米国eラーニング市場レポート:テクノロジー別(オンラインeラーニング、学習管理システム、モバイルeラーニング、高速eラーニング、バーチャル教室、その他)、プロバイダー別(サービス、コンテンツ)、用途別(学術、企業、政府)、地域別(北東部、中西部、南部、西部)、企業分析 2024-2032
United States E-learning Market Report by Technology (Online E-Learning, Learning Management System, Mobile E-Learning, Rapid E-Learning, Virtual Classroom, Others), Provider (Services, Content), Application (Academic, Corporate, Government), Regions (Northeast, Midwest, South, West) and Company Analysis 2024-2032
eラーニング... もっと見る
サマリー 米国のeラーニング市場は、2023年に1,223億4,000万米ドルを突破し、2032年には2,781億5,000万米ドルに達し、2023年から2032年までの年平均成長率は9.56%となる。
商務省の国家電気通信情報局(National Telecommunications and Information Administration)によると、米国のワイヤレス・ブロードバンド(Wireless Broadband in the United States)は最近、「高速インターネット」の強化における連邦政府の取り組みに関する新しい報告書を発表した。この取り組みは超党派インフラ法を反映したもので、全米の高速インターネットへのアクセスを改善するため、インターネットに650億ドルの資金を提供するものである。この投資のうち、新たに482億ドルをインターネット接続・成長局(OICG)に、残りの17億ドルをブロードバンド・プログラムのみに充てる」とオットソンは電話会議の最後に述べた。これらの活動は、ブロードバンド・サービスへのアクセシビリティを大幅に向上させ、米国で増加するeラーニング・ソリューションの利用を満たすのに大いに役立つだろう」。
米国Eラーニング市場の著名企業には、Aptara Inc.、Adobe Inc.、Cisco Systems、GP Strategies Corp.、Instructure Inc.、Oracle Corp.、Pearson Plc.、Skillsoft Corp.、Thomson Reuters Corp.などがある。
2021年11月、KNOLSKAPEはLeading Virtual Teams (LTV)を導入し、学習者にリスクのない環境を提供することで、実験を行い、失敗を受け入れ、時代遅れの慣習を学び直し、実社会に影響されることなく知識を得ることができるようにした。
テクノロジー - マーケットは6つの視点に分けられる。
プロバイダー - 市場は2つの視点に分けられる
アプリケーション - 市場は3つの視点に分けられる
目次 1.はじめに
4.1 成長ドライバー
4.2 課題
6.1 テクノロジー別
6.2 プロバイダー別
6.3 アプリケーション別
6.4 地域別
7.1 オンラインEラーニング
7.2 学習管理システム
7.3 モバイルEラーニング
7.4 ラピッドEラーニング
7.5 バーチャル教室
7.6 その他
8.1 サービス
8.2 コンテンツ
9.1 アカデミック
9.2 企業
9.3 政府機関
10.1 北東部
10.2 中西部
10.3 南部
10.4 西
11.1 買い手の交渉力
11.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
11.3 競争の程度
11.4 新規参入の脅威
11.5 代替品の脅威
12.1 強み
12.2 弱点
12.3 機会
12.4 脅威
13.1 Aptara Inc.
13.1.1 概要
13.1.2 最近の動向と戦略
13.1.3 最近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品発売
13.1.4 収益
13.2 アドビ
13.2.1 概要
13.2.2 最近の動向と戦略
13.2.3 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品発表
13.2.4 収益
13.3 シスコシステムズ
13.3.1 概要
13.3.2 最近の動向と戦略
13.3.3 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品発表
13.3.4 収益
13.4 GP Strategies Corp.
13.4.1 概要
13.4.2 最近の動向と戦略
13.4.3 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品上市
13.4.4 収益
13.5 インストラクチャー社
13.5.1 概要
13.5.2 最近の動向と戦略
13.5.3 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品発売
13.5.4 収益
13.6 オラクル
13.6.1 概要
13.6.2 最近の動向と戦略
13.6.3 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品発売
13.6.4 収益
13.7 ピアソンPlc.
13.7.1 概要
13.7.2 最近の動向と戦略
13.7.3 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品発売
13.7.4 収益
13.8 スキルソフト
13.8.1 概要
13.8.2 最近の動向と戦略
13.8.3 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品発売
13.8.4 収益
13.9 トムソン・ロイター
13.9.1 概要
13.9.2 最近の動向と戦略
13.9.3 最近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品発売
13.9.4 収益
Summary The United States e-learning market surpassed US$122.34 billion in 2023 and will reach US$ 278.15 billion by 2032, with a CAGR of 9.56% from 2023 to 2032.
United States E-learning Market Definition
The e-learning market, also called the online education and training market, facilitates education and training by using electronic technology. Distance education or e-learning, Internet-based education, and online learning are applied in continuing education, corporate training, and other learning environments. LMS learning, face-to-face virtual classes, simulations, and multimedia tools are used since they make learning practical and exciting. E-learning can be self-paced; it entails no fixed time of subject delivery and provides opportunities for learners to learn in groups or one-to-one with instructors.
E-learning in the context of the United States offers a flexible, easy, and cost-effective means of delivery of education and training to fill the dynamic capacities of corporate and academic learners in the present world. With increasing acceptance in corporate and educational sectors and a focus on cost-effective training and learning solutions, the e-learning services market in the USA is expanding. An accumulation of these course content has proven daunting to these sectors, given its management and storage.
As per the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Wireless Broadband in the United States recently issued a new report on federal endeavors in enhancing ‘High-speed Internet. This effort reflects the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which funds the Internet for $65 Billion to improve access to higher-speed Internet across the United States. A new $48.2 Billion Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth (OICG) Of this investment, and the other $1.7 billion for broadband programs only,” Ottoson noted at the end of the conference call. These activities, significantly increasing the accessibility of broadband services, will greatly help meet the increasing use of e-learning solutions in the United States.
The conventional content delivery method offers a solution because those who want to build an efficient library organization can do so via websites or applications. Due to new e-learning service trends, cloud use has been incorporated to provide flexibility regarding content storage, retrieval, and analysis. Online learning platforms in the cloud books come with other benefits, such as the capacity to teach students in different geographical regions, secure storage of students’ data, and online backups, which are usually cheaper to run. Moreover, it simplifies the delivery of content and the students' access relative to the former emphasis on books and other related course materials.
A noteworthy observation is that many organizations spend a lot on training, which is one of the factors influencing market growth. Reentry Employment Opportunities opportunity is expected to get funding of $55 million for the ETA Financial Year 2024 President’s Budget with a total of $170 million. This program will seek to enhance the employment prospects of those inmates who want to reintegrate into society and discourage repeat offenses by offering prime workforce necessary services of lower risk ex-offenders in society with significant challenges in accessing employment. The budget also provides $200 million to begin the Sectoral Employment through Career Training for Occupational Readiness, SECTOR; this will involve setting up and forging partnerships of industry, offering one-stop solutions, as well as overseeing the development of training in new growth sectors. These necessities to up-skill and re-skill the workforce to help fit the growing job needs and tendencies and technological amendments are leading to improvement in the revenue of the United States e-learning market.
The United States e-learning market defines online e-learning as using different web-based tools and applied technologies, web courses, virtual classes, internet-based modules, and other multimedia. This involves using digital devices and the Internet through which students can access instructional materials anytime from any given location.
In the report of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), it was found that about 7.5 million students enroll in online courses. It is predicted that, in 2022, there will be 2.6 million students taking online classes in private universities. Additionally, 1.8 million are donated to nonprofit institutions and 800,000 to for-profit universities. As of today, 1.1 million students are directly involved in online colleges and universities in the United States, and it constitutes nearly six percent of the total post-secondary learners in the nation. E-learning has constantly evolved over the years, with a more substantial shift to online e-learning, moving to more advancements in augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence to follow the remarkable learning enhanced experiences for learners.
United States E-learning Company Analysis
Some prominent players in the United States E-learning market include Aptara Inc., Adobe Inc., Cisco Systems, GP Strategies Corp., Instructure Inc., Oracle Corp., Pearson Plc., Skillsoft Corp., and Thomson Reuters Corp.
United States E-learning Company News
In June 2023, IPC, a global association for the electronics manufacturing industry, introduced three online instructor-led courses focusing on lead-free production. In March 2022, Skilldom's e-learning division merged with Cognigix to enhance its digital learning services. In November 2021, KNOLSKAPE introduced Leading Virtual Teams (LTV), providing learners with a risk-free environment to experiment, embrace failure, unlearn outdated practices, and gain knowledge without real-world consequences.
Technology – Market was divided into 6 viewpoints
Online E-Learning Learning Management System Mobile E-Learning Rapid E-Learning Virtual Classroom Others
Provider - Market was divided into 2 viewpoints
Services Content
Application - Market was divided into 3 viewpoints
Academic Corporate Government
Regions - Market was divided into 4 viewpoints
Northeast Midwest South West
All the companies have been studied from 4 points
Overviews Recent Developments & Strategies Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year Revenue
Key Players Analysis
Aptara Inc. Adobe Inc Cisco Systems GP Strategies Corp Instructure Inc. Oracle Corp. Pearson Plc. Skillsoft Corp Thomson Reuters Corp
Table of Contents 1. Introduction
2. Research Methodology
3. Executive Summary
4. Market Dynamic
4.1 Growth Drivers 4.2 Challenges
5. United States E-learning Market
6. United States E-learning Market Share Analysis
6.1 By Technology 6.2 By Provider 6.3 By Application 6.4 By Regions
7. Technology
7.1 Online E-Learning 7.2 Learning Management System 7.3 Mobile E-Learning 7.4 Rapid E-Learning 7.5 Virtual Classroom 7.6 Others
8. Provider
8.1 Services 8.2 Content
9. Application
9.1 Academic 9.2 Corporate 9.3 Government
10. Regions
10.1 Northeast 10.2 Midwest 10.3 South 10.4 West
11. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
11.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers 11.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 11.3 Degree of Competition 11.4 Threat of New Entrants 11.5 Threat of Substitutes
12. SWOT Analysis
12.1 Strength 12.2 Weakness 12.3 Opportunity 12.4 Threats
13. Key Players Analysis
13.1 Aptara Inc.
13.1.1 Overviews 13.1.2 Recent Developments & Strategies 13.1.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year 13.1.4 Revenue
13.2 Adobe Inc.
13.2.1 Overviews 13.2.2 Recent Developments & Strategies 13.2.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year 13.2.4 Revenue
13.3 Cisco Systems
13.3.1 Overviews 13.3.2 Recent Developments & Strategies 13.3.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year 13.3.4 Revenue
13.4 GP Strategies Corp.
13.4.1 Overviews 13.4.2 Recent Developments & Strategies 13.4.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year 13.4.4 Revenue
13.5 Instructure Inc.
13.5.1 Overviews 13.5.2 Recent Developments & Strategies 13.5.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year 13.5.4 Revenue
13.6 Oracle Corp.
13.6.1 Overviews 13.6.2 Recent Developments & Strategies 13.6.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year 13.6.4 Revenue
13.7 Pearson Plc.
13.7.1 Overviews 13.7.2 Recent Developments & Strategies 13.7.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year 13.7.4 Revenue
13.8 Skillsoft Corp
13.8.1 Overviews 13.8.2 Recent Developments & Strategies 13.8.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year 13.8.4 Revenue
13.9 Thomson Reuters Corp
13.9.1 Overviews 13.9.2 Recent Developments & Strategies 13.9.3 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year 13.9.4 Revenue
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