![]() 世界の自律移動ロボット(AMR)販売市場レポート2021年版Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Market Report 2021 市場分析と洞察。自律型モバイルロボット(AMR)の世界市場 自律型モバイルロボット(AMR)の世界市場は、2020年に1094.09万米ドル、2021年から2027年の間に25.86%のCAGRで成長し、2027年末には5939.23万米ドル... もっと見る
サマリー市場分析と洞察。自律型モバイルロボット(AMR)の世界市場自律型モバイルロボット(AMR)の世界市場は、2020年に1094.09万米ドル、2021年から2027年の間に25.86%のCAGRで成長し、2027年末には5939.23万米ドルに達すると予測しています。 世界の自律型移動ロボット(AMR)の範囲と市場規模 自律型モバイルロボット(AMR)の世界市場は、企業別、地域(国)別、製品別、エンドユーザー別に分類されています。世界の自律移動ロボット(AMR)市場に参加するプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、このレポートを強力なリソースとして活用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント別分析では、2016年から2027年までの地域(国)別、製品別、エンドユーザー別の売上高、収益、予測に焦点を当てています。 企業別 Swisslog(KUKA) オムロン アデプト ギークプラス・テクノロジー モバイル産業用ロボット Aethon Inc. 6リバーシステムズ Fetch Robotics (Zebra) クリアパス・ロボティクス SMPロボティクス シムコープ・オートメーション フォワードX ロボティクス Vecna Robotics ローカス・ロボティクス 製品別セグメント LiDARベース LiDAR+ビジョンベース エンドユーザー別セグメント ホスピタリティとヘルスケア 製造業 物流・倉庫 その他 地域別 北アメリカ ヨーロッパ APAC ラテンアメリカ 中近東・アフリカ 目次1 AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET OVERVIEW 11.1 Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Product Scope 1 1.2 Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Segment by Product 1 1.2.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue by Product (2016 & 2021 & 2027) 2 1.2.2 LiDAR Based 2 1.2.3 LiDAR+Vision Based 4 1.3 Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Segment by End-Users 5 1.3.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Comparison by End-Users (2016 & 2021 & 2027) 5 1.3.2 Hospitality and Healthcare 6 1.3.3 Manufacturing 8 1.3.4 Logistics and Warehouse 9 1.3.5 Others 10 1.4 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Estimates and Forecasts (2016-2027) 10 1.4.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Size in Value Growth Rate (2016-2027) 10 1.4.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Size in Volume Growth Rate (2016-2027) 12 1.4.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Price Trends (2016-2027) 13 2 AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) ESTIMATES AND FORECASTS BY REGION 14 2.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Size by Region: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 14 2.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Retrospective Market Scenario by Region (2016-2021) 15 2.2.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Market Share by Region (2016-2021) 15 2.2.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Market Share by Region (2016-2021) 15 2.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2022-2027) 17 2.3.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2022-2027) 17 2.3.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 17 2.4 Geographic Market Analysis: Market Facts & Figures 19 2.4.1 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Estimates and Projections (2016-2027) 19 2.4.2 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Estimates and Projections (2016-2027) 21 2.4.3 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Estimates and Projections (2016-2027) 23 2.4.4 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Estimates and Projections (2016-2027) 25 2.4.5 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Estimates and Projections (2016-2027) 27 3 AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) COMPETITION LANDSCAPE BY PLAYERS 29 3.1 Global Top Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Players by Sales (2016-2021) 29 3.2 Global Top Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Players by Revenue (2016-2021) 30 3.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) as of 2020) 33 3.4 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Average Price by Company (2016-2021) 33 3.5 Manufacturers Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Manufacturing Sites, Area Served, Product Type 34 3.6 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 36 4 AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET SIZE BY PRODUCT 40 4.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Historic Market Review by Product (2016-2021) 40 4.1.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Market Share by Product (2016-2021) 40 4.1.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Market Share by Product (2016-2021) 40 4.1.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Price by Product (2016-2021) 42 4.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Estimates and Forecasts by Product (2022-2027) 42 4.2.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Forecast by Product (2022-2027) 42 4.2.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Forecast by Product (2022-2027) 42 4.2.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Price Forecast by Product (2022-2027) 43 5 GLOBAL AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET SIZE BY END-USERS 44 5.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Historic Market Review by End-Users (2016-2021) 44 5.1.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Market Share by End-Users (2016-2021) 44 5.1.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Market Share by End-Users (2016-2021) 44 5.1.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Price by End-Users (2016-2021) 46 5.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Estimates and Forecasts by End-Users (2022-2027) 46 5.2.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Forecast by End-Users (2022-2027) 46 5.2.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Forecast by End-Users (2022-2027) 47 5.2.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Price Forecast by End-Users (2022-2027) 48 6 NORTH AMERICA AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET FACTS & FIGURES 49 6.1 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product 49 6.1.1 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2016-2021) 49 6.1.2 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2022-2027) 50 6.2 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users 51 6.2.1 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2016-2021) 51 6.2.2 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2022-2027) 52 7 EUROPE AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET FACTS & FIGURES 53 7.1 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product 53 7.1.1 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2016-2021) 53 7.1.2 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2022-2027) 54 7.2 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users 54 7.2.1 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2016-2021) 54 7.2.2 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2022-2027) 55 8 APAC AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET FACTS & FIGURES 57 8.1 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product 57 8.1.1 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2016-2021) 57 8.1.2 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2022-2027) 58 8.2 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users 58 8.2.1 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2016-2021) 58 8.2.2 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2022-2027) 59 9 LATIN AMERICA AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET FACTS & FIGURES 61 9.1 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product 61 9.1.1 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2016-2021) 61 9.1.2 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2022-2027) 62 9.2 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users 62 9.2.1 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2016-2021) 62 9.2.2 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2022-2027) 63 10 MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET FACTS & FIGURES 65 10.1 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product 65 10.1.1 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2016-2021) 65 10.1.2 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2022-2027) 66 10.2 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users 67 10.2.1 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2016-2021) 67 10.2.2 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2022-2027) 68 11 COMPANY PROFILES AND KEY FIGURES IN AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS BUSINESS 69 11.1 Swisslog (KUKA) 69 11.1.1 Swisslog (KUKA) Corporation Information 69 11.1.2 Swisslog (KUKA) Business Overview 70 11.1.3 Swisslog (KUKA) Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 71 11.1.4 Swisslog (KUKA) Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 71 11.2 Omron Adept 74 11.2.1 Omron Adept Corporation Information 74 11.2.2 Omron Adept Business Overview 74 11.2.3 Omron Adept Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 75 11.2.4 Omron Adept Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 75 11.3 Geekplus Technology 77 11.3.1 Geekplus Technology Corporation Information 77 11.3.2 Geekplus Technology Business Overview 77 11.3.3 Geekplus Technology Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 78 11.3.4 Geekplus Technology Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 78 11.4 Mobile Industrial Robots 79 11.4.1 Mobile Industrial Robots Corporation Information 79 11.4.2 Mobile Industrial Robots Business Overview 80 11.4.3 Mobile Industrial Robots Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 80 11.4.4 Mobile Industrial Robots Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 81 11.5 Aethon 89 11.5.1 Aethon Corporation Information 89 11.5.2 Aethon Business Overview 89 11.5.3 Aethon Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 90 11.5.4 Aethon Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 91 11.6 6 River Systems 92 11.6.1 6 River Systems Corporation Information 92 11.6.2 6 River Systems Business Overview 93 11.6.3 6 River Systems Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 93 11.6.4 6 River Systems Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 93 11.7 Fetch Robotics (Zebra) 94 11.7.1 Fetch Robotics (Zebra) Corporation Information 94 11.7.2 Fetch Robotics (Zebra) Business Overview 95 11.7.3 Fetch Robotics (Zebra) Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 95 11.7.4 Fetch Robotics (Zebra) Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 95 11.8 Clearpath Robotics 98 11.8.1 Clearpath Robotics Corporation Information 98 11.8.2 Clearpath Robotics Business Overview 98 11.8.3 Clearpath Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 99 11.8.4 Clearpath Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 99 11.9 SMP Robotics 100 11.9.1 SMP Robotics Corporation Information 100 11.9.2 SMP Robotics Business Overview 101 11.9.3 SMP Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 103 11.9.4 SMP Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 103 11.10 Cimcorp Automation 106 11.10.1 Cimcorp Automation Corporation Information 106 11.10.2 Cimcorp Automation Business Overview 106 11.10.3 Cimcorp Automation Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 107 11.10.4 Cimcorp Automation Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 107 11.11 ForwardX Robotics 109 11.11.1 ForwardX Robotics Corporation Information 109 11.11.2 ForwardX Robotics Business Overview 110 11.11.3 ForwardX Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 110 11.11.4 ForwardX Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 110 11.12 Vecna 112 11.12.1 Vecna Corporation Information 112 11.12.2 Vecna Business Overview 113 11.12.3 Vecna Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 113 11.12.4 Vecna Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 113 11.13 Locus Robotics 116 11.13.1 Locus Robotics Corporation Information 116 11.13.2 Locus Robotics Business Overview 117 11.13.3 Locus Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 118 11.13.4 Locus Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 118 12 AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS MANUFACTURING COST ANALYSIS 120 12.1 Autonomous Mobile Robots Key Raw Materials Analysis 120 12.1.1 Key Raw Materials 120 12.1.2 Key Raw Materials Price Trend 123 12.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials 126 12.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure 127 12.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Autonomous Mobile Robots 128 12.4 Autonomous Mobile Robots Industrial Chain Analysis 129 13 MARKETING CHANNEL, DISTRIBUTORS AND CUSTOMERS 130 13.1 Marketing Channel 130 13.2 Autonomous Mobile Robots Distributors List 131 13.3 Autonomous Mobile Robots Customers 133 14 AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET DYNAMICS 135 14.1 Market Trends 135 14.2 Opportunities and Drivers 136 14.3 Challenges 136 14.4 Potential Applications 137 15 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION 140 16 APPENDIX 141 16.1 Research Methodology 141 16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 141 16.1.2 Data Source 144 16.2 Author Details 147 16.3 Disclaimer 147
SummaryMarket Analysis and Insights: Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Table of Contents1 AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET OVERVIEW 11.1 Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Product Scope 1 1.2 Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Segment by Product 1 1.2.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue by Product (2016 & 2021 & 2027) 2 1.2.2 LiDAR Based 2 1.2.3 LiDAR+Vision Based 4 1.3 Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Segment by End-Users 5 1.3.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Comparison by End-Users (2016 & 2021 & 2027) 5 1.3.2 Hospitality and Healthcare 6 1.3.3 Manufacturing 8 1.3.4 Logistics and Warehouse 9 1.3.5 Others 10 1.4 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Estimates and Forecasts (2016-2027) 10 1.4.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Size in Value Growth Rate (2016-2027) 10 1.4.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Size in Volume Growth Rate (2016-2027) 12 1.4.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Price Trends (2016-2027) 13 2 AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) ESTIMATES AND FORECASTS BY REGION 14 2.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Size by Region: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 14 2.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Retrospective Market Scenario by Region (2016-2021) 15 2.2.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Market Share by Region (2016-2021) 15 2.2.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Market Share by Region (2016-2021) 15 2.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2022-2027) 17 2.3.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Estimates and Forecasts by Region (2022-2027) 17 2.3.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 17 2.4 Geographic Market Analysis: Market Facts & Figures 19 2.4.1 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Estimates and Projections (2016-2027) 19 2.4.2 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Estimates and Projections (2016-2027) 21 2.4.3 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Estimates and Projections (2016-2027) 23 2.4.4 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Estimates and Projections (2016-2027) 25 2.4.5 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Estimates and Projections (2016-2027) 27 3 AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) COMPETITION LANDSCAPE BY PLAYERS 29 3.1 Global Top Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Players by Sales (2016-2021) 29 3.2 Global Top Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Players by Revenue (2016-2021) 30 3.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) as of 2020) 33 3.4 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Average Price by Company (2016-2021) 33 3.5 Manufacturers Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Manufacturing Sites, Area Served, Product Type 34 3.6 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 36 4 AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET SIZE BY PRODUCT 40 4.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Historic Market Review by Product (2016-2021) 40 4.1.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Market Share by Product (2016-2021) 40 4.1.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Market Share by Product (2016-2021) 40 4.1.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Price by Product (2016-2021) 42 4.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Estimates and Forecasts by Product (2022-2027) 42 4.2.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Forecast by Product (2022-2027) 42 4.2.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Forecast by Product (2022-2027) 42 4.2.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Price Forecast by Product (2022-2027) 43 5 GLOBAL AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET SIZE BY END-USERS 44 5.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Historic Market Review by End-Users (2016-2021) 44 5.1.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Market Share by End-Users (2016-2021) 44 5.1.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Market Share by End-Users (2016-2021) 44 5.1.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Price by End-Users (2016-2021) 46 5.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Market Estimates and Forecasts by End-Users (2022-2027) 46 5.2.1 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Forecast by End-Users (2022-2027) 46 5.2.2 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Revenue Forecast by End-Users (2022-2027) 47 5.2.3 Global Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Price Forecast by End-Users (2022-2027) 48 6 NORTH AMERICA AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET FACTS & FIGURES 49 6.1 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product 49 6.1.1 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2016-2021) 49 6.1.2 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2022-2027) 50 6.2 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users 51 6.2.1 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2016-2021) 51 6.2.2 North America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2022-2027) 52 7 EUROPE AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET FACTS & FIGURES 53 7.1 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product 53 7.1.1 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2016-2021) 53 7.1.2 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2022-2027) 54 7.2 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users 54 7.2.1 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2016-2021) 54 7.2.2 Europe Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2022-2027) 55 8 APAC AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET FACTS & FIGURES 57 8.1 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product 57 8.1.1 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2016-2021) 57 8.1.2 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2022-2027) 58 8.2 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users 58 8.2.1 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2016-2021) 58 8.2.2 APAC Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2022-2027) 59 9 LATIN AMERICA AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET FACTS & FIGURES 61 9.1 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product 61 9.1.1 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2016-2021) 61 9.1.2 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2022-2027) 62 9.2 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users 62 9.2.1 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2016-2021) 62 9.2.2 Latin America Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2022-2027) 63 10 MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET FACTS & FIGURES 65 10.1 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product 65 10.1.1 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2016-2021) 65 10.1.2 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by Product (2022-2027) 66 10.2 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users 67 10.2.1 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2016-2021) 67 10.2.2 Middle East & Africa Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) Sales Breakdown by End-Users (2022-2027) 68 11 COMPANY PROFILES AND KEY FIGURES IN AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS BUSINESS 69 11.1 Swisslog (KUKA) 69 11.1.1 Swisslog (KUKA) Corporation Information 69 11.1.2 Swisslog (KUKA) Business Overview 70 11.1.3 Swisslog (KUKA) Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 71 11.1.4 Swisslog (KUKA) Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 71 11.2 Omron Adept 74 11.2.1 Omron Adept Corporation Information 74 11.2.2 Omron Adept Business Overview 74 11.2.3 Omron Adept Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 75 11.2.4 Omron Adept Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 75 11.3 Geekplus Technology 77 11.3.1 Geekplus Technology Corporation Information 77 11.3.2 Geekplus Technology Business Overview 77 11.3.3 Geekplus Technology Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 78 11.3.4 Geekplus Technology Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 78 11.4 Mobile Industrial Robots 79 11.4.1 Mobile Industrial Robots Corporation Information 79 11.4.2 Mobile Industrial Robots Business Overview 80 11.4.3 Mobile Industrial Robots Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 80 11.4.4 Mobile Industrial Robots Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 81 11.5 Aethon 89 11.5.1 Aethon Corporation Information 89 11.5.2 Aethon Business Overview 89 11.5.3 Aethon Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 90 11.5.4 Aethon Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 91 11.6 6 River Systems 92 11.6.1 6 River Systems Corporation Information 92 11.6.2 6 River Systems Business Overview 93 11.6.3 6 River Systems Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 93 11.6.4 6 River Systems Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 93 11.7 Fetch Robotics (Zebra) 94 11.7.1 Fetch Robotics (Zebra) Corporation Information 94 11.7.2 Fetch Robotics (Zebra) Business Overview 95 11.7.3 Fetch Robotics (Zebra) Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 95 11.7.4 Fetch Robotics (Zebra) Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 95 11.8 Clearpath Robotics 98 11.8.1 Clearpath Robotics Corporation Information 98 11.8.2 Clearpath Robotics Business Overview 98 11.8.3 Clearpath Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 99 11.8.4 Clearpath Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 99 11.9 SMP Robotics 100 11.9.1 SMP Robotics Corporation Information 100 11.9.2 SMP Robotics Business Overview 101 11.9.3 SMP Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 103 11.9.4 SMP Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 103 11.10 Cimcorp Automation 106 11.10.1 Cimcorp Automation Corporation Information 106 11.10.2 Cimcorp Automation Business Overview 106 11.10.3 Cimcorp Automation Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 107 11.10.4 Cimcorp Automation Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 107 11.11 ForwardX Robotics 109 11.11.1 ForwardX Robotics Corporation Information 109 11.11.2 ForwardX Robotics Business Overview 110 11.11.3 ForwardX Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2021) 110 11.11.4 ForwardX Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 110 11.12 Vecna 112 11.12.1 Vecna Corporation Information 112 11.12.2 Vecna Business Overview 113 11.12.3 Vecna Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 113 11.12.4 Vecna Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 113 11.13 Locus Robotics 116 11.13.1 Locus Robotics Corporation Information 116 11.13.2 Locus Robotics Business Overview 117 11.13.3 Locus Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 118 11.13.4 Locus Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots Products Offered 118 12 AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS MANUFACTURING COST ANALYSIS 120 12.1 Autonomous Mobile Robots Key Raw Materials Analysis 120 12.1.1 Key Raw Materials 120 12.1.2 Key Raw Materials Price Trend 123 12.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials 126 12.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure 127 12.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Autonomous Mobile Robots 128 12.4 Autonomous Mobile Robots Industrial Chain Analysis 129 13 MARKETING CHANNEL, DISTRIBUTORS AND CUSTOMERS 130 13.1 Marketing Channel 130 13.2 Autonomous Mobile Robots Distributors List 131 13.3 Autonomous Mobile Robots Customers 133 14 AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS (AMR) MARKET DYNAMICS 135 14.1 Market Trends 135 14.2 Opportunities and Drivers 136 14.3 Challenges 136 14.4 Potential Applications 137 15 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION 140 16 APPENDIX 141 16.1 Research Methodology 141 16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 141 16.1.2 Data Source 144 16.2 Author Details 147 16.3 Disclaimer 147
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