
世界のティラピア市場レポート:地域と企業分析 2025-2033

世界のティラピア市場レポート:地域と企業分析 2025-2033

Global Tilapia Market Report: Regions and Company Analysis 2025-2033

ティラピアの世界市場規模 ティラピア市場は、2024年の105.9億米ドルから2033年には144.6億米ドルに達すると予想され、2025年から2033年までの年平均成長率は3.52%である。同市場は、特に発展途上国における手... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2025年1月1日 US$2,990
3営業日程度 270 英語








FAOは、2022年には世界のティラピア生産量が2~4%増加すると予測している。世界のティラピア市場における最近の人気上昇は、その安定供給と養殖産業の成長に起因している。グローバル・シーフード・アライアンスが実施した調査結果によると、ヒレ科魚類の代表的な5つの主要種/グループ(鯉、ティラピア、サケ科魚類、スズキ、タイ、パンガシウスとナマズ)の生産量は、2022年の38.9百万トンから2023年には1.8%増の39.6百万トンになると予測されている。2024年には、これらの魚種/グループからの生産量は2% 増加し、約40.4百万トンになると予想される。


















アフリカ、特にナイル川を原産地とするこの種は、多様な気候で生育し、かなりの養殖が可能である。ほのかな風味、しっかりとした食感、多様な料理への応用で知られるナイルティラピアは、様々な顧 客にアピールしている。ナイルティラピアは様々な水質条件に耐えることができ、繁殖能力も高いことから、農家にとって高い収 量と費用対効果が期待されている。さらに、ナイルティラピアは養殖構造において世界的に広く普及しており、実用的な繁殖用途と相まって、 安定した供給が保証されている。これらの要因が相まって、ナイルティラピアは世界のティラピア市場の中で最も人気が高く、求められて いる魚種となっている。







消費量では米国が世界をリードしており、この傾向はパンデミックの最中も安定している。米国海洋大気庁(NOAA)によると、調理が簡単な魚介類を求める自国在住の消費者によって、2020年には190 453トン(6億1500万米ドル相当)のティラピアが米国に輸入された。この2019年比10%増の最大の貢献者は冷凍ティラピア・フィレで、そのほとんどが中国からの輸入であった。







生産国 - 13の視点からの市場構成:

種 - 3つの視点からの市場分解:

製品 - 3つの視点からの市場構成

1.1 アメリカ合衆国
1.2 カナダ
2.1 ドイツ
2.2 イギリス
2.3 フランス
2.4 イタリア
2.5 スペイン
2.6 スイス
3.1 日本
3.2 中国
3.3 インド
3.4 韓国
3.5 インドネシア
3.6 オーストラリア
4.1 メキシコ
4.2 ブラジル
4.3 アルゼンチン
5.1 サウジアラビア
5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
5.3 南アフリカ

- 概要
- 最近の展開
- 売上高







4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題

5.1 市場
5.2 数量

6.市場シェア - 世界のティラピア魚の分析
6.1 市場シェア

6.1.1 生産国別
6.1.2 魚種別
6.1.3 商品別
6.1.4 生産国別

6.2 数量シェア

6.2.1 生産国別

7.1 中国

7.1.1 市場
7.1.2 数量

7.2 インドネシア

7.2.1 市場
7.2.2 数量

7.3 ブラジル

7.3.1 市場
7.3.2 数量

7.4 マレーシア

7.4.1 市場
7.4.2 数量

7.5 フィリピン

7.5.1 市場
7.5.2 台数

7.6 ベトナム

7.6.1 市場
7.6.2 数量

7.7 タイ

7.7.1 市場
7.7.2 台数

7.8 ペルー

7.8.1 市場
7.8.2 数量

7.9 バングラデシュ

7.9.1 市場
7.9.2 数量

7.10 コロンビア

7.10.1 市場
7.10.2 数量

7.11 メキシコ

7.11.1 市場
7.11.2 数量

7.12 コスタリカ

7.12.1 市場
7.12.2 台数

7.13 米国

7.13.1 市場
7.13.2 数量

8.1 ナイルティラピア

8.1.1 市場
8.1.2 生産量

8.2 ティラピア・ネイ

8.2.1 市場
8.2.2 数量

8.3 その他

8.3.1 市場
8.3.2 数量

9.1 冷凍ホール・ティラピア
9.2 新鮮フィレ・ティラピア
9.3 冷凍フィレ・ティラピア

10.1 北米

10.1.1 アメリカ合衆国
10.1.2 カナダ

10.2 ヨーロッパ

10.2.1 ドイツ
10.2.2 イギリス
10.2.3 フランス
10.2.4 イタリア
10.2.5 スペイン
10.2.6 スイス

10.3 アジア太平洋

10.3.1 日本
10.3.2 中国
10.3.3 インド
10.3.4 オーストラリア
10.3.5 韓国
10.3.6 インドネシア

10.4 ラテンアメリカ

10.4.1 メキシコ
10.4.2 ブラジル
10.4.3 アルゼンチン

10.5 中東・アフリカ

10.5.1 南アフリカ
10.5.2 サウジアラビア
10.5.3 アラブ首長国連邦

10.6 その他の地域

11.1 買い手の交渉力
11.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
11.3 競争の程度
11.4 新規参入の脅威
11.5 代替品の脅威

12.1 強み
12.2 弱点
12.3 機会
12.4 脅威

13.1 ハイライナーフーズ

13.1.1 概要
13.1.2 最近の開発
13.1.3 収益

13.2 スラポンフーズ

13.2.1 概要
13.2.2 最近の開発
13.2.3 収益

13.3 タイ・ユニオン・グループ

13.3.1 概要
13.3.2 最近の発展
13.3.3 収益

13.4 グリーグシーフード

13.4.1 概要
13.4.2 最近の発展
13.4.3 収益

13.5 チャルーンポックパーン食品

13.5.1 概要
13.5.2 最近の開発
13.5.3 収益





Global Tilapia Market Size

Tilapia market is expected to reach US$ 14.46 billion by 2033 from US$ 10.59 billion in 2024, with a CAGR of 3.52 % from 2025 to 2033. The market is expanding steadily due to the need for reasonably priced, high-protein food sources, especially in developing nations; the emergence of pro-business government policies, such as export incentives and subsidies; and ongoing technological developments in aquaculture worldwide.

Tilapia Industry Overview

The growing demand for reasonably priced, sustainably produced, and healthful seafood has led to a notable expansion in the global tilapia sector in recent years. One of the most extensively farmed fish species in the world is tilapia, sometimes known as the "aquatic chicken" because of its mild flavor and many culinary uses. Its adaptability to a variety of farming conditions, such as freshwater and brackish water, and its comparatively low feed-to-fish conversion ratio, which makes it an affordable protein source, are advantageous to the sector. China, Indonesia, Egypt, and Latin American nations are major producers, while the United States imports a lot of tilapias. Because of its accessibility and affordability, tilapia has grown in popularity as the demand for seafood around the world rises.

There are a number of opportunities and problems facing the tilapia sector. Even though sustainable farming methods have advanced, the sector is still facing pressure to solve environmental issues like pollution from aquaculture operations, water use, and feed sustainability. Some of these worries are being lessened by advancements in aquaculture technology, including as recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and better breeding techniques. The growing health consciousness of customers, who are looking for lean protein sources high in omega-3 fatty acids, is also helping the tilapia business. The market for tilapia is poised for further growth as consumer demand for plant-based and ecologically derived food increases, especially in developing nations and new export markets. Price swings and competition from other fish species, however, continue to be problems.

The FAO projected that global tilapia production would increase by 2-4% in 2022. Its recent rise in popularity in the worldwide tilapia market can be attributed to its steady supply and growing aquaculture industry. The results of a survey conducted by the Global Seafood Alliance also indicate that the production of the five major and representative species/groups of finfish—carps, tilapias, salmonids, sea bass, sea bream, and pangasius and catfishes—is predicted to increase by 1.8% to 39.6 million metric tons (MMT) in 2023 from 38.9 MMT in 2022. By 2024, it is anticipated that production from these species/groups will have increased by 2% to around 40.4 MMT.

Growth Drivers for the Tilapia Market

Developments in Aquaculture Methods

The market is also driven by notable developments in aquaculture techniques. Higher yields and higher-quality fish are the result of significant improvements in tilapia farming efficiency brought about by advancements in breeding methods, feed efficiency, and disease control. These developments are essential for guaranteeing sustainable practices while satisfying the growing worldwide demand. Improved aquaculture technology is also helping farmers reduce their environmental effect, which is something that regulators and consumers are becoming more and more concerned about. Additionally, the creation of genetically modified tilapia strains is leading to increased growth rates and disease resistance, which makes tilapia farming more profitable and appealing to investors and new market entrants.

Export incentives and supportive government policies

The market's potential to improve food security and economic growth has been acknowledged by governments worldwide. Supportive policies, such as subsidies, financing for research, and training initiatives for tilapia farmers, have increased as a result. The goal of these programs is to increase market competitiveness and manufacturing capacity. In keeping with this, export incentives have played a significant role in bringing tilapia products to other markets. Global trade links are being fostered by resource-rich nations using export-oriented techniques to break into high-demand areas. These government initiatives support domestic tilapia farms and help stabilize the world's food supply, especially in regions where protein shortages are a problem.

Increasing Need for Inexpensive Protein Sources

The growing need for reasonably priced protein sources is a major factor driving the market's notable expansion on a global scale. Because of its high protein and low-fat content, tilapia is becoming a more affordable option to more costly meats. This need is especially noticeable in developing nations where burgeoning middle classes and populations are looking for wholesome, reasonably priced food options. Its broad appeal is partly a result of its versatility in different culinary traditions, which makes it a mainstay in many different cultural cuisines. Additionally, producers find it appealing due to its simplicity of growing and comparatively cheap input requirements, especially in regions with limited resources for more intensive aquaculture.

Challenges in the Tilapia Market

Disease and Health Management

In the tilapia farming industry, disease and health control present major obstacles, particularly in intensive farming settings. Numerous illnesses, such as bacterial, viral, and parasite infections, can spread quickly among tilapia in crowded, stressful environments. Mass fish death brought on by outbreaks can lower output levels and result in large financial losses. Concerns regarding environmental pollution and residue in the finished product are also raised by the use of antibiotics and other medicines to treat illnesses. Producers are implementing disease-resistant tilapia strains, enhanced biosecurity protocols, and better farm management techniques in an effort to reduce these hazards. There is also continuous research on vaccines and more environmentally friendly illness prevention strategies. Maintaining a consistent supply of tilapia while guaranteeing food safety and reducing environmental impact requires effective disease and health management.

Regulatory and Trade Barriers

The tilapia business has major obstacles from trade and regulatory constraints, especially when it comes to exporting internationally. It can be challenging for producers to guarantee market conformity because different nations have different regulations for environmental policies, food safety, and traceability. Access to important export destinations may be hampered by strict laws, such as those pertaining to the use of antibiotics, disease control, and water purity. Global distribution is made more difficult by trade tariffs and non-tariff restrictions including import quotas and labeling regulations. For instance, the stringent regulations controlling seafood imports in the US and the EU can cause delays, raise prices, and limit tilapia farmers' access to markets. In order to preserve access to international markets, producers must invest in compliance systems, certifications, and quality assurance procedures due to these regulatory complications.

Chilled and fresh pasta growth driven by convenience and quality demand

The increase in the pasta market can be attributed to converting customer choices closer to fresher, top rate, and convenience driven culinary experiences. The demand for time-efficient, ready-to-prepare dinner options is rising in a fast-paced world. Fresh pasta aligns with this trend, offering a higher quality and proper taste than dried options. Also, it caters to the growing interest in gourmet and artisanal meals reports. The perceived fitness advantages of brisker components contribute to the recognition of chilled pasta, as consumers numbers are increasing in search of nutritious, minimally processed options, fostering a dynamic thriving segment in the worldwide pasta market.

Indonesia leads global tilapia production through strategic projects and favorable conditions

Producing countries divide the Global Tilapia Fish Market into China, Indonesia, Brazil, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Peru, Bangladesh, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, and the United States. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Indonesia is presently the second largest tilapia manufacturer inside the global arena, simply in the back of China. The state's tropical weather helps year-spherical tilapia farming, making sure consistent yields. Government-backed programs promote sustainable aquaculture, offering farmers' subsidies, education, and infrastructure guides.
Indonesia's huge community of rivers and ponds offers abundant freshwater assets perfect for tilapia cultivation. Moreover, the country's determination to assembly domestic demand and exploring international markets fuels growth. With a focus on modernizing farming practices and leveraging technology, Indonesia showcases a holistic technique, propelling its speedy ascent in worldwide tilapia production and securing a prominent role inside the thriving aquaculture industry.

Nile tilapia dominates globally due to adaptability, rapid growth, and flavor

Originating in Africa, particularly the Nile River, this species thrives in diverse climates, permitting considerable cultivation. Renowned for its slight flavor, firm texture, and versatility in culinary applications, Nile tilapia appeals to various client alternatives. Its ability to tolerate varying water conditions and reproduce prolifically contributes to high yields and cost-effectiveness for farmers. Furthermore, Nile tilapia's extensive popularity in aquaculture structures globally, coupled with practical breeding applications, guarantees a constant supply. These factors together function Nile tilapia as the predominant and sought-after species within the thriving global tilapia market.

Frozen tilapia fillets dominate globally for convenience, versatility, and shelf life

Filleting eliminates bones, making sure a problem-free dining experience is attractive to consumers seeking convenience. Frozen fillets provide year-round availability, overcoming seasonal obstacles associated with sparkling fish. With cutting-edge freezing technologies preserving taste and texture, those products maintain quality throughout transportation, catering to global tilapia market price. Also, frozen fillet tilapia is a cost-effective alternative, making it handy for a broader customer base. The ease of guidance and suitability for various cuisines similarly solidify its reputation, organizing frozen fillet tilapia as a key participant in the thriving international tilapia market.

Tilapia Market Overview by Regions

By countries, the global Tilapia market is divided into United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Japan, China, India, Australia, South Korea, Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Rest of World.

United States Tilapia Market

The growing need for reasonably priced, healthful seafood has made the US tilapia market one of the biggest in the world. Tilapia's mild flavor, adaptability, and high nutritional content make it a popular lean protein source. Although some tilapia is produced in the United States, the country is largely dependent on imports, mainly from nations like China, Ecuador, and Indonesia. Growing health consciousness and consumer demand for sustainable, low-fat seafood options are driving market growth. Furthermore, the retail and restaurant industries have a strong demand for frozen tilapia fillets due to their simplicity of preparation, extended shelf life, and convenience. The rivalry from other fish species, variations in the worldwide supply, and worries about the sustainability and environmental effects of aquaculture methods are obstacles, too.

The United States leads the world in consumption, and this trend has held steady during the pandemic. In 2020, 190 453 tons of tilapia, valued at US$615 million, were imported into the United States by homebound consumers looking for seafood that was simple to prepare, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The largest contributor to this 10% increase over 2019 was frozen tilapia fillets, which were mostly imported from China.

Germany Tilapia Market

The increased demand from consumers for reasonably priced, premium fish is fueling the steady growth of the tilapia business in Germany. Tilapia is a common choice in European kitchens due to its mild flavor and adaptability, especially for health-conscious consumers looking for lean protein sources. Germany imports a lot of tilapias from big producers like China, Egypt, and Indonesia, despite not producing much of its own. Market expansion is aided by the growing demand for frozen tilapia fillets, which are prized for their ease of use and long shelf life. However, other fish species, especially salmon and cod, compete with the market. Additionally, as more German consumers look for seafood that is sourced sustainably, sustainability issues in aquaculture—such as the usage of feed ingredients and environmental impact—are becoming more significant. As the need for reasonably priced, healthful seafood keeps growing, the industry is anticipated to grow.

China Tilapia Market

China is a major player in the global tilapia industry since it is a major producer and consumer of tilapia. The nation can produce tilapia at scale thanks to its ideal farming circumstances, which include an abundance of freshwater resources and inexpensive production costs. A large portion of the fish produced there is exported to markets in Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States. Because of its mild flavor, health advantages, and adaptability in preparation, tilapia is also becoming more popular domestically. Particularly well-liked in the retail and restaurant industries are frozen fillets and processed tilapia items. However, the sector has sustainability issues, including worries about feed quality, water use, and the effects of intensive farming methods on the environment. China's tilapia industry is anticipated to keep expanding despite these problems because of the country's robust export demand and rising domestic consumption.
China has been in the lead, according to the FAO, since Asia accounted for 6.6% of the world's tilapia output in 2020, or 4.55 million tonnes.

United Arab Emirates Tilapia Market

The growing desire for reasonably priced, sustainable, and healthful seafood options is driving the growth of the tilapia market in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Tilapia is becoming more and more well-liked among health-conscious consumers looking for lean protein because of its mild flavor and adaptability. The UAE is mostly dependent on imports from nations like China, Indonesia, and Egypt, while not producing a sizable amount of tilapia. Due to their convenience and long shelf life, frozen tilapia fillets are becoming more and more popular, which is propelling the market in both the retail and foodservice industries. The market is also growing as a result of the UAE's diversified population and rising awareness of the importance of eating healthily. Concerns regarding the sustainability of tilapia farming methods and competition from other fish species are obstacles, nevertheless. As the demand for reasonably priced, nutrient-dense seafood rises, the market is anticipated to expand.

Producing Countries – Market breakup from 13 viewpoints:
1. China
2. Indonesia
3. Brazil
4. Malaysia
5. Philippines
6. Vietnam
7. Thailand
8. Peru
9. Bangladesh
10. Colombia
11. Mexico
12. Costa Rica
13. United States

Species – Market breakup from 3 viewpoints:
1. Nile tilapia
2. Tilapias nei
3. Others

Products – Market breakup from 3 viewpoints:
1. Frozen Whole Tilapia
2. Fresh Fillet Tilapia
3. Frozen Fillet tilapia

Country – This Report Breakup from 21 Country Tilapia Fish Market
1. North America
1.1 United States
1.2 Canada
2. Europe
2.1 Germany
2.2 United Kingdom
2.3 France
2.4 Italy
2.5 Spain
2.6 Switzerland
3. Asia – Pacific
3.1 Japan
3.2 China
3.3 India
3.4 South Korea
3.5 Indonesia
3.6 Australia
4. Latin America
4.1 Mexico
4.2 Brazil
4.3 Argentina
5. Middle East & Africa
5.1 Saudi Arabia
5.2 United Arab Emirates
5.3 South Africa
6. Rest of World

All companies have been covered from 3 viewpoints:
• Overview
• Recent Development
• Revenue

Company Analysis:
1. High Liner Foods Inc.
2. Surapon Foods
3. Thai Union Group
4. Grieg Seafood
5. Charoen Pokphand Foods


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research & Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Tilapia Fish Market & Volume Analysis
5.1 Market
5.2 Volume

6. Market Share – Global Tilapia Fish Analysis
6.1 Market Share

6.1.1 By Producing Countries
6.1.2 By Species
6.1.3 By Products
6.1.4 By Countries

6.2 Volume Share

6.2.1 By Producing Countries

7. Production - Tilapia Fish Market & Volume
7.1 China

7.1.1 Market
7.1.2 Volume

7.2 Indonesia

7.2.1 Market
7.2.2 Volume

7.3 Brazil

7.3.1 Market
7.3.2 Volume

7.4 Malaysia

7.4.1 Market
7.4.2 Volume

7.5 Philippines

7.5.1 Market
7.5.2 Volume

7.6 Vietnam

7.6.1 Market
7.6.2 Volume

7.7 Thailand

7.7.1 Market
7.7.2 Volume

7.8 Peru

7.8.1 Market
7.8.2 Volume

7.9 Bangladesh

7.9.1 Market
7.9.2 Volume

7.10 Colombia

7.10.1 Market
7.10.2 Volume

7.11 Mexico

7.11.1 Market
7.11.2 Volume

7.12 Costa Rica

7.12.1 Market
7.12.2 Volume

7.13 United States

7.13.1 Market
7.13.2 Volume

8. Species
8.1 Nile Tilapia

8.1.1 Market
8.1.2 Volume

8.2 Tilapias Nei

8.2.1 Market
8.2.2 Volume

8.3 Others

8.3.1 Market
8.3.2 Volume

9. Products
9.1 Frozen Whole Tilapia
9.2 Fresh Fillet Tilapia
9.3 Frozen Fillet Tilapia

10. Country
10.1 North America

10.1.1 United States
10.1.2 Canada

10.2 Europe

10.2.1 Germany
10.2.2 United Kingdom
10.2.3 France
10.2.4 Italy
10.2.5 Spain
10.2.6 Switzerland

10.3 Asia – Pacific

10.3.1 Japan
10.3.2 China
10.3.3 India
10.3.4 Australia
10.3.5 South Korea
10.3.6 Indonesia

10.4 Latin America

10.4.1 Mexico
10.4.2 Brazil
10.4.3 Argentina

10.5 Middle East & Africa

10.5.1 South Africa
10.5.2 Saudi Arabia
10.5.3 United Arab Emirates

10.6 Rest of World

11. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
11.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
11.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
11.3 Degree of Competition
11.4 Threat of New Entrants
11.5 Threat of Substitutes

12. SWOT Analysis
12.1 Strength
12.2 Weakness
12.3 Opportunity
12.4 Threats

13. Key Players Analysis
13.1 High Liner Foods Inc.

13.1.1 Overview
13.1.2 Recent Development
13.1.3 Revenue

13.2 Surapon Foods

13.2.1 Overview
13.2.2 Recent Development
13.2.3 Revenue

13.3 Thai Union Group

13.3.1 Overview
13.3.2 Recent Development
13.3.3 Revenue

13.4 Grieg Seafood

13.4.1 Overview
13.4.2 Recent Development
13.4.3 Revenue

13.5 Charoen Pokphand Foods

13.5.1 Overview
13.5.2 Recent Development
13.5.3 Revenue





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2025/03/03 10:26

151.56 円

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193.78 円
