
LiDAR市場グローバルレポート:国別・企業別分析 2025-2033

LiDAR市場グローバルレポート:国別・企業別分析 2025-2033

LiDAR Market Global Report: Country and Company Analysis 2025-2033

世界のLiDAR市場規模 LiDAR市場は、2024年の23億1,000万米ドルから2033年には128億1,000万米ドルに成長し、2025年から2033年までの年平均成長率(CAGR)は20.95%になると予測されている。この成長は、自動車... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2025年1月1日 US$2,990
3営業日程度 250 英語






LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging)は、レーザー光を使って距離を測定し、物体や環境の高解像度3Dマップを作成するリモートセンシング技術である。LiDARシステムはレーザーパルスを照射し、表面で跳ね返ってセンサーに戻ってくるため、光が戻ってくるまでの時間によって距離を正確に測定することができる。この情報をもとに、詳細な地形モデル、地図、点群データを作成する。




















LiDAR 2Dテクノロジー産業

LiDAR 2D技術産業は、地形マッピング、土地測量、インフラ開発などの様々な用途に2次元データを取得するためにLiDARシステムを利用します。詳細な3次元モデルを生成する3D LiDARとは異なり、2D LiDARは主に標高プロファイル、表面コンター、距離を記録し、データ解析が容易です。したがって、高レベルの表面レベルのデータで十分なプロジェクトには非常に魅力的です。この技術は、交通計画、洪水リスクマッピング、植生分析などに広く応用されている。これらの分野では、費用対効果が高く、正確で迅速なデータ収集方法が求められているため、業界を問わずLiDAR 2D技術の採用が進んでいます。











タイプ別 - 4つの視点からの市場分類

コンポーネント - 5つの視点からの市場細分化:
4.GPS GNSSレシーバー

アプリケーション - 6つの視点からの市場細分化:

テクノロジー - 3つの視点からの市場細分化

レンジ - 3つの視点での市場ブレークアップ:

国別 - 5つの視点での市場構成:
1.1 アメリカ
1.2 カナダ
2.1 フランス
2.2 ドイツ
2.3 イタリア
2.4 スペイン
2.5 イギリス
2.6 ベルギー
2.7 オランダ
2.8 トルコ
3.1 中国
3.2 日本
3.3 インド
3.4 韓国
3.5 タイ
3.6 マレーシア
3.7 インドネシア
3.8 オーストラリア
3.9 ニュージーランド
4.1 ブラジル
4.2 メキシコ
4.3 アルゼンチン
5.1 サウジアラビア
5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
5.3 南アフリカ

- 概要
- 最近の動向
- 収益分析







4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題


6.1 タイプ別
6.2 コンポーネント別
6.3 用途別
6.4 技術別
6.5 範囲別
6.6 国別

7.1 地上波
7.2 エアリアル
7.3 移動式
7.4 近距離

8.1 レーザー
8.2 慣性航法システム
8.3 カメラ
8.4 GPS GNSSレシーバー
8.5 MEMS(マイクロ・エレクトロ・メカニカル・システムズ)

9.1 回廊マッピング
9.2 エンジニアリング
9.3 環境
9.4 探査
9.5 先進運転支援システム
9.6 その他

10.1 3D
10.2 2D
10.3 1D

11.1 近距離
11.2 中距離
11.3 ロングレンジ

12.1 北米

12.1.1 アメリカ合衆国
12.1.2 カナダ

12.2 ヨーロッパ

12.2.1 フランス
12.2.2 ドイツ
12.2.3 イタリア
12.2.4 スペイン
12.2.5 イギリス
12.2.6 ベルギー
12.2.7 オランダ
12.2.8 トルコ

12.3 アジア太平洋

12.3.1 中国
12.3.2 日本
12.3.3 インド
12.3.4 韓国
12.3.5 タイ
12.3.6 マレーシア
12.3.7 インドネシア
12.3.8 オーストラリア
12.3.9 ニュージーランド

12.4 ラテンアメリカ

12.4.1 ブラジル
12.4.2 メキシコ
12.4.3 アルゼンチン

12.5 中東・アフリカ

12.5.1 サウジアラビア
12.5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
12.5.3 南アフリカ

13.1 買い手の交渉力
13.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
13.3 ライバルの度合い
13.4 新規参入の脅威
13.5 代替品の脅威

14.1 強み
14.2 弱点
14.3 機会
14.4 脅威

15.1 ファロ・テクノロジーズ

15.1.1 概要
15.1.2 最近の開発
15.1.3 ファイナンシャル・インサイト

15.2 ヘキサゴンAB

15.2.1 概要
15.2.2 最近の開発
15.2.3 財務洞察

15.3 ヴァイサラ

15.3.1 概要
15.3.2 最近の開発
15.3.3 ファイナンシャル・インサイト

15.4 シックAG

15.4.1 概要
15.4.2 最近の発展
15.4.3 財務洞察

15.5 テレダイン・テクノロジーズ・インク

15.5.1 概要
15.5.2 最近の開発
15.5.3 ファイナンシャルインサイト

15.6 Innoviz Technologies Ltd.

15.6.1 概要
15.6.2 最近の開発
15.6.3 ファイナンシャル・インサイト

15.7 LeddarTech Inc.

15.7.1 概要
15.7.2 最近の開発
15.7.3 ファイナンシャル・インサイト

15.8 NV5 Global Inc.

15.8.1 概要
15.8.2 最近の開発
15.8.3 ファイナンシャル・インサイト





Global LiDAR Market Size

The LiDAR market is expected to grow from US$2.31 billion in 2024 to US$12.81 billion by 2033, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.95% from 2025 to 2033. The growth is attributed to the increasing demand for LiDAR technology in automotive (for autonomous vehicles), construction, agriculture, and geospatial mapping. The technological advancements and increasing adoption of 3D mapping are also contributing to the growth of the market.

Global LiDAR Industry Overview

LiDAR, or Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing technology that measures distances using laser light and produces high-resolution 3D maps of objects and environments. The LiDAR systems emit laser pulses that bounce off surfaces and return to the sensor, making possible accurate measurements of distance by how long it takes for the light to return. This information then goes into producing detailed topographical models, maps, and point clouds.

LiDAR has numerous applications across a range of industries. In geospatial mapping, an accurate 3D model is generated for landscapes, cities, and forests. For an autonomous vehicle, it will map the surrounding environment and alert vehicles about potential obstacles, thus enabling safe passage. Its use in agriculture is in crop monitoring, and its use in construction is to help survey and design building sites. In environmental monitoring, LiDAR aids in assessing vegetation, monitoring coastlines, and managing natural resources. Its ability to produce precise, detailed data makes it a valuable tool in many industries.

Growth Drivers in the LiDAR Market

Rising Adoption of Autonomous Vehicles

The increasing demand for autonomous vehicles is one of the primary growth drivers for the LiDAR market. LiDAR technology allows self-driving cars to detect and map their surroundings, ensuring safe navigation, identifying obstacles, pedestrians, and road conditions. As automotive companies invest heavily in autonomous driving technologies, the need for accurate, real-time 3D mapping solutions such as LiDAR grows. This demand will drive the market growth significantly, especially as more autonomous vehicles become mainstream and regulatory frameworks evolve. The focus of the industry on automated driving rather than on fully autonomous driving continues. This means, by 2035, all major automakers will market Level 2+ or Level 3 systems of at least 31 percent of new vehicle sales worldwide. These systems offer the feature to supervise or fully disengage specific scenarios, and such options include General Motors' Super Cruise and Mercedes-Benz' Drive Pilot, among others.

Advances in LiDAR Technology

Advances in the technological aspect of LiDAR systems provide for growth in the market. LiDAR solution accuracies, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness improve the accuracy of LiDAR technology. Solid-state LiDAR, miniaturization, and advanced range capability improve the accessibility of this technology in other sectors such as agriculture, construction, and environmental monitoring. The technological aspect advances LiDAR systems and allows them to become versatile and integrated in other applications that require high precision in mapping and 3D imaging.

Rising Demand for GIS

The increasing demand for GIS in urban planning, agriculture, and environmental management is a great market driver for LiDAR. LiDAR plays a very important role in GIS for the detailed creation of 3D models of landscapes, buildings, and vegetation, which aids in terrain analysis, infrastructure, and land use. With increased investments in smart cities and sustainable infrastructure projects, LiDAR's ability to provide accurate and real-time geographic data makes it indispensable in modern GIS applications, driving growth in the LiDAR market.

Challenges in LiDAR Market

High Cost of LiDAR Systems

The high initial cost of LiDAR systems remains the biggest challenge in the market. The cost of traditional LiDAR technology, especially high-resolution sensors, can be a barrier to adoption, mainly for SMEs and certain industries. Even though the prices are falling with time, advanced LiDAR systems require considerable investment in hardware and software integration. This financial barrier slows the spread of LiDAR use, mainly in sectors that are concerned with cost-effectiveness, such as agriculture or small-scale construction, which therefore hampers market growth.

Data Processing Complexity

LiDAR data consists of millions or even billions of data points and requires complex processing and analysis to create accurate 3D models or maps. It is challenging and time-consuming to handle and interpret this huge amount of data, and it requires specialized software and skilled personnel. This complexity may limit the practical use of LiDAR in some industries, especially companies without the infrastructure or the necessary expertise. The need for highly trained professionals and advanced computing systems increases the costs of operations that may discourage people from fully embracing LiDAR technology.

Mobile LiDAR Market

The growth of mobile LiDAR is remarkable because it enables the capture of high-precision 3D data in real-time while mounted on moving vehicles. Mobile LiDAR systems are employed in surveying, urban planning, and infrastructure inspection widely for generating accurate topographic maps and digital models of roadways, buildings, and landscapes. The market demand is high due to efficient data collection methods in construction, transportation, and environmental monitoring. Improvement in mobile LiDAR technology along with enhanced sensors and GIS integration accelerates its use and expansion.

Inertial Navigation System Market

The Inertial Navigation System (INS) market is expanding at a steady pace, due to its critical role in navigation, positioning, and guidance for various industries. INS technology is used to calculate an object's position and velocity without the need for external references, making it very critical for applications in aerospace, defense, automotive, robotics, and marine sectors. Rising demand for autonomous vehicles, UAVs, and advanced defense systems is fueling growth in the market. The growth in miniaturization, accuracy, and integration with other navigation technologies also expands the potential of INS across a wider spectrum of industries, which contributes to the growth of the market.

LiDAR Exploration Market

LiDAR exploration market is growing because LiDAR technology is becoming more essential in geological and mineral exploration. LiDAR systems are used to gather high-resolution, accurate data on terrains, topography, and vegetation, which is crucial for identifying potential mineral deposits and mapping geological features. The market is driven by the need for precise and efficient mapping techniques in exploration activities, particularly in remote or challenging environments. As industries such as mining, oil and gas, and forestry invest in advanced LiDAR systems for resource exploration, the market is expected to grow significantly, with applications ranging from 3D terrain modeling to environmental monitoring.

LiDAR 2D technology industry

LiDAR 2D technology industry utilizes LiDAR systems to capture two-dimensional data for various applications such as topographic mapping, land surveying, and infrastructure development. Unlike 3D LiDAR, which generates detailed three-dimensional models, 2D LiDAR mainly records elevation profiles, surface contours, and distances, with easier data analysis. Hence, it is quite attractive for projects that have high-level, surface-level data is sufficient. The technology is widely applied in transportation planning, flood risk mapping, and vegetation analysis. The demand for cost-effective, precise, and rapid data collection methods in these areas pushes the adoption of LiDAR 2D technology across industries.

LiDAR Medium Range Market

The LiDAR medium-range market is experiencing high growth, primarily because of the rising demand for LiDAR systems that possess moderate-range capabilities with balanced performance and cost. These systems are used in applications such as autonomous vehicles, drone-based surveying, forestry management, and environmental monitoring, where medium-range data with high resolution is sufficient. Medium-range LiDAR provides the benefit of accurate 3D mapping while being more affordable than long-range alternatives. As industries such as transportation, agriculture, and urban planning increasingly adopt LiDAR technology for efficient and precise mapping, the medium-range LiDAR market is expanding rapidly, supported by advancements in sensor technology and integration.

Canada LiDAR Market

The Canada LiDAR market is growing rapidly, driven by the increasing adoption of LiDAR technology across various industries such as geospatial mapping, forestry, agriculture, and autonomous vehicles. LiDAR is widely used for land surveying, environmental monitoring, and infrastructure planning, providing high-precision data for topographic maps and 3D models. The growing demand for accurate mapping solutions and advancements in LiDAR sensors are further fueling the market. Government investments in projects of infrastructure and environmental conservation promote the growth of the market as well. As industries see the potential of LiDAR, the Canadian market for LiDAR may be expected to grow steadily.

France LiDAR Market

The French LiDAR market is growing rapidly due to the increasing demand for precision 3D mapping by various industries such as the transportation sector, urban development, environmental monitoring, as well as geospatial surveying. LiDAR technology is advantageous for detailed topographic mapping, infrastructure assessment, and vegetation monitoring, which is essential for the country's infrastructure development and environmental management projects. The market also gets boosted by the increasing adoption of autonomous vehicles and drones, which use LiDAR to navigate and map. Investments by governments in smart cities and digitalization initiatives will also help boost demand for LiDAR technology in France.

China LiDAR Market

The China LiDAR market is growing rapidly due to advances in technology and increased demand across several industries, such as automotive, aerospace, surveying, and urban planning. LiDAR plays an important role in the development of autonomous vehicles by allowing for real-time mapping and navigation. Market demand is also spurred by the Chinese government's interest in smart cities, infrastructure development, and environmental monitoring. Besides, the growth of industries like robotics, agriculture, and 3D mapping in China is also fueling the adoption of LiDAR technology. As companies and government initiatives continue to invest in this technology, the LiDAR market in China is poised for huge growth.

Saudi Arabia LiDAR Market

The Saudi Arabia LiDAR market is growing steadily, supported by the country's ambitious Vision 2030 plan, which comprises vast infrastructure development and smart city projects. LiDAR technology plays a vital role in urban planning, environmental monitoring, and construction, providing accurate 3D mapping and topographic data for efficient project execution. Saudi Arabia's growing interest in autonomous vehicles, defense applications, and geological surveying also contributes to the demand for LiDAR systems. As technological advancements make LiDAR more accessible and affordable, the market is expected to continue expanding across various sectors in Saudi Arabia.

Types – Market breakup in 4 viewpoints:
1. Terrestrial
2. Aerial
3. Mobile
4. Short Range

Components – Market breakup in 5 viewpoints:
2. Inertial Navigation System
3. Camera
4. GPS GNSS Receiver
5. MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)

Application – Market breakup in 6 viewpoints:
1. Corridor Mapping
2. Engineering
3. Environment
4. Exploration
5. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
6. Others

Technology – Market breakup in 3 viewpoints:
1. 3D
2. 2D
3. 1D

Range – Market breakup in 3 viewpoints:
1. Short Range
2. Medium Range
3. Long Range

Country – Market breakup in 5 viewpoints:
1. North America
1.1 United States
1.2 Canada
2. Europe
2.1 France
2.2 Germany
2.3 Italy
2.4 Spain
2.5 United Kingdom
2.6 Belgium
2.7 Netherlands
2.8 Turkey
3. Asia Pacific
3.1 China
3.2 Japan
3.3 India
3.4 South Korea
3.5 Thailand
3.6 Malaysia
3.7 Indonesia
3.8 Australia
3.9 New Zealand
4. Latin America
4.1 Brazil
4.2 Mexico
4.3 Argentina
5. Middle East & Africa
5.1 Saudi Arabia
5.2 UAE
5.3 South Africa

All the Key players have been covered from 3 Viewpoints:
• Overview
• Recent Developments
• Revenue Analysis

Company Analysis:
1. Faro Technologies Inc.
2. Hexagon AB
3. Vaisala Oyj
4. Sick AG
5. Teledyne Technologies Inc.
6. Innoviz Technologies Ltd.
7. LeddarTech Inc.
8. NV5 Global Inc.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global LiDAR Market

6. Market Share
6.1 By Type
6.2 By Component
6.3 By Application
6.4 By Technology
6.5 By Range
6.6 By Country

7. Type
7.1 Terrestrial
7.2 Aerial
7.3 Mobile
7.4 Short Range

8. Components
8.2 Inertial Navigation System
8.3 Camera
8.4 GPS GNSS Receiver
8.5 MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)

9. Application
9.1 Corridor Mapping
9.2 Engineering
9.3 Environment
9.4 Exploration
9.5 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
9.6 Others

10. Technology
10.1 3D
10.2 2D
10.3 1D

11. Range
11.1 Short Range
11.2 Medium Range
11.3 Long Range

12. Country
12.1 North America

12.1.1 United States
12.1.2 Canada

12.2 Europe

12.2.1 France
12.2.2 Germany
12.2.3 Italy
12.2.4 Spain
12.2.5 United Kingdom
12.2.6 Belgium
12.2.7 Netherlands
12.2.8 Turkey

12.3 Asia Pacific

12.3.1 China
12.3.2 Japan
12.3.3 India
12.3.4 South Korea
12.3.5 Thailand
12.3.6 Malaysia
12.3.7 Indonesia
12.3.8 Australia
12.3.9 New Zealand

12.4 Latin America

12.4.1 Brazil
12.4.2 Mexico
12.4.3 Argentina

12.5 Middle East & Africa

12.5.1 Saudi Arabia
12.5.2 UAE
12.5.3 South Africa

13. Porter’s Five Analysis
13.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
13.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
13.3 Degree of Rivalry
13.4 Threat of New Entrants
13.5 Threat of Substitutes

14. SWOT Analysis
14.1 Strength
14.2 Weakness
14.3 Opportunity
14.4 Threat

15. Company Analysis
15.1 Faro Technologies Inc.

15.1.1 Overview
15.1.2 Recent Development
15.1.3 Financial Insight

15.2 Hexagon AB

15.2.1 Overview
15.2.2 Recent Development
15.2.3 Financial Insight

15.3 Vaisala Oyj

15.3.1 Overview
15.3.2 Recent Development
15.3.3 Financial Insight

15.4 Sick AG

15.4.1 Overview
15.4.2 Recent Development
15.4.3 Financial Insight

15.5 Teledyne Technologies Inc.

15.5.1 Overview
15.5.2 Recent Development
15.5.3 Financial Insights

15.6 Innoviz Technologies Ltd.

15.6.1 Overview
15.6.2 Recent Development
15.6.3 Financial Insights

15.7 LeddarTech Inc.

15.7.1 Overview
15.7.2 Recent Development
15.7.3 Financial Insights

15.8 NV5 Global Inc.

15.8.1 Overview
15.8.2 Recent Development
15.8.3 Financial Insights







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2025/03/06 10:27

150.25 円

162.72 円

196.52 円
