム、xApps、rAppsへの移行 9.2.2 2026年 ? 2029年:高度なAI/MLベースのSON実装の商業的成熟 9.2.3 2030年 & その後:Zero-Touch 5G & 6G Network Automationに向けて 9.3 業界の競争状況:買収、提携、統合 9.4 C-SON 対 D-SON の論争 9.5 SON の実用的メリットの評価 9.6 オープン RAN 標準準拠の RIC プラットフォーム、xApps、rApps の展望 9.7 エンドツーエンドの SON: RAN からコア、トランスポートドメインまで 9.8 Wi-Fi、非 3GPP アクセス技術に対する SON 機能の採用の拡大 9.9 AI、ML 駆動の SON アルゴリズムの重要性 9.10 QoE ベースの最適化によるエンドユーザーエクスペリエンスの向上 9.11 Enabling Network Slicing & Advanced 5G Capabilities 9.12 Greater Focus on Self-Protection 9.13 Addressing IoT Optimization 9.14 Managing Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum 9.15 Easing the Deployment of Private 4G/5G Networks 9.16 Optimization & Field Engineers における SON の影響の評価 9.17 戦略的提言 9.17.1 SON ソリューション・プロバイダー 9.17.2 モバイル事業者 言及企業リスト 本レポートでレビュー、議論、または言及している企業および組織は以下のとおりである: 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) Aarna Networks Abside Networks Accedian Accelleran Accuver Actiontec Electronics ADTRAN AI-LINK AirHop Communications Airspan Networks AiVader Aliniant Allot Alpha Networks Alphabet Altiostar Amazon Amdocs America Movil Anktion (Fujian) Technology Anritsu Arcadyan Technology Corporation Argela Aria Networks ARIB(電波産業会、 ArrayComm (Chengdu ArrayComm Wireless Technologies) Artemis Networks Artiza Networks Arukona Askey Computer Corporation ASOCS Aspire Technology ASTRI (Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute) ASUS (ASUSTeK Computer) AT&T ATDI Atesio ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions) Atrinet Aurora Insight Aviat Networks AWS (Amazon Web Services) Azcom Technology Baicells BandwidthX beCloud (Belarusian Cloud Technologies) Beeline Russia Bell Canada Betacom Bharti Airtel BLiNQ Networks Blu Wireless Blue Danube Systems BT Group BTC (Botswana Telecommunications Corporation) BTI Wireless B-.Yond CableFree (Wireless Excellence) CableLabs Cambium Networks Capgemini Engineering Casa Systems CBNG (Cambridge Broadband Networks Group) CCI (Communication Components Inc.) CCS (Cambridge Communication Systems) CCSA (China Communications Standards Association) Celfinet (Cyient) CellOnyx Cellwize Celona CelPlan Technologies CETC (China Electronics Technology Group Corporation) CGI Chengdu NTS China Mobile CICT ?China Information and Communication Technology Group (China Xinke Group) Ciena Corporation CIG (Cambridge Industries Group) Cisco Systems Claro Colombia Cohere Technologies Comarch Comba Telecom CommAgility CommScope Compal Electronics COMSovereign Contela Continual Corning CPQD (Center for Research and Development in Telecommunications、ブラジル) Creanord Datang Telecom Technology & Industry Group DeepSig Dell Technologies DGS(Digital Global Systems) Digitata DISH Network Corporation D- . Link Corporation DSA (Dynamic Spectrum Alliance) DT (Deutsche Telekom) DZS ECE (European Communications Engineering) EDX Wireless EE eino Elisa Elisa Polystar Equiendo Ericsson Errigal ETRI (Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute、South Korea) ETSI(European Telecommunications Standards Institute) EXFO Fairspectrum Federated Wireless FiberHome Technologies Flash Networks Forsk Foxconn(Hon Hai Technology Group)。 Fraunhofer HHI (Heinrich Hertz Institute) 富士通 Gemtek Technology GENEViSiO GenXComm Gigamon GigaTera Communications Globe Telecom Google Groundhog Technologies Guavus HCL Technologies Helios (Fujian Helios Technologies) HFR Networks Highstreet Technologies Hitachi Hitachi Kokusai Electric Hitachi Vantara HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise) HSC (Hughes Systique Corporation) Huawei IBM iBwave Solutions iConNext Infinera Infosys InfoVista Inmanta Innovile InnoWireless Intel Corporation InterDigital Intracom Telecom Inventec Corporation ISCO International IS-Wireless ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute、 JMA Wireless JRC(日本無線) Juniper Networks KDDI Corporation Key Bridge Wireless Keysight Technologies Kleos KMW KPN Kumu Networks Kuzey K?br?s Turkcell Kyivstar Lemko Corporation Lenovo Lextrum Liberty Global life:)/BeST (Belarusian Telecommunications Network) lifecell Ukraine Lime Microsystems Linux Foundation LIONS Technology LITE-.ON Technology Corporation LS telcom LTT (Libya Telecom & Technology) LuxCarta MantisNet Marvell Technology Mavenir MegaFon Meta Connectivity MicroNova Microsoft Corporation MikroTik MitraStar Technology MYCOM OSI Nash Technologies NEC Net AI Netcracker Technology NETSCOUT Systems Netsia New H3C Technologies New Postcom Equipment Nextivity NGMN Alliance Node-H Nokia NTT DoCoMo NuRAN Wireless Nutaq Innovation NXP Semiconductors Oceus Networks Omnitele ONF (Open Networking Foundation) OnGo Alliance Ooredoo Ooredoo Algeria Ooredoo Tunisia Opanga Networks Openet Opticoms Optus (Singtel) O-.RAN Alliance Orange Orange Spain OSA(OpenAirInterface Software Alliance) P.I.Works Parallel Wireless Phluido Picocom Pivotal Commware PLDT Polte Potevio QNAP Systems Qualcomm Quanta Computer Qucell Networks RADCOM Radisys Rakuten Mobile RakutenSymphony Ranplan Wireless Red Hat RED Technologies Redline Communications Reliance Industries RIMEDO Labs Rivada Networks Rohde & Schwarz Ruijie Networks RunEL SageRAN (Guangzhou)SageRAN Technology) Saguna Networks Samji Electronics Samsung Sandvine SCF(Small Cell Forum) Sercomm Corporation Shyam Group Signalwing Siklu Singtel SIRADEL SK Telecom Skyvera(TelcoDR) Smart Communications Smartfren SOLiD Sooktha Spectrum Effect SSC(Shared Spectrum Company) Star Solutions STC(Saudi Telecom Company) STL(Sterlite Technologies Ltd.) Subex Sunwave Communications Systemics-PAB T&W (Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics) Tarana Wireless TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) Tech Mahindra Tecore Networks Telecom Argentina Telefonica Germany Telefonica Group Telkomsel Telrad Networks Telstra TEOCO Thales ThinkRF TI (Texas Instruments) TietoEVRY TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile) TIM Brasil TIP (Telecom Infra Project) TPG Telecom Tropico TSDSI (Telecommunications Standards Development Society、インド) Tsinghua Unigroup TTA(電気通信技術協会、韓国) TTC(電気通信技術委員会、 TTG International Tupl Turkcell ULAK Communication Unizyx Holding Corporation Vasona Networks Vavitel (Shenzhen Vavitel Technology) Verizon Communications VEON VHT (Viettel High Tech) Vi (Vodafone Idea) VIAVI Solutions Virgin Media O2 VMware VNC (Virtual NetCom) VNL (Vihaan Networks Limited) ボーダフォン・ドイツ ボーダフォンGroup Vodafone Ireland Vodafone Italy Vodafone Turkiye WBA(Wireless Broadband Alliance) WDNA(Wireless DNA) WebRadar Wind River Systems WInnForum(Wireless InnovationForum) Wipro Wireless Telecom Group Wistron Corporation Wiwynn WNC(Wistron NeWeb Corporation) XCOM Labs Xingtera Zain Group Zain Saudi Arabia (Zain KSA) ZaiNar Z-Com Zeetta Networks ZTE Zyxel
Report Description
SON (Self-Organizing Network) technology minimizes the lifecycle cost of running a mobile network by eliminating manual configuration of network elements at the time of deployment right through to dynamic optimization and troubleshooting during operation. Besides improving network performance and customer experience, SON can significantly reduce the cost of mobile operator services, improving the OpEx-to-revenue ratio and deferring avoidable CapEx.
Early adopters of SON have already witnessed a multitude of benefits in the form of accelerated 5G NR and LTE RAN (Radio Access Network) rollout times, simplified network upgrades, fewer dropped calls, improved call setup success rates, higher end user throughput, alleviation of congestion during special events, increased subscriber satisfaction and loyalty, operational efficiencies such as energy and cost savings, and freeing up radio engineers from repetitive manual tasks.
Although SON was originally developed as an operational approach to streamline and automate cellular RAN deployment and optimization, mobile operators and vendors are increasingly focusing on integrating new capabilities such as self-protection against digital security threats and self-learning through AI (Artificial Intelligence) techniques, as well as extending the scope of SON beyond the RAN to include both mobile core and transport network segments ? which will be critical to address 5G requirements such as end-to-end network slicing.
In addition, with the cellular industry's ongoing shift towards open interfaces, virtualization and software-driven networking, the SON ecosystem is progressively transitioning from the traditional D-SON (Distributed SON) and C-SON (Centralized SON) approach to open standards-based components supporting RAN programmability for advanced automation and intelligent control.
The surging popularity of innovative Open RAN and vRAN (Virtualized RAN) architectures has reignited the traditionally niche and proprietary product-driven SON market with a host of open standards-compliant RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller), xApp and rApp offerings, which are capable of supporting both near real-time D-SON and non real-time C-SON capabilities for RAN automation and optimization needs.
SNS Telecom & IT estimates that global spending on RIC platforms, xApps and rApps will reach $120 Million in 2023 as initial implementations move from field trials to production-grade deployments. With commercial maturity, the submarket is further expected to quintuple to nearly $600 Million by the end of 2025. Annual investments in the wider SON market ? which includes licensing of embedded D-SON features, third party C-SON functions and associated OSS platforms, in-house SON capabilities internally developed by mobile operators, and SON-related professional services across the RAN, mobile core and transport domains ? are expected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 7% during the same period.
The “SON (Self-Organizing Networks) in the 5G & Open RAN Era: 2022 ? 2030 ? Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts” report presents a detailed assessment of the SON market, including the value chain, market drivers, barriers to uptake, enabling technologies, functional areas, use cases, key trends, future roadmap, standardization, case studies, ecosystem player profiles and strategies. The report also provides global and regional market size forecasts for both SON and conventional mobile network optimization from 2022 till 2030, including submarket projections for three network segments, six SON architecture categories, four access technologies and five regional submarkets.
The report comes with an associated Excel datasheet suite covering quantitative data from all numeric forecasts presented in the report.
Key Findings
The report has the following key findings:
The surging popularity of innovative Open RAN and vRAN (Virtualized RAN) architectures has reignited the traditionally niche and proprietary product-driven SON market with a host of open standards-compliant RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller), xApp and rApp offerings, which are capable of supporting both near real-time D-SON and non real-time C-SON capabilities for RAN automation and optimization needs.
SNS Telecom & IT estimates that global spending on RIC platforms, xApps and rApps will reach $120 Million in 2023 as initial implementations move from field trials to production-grade deployments. With commercial maturity, the submarket is further expected to quintuple to nearly $600 Million by the end of 2025.
Annual investments in the wider SON market ? which includes licensing of embedded D-SON features, third party C-SON functions and associated OSS platforms, in-house SON capabilities internally developed by mobile operators, and SON-related professional services across the RAN, mobile core and transport domains ? are expected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 7% during the same period.
The third party SON vendor ecosystem is exhibiting signs of consolidation, with several prominent M&A deals such as Qualcomm's recent acquisition of C-SON specialist Cellwize ? in a bid to strengthen its 5G RAN infrastructure offerings, Elisa Automate's merger with Polystar to form Elisa Polystar, and HCL's acquisition of Cisco's SON technology business.
However, on the other hand, newer suppliers are also beginning to emerge ? extending from VMware, Juniper Networks and other RIC platform providers to x/rApp specialists such as Cohere Technologies, DeepSig, Groundhog Technologies, Subex, B-Yond, Net AI and RIMEDO Labs.
SON capabilities are playing a pivotal role in the ongoing proliferation of private 4G/5G networks, as evident from a growing number of cross-sector partnerships. For example, private wireless service provider Betacom is collaborating with Qualcomm to accelerate enterprise adoption of private 5G networks by combining the former's 5GaaS (5G-as-a-Service) offering with the latter's enablement ecosystem, including the Cellwize RAN automation and management platform. Similarly, Germany-based systems integrator Opticoms has entered into a partnership with SON specialist Innovile to automate and optimize Open RAN standards-compliant private 5G networks.
Over the last two years, with the steep rise of mobile data consumption in residential areas during the COVID-19 pandemic-imposed lockdowns, mobile operators ? despite coping relatively well ? have recognized the importance of a more dynamic and automated approach to the optimization of network assets in order to provide a consistent and seamless user experience.
The 2020-2022 period saw large-scale C-SON deployments by several operators, including but not limited to Verizon, EE (BT Group), Orange, Telefonica, Turkcell, beCloud (Belarusian Cloud Technologies), VEON, Ooredoo, Zain, BTC (Botswana Telecommunications Corporation), LTT (Libya Telecom & Technology), Telstra, Singtel, Telkomsel, Globe Telecom, Smart Communications (PLDT), and Telecom Argentina.
Topics Covered
The report covers the following topics:
Introduction to SON
Value chain and ecosystem structure
Market drivers and challenges
SON technology, architecture and functional areas
D-SON (Distributed SON), C-SON (Centralized SON), H-SON (Hybrid SON), RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller), xApps and rApps
Review of over 40 SON use cases across the RAN, core and transport domains, ranging from ANR (Automatic Neighbor Relations) and rapid equipment configuration to advanced traffic steering, QoE-based optimization and automated anomaly detection
Key trends in next-generation 5G SON implementations, including Open RAN and vRAN (Virtualized RAN) architectures, dynamic spectrum management, network slicing, edge computing, Big Data, advanced analytics, AI (Artificial Intelligence)/ML (Machine Learning) and zero-touch automation
Case studies of 20 commercial-scale SON deployments and examination of ongoing projects covering both traditional D-SON/C-SON and RIC-x/rApp approaches
Future roadmap for the SON market
Standardization, regulatory and collaborative initiatives
Profiles and strategies of more than 230 ecosystem players
Strategic recommendations for SON solution providers and mobile operators
Market analysis and forecasts from 2022 till 2030
Forecast Segmentation
Market forecasts are provided for each of the following submarkets and their subcategories:
SON & Mobile Network Optimization
Conventional Mobile Network Planning & Optimization
SON Network Segment Submarkets
RAN (Radio Access Network)
Mobile Core
Transport (Fronthaul, Midhaul & Backhaul)
RAN Segment SON Architecture Submarkets
Traditional D-SON & C-SON
Embedded D-SON (Distributed SON) Features
Third Party C-SON (Centralized SON) & OSS Platforms
Open RAN RIC, xApps & rApps
RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) Platforms
Near Real-Time xApps
Non Real-Time rApps
Mobile Operators' In-House SON Tools & Systems
SON Access Network Technology Submarkets
2G & 3G
Wi-Fi & Others
Regional Markets
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
Latin & Central America
Key Questions Answered
The report provides answers to the following key questions:
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Executive Summary
1.2 Topics Covered
1.3 Forecast Segmentation
1.4 Key Questions Answered
1.5 Key Findings
1.6 Methodology
1.7 Target Audience
1.8 Companies & Organizations Mentioned
2 Chapter 2: SON & Mobile Network Optimization Ecosystem
2.1 Conventional Mobile Network Optimization
2.1.1 Network Planning
2.1.2 Measurement Collection: Drive Tests, Probes & End User Data
2.1.3 Post-Processing, Optimization & Policy Enforcement
2.2 The SON (Self-Organizing Network) Concept
2.2.1 What is SON?
2.2.2 The Need for SON
2.3 Functional Areas of SON
2.3.1 Self-Configuration
2.3.2 Self-Optimization
2.3.3 Self-Healing
2.3.4 Self-Protection
2.3.5 Self-Learning
2.4 SON Value Chain
2.4.1 SON, xApp/rApp & Automation Specialists
2.4.2 OSS & RIC Platform Providers
2.4.3 RAN, Core & Transport Network Equipment Suppliers
2.4.4 Wireless Service Providers National Mobile Operators Fixed-Line Service Providers Private 4G/5G Network Operators Neutral Hosts
2.4.5 End Users Consumers Enterprises & Vertical Industries
2.4.6 Other Ecosystem Players
2.5 Market Drivers
2.5.1 The 5G & Open RAN Era: Continued Infrastructure Investments
2.5.2 Optimization in Complex Multi-RAN Environments
2.5.3 OpEx & CapEx Reduction: The Cost Savings Potential
2.5.4 Improving Subscriber Experience & Churn Reduction
2.5.5 Power Savings: Towards Greener Mobile Networks
2.5.6 Alleviating Congestion With Traffic Management
2.5.7 Enabling Plug & Play Deployment of Small Cells
2.5.8 Growing Adoption of Private 4G/5G Networks
2.6 Market Barriers
2.6.1 Complexity of Implementation
2.6.2 Reorganization & Changes to Standard Engineering Procedures
2.6.3 Lack of Trust in Automation
2.6.4 Proprietary SON Algorithms
2.6.5 Coordination Between Distributed & Centralized SON
2.6.6 Network Security Concerns: New Interfaces & Lack of Monitoring
3 Chapter 3: SON Technology, Implementation Architectures & Use Cases
3.1 Where Does SON Sit Within a Mobile Network?
3.1.1 RAN
3.1.2 Mobile Core
3.1.3 Transport (Fronthaul, Midhaul & Backhaul)
3.1.4 Device-Assisted SON
3.2 Traditional SON Architecture
3.2.1 D-SON (Distributed SON)
3.2.2 C-SON (Centralized SON)
3.2.3 H-SON (Hybrid SON)
3.3 Open Standards-Compliant RIC, xApps & rApps
3.3.1 RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) Near-RT (Real-Time) RIC Non-RT (Real-Time) RIC
3.3.2 xApps: Open D-SON Applications
3.3.3 rApps: Open C-SON Applications
3.4 SON Use Cases
3.4.1 RAN-Centric Use Cases ANR (Automatic Neighbor Relations) CNR (Centralized Neighbor Relations) PCI (Physical Cell ID) Allocation & Conflict Resolution CCO (Coverage & Capacity Optimization) MRO (Mobility Robustness Optimization) MLB (Mobility Load Balancing) RACH (Random Access Channel) Optimization ICIC (Inter-Cell Interference Coordination) & eICIC (Enhanced ICIC) COD/COC (Cell Outage Detection & Compensation) MDT (Minimization of Drive Tests) Advanced Traffic Steering Automated Anomaly Detection Massive MIMO & Beamforming Optimization 4G-5G Dual Connectivity Management RAN Slice Management DSS (Dynamic Spectrum Sharing) Frequency Layer Management BBU (Baseband Unit) Resource Pooling Radio Resource Allocation for Complex Vertical Applications Handover Management in V2X Communications Scenarios Rapid Plug & Play Configuration of Small Cells DAS (Distributed Antenna System) Optimization
3.4.2 Multi-Domain, Core & Transport-Related Use Cases Self-Configuration & Testing of Network Elements Domain Connectivity Management Automated Inventory Checks AIC (Automated Inconsistency Correction) Self-Healing of Network Faults Signaling Storm Protection Energy Efficiency & Savings QoS & QoE-Based Optimization Congestion Prediction & Management AI-Enabled Performance Diagnostics Industrial IoT Optimization Core Network Automation Network Slicing Resource Allocation Optimization of VNFs & CNFs Auto-Provisioning of Transport Links Transport Network Bandwidth Optimization Wireless Transport Interference Management Seamless Vendor Infrastructure Swap SON Coordination Management Cognitive & Self-Learning Networks
4 Chapter 4: Key Trends in Next-Generation SON Implementations
4.1 Open RAN & vRAN (Virtualized RAN) Architectures
4.1.1 Enabling RAN Automation & Intelligence With RIC, xApps & rApps
4.2 Small Cells, HetNets & RAN Densification
4.2.1 Plug & Play Small Cells
4.2.2 SON-Enabled Coordination of UDNs (Ultra-Dense Networks)
4.3 Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum
4.3.1 Dynamic Management of Spectrum Using SON
4.4 MEC (Multi-Access Edge Computing)
4.4.1 Potential Synergies With SON
4.5 Network Slicing
4.5.1 SON Mechanisms for Network Slicing in 5G Networks
4.6 Big Data & Advanced Analytics
4.6.1 Maximizing the Benefits of SON With Big Data
4.6.2 The Importance of Predictive & Behavioral Analytics
4.7 AI (Artificial Intelligence) & ML (Machine Learning)
4.7.1 Towards Self-Learning SON Engines
4.7.2 Deep Learning: Enabling Zero-Touch Mobile Networks
4.8 NFV (Network Functions Virtualization)
4.8.1 Enabling SON-Driven Deployment of VNFs & CNFs
4.9 SDN (Software-Defined Networking) & Programmability
4.9.1 Using the SDN Controller as a Platform for SON in Transport Networks
4.10 Cloud Computing
4.10.1 Facilitating C-SON Scalability & Elasticity
4.11 Other Trends & Complementary Technologies
4.11.1 Private 4G/5G Networks
4.11.2 FWA (Fixed Wireless Access)
4.11.3 DPI (Deep Packet Inspection)
4.11.4 Digital Security for Self-Protection
4.11.5 SON Capabilities for IoT Applications
4.11.6 User-Based Profiling & Optimization for Vertical 5G Applications
4.11.7 Addressing D2D (Device-to-Device) Communications & New Use Cases
5 Chapter 5: Standardization, Regulatory & Collaborative Initiatives
5.1 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project)
5.1.1 3GPP Standardization of SON Capabilities
5.1.2 LTE SON Features Release 8 Release 9 Release 10 Release 11 Release 12 Releases 13 & 14
5.1.3 5G NR SON Features Release 15 Release 16 Release 17 Release 18 & Beyond
5.1.4 Implementation Approach for 3GPP-Specified SON Features
5.2 O-RAN Alliance
5.2.1 Open RAN RIC Architecture Specifications
5.2.2 xApp & rApp Use Cases
5.3 OSA (OpenAirInterface Software Alliance)
5.3.1 M5G (MOSAIC5G) Project: Flexible RAN & Core Controllers
5.4 TIP (Telecom Infra Project)
5.4.1 RIA (RAN Intelligence & Automation) Project
5.5 ONF (Open Networking Foundation)
5.5.1 SD-RAN Project: Near Real-Time RIC & Exemplar xApps
5.6 Linux Foundation's ONAP (Open Network Automation Platform)
5.6.1 OOF (ONAP Optimization Framework)-SON for 5G Networks
5.6.2 Interface Support for Open RAN RIC Integration
5.7 SCF (Small Cell Forum)
5.7.1 4G/5G Small Cell SON & Orchestration
5.8 OSSii (Operations Support Systems Interoperability Initiative)
5.8.1 Enabling Multi-Vendor SON Interoperability
5.9 NGMN Alliance
5.9.1 Conception of the SON Initiative
5.9.2 Recommendations for Multi-Vendor SON Deployment
5.9.3 SON Capabilities for 5G Network Deployment, Operation & Management
5.10 Others
6 Chapter 6: SON Deployment Case Studies
6.1 AT&T
6.1.1 Vendor Selection
6.1.2 SON Deployment Review
6.1.3 Results & Future Plans
6.2 Bell Canada
6.2.1 Vendor Selection
6.2.2 SON Deployment Review
6.2.3 Results & Future Plans
6.3 Bharti Airtel
6.3.1 Vendor Selection
6.3.2 SON Deployment Review
6.3.3 Results & Future Plans
6.4 BT Group
6.4.1 Vendor Selection
6.4.2 SON Deployment Review
6.4.3 Results & Future Plans
6.5 China Mobile
6.5.1 Vendor Selection
6.5.2 SON Deployment Review
6.5.3 Results & Future Plans
6.6 Elisa
6.6.1 Vendor Selection
6.6.2 SON Deployment Review
6.6.3 Results & Future Plans
6.7 Globe Telecom
6.7.1 Vendor Selection
6.7.2 SON Deployment Review
6.7.3 Results & Future Plans
6.8 KDDI Corporation
6.8.1 Vendor Selection
6.8.2 SON Deployment Review
6.8.3 Results & Future Plans
6.9 MegaFon
6.9.1 Vendor Selection
6.9.2 SON Deployment Review
6.9.3 Results & Future Plans
6.10 NTT DoCoMo
6.10.1 Vendor Selection
6.10.2 SON Deployment Review
6.10.3 Results & Future Plans
6.11 Ooredoo
6.11.1 Vendor Selection
6.11.2 SON Deployment Review
6.11.3 Results & Future Plans
6.12 Orange
6.12.1 Vendor Selection
6.12.2 SON Deployment Review
6.12.3 Results & Future Plans
6.13 Singtel
6.13.1 Vendor Selection
6.13.2 SON Deployment Review
6.13.3 Results & Future Plans
6.14 SK Telecom
6.14.1 Vendor Selection
6.14.2 SON Deployment Review
6.14.3 Results & Future Plans
6.15 Telecom Argentina
6.15.1 Vendor Selection
6.15.2 SON Deployment Review
6.15.3 Results & Future Plans
6.16 Telefonica Group
6.16.1 Vendor Selection
6.16.2 SON Deployment Review
6.16.3 Results & Future Plans
6.17 TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile)
6.17.1 Vendor Selection
6.17.2 SON Deployment Review
6.17.3 Results & Future Plans
6.18 Turkcell
6.18.1 Vendor Selection
6.18.2 SON Deployment Review
6.18.3 Results & Future Plans
6.19 Verizon Communications
6.19.1 Vendor Selection
6.19.2 SON Deployment Review
6.19.3 Results & Future Plans
6.20 Vodafone Group
6.20.1 Vendor Selection
6.20.2 SON Deployment Review
6.20.3 Results & Future Plans
6.21 Other Recent Deployments & Ongoing Projects
6.21.1 beCloud (Belarusian Cloud Technologies): AI-Enabled Network Automation & Performance Management
6.21.2 Beeline Russia: Transforming the Mobile Experience Using C-SON Technology
6.21.3 Betacom: Accelerating Enterprise Private 5G Adoption With RAN Automation
6.21.4 BTC (Botswana Telecommunications Corporation): SON for Nationwide Network Optimization
6.21.5 Celona: Self-Organizing 5G LAN Solution for Enterprises
6.21.6 America Movil: Accelerating 5G Rollouts Through SON-Based Automation
6.21.7 DISH Network Corporation: RIC-Based Custom RAN Programmability & Intelligence
6.21.8 DT (Deutsche Telekom): Berlin SD-RAN 4G/5G Outdoor Field Trial
6.21.9 KPN: SON-Driven Automation for Network Optimization
6.21.10 Kyivstar: Leveraging C-SON to Enhance Network Performance
6.21.11 Liberty Global: Building a Customer-First Network
6.21.12 LTT (Libya Telecom & Technology): Nationwide RAN Automation
6.21.13 NEC Corporation: Self-Learning Local 5G Networks
6.21.14 Opticoms: Optimizing Open RAN-Compliant Private 5G Networks
6.21.15 Rakuten Mobile: Embedded RIC for RAN Automation Applications
6.21.16 Smart Communications (PLDT): Enabling Multi-Vendor 4G/5G Network Automation
6.21.17 Smartfren: Facilitating Network Densification & HetNet Management With C-SON Technology
6.21.18 STC (Saudi Telecom Company): Automating Network Operations & Driving 5G Transformation
6.21.19 Telkomsel: SON-Enabled Automated Network Optimization
6.21.20 Telstra: Boosting Mobile Network Automation
6.21.21 Zain Group: SON for Performance Enhancement
7 Chapter 7: Key Ecosystem Players
7.1 Aarna Networks
7.2 Abside Networks
7.3 Accedian
7.4 Accelleran
7.5 Accuver (InnoWireless)
7.6 Actiontec Electronics
7.8 AirHop Communications
7.9 Airspan Networks
7.10 AiVader
7.11 Aliniant
7.12 Allot
7.13 Alpha Networks
7.14 Altiostar (Rakuten Symphony)
7.15 Amazon/AWS (Amazon Web Services)
7.16 Amdocs
7.17 Anktion (Fujian) Technology
7.18 Anritsu
7.19 Arcadyan Technology Corporation (Compal Electronics)
7.20 Argela
7.21 Aria Networks
7.22 ArrayComm (Chengdu ArrayComm Wireless Technologies)
7.23 Artemis Networks
7.24 Artiza Networks
7.25 Arukona
7.26 Askey Computer Corporation (ASUS ? ASUSTeK Computer)
7.27 ASOCS
7.28 Aspire Technology (NEC Corporation)
7.29 ASTRI (Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute)
7.30 ATDI
7.31 Atesio
7.32 Atrinet
7.33 Aurora Insight
7.34 Aviat Networks
7.35 Azcom Technology
7.36 Baicells
7.37 BandwidthX
7.38 BLiNQ Networks (CCI ? Communication Components Inc.)
7.39 Blu Wireless
7.40 Blue Danube Systems (NEC Corporation)
7.41 BTI Wireless
7.42 B-Yond
7.43 CableFree (Wireless Excellence)
7.44 Cambium Networks
7.45 Capgemini Engineering
7.46 Casa Systems
7.47 CBNG (Cambridge Broadband Networks Group)
7.48 CCS ? Cambridge Communication Systems (ADTRAN)
7.49 Celfinet (Cyient)
7.50 CellOnyx
7.51 Cellwize (Qualcomm)
7.52 CelPlan Technologies
7.53 CGI
7.54 Chengdu NTS
7.55 CICT ? China Information and Communication Technology Group (China Xinke Group)
7.56 Ciena Corporation
7.57 CIG (Cambridge Industries Group)
7.58 Cisco Systems
7.59 Cohere Technologies
7.60 Comarch
7.61 Comba Telecom
7.62 CommAgility (Wireless Telecom Group)
7.63 CommScope
7.64 COMSovereign
7.65 Contela
7.66 Continual
7.67 Corning
7.68 Creanord
7.69 DeepSig
7.70 Dell Technologies
7.71 DGS (Digital Global Systems)
7.72 Digitata
7.73 D-Link Corporation
7.74 DZS
7.75 ECE (European Communications Engineering)
7.76 EDX Wireless
7.77 eino
7.78 Elisa Polystar
7.79 Equiendo
7.80 Ericsson
7.81 Errigal
7.82 ETRI (Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute, South Korea)
7.83 EXFO
7.84 Fairspectrum
7.85 Federated Wireless
7.86 Flash Networks
7.87 Forsk
7.88 Foxconn (Hon Hai Technology Group)
7.89 Fraunhofer HHI (Heinrich Hertz Institute)
7.90 Fujitsu
7.91 Gemtek Technology
7.92 GENEViSiO (QNAP Systems)
7.93 GenXComm
7.94 Gigamon
7.95 GigaTera Communications (KMW)
7.96 Google (Alphabet)
7.97 Groundhog Technologies
7.98 Guavus (Thales)
7.99 HCL Technologies
7.100 Helios (Fujian Helios Technologies)
7.101 HFR Networks
7.102 Highstreet Technologies
7.103 Hitachi
7.104 HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
7.105 HSC (Hughes Systique Corporation)
7.106 Huawei
7.107 iBwave Solutions
7.108 iConNext
7.109 Infinera
7.110 Infosys
7.111 InfoVista
7.112 Inmanta
7.113 Innovile
7.114 InnoWireless
7.115 Intel Corporation
7.116 InterDigital
7.117 Intracom Telecom
7.118 Inventec Corporation
7.119 ISCO International
7.120 IS-Wireless
7.121 ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan)
7.122 JMA Wireless
7.123 JRC (Japan Radio Company)
7.124 Juniper Networks
7.125 Key Bridge Wireless
7.126 Keysight Technologies
7.127 Kleos
7.128 KMW
7.129 Kumu Networks
7.130 Lemko Corporation
7.131 Lenovo
7.132 Lextrum (COMSovereign)
7.133 Lime Microsystems
7.134 LIONS Technology
7.135 LITE-ON Technology Corporation
7.136 LS telcom
7.137 LuxCarta
7.138 MantisNet
7.139 Marvell Technology
7.140 Mavenir
7.141 Meta Connectivity
7.142 MicroNova
7.143 Microsoft Corporation
7.144 MikroTik
7.145 MitraStar Technology (Unizyx Holding Corporation)
7.146 MYCOM OSI (Amdocs)
7.147 Nash Technologies
7.148 NEC Corporation
7.149 Net AI
7.150 Netcracker Technology (NEC Corporation)
7.151 NETSCOUT Systems
7.152 Netsia (Argela)
7.153 New H3C Technologies (Tsinghua Unigroup)
7.154 New Postcom Equipment
7.155 Nextivity
7.156 Node-H
7.157 Nokia
7.158 NuRAN Wireless
7.159 NXP Semiconductors
7.160 Oceus Networks
7.161 Omnitele
7.162 Opanga Networks
7.163 Openet (Amdocs)
7.164 P.I. Works
7.165 Parallel Wireless
7.166 Phluido
7.167 Picocom
7.168 Pivotal Commware
7.169 Polte
7.170 Potevio (CETC ? China Electronics Technology Group Corporation)
7.171 Qualcomm
7.172 Quanta Computer
7.173 Qucell Networks (InnoWireless)
7.174 RADCOM
7.175 Radisys (Reliance Industries)
7.176 Rakuten Symphony
7.177 Ranplan Wireless
7.178 Red Hat (IBM)
7.179 RED Technologies
7.180 RIMEDO Labs
7.181 Rivada Networks
7.182 Rohde & Schwarz
7.183 Ruijie Networks
7.184 RunEL
7.185 SageRAN (Guangzhou SageRAN Technology)
7.186 Saguna Networks (COMSovereign)
7.187 Samji Electronics
7.188 Samsung
7.189 Sandvine
7.190 Sercomm Corporation
7.191 Signalwing
7.192 Siklu
7.194 Skyvera (TelcoDR)
7.195 SOLiD
7.196 Sooktha
7.197 Spectrum Effect
7.198 SSC (Shared Spectrum Company)
7.199 Star Solutions
7.200 STL (Sterlite Technologies Ltd.)
7.201 Subex
7.202 Sunwave Communications
7.203 Systemics-PAB
7.204 T&W (Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics)
7.205 Tarana Wireless
7.206 TCS (Tata Consultancy Services)
7.207 Tech Mahindra
7.208 Tecore Networks
7.209 Telrad Networks
7.210 TEOCO
7.211 ThinkRF
7.212 TI (Texas Instruments)
7.213 TietoEVRY
7.214 Tropico (CPQD ? Center for Research and Development in Telecommunications, Brazil)
7.215 TTG International
7.216 Tupl
7.217 ULAK Communication
7.218 Vavitel (Shenzhen Vavitel Technology)
7.219 VHT (Viettel High Tech)
7.220 VIAVI Solutions
7.221 VMware
7.222 VNC ? Virtual NetCom (COMSovereign)
7.223 VNL ? Vihaan Networks Limited (Shyam Group)
7.224 WDNA (Wireless DNA)
7.225 WebRadar
7.226 Wind River Systems
7.227 Wipro
7.228 Wiwynn (Wistron Corporation)
7.229 WNC (Wistron NeWeb Corporation)
7.230 XCOM Labs
7.231 Xingtera
7.232 ZaiNar
7.233 Z-Com
7.234 Zeetta Networks
7.235 ZTE
7.236 Zyxel (Unizyx Holding Corporation)
8 Chapter 8: Market Sizing & Forecasts
8.1 SON & Mobile Network Optimization Revenue
8.2 SON Revenue
8.3 SON Revenue by Network Segment
8.3.1 RAN
8.3.2 Mobile Core
8.3.3 Transport (Fronthaul, Midhaul & Backhaul)
8.4 RAN Segment SON Revenue by Architecture: Traditional SON vs. Open RAN RIC, xApps & rApps
8.4.1 Traditional D-SON & C-SON Embedded D-SON Features Third Party C-SON & OSS Platforms
8.4.2 Open RAN RIC, xApps & rApps RIC Platforms Near Real-Time xApps Non Real-Time rApps
8.4.3 Mobile Operators' In-House SON Tools & Systems
8.5 SON Revenue by Access Network Technology
8.5.1 2G & 3G
8.5.2 LTE
8.5.3 5G NR
8.5.4 Wi-Fi & Others
8.6 SON Revenue by Region
8.7 Conventional Mobile Network Planning & Optimization Revenue
8.8 Conventional Mobile Network Planning & Optimization Revenue by Region
8.9 North America
8.9.1 SON
8.9.2 Conventional Mobile Network Planning & Optimization
8.10 Asia Pacific
8.10.1 SON
8.10.2 Conventional Mobile Network Planning & Optimization
8.11 Europe
8.11.1 SON
8.11.2 Conventional Mobile Network Planning & Optimization
8.12 Middle East & Africa
8.12.1 SON
8.12.2 Conventional Mobile Network Planning & Optimization
8.13 Latin & Central America
8.13.1 SON
8.13.2 Conventional Mobile Network Planning & Optimization
9 Chapter 9: Conclusion & Strategic Recommendations
9.1 Why is the Market Poised to Grow?
9.2 Future Roadmap: 2022 ? 2030
9.2.1 2022 ? 2025: Transition From Traditional SON to RIC Platforms, xApps & rApps
9.2.2 2026 ? 2029: Commercial Maturity of Advanced AI/ML-Based SON Implementations
9.2.3 2030 & Beyond: Towards Zero-Touch 5G & 6G Network Automation
9.3 Competitive Industry Landscape: Acquisitions, Alliances & Consolidation
9.4 The C-SON Versus D-SON Debate
9.5 Evaluating the Practical Benefits of SON
9.6 Prospects of Open RAN Standards-Compliant RIC Platforms, xApps & rApps
9.7 End-to-End SON: From the RAN to the Core & Transport Domains
9.8 Growing Adoption of SON Capabilities for Wi-Fi & Non-3GPP Access Technologies
9.9 The Importance of AI & ML-Driven SON Algorithms
9.10 Improving End User Experience With QoE-Based Optimization
9.11 Enabling Network Slicing & Advanced 5G Capabilities
9.12 Greater Focus on Self-Protection
9.13 Addressing IoT Optimization
9.14 Managing Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum
9.15 Easing the Deployment of Private 4G/5G Networks
9.16 Assessing the Impact of SON on Optimization & Field Engineers
9.17 Strategic Recommendations
9.17.1 SON Solution Providers
9.17.2 Mobile Operators
List of Companies Mentioned
The following companies and organizations have been reviewed, discussed or mentioned in the report:
3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project)
Aarna Networks
Abside Networks
Actiontec Electronics
AirHop Communications
Airspan Networks
Alpha Networks
America Movil
Anktion (Fujian) Technology
Arcadyan Technology Corporation
Aria Networks
ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses, Japan)
ArrayComm (Chengdu ArrayComm Wireless Technologies)
Artemis Networks
Artiza Networks
Askey Computer Corporation
Aspire Technology
ASTRI (Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute)
ASUS (ASUSTeK Computer)
ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions)
Aurora Insight
Aviat Networks
AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Azcom Technology
beCloud (Belarusian Cloud Technologies)
Beeline Russia
Bell Canada
Bharti Airtel
BLiNQ Networks
Blu Wireless
Blue Danube Systems
BT Group
BTC (Botswana Telecommunications Corporation)
BTI Wireless
CableFree (Wireless Excellence)
Cambium Networks
Capgemini Engineering
Casa Systems
CBNG (Cambridge Broadband Networks Group)
CCI (Communication Components Inc.)
CCS (Cambridge Communication Systems)
CCSA (China Communications Standards Association)
Celfinet (Cyient)
CelPlan Technologies
CETC (China Electronics Technology Group Corporation)
Chengdu NTS
China Mobile
CICT ? China Information and Communication Technology Group (China Xinke Group)
Ciena Corporation
CIG (Cambridge Industries Group)
Cisco Systems
Claro Colombia
Cohere Technologies
Comba Telecom
Compal Electronics
CPQD (Center for Research and Development in Telecommunications, Brazil)
Datang Telecom Technology & Industry Group
Dell Technologies
DGS (Digital Global Systems)
DISH Network Corporation
D-Link Corporation
DSA (Dynamic Spectrum Alliance)
DT (Deutsche Telekom)
ECE (European Communications Engineering)
EDX Wireless
Elisa Polystar
ETRI (Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute, South Korea)
ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
Federated Wireless
FiberHome Technologies
Flash Networks
Foxconn (Hon Hai Technology Group)
Fraunhofer HHI (Heinrich Hertz Institute)
Gemtek Technology
GigaTera Communications
Globe Telecom
Groundhog Technologies
HCL Technologies
Helios (Fujian Helios Technologies)
HFR Networks
Highstreet Technologies
Hitachi Kokusai Electric
Hitachi Vantara
HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
HSC (Hughes Systique Corporation)
iBwave Solutions
Intel Corporation
Intracom Telecom
Inventec Corporation
ISCO International
ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan)
JMA Wireless
JRC (Japan Radio Company)
Juniper Networks
KDDI Corporation
Key Bridge Wireless
Keysight Technologies
Kumu Networks
Kuzey K?br?s Turkcell
Lemko Corporation
Liberty Global
life:)/BeST (Belarusian Telecommunications Network)
lifecell Ukraine
Lime Microsystems
Linux Foundation
LIONS Technology
LITE-ON Technology Corporation
LS telcom
LTT (Libya Telecom & Technology)
Marvell Technology
Meta Connectivity
Microsoft Corporation
MitraStar Technology
Nash Technologies
NEC Corporation
Net AI
Netcracker Technology
New H3C Technologies
New Postcom Equipment
NGMN Alliance
NuRAN Wireless
Nutaq Innovation
NXP Semiconductors
Oceus Networks
ONF (Open Networking Foundation)
OnGo Alliance
Ooredoo Algeria
Ooredoo Tunisia
Opanga Networks
Optus (Singtel)
O-RAN Alliance
Orange Spain
OSA (OpenAirInterface Software Alliance)
P.I. Works
Parallel Wireless
Pivotal Commware
QNAP Systems
Quanta Computer
Qucell Networks
Rakuten Mobile
Rakuten Symphony
Ranplan Wireless
Red Hat
RED Technologies
Redline Communications
Reliance Industries
Rivada Networks
Rohde & Schwarz
Ruijie Networks
SageRAN (Guangzhou SageRAN Technology)
Saguna Networks
Samji Electronics
SCF (Small Cell Forum)
Sercomm Corporation
Shyam Group
SK Telecom
Skyvera (TelcoDR)
Smart Communications
Spectrum Effect
SSC (Shared Spectrum Company)
Star Solutions
STC (Saudi Telecom Company)
STL (Sterlite Technologies Ltd.)
Sunwave Communications
T&W (Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics)
Tarana Wireless
TCS (Tata Consultancy Services)
Tech Mahindra
Tecore Networks
Telecom Argentina
Telefonica Germany
Telefonica Group
Telrad Networks
TI (Texas Instruments)
TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile)
TIM Brasil
TIP (Telecom Infra Project)
TPG Telecom
TSDSI (Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India)
Tsinghua Unigroup
TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association, South Korea)
TTC (Telecommunication Technology Committee, Japan)
TTG International
ULAK Communication
Unizyx Holding Corporation
Vasona Networks
Vavitel (Shenzhen Vavitel Technology)
Verizon Communications
VHT (Viettel High Tech)
Vi (Vodafone Idea)
VIAVI Solutions
Virgin Media O2
VNC (Virtual NetCom)
VNL (Vihaan Networks Limited)
Vodafone Germany
Vodafone Group
Vodafone Ireland
Vodafone Italy
Vodafone Turkiye
WBA (Wireless Broadband Alliance)
WDNA (Wireless DNA)
Wind River Systems
WInnForum (Wireless Innovation Forum)
Wireless Telecom Group
Wistron Corporation
WNC (Wistron NeWeb Corporation)
Zain Group
Zain Saudi Arabia (Zain KSA)
Zeetta Networks
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